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Collective fermion excitation in a warm massless Dirac system 6 1 Daqing Liu1a,) Shuyue Chen1, Shengli Zhang2, Ning Ma3 0 1 School of Mathematics and Physics, Changzhou University, Changzhou, 213164, China 2 2 School of Science, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, 710049, China y a 3 Department of Physics, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, 030024, China M 7 2 ] Abstract s a Basing on a self-consistent method, we predict theoretically that there occurs not only a normal (quasi) g fermion mode, but also a collective fermion mode, plasmino, in a warm 2D massless Dirac system, especially - in a warm intrinsic graphene system. Results of Landau damping show that both fermion and plasmino are t n well defined modes. We find that there are sharp differences between the discussed system and the QCD/QED a system. Firstly, the thermal mass is proportional to α3/4T but not α T. Secondly, at 0 < q < q , the fermion u g g c channelandplasminochannelarenearlydegenerateandfurthermore,theenergydifferencebetweenfermion and q . plasmino becomes more and more larger with increasing q at the region q > qc. Thirdly, the fermion behaves t a as a ”relativity particles” with none zero mass and the plasmino exhibits an anormal dispersion at moderate m momentum. - keywords: plasmino, massless Dirac system, Landau damping. d n o One of the hot topics of LHC and RHIC is the hot instance, in superconductors [10]. In this Letter we re- c QCD or quark-gluon-plasma (QGP) [1]. QGP exists at portourstudy onplasminoinawarm2DmasslessDirac [ extremely high temperature and/or high density and is system. We show that, although there are some similari- 2 difficult to detect, so an important way to study QGP ties in the discussed system and QCD system, there are v is to study the collective modes of the system, for in- also many striking differences between these systems. 2 stance, collective bosonic mode, plasmon, and collective The most famous 2D Dirac system is the graphene 4 fermionic mode, plasmino. system [11], the dispersion of which is ǫ = v p, where 0 p F ± 1 Scientists have predicted that at high temperature ǫp isthefermionenergywithmomentump. Inthispaper 0 and/or high density, there are two types of fermionic ex- we use notations ~=v =k =1. In an intrinsic warm F B 1. citations. One is the well known normal (quasi)fermion masslessDiracsystem(thatis,havingnonetcharge),the 0 branch, and the other is the collective excitation fermion propagator with momentum (p0,p) reads as 6 branch, plasmino or antiplasmino [2,3]. One of the 1 remarkable characteristic of plasmino is that its chi- iS (p0,p)=iS0(p0,p) 2π(p0+α p)f (p)δ(p02 p2), v: rality is opposite to the ordinary (quasi) fermion (In F F − · + − (1) Xi twheisdLoetntoetr wdiestionngluyisfhocubsetwoneenenefergrmyiolanr/gpelrastmhainnozaernod; whereiSF0(p)= 2i[p10+−αǫ·pp+/ǫipη+p10−+αǫ·pp−/ǫipη]= pi0(p20−+ǫ2pα+·piη) isthe r fermion propagator without temperature correction and a quasifermion/antiplasmino). Theexcitationhasbeenex- f (p) = 1 is the so-called Fermi-Dirac distribution tensively investigated in many literatures, for instance, + 1+ep/T function at temperature T. Refs. [4–7]. Meanwhile, there are still some debates on To obtain the expression of the potential between the mode; for instance, Ref. [8,9] claimed non-existence fermions with momentum (p0,p), we first notice that of a temperature generated plasmino mode. in random phase approximation (RPA), the potential Experimenting on plasmino effects in QCD faces many difficulties. Therefore, one alternative way is to takesthe formV(p0,p)= 1+V0(pV)0N(pcΠ)(p0,p) whereV0(p)= study plasmino in other condensed matter systems, for 2πα /pisthebareCoulombpotential,Π(p0,p)isthepo- g a)Correspondingauthor: [email protected] 1 larizationandN isfermiondegenerate(N =4insingle- We have c c layergrapheneandN =8indouble-layergraphene). As c pointedbymanyissues,forinstanceEq. (16)inRef.