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Preview CoCo ~123 Volume 38 Number 3 (Autumn 2018)

Glenside Color Computer Club, Inc. Mebane, North Carolina Volume 38, Number 3 Autumn 2018 CoCo ~ 123 Memory Map Routines Address --------- --------- GCCC Officers..........................................1 GCCC Information.......................................2 Contributions..........................................2 Contributors to this Issue.............................2 GCCC Meetings..........................................2 From the Past President's Platen.......................2 From the President's Platen............................2 Trea$ury Note$.........................................3 The Secretary’s Notebook...............................3 Communications Director’s Comments.....................4 Editor’s Clipboard.....................................5 Tandy Assembly!........................................5 CoCo Happenings.......................................11 Calendar of Events....................................12 The 28th Annual “Last” Chicago CoCoFEST!..............12 Upcoming Events: Regular meetings every 2nd Thursday @ Schaumburg Library. The 28th Annual "Last" Chicago CoCoFEST! May 4-5, 2019 G.C.C.C. OFFICERS ----------------------- Here is the list of 2018 club officers and how to contact them. If you have questions about the association, call one of the officers for the answers. POSITION NAME PHONE PRIMARY FUNCTION -------------- ---------------- ------------ ---------------------- President John W. Linville 919-744-8139 The buck stops here... Vice-President Tony Podraza 847-340-1801 Meeting planning, etc. Treasurer Brian Goers 708-805-1888 Dues and Purchasing Secretary Rich Bair 847-835-1309 Records and Reporting Director Tony Podraza 847-340-1801 CoCoFEST! Organizer Librarian Brian Goers 708-805-1888 Club Software Keeper Editor John Mark Mobley 847-409-8604 Newsletter Production -------------- ---------------- ------------ ---------------------- Copyright ©2018 Glenside Color Computer Club, Inc. John Linville Tony Podraza Rich Bair Brian Goers John Mark Mobley CoCo~123 - A Glenside Publication Since 1985 Volume 38, Number 3 1 Autumn 2018 CoCo~123 INFORMATION USB port, and I thought that that was a useful option, CoCo~123 is the newsletter of the Glenside Color so.... Computer Club. Your annual contribution of $15.00 helps CoCoFEST! 2019 to keep our club going. Send your check to: The registration forms are complete and should be Brian Goers, Glenside Treasurer available for downloading from the website. 3312 Miller Avenue http://www.glensideccc.com/cocofest/index.shtml South Chicago Heights, IL 60411 If you do not see it, contact me directly at: [email protected] [email protected] Our treasury provides newsletters and good times with fellow CoCo users at our Annual "Last" Chicago I am still amazed at the new ideas the dreamers are CoCoFEST! and our Annual Glenside Picnic. coming up with for our machine of choice. If you attend the Annual CoCoFEST! your annual LONG LIVE THE CoCo! contribution is covered for that year. I bid you peace. Tony Podraza, now Vice-President CoCo~123 CONTRIBUTIONS Glenside Color Computer Club If you have any suggestions for the newsletter or would like to submit an article, please contact the CoCo~123 FROM THE PRESIDENT’S PLATEN Newsletter editor: Receiving The Torch John Mark Mobley, Editor Like many of us, I grew-up with the CoCo as my first 4104 Wren Lane computer. I turned nine the year the CoCo was released, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 twelve as the CoCo2 made its first appearance, and [email protected] fifteen as the CoCo3 took the stage. I turned nineteen the CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE year that Tandy finally dropped the Color Computer from Rich Bair John Mark Mobley its roster, and months later I moved into college with an Salvador Garcia Tony Podraza "IBM compatible" PC in tow. While in college I learned Brian Goers Robert Swoger plenty of cool and amazing things about modern John Linville computers, operating systems, and other software. Even though I thought that I had left the CoCo behind by then, I G. C. C. C. MEETINGS still knew that the CoCo had given me the foundation for what would become my career. The Glenside Color Computer Club meets the second Thursday of each month at the Schaumburg Township Even in college, I had a neighbor that maintained a CoCo District Library at 7:00 pm. If you need a map, see the setup. I would drop by his room from time to time to following link: inquire about his CoCo, but it was mostly a way for me to poke a little fun at him. I heard about the end of Falsoft's http://ncmedals.com/glenside/splmap.html Rainbowfest and the birth of Glenside's CoCoFEST! Of A social get-together we lovingly call “The Meeting After” course, I scoffed! Why would anyone still care about the always follows the meeting at a nearby restaurant. CoCo in the Clinton years? Are these people