VU Research Portal Challenges in medical additive manufacturing van Eijnatten, M.A.J.M. 2017 document version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link to publication in VU Research Portal citation for published version (APA) van Eijnatten, M. A. J. M. (2017). Challenges in medical additive manufacturing. [PhD-Thesis - Research and graduation internal, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam]. 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Jan. 2023 Challenges in medical additive manufacturing Maureen Antonia Johanna Maria van Eijnatten The studies presented in this thesis were conducted at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery / Oral Pathology and the 3D Innovation Lab of the VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The printing of this thesis has been financially supported by the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery / Oral Pathology of the VU University Medical Center and the VU University Amsterdam. Cover, layout & printing: Off Page, Amsterdam ISBN: 978-94-6182-846-0 © Maureen van Eijnatten, 2017 VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT Challenges in medical additive manufacturing ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad Doctor aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, op gezag van de rector magnificus prof.dr. V. Subramaniam, in het openbaar te verdedigen ten overstaan van de promotiecommissie van de Faculteit der Geneeskunde op vrijdag 8 december 2017 om 9.45 uur in de aula van de universiteit, De Boelelaan 1105 door Maureen Antonia Johanna Maria van Eijnatten geboren te Zwolle promotor: prof.dr. T. Forouzanfar copromotor: dr. J.E.H. Wolff TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 General introduction 7 Chapter 2 A Novel Method of Orbital Floor Reconstruction Using 17 Virtual Planning, 3-Dimensional Printing, and Autologous Bone Chapter 3 Influence of CT parameters on STL model accuracy 27 Chapter 4 Impact of prone, supine and oblique patient positioning on CBCT 43 image quality, contrast to noise ratio and figure of merit value in the maxillofacial region Chapter 5 CT image segmentation methods for bone used in medical 61 additive manufacturing: A Literature Review Chapter 6 The impact of manual threshold selection in 87 medical additive manufacturing Chapter 7 Accuracy of MDCT and CBCT in three-dimensional 103 evaluation of the upper airway morphology Chapter 8 The accuracy of ultrashort echo time MRI sequences for 117 medical additive manufacturing Chapter 9 General discussion 133 Chapter 10 English summary & Dutch summary 141 Chapter 11 Acknowledgements 153 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION In the early 1980s, a revolutionary layer-by-layer manufacturing technique was developed 1 to create industrial prototype parts from three-dimensional (3D) computational data. This novel approach was termed “rapid prototyping” (RP) and by the general public at large as “3D printing”. The first commercial photopolymer 3D printer was patented by Charles G E W. Hull in 1986 [1]. Since then, a plethora of different 3D printing technologies have N E R been developed that include selective laser sintering (SLS), fused deposition modelling A L (FDM) and inkjet-based technologies [2]. Overtime, the term “rapid prototyping” has IN T R been replaced by “additive manufacturing” (AM), a term that currently encompasses O D a wide range of different technologies and applications [3]. AM technologies are currently U C being used in many fields, including the automotive, aerospace and consumer goods TIO (customisation) industries and dental and medical science. According to the Wohlers N Report 2017, the AM industry grew by 17.4% in 2016 with a global market share of $6.1 billion. Furthermore, total sales volume is expected to reach $25.6 billion in 2021 [4]. The major advantages of AM technologies over traditional subtractive manufacturing technologies are the possibilities to customise and create almost any complex geometry in a completely automated manner [5]. Another advantage is the speed with which a complex geometrical prototype or functional part can be manufactured when compared to conventional subtractive manufacturing technologies. Over the past decades, advances in image processing and graphical processing power have extended the role of medical imaging far beyond traditional, two-dimensional visualisation. Novel image processing techniques can convert a stack of two-dimensional (2D) computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance (MR) images into a virtual 3D model. Such 3D models can be used as a blueprint to manufacture medical constructs using AM. Expiring patents and price cuts in medical 3D imaging and AM technologies have sparked an increase in the implementation of medical AM constructs in clinical settings [6]. Currently, there is a paradigm shift in medicine away from mass production towards iterations and from one-size-fits-all to personalised treatments. In this context, AM constructs have proven to be particularly valuable in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery due to the plethora of complex bony geometries found in the skull area. Moreover, only minor dislocations in the facial area can have a profound impact on the function and aesthetic appearance of patients. In such cases, patient-specific AM anatomical models have been shown to improve communication between clinicians and patients [7]. In addition, AM models are being used for the preoperative planning and simulation of complex surgery in order to significantly improve the efficiency and outcome of the surgery [8]. Maxillofacial surgeons are also routinely using patient-specific AM drill guides [9] and saw guides [10] to translate a surgical plan into the operating room. To date, AM has been sporadically used to create patient-specific implants of the mandible [11], orbita [12]–[14], zygoma [15], cranium [16], tibia [17], and, although still in its infancy, scaffolds for tissue engineering [18]. Lastly, AM models of (rare) anatomical abnormalities can, in certain circumstances, 9