COLLOIDS AND SURFACES Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 114 (1996) ix—x Contents of Volume 114 (Special Issue: A collection of papers presented at the workshop “Bubble and Drop 95”’ in May 1995, held in Empoli, Italy INE cieib cis tii in sib hua teas ap chp sed Raves bacon akcgleorsilign viokiascuel agokaonteiobeawseladcdiibadituia Toca siasibsncaieds aisle teniiascade vil Differential geometric theory of capillarity Un NN Sis hI ican abacih chibi chaotic shenntc caleba cada nacht ctea naan speach daipsenniba 1 A software-driven apparatus designed for measuring geometrical and physical properties of a large bubble formed at a capillary tip CS. Loo, 4). -renes, P Prieta Ga BR. Comin Cees Gy) ois scseicaies sec cssikesstshicinsesssssncincitsiocanencedescssusontecssscineddosvnssasvcahin 23 Systematic effects of bubble volume on the surface tension measured by pendant bubble profiles S.-Y. Lin, Wed. Wang, 1.-W: Lim amd -1..-5. Cirers (i aapes, TAIWAN) oiiciccssesscsasssscsssesssccscsscisncsesesecssboasscovansovessseavecessavesnesncsosenss 31 An oscillating bubble technique to determine surfactant mass transfer kinetics DAD, Fetes BG F..5, BO TO ADD... CITI) sicicciseissiticcssienshcb ions scseeessascesiivaniciatiiessudissuniarsovensutovesnebansteciuddapstdaswttnesessen 41 A new oscillating bubble technique for measuring surface dilational properties H. Fruhner (Potsdam, Germany) and K. Wantke (Berlin-Adlershof, Germany) ..........cccccssesesssessssesecsesessesesesessescsesneecsees 53 Hydrodynamic processes in dynamic bubble pressure experiments. 1. A general analysis S.S. Dukhin (Kiev, Ukraine), V.B. Fainerman (Berlin-Adlershof, Germany/Donetsk, Ukraine) and R. Miller ean C22 lbslerealisinniecueaphdp te eeovoeb tad opp dcadibideiaiansiae wacom aceinide cae delovawcee ee 61 The instrumental engineering of a polymer fibre drop analyser for both quantitative and qualitative analysis with special reference to fingerprinting liquids N.D. McMillan, P. Davern, V. Lawlor, M. Baker, K. Thompson, J. Hanrahan, M. Davis, J. Harkin (Carlow, Ireland), M. Bree (Berlin-Adlershof, Germany), P. Goossens (Letchworth, UK), S. Smith, D. Barratt, R. Corden (Dublin, Ireland), D.G.E. McMillan (Belfast, UK) and D. Lane (Dublin, Ireland) oo... ccesesseseseesesseeeeeeeseeeees 75 Dynamic surface tension responses to surface area change of mixed solutions of a protein and small or medium- sized organic molecules P. Chen, Z. Policova, S.S. Susnar, C.R. Pace-Asciak, P.M. Demin and A.W. Neumann (Toronto, Ont., Ia eid ata paactadin ohi hc oapleadiag ein Splesbuneadiladaniinnes Characterisation of phospholipid layers at liquid interfaces. 1. Dynamics of adsorption of phospholipids at the chloroform/water interface J. Li, R. Miller and Fi. MGlwald (Beriin-Adieralol, Geri any) .......ccs.ccsssccessssscossssnccsnsesesorntenssososdeasocsneveniecesosssesnsevessnnesocsess 113 Characterisation of phospholipid layers at liquid interfaces. 2. Comparison of isotherms of insoluble and soluble films of phospholipids at different fluid/water interfaces J. La, BR. Weir wand FA. WAG wail (eir erh-Aereretil, Ger amany) ain cssississcnssssnscssscscscnsencssansnceseserssnscosensscnssnesinsnsasseansbeinsseonasiog 123 Adsorption kinetics of soluble surfactants and the phase transition model. 1. Theoretical simulation BF Ea ca oS BU We ee rE II, FACIE iis in ss scscctcnssesciicniztnssssnsisrassatesinersscsossupibcicacsnnsnsdbedbbtebsncsesinenennsasinsnne 131 Adsorption kinetics of soluble surfactants and the phase transition model. 2. Experimental demonstration of 1-decanol ae ees a II II 00 0I NI is cis shin nnravicadeiiessdiaceneslbissonpubeaphnantananebitssnbla\Aubeonssasakibsnndeidbeibsevseiiandalis 143 Spreading of chain-like liquid droplets on solids I a a ca ealdecicgns espn acdandedatSanl cud lelaa ecsheidcgedbastucascaibhabaadanbiacnyactleacine 155 Xx Contents of Vol. 114/Colloids Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 114 (1996) ix—x The direct study of oily soil removal from solid substrates in detergency ee I asad carikscieseslertcninidcaliccsneaiosinonescnttamihyigiebenedndileeepeninlesiboomntehebalinsinabsiiiiwinlingrniseumstaessCaensaosteel itinaspl 161 The pulmonary surfactant system: biological functions, components, physicochemical properties and alterations during lung disease U. Pison, R. Herold (Berlin, Germany) and S. Schiirch (Calgary, Alta., Camada) ..0......ccccssesssessesssseesseecseseesesseesseeceeeees 165 Surface tension measurements with the pulsating bubble method C.