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Preview Chemical Signal-to-Noise Detection by Spiny Lobsters

Reference: Bio/. Bull. 181:419-426. (December, 1991) Chemical Signal-to-Noise Detection by Spiny Lobsters RICHARD K. ZIMMER-FAUST* Marine EnvironmentalSciences Consortium andDepartment ofBiology, University ofAlabama. P.O. Box 369-370, Dauphin Island, Alabama 36528 Abstract. The smallest difference in concentration de- diate predator-prey interactions (Peckarsky, 1980; Croll, tected between a chemical stimulus and background is 1983; Zimmer-Faust, 1989; Sih and Moore, 1990), com- called the threshold of"just noticeable difference" (jnd). petition(Caldwell, 1982; Sammarco<//.. 1983;LaBarre Measurements ofjnd thresholds have been made exten- et a!.. 1986), courtship and mating (Gleeson et a/.. 1984; sively in psychophysical research on olfactory and taste Miller, 1989), gregariousness and sociality (Zimmer-Faust perception by terrestrial mammals, but not on chemo- and Spanier, 1987; Jensen, 1989), and habitat selection reception by marine organisms. Marine organismslivein (HadfieldandScheuer, 1985; Raimondi, 1988;Sweatman, apersistently noisychemical environment, because stim- 1988; Morse, 1990). Several properties ofchemical cues, ulatory compounds are often components of the back- including molecular structure, concentration, and distri- ground in seawater. Measurements of jnd thresholds, bution in time and space, contribute to the stimulation therefore, should be especially appropriate in the marine ofa behavioral response. environmentandwerethefocusofthisstudy. Laboratory The ability to detect concentration differences is es- assayswereused in measuringtheability ofspiny lobsters, pecially important, because instantaneous or time-aver- Pamilirusinterruptits. todetect aglycine stimulusagainst aged gradients in chemical concentration may provide a background concentration ofglycine. Glycine wascho- animals with valuable information about their distance sen as stimulant because it is a major component ofdis- and direction from the odor source (Moore and Atema, solved organic matter(DOM) in seawater, isabundant in 1988; Zimmer-Faust el a/., 1988). The source may be prey tissues, and is excitatory to the appetitive feeding food or a mate, and chemical concentration might also phase ofP. intemiptus. Chemical determinations ofgly- provide information about the quantity or quality ofthe cine in seawater were made by reverse-phase, high-per- resource. Becausemanystimulatory moleculesoccurnat- formance liquid chromatography. Thejndthreshold that urally asdissolved organic matterin seawater, marineor- wasestimated inthisstudy forglycinedetectionbylobsters ganisms face the problem of resolving chemical signals was about 2-8% above the background concentration of fromenvironmentalbackground, orchemical "noise." In glycine in seawater. This threshold is slightly lower than particular, free amino acids, nucleotides, sugars, and or- onesdemonstrated forodorant detection by humansand ganicacids function assignalsoffood(see reviewsofCarr, otherterrestrial animals. Consequently, theolfactorysense 1988; Laverack, 1988), but theyalso occurabundantly in oflobsters appears to be well constructed to detect subtle seawater. The effects ofchemical stimulus concentration changes between concentrations of stimulus and back- have been considered in many studies on marine animal ground, a facility that may be important in the ecology behavior(Ache, 1982; Carr, 1988; Zimmer-Faust, 1989), ofthis animal. but in noinvestigation haveresponsethresholdstoapplied stimuli been measured relative to background concentra- Introduction tions. Because manychemoreceptors functionasdetectors Chemical stimuli are important factors controllingthe ofrelative changes in concentration, threshold determi- behavior ofaquatic organisms. Chemical cues often me- nations may be products both of animal sensitivity to tested compounds, and to background chemical levels in *RePcreeisveendt a1d9drFeesbsr:uaDreypa1r9t9m1e;natccoefptBeidol2o6gySaenpdteMmabreirne199S1c.iences Pro- seaTwhateert.hreshold of "just noticeable difference" (jnd) is