Characteristics of thoracic aortic aneurysm rupture in vitro Yuanming Luo, Ambroise Duprey, Stéphane Avril, Jia Lu To cite this version: Yuanming Luo, Ambroise Duprey, Stéphane Avril, Jia Lu. Characteristics of thoracic aortic aneurysm rupture in vitro. Acta Biomaterialia, 2016, 42, pp.286 - 295. 10.1016/j.actbio.2016.06.036. hal- 01380229 HAL Id: hal-01380229 Submitted on 12 Oct 2016 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents entific research documents, whether they are pub- scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, lished or not. The documents may come from émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de teaching and research institutions in France or recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires abroad, or from public or private research centers. publics ou privés. Characteristics of Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Rupture in vitro YuanmingLuo1,AmbroiseDuprey2,3,4,5,Ste´phaneAvril2,3,4,andJiaLu(cid:3)1 1DepartmentofMechanical&IndustrialEngineering,TheUniversityofIowa,IowaCity,IA52242, USA 2 EcoleNationaleSupe´rieuredesMinesdeSaint-Etienne,CIS-EMSE,SAINBIOSE,F-42023St. E´tienne,France 3INSERM,U1059,F-42000SaintEtienne,France 4Universite´ deLyon,SAINBIOSE,F-42000SaintEtienne,France 5CardiovascularSurgeryService,CHUdeSaint-Etienne,F-42055St. E´tienneCEDEX2,France Abstract Ascendingthoracicaorticaneurysms(ATAAs)arefocaldilatationsintheaortathatarepronetorupture ordissection. Toaccuratelyevaluatetherupturerisk,onemustknowthelocalmechanicalconditionsatthe rupturesiteandunderstandhowruptureistriggeredinalayeredfibrousmedia. Achallengefacingexper- imental studies of ATAA rupture is that the ATAA tissue is highly heterogeneous; experimental protocols thatoperateunderthepremiseoftissuehomogeneitywillhavedifficultydelineatingthelocationconditions. In this work, we employed a previously established pointwise identification method to characterize wall stress,strain,andpropertydistributionstoasub-millimeterresolution. Basedontheacquiredfielddata,we obtainedthelocalmechanicalpropertiesattherupturesiteinnineATAAtissuesamples. Therupturestress, ultimatestrain,energydensity,andthetoughnessofthetestedsampleswerealsoreported. Ourresultsshow that the direction of the rupture is aligned with the direction of maximum stiffness, indicating that higher stiffness is not always related to higher strength. It was also found that the rupture generally occurs at a locationofhigheststoredenergy. Asahigherstiffnessandhigherstrainenergyindicatealargerrecruitment ofcollagenfibersinthetissueatthelocationandalongthedirectionofrupture,therecruitmentofcollagen fibersinthedeformationofthetissueisprobablyessentialinATAArupture. Keywords: ThoracicAorticAneurysms;Rupture;Rupturepattern;Rupturestress;Toughness (cid:3) Correspondingauthor.E-mail:[email protected] 1 1 Introduction Ascending thoracic aortic aneurysms are focal dilatations of the aortic wall [6,11]. They may grow silently or may suddenly rupture or dissect, causing life-threatening internal bleeding. Studies have shown that the likelihoodofruptureordissectionisgreaterthan30%whenananeurysm’sdiameterexceeds6.0cm[11]. The mortality rate of ruptured thoracic aortic aneurysms is nearly 100% [6,17]. Currently surgical intervention is indicatedwhenthediameterofATAAsisgreaterthan5.5cm[4]. Whilesizeisacommoncriterion,thereisa needforidentifyingbetterindicatorsinmonitoringandevaluatingATAAs. Fromthestandpointofbiomechan- ics, rupture propensity hinges on local mechanical conditions and micromechanical events leading to fracture initiation. However,ourcurrentknowledgeonthesesubjectsremainspoor. Severalstudieshaveinvestigatedthemechanicalproperties,includingrupturestrength,ofATAAtissues. Vorp et al [34], Iliopoulos et al [16], Choudhury et al [5] and Khanafer et al [19] measured the tensile properties usinguni-axialtensiletests. Theyexaminedtheregionalanddirectionaldifferencesusingspecimensharvested fromdifferentlocationsandorientations,andreportedmoderatetosignificantdifferencesinbothstiffnessand strength. Okamoto et al [24], Matsumoto et al [23], Azadani et al [1] and Pham et al [25] investigated the bi-axial properties using bi-axial tension tests. They also reported regional and directional properties, and compared the properties of ATAAs caused by various diseases [23] or of different age groups [24]. Martin et al [22] developed a predictive model to assess the in vivo rupture risk of ATAAs based on the measured strength and estimated