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CFD-PBM Coupled Simulation of an Airlift Reactor with Non-Newtonian Fluid PDF

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Preview CFD-PBM Coupled Simulation of an Airlift Reactor with Non-Newtonian Fluid

Oil&GasScienceandTechnology–Rev.IFPEnergiesnouvelles(2017)72,26 (cid:1)M.Hanetal.,publishedbyIFPEnergiesnouvelles,2017 DOI:10.2516/ogst/2017017 IFPEnergiesnouvellesInternationalConference RencontresScientifiquesd'IFPEnergiesnouvelles DynamicsofEvolvingFluidInterfaces–DEFIGatheringPhysico-ChemicalandFlowProperties Dynamiquesdesécoulementsàinterfacesfluides–aucroisementdelaphysico-chimieetdelamécaniquedefluides CFD-PBM Coupled Simulation of an Airlift Reactor with Non-Newtonian Fluid Mei Han1,2*, Zuoliang Sha2, Arto Laari1 and Tuomas Koiranen1 1SchoolofEngineeringScience,LappeenrantaUniversityofTechnology,P.O.Box20,Lappeenranta53851-Finland 2TianjinKeyLaboratoryofMarineResourcesandChemistry,TianjinUniversityofScienceandTechnology,Tianjin300457-PRChina e-mail:mei.han@lut.fi *Correspondingauthor Abstract— Hydrodynamics ofan AirLift Reactor (ALR) with tapwater and non-Newtonian fluid was studied experimentally and by numerical simulations. The Population Balance Model (PBM) with multiple breakup and coalescence mechanisms was used to describe bubble size characteristics in the ALR. The interphase forces for closing the two-fluid model were formulated by considering the effect of Bubble Size Distribution (BSD). The BSD in the ALR obtained from the coupled Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)-PBM model was validated against results from digital imaging measurements. The simulated velocity fields of both the gas and liquid phases were compared to measured fields obtained with Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). The simulated results show different velocity field profile features at the top of the ALR between tap water and non- Newtonian fluid, which are in agreement with experiments. In addition, good agreement between simulations and experiments was obtained in terms of overall gas holdup and bubble Sauter mean diameter. NOMENCLATURE F Turbulent dispersionforce, Nm(cid:1)3 Symbols TD F Wall lubrication force, Nm(cid:1)3 W a Volumefractionof gas/liquidphase,1 k Liquidshear-inducedturbulencekineticenergy, g/l l Cl, Cɛ1,Cɛ2k-ɛModel parameters m2 s(cid:1)2 C Satomodel parameter k Turbulence kinetic energy due to bubble- lb l,g C Added mass coefficient inducedturbulence, m2 s(cid:1)2 VM C Drag coefficient j Consistency index, Pa sn D C Lift force coefficient n Bubble number L C Turbulent dispersionforce coefficient n Flow index TD C Wall lubrication force coefficient U Gas superficial velocity, ms(cid:1)1 W g d Bubble Sauter mean diameter, m Eo Eotvos number s d Bubble equivalent diameter, m Re Reynolds number b f Volume fraction of the bubble phase with size b(d) Bubblebreakuprateduetoturbulenteddies,s(cid:1)1 i class ibased on thegas phase b(f |d) Daughter bubble size distribution v f Volumefractionof bubbleswithvolumev b (d) Bubble breakup rate dueto instability, s(cid:1)1 v 2 F Drag force, Nm(cid:1)3 - (d,d) Collision rate due toturbulent eddies,s(cid:1)1 D T i j F Lift force, Nm(cid:1)3 P (d, d) Coalescence efficiency due toturbulent eddies L T i j ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Page 2 of12 Oil&GasScienceandTechnology–Rev.IFPEnergiesnouvelles(2017)72,26 - (d,d) Collision rate due tobubble wake, s(cid:1)1 and even production yield in the reactor. Bubble size W i j P (d, d) Coalescence efficiency due to bubble wake