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Chiral-glass transition and replica symmetry breaking of a three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass K. Hukushima ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8666, Japan 0 H. Kawamura 0 Faculty of Engineering and Design, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8585, Japan 0 (February 6, 2008) 2 ExtensiveequilibriumMonteCarlosimulationsareperformedforathree-dimensionalHeisenberg n spin glass with thenearest-neighbor Gaussian coupling to investigate its spin-glass and chiral-glass a orderings. The occurrence of a finite-temperature chiral-glass transition without the conventional J spin-glass order is established. Critical exponents characterizing the transition are different from 1 those of the standard Ising spin glass. The calculated overlap distribution suggests theappearance 1 of a peculiar typeof replica-symmetry breaking in thechiral-glass ordered state. ] n While experiments have provided convincing evidence the chiral-glass transition as an anomaly in experimen- n that spin-glass (SG) magnets exhibit an equilibrium tally accessible quantities. - s phase transition at a finite temperature, the true nature Numericalstudiesonthe3dXYspinglasseshavegiven di ofthe experimentallyobservedSGtransitionandthatof strong support to the occurrence of a finite-temperature . thelow-temperatureSGphasestillremainopenproblems chiral-glass transition [8–10]. In the Heisenberg case, t a [1]. A simple Ising model has widely been used as a “re- while previous numerical works agreed in that the stan- m alistic”SGmodelinthestudies,e.g.,ofthecriticalprop- dard SG order occurred only at T = 0, the question - erties ofthe SGtransition,or ofthe issue ofwhether the whether there really occurs a finite-temperature chiral- d SGstateexhibitsaspontaneousreplica-symmetrybreak- glassorderhasremainedinconclusive[3,4]. Veryrecently, n ing (RSB). One should bear in mind, however, that the an off-equilibrium Monte Carlo simulation by one of the o magnetic interactions in many SG materials are nearly authorshas givenevidence for the occurrence of a finite- c [ isotropic, being well described by an isotropic Heisen- temperature chiral-glass order in the 3D Heisenberg SG berg model, in the sense that the magnetic anisotropy is [5]. However,thefullcriticalpropertiesofthechiral-glass 1 considerably weaker than the exchange interaction. In transition as well as the properties of the chiral-glassor- v apparentcontrastto experiments, numericalsimulations deredstateitself,particularlythequestionofthepossible 7 2 have indicated that the standard spin-glass order occurs RSB,stillremainslargelyunclear. InthisLetter,weper- 1 only at zero temperature in the three-dimensional (3D) form extensive equilibrium Monte Carlo simulations of 1 Heisenberg SG [2–6]. Although the magnetic anisotropy a 3D Heisenberg SG in order to determine the detailed 0 inherenttorealmaterialsis ofteninvokedto explainthis static and dynamic critical properties and to clarify the 0 apparent discrepancy with experiments, it still remains nature of the chiral-glass ordered state. 0 puzzling that no detectable sign of Heisenberg-to-Ising Our model is the classicalHeisenberg model on a sim- / t crossoverhasbeenobservedinexperimentswhichisusu- plecubiclatticewithN =L3spinsdefinedbytheHamil- a m ally expected to occur if the observedfinite-temperature tonian, transition is caused by the weak magnetic anisotropy - H=− J S ·S , (1) d [1,2]. ij i j n Inordertosolvethisapparentpuzzle,achiralitymech- Xhiji o anism of experimentally observed spin-glass transitions where S =(Sx,Sy,Sz) is a three-component unit vec- c i i i i : was proposed by one of the authors [3]. This scenario tor, and the sum runs over all nearest-neighbor pairs. v is based on the assumption that an isotropic 3D Heisen- The interactionsJ arerandomGaussianvariableswith ij i X bergSGexhibits afinite-temperaturechiral-glass transi- zeromeanandvarianceJ. The localchiralityatthei-th tion without the conventional spin-glass order, in which site and in the µ-th direction, χ , is defined for three r iµ a only spin-reflection symmetry is broken with preserving neighboring spins by the scalar [2,4], spin-rotation symmetry. Chirality is an Ising-like multi- χ =S ·(S ×S ), (2) spinvariablerepresentingthe senseor the handednessof iµ i+eˆµ i i−eˆµ the noncollinear spin structures induced by spin frustra- where eˆ (µ=x,y,z)denotes a unit lattice vectoralong µ tion. In this