View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by Universidade do Minho: RepositoriUM ChemicalEngineeringScience66(2011)3268–3279 ContentslistsavailableatScienceDirect Chemical Engineering Science journal homepage: CFD simulation and experimental measurement of gas holdup and liquid interstitial velocity in internal loop airlift reactor M. Sˇimcˇı´ka,n, A. Motab, M.C. Ruzickaa, A. Vicenteb, J. Teixeirab aInstituteofChemicalProcessFundamentals,CzechAcademyofSciences,Rozvojova135,16502Prague6,CzechRepublic bInstituteforBiotechnologyandBioengineering,CentreofBiologicalEngineering,UniversityofMinho,CampusdeGualtar,4710-057Braga,Portugal a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Articlehistory: This paper documents experiments and CFD simulations of the hydrodynamics of our two-phase Received30September2010 (water,air)laboratoryinternalloopairliftreactor(40l).Theexperimentsandsimulationswereaimed Receivedinrevisedform atobtainingglobalflowcharacteristics(gasholdupandliquidinterstitialvelocityintheriserandinthe 28January2011 downcomer) inour particular airlift configurations. The experiments and simulations were donefor Accepted31January2011 three different riser tubes with variable length and diameter. Gas (air) superficial velocities in riser Availableonline5February2011 wereinrangefrom1to7.5cm/s.Uptothreecirculationregimeswereexperimentallyobserved(no Keywords: bubblesindowncomer,bubblesindowncomerbutnotcirculating,andfinallythecirculatingregime). Airlift The primary goal was to test our CFD simulation setup using only standard closures for interphase CFD forcesandturbulence,andassumingconstantbubblesizeisabletocaptureglobalcharacteristicsofthe Hydrodynamics flowforourexperimentalairliftconfigurationsforthethreecirculationregimes,andifthesimulation Multiphaseflow setupcouldbelaterusedforobtainingtheglobalcharacteristicformodifiedgeometriesofouroriginal Multiphasereactors Simulation airliftdesignorfordifferentfluids.TheCFDsimulationsweredoneincommercialcodeFluent6.3using algebraic slip mixture multiphase model. The secondary goal was to test the sensitivity of the simulationresultstodifferentclosuresforthedragcoefficientandtheresultingbubbleslipvelocity and also for the turbulence. In addition to the simulations done in Fluent, simulation results using differentcode(CFX12.1)anddifferentmodel(fullEuler–Euler)arealsopresentedinthispaper.The experimentalmeasurementsofliquidinterstitialvelocityintheriserandinthedowncomerweredone byevaluatingtheresponsetotheinjectionofasulphuricacidsolutionmeasuredwithpHprobes.The gasholdupintheriseranddowncomerwasmeasuredwiththeU-tubemanometer.Theresultsshowed thatthesimulationsetupworksquitewellwhentherearenobubblespresentinthedowncomer,and thatthesensitivitytothedragclosureisratherlowinthiscase.Theagreementwasgettingworsewith theincreaseofgasholdupinthedowncomer.Theuseofdifferentmultiphasemodelinthedifferent code(CFX)gavealmostthesameresultsastheFluentsimulations. &2011ElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved. 1. Introduction whichare susceptibleto physicaldamageby fluid turbulence or mechanicalagitation(Chisti,1998). Airliftreactorsarepneumaticallyagitatedvessels,andareone The airlift reactor consists of two interconnected main parts, amongdifferenttypesofmultiphasereactors.Theypossessgood theriserandthedowncomer.Gasisinjectedintotheriserandthe mixing,massandheattransfercharacteristicsandtheyareused resultingdifferencebetweenaveragedensitiesintheriserandin in a wide range of industrial applications such as waste water the downcomer provides a driving force for liquid circulation. treatment, chemical (e.g. hydrogenations and oxidations) and Alsosolidparticlescanbepresent(catalyst,biomass,etc.).There biochemical processes, and others. The other advantages are aretwomain groupsof airliftreactorsnamely,theinternalloop simplicity of construction, absence of moving parts, and low airlift reactor and the external loop airlift reactor. The internal power consumption. Their other advantageous features in case loopairliftreactorisabubblecolumndividedintothetwoparts of biochemicalprocesses areease of long termsterile operation, byadrafttubeinsertedintothecolumn.Theexternalloopairlift andahydrodynamicenvironmentsuitableforfragilebiocatalysts, consists of two separate columns connected with pipes. Other important part, which may or may not be present, is the gas separator.Itspurposeistopreventbubblesfrombeingentrained nCorrespondingauthor. intothedowncomer,whichwoulddecreasethedrivingforcefor E-mailaddress:[email protected](M.Sˇimcˇı´k). liquidcirculation. 0009-2509/$-seefrontmatter&2011ElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2011.01.059 M.Sˇimcˇ´ıketal./ChemicalEngineeringScience66(2011)3268–3279 3269 The knowledge of the airlift hydrodynamics is needed for the Euler–Euler model) were used in the presented work, thus only designoftheairliftreactor.Basicglobalquantitiessuchasgasholdup Euler–Eulermodelsareconsideredinthefollowingtext.Themain and liquid velocities in the riser and in the downcomer, total advantageofCFDsimulationsifcomparedtoexperimentsisthatno interfacial area, and others are needed to be known. The hydrody- experimentalapparatushastobebuilt;theequipmentdimensions namicandotherrelevantparameterssuchastheairliftgeometryare and working fluids can be easily changed in simulations; etc. interrelated and their relationship can be quite complex and they However, the quality of the CFD simulation predictions, of course, directly or indirectly influence each other in sometimes not so greatly depends on how well or how badly the employed CFD obvious ways (Chisti, 1998), e.g. the driving force for the liquid