influencesgasholdup,gasresidencetime,specificinterfacial W i j - (d,d) Collisionrateduetodifferentrisevelocities,s(cid:1)1 area,andmassandmomentumtransferbetweenthegasand U i j P (d,d) Coalescence efficiency due to different rise liquid phase. Meanwhile, bubble size and its behavior are U i j velocities affected by several factors, such as gas holdup, liquid velocityfieldandliquidphysicalproperty.Extensivestudies [4-8] have shown that bubble size characteristics have Greek Symbols significant effects on the hydrodynamics and mass transfer l Liquid apparent viscosity,kg m(cid:1)1s(cid:1)1 performance of ALR, especially for liquids with high app l Laminarviscosity, kg m(cid:1)1 s(cid:1)1 viscosity. For example, Hwang and Cheng [5] found that lam gas holdup decreased with increasing Carboxyl Methyl l Dynamic viscosity of liquid due to shear- tl inducedturbulence, kgm(cid:1)1s(cid:1)1 Cellulose (CMC) concentration due to formation of large bubblesinhighlyviscousliquid.Dengetal.[6]showedthat l Dynamic viscosity of liquid due to bubble- tb Bubble Size Distribution (BSD) for highly viscous liquids inducedturbulence, kgm(cid:1)1s(cid:1)1 became broader in heterogeneous flow regime and increase l Turbulence viscosity of the gas phase, tg of gas holdup slowed down with aeration rate due to kg m(cid:1)1 s(cid:1)1 formation of large bubbles. Gumery et al. [8] reported that l Effectiveviscosity, kg m(cid:1)1 s(cid:1)1 eff liquidcirculationvelocitydecreasedintheALRbyincreas- c Shear rate, s(cid:1)1 ing liquid apparent viscosity due to enhanced bubble q Liquid/gas density, kg m(cid:1)3 coalescence. ɛ Overall gas holdup, % Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation is a g,o ɛ Turbulentdissipationrateduetoshear-induced powerful tool to investigate and predict hydrodynamics in l turbulence, m2s(cid:1)3 multiphase reactors. However, it is required that the CFD ɛ Turbulent dissipation rate due to bubble- models describe the phenomena behind the physics accu- l,g inducedturbulence, m2 s(cid:1)3 ratelyinordertopredictresultswithgoodconfidence.This is still difficult and challenging since fluid mechanics in multiphase flow is quite complex and far from fully under- Subscripts stood.Therefore,itisnecessarytovalidatetheCFDsimula- tions of ALR experimentally, particularly with different m Gas-liquidmixture liquid physical properties. The two-fluid model with the l,L Liquid phase assumption of a single bubble size can give reasonable g Gas phase predictions for multiphase reactor only in cases where the i,j Classesof bubble size bubble size isnarrowly distributed.Coupling ofPopulation BalanceModel(PBM)intoCFDmodelscouldmakeitpos- sibletoextendthesimulationandpredictionofflowregimes INTRODUCTION fromhomogeneoustoheterogeneouswherethebubblesize is widely distributed. PBM is an effective method to calcu- Airlift Reactors (ALR) attract more and more interests in late BSD for gas-liquid flows on the condition that bubble manyprocessapplications,suchassyngasfermentation[1], coalescenceandbreakupmodelsareprovidedasmodelclo- direct coal liquefaction [2] and waste water/gas treatment sures. Many researchers have used the coupled CFD-PBM [3]. The advantages of ALR over bubble columns include model to predict the hydrodynamics and mass transfer in enhanced mixing efficiency and good suspension of multiphase reactors [9-14]. Their studies showed that a particles due to improved liquid circulation. In comparison better agreement between simulations and experiments was to mechanically stirred tanks, simple structure and low obtained when BSD was considered compared to using a energy