[12] 1 Σ = d2pf (p)[(1 α pˆ)V(q0+p,p) or Eq. (38) in Ref. [13]), in the RPA, we have T 8π2 Z + − · ′ − (1+α pˆ)V(q0 p,p)], (7) V(p0,p) = 2παg · − ′ p+ παgNcp2(isignp0θ(p02−p2) + θ(p2−p02)) 8 √p02 p2 √p2 p02 where pˆ =p/p. − − ≡ V′(p01,p1)/T. (2) Onecanfurtherdecomposethe aboveexpressioninto two parts, a scalar part, imaginary part and real one of Inthelastequationwehaveuseddimensionlessquantities which are even and odd functions of q0 respectively and p =p/T,p0 =p0/T andwiththenotations =p02 p2, 1 1 d 1 − 1 can be written as aq0, and a spinor part, which is the even function of q0 and can be written as bα q. With V′(p01,p1)= p1+ παg8Ncp21(i2siπgnα√pg0sθd(sd) + θ√(−−ssdd)). (3) nanotdaxtio>ns0o)fyd=imqe0n/sTio,nwleesshqauvae,ntitiesx=q−/T (x· =(x,0) aIfccwoerdoinnlgyctoonpsiodwererps01o≫f p1/apn0dcpa∼n< 1b,eapTearfyolromreedxpoannstiohne a = 1 uvV−′dudv, 1 1 2π2y Z (1+eu)f g above equation 1 v(u2 v2+x2)V dudv b = − +′ , 2πα c p c 4π2x2 Z (1+eu)f V (p0,p ) g 2 1 i 3, (4) g ′ 1 1 ≃ p1 − p012 − p01 (8) where c2 = π3α33g2Nc2 and c3 = π2α42gNc. where fg = (u+v)2 x2)(x2 (u v)2), V′ = As depicted by Fig. 1, the Dirac fermion self-energy V (y + u,v) Vp(y u,v)−and the−dom−ain of int±egra- ′ ′ correction is an integral, tions is u (0±, ), v− (x u,x+u). The factor1+eu ∈ ∞ ∈ | − | in the denominator of integrands implies that to obtain d3p Σ(q)= iS (p0,p)V(p0,p),Σ +Σ (5) integrates (a and b) we need only focus on u y in Z (2π)3 F ′ ′ r T V (y +u,v) and V (y u,v) (Notice that here≪we|s|up- ′ ′ − pose y 1). Furthermore,if x<1 orx 1, the domain where (p0′,p′)=(q0 p0,q p) and of integ≫rations u (0, ), v (x u∼,x+u) implies − − ∈ ∞ ∈ | − | that it is enough to consider the case of v y 1 in d3p ≪ | |− Σ = iS0(p0,p)V(p0,p), V′(y+u,v)andV′(y u,v). Therefore,tocomputeaand r Z (2π)3 F ′ ′ b, taking advantage o−f the approximate expression of di- d3pf (p) mensionless potential, Eq. (4), is reasonable. Therefore, Σ = + (p0+α p)δ(p02 p2)V(p0,p). T −Z (2π)2 · − ′ ′ makingTaylorexpansionaccordingtopowersofu/y,one obtains that (6) 4c uv c u As shown in Eq. 5, the integral can be decomposed into 2 3 V +i , ′ two parts. The first part, Σr, as studied by many liter- − ≃ y3 y2 atures (such as Refs. [14,15]), corresponds to vF renor- V 4παg 2c2v +f (y,u), (9) malization at p0 v p and we do not discuss the effect +′ ≃ v − y2 h F ≃ in this paper. where f (y,u) is a function independent on v. h - q p Toobtainapproximateexpressionsof a andb,we use identities q p q u2vdudv 3πζ(3) = , Z (1+eu)f 4 g Figure 1: The Feynman Diagram of fermion self- fh(y,u)v(u2 v2+x2)dudv − = 0 (10) energy correction. Z (1+eu)fg 2 and approximate expressions Or, it can be written as u2v2dudv 3πζ(3) SF−R1PA(q0,q)=(1−a)q0−(1−b)α·q. (13′) d (x) = /( ) 1 Z (1+eu)f 4 The poles of fermionpropagatorare twice as many poles g 3.15+0.13x2 0.006x3, as these of the normal zero-temperature fermion propa- ≃ − gators, analogous to the results in Refs. [2–4]. Noticing (u2 v2+x2)dudv d (x) = − that both realpartsof 1 a and1 b are evenfunctions 2 Z (1+eu)f − − g of q0, one finds that the expression y = 1 bx gives the 0.23x2ln(1+ 16), boththefermiondispersionrelation,ǫp =1q−−0a>0andthe ≃ x3 (anti) plasmino dispersion relation, ǫ = q0 >0. h (u2 v2+x2)v2dudv − Thefactthataisacomplexfunction(bisarealfunc- d (x) = − 3 Z π(1+eu)fg tion) leads to Landau damping both for fermion mode 0.43x2e 0.18x. (11) and for plasmino mode. This means that both the width − ≃ − (ortheinverselifetime)ofthefermionmode,γ ,andthat p Todemonstratethecoincidenceofintegralsandtheirap- of the plasmino mode, γ , are nonzero. However, from h proximations,we show them in Fig. 2. It is obvious that the expression of a, both γ /ǫ and γ /ǫ , caused by p p h h in the interesting region all the approximate expression Landaudamping, are suppressedby T/ǫ 3 and T/ǫ 3. p h | | | | coincide with the corresponding integral very well. If ǫ ,ǫ > T (we shall see in Fig. 4 that this is really p h the picture), the Landau damping is not important and the excitation modes are well defined. (The energiesand HaL 6 widths of the excitation mode can be depicted by the Lx 5 Briet-Wignerapproximation). Inthiscasewecanatfirst Hd1 ignorethe imaginarypartin a to compute the excitation 4 energies and then replace y by ǫ or ǫ respectively in p h 3 computing the exciton width in the term 3πζ(3)Ncα2g (if HbL 32y3 1 we set T =1). Lx Hd2 0.5 5 Fermion 0 Plasmino HcL -2 Ε(cid:144)T4 Lx Hd3 -4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 30 0.89 2 x q(cid:144)T Figure 3: Dispersion relations of fermion and plas- Figure 2: Integrals and their corresponding approxi- mino. The solid curve is the dispersion of fermion mate curves. while the dashed one is the dispersion of antiplas- Therefore, approximate expressions of a and b are as mino. The dotted curve between solid and dashed follows curves is the expression 0.86N1/2α3/4d1/4(x). The c g 1 vertical line shows the position of q . 3ζ(3) 4c c c 2 3 a ( d (x)+i ), ≃ 8π y4 1 y3 Choosing a suspended graphene, that is, αg = 2.1 and N = 4 , we present in Fig. 3 our results of en- 1 c d (x) c 2 3 b ≃ 2πx2(2αgd2(x)− y2 ) (12) ergydispersionsoffermionexcitationandplasminoexci- tation. (Notice that as pointed out by Ref. [13], the pre- at y > 0. Notice that both a and b are even functions dicted semimetal-insulator transition has not yet been ℜ of y but a, odd function. observed in experiments in zero magnetic field). We ℑ In the RPA, the full fermion propagatoris, find that there are similarities and several striking dif- ferences between the results of our system and the ones SF−R1PA(q)=SF−1(q)−Σ(q). (13) of QCD/QED [3,4,7]. 3 There are some similarities. First, in the larger be depicted by 4T +0.19√qT 0.15q. − x = q/T region, the plasmino energy is always below Fig. 4 shows that γ ,γ 0.1T. Since we have also p h ∼ the fermion energy,analogousto QCD and QED [2,3,7]. m m 0.1T, the tiny rises and falls of the disper- h p − ∼ Second, the plasmino andfermion arethe sameat q =0. sion relation between q = 0 and q = q are at the order c In our system the coincident energy at q = 0 is around of the computed widths of each dispersion. The relative ǫ 1.15N1/2α3/4T 4T, which is also proportional to height of energy is not very serious at this region. But, 0 c g tem≃perature T. ≃ the statement, i.e., energies of fermion an plasmino are The most important fact is, however, that our re- nearly degenerateinlong waveregion,is obviouslyright, sults are significantly different to those of QCD/QED which is still sharply different from ordinary QCD/QED systems. Firstly, for ordinary Nc = 4 and αg ∼ 2.1, system. Since ǫ0 ≃ mp ≃ mh, one can nominate ǫ0 as i.e., ǫ N1/2α3/4 (Note that in a QED/QCD sys- thermal mass. Notice that we always make Taylor ex- 0 c g ∝ pansionbypowersofq/q incalculations,ourdiscussions tem ǫ α ). Secondly, when 0 < q < q 0.89T, 0 0 g c ∝ ≃ are only valid at q,T ǫ , which is just the reason we have an opposite relation between ǫp and ǫh, that ≪ p(h) that from Fig 4 we restrict our discussions in the region is, ǫ < ǫ . Thirdly, the fermion and antiplasmino p h q < 3T for fermion channel or in the region q < 2T for have the same energy not only