models,submodelsandclosureequationsdescribeflowphenomena circulationisthedifferenceingasholdupsbetweentheriserandthe occurring in the airlift reactor. Since the gas–liquid flows are very downcomer. This driving force is balanced by friction losses in the complexwithflowphenomenaoccurringonawiderangeofspace riser and the downcomer and in the bottom and top parts of the andtimescales,modelingofgas–liquidflowsisstillanopensubject reactor(influenceofbottomandtopclearancesinthecaseofinternal and far from being complete. It is still necessary to validate loopairliftsorlossesinconnectingpipesinthecaseofexternalairlifts simulation results against experiments. Euler–Euler models need andoftheairliftgeometryingeneral).However,theresultingliquid closuresforallrelevantinterphaseforce(drag,lift,addedmass,etc.), circulationinturnaffectstheriseranddowncomergasholdupand fortheturbulence(duetosinglephaseflowandduetobubbles)and thus the driving force. The gas holdup depends also on bubble slip models for bubble coalescence and break-up, because the bubble velocity,whichdependsonthebubblesize.Bubblesizeisinfluenced sizefiguresinmostoftheclosureequations.Sokolichinetal.(2004) bythegasdistributor,coalescepropertiesoftheinvolvedfluidsand discussed the relevance of individual interphase forces for the byturbulence.Turbulenceisinfluencedbyliquidcirculation,etc. simulation and also turbulence modeling issues in their review The relevant hydrodynamic parameters need to be either paper.Theyobservedaweakdependencyofsimulationresults(in obtainedexperimentallyorpredictedbymodelsofvarioustypes. partiallyaeratedrectangularbubblecolumn)ontheemployedvalue A lot of experimental data have been published in the past on ofthebubbleslipvelocity.Theyexplainedthisweakdependenceby globalquantities(holdup,liquidvelocities)inairliftreactorsand thefactthatthebubbletotalvelocitywasthesumofthebubbleslip correlations based on these data. A large number of correlations velocityandtheliquidvelocity,whichcanberelativelyhigh,sothe fortheseparametersarecompiledinChisti(1989),othercanbe, change in the bubble slip velocity had lower impact on the e.g.,inChisti(1998). calculated gas holdup. It could be expected from the same reason Many of the correlations presented in the literature are that the similar behavior (weak dependence of gas holdup on the restrictedintheirvaliditytothesamereactorsize,typeandgas– bubbleslipvelocity)couldbefoundinairliftsimulations,ifbubbles liquidsystemusedintheirdevelopment(Youngetal.,1991).Asa arepresentonlyintheriserandthedowncomerholdupiszero,and rule, these correlations are system specific, being of little use in may be the dependence could be even weaker due to the more designorscaleup,wheretheusualrequirementisforestimationof ordered flow in the airlift if compared to the bubble column. expectedperformanceinlargerorgeometricallydifferentreactors However, if there is nonzero gas holdup in the downcomer, then orfluids(Chisti,1998). Someauthorsemployedmodelsbasedon theeffectofthebubbleslipvelocitycouldbemuchstrongerdueto mechanicalenergybalanceintheairliftreactor,e.g.Verlaanetal. countercurrentflowofbothphasesinthedowncomer.Itisthennot (1986),Chisti(1989),andHeijnenetal.(1997).However,informa- surprisingthatsomeauthorsdidsimulationsofairliftsandobtained tionaboutfrictionlosses(frictioncoefficients)mustbeprovidedas goodagreementwithexperimentsevenwheninappropriateclosure an input parameter for these models. More recent experimental fordragforcewasused(e.g.Schiller–Naumanncorrelationforrigid measurementsofairliftglobalhydrodynamiccharacteristics(riser spheredragusedfor5mmequivalentdiameterairbubbleinwater) and downcomer holdup and velocities) can be found, e.g., in van incaseswithzerodowncomergasholdup. Baten et al. (2003), Blazej et al. (2004), Merchuk et al. (1998) ThereareanumberofpapersdedicatedtotheEuler–EulerCFD andvanBenthumetal.(1999)(internalloopairlifts)orinFreitas simulationsofairliftreactors. et al. (2000) and Vial et al. (2002) (external loop airlifts). There External loop airlift simulation comparisons of radial profiles werealsopaperspublishedonlocalgasholdupand/orlocalliquid of gas holdupand liquid velocity can be found, e.g. in Vial et al. velocitymeasurements.LuoandAl-Dahhan(2008,2010)measured (2002),Royetal.(2006),orCaoetal.(2007).Thecomparisonof liquid velocity profiles, turbulent quantities using the CARPT average gas holdup and liquid velocities with experiments for technique and gas holdups profiles using computed tomography internalloop airlifts and for zero downcomer gas holdup can be inaninternalloopairliftreactor.Theyobservedsignificanteffectof found, e.g. in Mudde and van den Akker (2001) (rectangular topandbottomclearancesontheflow.Theyalsoobservedthatthe airlift), van Baten et al. (2003), or in Huang et al. (2008), who bubbles are prone to concentrate in the riser center in radial also reported weak dependence of the simulation results on the directionand the change frombubbly to churn-turbulent flow at bubblevelocityprescribedonthetopboundarycondition.Simu- superficial gasvelocityof 2cm/s. Local gas holdups and/or liquid lationsforcaseswithnonzerodowncomerholdupweredone,e.g. velocities in external loop airlift reactors were measured, e.g. byOeyetal.(2001),Huangetal.(2010),Talvyetal.(2007)orJia byYoungetal.(1991), Vialetal.(2002), Wangetal.(2004), Cao etal.(2007).Talvyetal.(2007)comparedverticalandhorizontal etal.(2007),Utigeretal.(1999),orLinetal.