CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of Political Science Department of International Relations International Security Studies Ashleigh Ann Templeton Al Qaeda and the Radicalisation of Algeria, the UK, and Pakistan Master’s Thesis Prague 2016 Author: Ashleigh Ann Templeton, B.A. Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Oldřich Bureš, M.A., Ph.D. Academic Year: 2015/2016 Bibliographic note Templeton, Ashleigh Ann. Al Qaeda and the Radicalisation of Algeria, the UK and Pakistan. 108 p. Mater thesis. Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Political Science, Supervisor doc. Mgr. Oldřich Bureš, M.A., Ph.D Abstrakt Diplomová práce Al Qaeda and the Radicalisation of Algeria, the UK and Pakistan představuje kvalitativní komparativní analýzu procesů radikalizace Al-Káidy v Alžírsku, Velké Británii a Pákistánu počínaje vnímáním pocitů křivdy jednotlivce až po konečné ozbrojení se. Práce vychází z konceptualizace procesů radikalizace teoretiků Moghaddama a Wiktorowitze a jejím cílem je dokázat, že je zapotřebí přesvědčit politické činitele o tom, že "univerzální model pro všechny" nepředstavuje efektivní strategii v úspěšném boji s radikalizací. Dalším cílem je poukázat na důležitost rozvíjení chápání relevantnosti radikalizace v teroristických procesech tak, aby se vlády jednotlivých zemí mohly lépe soustředit na její potlačování a tím i na prevenci terorismu. Výstupem diplomové práce je zjištění, že přestože se zkoumané tři případy podstatně liší, v některých oblastech lze najít shodné rysy. Moghaddamův model schodiště a Wiktorowitzova konceptualizace radikalismu platily v každém scénáři, kde se často objevovaly jednotlivé prominentní stupně radikalizace, nicméně jiné stupně nebyly jasné či relevantní. Práce umožnila širší chápání radikalizace v analyzovaných zemích a poukázala na to, že v boji s radikalizací je zapotřebí v rozdílných zemích přistupovat k rozdílným opatřením. Klíčová slova Radikalizace, radikální, terorismus, Al Káida, Alžírsko, Spojené království, Pákistán, Wiktorowicz, Moghaddam Abstract The master thesis Al Qaeda and the Radicalisation of Algeria, the UK and Pakistan is a qualitative comparative analysis of the process of radicalisation to Al Qaeda, from individual experiencing individual grievances to picking up the gun, in the three countries. This is done through the lens of Wiktorowicz’s and Moghaddam’s conceptualisations of the radicalisation process. The thesis aims to firstly show policy makers that a one-size fits all strategy would not be effective, and to secondly foster understanding of the importance of radicalisation in terrorism processes so that governments can focus more efforts on counter-radicalisation and therefore prevention of terrorism. The thesis found that the three case studies were significantly different from each other, however similar in some areas. Moghaddam’s Staircase and Wiktotowicz’s conceptualisation of radicalisation were found to be somewhat effective in each scenario, where prominent stages frequently emerged, however other stages were unclear or irrelevant. The thesis has allowed for a greater understanding of radicalisation in different countries and has proven that separate measures are required to address radicalisation in each country. Keywords Radicalisation, radical, terrorism, Al Qaeda, Algeria, UK, Pakistan, Wiktorowicz, Moghaddam. Range of thesis: 108 pages, 37 080 words, 237 898 characters. Declaration of Authorship 1. The author hereby declares that he compiled this thesis independently, using only the listed resources and literature. 2. The author hereby declares that all the sources and literature used have been properly cited. 3. The author hereby declares that the thesis has not been used to obtain a different or the same degree. Prague Ashleigh Ann Templeton Acknowledgments The author would like to thank her thesis supervisor doc. Mgr. Oldřich Bureš, M.A., Ph.D for all his advice, time, effort and support that has gone into shaping this thesis. The author would also like to thank her partner Milan Kerek for his constant love and support in all matters throughout the course of this thesis, without which would have rendered the thesis impossible to write. The author would like to give special thanks to her mother Karen Templeton. While Karen was on the other side of the world throughout the duration of this thesis, without her undying love, support, encouragement and belief in the author, the thesis could not have been completed. The author would like to acknowledge her friends Nathan Bui, Krish Sharma, Megan Ramsay, Keith Prushankin, Ilyas Sharibzhanov and Volodymyr Sosnovskykh for their efforts in helping the author de-stress, keep her sane, and always being there when needed. Finally the author would also like to acknowledge Martina Uková for her help in formatting the thesis in accordance with university standards. Contents 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Aim ..................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Structure ............................................................................................................. 3 1.3 Justification of Countries Researched ................................................................ 4 1.4 Methodology ...................................................................................................... 5 1.5 Limitations.......................................................................................................... 6 2 Radicalisation Literature and Methodology .............................................................. 