at q = 0, but also at . plasmino channel. q = q , ǫ (q ) = ǫ (q ) = ǫ 4.04T. At this point, c p c h c c ≃ 1 b(q ,ǫ )=1 a(q ,ǫ )=0. − c c − c c 6 5 InaQCD/QEDsystem,the fermionenergyincreases HaL HbL 4 monotonicallyand the collective plasmino mode exhibits 4 3 aminimumatq =0whenmomentumq increases. Inour 2 6 2 system, however, the fermion mode (but not plasmino 1 mode) exhibits as sunken, that is, it has a minimum at 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 q1 0.29T and ǫp(q1) mp 3.975T. Furthermore, q(cid:144)T q(cid:144)T ≃ ≡ ≃ the behavior of plasmino mode is significantly different from other systems. In the interesting region, it has a Figure 4: Dispersion relations and decay widths maximum at q 0.42T and ǫ (q ) m 4.06T. At of fermion (a) and plasmino (b). Solid curves are 2 h 2 h ≃ ≡ ≃ q > q , ǫ (q) is not a monotonically increasing function energies and dashed ones are decay widths (Here, 2 h but a monotonically decreasing one. This phenomenon to clarify, we have multiplied both γp and γh by may be nominated as plasmino anormal dispersion. To 10). Dotted curves are m2+(q 0.07T)2 (a) 0 − understandtheanormaldispersion,wenotethat,roughly and 4T +0.19√qT 0.15qp(b) respectively . − speaking, when the momentum increases, on one hand, the average energy of the trapped particle should gener- Some of the interesting properties of the normal and ally increase as well, however, on the other hand, the plasmino dispersions in the relativistic case involve the trapping should decrease as the momentum increases. waytheyapproachthelight-coneatlargemomentum,es- When q is not very large, the trapping decreasing is pecially inQCD/QEDsystem. It is possiblythat we can smallerthanthemomentumincreasingandthe plasmino not discuss these properties in our system, because 1) at energy is an increasing function. However, and in con- large momentum, our discussions are invalid, as pointed trast,whenq >q ,thetrappingdecreasingislargerthan out by the above paragraph; 2) the graphene system is 2 themomentumincreasingandthereforetheplasminoen- only a relativistic-like system but not a strictly relativis- ergy is a decreasing function (The point can be seen in tic system,forinstance,itishardlytoperformaLorentz Fig. 4). Since the plasmino is related to the electro- transformation in the system. However, if we can make magneticpropertiesofthesystem,studyingtheplasmino complete calculation, such study is suitable. anormal dispersion and its effect is interesting. In summary, with a self-consistent calculation, at We also list decay widths of fermions and plasminos nonzero temperature, we have found that in the long- due to Landau damping in Fig. 4. From the figure wavelength region of an intrinsic 2D massless Dirac sys- one finds that obviously γ q ǫ at q < 2T and tem there are not only normal collective fermion modes, h h γ q ǫ when q < 3T≪. Th≪erefore, both fermion but also collective plasmino modes, the chiral of which p p and≪plasm≪ino are well-defined modes. It is interesting are opposite to the fermion modes. Both energies are on that, approximately,the fermionenergiescanbe approx- the order of ǫ0 0.15Nc1/2α3g/4T 4T. Since in the ≃ ≃ imately depicted by m20+(q−0.07T)2 at moderate q, interesting region γp ≪ ǫp and γh ≪ ǫh, both fermion where m =3.97T. Ipn other words, the fermion behaves andplasminoarewelldefinedmodes. However,thereare 0 as a ”relativity particle” with effective mass m ǫ . sharp differences between the discussed system and the 0 0 The plasmino energy at moderate q can approxim∼ately QCD/QED system. Firstly, ǫ is proportional to α3/4T 0 g 4 but not the normal one of α T. Secondly, at 0<q <q , [3] H. A. 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