(2004). profiles of gas holdup in riser and downcomer, and horizontal Apart from experiments, empirical correlations or theoretical liquid velocity profiles in downcomer with experiments in a models such as the models based on mechanical energy balance, rectangular airlift. Jia et al. (2007) compared simulated and CFDsimulationscanbeananothertool,whichcanbeusedtostudy experimental horizontal profiles of gas holdup and liquid in a airlift hydrodynamics. There are two main groups of multiphase rectangularairliftandfoundagoodagreement. flowmodelsusableforsimulationsonbubblecolumn/airliftscale.In Euler–Euler models allphases are treated as interpenetratingcon- tinua, while in Euler–Lagrange models the motion of individual 2. Goals particles is tracked through the continuous fluid. The Euler– Lagrange models, which track the motion of every single particle TheprimarygoalwastotesttheabilityofourCFDsimulation (approximated as a mass point with closure equation for the setupto captureglobal characteristics of the flow in our experi- interphase forces), can be used for smaller scale problems with mental 50l internal loop airlift with enlarged degassing zone lowgasholdup.OnlyEuler–Eulermodels(mixturemodeland‘‘full’’ (riser and downcomer mean liquid interstitial velocities and gas 3270 M.Sˇimcˇ´ıketal./ChemicalEngineeringScience66(2011)3268–3279 holdup) in the three experimentally observed bubblecirculation Table1 regimes,andsoverifyifthesimulationsetupcouldbelaterused AirliftdimensionsforconfigurationscaseA,caseBandcaseC,and#ofgridcells forobtainingtheglobalcharacteristicformodifiedgeometriesof perthesedimensionsinsimulations(SeeFig.1). our original airlift design or for different fluids. The comparison CaseA CaseB CaseC wasdoneforthreedifferentrisertubes.TheCFDsimulationswere doneincommercialcodeFluent6.3usingalgebraicslipmixture (mm) #of (mm) #of (mm) #of multiphasemodel.Simulationsresultsusingdifferentmodel(full gridcells gridcells gridcells Euler–Euler)indifferentcode(CFX12.1)arealsopresentedinthe D1 100 12 100 12 100 12 paper. The experimental and simulation setups are described D2 62 12 87 12 62 12 inSections3and4,respectively. D3 70 14 92 14 70 14 The secondary goal was to test the sensitivity of the simula- D4 142 28 142 28 142 28 tions to the different bubble slip velocity, and to the different D5 420 28 420 28 420 28 H1 23 5 23 5 23 5 turbulenceclosure models (variants of k–e, k–o). This wasdone H2 1200 60 1200 60 1400 70 usingthemixturemodelinFluent6.3code. H3 200 16 200 20 0 0 H4 170 14 170 12 170 14 H5 120 6 120 6 120 6 3. Experimentalsetup The experiments were done in an internal loop airlift reactor was50l.Thedowncomerinnerdiameterwas14.2cm.Measure- withenlargeddegassingzone.Thetotalvolumeoftheapparatus ments were done for three different riser tubes: 120(cid:2)6.2cm (case A), 120(cid:2)8.7cm (case B) and 140(cid:2)6.2cm (case C) (height(cid:2)inner diameter). The airlift geometry is depicted in Fig. 1 and the relevant dimensions are summarized in Table 1. The gas was entering the airlift through the 10cm diameter porous plate sparger. The diameter of the ‘‘active’’ zone of the sparger,throughwhichthegasflowwaspassing,was (cid:3)8cm.Air and tap water were used as the gas and liquid phase. Gas superficialvelocitiesintheriserwereinrangefrom1to7.5cm/s. Thenetwaterflowthroughtheairliftwaszero. The liquid interstitial velocity in the riser and in the down- comerweremeasuredwithfourpHprobes(twoMethrommodel 620probesintheriserandtwomodel691probesinthedown- comer) and evaluated from the probe signal response to a sulphuricacidsolutioninjection.Theprobesignalwasmonitored andthedatastoredusingLabviewprogram.Thesignalsampling rate was 10Hz. The mean liquid interstitial velocity (V ¼U/a), L L L was estimated as V ¼(x (cid:4)x )/(t (cid:4)t ), where x are probe L 2 1 2 1 1,2 verticalpositionsandt areprobesignalpeaktimes.Theprobes 1,2 wereplacedatx¼8.4and117.5cmintheriser,andatx¼9.0and 117.5cm in the downcomer (x¼0 being the sparger level). The reported values of interstitial liquid velocity are four measure- ments averages. The interstitial liquid velocity was measured in the downcomer in cases A and C, and the riser velocity was calculated from a continuity equation. It was done the opposite wayincaseB. Thetracerwasinjectedintothedowncomer18.4cmabovethe gas distributor(10ml of 4.5M H SO solution).Initial pHinside 2 4 the airlift was 10 and was set by the addition of NaOH solution priortothestartofthemeasurement. The gas holdups in the riser and downcomer were estimated using U-tube manometers. The agreement of this estimate with therealgasholdupintheapparatusmaybeaffectedbyapressure dropduetoflow. 4. Simulationsetup ThemainpartofthesimulationswasdoneinCFDcodeFluent 6.3 using the algebraic slip mixture model and the simulation setup is described in detail in Section 4.1. A part of the Fluent simulationswaslaterrecalculatedintheCFX12.1codeusingthe fullEuler–Eulermodelandtheirresultsarealsopresentedinthis paper,althoughthecaseBCFXsimulationswerenotfinisheddue toconvergenceproblemsandtheresultsarenotshown.TheCFX setup is described in Section 5.2. The airlift geometry is shown Fig.1. Airliftgeometry(notinscale). inFig.1. Thegasdistributorinthesimulationdomaingeometry M.Sˇimcˇ´ıketal./ChemicalEngineeringScience66(2011)3268–3279 3271 turbulent viscosity and m is the molecular viscosity of phase k. k The k-th phase drift velocity is calculated as v ¼v –v ¼v – dr,k k m kc (1/r )Pn arv , where v ¼v –v is the slip velocity of the m i¼1 i i ic kc k c phasek(cindexisforthecontinuousphase). Equationforthek-thphaseslipvelocity The k-th phase slip velocity is calculated from the following algebraicequation: v ¼t ðr (cid:4)r Þa=ðfr Þ(cid:4)ðZ=sÞðra =a (cid:4)ra =a Þ ð3Þ kc k k c k t t k k c c The first term on the right hand side of Eq. (3) is due to the drag force, where t ¼r d2/(18m) is k-phase particle relaxation k k k c time,f¼C Re/24isadragfunction,Re¼d 9v 9r/m,acceleration D k kc