Coded OFDM by Unique Word Prefix Mario Huemer, Senior Member, IEEE, and Christian Hofbauer Johannes B. Huber, Fellow, IEEE Klagenfurt University University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Institute of Networked and Embedded Systems Institute for Information Transmission Universitaetsstr. 65-67, 9020 Klagenfurt Cauerstr. 7, D-91058 Erlangen [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] Abstract—In this paper we propose a novel transmit signal structure and an adjusted and optimized receiver for OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing). Instead of the 0 conventional cyclic prefix we us a deterministic sequence, which 1 we call unique word (UW), as guard interval. We show how 0 unique words, which are already well investigated for single 2 carrier systems with frequency domain equalization (SC/FDE), can also be introduced in OFDM symbols. Since unique words n representknownsequences,theycanadvantageouslybeusedfor a synchronization and channel estimation purposes. Furthermore, Fig.1. TransmitdatastructureusingCPs(above)orUWs(below). J the proposed approach introduces a complex number Reed- 8 Solomon(RS-)codestructurewithinthesequenceofsubcarriers. ThisallowsforRS-decodingortoapplyahighlyefficientWiener • The UW is part of the DFT (discrete Fourier transfom)- T] smoother succeeding a zero forcing stage at the receiver. We interval, whereas the CP is not. present simulation results in an indoor multipath environment I tohighlighttheadvantageouspropertiesoftheproposedscheme. • The CP is random, whereas the UW is a known deter- s. ministicsequence.ThereforetheUWcanadvantageously c beutilizedforsynchronization[4]andchannelestimation [ I. INTRODUCTION purposes [5]. 1 Both statements hold for OFDM- as well as for SC/FDE- v In conventional OFDM signaling, subsequent symbols are systems.However,inOFDM-differenttoSC/FDE-theintro- 8 separated by guard intervals, which are usually implemented duction of UWs in time domain leads to another fundamental 9 as cyclic prefixes (CPs) [1]. By this, linear convolution of 2 and beneficial signal property: the signal with the channel impulse response is transformed 1 into a cyclic convolution which allows for a low complex • A UW in time domain generates a word of a complex . 1 equalization in frequency domain. In this paper, we propose number RS-code (cf. e. g. [6]) or of a specific coset to 0 such a code in frequency domain, i.e along the subcar- to use known sequences, which we call unique words (UWs), 0 riers. Therefore, the UW could be exploited for error instead of cyclic prefixes. The technique of using UWs had 1 correction or (more appropriate) for erasure correction : alreadybeeninvestigatedin-depthforSC/FDEsystems,where v for highly attenuated subcarriers. Another interpretation the introduction of unique words in time domain is straight Xi forward [2], since the data symbols are also defined in time of this fact which we prefer here, is an introduction of correlations along the subcarriers. These correlations can r domain. In this paper, we will show how unique words can a advantageously be used as a-priory knowledge at the be introduced in OFDM time domain symbols, even though receivertosignificantlyimprovetheBER(biterrorratio) thedataQAM(quadratureamplitudemodulation)symbolsare behavior in frequency selective environments. defined in frequency domain. Furthermore, we will introduce an optimized receiver concept adjusted to the novel transmit The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In section II signal structure. we describe our approach of how to introduce unique words Figure 1 compares the transmit data structure of CP- and in OFDM symbols. Section III introduces an LMMSE (linear UW-based transmission in time domain [3]. Both structures minimum mean squared error) receiver that exploits the a- make