consumption make ALR even more attractive, constant mean bubble diameter. Chen et al. [10] found that particularly considering the current stringent energy and the coupled CFD-PBM simulation was able to predict the safety demands. effects of aeration rate and liquid surface tension on the Airlift loop reactors are an important type of pneumati- gasholdupinbubblecolumns.Theypointedoutthatsimu- cally agitated multiphase reactors where the bubble phase lations made by implementing PBM produced much better functions as the agitation source and reactant. Bubble size comparison to experiments for gas holdup and liquid characteristics,determinedbytheinitialbubblesize,bubble velocity than by using mean bubble diameter. Wang and breakup and coalescence, is an important hydrodynamic Wang [12] investigated mass transfer in bubble column parameter and closely related to mass transfer performance with the coupled CFD-PBM model and showed that the Oil&GasScienceandTechnology–Rev.IFPEnergiesnouvelles(2017)72,26 Page 3of 12 CFD-PBM coupled model could predict effectively the 1 hydrodynamicsandmasstransfer.Liuetal.[13]performed CFD-PBMcoupledsimulationsofairliftbioreactorforhairy 5 root culture and presented good agreement between simulations and experiments in terms of bubble number density. Xing et al. [14] investigated the ability of the 6 8 CFD-PBM coupled model to account for the effect of viscosityonthegasholdupinabubblecolumn.Thefeature that the increased viscosity resulted to a decrease in the volume fraction of small bubbles and an increase in the volume fraction of large bubbles was captured well using 9 2 the developed CFD-PBM model [12, 15]. The coupled CFD-PBM simulations of ALR are relatively rare, espe- ciallywiththeviscousornon-Newtonianfluid.Inindustrial 11RRiisseerr applications, many processes [16-18] are operated in the 22DDoowwnnccoommeerr((ddrraaffttttuubbee)) 7 viscousmediumsorwithcatalystsshowingnon-Newtonian 33OO--rriinnggggaassddiissttrriibbuuttoorr 44GGaassmmaassssfflloowwccoonnttrroolllleerr behavior. 55SSqquuaarreettaannkk The aim of this study was to develop a CFD model for 66DDaavviiss88..33ssooffttwwaarree ALR with non-Newtonian fluid in order to contribute to 77LLaasseerr the design and optimization of ALR in practical applica- 88CCaammeerraaffoorrggaasspphhaassee 3 99CCaammeerraaffoorrlliiqquuiiddpphhaassee tions. A PBM with the coalescence mechanisms by turbu- 4 lent eddies, wake entrainment and different rise velocities of bubbles is coupled into the two-fluid model. Bubble breakupsduetoeddycollisionandeddyinstabilityaretaken into account. Gas holdup, bubble size and liquid and gas velocity fields obtained by Particle Image Velocimetry Figure1 (PIV) were used to validate the CFD model. Schematicdiagramoftheexperimentalsetup. 1 EXPERIMENT 1.1 Experimental Setup and Material Theschematicdiagramoftheexperimentalsetupusedinthis work isshown inFigure 1. The AR_ALR is composed of a riser (outer column), downcomer (draft tube) and gas distributor. The riser is 0.15 m in inner diameter and 1.2 m in height. The down- comer is 0.60 m high with the inner diameter of 0.10 m. The downcomer was co-axially mounted with the riser locating at 0.05 m above the column bottom. A plastic O-ring gas distributor with a diameter of 0.12 m was installed in the annulus between the riser and the down- comer and it was at 0.07 m above the bottom. Gas is fed to the column through 36 pores, with hole size of 0.5 mm distributed equidistantly at the top of the O-ring. The AR_ALR is located inside a transparent rectangular Figure2 box in order to diminish optical