c c a¼g–(v (cid:6)r)v –@v /@t and C is drag coefficient. The drag Fig.2. ComputationalgridforcasesAandC(left),andcaseB(right)attheairlift m m m D coefficient C was calculated from Tomiayama0s correlation cross-section. D (Tomiyamaetal.,2002)forasinglebubble: had the same diameter asthe riser.The computationalgridwas h n o i C ¼max min 24=Reð1þ0:15Re0:687Þ,72=Re ,ð8=3ÞEo=ðEoþ4Þ the same for both Fluent and CFX simulations and contained D 48,100(caseA),49,100(caseB)and44,700(caseC)gridcells.The ð4aÞ computationalgrid(attheairliftcross-section)isshowninFig.2 where Eo¼(r (cid:4)r )gd2/s. The bubble equivalent diameter d in andnumberofgridcellspereachairliftdimensioncanbefound L G simulationswassetto5mm.Previouslydonevisualobservations in Table 1. The grid was sufficient to obtain grid independent of the bubbly flow using a high speed camera, suggest that this results(seeSection5.1forthegridindependencetestresult).The bubble diameter could reasonably well represent the typical timestepinallsimulationswas0.005s. bubble size in our airlift, at least for lower gas flow rates. (However these experiments were done for a bubble column 4.1. Fluentsimulations and not the airlift configuration of our experimental unit, and were done only for low gas flow rates due to the opaqueness of The mixture model was employed for simulations done in the bubbly layer.) The drag coefficient calculated from (4a) is Fluent6.3code.Themodelassumesthattwoormorephasesare C ¼1.215 for a single 5mm bubble, with a corresponding slip D interpenetrating. It can solve cases, where two or more phases velocity (cid:3)0.23m/s.Allbubbleswereassumedtobeofthesame moveatdifferentvelocitiesanditassumeslocalequilibriumover size,therewasnobubblebreak-up/coalescencemodelemployed short spatial length scales, i.e. dispersed phases move at their inoursimulations. terminal velocities. This model is simpler than full Euler–Euler Anotherclosure,Schiller–Naumann,wasemployedjustfortest multiphasemodel.The mixturemodelsolvesthecontinuityand purposes to examine an effect of bubble slip velocity on the the momentum equation for a mixture with averaged mixture simulationresults(seeSection5.1) properties(density,velocity,andviscosity),analgebraicequation for the dispersed phase(s) slip velocity and a volume fraction CD¼24=Reð1þ0:15Re0:687ÞforReo1000 equation for the secondary phase(s). The mixture model should C ¼0:44forRe41000 ð4bÞ requirelesscomputationalresourcesthantheEuler–Eulermodel, D since it solves fewer equations. However, it can be sometimes However, all other presented simulations used the previous more difficult to converge with more iterations required to be Eq.(4a)forcalculatingthedragcoefficient. done,thusdiminishingthementionedadvantageovertheEuler– ThesecondtermontherighthandsideofEq.(3)appearsdue Euler model. Model equations, boundary conditions and other to a dispersion of secondary phase by turbulence. The st is the solverparametersaredescribedinfollowingparagraphs. turbulent Prandtl number and Zt is the turbulent diffusivity The algebraic slip mixture model solves the continuity and calculatedfrom momentum equation for the mixture, the algebraic equation for dispersedphaseslipvelocityandvolumefractionequationforthe Zt¼Cmk2=eðgg=ð1þggÞð1þCbz2gÞ(cid:4)1=2 secondaryphasetoupdatethecompositionofthemixturedueto zg¼9vkc9=ð2=3kÞ1=2 flow(Manninenetal.1996),andfinallytheturbulencemodelis C ¼1:8(cid:4)1:35cos2y solved to provide the closure for the turbulent viscosity, which b y¼v v =ð9v 99v 9Þ appearsinthemomentumequationforthemixture. kc k kc k Continuityequation Cm¼0:09 Themixturecontinuityequationis Theggisatimeratiobetweenthetimescaleoftheenergetic @r =@tþrUðr v Þ¼0 ð1Þ turbulent eddies affected by the crossing-trajectories effect, see m m m Fluent user’s guide. The value of s was set to 0.01. The default where v ¼(1/r )Pn a r v is the mixture mass averaged t m m k¼1 k k k value was 0.75. The lower value, which was used in our Fluent velocity, and r ¼Pn a r is the mixture density, a is the m k¼1 k k k simulations, enhances a turbulent dispersion. The lower value k-thphasevolumefraction.Thesumsareoverall(n)phases(k). waschosen,becauseforcaseBbubblesflowingintotheriserdid Momentumequation notdispersefastenoughacrossthewholerisercrosssectionasit Themixturemomentumequationis wasvisuallyobservedinexperiments. @ðr v Þ=@tþrU(cid:2)r v v (cid:3)¼(cid:4)rpþrU½m ðrv þrvTÞ(cid:5)þr g Phasevolumefractionequationforthesecondaryphase m m m m m m m m m þrU Xn a r v v ! ð2Þ equTahtieonmifxotrutrheecodmisppeorssiteidonphisasuepsd(aotnedlyboynseodlviisnpgertsheedtprahnasspeoirnt k k dr,k dr,k k¼1 ourcase) where n is the number of phases (2 in our case), mm¼(Pkn¼1akmk)+mt is the mixture effective viscosity, mt is the @ðakrkÞ=@tþrUðakrkvmÞ¼(cid:4)rUðakrkvdr,kÞ ð5Þ 3272 M.Sˇimcˇ´ıketal./ChemicalEngineeringScience66(2011)3268–3279 Turbulencemodel The continuity equations of continuous (c) and dispersed (d) The standard k–e model was used to model turbulence. This phaseare model belongs to a group of Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes @a r =@tþrUð@a r v Þ¼0 ð10Þ equation models. The instantaneous velocity in the momentum c c c c c equation is divided into the average and fluctuating part @a r =@tþrUð@a r v Þ¼0 ð11Þ d d d d d u¼v +v0. Then the momentum equation is ensemble averaged m and the resulting term (cid:4)r(cid:6)(rv0v0) is modeled as Themomentumequationsofphasecanddare r(cid:6)[mt(rvm+rvmT)], where mt is the turbulence viscosity, which @ðacrcvcÞ=@tþrUðacrcvcvcÞ¼(cid:4)acrpþrU½acmc,effðrvcþrvTcÞ(cid:5) againrequiresaclosureequation.Theclosureis þa r gþM ð12Þ c c cd mt¼rmCmk2=e ð6Þ @ða r v Þ=@tþrUða r v v Þ¼(cid:4)a rpþrU½a m ðrv