sure that linear convolution of an OFDM symbol with prioryknowledgeintroducedatthetransmitterside.Insection the impuls response of a dispersive (e.g. multipath) channel IV the novel UW-OFDM concept is compared to the classical appears as a cyclic convolution at the receiver side. Neverthe- CP-OFDM by means of simulation results. For this, the IEEE less,therearealsosomefundamentaldifferencesbetweenCP- 802.11aWLAN(wirelesslocalareanetworks)standardserves and UW-based transmission: as reference system. Notation Christian Hofbauer has been funded by the European Regional Develop- Lower-case bold face variables (a,b,...) indicate vectors, mentFundandtheCarinthianEconomicPromotionFund(KWF)undergrant 20214/15935/23108. andupper-caseboldfacevariables(A,B,...)indicatematrices. To distinguish between time and frequency domain variables, C(Nd+l)×(Nd+l), and form an OFDM symbol (containing we use a tilde to express frequency domain vectors and N −N −l zero-subcarriers) in frequency domain by d matrices(˜a,A˜,...),respectively.WefurtheruseCtodenotethe (cid:20)d˜(cid:21) set of complex numbers, I to denote the identity matrix, (·)T x˜=BP . (5) ˜r todenotetransposition,(·)H todenoteconjugatetransposition, and E[·] to denote expectation. Wewilldetailthereasonfortheintroductionofthepermution matrix and its specific construction shortly below. Figure 2 II. GENERATIONOFUNIQUEWORDSINOFDMSYMBOLS illustrates this approach in a graphical way: The input of the In conventional CP-OFDM, the data vector d˜ ∈ CNd×1 is IDFT block is composed of data subcarriers (d˜), zero sub- carriers, and redundant subcarriers (˜r), which are distributed defined in frequency domain. Typically, zero subcarriers are over the entire non-zero part of vector x˜ as specified by the inserted at the band edges and at the DC-subcarrier position, permutation matrix P. The output of the IDFT block, which which can mathematically be described by a matrix operation corresponds to the vector x of time domain samples of an x˜=Bd˜ (1) OFDM symbol, is composed of the random part xd, and the zero UW 0. with x˜ ∈ CN×1 and B ∈ CN×Nd. B consists of zero-rows at the positions of the zero-subcarriers, and of appropriate unit row vectors at the positions of data-subcarriers. The vector x˜ denotes the OFDM symbol in frequency domain. The vector of time domain samples x ∈ CN×1 is calculated via an IDFT (inverse DFT) operation, which can conveniently be formulated in matrix notation by x = F−1x˜. Here, F N N is the N-point-DFT matrix defined by F = (F ) with N mn F =wmn for m=0,1,...,N−1, n=0,1,...,N−1, and mn with w =e−j2π/N. We now modify this conventional approach by introducing Fig. 2. Time- and frequency-domain view of an OFDM symbol in UW- a pre-defined sequence x with x ∈ Cl×1, which we call OFDM. u u uniqueword,andwhichshallformthetailofthetimedomain vector,whichwenowdenotebyx(cid:48).Hence,x(cid:48) consistsoftwo By inserting equation (5) into (4), the relation between the partsandisgivenbyx(cid:48) =(cid:2)xT xT(cid:3)T,wherex ∈C(N−l)×1 time and the frequency domain representation of the OFDM and x ∈ Cl×1. The vector dx reupresents the UdW of length symbol can be written as u u l, and thus only xd is random and affected by the data. In F−1BP(cid:20)d˜(cid:21)=(cid:20)xd(cid:21). (6) order to simplify subsequent descriptions, but w.l.o.g. we use N ˜r 0 a two-step approach for the so-defined vector x(cid:48) : With • In a first step we will generate a zero UW (cid:20)M M (cid:21) M=F−1BP= 11 12 , (7) (cid:20)x (cid:21) N M21 M22 x= d , (2) 0 where M are appropriate sized sub-matrices, it follows that ij M d˜+M ˜r = 0, and hence ˜r = −M−1M d˜. With the such that x=F−1x˜. 