scenario, all essential features of many of the µ-axis. real SG transitions and SG ordered states should be de- Monte Carlo simulation is performed based on the ex- termined by the properties of the chiral-glass transition change MC method, sometimes called “parallel temper- andofthe chiral-glassstatein the fully isotropic system, ing”, which turns out to be an efficient method for ther- while the role of the magnetic anisotropy is secondary malizing systems exhibiting slow dynamics [7]. By mak- which “mixes” the spin and the chirality and “reveals” inguseofthismethod,wehavesucceededinequilibrating 1 the system down to the temperature considerably lower eventocompletelyruleoutthepossibilityofonlyazero- thanthoseattainedintheprevioussimulations[2,4]. We temperature transition with rapidly growing (e.g., ex- runtwoindependent sequences ofsystems(replica 1 and ponentially growing) correlation length. Meanwhile, the 2)inparallel,andcomputeanoverlapbetweenthechiral calculated g shows a negative dip whose depth grad- CG variables in the two replicas, ually increases with increasing L, whereas its position gradually shifts toward lower temperature. Note that, 1 q = χ(1)χ(2). (3) if the systems would not exhibit any finite-temperature χ 3N iµ iµ transition, g (T;L → ∞) should be equal to zero at iµ CG X any T > 0 and to unity at T = 0 (for the nondegen- In terms ofthis chiraloverlapqχ, the Binder ratio ofthe erate ground state as expected for the present Gaussian chirality is calculated by coupling). Since g (T;L→∞) is a single-valued func- CG tionof T,the existence ofa negative dip growingwith L 1 [hqχ4i] hardlyreconcileswiththeabsenceofafinite-temperature g (L)= 3− , (4) CG 2 [hq2i]2 transitionso long as this tendency persists, and suggests χ ! the chiral-glass transition occurring at T = T > 0 CG whereh···irepresentsthethermalaverageand[···]repre- at which gCG takes a negative value unlike the standard sentstheaverageoverbonddisorder. FortheHeisenberg cases of the 3D Edwards-Anderson (EA) Ising model or spin, one can introduce an appropriate Binder ratio in the infinite-range Sherrington-Kirkpatrick(SK) model. terms of a tensor overlap q (µ,ν = x,y,z) which has µν 32 =9 independent components [4], 1.0 L=16 1 q = S(1)S(2) (µ,ν =x,y,z), (5) L=12 µν N iµ iν 0.8 L=10 i L=8 X L=6 via the relation, 0.6 G S 1 µ,ν,δ,ρ[hqµ2νqδ2ρi] g0.4 g (L)= 11−9 . (6) SG 2 ( [hq2 i])2 P µ,ν µν ! 0.2 (a) spin P The lattice sizes studied are L =6,8,10,12 and 16 with periodic boundary conditions. Equilibration is checked 0 by monitoringthe stability of the results againstatleast L=16 L=12 three-times longer runs for a subset of samples. Sample 0.8 L=10 average is taken over 1500 (L = 6), 1200 (L = 8), 640 L=8 L=6 (L = 10), 296 (L = 12) and 136 (L = 16) independent 0.6 bond realizations. Note that in the exchange MC simu- lations the data atdifferent temperatures arecorrelated. CG0.4 g Errorbarsareestimatedfromstatisticalfluctuationsover 0.2 (b) chirality the bond realizations. The size and temperature dependence of the Binder 0 ratios of the spin and of the chirality, g and g , are SG CG shown in Fig. 1(a) and (b), respectively. As can be seen -0.2 from Fig. 1(a), gSG constantly decreases with increasing 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 T/J L at all temperatures studied, suggesting that the con- ventional spin-glass order occurs only at zero tempera- FIG.1. Temperature and size dependence of the Binder ture, consistentwith the previousresults [2–6]. Fig.1(a) ratios of thespin (a) and of thechirality (b). reveals that g for larger lattices (L = 10,12,16) ex- SG hibits an anomalous bending around T/J ≃ 0.15, sug- More unambiguous estimate of T can be obtained CG gestingachangeintheorderingbehaviorinthistemper- from the equilibrium dynamics of the model. Thus, aturerange. Ascanbe seenfromFig.1(b),thecurvesof we calculate both the spin and chirality autocorrelation g fordifferentLtendtomergeforlargerLinthetem- CG functions defined by peraturerangewherethecurvesofg exhibitananoma- SG lousbending. Furthermore,onincreasingL,themerging points gradually move toward higher temperatures, sug- 1 C (t)= [hS (t )·S (t+t )i], (7) gestingthatthechiral-glasstransitionindeedoccursata s N i 0 i 0 i finitetemperature. Sinceg fordifferentLdonotcross X CG 1 hereatgCG >0,however,itisnotnecessarilyeasytoun- Cχ(t)= [hχiµ(t0)χiµ(t+t0)i], (8) 3N ambiguously locate the chiral-glass transition point, or i,µ X 2 whereMCsimulationisperformedaccordingtothestan- The behavior of the