þrvTÞ(cid:5) Theturbulentkineticenergykandturbulentdissipationratee d d d d d d d þadr gþM d d,eff d d ð13Þ areobtainedbysolvingtheirtransportequations d d dc whereM ¼(cid:4)M isaforceactingonthephasecduetophasesd @ðr kÞ=@tþrUðr v kÞ¼rU½m =s ðrkÞ(cid:5)þG (cid:4)r e ð7Þ cd dc m m m t,m k k,m m (drag, lift, etc.), and m and m are effective viscosities c,eff d,eff consistingofamolecularandaturbulentviscosity @ðrmeÞ=@tþrUðrmvmeÞ¼rU½mt,m=seðreÞ(cid:5)þe=kðC1eGk,m(cid:4)C2ermeÞ ð8Þ mc,eff¼mcþmtcandmd,eff ¼mdþmtd Thusunlikethemolecularviscosity,theturbulentviscosityis Onlydragandturbulencedispersionforcewereconsideredin not a constant, but it depends on the local flow field. The term oursimulations Gk,misaturbulenceproductionduetomeanvelocityshear. Mcd¼Mcd,DþMcd,TD ð14Þ G ¼m½rv þðrv ÞT(cid:5): rv ð9Þ k,m t m m m M ¼K ðv (cid:4)v Þ¼ð3=4ÞðC =dÞa r 9v (cid:4)v 9ðv (cid:4)v Þ ð15Þ cd,D cd d c D d c d c d c TheturbulentmodelconstantswereCm¼0.09,sk¼1,se¼1.3, wheredisdispersedphaseparticle(bubble)equivalentdiameter. C1e¼1.44,C2e¼1.92. Drag coefficient was set to C ¼1.215 resulting in a bubble slip The boundary conditions were no-slip condition on all airlift D velocity (cid:3)0.23m/s((cid:3)5mmbubbleinwater). walls.Standardwallfunctionwasusedtomodelavelocityprofile in the walls vicinity and to provide inner ‘‘boundary’’ condition M ¼C K n =s ðra =a (cid:4)ra =a Þ ð16Þ cd,TD TD cd tc tc d d c c for Reynolds averaged velocity field. Zero liquid velocity and whereC ¼1,K ismomentumtransfercoefficientfordragforce, 0.25m/s gas vertical velocitywere prescribed at the inlet for all TD cd n is turbulent kinematic viscosity of the continuous phase, phases. Gas volume fraction was then set to a constant value to tc s ¼0.9. obtain the desired gas flow rate into the airlift. Zero liquid tc Twoequationk–emodelwasusedtomodelturbulenceandto velocitywasset at theoutletboundary and zerogradients were obtain a closure for turbulent viscosity in the continuous phase setforgasvelocityandgasvolumefraction(userdefinedfunction m : wasusedtodothis).Theinitialconditionwaszeroliquidvelocity tc and gas volume fraction, initial turbulence kinetic energy was mtc¼Cmrck2c=ec ð17Þ k¼0.001m2/s2, and dissipation rate e¼0.0001m2/s3. The time intervalof30swasthensimulatedtolettheflowreachasteady @ðacrckcÞ=@tþrUðacrcvckcÞ¼rU½acðmcþmtc=skÞðrkcÞ(cid:5)þacGc(cid:4)acrcec orpseudosteadystate.Thenanother120sormoreofaflowtime ð18Þ wassimulatedtoobtaintime-averagedquantitiesforevaluation. The segregated pressure-based solver in Fluent was used to @ðacrcecÞ=@tþrUðacrcvcecÞ¼rU½acðmcþmtc=seÞðrecÞ(cid:5) solvethemodelequations,nodebasedgradientoptionwasused þacec=kcðC1eGc(cid:4)C2ercecÞ ð19Þ to evaluate variables’ gradients. PISO scheme was used as a whereG ¼m [rv +(rv )T]:rv pressure–velocitycouplingalgorithm,PRESTO!schemewasused c tc c c c forpressurediscretizationandtheQUICKschemeforvelocity,gas The turbulentmodel constantswereCm¼0.09, sk¼1,se¼1.3, volumefraction,turbulencekineticenergy,anddissipationrate.A C1e¼1.44,C2e¼1.92. Turbulenceviscosityinthedispersedphasem wascalculated first order implicit scheme was employed for the time td as discretization. m ¼ðr =r Þm =s ð20Þ td d c tc 4.2. CFXsimulations wheres¼1. Theboundaryconditionswereno-slipconditionforliquidand In addition to the simulations run in Fluent code (setup free-slipconditionforgasphaseonwalls.Zerovelocityforliquid described in Section 4.1), some simulations were later recalcu- and0.25m/sforgasphasewereused.Thevolumefractionofgas latedinCFX12.1usingEuler–Eulertwo-fluidmodel.Theirsetup phase was set to obtain the desired value of gas flow rate. The isdescribedinthissection.Unlikethemixturemodel,thismodel ‘‘degassing’’conditionwasusedattheoutlet—liquidvelocityisto solves continuityand momentumequation for eachphase. Thus zero,whilethegasphaseisallowedtoescape. for a two phase flow there are two continuity and two momen- tumequations,onesetforcontinuousphasecandonefordispersed phased.Thetwomomentumequationsarecoupledtogethervia 5. Results pressure (pressure field is shared by both phases), and via interphase force terms, which accounts for various forces (drag, The results section has two main parts. Auxiliary simulation lift, added mass, turbulent dispersion force, and others) and resultsarepresentedinSection5.1.Thefirstpartconsistsofgrid cancel each other out when momentum equations of individual independence test result, brief comparison of few simulations phasesareaddedtogether.Dragforceandturbulencedispersion with different turbulence models for a selected airlift configura- force were accounted for in our CFX simulations. Other forces tion, and finally a comparison of two different closures for the werenotconsidered. drag force. All of the simulation results discussed in Section 5.1 M.Sˇimcˇ´ıketal./ChemicalEngineeringScience66(2011)3268–3279 3273 0.9 0.08 0.8 0.07 0.7 0.06 0.6 0.05 s) 0.5 L (m/ 0.4 α (-) 0.04 V 0.03 0.3 0.02 0.2 0.1 Tomiyama drag 0.01 Tomiyama drag Schiller-Naumann drag Schiller-Naumann drag 0 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 UG (m/s) UG (m/s) 0.007 Tomiyama drag 0.006 Schiller-Naumann drag 0.005 0.004 α (-) 0.003 0.002 0.001 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 UG (m/s) Fig.3. CaseAsimulationresults(Section5.1).Comparisonoftwodragclosuresfor5mmbubbles:Tomiyama(blackmarks,Eq.(4a))andSchiller–Naumann(whitemarks, Eq.(4b)).