21 22 22 21 N matrix • In a second step we will determine the transmit symbol T=−M−1M (8) 22 21 by (cid:20)0(cid:21) (T∈Cl×Nd), the vector of redundant subcarriers can thus be x(cid:48) =x+ . (3) x determined by the linear mapping u We now describe the first step in detail: As in conventional ˜r=Td˜, (9) OFDM, the QAM data symbols and the zero-subcarriers are which (despite of the permutation) exactly corresponds to a specifiedinfrequencydomaininvectorx˜,buthereinaddition complex number RS-code construction along the subcarriers thezero-wordisspecifiedintimedomainaspartofthevector (i.e. l subsequent zeros in the transform domain). We sum- x. As a consequence, the linear system of equations marize, that the IDFT of a frequency domain vector as given x=F−1x˜ (4) in equation (5), which is composed of a data part d˜, a set of N zero-subcarriers, and a part˜r of redundant subcarriers, which can only be fulfilled by reducing the number N of data isdeterminedbyequation(9),resultsinatimedomainvector, d subcarriers, and by introducing a set of redundant subcarriers which features the zero UW 0 at its tail. instead. We let the redundant subcarriers form the vector We notice that the construction of T, and therefore also ˜r ∈ Cl×1, further introduce a permutation matrix P ∈ the variances of the redundant subcarriers highly depend on the positions of the redundant subcarriers within the entire We mention, that the influence of the UW could also already frequency domain vector x˜. Hence, the permutation matrix P be eliminated earlier, by simply subtracting H˜BTx˜ from y˜. u hastobechosencarefully.WeselectPsuchthattrace(cid:0)TTH(cid:1) ˜s contains the data as well as the redundant subcarrier becomesminimum[7].Thisprovidesminimumenergyonthe symbols. Since the redundant subcarrier symbols have been redundant subcarriers on average (when averaging over all calculated out of the data symbols by equation (9), they possible data vectors d˜). In section IV we will specify the are correlated with the data symbols and among each other. permutation matrix P for our simulated system setup. Because of that we propose to apply an LMMSE Wiener Notethatequation(9)introducescorrelationinthevectorx˜ smoother [8] on y˜(cid:48)(cid:48), which results in the noise reduced of frequency domain samples of an OFDM symbol. This can estimate advantageously be utilized in an optimized receiver structure ˜(cid:98)s=Cs˜s˜(Cs˜s˜+Cv˜v˜)−1y˜(cid:48)(cid:48), (15) as it will be shown in the next section. In the following we use the notation˜s with where Cs˜s˜,Cv˜v˜ ∈ C(Nd+l)×(Nd+l) denote the covariance matrices of ˜s and v˜, respectively. Let us take a closer look (cid:20)d˜(cid:21) (cid:20)I(cid:21) ˜s=P =P d˜ =Ud˜, (10) on these covariance matrices: ˜r T C = E(cid:2)˜s˜sH(cid:3) (˜s∈C(Nd+l)×1,U∈C(Nd+l)×Nd)forthenon-zeropartofx˜, s˜s˜ (cid:104) (cid:105) such that x˜=B˜s. = E (Ud˜)(Ud˜)H In the second step the transmit symbol x(cid:48) is generated by = E(cid:104)Ud˜d˜HUH(cid:105) adding the unique word as described in equation (3). The frequency domain version x˜u ∈ CN×1 of the UW is defined = UE(cid:104)d˜d˜H(cid:105)UH. (16) by x˜ =F (cid:2)0T xT(cid:3)T. Note that x(cid:48) can also be written as u N u x(cid:48) =F−1(x˜ +x˜)=F−1(x˜ +B˜s). Assuming uncorrelated and zero-mean data QAM symbols N u N u with variance σ2, we obtain a constant matrix d III. LMMSEUW-OFDMRECEIVER C =σ2UUH, (17) At the receiver side the UW may be exploited for error s˜s˜ d and/or erasure correction as usual for RS-codes. Here, we that has to be calculated only once and can be determined in restrict the explanations to an exploitation of correlations advance, cf. equations (8), (10). For C we have v˜v˜ between subcarriers which proofed to be more appropriate, C = E(cid:2)v˜v˜H(cid:3) since the redundant subcarrier symbols - unlike the data v˜v˜ (cid:104) (cid:105) symbols - usually do not fit to a discrete grid (e.g. odd = E (H˜−1BTF n˜)(H˜−1BTF n˜)H N N Gaussian integers). After the transmission over a multipath (cid:104) (cid:105) channel and after the