crazy? Visit our website at: Eventually, I graduated and got a job. Out of school and http://ncmedals.com/glenside/index.htm flush with cash, I began to remember certain good times from my youth. I found the CoCo mailing list (then hosted FROM THE PAST PRESIDENT’S PLATEN at Princeton) and I reached out, acquiring a CoCo2 and a Technically, this is a false article. As of our November CoCo3 and various accoutrements. I followed the mailing meeting, I ceased to be the President of Glenside. John list and had a great time hearing each year about Linville has received the mantle of that office and will CoCoFEST!, but I would never attend such a silly event! carry on. Send him your ideas, suggestions and support. Years later I found myself in the Pittsburgh area in time TANDIANS, ASSEMBLE! for PennFest -- what the heck? So, I went... I had the opportunity to attend this year's Tandy I enjoyed PennFest more than I expected, so much so Assembly. I would say there was about 25 percent that I convinced my wife to go with me in 2001 to participation by CoCo-ists, and the rest, multiple versions CoCoFEST! -- this sort of event wasn't going to continue of Tandy machine people... not one red herring noted. forever!! Three kids, three CoCoFEST! locations, and Miscellaneous systems, and pieces were available, seventeen years later, I've only missed one CoCoFEST! including, keyboards from David Ladd. Not knowing the since then... and they ARE STILL HAPPENING! origin until after it was in my possession, I returned to the CoCoFEST! became a major part of my life and a focal Chicago area with a keyboard that came from his stash, point that I have come to anticipate with glee every year. IN THE CHICAGO AREA! But it is a USB keyboard with a 2 Tony Podraza was an organizer and the auctioneer at my At the December 13th meeting I proposed an amendment first CoCoFEST! back in 2001. Over the years he to the current GCCC Constitution. became the face of the Glenside Color Computer Club in The Present Version reads: my mind and probably in the minds of others as well. Article VIII - Officers Tony eventually became the President of Glenside, The officers of the corporation shall consist of the elected where he has formed a lasting legacy of responsibility, officers and the Directors of the Board. creativity, and leadership. Keeping CoCoFEST! going for Section 1 – The elected officers shall be the President, nearly three decades beyond the corporate death of the Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary as may be CoCo is an amazing and astounding feat of hope and authorized in the Bylaws. Such officers may be elected or will. Tony has carried the ball with strength and grace, appointed as set forth in the Bylaws; their terms and and he has gotten us to where we are today. duties shall be set forth in the Bylaws. The President A few years ago I became concerned that CoCoFEST! shall chair all meetings of the Board and the CoCo hobby in general may be naturally losing Section 2 – The Directors of the Board shall consist of the some steam, and I just wasn't ready to let things go. I Director of Demos and Reviews, Director of Special became a promoter both of the hobby and of the event of Events, Director of Communications, Disk of the Month itself, culminating in the creation of The CoCo Crew Director, Software Librarian, Sergeant at Arms, and Club Podcast. At about that time, I became involved with the Newsletter Editor. The Directors of the Board shall be Glenside club at the level of helping to plan each appointed as provided in the Bylaws. CoCoFEST!, accepting duties as seemed appropriate to my skill and availability. Now this year, Tony announced Proposed Version that he would step down from the position of President of Article VIII –Board of Directors Glenside, and he nominated me as a candidate to The Board of Directors of the corporation shall consist of replace him. The Glenside membership voted, and I was the elected officers and the appointed Directors. chosen. Section 1 – The elected officers shall be the President, Tony has passed on the torch, and I have taken the joyful Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. The burden. CoCoFEST! is both a time for fellowship among qualifications, method of election, terms of office, and those of us who share this quirky hobby, and a historical duties of these officers shall be set forth in the Bylaws. marker paying tribute to a time when our present day was Section 2 – The appointed Directorships shall consist of still the future being made. It is also an annual event that such positions as the current president deems necessary has marked the progress of my career, the growth of my and vital for the successful functioning of the corporation. children, and the progress of my hobby achievements. If Examples might be Director of Demos and Reviews, you have read this far, then I am asking you to do Director of Special Events, Director of Membership, whatever is needed to help me to keep