(a)RiserliquidinterstitialvelocityVL,(b)risergasholdupa,and(c)downcomergasholdupavs.risergassuperficialvelocityUG. wereobtainedfrommixturemodelsimulationsdoneinFluent6.3 Fouradditionalturbulencemodelsinadditiontostandardk–e (seeSection4.1forsimulationsetup).Themainsimulationresults modelweretestedforthecaseC,withgasflowrate3.6l/minprior andtheircomparisonwithexperimentallymeasureddata(liquid to the main simulation campaign. These four models were RNG interfacialvelocityandgasholdupintheriserandinthedown- k–emodel,RNGk–emodelwithswirlmodificationforturbulence comer)arepresentedinSection5.2.Theresultsforbothsimula- viscosity,realizablek–emodelandstandard(notSST)k–omodel. tion setups (Fluent, CFX) are presented. In experiments, there Themodelsarenotdescribedinthispaperandreaderisreferred were higher liquid velocities in the downcomer for the larger to Fluent’s 6.3 User Guide (Fluent Inc. 2006) for details about diameterriser(caseB)(lowerdowncomercrosssectionarea)and thesemodels(simulationswererunwithdefaultsolversettings). thus gas phase was entrained into the downcomer. If cases A Thechoiceofthementionedturbulencemodelshadonlyaminor (shorterdrafttube)andC(longerdrafttube)arecompared,then impact on results of the simulations. The largest difference forthelongertubethegasseparationwasbetterresultinginno betweenstandardk–emodelresultsandtheothermodelresults gas in the downcomer, while for the shorter draft tube (case A) was1.4%forinterstitialliquidvelocityand4.9%forgasholdupin bubbles were entrained into the downcomer for the highest gas riser on ‘‘coarse grid’’ and 1.7% and 4.9% on the coarse grid, flowrate. respectively.Standardk–emodelwasthenkeptforallsubsequent simulations.Thisturbulencemodeltestwasdonebecauseofour previous experience with the simulation of a partially aerated 5.1. Auxiliarysimulationresults rectangular bubble column, where a strong influence of these turbulence models was observed (qualitatively different flow The grid independence test was done for the case C fields,3(cid:2) lowerturbulentviscositypredictedbytheRNGmodel (1400(cid:2)62cm riser) with riser air superficial velocity 2cm/s if compared to standard k–e). However, the choice of the turbu- (3.6l/min). One simulation (Fluent) was run on a refined ‘‘fine’’ lence model had only a minor impact on the airlift simulation grid with8(cid:2) more grid cells than in the standard ‘‘coarse’’ grid resultspresentedinthispaper. case (357,600 vs. 44,700 cells). The difference in the liquid Different closures for drag coefficient were tested on cases A interstitial velocity and gas holdup in the riser was within 1%. and C to test the effect of changing the bubble slip velocity on Thusitcouldbeconcludedthatthestandardgridwassufficientto simulation results. Tomiyama closure for drag (4) for a single obtaingridindependentresults. bubble (5mm equivalent diameter) and Schiller–Naumann 3274 M.Sˇimcˇ´ıketal./ChemicalEngineeringScience66(2011)3268–3279 closure for 5mm bubble were compared for case A, and 1 Tomiyama closure for 3 and 5mm bubble were compared for case C. Simulations were done for five gas flow rates in range 0.9 1.9–13.6l/minforbothcaseAandcaseC. Case A comparison between the drag closures is shown in 0.8 Fig.3a–c(riserliquidinterstitialvelocityandriseranddowncomer 0.7 gas holdup vs. gas flow rate). We are aware that the Schiller– Naumannclosureisvalidonlyforrigidspheres,whichiscertainly 0.6 notthecaseof5mmairbubbleinwater.However,theaimofthis s) m/ comparison was only to examine an influence of changing a slip 0.5 velocity of bubbles on simulation results. The Tomiyama closures L ( V resulted in bubble slip velocities (riser volume average) in range 0.4 22.2 to 22.9cm/s depending on the gas flow rate (was lower for 0.3 highergasflowrates).TheSchiller–Naumannslipvelocitywasfrom 37.6to38.6cm/s,thus (cid:3)70%higher.Nevertheless,eventhisrather 0.2 bigdifferenceinslipvelocitiesdidnotcauseverysignificantchanges Tomiyama drag, 5mm bubbles in simulation outputs. The relative difference between the gas 0.1 Tomiyama drag, 3mm bubbles holdupsinriserwasfrom11.2%to15.8%andwasdecreasingwith increasing gas flow rate (maximum absolute holdup difference 0 between the two closures was 0.8%). The reason for this is the 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 UG (m/s) co-currentflowofliquidandgasphasesintheriser.Thegasholdup in the riser is given by a ¼U /V , where U is gas superficial G G G G velocitygivenbyairflowrateintotheairliftandV isgasinterstitial G velocityintheriser,whichisV ¼V +V .Theeffectofchangingthe 0.08 G L slip bubble slip velocity V on the holdup in the airlift riser is then slip smaller then it would be in a case of bubbles rising through a 0.07 stagnantliquid(V ¼0),becausetheliquidvelocityV intheriseris L L relativelyhighifcomparedtobubbleslipvelocityV .Thesituation slip 0.06 would be different in the downcomer, where the phases flow countercurrently and the slip velocity value could have significant 0.05 impactonthedowncomerandalsothewholeairlifthydrodynamics. Therewaseffectivelyzerogasholdupinthedowncomerforallcase A gas flow rates except for the highest one with Tomiyama drag α (-) 0.04 correlation, when the gas just started to be entrained into the downcomer, and the downcomer holdup was (cid:3)8% of the riser 0.03 holdup.The difference betweenliquidinterstitialvelocitiesforthe two drag coefficient correlations was from 1.6% to 8.5% and was 0.02 decreasingwithincreasingofthegasflowratewithasharperdrop of this difference for the highest gas flow rate, where the driving Tomiyama drag, 5mm bubbles 0.01 force for liquid circulation was decreased by the small amount of Tomiyama drag, 3mm bubbles gasentrainedintothedowncomer(Tomiayamacorrelationcase). Case C comparison between simulations assuming 3 and 5mm 0 diameter bubbles is shown in Fig. 4a and b. Tomiyama drag 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 correlationwasusedforboth.Theresultingvolumeaveragedbubble UG (m/s) slipvelocitiesintheriserwerefrom19.4to20.0cm/s(3mmbubble) Fig.4. CaseCsimulationresults(Section5.1).Tomiyamadragclosure(Eq.