gram. UniversityofSouthCarolina. Columbia. SouthCarolina 29208. thesmallest differencedetected between theconcentration 419 420 R. K. ZIMMER-FAUST of the stimulus and that of the background. The jnd ments ofwater flow. A secondary flow ( 122 ml/min) was threshold hasbeen used extensively in psychophysical re- carried by polyethylene tubing from a head-tank to a search on olfactory and taste perception by vertebrates, stimulus reservoirbefore itjoined the primary flowat the especially humans(sensit McBurney etal., 1967), but has adaptor. Test stimulant solution was introduced (10 ml/ not been applied to investigations ofchemoreceptive be- 7 s) when a three-way valve that connected the stimulus havior in marine organisms. Yet measurements ofjnd reservoirto the secondary flow system was opened. A fit- thresholds should be especially appropriate to marine or- ting in each adaptor eliminated back-flow, ensuring that ganisms, which live in a persistently noisy chemical en- seawaterand test stimulantswould passfrom the second- vironment. In fact, thresholddeterminationsofjndshould ary to primary flow before entering a chamber. be essential to understanding the environmental con- straintsimposed on chemical detection. Forthese reasons, Choice ofglycine as test stimulus duringthe present study, analytical procedures useful for measuringjndthresholds ofchemical detection by marine Glycine was used as test stimulant because it is excit- organismsweredeveloped. The procedureswerethen ap- atory to the appetitive phase offeeding by P. interruptus plied in estimating the threshold ofjnd for chemical de- (Zimmer-Faust et al., 1984; Zimmer-Faust, 1987). It is tection by the spiny lobster, Panulirus inlerruptus. alsoabundant inthetissuesofinvertebratepreyconsumed by lobsters(e.g.. Bowlus and Somero, 1979; Zurburgand Materials and Methods DeZwaan. 1981; Yancey et al., 1982) and is released by some prey as a metabolite (Zimmer-Faust, unpub. data). Collection andmaintenance of animals Because glycine is one of three most abundant amino Lobsters were captured by SCUBA divers and were aPcriidtschianrdc,oa1st9a7l8;seGaawrartaesri(eCtlaalr..k 1et98a2l.;. M1o97p2p;eDraawnsdonLianndd- brought immediately tothe laboratory wheresmallgroups roth, 1982; Fuhrman and Bell, 1985), it isan ecologically o(1f.i5ndmividdiuaamlestweerreXp0l.a6cemd ihneliagrhgte), ohuavtidnogorecxicrecsuslasrhetlatnekrss dreetleecvtanftrsotmimbualcuksgrmooulnedcunloeisteh.at lobsters must naturally (see Zimmer-Faust and Spanier, 1987). A continuous seawater flow (5 ^m filtered) of 8 1/min maintained the Experimentalprocedures aeration andtemperature (15-16C)ofeach holdingtank. Incominganimalsweretattooed on theirventral thoracic Lobsters were placed in experimental chambers 45 to sternites, permitting individual recognition (Kuris, 1971), 60 min before testing, and they usuallyacclimated within while gender and reproductivmemstatus were noted. Only 30 min. Observations of behavior were initiated 1 min hard-shelled animals, 60-69 carapace length, were before the introduction ofa test or control solution and used in the experiments. All animals were fed adlibitum were continued for 3 min afterwards; the observer was on live mussels(MytiluscalifornianusandM. edulis), sea unawareofthesolution beingtested. Ineachtrial,alobster urchins (Strongylocentrotus piirpitratus), and polychaete waspresented with 10 ml ofeithMer 10 :, 10~-\ 10 \ 10 5, worms (Phragmatopoma californica), but were deprived 10~6, 10~7, 5 X 10~8, or 10~8 glycine added to the offood for 24 h before testing. seawaterasdescribedabove. Eachconcentration ofglycine was tested 20 times, each time on a different animal. In Experimental chambers 40trials, lobsterswere presented onlywith seawater(con- trol). Each test and control solution was prepared fresh Individual lobstersweretestedforresponsestochemical immediately priortoassay. Individual lobsters weretested solutionspresented in rectangularchambers, 30 X 30 X 15 only once in 48 h, for a maximum ofthree times during cm, constructed soastoallowcareful control ofteststim- an 8-day period. Chemical solutions and their order of ulus flow characteristics. Opaque blinds around each presentation