common DFT operation, the non-zero = E H˜−1BTF n˜n˜HFHB(H˜−1)H N N part y˜ ∈ C(Nd+l)×1 of a received OFDM frequency domain = H˜−1BTF E(cid:2)n˜n˜H(cid:3)FHB(H˜−1)H symbol can be modeled as N N = σ2H˜−1BTF FHB(H˜−1)H y˜ =BTF HF−1(x˜ +B˜s)+BTF n, (11) n N N N N u N = Nσ2H˜−1BTB(H˜−1)H n where H denotes a cyclic convolution matrix with H ∈ = Nσ2H˜−1(H˜−1)H. (18) CN×N, and n∈CN×1 represents a noise vector with the co- n variancematrixσ2I.ThemultiplicationwithBT excludesthe Let H(f ) with i = 0,1,...,N +l −1 denote the channel n i d zerosubcarriersfromfurtheroperation.ThematrixF HF−1 frequency response at the corresponding subcarrier frequency N N is diagonal and contains the sampled channel frequency re- f . Now equation (18) can also be written as i sH˜pon∈seCo(Nnd+itls)×m(Nadi+nl)diiasgaondaol.wHn˜-siz=edBveTrFsiNonHoFf−Nt1hBe lwatittehr C =Nσ2diag(cid:40) 1 , 1 ,...(cid:41). (19) excluding the entries corresponding to the zero-subcarriers. v˜v˜ n |H(f0)|2 |H(f1)|2 The received symbol can therefore also be written as C depends on the noise variance σ2 and on the channel v˜v˜ n y˜ =H˜(BTx˜ +˜s)+BTF n. (12) frequency response. With the Wiener smoothing matrix u N As usual for conventional OFDM, we propose to apply a zero W˜ =C (C +C )−1 (20) s˜s˜ s˜s˜ v˜v˜ forcing equalization by multiplying with H˜−1 from the left. the operations performed on a received OFDM frequency This results in domain symbol y˜ can now be compactly written as y˜(cid:48) =H˜−1y˜ =BTx˜ +˜s+v˜ (13) with the noise vector v˜ = H˜−1BTuF n. After its usage for ˜(cid:98)s=W˜ H˜−1(y˜−H˜BTx˜u). (21) N synchronization and/or channel estimation purposes, the UW Finally, the data part d˜(cid:98) =(cid:2)I 0(cid:3)P−1˜(cid:98)s can be processed fur- can be extracted from further operation by therasusual.Wenotice,thattheerror˜e=˜s−˜(cid:98)shaszeromean, (cid:16) (cid:17) y˜(cid:48)(cid:48) =y˜(cid:48) −BTx˜u =˜s+v˜. (14) and its covariance matrix is given by Ce˜e˜ = I−W˜ Cs˜s˜ Fig.3. Blockdiagramforsimulationanalysis. [8]. C can further be used in the case when additional [10], the indices of the redundant subcarriers are chosen to be e˜e˜ channel coding is applied. Especially, varying noise variance {2, 6, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24, 26, 38, 40, 43, 47, 50, 54, 58, 62}. alongthesubcarrierswithinthedatavectord˜maybeexploited This choice, which can easily also be described by equation as well known from coded transmission over time variant (5)withanappropriatelyconstructedmatrixP,minimizesthe channels, cf. e.g. [9]. total energy of the redundant subcarriers on average (when averaging over all possible data vectors d˜) [7]. We summarize the receiver operations per OFDM symbol: In our approach the unique word shall take over the syn- • Perform a DFT operation to obtain y˜. chronizationtaskswhicharenormallyperformedwiththehelp • Eliminate the influence of the UW by subtracting H˜BTx˜ from y˜. of the 4 pilot subcarriers. In order to make a fair comparison, u the energy of the UW related to the total energy of a transmit • Apply ZF-equalization followed by an LMMSE Wiener symbol is set to 4/52, which exactly corresponds to the total smoothing operation. (Of course, both operations can be energy of the 4 pilots related to the total energy of a transmit implemented in one combined single matrix multiplica- symbol in the IEEE standard. Note that in conventional CP- tion operation.) OFDM like in the WLAN standard, the total length of an • Extract the data part and process it further as usual. OFDM symbol is given by T +T . However, the guard GI DFT Note again, that the ZF equalization and the UW elimination interval is part of the DFT period in our approach. Therefore, can be exchanged as described above. both systems show comparable bandwidth efficiency. IV. SIMULATIONRESULTS The multipath channel has been modeled as a tapped