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1 /'/ !) l'. 0 ~- I CELL BIOLOGY u GENETICS MOLECULAR BIOLOGY "This page is Intentionally Left Blank" For BSc Honours and General students ofL ife Science (Botany. Zoology, Microbiology, Genetics and Biotechnology) ofa ll Indian Universities CELL BIOLOGY GENETICS MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Dr Dipak Kumar Kar Principal Asutosh College, Kolkata, West Bengal Dr Soma Halder Assistant Professor, Department of Botany and Head, Department of Microbiology Asutosh College, Kolkata, West Bengal New Central Book Agency.(P) Ltd LONDON HYDERABAD ERNAKULAM BHUBANESWAR NEW DELHI KOLKATA PUNE GUWAHATI NCBJ\ REGD OFFICE 811 Chintamoni Das Line, Kolkata 700 009, lndia email: [email protected] OVERSEAS NCBA (UK) Ltd, 149 Park Avenue North, Northampton, NN3 2HY, UK email: [email protected] EXPORT NCBA Exports Pvt. Ltd, 212 Shahpur Jat, New Delhi 110 049 email: [email protected] BRANCHES 212 Shahpur Jat House No. 3-1-.315, !st Floor New Delhi 110 049 Nimboliadda, Kachiguda, Hyderabad 500 027 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Shop Nos. 3 & 4, Vinayak Towers GSS Shopping Complex, I st Floor 681/B Budhwar Peth, Appa Balwant Chowk Opposite College Post Office, Convent Road Pune411 002 Ernakulam 682 035 email: [email protected] 0484-4021054/53 Shop No. 15, Bharati Towers, Ground Floor Radhamayee Complex (Second Floor) Forest Park, Bhubaneswar 75.I 001 Opp. SB!, Panbazar, Jaswanta Road email: [email protected] Guwahati 781 001 email: [email protected] CELL BIOLOGY, GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY e Dr Dipak Kumar Kar, Dr Soma Halder © Copyright reserved hy the Authors Publication, Distribution, and Promotion Rights reserved by the Publisher All rights reserved. No part of rhe text in general, and the figures, diagrams, page layout, and cover design in particular, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system-without the prior written permission of the Publisher first Published: 2009 Reprinted: 2011 Rep rimed: 2013 Thoroughly Revised and Updated Second Edition: 2015 PUBLISHER AND TYPESETTER New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd 81 I Chinramoni Das Lane, Kolkara 700 009 PRINTER New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd Web-Offset Division, Dhulagarh, Sankrail, Howrah COVER DESIGNER Soumen Paul COVER PRINTER Techno Process, Kolkaca TECHNICAL EDITORS Dr Mira Sen MBBS Dipan Roy PROJECT COORDINATOR Prabhat Jas PROJECT SUPERVISOR Ashir Kr Ghosh ISBN 978 81 7381 949 0 Price~ 465.00 imebtcateb to Revered, Affectionate, Beloved Teacher Prof Sumitra Sen Ex-Emeritus Fellow, UGC Ex-Programme Coordinator, CAS (Cell and Chromosome Research) Ex-Head, Department of Botany University of Calcutta "This page is Intentionally Left Blank" Contents Preface to the Second Edition xiii Preface to the First Edition xiv-xv CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION 1-4 Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Chronology of chief events CHAPTER 2 : CELL 5-60 Origin and Evolution of cell : Chemical evolution; Protobiont-Coacervates, Proteinoids; Ribozymes and RNA World, Protocell; First cell, Prokaryotic cell, Prokaryotic cell vs Eukaryotic cell; Origin of Eukaryotic cell: Independent hypo thesis, Endogenous theory, Chimera hypothesis, Endosymbiotic theory, SET, Syntrophy hypothesis; Cell organisation: Plant cell vs Animal cell; Cell wall and its chemical constituents, Plasmodesmata and Desmotubule, Apoplast and Symplast; Cell membrane, Membrane lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and their roles; Cytoplasmic organelles: Endoplasmic reticulum; Golgi complex; Ribosomes; Mitochondria; Plastids; Organellar DNA (cp- and mtDNA); Lysosomes; Microbodies; Microtubules and Cytoskeleton; Centrosome; Vacuoles; Nucleus: Nuclear envelope, Nuclear lamina, Nuclear pore complex; Nucleolus ultrastructure and Ribosome biogenesis; Nuclear reticulum (Chromatin); Summary; Questions CHAPTER 3: CHROMOSOME 61-84 Number and Size; Structure and Morphology-Chromonema, Chromomere, Chromatid; Primary and Secondary constriction-Centromere and Kinetochore, NOR and Satellite; Telomere; Karyotype concept-Parameters, ldiogram and Centromeric index; Heterochromatin and Euchromatin; Chemical constituents; Molecular organization (DNA packaging in eukaryotic chromosome)-Nucleosome concept, Nucleosome modification; Solenoid model, loops, domains and scaf folds; Mechanism of chromosome condensation; Special types of chromosomes:· Ac.cessory (B) chromosome, Lampbrush chromosome, Polytene chromosome, Sex chromosome; Summary; Questions vii viii CONTENTS CHAPTER 4 : NUCLEIC ACID 85-118 DNA: Constituents, Chargaff's rules; Molecular structure of DNA-Nucleoside and Nucleotide, Polynucleotide, Double helix; Different forms of DNA (B, Z); DNA replication: Evidences for semi conservative method (Meselson and Stahl's, Taylor's experiment), Mechanism of replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes; DNA as genetic material-Transformation experiment, Hershey-Chase experiment; DNA content (Genome size): C-value