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CATATN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY ANALYSIS AND CRIMIQUE OF “CHRIST THE TRANSFORMER, OF CULTURE" IN THE THOUGIIT OF H. RICHARD NIEBUHR ADISSERT AION SURMITTED TO. ‘THE FACULTY OP TIT DIVISION OF THEOLOGY TN CANDIDACY FOR LH BFCRET. OF DOCTOR OF PITT OSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF SYSTEMALIC TTTOLOGY BY MICHAFT. TUGENE WITTMER GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN MAY 2000 Copyright & 2000 hy Michael Eugene Wintmer All righ.s reserved 9 GALVEN PHRGLOGIOAL SEMINARY SF toe U4 C008 This disserlaion entitled ANALYSIS AND CRITIQUE OF "CHRIST TUE TRANSFORMER OF CULTURE” INTHE THOUGHT OF . RICIIARD NEBUBR writen by MICHATL EUGENE WITTMER znd subunited in paral ff limentof te requirement forthe degree of Doctor of Philosophy fas heen accepted by the failly of Calvin Theological Seminary up the recommendation of die undossigned readers: John Bele Je mamory oF Dr, Joe Crasford ncouzager, mentor, and lend CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, ANSTRACT CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION T, Nature othe Probism W, Survey of Schocarship UL, Method of Lacestngesion TV. Conclosiony of the Investigation CHAPTER TWO: CREATION AND FALL 1. Creation A. Actaf Creation Ceeation, Providence, and Redempliom ws a Single Act 1 2. Ceeaton, Judgment, snd Redlomption us a Single 8 3. Creation, Jugmen, and Redemption as Sequcntial Aots B, Axolovicuf Slutus of Creation Rekaioal L ne Theory 2, Crcation’s Velue Thee ls Relation to God 3, Momarity’s Urique Relutiva © God, 4, Nature of God Tr, Pall (A portance the Pal B, TTiswicity of Genes.s Chapter thioe 1, Nisbuhr's Perspective on Seriptune 2. Niehuhy's Perspective on Gen, 3 ©. Definition of Sx. 1, theories ofthe Pull 2, Sim Ts u Religious Category 2. Sin Js Distrist ot God! 4 Sin Is Disloyaly ta God DP. Demonstration of Sia 1, Henotheiem a, Seeutay Examples of Henotheism bs Religious haarmples nf Renatheie Bulytheism 2. Coniie vith Others B. Consoquences of Sin CHAPTER THRET: REDEMPTION |. Definition af Redsraption UL, Mothod of Reverption: Raulcul Mouothelam A. Radical Morntheiv v's Trust ia God 2H. Radical Monotheisn's Lavaly to God Radical Manotheism's Servi ta Creation TL, Agents of Redlerprinn |A, God In the Primary Agent God Accomplishes Redeapuon i 2. Humity’s Active Role m Redempton 3. Humenity's Responsive Role in Redemption! FB. osu Chest Inthe Prisnary Chistian Revelation of God 1, Reyelntion Appears in Symbolic Farin o4 109 101 we 104 12 us 1 ibs 2 1 128 130 13 a, Nature of Revelatinn by, Nature of Syrabsie 2 The Primary Christian Symbol s Jesus Chast a, Nature of Jesus Christ b, ork ul Jesus Christ C, The Church Advances the Kingdom of God 1D, Other Religions May Advance 12 Kingdom of Goal TV. Batent of Redemption CTISPTER TOUR: CHRIST THE TRANSFORMER OF CULTURT. 1. ‘Theologica, Faundstnon ofthe Christ anu Culture Problem, U. Niebeta’s DeEniios of Clini and Cure A Definition of Christ, B, Definition of Cua TL, Siebutu’s Typology A, forenduciney Tssues B. Revical Chvistinity: Cluist Agus! Cultre ©, Cultural Chistisnity: Chvist Of Culture 1D. Synchesist Christieaity: Christ Above Cure Ti, Duslist Christiuty; Christ und Culture in Puraox F, Convervionis! Chriisrity: Christ the Transfocmer 02 Cullare {. a Biblcct-Theologiesl Advantages 2. lus Representatives 3, lis Mesting ancl