delay line, each tap with uniformly distributed phase and Rayleigh Figure 3 shows the block diagram of the simulated UW- distributedmagnitude,andwithpowerdecayingexponentially. OFDM system (equivalent complex baseband description is Adetaileddescriptionofthemodelcanbefoundin[5].Figure usedthroughoutthispaper).Afterchannelcoding,interleaving 4 shows one typical channel snapshot featuring an rms delay and QAM-mapping, the redundant subcarrier symbols are spread of 100ns. The frequency response shows two spectral determined using equation (9). After assembling the OFDM notches within the system’s bandwidth. symbol, which is composed of d˜, ˜r, and a set of zero- subcarriers, the IFFT (inverse fast Fourier transform) is per- formed. Finally the UW is added in time domain. At the receivertheFFT(fastFouriertransform)operationisfollowed by a ZF equalization as in classical CP-OFDM. Next the frequency domain version of the UW is subtracted. Then the Wiener smoother is applied to the symbol, and finally demapping, deinterleaving and decoding is performed. For the soft decision Viterbi decoder the main diagonal of matrix C is used to specify the varying noise variances along the e˜e˜ subcarriers after equalization and Wiener filtering. We compare our novel UW-OFDM approach with the clas- sical CP-OFDM concept. The IEEE 802.11a WLAN standard [10]servesasreferencesystem.Weapplythesameparameters for UW-OFDM as in [10] wherever possible: N = 64, sam- pling frequency f = 20MHz, DFT period T = 3.2µs, s DFT guard duration T = 800ns. Instead of 48 data subcarriers GI and 4 pilots we use Nd = 36 data subcarriers and l = 16 Fig. 4. Time- and frequency-domain representation of the used multipath redundant subcarriers. The zero subcarriers are chosen as in channelsnapshot. InordertoclearlydemonstratetheeffectofourUW-OFDM approach with the derived LMMSE receiver, the following discussions are based on results obtained for the displayed channel snapshot. Figure 5 compares the mean squared errors on the N +l (data + redundant) subcarriers before and after d the Wiener smoothing operation. We note that all subcarriers experience a significant noise reduction by the smoother, but the effect is impressive on the subcarriers corresponding to spectral notches in the channel frequency response. The subcarriers with index 15 and 46 correspond to the spectral notches around 5MHz and -2MHz, respectively, cf. figure 4. Fig. 6. BER comparison between the novel UW-OFDM approach and the IEEE802.11astandardforthechannelsnapshotdisplayedabove. V. CONCLUSION In this work we introduced a novel OFDM signaling con- cept, where the guard intervals are built by unique words instead of cyclic prefixes. The proposed approach introduces a complex number Reed-Solomon code structure within the sequence of subcarriers. As an important conclusion we can state, that besides the possibility to use the UW for synchro- nization and channel estimation purposes, the novel approach additionallyallowstoapplyahighlyefficientLMMSEWiener Fig.5. NoisereductioneffectoftheWienersmootherinafrequencyselective smoother,whichsignificantlyreducesthenoiseonthesubcar- environmentforEb/N0 =15dB.Above:fullscale;below:zoomedy-axis. riers, especially on highly attenuated subcarriers. Simulation resultsillustrate,thatthenovelapproachoutperformsclassical In figure 6 the BER-behavior of the IEEE 802.11a standard CP-OFDM in a typical frequency selective indoor scenario. and the novel UW-OFDM approach are compared, both in QPSK-modeforthechanneldisplayedinfigure4.Thechannel REFERENCES snaphot represents a typical indoor NLOS (non line of sight) [1] R.vanNee,R.Prasad,OFDMforWirelessMultimediaCommunications, office environment, nevertheless further simulation results for ArtechHousePublishers,Boston,2000. [2] H. Witschnig, T. 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