were selected with a random-numbers table, chamberpermitted ustoobservethetestanimalswithout except that identical solutions were never repetitively disturbing them. A diffuse red illumination, completely tested on the same animal. confined by theblinds, wasprovided, and the surrounding laboratory was maintained in darkness. Seawater(single- Preparation of chemicalsolutions pass; 5 nm filtered) entered each chamber by a delivery system held under constant hydrostatic pressure. Poly- Special carewastaken in preparingtestsolutions. First, ethylene tubingcarried a primary seawater flow (936 ml/ stocks were made by dissolving glycine in artificial sea- min) from a head-tank to an adaptor positioned above waterprepared with HPLC-grade DI waterand analytical each chamber; from the adaptor, the seawater was deliv- gradesaltsaccordingtothe Marine Biological Laboratory ered tothecenterofthechamber, 0.5 cm belowthewater formula (Cavanaugh, 1975). The concentrations of the surface. A valve in each delivery line enabled fine adjust- stock solutions were 100-times higher than those ofthe CHEMICAL SIGNAL-TO-NOISE DETECTION 421 test solutions. Stocks were divided in 1 ml aliquots and brane filters were washed with 10% HC1 (Baker Altrex frozen at -20C until used. Test solutionswere made by grade), rinsedwith HPLC-grade DI water, and then rinsed adding 100 ^1 ofan appropriate stock to 9.9 ml seawater; again with sample seawater before use. Chemical deter- control solutionswere madeby adding 100 n\ ofartificial minations were made by reverse-phase HPLC. seawater to 9.9 ml seawater. In fact, each solution was Chemical analytical procedures followed those de- made with seawater drawn from the same experimental scribedpreviously byJones et al. (1981) and Manahan el chamber that was to be used in the assay. Test concen- al. (1983). Samples were reacted with ortho-phthaldi- trations, measured by high-performance liquid chroma- aldehyde (OPA) in the presence of mercaptans to form tography (HPLC) (n = 14 trials), were very accurate and fluorescent products. Sub-samples(100^DofOPA-deriv- deviated only 2-13% from values estimated volumetri- atives were withdrawn and separated on an Altex ultra- cally. Glycine concentrations that were maintained in sphere ODS column (150 X 4.6 mm; particle size = 5 chamber seawater did not measurably change duringthe /um; length 15 cm). A gradient was created between two 3-5 min required to prepare a solution (see Results). sodium acetate/methanol buffers (solvent A; 400 ml so- Consequently, the glycine added with each test solution dium acetate, 95 ml methanol; solvent B: 100 ml sodium wasan accurate representation ofthe stimulus introduced acetate, 400 ml methanol) (see Jones et al.. 1981), held above seawater background. at pH 6.8 to improve separation of phenylalanine and ammonium. Theeluant bufferswere controlled by aGil- Behavioral assays son (Model 42) gradient analytical system with dual pumps(Model 302) interfaced with a PC-based program- Antennule flicking, antennulewiping, legprobing, and ming module (Gilson Model 704). Peaks in the eluant mouthpart labiating were all used as behavioral assays. stream were monitored with a Gilson (Model 121) fluo- Both electrophysiological and behavioral investigations rometerand identified by elution time, relativeto known have shown that flicking is associated with the detection standards. Reagents and solvents all were HPLC grade, ofchemical stimuli (Snow, 1973; PearsonandOlla, 1977; degassed prior to use. Price and Ache, 1977; Pearson el al, 1979; Schmitt and Ache, 1979; Rebach ct al. 1990). Antennule wiping against the mouthparts is believed to function either in Determination ofthe ratiometric dilution associated cleaningorresetting those antennule chemoreceptors that with introduction ofa test stimulus solution are important to feeding (Snow, 1973; Fuzessery and The dilution associated with stimulus delivery was de- Childress, 1975). While leg probing is used in contacting termined for a fluorescent dye (sodium fluorescein) in- foodand passingittothemouth(DerbyandAtema, 1982; troduced in place ofthe test or control solutions (n = 24 Zimmer-Faust and Case, 