distortions during visual- Dynamic viscosity of water and CMC solution measured by rheometer. ization measurements. Tap water and 0.14 wt% CMC (Finnfix 50000) aqueous solution were employed to study the Newtonian and non- 302 (Anton Paar) and the curve is shown in Figure 2. Newtonianfluids.ThedynamicviscosityoftheCMCsolu- As the reference, the viscosity of tap water was also tested tion was measured with the Modular Compact Rheometer andisshowninFigure2.TheCMCsolutionexhibitedshear Page 4 of12 Oil&GasScienceandTechnology–Rev.IFPEnergiesnouvelles(2017)72,26 TABLE1 GoverningequationsanddiscretePBMfortheALR. Models Equations Massconservation rðq a u Þ¼0;k¼l;g k k k (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:3)(cid:3) rðq a u u Þ¼(cid:1)a rP0þr a l ru þruT þq a g Momentumconservation k k k k k k eff k k k k þFD;kþFL;kþFW;kþFT;k (cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:3) (cid:3) rðqlalklulÞ¼r alllam;lðltlþltbÞ=rk rkl þalðGk;l(cid:1)qlelÞ (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:3) (cid:3) rðqlalelulÞ¼r al llam;lþðltlþltbÞ=re rel þ alel=klðCe1Gk;l(cid:1)Ce2qlelÞ Moedqifiueadtiokn-ɛ[2tu0r,b2u1le]nce lt;l¼Clðql=k2lelÞ;leff ¼lapp;lþlt;lþltb;ltb¼Clbqlagdbs(cid:4)(cid:4)ug(cid:1)ul(cid:4)(cid:4) kl;t¼klþkl;g;el;t¼elþel;g;kl;g¼1=2agCVMu2slip;el;g¼agguslip ltg¼lt;lqg=ql P (cid:1) (cid:3)(cid:4) (cid:4) FD;k ¼ Mi¼1fiagql34CdDbii ug(cid:1)ul (cid:4)ug(cid:1)ul(cid:4) Dragforce[22] (cid:5) (cid:1) (cid:3) (cid:6) C ¼max 24Re(cid:1)1 1þ0:15Re0:687 ;8=3Eo=ðEoþ4Þ Di i i P (cid:1) (cid:3) FL;k ¼(cid:1) Mi¼1CLifiagql ug(cid:1)ul oourl 8 (cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:3)(cid:3) <min 0:288tanhð0:121Re;f Eo0 ; Eo0<3:4 i i i Liftforce[23] CLi: fðEo0iÞ; 3:4<Eo0i<5:3 (cid:1)0:29; Eo0>5:3 i fðEo0Þ¼0:00925Eo03(cid:1)0:099Eo02þ1:088 i i i P (cid:1) (cid:3) h i Walllubricationforce[23] FW;k ¼(cid:1) Mi¼11=2CWifiagdbiql ug(cid:1)ul 2 ðR(cid:1)rÞ(cid:1)2(cid:1)ðRþrÞ(cid:1)2 Turbulentdispersionforce[24] F ¼(cid:1)C a qk oa TD TD g l lor (cid:1) (cid:3) jP(cid:3)k (cid:1) (cid:3) ootðagfiÞþr agubfi ¼ j;k 1(cid:1)12dj;k gi;jkcj;kagfiagfkvi=vj=vk Populationbalancemodelfor xi(cid:1)1(cid:4)ðxjþxkÞ(cid:4)xiþ1 bubblesintheALR[11] XM XM (cid:1)agfi ci;jagfk=vkþ ni;kagfkbkvi=vk(cid:1)biagfi k¼1 k¼i thinningbehaviorandtheapparentviscosity,l ,couldbe mass flow controller (Bronkhorst E-7000). Gas superficial app describedby the following powerlaw model: velocity,U ,wascalculatedbasedonthecross-sectionalarea g oftheriser(theannulus).Allexperimentswerecarriedoutat l ¼jcn(cid:1)1 ð1Þ atmospheric pressure and room temperature. app wherejandnaretheconsistencyindexandtheflowindex 1.2 MeasurementTechniques ofthefluid,respectively.jis0.118Pasnandnis0.68forthe CMCsolutionobtainedbyfittingEquation(1)withtheleast- The overall gas holdup in the reactor, ɛg,o, was determined squaresmethod. by theheight expansion method: Tap water and CMC solutions were operated in experi- eg;o ¼ðHm(cid:1)HlÞ=Hm ð2Þ mentsinbatchmode.Thestaticlevelforbothliquidphases was0.8m.Oil-freecompressedairasthegasphasewasrun where H is the static liquid level and H is the gas-liquid l m in once-through mode. Gas flow rate was controlled by a mixture height after aeration. Oil&GasScienceandTechnology–Rev.IFPEnergiesnouvelles(2017)72,26 Page 5of 12 TABLE2 Modelsofbubblesbreakupandcoalescencerate. Mechanisms Equations R R bðdÞ¼ 0:5bðfjdÞdf;bðf;dÞ¼2bðfjdÞ= 1bðfjdÞdf 0 v v v v 0 v v R bðfjdÞ¼0:923ð1(cid:1)a Þne1=3 db P ðfjd;kÞðkþdÞ2k(cid:1)11=3dk v g k b v min R P ðfjd;kÞ¼ 1P ðfjd;eðkÞ;kÞP ðeðkÞÞdeðkÞ;P ðeðkÞÞ¼ð1=(cid:1)eðkÞÞexpð(cid:1)eðkÞ=(cid:1)eðkÞÞ Bubblebreakupdue