wall stress. Sugita et al [31] used an inflation test to measure the bi-biaxial properties, and reported a strong correlation between strength and a characteristic stiffness modulus [30]. On the related subject of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) strength, Vorp’s group [28,33] measured the tensile strength of AAAtissues. VandeGeestetal[32]developedastatisticalmodelforestimatingthedistributionofAAAwall strengthconsideringaneurysmsize,localdiameter,andlocalintraluminalthrombusthicknessaswellpatient’s age,gender,familyhistoryofAAA,smokingstatus. RegionalvariabilityofAAAtensilestrengthwasreported inAAAs[27]. Itwasfoundthatthestrengthofspecimenstripsatorclosetorupturesiteswasmostlylow. One of the challenges in the experimental study of ATAA properties is that the ATAA tissues are heteroge- neous. ATAAsundergocontinuousremodeling,andthepropertiesaremodulatedbythelocalcellularactivities underneath the pathological development [2,18]. Recent studies [7,8] by the authors indicated that there is a significant level of heterogeneity in ATAA samples of centimeter dimension, a typical size used in the afore- mentionedmechanicaltests. Whenthematerialisnotreasonablyhomogeneous,thesetestsnolongergenerate a uniform stress field in the center region of specimen. Thus, the measured stress and strain, which are ho- mogenizedvalues,maynottrulyreflectthelocalvaluesattherupturesite. Forthisandotherreasons,itisnot surprisingthatconflictingresultswerereportedontheregionalanddirectionalstiffnessandstrength. Inthisre- gard,afundamentallimitationofthepreviousstudiesistheunderlyingassumptionoftissuehomogeneity. The assumptionmaybeappropriateforestimatingtheglobalelasticproperties,butnotthelocalruptureconditions. Motivated by the need of delineating the local conditions, our laboratories have developed a method that can identify the tissue properties to a sub-millimeter resolution [7,8]. This method integrated Digital Image Cor- relation (DIC), inflation test and an inverse stress analysis methodology [21], enabling the identification of full-fieldstress,strainandmechanicalpropertieswithoutbeinglimitedbythecomplexityofthetissuehetero- geneity. In a parallel study along the same line, a different analysis approach was employed [29]. We have characterized the heterogeneous anisotropic properties of ten ATAA samples [8]. The peak tension was also determinedinallthesetests. Theavailabilityofthefielddataenabledtheinvestigationofthelocalconditions attherupturesitesandtheexplorationofpossiblelinkbetweenelasticpropertiesandrupture. Inthispaper,we reportthesefindings. 2 Methods 2.1 Experiment Nine ATAA sections were collected from seven patients undergoing elective surgery to replace their ATAA with a graft in accordance with a protocol approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University Hos- pital Center of St. E´tienne and then tested according to our previously developed protocol for identifying the pointwise distribution of the mechanical properties of soft tissues using bulge inflation tests [7]. Patients’ informationisbrieflysummarizedinTable1. Specimensofapproximately4(cid:2)4cm2cutfromtheexcisedsectionswereclampedtoaninflationdeviceandin- flatedusingwaterataconstantrateuntilrupture. Imagesoftheoutersurfacewererecordedevery3kPa. Three dimensional displacement of the tissue surface was extracted using a commercial DIC software, ARAMIS (GOM, v. 6.2.0). A deforming NURBS surface that corresponds through all pressure states were derived from the DIC point clouds for the center region of each specimen. The size of mesh region is approximately 2.5(cid:2)2.5cm2. Thesurfacedeformationtensor,C,andtheCauchy-Greenstrain,E,werecomputedfromthede- formingNURBSmeshes. Thesurfacetension(theresultantstressoverthewallthickness)ateveryGausspoint wascomputedusingtheinversemethodin[21],whichsolvedtheequilibriumproblemdirectlyonadeformed Patient Gender(M/F) Age Diameter(mm) Thickness(mm) 1 M 55 55 2.35 2 F 65 49 1.82 3 F 80 52 1.68 4 M 79 52 1.76 5(a)&(b) M 76 58 1.82 6 M 72 51 1.90 7(a) F 76 65 2.38 7(b) F 76 65 2.51 Table1: SampleInformation configuration. Havingobtainedthestressandstraindistributionsateverypressuresteps,thestress-straincurves ateveryGausspointwerecollected. Thestress-straindatawerethenfittedtoahyperelasticconstitutiveequa- tiontoidentifythematerialparameters. Thetheoreticalunderpinningsandadditionaldetailsofthispointwise identificationapproachcanbefoundin[13,20,35,36]. AmaterialmodelwasadoptedfromtheworkofGasser,Ogden,andHolzapfel(GOH)[12,14]todescribethe