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Chemotherapeutic Agents / Antibiotics, chapter 38-43 •Antibacterial compounds PDF

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Preview Chemotherapeutic Agents / Antibiotics, chapter 38-43 •Antibacterial compounds

Chemotherapeutic Agents / Antibiotics, chapter 38-43 •Antibacterial compounds (procaryotes)-Antimycobacterials chapt. 41 •Antiparasitic agents (eucarytotes) •Antifungal compounds (eucarytotes) •Antiviral compounds •Anticancer compounds G - Mycobacteria G + Pathogenic mycobacteria: M. tuberculosis (tuberculosis) M. Leprae (Leprosy) M. Avium (Opportunistic infection in AIDS patients) M. bovis (mainly cattle infect, infected milk USA) 30 million people will die from TB the next 10 years 8 million new cases each year TUBERCULOSIS (TB) ca. 1/3 of the world population are infected (incl. dormant infections) High lipid / wax content in cell wall (mycolic acid) ca. 95% of the cases in developing countries Slow growing organisms Aerobe bacteria no new drugs on the marked for the last 25 - 30 years Resistant to chemicals and drying Easily killed by heat Until ca. 1950; 50 % of all infected died Infection by inhalation of the bacteria Pulmonary TB most common May also attack other organs including CNS WHO (1993): TB a "global emergency" First effective drug: Streptomycin 1946 H N NH 2 O HN OH HO NH HO HO OH NH O H2N HO NHMe Inhibits protein synthesis HO Toxic! Treatment •Long time ≥6 mnds •Combination of drugs Different stages of bacterial growth DOT: Directly observed therapy First-line drugs Isoniazide Isoniazid N Antituberculosis drug O Isoniazid® HN NH 2 O NHNH 2 Mn2+ /O N N Active acyl radical O formed in vivo N H H O H O O NH NH 2 2 N N NADH co-enzyme Inactive der. of co-enz in enzyme involved in cell wall component synth Long Chain ACP-Enoyl Fatty Acid Reductase (inhA) APC: Acyl carrier protein) O O ACP ACP OH ((CH ) CH 223 3 CH3(CH2)1'7 14 17 CO2H Mycolic acid R R α-mycolates O OH((CH ) CH H H O O 223 3 CH3(CH2)17 15 17 CO2H NH2 1,4 hydride add. NH2 N N ketomycolates NADH co-enzyme NAD+ H3CO OH((CH2)23CH3 inhA CH3(CH2)17 15 17 CO2H methoxymycolates First-line drugs Ethambutol Pyrazinamide OH O NHNH 2 H O NHNH2 N N H N HO N N Isoniazide Mechanism not fully known Synth of cell wall comp.: Mechanism not known Inhib. arabinocyl transferase? Arabinose, Arabinomannan and Lipoarabinomannan Rifampicin Rimactan® Broad spectrum antibiotic From Streptomyces sp HO MeCO2 OH OH O Rifampicin Inhib bacterial RNA polymerase OH OH MeO NH Inhib. RNA-synth. (π−π intract. naphtalene rings aromatic AA?) N O Induce CYP2C; increased metabol. of certain anti AIDS drugs O OH N O Second-line drugs Cycloserine Ethionamide p-Aminosalicylic acid Isolated Spreptomyces sp S NH CO H H N O 2 2 2 OH NH O N NH 2 Inhib. alanine racemase Mech. ≈ Isoniazide and alanine ligase; PABA antimetabolite Inhib. peptidoglycan synth ) Folic acid synth (≈antibact. sulfa O NHNH 2 N Isoniazide Kanamycin (aminoglycoside antibiotics) NH O 2 R HO O NH 2 HO HO HO NH 2 O O H N 2 OH R=OH: Kanamycin A R=NH : Kanamycin B 2 Others Oxazolidinones Quinolones R O O F CO H 2 O O N N R N NH R R F O Treatment of MAC infections Clarithromycin (Macrolide) O N O HO Other macrolides HO MeO O HO Ethambutol O O O Quinolones O O OH Rifabutin (Rifamycin) Chemotherapeutic Agents / Antibiotics, chapter 38-43 •Antibacterial compounds (procaryotes) •Antiparasitic agents (eucarytotes) - Chapt 39 •Antifungal compounds (eucarytotes) •Antiviral compounds •Anticancer compounds Protozoa Helmints Insects (Scabies lice etc.) (Fungi chapt. 40) Protozoa Eucaryotes, unicellular (may exist in colonies) Protozoa and algae (protocista) Complex replication (sexual and asexual) Patogenic P. most common tropical area 3. world diseases Many diseases can be prevented by clean drinking water Certain protozal diseases spread by insects Ex. patogenic protozoa  Trichomonas vaginalis: Gelital infections  Giardia lamblia: Diarea  Toxoplasma gondii: Toksoplasmosis  Trypanozomas sp: Sleeping sickness  Entamoeba histolytica: Dysentery  Plasmodium sp: Malaria  Pneumocystis carinii: Oportunistic, AIDS Treatment of diseases caused by amebia, giardia, trichomonas Related comp. Metronidazol treatment of Flagyl®, Metronidazol® African sleeping sickness N Also effective against anaerobic bacteria O N CH N 2 N 3 Probably pro-drug -reductive activation O2N O N SO 2 (mech. not fully understood) OH N Anaerobe org. N e- O2N N CH3 O2N N CH3 N Metabol N OH N O2N N CH3 O2N N O2N N OH OH O OH OH OH OH Active metabol. O O O 2 Phase II HO-OH Formation of toxic conjugation O reactive oxygen species OH H2N 2 HO O NH O CH3 OH

Eucaryotes, unicellular (may exist in colonies). Protozoa and algae (protocista). Complex replication (sexual and asexual). Patogenic P. most common
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