b v 0 b v e e toturbulenteddies (cid:7) (cid:1) (cid:3) P ðfjd;eðkÞ;kÞ¼ 1 fv;max(cid:1)fv;min fv;max(cid:1)fv;min(cid:3)d fv;min<fv<fv;max b v 0 else (cid:1) (cid:3) (cid:1) (cid:3) fv;min¼ pk3r=ð6eðkÞdÞ 3; ðfv2;m=3axþð1(cid:1)fv;maxÞ2=3(cid:1)1Þ¼min ð21=3(cid:1)1Þ;eðkÞ=ðpd2rÞ ; (cid:1)eðkÞ¼p6k3ql(cid:1)u22k Bubblebreakupratedue b ðdÞ¼b(cid:5) ðd(cid:1)dc2Þm ; bðf;dÞ¼2dð0:5Þ toinstability 2 ðd(cid:1)dc2Þmþdmc2 v pffiffiffi - ðd;dÞ¼ðp=4Þa ða (cid:1)aÞ(cid:1)1C 2e1=3ðd þdÞ2ðd2=3þd2=3Þ1=2 T i j max max ij i j i j Ctooatluesrbceunlecnetreadtedideuse PTðdi;djÞ¼exp(cid:9)(cid:1)(cid:9)0:75ð1þn2ijÞð1þn3ijÞ(cid:10)1=2ðqg=qlþcÞ(cid:1)1ð1þnijÞ(cid:1)3Wei1j=2(cid:3) Cij¼lmbt;ij=ðlmbt;ijþhmb;ijÞ; lbt;ij¼(cid:9)l2bt;iþl2bt;j(cid:10)1=2; lbt¼0:89db;hb;ij¼(cid:1)NiþNj(cid:3)1=3 (cid:1) (cid:3) pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi -W di;dj ¼12:0Hd2i(cid:1)uslip;i; (cid:1)uslip;i¼0:71 gdi P ðd;dÞ¼expð(cid:1)0:46q1=2e1=3r(cid:1)1=2ðdd=ðd þdÞÞ5=6Þ W i j l i j i j Coalescenceratedue ((cid:1) (cid:3) (cid:9)(cid:1) (cid:3) (cid:10) tobubblewake H¼ dj(cid:1)dc=2 6= dj(cid:1)dc=2 6þðdc=2Þ6 dj(cid:3)dc=2 0 else (cid:4) (cid:4) - ðd;dÞ¼p=4ðd þdÞ2(cid:4)u (cid:1)u (cid:4); P ðd;dÞ¼0:5 U i j i j ri rj U i j PIVmethodwasadoptedtomeasureflowvelocityfields eachconditionandusedtocalculatethebubbleSautermean forbothgasandliquidphasessimultaneously.ThePIVsys- diameter,d : 32 tem (LaVision GmbH) mainly included a double pulsed Nd Yaglaser,twohighresolutionCCDcameras (1600pixel9 XN .XN d ¼ nd3 nd2 ð3Þ 1200pixel)andDaVis8.3software.Theliquidvelocityfield 32 i bi i bi i¼1 i¼1 was traced by PMMA-RhB fluorescent particles with the diameter range of 20-50 lm. The measuring range of the where d and n are the bubble equivalent diameter and bi i flow field was from the wall to the centerline of the ALR the number of bubbles corresponding to the equivalent in the radial direction. Each measurement window is diameter, and i indicates the size class that refers to the 75 9 50 mm in physical size. Eight hundred (800) pairs of bubble equivalent diameter. imageswereacquiredbyeachcamerawithin10minforeach testwhentheflowfieldwasinsteadystate.DaVis8.3soft- ware was utilized to analyze the acquired images for each 2 MODELING AND SIMULATION phase. The spatial resolution of the measured velocity field was 3 9 3 mm (grid size). Ensemble- and time-averaged 2.1 Coupled CFD-PBM Model velocity fields were calculated and used to compare to the simulations. The governing equations of the time-averaged two-fluid Digital imaging method was employed to evaluate the model and the discrete PBM model from Wang et al. [11] bubblesizeandsizedistributionintheALR.Onethousand arelistedinTable1.BSDwasresolvedfromthePBMusing (1000)digitalimageswereacquiredandusedtoanalyzethe the gas holdup and the kinetic energy dissipation rate bubblesizeforeachcondition.Anoverlappingobjectrecog- calculated in CFD. Then BSD obtained from the PBM was nition algorithm (Pixact Object Recognition and Analysis used to formulate the interphase forces and the turbulence software, Pixact Ltd) developed byEloranta etal. [19] was modificationclosuretermsforthetwo-fluidmodel.Amod- usedtorecognizeandanalyzethebubblesfromtheacquired ifiedk-ɛmodelbased onthetwo-timeconstantmodel from digital images. More than 104 bubbles were detected for Lahey et al. [20] was used to describe the liquid phase Page 6 of12 Oil&GasScienceandTechnology–Rev.IFPEnergiesnouvelles(2017)72,26 Pressure outlet boundary condition at top surface Center axis b) Periodic plane Velocity inlet boundary condition on surface of gas distributor Figure4 