7 2.1 What is Radicalisation? ...................................................................................... 7 2.1.1 Governmental definitions ............................................................................ 8 2.1.2 Academic definitions ................................................................................ 10 2.1.3 Extremism ................................................................................................. 12 2.1.4 Violent and Non-Violent Radicals ............................................................ 12 2.1.5 Political Violence and Terrorism .............................................................. 13 2.1.6 Thesis Definition ....................................................................................... 15 2.2 Conceptualising and Explaining Radicalisation ............................................... 16 2.2.1 Cognitive Theories .................................................................................... 16 2.2.2 French Sociology and Identity .................................................................. 17 2.2.3 Social Movement Theory/ Network Theory ............................................. 20 2.2.4 Wiktorowicz’s Theory of Joining Radical Groups and Framing theory ... 22 2.2.5 Sageman’s Four Pillars ............................................................................. 23 2.2.6 New York Police Department’s Radicalisation Process ........................... 25 2.2.7 Moghaddam’s Staircase ............................................................................ 26 2.2.8 McCauley and Moskalenko’s 12 Mechanisms of Political Radicalisation 28 2.2.9 Sinai’s Model ............................................................................................ 30 2.2.10 Helfstein’s Four Stages ............................................................................. 32 2.2.11 Relative Deprivation Theory ..................................................................... 34 2.3 Critical Summary ............................................................................................. 35 3 Al Qaeda .................................................................................................................. 40 3.1 Underlying Ideology and Goals ....................................................................... 40 3.1.1 Salafism and Wahhabism .......................................................................... 40 3.1.2 Sayyid Qutb............................................................................................... 43 3.1.3 Goals ......................................................................................................... 44 3.2 Al Qaeda’s Beginnings: Before 9/11................................................................ 46 3.3 Post 9/11 ........................................................................................................... 50 3.4 Franchising ....................................................................................................... 52 3.5 Current Involvements ....................................................................................... 53 3.6 Radicalisation Theories and Al Qaeda ............................................................. 55 4 Country Analysis ..................................................................................................... 57 4.1 Algeria .............................................................................................................. 57 4.1.1 Historical and Cultural Context ................................................................ 57 4.1.2 Radicalisation ............................................................................................ 60 4.1.3 Preliminary Conclusions: Al Qaeda Radicalisation in Algeria ................. 66 4.2 United Kingdom ............................................................................................... 67 4.2.1 Historical and Cultural Context ................................................................ 67 4.2.2 Radicalisation ............................................................................................ 71 4.2.3 Preliminary Conclusions: Al Qaeda Radicalisation in the UK ................. 78 4.3 Pakistan ............................................................................................................ 80 4.3.1 Historical and Cultural Context ................................................................ 80 4.3.2 Radicalisation ............................................................................................ 83 4.3.3 Preliminary Conclusions: Al Qaeda Radicalisation in Pakistan ............... 91 5 Comparative Analysis.............................................................................................. 93 5.1 History and Cultural Context ........................................................................... 93 5.2 Al Qaeda’s Involvement ................................................................................... 94 5.3 Grievances and Targets .................................................................................... 96 5.4 Places of Radicalisation.................................................................................... 98 5.5 Wiktorowicz ................................................................................................... 100 5.6 Moghaddam .................................................................................................... 104 6 Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 106 7 References ............................................................................................................. 109