paradox, Unique and Repetitive DNA tandem and interspersed; Tm and Cot value; Chromosome banding; in situ Hybridisation (ISH, FISH, GISH); RNA: Molecular structure and difference with DNA; Genetic RNA-Experiment with TMV; Non-Genetic RNA-mRNA, rRNA, tRNA and other types; Summary; Questions CHAPTER 5 : CELL CYCLE 119-155 Phases of cell cycle; Mitosis: phases; Endomitosis; Meiosis I and II: phases and significance; Importance of meiosis; Difference between mitosis and meiosis; Synaptonemal complex; MTOCs and Spindle apparatus; Molecular mechanism of events in M phase; Dynamics of chromosome movement in anaphase; MPF and its role in regulation of cell cycle, Regulation of cell cycle in yeast; Apoptosis; Summary; Questions CHAPTER 6 : MENDELIAN INHERITANCE 157-168 Gregor Johann Mendel; Mendel's experimental material and chosen characters; Mendel's Experiment: Monohybrid cross and Law of Segregation; Dihybrid cross and Law of Independent Assortment; Trihybrid cross and Polyhybrid cross; Back cross and Test cross, Terms related to Mendelian Genetics; Pun nett square; Notations; Chromosomal basis of Mendel's laws; Summary; Questions CHAPTER 7 : GENE INTERACTION 169-185 Allelic interaction: Incomplete dominance, Codominance; Lethal factor; Multiple alleles, lsoalleles; Non-allelic interaction: Simple interaction; Polymorphic gene; Epistasis-recessive and dominant; Complementary factor; Duplicate gene; Inhibi tory factor; Multiple factor and Polygenic inheritance; Other interactions: Modifiers, Suppressors, Pleiotropy, Penetrance and Expressivity; Summary; Questions CHAPTER U : LINKAGE, CROSSING OVER AND GENE MAPPING 187-211 Coupling and Repulsion hypothesis; Linkage: Linkage groups, Complete linkage, Incomplete linkage; Crossing over: Factors affecting crossing over; Relationship between crossing over and chiasma (Classical and Chiasmatype theory); Cytological basis of crossing over (Stern's experiment, Creighton and McClintock's experiment); Molecular mechanism of crossing over-Copy choice theory, Breakage and reunion theory-Hybrid DNA model-Single strand break (Whitehouse and Holliday Model), Double strand break (Szostak Model); Gene mapping by three point test cross: Linkage map construction-Gene order, Map distance and Map unit, Mapping function; Interference and Coincidence; Cytological maps vs Genetical maps; Problems; Summary; Questions CONTENTS ix CHAPTER 9 : SEX DETERMINATION AND SEX-LINKED INHERITANCE 213-227 Sex determination: Chromosomal sex determination-XX-XY type, XX-XO type, XX-XY Y type; Autosome in sex determination; Y-chromosome and sex deter 1 2 mination; Dosage compensation; Sex chromosomes in plants; Genie sex deter mination; Hormonal sex determination; Environmental sex determination; Sex linked inheritance: Sex-linked traits-X-chromosome-linked traits (White eye colour in Drosophila, Colour blindness in human, Hemophilia in human, Barred plumage in fowl); Y-chromosome linked traits; XY-chromosome linked traits; Sex influenced traits; Sex limited traits; Summary; Questions CHAPTER 10: CYTOPLASMIC INHERITANCE 229-237 Nuclear trait vs extranuclear trait; Organellar inheritance: Plastid inheritance Variegation in Four o'clock plant, Plastid system in Oenothera, lojap character in corn, Plastidial genome (cpDNA); Mitochondrial inheritance-Male sterility in maize, Poky mutant in Neurospora, Petite mutant in Yeast, Mitochondrial genome (mt DNA); Maternal effects-Coiling of shell in snail; Pigmentation in flour moth; Infective hereditary particle-Kappa particles in Paramoecium; Summary; Questions CHAPTER 11 : ANEUPLOIDY AND EUPLOIDY 239-254 Aneuploidy: Monosomy, Nullisomy, Trisomy, Tetrasomy; Origin and me1ot1c behaviour of aneuploids; Importance of aneuploidy in plants; Euploidy: Mono ploidy and Haploidy; Polyploidy-Autopolyploids, Allopolyploids, Segmental allopolyploids, Autoallopolyploids and their meiotic behaviour; Origin of poly ploids; Induction of polyploidy; Endopolyploidy; C-mitosis; Effects of polyploidy; Polyploid complex; Importance of polyploidy in plants; Summary; Questions CHAPTER 12: CHROMOSOMAL ABERRATION 255-268 Deficiency and Duplication: Origin, meiosis, types and effects; Inversion: Paracentric and Pericentric-origin and meiotic behaviour; Translocation: Types, meiotic behaviour, structural hybrid in Oenothera; Centric fusion and fission; lsochromosomes; Sister chromatid exchange; Effects of chromosomal aberrations; Detection of chromosomal aberrations; Importance of chromosomal aberrations; Summary; Questions CHAPTER 13 : MUTATION 269-290 Types of mutation; Spontaneous origin of mutation-Luria-Delbruck Fluctuation test; Induction of mutation-physical and chemical mutagen; Clastogen, Teratogen and Carcinogen; Ames test; Molecular basis of mutation-Base pair substitution, Frameshift mu ta ti on; Spontaneous mutation-Tautomerisation, Spontaneous lesions; Induced mutation-Base analogues incorporation, Alkylation, Deamination, Depurination, DNA distortion-Intercalating agents, Radiation-UV rays (Dimerisation), X-rays; DNA repairs-different types;

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