1982), mouthpart labiating in trials). Fluorescence was monitored with a fast, multi- preparation foreatingiscarried out with the endopodites channel fluorometer sampling continuously at 10 ms in- on the third maxillipeds. The following responses arede- tervalsover 3-min trials(Zimmer-Faust etal.. 1988). The fined: (1) "glycine detection" is an increase in the rate of fluorometerwasequipped with an optical fiberprobe(500 flicking, over 15 sorlonger, within the 3-min test period; yum diameter)placedabout 1 cm belowthepointatwhich whereas (2) "glycine-mediated appetitive feeding" is the the stimulus entered the test chambers. Optical fibers, as cmoo-uotchcpuarrrtenlcaebiatoifng,flaillckwiingt,hinwitphien3g-,milnegtestprpoebriinogd.,Thaunds loitghhetrcfolluloercotminegtrdiecvaicneds,spheacvteroaphdoitsotimnecttriacdvmaentthaogdes;oiv.ee.r, combined, the four acts constitute the initial phases of because flowcellsand pumpingareeliminated, waterflow feeding (Zimmer-Faust el al, 1984), and they differ isnotdisrupted. Theplacementoftheprobeensuredthat markedly from the incipient phases of other behaviors, the dye and seawater would be sampled as they entered suchassocializingandpredatoravoidance(Zimmer-Faust the chambers and before contacting either the olfactory et al. 1985; Zimmer-Faust and Spanier, 1987). (antennules) or taste (mouthparts, leg tips) organs ofP. interruptus. Because the dilution of the fluorescein dye Chemicaldeterminations was estimated from values determined for peak fluores- Concentrations ofglycine, ammonium, and 13 other cence, subsequent calculations ofstimulus concentrations free-amino acids in the seawater sampled from test so- were conservative and probably over-estimated slightly lutions and experimental chambers were determined. those concentrations actually contacting the sensory ap- Each aliquot (1 ml) was collected with a polypropylene pendages. syringe and teflon tubing immediately prior to an exper- The dilution offluorescein dye measured in each trial, imental test. Samples were filtered gently (<10 psig) to then averaged overall trials, was0.056 (0.1 1 SD) times 0.22 p.m, then placed in cryogenic vials, put on liquid the initial concentration introduced. This value is only nitrogen, and stored at -76C. All labwares and mem- slightlylowerthan 0.074,which isthedilution, calculated 422 R. K. ZIMMER-FAUST volumetrically, from the point ofstimulus(anddye) input TableI to the point ofentry into the experimental chamber, as- Concentrations(nM) ofdissolvedglycine. ammonium, and13other suming uniform mixing during transport and delivery. freeaminoacidsintheseawaterofexperimentalchambers, Consequently, volumetric measurements, which are more immediatelybeforestimulusintroduction easilyobtained, alsoaccuratelyestimate stimulusdilution. Compound Concentration Results alanine Chemicaldeterminations The glycine concentrations in the seawater ofexperi- mental chamberswere sampled priorto40selected trials. Each ofthese trials was chosen at random from among all ofthose performed, except that determinations were distributed equally among days. The sources and mag- nitudes ofwithin-day variation in glycine are difficult to assess. Duplicateseawatersampleswereoccasionallytaken atthe sametime from single chambers. Theaverage range ofglycine concentrations determined from the duplicate analysesisthe mean 1 1%. While this range seemsrather large, it is typical of those found by other investigators that have previously measured free amino acids in sea- water (e.g., Fuhrman and Bell, 1985). Sixty-five percent ofthe variance in glycine concentration is explained by differences occurring between days. The between-day variation does not differ significantly from the variation measured within each day (One-way ANOVA: d.f. = 7/ 32, F = 1.93, P > 0.10); thus the datajustifiably can be pooled. Meansand variancesaregiven in Table I forcon- centrations of glycine, ammonium, and 13 other free amino acids in the seawater ofexperimental chambers. Glycine also was measured for seawater drawn each day from apairofexperimental chambersrandomlycho- sen, one tank holding a lobster and the other not. Mean concentrationsintheseawaterofpairedtankswere