Overallgasholdupfromexperimentsandsimulations. a) c) To describe BSD characterization in viscous fluid, the Figure3 multiplebubblebreakupandcoalescencemodelsfromXing Computational domain and grid profile: a) computational et al.’s [14] were used to close the PBM. The total bubble domain,b)gridprofileatthetop,c)gridprofileatthebottom. breakupratewascalculatedasthesumoftheratesfromeddy collision and from the instability of large bubbles. For the total coalescence rate three mechanisms were included, turbulence, where both the shear-induced turbulence and namely coalescence due to turbulent eddies, bubble wake the bubble-induced turbulence were considered. The turbu- entrainment,anddifferentbubblerisevelocities.Thedetails lent viscosity of the gas phase was formulated using the ofthebreakupandcoalescencemodelsfromXingetal.[14] correlation proposed by Jakobsen [21]. The drag, lift, wall used arelistedinTable 2. lubrication and turbulent dispersion forces were taken into account for gas and liquid momentum transfer. The drag coefficient model from Tomiyama et al. [22] was used to 2.2 Numerical Details calculate drag force for each bubble size group. The Tomiyama drag coefficient model, being developed based Steady state simulations were performed for the ALR. on the balance of forces acting on a bubble and available Two liquid phases, which are the CMC solution as the theoretical and empirical correlations of terminal rising non-Newtonian fluid and tap water as the reference, were velocity, is well suited for gas-liquid flows where the simulated. The apparent viscosity of the CMC solution bubbles can be of different size to a certain extent. The lift was described with the power law equation, as measured force was calculated with thelift force coefficient model of in the experiments. The numerical simulations were per- Tomiyama et al. [23], which is applicable to larger-scale formed at two gas superficial velocities of 1.18 cm s(cid:1)1 and deformable bubbles in the ellipsoidal and spherical cap 2.04 cm s(cid:1)1, which corresponded to the homogeneous and regimes. The Tomiyama wall lubrication force model [24], heterogeneous flow regimes, respectively. The bubble size which modified the formulation of Antal et al. [25], was was divided into 30 classes with the geometric method employed for wall lubrication force calculation, as listed (v = vq), where the smallest bubble volume v was i+1 i 1 in Table 1. 1.0 910(cid:1)10m3 with thefactorqof1.7. ThecouplingofPBMintoCFDmodelwasimplemented Thetwo-dimensionalaxis-symmetryassumptionwasused in ANSYS Fluent 14.5 using user defined scalars that were inthisworkduetothegeometricsymmetryoftheALRand defined for volume fractions of bubble group i in the gas low computational costs. The computational domain is holdup. Bubble breakup and coalescence rate models were showninFigure3a.Thecomputationalgridwascreatedwith loadedbytheuserdefinedfunction.Allbubblegroupswere ANSYS ICEM and the structural hexahedra gridding at assumedtomoveatidenticalvelocitythatequalstothelocal thebottomandtopisshowninFigure3band3c,respectively. ensembleaveraged gas velocity. The grid density and the corresponding cell size in the Oil&GasScienceandTechnology–Rev.IFPEnergiesnouvelles(2017)72,26 Page 7of 12 a) c) b) d) Figure5 Bubblevolumefractionofexperimentandsimulation. threemodeledzonesalongtheALRheightwere2393mm (below the gas distributor), 21 9 1 mm (around the gas distributor), and 284 9 2.5 mm (above the gas distributor). Intheradialdirection,thegridwasfinednearthewallwith the minimum edge size of 0.5 mm and the maximum edge size of 2 