Chasing genes in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease Aida María Bertolí Avella Cover: detail from painting by Sir Samuel LukeFildes, “The Doctor” ©Tate, London 2004 ©Aida María Bertolí Avella,2004 No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without permission of the author. Copyright of the published papers remains with the publishers. ISBN: 90-77595-34-1 The work presented in this thesis was performed at the Department of Clinical Genetics and the Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Further fi nancial support was provided by the Foundation Clinical Genetics, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The publication of this thesis was sponsored by the Alzheimer Nederland, Internationale Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek, Parkinson Patienten Vereniging, Roche Nederland BV and Eastman Chemical BV. Layout and illustrations: Tom de Vries Lentsch Photography: Ruud Koppenol, Tom de Vries Lentsch Printed by: Optima Grafi sche Communicatie, Rotterdam Chasing genes in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease Zoektocht naar genen betrokken bij de ziekte van Alzheimer en de ziekte van Parkinson Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam op gezag van de Rector Magnifi cus Prof.dr. S.W.J. Lamberts en volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties De openbare verdediging zal plaatsvinden op woensdag 9 juni 2004 om 11.45 uur door Aida María Bertolí Avella geboren te Holguin, Cuba Promotiecommissie Promotoren: Prof.dr. B.A. Oostra Prof.dr. C.M. van Duijn Prof.dr. P. Heutink Overige leden: Prof.dr. C. Wijmenga Dr. J.C. van Swieten Dr. E.J. Meijers-Heijboer Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 13 Alzheimer’s disease 14 Parkinson’s disease 24 Part 1 Chapter 2 A novel Presenilin1 mutation (L174M) in a large Cuban family with 51 early-onset Alzheimer’s disease Chapter 3 Attitudes and knowledge about presymptomatic genetic testing 65 among individuals at high risk for familial, early-onset Alzheimer’s disease Part 2 Chapter 4 Suggestive linkage to chromosome 19 in a large Cuban family with 71 late-onset Parkinson’s disease Chapter 5 Mapping genes involved in Parkinson’s disease susceptibility in a 87 genetically isolated population Chapter 6 Novel parkin mutations detected in a large, multiethnic series of cases 101 with early-onset Parkinson’s disease Chapter 7 General discussion 117 Summary 131 Samenvatting 133 Resumen 137 Acknowledgments 139 About the author 143 List of publications 147 Publications and manuscripts based on the studies described in this thesis Chapter 1. Introduction Chasing genes in Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. A.M. Bertoli Avella, B. Oostra, P. Heutink. Human Genetics, 114(5):413-438, 2004. Chapter 2. A novel Presenilin1 mutation (L174M) in a large Cuban family with early-onset Alzheimer disease. A.M. Bertoli Avella, B. Marcheco Teruel, J.J. Llibre Rodriguez, N. Gomez Viera, I. Borrajero Martinez, E.A. Severijnen, M. Joosse, C.M.van Duijn, L. Heredero Baute, P. Heutink. Neurogenetics 4:97-104, 2002. Chapter 3. Attitudes and knowledge about presymptomatic genetic testing among individuals at high risk for familial, early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. B. Marcheco, A.M Bertoli, I. Rojas, and L. Heredero. Genetic Testing: 7(1):45-47, 2003. Chapter 4. Suggestive linkage to chromosome 19 in a large Cuban family with late-onset Parkinson’s disease. A.M. Bertoli Avella, J.L. Giroud-Benitez, V. Bonifati, E. Alvarez Gonzalez, L. Heredero Baute, C.M. van Duijn, P. Heutink. Movement Disorders 18:1240-1249, 2003. Chapter 5. Mapping genes involved in Parkinson’s disease susceptibility in a genetically isolated population. Chapter 6. Novel parkin mutations detected in a large, multiethnic series of cases with early-onset Parkinson’s disease. A.M. Bertoli Avella, J.L. Giroud Benitez, H. Ulucan, E. Barbosa,O. Schaap, H.C. van der Linde, E. Martignoni, L. Lopiano, P. Lamberti, E. Fincati, A. Antonini, F. Stocchi, P. Montagna, F. Squitieri, P. Marini, G. Abbruzzese, G. Fabbrini, R. Marconi, A. Dalla Libera, G. Trianni, M. Guidi, De Gaetano, G. Boff Maegawa, N. De Leo, V. Gallai, G. de Rosa, N. Vanacore, G. Meco,C.M. van Duijn, B. A. Oostra, P. Heutink, V. Bonifati, and The Italian Parkinson Genetics Network *. Submitted to Movement Disorders, 2004. Chapter 7. General Discussion