this crazy thing Director of Communications, Software Librarian, and going for so long as anyone wants to attend. Club Newsletter Editor. There must be a minimum of two With that in mind, please join me, Tony, and the rest of appointed Directors. The qualifications, appointment Glenside on 4-5 May, 2019 at the Heron Point process, terms of office, and duties of these appointed Convention Center in Lombard, Illinois for the 28th Directors shall be set forth in the Bylaws. Annual "Last" Chicago CoCoFEST! Remember, these Reasons for Changes things might not continue forever... The present Bylaws give many powers to the Board of John Linville, President Directors; one would assume that the elected officers are Glenside Color Computer Club on that Board, but the present Constitution implies that they are not. They should be. Trea$ury Note$ The statement “The President shall chair all meetings of Our checking account balance as of November 8, 2018 is the Board …” does not cover cases when the president $8,758.91. may be unavailable. The subject is covered in detail in Brian Goers, Trea$urer the Bylaws under the heading “Conduct of General Glenside Color Computer Club Meetings”, so its presence in the Constitution is unnecessary. (But a similar paragraph is needed in the The Secretary’s Notebook Bylaws regarding the chair for meetings of the Board of Rich Bair here. Elections are over! The Glenside Color Directors.) Computer Club held elections for officers at our October The needs for various appointed Directors have changed 18 meeting. The election results were: greatly over time and will continue to change. We have not issued a disk-of-the-month for twenty years; we have President: John Linville not had a sergeant-at-arms in my memory. Rather than Vice-president: Tony Podraza having specific posts enshrined in the Constitution we Treasurer: Brian Goers 3 should leave such details to the Bylaws, which are easier able to walk let alone drive. In my youth I helped write 4 to update. constitutions and edited 5 newsletters for 5 clubs. Illinois requires that corporations such as ours have a My PC of choice was the UK’s Sinclair computer minimum of six on their Board of Directors, hence the available in 1983, a more sophisticated machine than the need for at least two appointed Directors. CoCo 3 but also almost twice the price. Because I was able to observe the Sinclair User Groups grow, evolve I’ve been secretary for well over a year, but only recently and die, I felt I could help the Glenside group evolve into found out that our Bylaws specify that the minutes of our what we now are. Maybe I can explain it in a podcast monthly meetings are supposed to be published in our sometime quarterly newsletters. Up until now I have not been doing this, but have instead emailed minutes to all meeting From my Glenwood Alumni Associate secretary Jim attendees, and also to others who have either attended in Peulecke, a Glenside member, wrote a program on his the recent past or generally shown strong interest in CoCo 2 using two dual TEAC drives to maintain both the Glenside’s affairs. What should my procedure be from secretary report and the treasurer’s report for over 5000 now on? I could: members in the Association. Up until 1987 our Glenside database was maintained on a) Continue emailing as I have been doing a CoCo 2 using the OS9 Profile application. It was b) Only publish them in the newsletter decided that we would use Jim Peulecke’s program, c) Do both a) and b). which looked at the output of the CoCo OS9 Profile database and convert it to Jim Peulecke’s database Option b) has the disadvantage that it puts a month or format. In this manner we could convert it back to the more of delay between the meeting date and the OS9 Profile format. publicizing of the minutes, so I suspect it is the least It was proposed at the November meeting that the club desirable option. Also, I don’t want to clutter each should have a standard, synchronized mailing list for newsletter with three months’ worth of minutes if only a dissemination of club communications. Rich didn’t inform few people are interested in reading them. In that case us who made that proposal but stated, “Currently John option a) would be best. (Of course, if you wish to be Mark Mobley has a list for mailing the quarterly added to my current distribution list, just tell me at newsletters to paid members and Rich Bair has a [email protected]. Or if you wish to be removed different list for mailing meeting minutes.” This from my list, ditto.) But if you are a member who would statement is not exactly correct as John Mark only uses like to see the minutes also in the newsletters, tell me. If it the present Jim Peulecke program, which contains the seems to be a majority, I will begin doing that. names of both contributing and non-contributing Happy CoCoing! members over 360 in all. Rich, I believe, uses our current Rich Bair, Secretary database to get the email addresses he needs. What Glenside