mm. Grid independent solution was verified by comparing to the experiments in terms of gas holdup and liquidvelocity. The wall function was used for the liquid phase and the non-slip condition was used for the gas phase. The veloc- ity inlet boundary was applied to the upper face of the gas distributor, where the inlet velocity, gas holdup and volume fractions of bubble groups were specified accord- ing to the experiments. At the top surface of disengage- ment zone, pressure outlet boundary condition was used. The second order upwind scheme was used for the momentum, turbulence kinetic energy and dissipation Figure6 rate equations and the first-order scheme for the volume Bubble Sauter mean diameter from experiments and fraction equations. simulations. Page 8 of12 Oil&GasScienceandTechnology–Rev.IFPEnergiesnouvelles(2017)72,26 a) b) c) d) Figure7 VelocityfieldsofAR_ALRwithwateratU =2.04cms(cid:1)1:a)liquidvelocity–PIV,b)gasvelocity–PIV,c)liquidvelocity–simulation,d)gas g velocity–simulation. 3 RESULT AND DISCUSSION gas superficial velocity U for both in tap water and g in CMC solution. The value of the overall gas holdup 3.1 OverallGasHoldup is lower in CMC solution than in tap water at the same U . The simulated results for the overall gas holdup g The overallgas holdupsfor tap water andCMC solution at agrees well with the experimental data for both the two different gas superficial velocities U , are shown in tap water and CMC solution with the relative error being g Figure 4. The overall gas holdups increase with increasing less than ±10%. Oil&GasScienceandTechnology–Rev.IFPEnergiesnouvelles(2017)72,26 Page 9of 12 a) b) c) d) Figure8 VelocityfieldsofAR_ALRwithCMCsolutionatU =2.04cms(cid:1)1:a)liquidvelocity–PIV,b)gasvelocity–PIV,c)liquidvelocity–simulation, g d)gasvelocity–simulation. 3.2 Bubble Size different liquid phases is shown in Figures 5a-5d. It can be seen that the bubble sizes are narrowly distributed both in ThesimulationresultsoftheBSDintheALRwithdifferent water and in CMC solution at low U . With increasing U , g g liquid phases were obtained from the discrete PBM. The BSD becomes broad in water and even bimodal in CMC comparison between the simulation results and experimen- solution. All these features are captured by the PBM with tally determined bubble number densities in the ALR with the bubble breakup and coalescence models including Page 10 of12 Oil&GasScienceandTechnology–Rev.IFPEnergiesnouvelles(2017)72,26 a) a) b) b) c) c) Figure9 Figure10 Radial profile of liquid axial velocity of experiments and Radial profile of liquid axial velocity of experiments and simulationsatU =1.18cms(cid:1)1. simulationsatU =2.04cms(cid:1)1. g g several mechanisms. The relative errors between the exper- the ALR with different fluids at two investigated U . It can g iments and the simulations is less than ±10% for most of be found that the bubble Sauter mean diameter is slightly thebubble groups, asshownin Figure 5. under-predicted in water and over-predicted in CMC solu- Figure 6 shows a good agreement between the simula- tion. These results are obtained most probably because the tions and experiments for bubble Sauter mean diameter in breakup models in the PBM are much more sensitive to

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)-PBM model was validated against results from digital . Wang [12] investigated mass transfer in bubble column .. 0 else. (. -Uðdi, djÞ ¼ p/4ðdi þ djÞ2 uri À urj. , PUðdi, djÞ ¼ 0.5. Oil & Gas Science and in ANSYS Fluent 14.5 using user defined scalars th
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