-H. Chang, K.A. Coltharp, S.Y. Park and E.I. Franses (West Lafayette, IN, USA) oo. eceeeseesseeeeseseseseenes 185 Dynamic surface tension and surface area elasticity of adsorbed pulmonary surfactant layers K. Lunkenheimer, K. Winsel (Berlin, Germany), H. Fruhner (Potsdam, Germany), J. Fang, K.-D. Wantke and is ae Se EPI inhib ihe chss cork cocmsoscsninnie becaseatilanh memcles pd iceeehdebsenipnbcindai swhansn bivodiibeetinsaedtent scent vesnubkasonskoinieslhstiainial 199 Assessment of pulmonary surfactant function using a captive-bubble surfactometer is eee, es IE IER, I COPE, SUININGD isc ssieccccsversinevntsnsisscasesnoasavescresnsscusnsybonedevensdivenciobenecesensnsesenesunsensntthendaan 211 Adsorption of soluble proteins to dilating surfaces CrP. WH FR NE Te, Fs RS CI, NN ONIN wiciisisicsssensscinescicedseneccescsacessscossnnsscbsiosccctorseusnbsvevseesscsnegnsenesincmennieneia 221 Enhancement of the stability of protein-based food foams using trivalent cations ac I es ye I I IUD Sechsvccdisnncaiiiersinsascopcciavers ccanseitddcesdiprioesoudehcaeesecetelind Chescsnespivabaicesseunaain 227 Competitive adsorption of f-lactoglobulin and f-casein with Span 80 at the oil—water interface and the effects on emulsion behaviour Re. Corman, Ak. Ramee, PZ. Wee Bid TO. Crear (IWC WICE, UII) nsiicicscccinsiclecciscscscrscceicsasessescasesencnetnsensessiconesiesucbenneiaa 237 Viscoelastic properties of triacylglycerol/water interfaces covered by proteins J. Benjamins (V laardingen, The Netherlands), A. Cagna (St Clement les Places, France) and E.H. Lucassen- ne rer, SUI RTD 5 ccsnecsdenisncincsstosennain ssciuirsssnhidsinimiasiansnenenteuslaieahsnnsisihen ibnwveecbsinnkhiuthisivieimneeiioannisiicbollna e 245 The adsorption of surface-active complexes between f-casein, f-lactoglobulin and ionic surfactants and their shear rheological behaviour R. Wiistneck, J. Kragel, R. Miller (Berlin-Adlershof, Germany), P.J. Wilde and D.C. Clark (Norwich, UK) .......... 255 Comparison of the dilational behaviour of adsorbed milk proteins at the air—water and oil—water interfaces A. Wiiramis and A. Prins (W amemimaets, Tie Netra) 267 Characterisation of phospholipid layers at liquid interfaces. 3. Relaxation of spreading phospholipid monolayers under harmonic area changes G. Kretzschmar, J. Li, R. Miller, H. Motschmann and H. Mohwald (Berlin-Adlershof, Germany) ..............ccccceeee 277 Study of monostearin films in the presence of electrolytes J.M. Rodriguez Patino and M. Ruiz Dominguez (Sevilla, Spain) ............00...c.cecsceccsncssssscesesnsessesseveosessicnensasnresesseonsponsneeessnensta 287 Application of 2D polymer film scaling theory to natural sea surface films I ST, tule cir leov arnt esate aeenuetiegiel kapascannenauailibesaainaal 297 A study of entrapped enzyme stability and substrate diffusion in a monoglyceride-based cubic liquid crystalline phase T. Nylander, C. Mattisson (Lund, Sweden), V. Razumas (V ilnius-MTP, Lithuania), Y. Miezis and I EEE EES ADS SEE ARO ATTEN OO DENSON AIT A ROOT METI I 311 The relationship between surfactant structure and limiting values of surface tension, in aqueous gelatin solution, with particular regard to multilayer coating A.R. Pitt, S.D. Morley, N.J. Burbidge and E.L. Quickenden (Harrow, UK) o0..eccecececesesssessessssesesesessecscecscscseeeseeeseeeeeees 321 An ion-binding model for ionic surfactant adsorption at aqueous—fluid interfaces se I Be I, Fh, TIN iissesnsesccscnssnscncsnsnsooresctonsinsncnssvoodnhvsscnvenssenosetussean ssnnesneoenecsesnonesibsasskzconbocnseuen i 337 A diffusion-based approach to mixed adsorption kinetics i Red, Ma GRIDS Ph, WINS CGR, TERI) ices icisisnsassnsecessscecssondenascnannabsoccsonenssnceseocnsnsnssunsnedencevensarsnesionnsnsieeien 351 RET RES EERE SEAR. LILLE EA) MRE ENTE BIT DO AEE EE OEE AONE OREM NENTS MET 361 NEES SES TOE LD EE TELA, RN ORL, PAD OO RR TANCES RTF AERO A SEIU Pe