found to be nearly equal before, and again 60 min after placing lobsters (Table II). These data suggest that the glycine concentrations in seawaterwere stable over intervalsthat were longerthan the duration ofthe behavioral bioassay. Nevertheless, small, instantaneous fluctuationsinglycine mightwell haveoccurredduringtrial intervals. Theeffect would have been to limit the detection of the glycine stimulus by the lobsters and to increase the threshold of jnd proportional to the magnitudes of the fluctuations (see arguments ofCain, 1977a). Because a very lowjnd threshold wasdetermined (see next section), it is unlikely that glycine fluctuated much, ifat all, during the trials. Ammonium in theseawaterofexperimental chambers increased significantly when lobsterswerebeing held (Ta- ble II, and Student's Mest: / = 3.96, d.f. = 14, P < 0.01). Similarly, concentrations of alanine, aspartic acid, glu- tamic acid, histidine, and lysine all increased, but to a lesser extent. Sixty minutes after lobsters were placed in the seawater, the mean total concentration offree amino acids was 556 (131 nMSD), as compared to497 (1 10 CHEMICAL SIGNAL-TO-NOISE DETECTION 423 Table II Concentrations(tM) ofdissolvedglvcine. ammonium, anil 13otherfreeaminoacidsintheseawaterofexperimentalchambers with lobsterspresentorabsent Lobsterspresent Lobstersabsent Compound Time = Time = 60 Time = Time = 60 alanine 424 R. K. ZIMMER-FAUST ofpeak fluorescence recorded in trials in which dye was delivery ofstimulus solutions to the experimental cham- released. Consequently, dilution associatedwithstimulus bers, ofthe glycine concentrations in the stimulus solu- deliverywastheminimumobserved. Second,thethreshold tions, and ofthe glycine concentrations in the seawater ofjnd is little affected by the method of estimating ra- of the experimental chambers. The threshold determi- tiometric dilution, whether fluorometric or volumetric. nation was found to be very robust, changing little as a Substituting a value calculated volumetrically, 0.074, consequenceofvariation in stimulusdilutionandglycine producesathreshold of/w/thatis2.4%abovebackground. levels. Third, valuescalculated for H}are very robust. It follows The threshold ofjndreported here for lobsters (2-8%) from equation 2 that H'f increases as .v increases, as Cc is slightly lower than those (4-33%) found for olfactory decreases, and as .Y increases, while Cc decreases. Substi- and gustatory detection by terrestrial animals, including tuting a value of .v two standard deviations above the humans (McBurney et al.. 1967; Shumake el ai, 1969; mean, while also substituting a value ofCc two standard Pfaffman et ai. 1971; Cain, 1977a, b; Slotnick and Ptak, deviations below the mean, yields a threshold ofjndthat 1977). Direct chemical measurements ofapplied stimulus is 8.0% above background. Finally, the duration of in- and background were made in only one ofthese studies creased antennule flicking was shortened in response to (Cain, 1977a), and backgroundconcentrations fluctuated the lowest stimulus concentrations tested. For examMple, significantly. Becausetheappliedstimuluswasnotalways lobsters responded to glycine applied at 5 X 10~8 by maintained above the mean background concentration, increasingflickingoveronlya20-30sinterval, beginning signal detection theory was used in estimating the likeli- about 10 s after the initial introduction ofthe stimulus hood of a given difference between stimulus and back- solution. The onset ofdetection coincided withthe timing ground (Green and Swets, 1974; Egan, 1975). Signal de- ofpeak fluorescence as measured in trials in which dye tection theory was not required in this study of lobsters was released. Therefore, the detection ofglycine at low because the applied stimulus was assumed always to be concentrations ofthisstimulusappears tobe restricted to above background. The application of signal detection the period during which the level ofintroduced stimulus theory neither increases nor decreases estimates ofjnd peaks. thresholds, but explains how variation in background Interestingly, 38% ofall lobsters tested increased their stimuli influences threshold