Application ia Niebubr’s Th logs IV, War: Test Case for Nishubr’s Conversion st Christianity A. God's Action in War BB Human Response te Gait Action 7 War 1. Terpretation 2. Renponsive Action aL 63 a M5 158 m0. ms 16 13 wa 188 188 193 wr 98 202 208 au 24 217 217 Sas 2 4 2 aT 2a CHAPTER FIVE: CRILIQUE L Unitarinisir AA. Niebube's Profession of T-initarianisan B. icbuhe’s Detamatrarion of Uniteianisin ©. Limpliomsors fir Tis Coasersionist Position LL, Canflation of Cyeacion. Fall ane Redomption A. Alence of Chronological -stmetioms B. Consequences LLL, Universalism TV. Conftation Betwoon Homnity’s Natural and Supernaucal Keds APPENDIX: THESES FOR TIT DISSTRTATION DEFENSE SELECL BIBLIOGRAPLTY ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, 1am profoundly gravel for che superior education whic: I reveived ut Culsin Thealogival Seminary, tm prrticula, T wish uo thank De. Richard Muller, who explained «nd rel for me the mcthod of scholarship, aml Dr. Renal Feenstra whose eatetul cntiulaioastaght me the value of eological psision 1 am especialy tani for the coximitos which supervied his wssertation: co Dr.John Bol, whose visio and enthasiasr:inspica tis cisscrttion and eee within naa deep yearning Wu become a thevleyian; i» De, Jahn Cooper. whose meticvlaus ovals. ep suggestions for im-wement made both msself and this paper beter andto Dr. Alten Verhey, shi kiully 9d me ‘0 a deepor and more gppreswive reading of H. Rihard Niebutu, ‘Thank you all or persevering with me thoughout the course of this projec {re net chamkfl amy ling wile, fle, wh hes shared with ms both he triuyphs und trials of graduate theological educulwn. Her erseaveting suppot has celeased me co do my best ak remied me that cher i fe ater sehwol.Taxmk yw eon, fr weal a home in which the joys nf ie are savored and its sorrows ace more cust endure ABSTRACT “This dissertation otumines the world view slogan, “Chuist the erunsfoner of sullure," in the thought of ls cwathr, H. Richard Niebuhr. Although the phrase is ‘opular in Nev-Calvinist cis lus study nds tht ibe meaning in Niebubr's theology Aloviates from Reformed orthodoxy In order to nuders:aed ‘shat Nicbgor antercls hy Christ runsforening cuiture, 8 gin hy aullning hls understanding of the nbicul parative of sxeation, fall, and redlomplion. Niebuhr describes the tice commurily thu! exits balieeen Gadd, sndividoas, and the vest of oration, atortupaely, unsaily salayt eke Us comunity by distrusting God 2nd being disloyal to his cause, Such depravity manifests icselfin various henotheinns and polycheisas, which at bocom i «form of authropocennis. Nevertheless, God wil inevitably recone the world to hrasell by insciing tai’ enmcheism within peop'e. Sach ridical faith learns Us trust Go an then so-ve as cau in the world hy "tranatoceing the cute.” An viow of his enlive theology, we uiscover thar Niebulu's signature doctrine of radical monothoism quite pesilyinluences his fallure to make adequate of lear distinctions concerning the Iramcreatin of cull in four important accas. lest [Niebatu’s fice co preserve persanal ditnctions within the Godhead leads him te sabserie ca Laiterianine, ‘This Unitarian prohibits Niebuhr fiom giving adeqaste attention co the Holy Spi, which in wurn prevents hima from stating precisely bow ths Lraesfoematioa af eelure vecurs snd from 2 ny Furmity an ative cole ia the peocess,

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