chiral-glass order parameter, or dard heat-bath updating here. The starting spin con- theassociatedchiral-glasssusceptibilityχ =3N[hq2i], CG χ figuration at t = t is taken from the equilibrium spin turns out to be consistent with this. In the inset of 0 configuration generated in our exchange MC runs. Fig. 3, we show the reduced chiral-glass susceptibility χ˜ ≡ χ /χ¯4, normalized by the amplitude of the lo- Monte Carlo time dependence of the calculated C (t) CG CG s calchiralityχ¯2 ≡(1/3N) [hχ2 i],versusthereduced and Cχ(t) are shown in Fig. 2 on log-log plots at several i,µ iµ temperatures for L=16. We found no significant differ- temperaturet≡|(T−TCG)/TCG |onalog-logplot. From P enceinthedataofL=12and16,andthefinite-sizeeffect the asymptotic slope of the data, the susceptibility ex- is negligible in our time window. As can be seen from ponent is estimated to be γCG = 1.5±00..13. Note that the Fig. 2(a), C (t) shows a downward curvature at all tem- estimated susceptibility exponent is significantly smaller s perature studied, suggesting an exponential-like decay thanthatofthestandard3DIsingEAmodel,γ ≃4[1d]. characteristic of the disordered phase, consistently with If we combine the present estimate of γCG with the the absence of the standard spin-glass order. In sharp estimate of βCG from the off-equilibrium simulation of contrast to this, C (t) shows either a downward curva- Ref. [5] and use the scaling relations,various chiral-glass χ ture characteristicofthe disorderedphase,oranupward exponents can be estimated to be α ≃ −1.7, βCG ≃ 1.1, curvature characteristicof the long-rangeorderedphase, γCG ≃ 1.5, νCG ≃ 1.2 and ηCG ≃ 0.8. The dy- dependingonwhetherthetemperatureishigherorlower namical exponent is estimated to be zCG ≃ 4.7 by us- thanT/J ≃0.16,while justatT/J ≃0.16the linearbe- ing the estimated value of λ and the scaling relation haviorcorrespondingtothepower-lawdecayisobserved: λ = βCG/zCGνCG. While the dynamical exponent zCG See Fig. 2(b). Hence, our dynamical data indicates that comes rather close to the z of the 3D EA model, the the chiral-glassorderwithoutthe standardspin-glassor- obtained static exponents differ significantly from those der takes place at T /J = 0.160±0.005, below which of the 3D Ising EA model β ≃ 0.55, γ ≃ 4.0, ν ≃ 1.7 CG a finite chiral EA order parameter qEA > 0 develops. and η ≃ −0.35 [1d], suggesting that the universality CG From the slope of the data at T = T , the exponent class of the chiral-glass transition of the 3D Heisenberg CG λ characterizing the power-law decay of C (t) ≈ t−λ is spinglassdiffers fromthatof the standard3DIsing spin χ estimatedto beλ=0.193±0.005. TheestimatedT is glass. Possible long-range and/or many-body nature of CG ingoodagreementwiththe previousestimateofRef.[5], the chirality-chirality interaction might be the cause of T /J =0.157±0.01. this deviation. CG 0.35 0.3 0.3 10 T/J= 0.100 0.25 G ) 0.2 0.109 ~χC (Cts 00..112311 0.2 slope ~ 1.50 0.139 G 0.151 0.15 0.1 0.160 L=16 1 0.173 L=12 0.1 t 1 0.187 (a) spin 0.1 L=10 0.202 L=8 0.1 0.05 0 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 T/J 0.100 FIG.3. TemperatureandsizedependenceoftheGparam- ()Ctχ 0.01 00..110291 eter of the chirality defined by Eq. (9). The inset represents 0.131 a log-log plot of the reduced chiral-glass susceptibility versus 0.139 thereduced temperature t≡|(T −TCG)/TCG |. 0.151 0.160 0.173 (b) chirality Furtherevidenceofaphasetransitionisobtainedfrom 0.187 the behavior of the G parameter of the chirality defined 0.202 0.001 by 1 10 100 1000 t [MCS] [hq2i2]−[hq2i]2 FIG.2. Log-log plots of thetime dependenceof theequi- G(L)= χ χ . (9) librium spin (a) and chirality (b) autocorrelation functions [hqχ4i]−[hqχ2i]2 at several temperatures. The lattice size is L = 16 averaged over 64 samples. In (b), the best straight-line fit is obtained While this quantity was originally introduced to repre- at T/J =0.16, represented by thebroken line. sent the non-self-averaging character of the system [11], 3 Bokil et al argued that it was not necessarily so [12]. We note that, if P(q ) has a nontrivial structure as sug- χ Still, a crossing of G(L) for different L, if it occurs, can gested from Fig. 4, the denominator of Eq. (9) should beusedtoidentifythetransition[12]. AsshowninFig.3, remainnonzeroat0<T <T . Then,ourdataofG(L) CG for T > T G(L) decreases with increasing L tending in Fig. 3 indicates that the chiral-glass state is non-self- CG to zero, while for T < T it tends to increase with L, averaging. CG thus lending