Color Computer Club Rich is doing is just fine with the Board of directors. Keep up the good work. THE COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR’S COMMENTS Now let’s discuss our CoCoFEST! Space problem. Up Our secretary, Rich Bair, said he recently read our until this year we had only two kinds of attendees to plan constitution only to discover that he was supposed to for. Those two were the Vendors/Exhibitors and the folks supply information about our meetings in the newsletter. that came to see their wares. We watched the total After checking I discovered that he did not do this for our numbers through the years drop to below 80. We found a last three newsletters. Instead he was emailing meeting much less expensive place to hold our show, Heron minutes shortly after each meeting. This provided Rich Point. The lower prices brought us greater numbers, last with feedback about errors and modifications that needed year being 120 attendees. The increase was mainly due to be made before the next meeting for approval of those to the work of Randy Kindig, Steve Strowbridge and John minutes. When it comes time for his newsletter Linville getting out the word using podcasts. submission he need only highlight what went on in the We also noted that as the booth prices got lower some last three meetings as well as supplying comments on folks were buying booths just to store their STUFF. The more issues that came up but not put in print. This is vendors then asked that they be separate from those that what the previous secretary had done for years. only wanted to store their STUFF so that the real vendors So who am I? Bob Swoger who showed up to a Glenside could be all in one room. We now will try to accommodate meeting in 1986, liked it and kept coming back. My these three kinds of folks, the third being those that want original reason for coming was as a reporter for the space to store their STUFF or exhibit STUFF but not sell Motorola Computer Club that was at the time 350 anything. This third group will have their space in the members strong most using the CoCo 2. I was 45 years check in room where Rich Bair hangs out. These folks old at the time and now I’m 75 and an invalid no longer 4 will use the Vendor contract for preregistration and to state their intensions. (Hangout or Exhibit w/o sales.) http://www.glensideccc.com/data/library/cocofest_exhibit/contract-2019.doc As you can see this “A Place to call Home” table is just $5 more than without a table. In the next line you can sign up for our catered dinner Stewart Cheifet Host of “Computer Chronicles” which includes Pulled Pork, Shredded Chicken, Beef Brisket, Pig Wings, Au Gratin Potatoes & Cole Slaw, Baked Beans & Garden Salad, Fresh Rolls & BBQ sauce, and a Gluten-free Cheese only Lasagna for folks with restrictions, Lemonade, Tea and Soft Drinks for $20 per person, kids 12 and under free. Of our 120 guests this year at least 78 enjoyed our catered dinner. It is a great time for all the attendees to socialize! Robert Swoger, Communications Director Glenside Color Computer Club THE EDITOR’S CLIPBOARD We rely on people just like you to help write articles for the newsletter. John Mark Mobley, Editor Glenside Color Computer Club Tandy Assembly! by John Mark Mobley Tandy Assembly is a vintage computer festival for Tandy/Radio Shack computers and compatibles. This year Tandy Assembly was held November 10 & 11, 2018 in Springfield, Ohio. About 92 people attended Tandy Assembly. Tandy Assembly is almost like having another TRS-80 Model I CoCoFEST! Who would have thought the community could support two such events per year. Attendance is up at both events. So this is proof that the community can support both events. Link: http://www.tandyassembly.com/index.html Josh Malone [email protected] was there. He was repairing Tandy 100-family computers. He repaired my Model 102. I mailed it off to him and he repaired it. Stewart Cheifet was the keynote speaker. He was recorded and placed on YouTube. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIf6leAPaEM Link: YouTube – Tandy Assembly https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPyGtUzQU0Vf7CiSiJLySUg Printer for use with tractor feed paper 5 TRS-80 Model II (2) TRS-80 Model III (3) TRS-80 Model II (2) TRS-80 Model 4 TRS-80 Model 4 TRS-80 Model I 6 Tandy Color Computer 3 RDS III (3) microcomputer system Tandy TRS-80 Personal Computer Tandy Color Computer 3 with RGB to SCART to HDMI Tandy TRS-80 Model 4P 7 Cloud 9 Cloud 9 Dino Wars Tandy 200 Tandy 2000 Tandy 102 8 Tandy Assembly Jim Brain Tandy Assembly Jason Reighard and Grant Leighty Tandy Assembly Sandy Wiemer and Tony Podraza 9 Ian Mavric Brian Goers and Peter Bartlett Ron Klein and Brett Gordon Ladder Logic Circuit each toggle switch has 5 normally open and 5 normally closed contacts. Uses incandescent lamps for output. TRS-80 Color Computer – Floppy Disk Tools Eric Canales by Paul Fiscarelli 10

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