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Preview College Composition and Communication 2008 - 2009: Vol 60 Index & Table of Contents

| ( a Sense and Theory in the Teach- “From Journals to Journalism: Tracing Tra- ing of Composition Teachers” (Review jectories of Literate Development.” Kevin Essay). Patricia Suzanne Sullivan. Roozen. February, 541-572. December, 447 George, Diana, and Mariolina Rizzi Sal- ‘Compositioans a Thermostatic Activity.” vatori. “Holy Cards/Immaginette: The Paul Lynch. June, 728-745 Extraordinary Literacy of Vernacular Religion.” December, 250-284. Contucians Love to Argue: Policy Essays in Ancient China’ (Symposium). Xiaoye Glenn, Cheryl. “Representing Ourselves” You and Yichun Liu. June, 833, W56-65. (2008 Chair's Address). December, 120-439. Critical Readingo f Error” (Response to listakes Area Fact of Life’: A National Haswell, Janis, Richard Haswell, and Glenn Comparative Study”). Tracy Santa. Feb Blalock. “Hospitality in College Composi- ruary 993, W18-22 tion Courses.” June, 707-727. Cushman, Ellen. “Toward a Rhetoric of Haswell, Richard, Janis Haswell, and Glenn Self-Representation: Identity Politics in Blalock. “Hospitality in College Composi- Indian Country and Rhetoric and Com tion Courses.” June, 707-727. position.” December, 321-365. Hawhee, Debra. “The Squirm” (Re-Visions: Desser, Daphne. “Politics, Gender, Literacy Rethinking Kenneth Burke's “Questions Che Value and Limitations of Current and Answers about the Pentad”). Decem- Histories of Women’s Bhetorics” (Review ber, 442, W10-19. Essay). September, 182-192. “Heritage Literacy: Adoption, Adaptation, Downs and Wardle Redux (June 2007 and Alienation of Multimodal Literacy CCC) (Interchanges). Barbara Bird, Doug fools.” Suzanne Kesler Rumsey. February, Downs, Elizabeth Wardle. September, 573-586. 165-18] “Holy Cards/Immaginette: The Extraordi- Downs, Doug,r e Barbara Bird Elizabeth nary Literacy of Vernacular Religion.” Wardle. Downs and Wardle Redux (June Diana George and Mariolina Rizzi Salva- 2007 CCC) (interchanges). September, tori. December, 250-284. 165-181 “Hospitality in College Composition Excerpts from ‘Questions and Answers Courses.” Janis Haswell, Richard Haswell, about the Pentad’ (Re-Visions: Rethink- and Glenn Blalock. June, 707-727. ing Kenneth Burke's ‘(Questions and Answers about the Pentad’). December, “Introduction: Double Trouble: Seeing Chinese Rhetoric through Its Own Lens” 1440, W1-2. (Symposium). C. Jan Swearingen and Fleckenstein, Kristie S., Clay Spinuzzi, Re LuMing Mao. June, 831, W32-44. becca J. Rickly, and Carole Clark Papper. Jeyaraj, Joseph. “Modernity and Empire: A ‘The Importance of Harmony: An Eco Modest Analysis of Early Colonial Writ- logical Metaphor for Writing Research.” ing Practices.” February, 468-492. December, 388 $19. Kearns, Rosalie Morales. “Voice of Author- From Introspection to Action: Connect ity: Theorizing Creative Writing Peda- ing Spirituality and Civic Engagement” gogy. June, 790-807. (Perspectives). Gesa E. Kirsch. June, 827, W1-15. Lamos, Steve, “Language, Literacy, and ‘Mutt Genres and the Goal of FY(¢ the Institutional Dynamics of Racism We Help Students WWrriitt e the Genres of Late-1960s Writing Instruction for ‘High the | niversity?” Elizabeth Wardle jun Risk’ African American Undergraduate 765-789 Students at One Predominantly White University.’ v September, 46-81 Newman, Amy. “Plcaciea, Desire,‘ Existence 2 rrinity University Press's Writers World “Language, Literacy, and the Institutional Series” (Review Essay). December Dynamics of Racism: Late-1960s Writ ing Instruction for ‘High-Ri.s k’ African Nowacek., Re: becca ‘ S Interdisciplinary So American Undergraduate Students at : One Predominantly White University :T houghts on thn e Steve Lamos. September. , 46-81 :nt erdiscipli: inar'\ , 93-516 “Local Histories, Broader Implications ; ) (Review Essay). Michael D. R. ectenwald Odom, Ma; ry Lou: he Power « December, 448.> amyc i: Tyi riumpnnh in VyA womens' Febr “Lost in Translation: The Modern Chinese a Conceptualizationo f Rhetoric” (Sympo _——e paptaiet Levee : sium). Hui Wu. June, 836, W87-97 (Re-Visions: Rethink Questions and “Luoji (Logic) in Contemporary Chinese Rhetoric and Composition: A Contex ” Online Placement tualized Glimpse” (Symposium). Liu Lu June, 8362 , W98-106. Irvin Peckhan Lynch, Paul. “Composition as a Thermo —Pa—g ano static Activity.” : June, a 728-745 . Raeayhn ok Nilian McCurrie, Matthew Kilian, Neil Pagano, Ste Model phen A. Bernhardt, Dudley Reynolds, and Decembet Mark Williams. “An Inter-institutional Model for College Writing Assessment Pap=p Carol; e December, 285 rZ\” ) ( riwiv \ Sp| inuz1 27 Micciche, Laura R. “Rhetorics of Critical Writing: Implications for Graduate Writ { ing Instruction’ (Review Essay). Febri u ary, 597, W35-48. |' “Mina Shaughnessy and the Study of Error ‘ : , Perelman (Responseto “Mistakes Are a Fact of . Life’:. 2A National Comparative Study Nancy Sommers . . ‘ , sium). Septemlt . Harvey S. Wiener. February, 594, W23-24. : a ‘Modernity and Empire: A Modest Analysi |m XIst; ence | of Early ColoWrintinig Paracltic es Preses s Writeerse World Seri ay). Amy Newman. Decen Joseph Jeyaraj. February, 468-492 leis ; sp eRe oe. Mya. ChrisM . Anson, Les Pe Mortensen, Peter. “WhaDot We Want from oe, Mya, Ch dibs tage a Pe Books?” ” (Review Essay). September Nancy So—mm ers. “\Asssseessssnm ent ”((SSyvmmppto 193-225. siiuum)m.) Seepptt embDebe r 11S 5-16 } *olitics, Gender, Literacy: The Value and ‘Rhetoric, Literacy, and Social Change in nitationosf Current Historieso f Post-Mao China.” Steven Wexler. June, nens aKhet orics Review Essay) 808-826 ne Desser. September, 182-192 Rhetorics Mechanics: Retooling the Reicher t. “Retentioann d Equipment of Writing Production.” Jenny uction: Implications for Ac Edbauer Rice. December, 366-387. lune. 664 682 Rhetorics of Critical Writing: Implications 1 What . Happens \AW hen for Graduate Writing Instruction” (Re- erature of the view Essay). Laura R. Micciche. February, 1 Tinberg Jenny Edbauer. “Rhetoric’s Mechan- ics: Retooling the Equipment of Writing Production.” December, 366-387. Rickly, Rebecca J., Kristie S. Fleckenstein, Clay Spinuzzi, and Carole Clark Papper. erspective lhe Importance of Harmony: An Eco- ingen. June logical Metaphor for Writing Research.” December, 388-419 ves’ (2008 Chair's Ad Ritter, Kelly. “Before Mina Shaughnessy: December, 420 Basic Writinga t Yale, 1920-1960." Sep- tember, 12-45 Roozen, Kevin. “From Journals to Journal- ism: Tracing Trajectories of Literate Development.’ February, 541-572. Anderson June Rumsey, Suzanne Kesler. “Heritage Literacy: Douglas Downs \doption, Adaptation, and Alienation leaching about of Multimodal Literacy Tools.” February, sconceptions 573-586 lizabeth Salvatori, Mariolina Rizzi, and Diana George. “Holy Cards/Immaginette: The Extraordinary Literacy of Vernacular Religion.” December, 250-284. Santa, Tracy. Critical Readingo f Error (Re- From Te sponse to “Mistakes Are a Fact of Life’: A terdependence-in-Differ National Comparative Study”). February, Mposlul LuMing Mao June 993, W18-22 Sargent, M. Elizabeth and David H. Slomp. Revnolds, Dudley, Neil Pagano Stephen \ ‘Responses to Responses: Douglas Bernhardt Mark Williams ind Matthew Downs and Elizabeth Wardle’s “Teaching Kilia 1 MeCurrie. “An Inter Institutional about Writing, Righting Misconcep- Model tor College Writing \ssessment.” tions.” February, 595, W25-34. December, 285-320 Selfe, Cynthia L. “The Movement of Air, the “The Qi Rhetoric of Persuasion and Political Breath of Meaning: Aurality and Multi- Discourse” (Symposium). Weiguo Qu modal Composing.” June, 616-663 June, 835, W76-86. Slomp, David H. and M. Elizabeth Sargent. “The Squirm’ (Re-Visions: Rethinking Ken “Responses to Responses: Douglas neth Burke's “Quest:ons and Answers Downs and Elizabeth Wardle’s ‘Teaching about the Pentad”). Debra Hawhee about Writing, Righting Misconcep December, 442, W10-19. tions.” February, 595, W2 Tinberg, Howard. Read As If for Life’: What Sommers, Nancy, Chris M. Anson, Les Perel Happens When Students Encounter the man, Mya Poe. “Assessment” (Sympo Literature of the Shoah” (Interchanges). sium). September, 113-164 February, 591, W1-17 Spinuzzi, Clay, Kristie S. Fleckenstein, Re “Toward a Rhetoric of Self-Representation: becca J. Rickly, and Carole Clark Papper. Identity Politics in Indian Country and “The Importance of Harmony: An Eco Rhetoric and Composition.” Ellen Cush logical Metaphor for Writing Research: man. December, 32 1|_ 29605D December, 388-419. lrainor, Jennifer Seibel. “The Emotioned Stenberg, Shari, and Darby Arant Whealy. Power of Racism \n Ethnographi “Chaos Is the Poetry: From Outcomes to Portrait of an All-White High School Inquiry in Service-Learning Pedagogy September, 82-112 June, 683-706. “Voiceo f Authority: Theorizing Creative Sullivan, Patricia Suzanne. “Common Sense Writing Pedagogy.” Rosalie Morales and Theory in the Teaching of Composi Kearns. June, 790-807 ‘tion Teachers” (Review Essay). December, 447 Wardle, Elizabeth Barbara Bird, Doug Downs. “Downs and Wardle Redux “Teaching Propriety: Unlocking the Myster (June 2007 CCC) (Interchanges). Septem ies of ‘Political Correctness.” Lois Agnew ber, 165-181 June, 746-764. Wardle, Elizabeth Mutt Genres and the “The Emotioned Power of Racism: An Goal of FYC: Can We Help Students Ethnographic Portrait of an All-White Writet he Genreso f the University? High School.” Jennifer Seibel Trainor June, 765-789 September, 82-112 Wexler, Steven. “Rhetoric, Literacy, and ‘The Importance of Harmony: An Eco Social ( hange in Post-Mao China June logical Metaphor for Writing Research S08-5826 Kristie S. Fleckenstein, Clay Spinuzzi, Rebecca J. Rickly, and Carole Clark Pap What Do We Want from Books? (Review per. December, 388-419 Essay). Peter Mortensen. September, 193-225 “The Movement of Air, the Breath of Mean ing: Aurality and Multimodal Compos Whealy, Darby Arant, and Shari Stenberg ing.” Cynthia L. Selfe. June, 616-663. “¢ haos Is the Poetry From Outcomes to Inquiry in Service-Learning Pedagogy “The Power of One: Truth amid Triumph in June, 683-706 Women’s Literacy” (Review Essay). Mary Lou Odom. February, 598, W49-62. “Why Is Being Interdisciplinary So Very Hard to Do? Thoughts on the Perils and Promise of Interdisciplinary Pedagogy.” Dobrin, Sidney I., ed. Don't Call It That: The Rebecca S. Nowacek. February, 493-516. Composition Practicum. Review essay by Patricia Suzanne Sullivan. December, Wiener, Harvey S. “Mina Shaughnessy 147, W35-52. and the Study of Error” (Response to ““Mistakes Area Fact of