further support to the existence of a phase In summary, spin-glass and chiral-glass orderings of transition at T =TCG. the 3D Heisenberg SG are studied by Monte Carlo sim- ulations. Our observation both on statics and dynamics strongly suggests the existence of a stable chiral-glass 0.045 L=16 phase at finite temperatures without the conventional 0.04 L=12 L=10 spin-glass order. This fact strengthens the plausibility 0.035 T/J=0.10 L=8 of the chirality mechanism for experimentally observed L=6 0.03 spin-glass transitions. The nature of the chiral-glass or- dered state as well as of the critical phenomena are dif- )qχ 0.025 ferentfromthoseofthe3DIsingSG,withstrongsimilar- (P 0.02 ities to the system showing the one-step-like RSB, while 0.015 its exact nature and physical originhave remained to be understood. 0.01 The numerical calculation was performed on the Fu- 0.005 jitsuVPP500atthesupercomputercenter,ISSP,Univer- 0 sityofTokyo,ontheHITACHISR-2201atthesupercom- -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 puter center, University of Tokyo, and on the CP-PACS q χ computeratthe CenterforComputationalPhysics,Uni- FIG. 4. Chiral-overlap distribution function below TCG. versity of Tsukuba. The temperature is T/J =0.1. In Fig. 4, we display the distribution function of the chiral-overlap defined by P(q′) = [hδ(q −q′)i] calcu- χ χ χ lated at a temperature T/J =0.1, well below the chiral- glasstransitiontemperature. Theshapeofthecalculated P(qχ)issomewhatdifferentfromtheoneobservedinthe [1] Forreviews on spin glasses, see e. g., (a) K.Binderand standard Ising-like models such as the 3D EA model or A. P. Young, Rev. Mod. Phys. 58 (1986) 801; (b) K. H. the mean-field SK model. As usual, P(qχ) has standard FischerandJ.A.Hertz,SpinGlassesCambridgeUniver- “side-peaks”correspondingtotheEdwards-Andersonor- sity Press (1991); (c) J.A.Mydosh,Spin Glasses Taylor der parameter ±qEA, which grow and sharpen with in- &Francis(1993);(d)A.P.Young(ed.),Spinglasses and CG creasing L. The extracted value of ±qEA coincides with random fields World Scientific,Singapore (1997). CG that evaluated from the relaxation of C (t). In addi- [2] J.A.Olive,A.P.YoungandD.Sherrington,Phys.Rev. χ tion to the side peaks, an unexpected “central peak” B34, 6341 (1986). at q = 0 shows up for larger L, which also grows and [3] H. Kawamura, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68 (1992) 3785.; Int. χ sharpens with increasing L. This latter aspect, i.e., the Jour. Mod. Phys. 7, 345 (1996). existence of a central peak, is a peculiar feature of the [4] H. Kawamura, J. Phys.Soc. Jpn. 64, 26 (1995). chiral-glass ordered state never observed in the EA or [5] H. Kawamura, Phys.Rev.Lett. 80, 5421 (1998). SK models. Since wedo notfind anysignofafirst-order [6] F. Matsubara, T. Iyota, and S. Inawashiro, Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 1458 (1991). transition such as a discontinuity in the energy, the spe- cific heat nor the order parameter qEA, this feature is [7] K. Hukushima and K. Nemoto, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 65, CG 1604 (1996). likely to be relatedto a nontrivialstructure in the phase [8] H. Kawamura and M. Tanemura, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 60 space associated with the chirality. We note that this (1991) 608. peculiar feature is reminiscent of the behavior charac- [9] H. Kawamura, Phys.Rev. B 51 (1995)12398. teristic of some mean-field models showing the so-called [10] J. Maucourt and D. R. Grempel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 one-step RSB[1b]. Indeed, the existence of a negative (1998) 770. dip in the Binder ratio g and the absence of a cross- CG [11] E. Marinari, C. Naitza, G. Parisi, M. Picco, F. Ritort ing of gCG at gCG > 0 are consistent with the occur- and F. Zuliani, Phys. Rev.Lett. 81, 1698 (1998). rence of such one-step-like RSB [13]. Our data of P(q ) χ [12] H. Bokil, A.J. Bray, B. Drossel and M.A. Moore, cond- are also not incompatible with the existence of a con- mat/9811080. tinuous plateau between [−qCEGA,qCEGA] in addition to the [13] Wehavecheckedbynumericalsimulationsthatthesefea- delta-function peaks. According to the chirality mech- tures are indeed seen in the three-state mean-field Potts anism, such novel one-step-like RSB should be realized glass, amodelexactlyknowntoexhibitaone-stepRSB; in the spin ordering of real Heisenberg-like spin glasses. K. Hukushimaand H. Kawamura, unpublished. 4

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