(4a)) and from 22.3 to 23.0cm/s (5mm bubble). There was only a very resultsfor3mm(whitemarks)and5mmbubble(blackmarks).(a)Riserliquid small difference between 3 and 5mm bubble simulations. The interstitialvelocityVL,(b)risergasholdupvs.risergassuperficialvelocityUG. reasonsforthisarethesameasdescribedinthepreviousparagraph. Therelativedifferencebetweengasholdupsintheriserwasfrom2.2% to3.5%,anditwasfrom0.6%to1.8%fortheriserliquidinterstitial shownforcaseAandcaseC,simulationsofcaseBweredoneonlyin velocity.Again,thedifferencewasdecreasingwithincreasingofgas Fluent.Bothsetups(Fluent,CFX)gaveverysimilarresults.Although flowrate.Therewasnogasinthedowncomer. there was a difference in their results in the radial gas holdup It could be concluded that if the gas phase is present only in profile,ithadonlyaminorimpactontheglobalholdupandvelocity theriserandnotinthedowncomer,thentheimpactofabubble values. In Fluent simulations the gas holdup radial profile was slipvelocitychangeisnotsosignificantduetoco-currentflowof almostcompletelyflat,whileinCFXsimulationstherewasarelative both phases. However, if the gas phase is rising through a difference of 13% between the riser axis and the riser wall value. stagnantliquidorevenifthephasesareflowingcountercurrently Thiswasduetothestrongerturbulentdispersionprescribedinthe (downcomer), then, of course, this impact can be much more Fluentsimulationsetup (s,Eq. (3)). Theliquid velocity profilesin t significant. CFXandFluentsimulationsweresimilar,withrelativedifferencein themaximalvelocity o3%(caseA,UG¼7.5cm/s).Nevertheless,as alreadypointedout,theglobalvaluespredictedbyCFXandFluent 5.2. Mainsimulationresults—comparisonwithexperiments simulationswerealmostthesame. Gasflowratesinthesimulationswerefrom1.9to13.6l/min Simulationresultsforthethreeairliftconfigurations(casesA,B (1.05–7.51cm/s gas superficial velocity based on riser cross andC)andtheircomparisonwithexperimentallymeasureddataare section) for case A and C, and from 1.9 to 26.8l/min (0.53– presentedinthissection.BothFluentandCFXsimulationresultsare 7.51cm/s)forcaseB. M.Sˇimcˇ´ıketal./ChemicalEngineeringScience66(2011)3268–3279 3275 1.0 0.25 0.9 0.8 0.20 0.7 s) 0.6 s) 0.15 m/ 0.5 m/ L ( L ( V 0.4 V 0.10 0.3 0.2 simulation Fluent 0.05 simulation Fluent simulation CFX simulation CFX 0.1 experiment experiment 0.0 0.00 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 UG (m/s) UG (m/s) 0.12 0.07 simulation Fluent 0.10 0.06 simulation CFX experiment 0.05 0.08 0.04 α (-) 0.06 α (-) 0.03 0.04 0.02 simulation Fluent 0.02 simulation CFX 0.01 experiment 0.00 0.00 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 UG (m/s) UG (m/s) Fig.5. CaseAsimulationsvs.experiments(Section5.2).Fluentsimulations(blackmarks),CFXsimulations(stars),experiments(whitemarks).(a)Riserliquidinterstitial velocityVL,(b)downcomerliquidinterstitialvelocityVL,(c)risergasholdupa,and(d)downcomergasholdupavs.risergassuperficialvelocityUG. from experiments as a function of gas flow rate are shown in Fig. 5a–d. Gas holdup fields for different gas flow rates can be seen in Fig. 6. A very good agreement was obtained for liquid interstitial velocity. The relative difference between simulations (Fluent) and experiments was from 0.7% to 4.4% and it was increasing with gas flow rate. The Fluent and CFX simulations alsoagreedverywellwitheachotherwithCFXpredictingslightly lowervalues.Thesituationwasworseinthecaseofgasholdup. Simulations strongly underpredicted gas holdup in the riser (30% relative difference for the highest gas flow rate), and also inthedowncomer,wherethemoment,whenbubblesarestarting to be entrained into the downcomer was shifted to higher gas flowratesinsimulations.Thegasholdupfromsimulationsinthe downcomerforthehighestgasflowratewaslessthan1/10ofthe experimentally obtained value. If a gas interstitial velocity is estimatedfromV ¼U /a ,whereU isthegassuperficialvelocity G G G G givenbygasflowrate,anda istheexperimentallymeasuredgas G holdup, then for the highest gas flow rate the V would be G (cid:3)74cm/s, which is actually lower than the measured and simulated liquid velocity and would result in a negative bubble Fig. 6. Case A simulations (Section 5.2): Gas holdup fields for gas flow rates 1.9, 3.6, 4.5, 9.1 and 13.6l/min (riser gas superficial velocity (cid:3)1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 5.0, slip velocity, which is of course not possible. The reason of the 7.5cm/s). discrepancybetweensimulationandexperimentisthenprobably duetotheexperimentalmethodusedtoobtainestimatesofgas 5.2.1. CaseA holdups. Holdup estimates measured with U-tube manometers Liquidinterstitialvelocitiesandgasholdupsintheriserandin canbenegativelyinfluencedbyapressuredropduetoflow.This thedowncomerobtainedfromsimulations(FluentandCFX)and willbediscussedattheendofSection5.2. 3276 M.Sˇimcˇ´ıketal./ChemicalEngineeringScience66(2011)3268–3279 0.8 0.50 0.7 0.45 0.40 0.6 0.35 0.5 VL (m/s) 00..34 VL (m/s) 000...223050 0.15 0.2 0.10 simulation 0.1 simulation experiment 0.05 experiment 0.0 0.00 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 UG (m/s) UG (m/s) 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.08 α (-) 0.08 α (-) 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.02 simulation 0.02 simulation experiment experiment 0.00 0.00 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 UG (m/s) UG (m/s) Fig. 7. Case B simulations vs. experiments (Section 5.2): fluent simulations (black marks), experiments (white marks). (a) Riser liquid interstitial velocity VL, (b)downcomerliquidinterstitialvelocityVL,(c)risergasholdupa,and(d)downcomergasholdupavs.risergassuperficialvelocityUG. 