Life’: A National Donahue, Patricia, and Gretchen Flesher Comparative Study”). February, 594, Moon, eds. Local Histories: Re ading the W23-24. irchives of Composition. Review essay by Michael D. Rectenwald. December, 448, Williams, Mark, Neil Pagano, Stephen W53-57 \. Bernhardt, Dudley Reynolds, and Matthew Kilian McCurrie. “An Inter Donehower, Kim, Charlotte Hogg, and Institutional Model for College Writing Eileen E. Schell. Rural Literacies Assessment. December, 285-320 Reviewed by Randy Koch. June 840, W129-13¢6 ‘Writing in the Post-‘Man-of-Letters’ Mod ern World” (Perspectives). Geoffrey Sirc. Ebest, Sally Barr. Changing the Way We June, 829, W16-31 f. eacn : WWrriitt ing aindn d heRseisissttaann ce in the Traini ng of leaching Assistants. Review Writintgo Connect Minds: Bing Xin as a essay by Patricia Suzanne Sullivan Feminist Rhetorician’ (Symposium). Bo December, 447, W35-52 Wang. June, 834, W66-76. Ede, Lisa. Situat ng Composition: Composi Books Reviewed ; on , Stotadu dianedsrl s#tl he Pol) iticlsi e of Loca , ; ion. Review essay by Peter Mortensen Bergman, Jill, and Debra Bernardi, eds September, 193-225 Our Sisters’ Keepers: Nineteenth-Centur\ Harris, Joseph. Rewriting: How to Do Things Benevolence Literature by American Women. Review essay by Mary Lou with Texts. Review essay by Laura R Micciche. February, 597, W35-48 Odom. February, 598, W49-62. Hogg, Charlotte. From the Garden Cli Boland, Eavan, ed. Jrish Writers on Writing ARuurraall Women Wr{ iting Community. Re {eview essay by Amy Newman. Decem ber, 446, W30-34 view essa by Mary Lou Odom February, 598, W49-62 Buchanan, Lindal. Regendering Deliver, Kirklighter, Cristina, Diana Cardenas, and The Fifth Canon and Antebellum Women Susan Wolff Murphy, eds. Teaching Vriters. Review essay by Daphne Desser with Latino/a Students: Lessons September, 182-192 Learned at Hispanic-Serving Institutions Clark, Irene L. Wi iting the Successful Thesis Reveiwed by Carol Severino. June, 841 and Dissertation: I ntering the Conversa W137-145 tion. Review essay by Laura R. Micciche Lunsford, Andrea A., and Lahoucine Ouzgane February, 597, W35-48. eds. Crossing Borderlands Composition Clark, Irene, with Betty Bamberg, Darsie and Postcolonial Studies. Review essay Bowden, John R. Edlund, Lisa Gerrard, by Peter Mortensen. September, 193 Sharon Klein, Julie Neff Lippman, and Peden, Margaret Savers, ed. Mexican Writers James D. Williams. Concepts in Composi on Writing. Review essay by Amy Newman tion: Theory and Practice in the Teaching December, 446, W30-34 of Writing. Review essay by Patricia Suzanne Sullivan. December, 447, W35-5 Rankin, Elizabeth. The Work of Writing £ Insights and Strategies for Academics and Sharer, Wendy B. Vote and Voice: Women's Professionals. Review essay by Laura R. Organizations and Political Literacy, Micciche. February, 597, W35-48. 1915-1930. Review essay by Daphne Desser. September, 182-192. Reynolds, Nedra. Geographies of Writing: In habiting Places and Encountering Differ Sohn, Katherine Kelleher. Whistlin’ and ence. Review essay by Peter Mortensen. Crowin’ Women of Appalachia: Literacy September, 193-225 Practices Since College. Review essay by Mary Lou Odom. February, 598, W49-62 Robbins, Sarah. Managing Literacy, Mother ing America: Womens Narratives on Zagajewski, Adam, ed. Polish Writers on Reading and Writing in the Nineteenth Vriting. Review essay by Amy Newman. Century. Review essay by Daphne Desser. December, 446, W30-34. September, 182-192.

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