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Chhattisgarh Gazette, 2017-01-31, EO Gazette 32, Notice 2/F-06-01001226/2017/वित्‍त/वि.आ.प्र. PDF

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Preview Chhattisgarh Gazette, 2017-01-31, EO Gazette 32, Notice 2/F-06-01001226/2017/वित्‍त/वि.आ.प्र.

'ffiq +€ ft w<rfa er* ge** rifu{m.cis irrE Urrdlq(friI gl$Eq.c)+ icur '!uds,c/gri/ oe f 2ot3 - 20 t s." fu orgnd rqi6 S.z-zz-ffiqrE qwe / rs fu. e. fr-66, P.1ut 30-05-2001." ffi{|\rtrtEt sttllr{t(ul q Hrfufirr rt,rf{d uqi6 rz 1 ttqg(, t'rrfrcri, fr<io :r wr+ff 2017- uTEI u, {rtfi 1938 fom fttrrr +tililq, q-{ri-fi qEFT, rr-ql {-qgt rqr{rq5, k{i6 31wr+ft zorz sqis2/F-06-oroonzalzorzift-a/ft.w.q.- t{rrd*riBtrq+qg+E243-HEnrq-qdsrffilhlffiIfaregn caEsfrrrprffsrfuq-u-{rrcis 02lqa s-s tqrE)/zorolfua7ft. w.u., frri+ zouqc0, zoro*wgvturfrsderrq}{rqqrd, 1'r{am, rrq frm eildil + ;Fr**.rd fr fr qis r t - t - z o t z t 3 I - I - 2 0 I 8 itis 1k o,,ie t s*eqq * ttwqrd * tre fr aw ontvngvn, e. *. fd€, sq-qfuq. aqrtrlgr, frqio rr v++ft zorz qrd*{ifturttq-g+Eras*Ew(l)ftwgwuic€fttrFlff sqifi2/F-06-oroorzzalzorz/fooa/fr.en.u.- srfr{d-{r arqisz/F-oo- otootzzslzotz/ft-a/ft. Qm.s.,Gqis 3t-r-zorzaneiffi€E6nq{rqqrd*srRr*.RtvqfltrvmrRn ftqrvrdrt. efu rc * rrwqm * ilc Qaen eilaqngm, c. fr. fd€, sq-Hfuq. 63 64 ffiqqEqqq{, EFim:rqq{zorz Naya Raipur, the 3lst January 2017 NOTIFICAIION .- No. ,yF-06-0100-i22612017/Fir-/FCe In exerciseofthepowers oonfe,rred by Artiele24S-I afiho Oon6titutlon oflndia and in pursuance oftlris departnent Notification No. O2l/L8-9 (Pan) 2016iFin./FCC-, dated 20th Jaruary,2016 the Govemor ofChhattisgar[ hereby, extends the tonure of'the St tte Finance Cinffnissim ft6m thedate of31- l-2017 to.fI-1-2018. By order and in the nane afthe, GavemQr ofchhixfttsgarh, A. K. SINGH, Dtpury'Secretary-

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