5.2.2. CaseB The results are shown in Fig. 7a–d (gas holdups and liquid interstitialvelocities)andinFig.8(simulatedgasholdupfields). ThiscaseBisinteresting,because threedifferentbubblecircula- tion regimes were experimentally observed with the change of thegasflowrate.Atfirst,forthelowestgasflowrate,therewere no gas bubbles inside thedowncomer.Then for higherrates the bubbles started to be entrained into the downcomer, but the bubble front did not reach the downcomer bottom yet. And finally,forthehighestgasflowrate,thefrontreachedtheairlift bottom and bubbles started to circulate with a corresponding change of interstitial liquid velocity and gas holdup vs. gas flow rate curve trends. Now the question was if our simulations are able to capture this behavior. The answer is that they can, but only partially. There was an initially good agreement in liquid Fig.8. CaseBsimulations(Section5.2):instantaneousgasholdupfieldsforgas interstitialvelocities.Thedifferencebetweenthesimulationand flowrates1.9,3.6,4.5,9.1,13.6,17.9and26.8l/min(risergassuperficialvelocity theexperimentforthelowestexperimentallymeasuredgasflow (cid:3)0.5,1.0,1.3,2.6,3.8,5.0,7.5cm/s). ratewas o3.5% and it wascontinuallyincreasing withgas flow rate.Itwas8.5%forthesecondhighestflowrate,whichisstillok. Butforthehighestflowrate,wheretherewasasteeperriseofthe simulations and there appeared no bubble circulation regime experimentally measured liquid velocity due to the regime evenforthemaximalgasflowrate.Theliquidinterstitialvelocity change, the experiment/simulation difference was 46%. Gas didnotchangemuchwithanincreaseinthegasflowrateinthe holdup in the riser and in the downcomer and also the point at simulations, except for the lower rates (only 6.2% increase from which bubbles start to enter the downcomer was captured very gas flow rate 4.5–26.8l/min). The liquid superficial velocity in well. However, the agreement for the highest gas flow rate was simulations (and thus a total circulating liquid flow rate), was badagain.Thebubblefrontdidnotreachtheairliftbottominthe even decreasing with gas flow rate. The reason was that the M.Sˇimcˇ´ıketal./ChemicalEngineeringScience66(2011)3268–3279 3277 driving force for the liquid circulation, the difference between governing equations of the flow. In our simulations the bubble average holdups in the riser and in the downcomer, was slowly sizewasprescribeddirectly(5mmforallflowrates,allbubbles decreasingwithgasflowratefromacertainpoint(Q ¼4.5l/min, assumedtohaveasamesize).Theweakpointofoursimulations G U ¼1.26cm/s),whilethegasholdupsintheriserandthedown- and the cause of disagreement between simulations and experi- G comerwererisinglinearly.Theabsolutedifferencebetweenthem ments can be any of the above mentioned issues, probably the (riser/downcomer)was1.7%atQ ¼4.5l/min(U ¼1.26cm/s)and specificationofbubblesizeand/ortheslipvelocityadjustmenton G G 1.2%at26.8l/min(U ¼7.51cm/s).Theliquidsuperficialvelocity thelocalgasholdup.Althoughmeasurementsofbubblesizewere G in theriserdropped from34.6 to 32.3cm/s inthis gasflow rate donewithahighspeedcamera,theycouldbedoneonlyforvery rangeinsimulations. lowgasflowrates.Thebubblylayersoonbecameopaqueasthe ForcaseBsimulations,therewasaverygoodagreementwith holdupincreased.Nevertheless,ifextrapolatedforthehigherflow experiments for low gas flow rates. The deviation from experi- rates,andtakingintoaccounttheweakdependencyofthebubble mentsthenstartedtoincreaseslowlywithgasflowrateandthen risevelocityonthebubblediameterinrangeofbubbleequivalent itrosesuddenlyforthehighestgasflowratewiththeonsetofa diameters cca 4–10mm (see e.g. Jamialahmadi et al., 1994), our bubble circulation regime, which was not captured by the assumptionwasthatthe5mmfixedbubblesizecanreasonably simulations. As it was pointed out earlier, flow in a downcomer well represent the typical bubble slip velocities encountered in (countercurrentflow)isinfluencedbyabubbleslipvelocitymuch theairlift.Whenthebubbleswereentrainedintothedowncomer, morethanaflowinariser(co-current).Demandsontheaccuracy thisassumptionwasprobablytoocrude. ofdragforceclosurearethenquitehighifbubblesarepresentin the downcomer. Drag coefficient and bubble slip velocity for givenfluidsdependonbubblesize,shapeandonlocalgasholdup 5.2.3. CaseC (andotherfactorssuchasapresenceofsurfactants).Toobtaina Simulations (Fluent and CFX) and experiments of case C are correctbubbleslipvelocity(a)areliableclosureequationforitis compared in Fig. 9a–c. Gas holdup fields for different gas flow neededand(b)correctinputsintothisclosurearerequired.Our rates can be seen in Fig. 10. A good simulation/experiment closurewasEq.(3).Abubblesizecanbeeitherprescribeddirectly agreement was obtained for liquid interstitial velocity. The or it can be a result from a bubble coalescence/break-up model relativedifferencebetweensimulations(Fluent)andexperiments solution. The local gas holdup is then provided by solving variedfrom4.6%to8.3%.Andagain,asforthecaseA,theFluent 1.0 0.25 0.9 0.8 0.20 0.7 s) 0.6 s) 0.15 m/ 0.5 m/ L ( L ( V 0.4 V 0.10 0.3 0.2 simulation Fluent 0.05 simulation Fluent simulation CFX simulation CFX 0.1 experiment experiment 0.0 0.00 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 UG (m/s) UG (m/s) 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 α (-) 0.04 0.03 0.02 simulation Fluent 0.01 simulation CFX experiment 0.00 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 UG (m/s) Fig.9. CaseCsimulationsvs.experiments(Section5.2):fluentsimulations(blackmarks),CFXsimulations(stars),experiments(whitemarks).(a)Riserliquidinterstitial velocityVL,(b)downcomerliquidinterstitialvelocityVL,and(c)risergasholdupavs.risergassuperficialvelocityUG.