estimates. antennular flicking in response to seawater(control); i.e., An emerging theme in chemoreception research con- in the absence ofan applied glycine stimulus (Table III). cernsmechanismsbywhichanimalsdistinguishastimulus Possibly, thelobstersweredetectingsubstancesintroduced from thebackground noise. Carr(1988) hashypothesized as contaminants during solution preparation, or issuing that compounds containing novel structural moieties from other unspecified sources. Alternatively, antennule provide the best chemical cues to marine animals. This flickingmay havebeen triggeredbysmall changesin water hypothesis isappealingbecause it isadvantageous foran- flow,orbyairbubblesproducedwhenavalvewasopened imalsto detect signalsthat maximize thecontrast between and closed during the introduction ofsolutions. To dis- stimulus and background. Alternatively, substances oc- DOM tinguish these possibilities, 20 trials were performed in curring as also serve as feeding cues to marine an- which the valve was opened and then closed without imals(Laverack, 1988). In such instances, thecompounds stimulus or seawater being introduced. Six ofthe 20 lob- providing the best cues may be those maintained at the sterstested responded with an increased rateofantennular lowest levels in seawater. Because glycine is abundant in flicking. The proportion responding(30%) is nearly iden- seawater, yet is an effective stimulus detected by P. inter- tical to that when the seawater (control) was applied. ruptusat concentrations only slightly above background, Consequently, increased flicking in response to the sea- the results reported here suggest another alternative. It water (control) is probably caused by the valve being may be beneficial for animals to maximize differential opened and closed, not by the lobsters detecting some sensitivityforsignal moleculesthatotherwiselack unique unidentified, stimulatory compound. structural moieties, but are strongly correlated with a valuable or limiting resource. Glycine, for example, is Discussion consistentlyoneofthreeorfourmostabundantfreeamino acids in marine invertebrate flesh (Carr, 1988), occurring To my knowledge, this is the first measurement ever at 30-200 mAf. Glycine, therefore, clearly signals the ofa threshold of"just noticeable difference" for chemo- presence ofpotential prey, because marine invertebrates reception in an aquaticanimal. Thethreshold concentra- are the principal food resource exploited by lobsters tion for glycine stimulus detection by the spiny lobster, (Lindberg, 1955). Panulirm intermptns, is about 2-8% higher than the gly- The mechanism by which lobsters detect small differ- cine background in seawater. Repeated measurements ences between glycine stimulus and background is un- were made ofthe ratiometric dilution associated with the known, although sensory adaptation may be involved. CHEMICAL SIGNAL-TO-NOISE DETECTION 425 Adaptation isachangeinsensitivitytoanappliedstimulus cial thanks go to Dr. M. J. Weissburg and Dr. W. E. S. resulting from continuous priorexposureto abackground Carr, whose constructive criticisms were essential in de- stimulus. Stimulusbackgrounds maintained for2-3 min, veloping the manuscript. This project was sponsored by or longer, are enough to influence the physiological re- grants from the National Science Foundation (Rll- sponse thresholds ofchemoreceptors on the antennules 8956672), Atlantic Richfield Corporation, and the of the Florida spiny lobster, Panulirus argus (Trapido- Whitehall Foundation. Rosenthal et al. 1990). and on the walking legs of the American lobster, Homarus americanus (Borroni and Literature Cited Atema, 1988). In both cases, the effect is to mediate a parallel shift in dose-response functionscorrespondingto Ache. B. VV. 1982. Chemoreception and thermoreception. Pp. 369- changesintheconcentration oftheadaptingbackground. 398 in The Biology ofCrustacea, Vol. 3. H. L. Atwood and D. C. Insight may be gained by considering conclusions drawn BorrSoanni,dePm.aFn.,.aendds.J.AAclaedmeam.ic19P8r8e.ss,ANdeawptaYtoirokn.inchemoreceptorcells: from investigations on vision and hearing. 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