planarresponseoftheATAAtissue: ( ) µ µ w= 1(I (cid:0)lnI (cid:0)2)+ 2 eg(Ik(cid:0)1)2(cid:0)1 (1) 2 1 2 4g The tissue is modeled as a single layer composite material consisting of a matrix and angularly distributed fibers. The first term represents the response of elastin network and ground substances, and I = trC and 1 I =detCaretheprincipalinvariantsofthedeformationtensor. Thesecondterm,whichdominatestheenergy, 2 representsthecontributionofcollagenfibers,withI beingananisotropicstraininvariant k Ik=kI1+(1(cid:0)2k)M(cid:1)CM (2) In obtaining this invariant the fibers are assumed symmetrically distributed with respect to two mutually per- pendicular directions. The parameter k represents the dispersion of the angular distribution. The value of k variesfrom0to0:5. Whenk=0allofthecollagenfibersareperfectlyalignedinthedirectionofMandwhen the fibers are uniformly distributed (isotropy), k=0:5. For 0<k<0:5, the model is planar orthotropic with M being the major symmetry axis. The vector M will be called the fiber direction in the sequel. It should be noted that, unless k=0, this vector is not a bona fide fiber direction but the direction of the predominate dis- tribution and consequently the highest stiffness. The vector M is parameterized by the angle it makes relative to the horizontal axis, and the angle was identified along with other constitutive parameters. When k=0:5, the angle becomes meaningless. This model was proved sufficient to recover the macroscopic behavior of the tissue[7,8]. 2.2 Rupturesiteandrupturetension Therupturetensionisdefinedastheultimatetensionattherupturesite. Sinceitisunclearwhetheracomponent ofthetensionorthenorm(i.e. thetotal)isabetterindex,boththenormandthecomponentintheorificenormal directionarereported. Therupturesitewasidentifiedfromthephotoimageofthesecondlastloadingstep(the oneimmediateprecedingrupture),orthepostruptureimageiftheonebeforedoesnotshowdistinctcracks. The identification scheme is illustrated in Figure 1. The bounding coordinates of the orifice were measured in the DICcameracoordinatesystem. Theaveragevaluesofthehorizontalandverticaldirectionswereassumedtobe the location of rupture initiation, that is the rupture site. Most specimens bore narrow elliptical cracks. There were two cases having symmetric ^-shaped or curved orifices. For these cases, the center of symmetry was taken to be the rupture site. The scheme could induce uncertainties in the identified location. To alleviate the influence,theaveragetensioninasmallwindowcontainingtherupturesitewasusedtodeterminetherupture tension. Thewindowconsistsofapatchof3(cid:2)3elementswiththecrackelementinthemiddle,surroundedby eightelements(Figure1(b)). This3(cid:2)3configurationisthesecondsmallesttopologicallysymmetricareainthe hierarchyofmesh geometry. The size ofthe windowis approximately 9 mm2. Thesame averagewasapplied toallotherrupturesitevariables. 2.3 Orificeorientation In seven out of nine cases, the orifices were narrow straight slivers, enabling an easy definition of orientation. Figure 1(c) illustrates how the orientation was determined. The direction of crack propagation was manually identified, from which the normal direction was determined following the right-hand rule. For the ^-shape orifices (Figures 3 and 9(k)), each branch was treated as a single straight crack. The orientation of the orifice wascharacterizedbytheanglethenormalmakestothehorizontaldirection. (a)Apostruptureimageshowingorifice (b)Localwindow (c)Orificeorientation Figure1: Determinationofrupturesiteandorificeorientation 2.4 Toughness Toughness,ameasureofmaterial’sresistancetofracture,istheamountofenergyneededtofractureamaterial. ∫ Itcanbecomputedbyaccumulatingtheworkdonebythestresspriortofracture,viz. TH = Ef T dE . Here 0 IJ IJ T and E are the components of the second Piola-Kirchhoff tension and Cauchy-Green strain, respectively, IJ IJ E istheultimatestrain,andTHisthetoughness. Asthetensionandstrainvaluesweremadeavailableateach f Gausspointthroughouttheloadingprocess,thestressworkcanbecomputedlocally. Amiddlepointsrulewas usedforthiscomputation: ( )( ) ns(cid:0)1 T(k)+T(k+1) E(k+1)(cid:0)E(k) W (cid:25) (cid:229) IJ IJ IJ IJ (3) 2 k=1 whereT isacomponentofthesecondPiola-Kirchhofftension,E isacomponentofthesurfacestrain,andns IJ IJ isthenumberofloadingsteps. Thestressworkattherupturesitewasusedtodeterminethetoughness. Again thevalueswerecomputedbyaveragingthestressworkinthelocalwindow. 3 Results 3.1 Orificeorientationvsfiberdirection Ineachspecimenthefiberangleattherupturesitewasidentified,andthencomparedtotheorificeorientation. Figure2presentstheresult. Asharplinearrelation(y=x)betweenthefiberangleandtheorificenormalangle isobserved,indicatingthattheorificeisperpendiculartothelocalfiberdirection. In addition, the direction of rupture propagation appears to correlate with the fiber direction as well. In a significantnumberofspecimenstheorificesappeartobepreferentiallytransverse. Thisdirectionalpreference Figure2: Predictedfiberdirectionvsorificenormalatrupturesites manifests itself most strikingly in curved cracks, as shown in Figure 3. The red (gray in black-white print) crescent in the post-rupture image outlines the orifice. The crescent is superimposed on the fiber distribution map,atthesamelocationwithrespecttotheimagecoordinatesystem. Itisshownthatthefibervectorsinthe orificeregionaremostlytransversetotheorifice. Allbutonesamplewerefoundtofollowthisnormalityrule, andsevenadditionalcasesareshowninFigure9intheAppendix. Theoutlierwillbediscussedlater. Itshould beemphasizedthatthefiberangle(ordirection)isamodelparameter, notthephysicalangleoffiberbundles. Theanglewaspredictedfromtheacquiredtension-straindata,notdirectlymeasured. (a)Post-ruptureimage (b)Predictedfiberdirection Figure3: Predictedfiberorientationandthedirectionoffracturepropagation Recall that in the GOH model the fiber vector M represents the direction of the highest stiffness. To verify whether the fiber direction was correctly described, we examined the directional stiffness of the tissue. The tension and strain at the rupture site were rotated to a local system in which the e basis coincides with the 1 fiber direction and e the transverse direction. The rotated tension-strain curves of all cases were generated 2 and examined. An example of such curves is shown in Figure 4. Note that the tension state is bi-axial; any component (say T ) is a function of three strain components. The response functions are surfaces in a high 11 dimensional space. The curves shown here are the projections of the response function into two-dimensional spaces. InallcasestheT curveliesaboveT ,indicatingthatthetensioninthefiberdirectionishigherthan 11 22 thatinthetransversedirectioninallloadsteps. Giventhatthestrainsareapproximatelyequal-biaxial,thefact thatT isaboveT indicatesthatthetissueisindeedstifferintheidentifiedfiberdirection. 11 22 (a)Patient2:T andT vsE (b)Patient2:T andT vsE 11 22 11 11 22 22 Figure4: Tension-straincurvesinthepredictedfiberandthetransversedirections CoulditbethatT happenstobetheprincipaltensionsothatthetissuesweremerelycleavinginthedirection 11 of maximum normal tension? We examined the principal directions and found that they do not coincide with thefiberdirectioninseveralcases. AnexampleisshowninFigure5. Theprincipaldirectionswerecomputed fromthestatepriortorupture. Itisclearthatthefiberdirectionsaredifferentfromtheprincipaldirections. In particular, the principal direction is parallel to the orifice in the crack zone, indicating that the tissue did not fractureinthedirectionofmaximumnormaltension. 3.2 Strengthandtoughness Thenormoftherupturetension,T ,thecomponentinthefiberdirection,T ,theultimatestrain(norm),E ,the f n f component in the fiber direction, E , and the toughness TH are listed in Table 2. Note that the fiber direction n canalsobeinterpretedasthedirectionoforificenormalatrupturesite. Nosignificantrelationisfoundbetween (a)Predictedfiberdirection (b)Principaldirection Figure 5: Comparison of the predicted fiber direction and principal tension direction. In the crack zone the principaltensionalignswiththeorifice T andTH(p=0.008),betweenT andTH(p=0.01),betweenE andTH(p=1.75E-06)andbetweenE and f n f n TH(p=3.45E-06). Patient T (N/mm) T (N/mm) E E TH(N/mm) f n f n 1 1.71 1.32 0.90 0.60 0.34 2 1.12 0.91 0.26 0.19 0.07 3 0.64 0.51 0.21 0.16 0.04 4 1.44 1.08 0.30 0.19 0.10 5(a) 0.75 0.56 0.38 0.25 0.07 5(b) 0.62 0.52 0.16 0.09 0.02 6 0.48 0.37 0.21 0.13 0.04 7(a) 1.13 1.00 0.26 0.16 0.07 7(b) 0.37 0.31 0.14 0.11 0.02 Table2: Strength,ultimatestrain,andtoughness Toexplorethecorrelationbetweenrupturesiteandthepeaktensionorpeakenergy,wesuperimposetheiden- tified rupture window on the tension and energy contours. Figure 6 presents two cases. The remaining seven cases are included in Figure 10 in the Appendix. The boxes are the local window defining the rupture site. It canbeseenthatforpatient1,boththepeaktensionandthepeakenergycoincidewiththerupturelocation. For