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CC Chemokine of Molluscum Contagiosum Virus Grant McFadden1,* and Richard Moyer2 1The John P. Robarts Research Institute and Department of Microbiology and Immunology, The University of Western Ontario, 1400 Western Road, London, Ontario, N6G 2V4, Canada 2Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, University of Florida College of Medicine, PO Box 100266, Gainesville, FL 32610-0266, USA *corresponding author tel: (519)663-3184, fax: (519)663-3847, e-mail: [email protected] DOI: 10.1006/rwcy.2000.03018. SUMMARY immunocompromised individuals. However, mollus- cuminfectionsareaconcerninimmunocompromised individualsandinparticularwithindividualssuffering Virus-encodedmembersofthechemokinesuperfamily fromAIDS,wheredisfiguringillnesscanresult. ofligandshavebeendiscoveredinthegenomesofcer- tainpoxvirusesandherpesviruses.TheMC148Rgene ofmolluscumcontagiosumvirus,ahuman-specificpox- Discovery virusthatinducesbenignskinlesionswhichcanbecome clinically serious in immunocompromised patients, The molluscum protein, designated as MC148R encodesforamemberoftheCCchemokinesuperfamily (based on the open reading frame designation), was thatcanantagonizetheactivitiesofseveralhumanCC first recognized as a possible chemokine homolog as chemokinestested.TheMC148Rproteinlackscertain part of the characterization and annotation of the aminoacidmotifsattheN-terminusthatarebelievedto completeDNAsequenceofthevirus(Senkevichetal., be required for signaling from cognate chemokine 1996, 1997). Based on restriction digestion patterns, receptors, andthisfeatureisbelievedtobeimportant there are two distinct MCV isolates, designated as foritsactivityasaCCchemokineantagonist. type 1 and type 2 (Darai et al., 1986). A nearly identical protein is encoded by both isolates. BACKGROUND Alternative names Variola virus, the causative agent of smallpox, and molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV) are the only two ORFMC148R,MCVchemokinehomolog(MCCH), poxviruses whose infections are limited to human MC148P. hosts.Smallpoxinfectionsaretypicallyadisseminated disease ultimately involving many organs and tissues. Structure Ordinary smallpox, caused by variola major (of the genusOrthopoxvirus)exhibitsa30%mortality.Mollus- cumcontagiosum,belongingtoaseparategenus,causes MC148R is a contiguous gene, typical of poxviruses, benign proliferative lesions of the skin in normal and lacking introns. 1286 Grant McFadden and Richard Moyer Main activities and suggeststhatthegeneisexpressedearly,beforeDNA replication (Bugert et al., 1998). A poxvirus sequence pathophysiological roles (TTTTTNT), typical of an early poxvirus transcrip- tionterminationsignal,isfound40bpdownstreamof One of the most remarkable features of molluscum the 30 translation stop codon consistent with early contagiosum infections is the absence of inflamma- transcription of the gene. tory cell infiltrates within lesions that contain large numbers of viral particles. MCCH has been shown to block the chemotactic response of multiple subsets PROTEIN of leukocytes to both CC and CXC chemokines (Krathwohl et al., 1997; Damon et al., 1998) which Accession numbers might explain the absence of inflammation noted within MCV lesions. Like macrophage inflammatory protein1(cid:11)(MIP-1(cid:11)),MCCH(type1or2)caninhibit MCV type 1: U60315 colony formation of myeloid, erythroid, and multi- MCV type 2: U96749 potentialprogenitor(hematopoietic)cells(Krathwohl GenPept: et al., 1997). MCV type 1: g1492091 MCV type 2: g2459795 GENE AND GENE REGULATION Sequence Accession numbers See Figure 1. MCV MCCH type 1: U60315 MCV MCCH type 2: U96749 Description of protein Chromosome location The MCCH protein is 104 amino acids, some 12 amino acids longer than its closest relative, human For MCV type 1, the M148R ORF is located MIP-1(cid:11), a CC chemokine (Schall et al., 1990; Miller approximately 167kb from the left end of the 186kb and Krangel, 1992). MCCH contains the canonical genomewithintheBamH1C1fragment.Transcription cysteine residues, typical of CC chemokines is towards the right end of the genome. (Ben-Baruch et al., 1995), which are found at amino acids 30, 31, 59, and 75 (Figure 2). In addition, and Regulatory sites and corresponding atypical of other known CC chemokines, the molluscum protein has two additional cysteine transcription factors residues at positions 94 and 101. These motifs have been found to be conserved in 29 separate MCCH MCV cannot be grown or studied in cell culture. gene isolates derived from type I and type II MCV However, cloning of the MC184R ORF into vaccinia (Bugertetal.,1998).Basedoncloningandexpression Figure1 TheaminoacidsequenceofMCCHfromMCVtype1(bottom)andMCVtype 2 MCV (top). CC Chemokine of Molluscum Contagiosum Virus 1287 Figure 2 A ‘GAP’ alignment of MIP-1(cid:11) (top) and MCCH-1 (bottom). Both proteins contain a C-C motif (bold type amino acids at positions 30/31 in MCCH-1), and two additional conserved cysteines (at positions 59 and 75 in MCCH-1). Both MIP-1(cid:11) and MCCH-1 also contain an N-terminal secretory signal which is cleaved to generate the matureprotein.MIP-1(cid:11)iscleavedbetweenaminoacidsS/Aatposition23/24.MCCH-1 iscleavedbetweenresiduesS/Latposition24/25.Theproteoglycan-bindingsiteissetin bold type in MIP-1(cid:11) and just precedes the conserved cysteine at position 75. of the MCCH type 1 protein in vaccinia, there is a RECEPTOR UTILIZATION functional N-terminal 24 amino acid secretory signal which is cleaved releasing the mature MCCH protein MCCH can utilize a variety of CC and CXC from the infected cell (Bugert et al., 1998). chemokinereceptors.Interactionhasbeenspecifically The receptor site of CC chemokines consists of an demonstrated with CCR1 and/or CCR5, CCR2, N-terminal10aminoaciddomainlocatedadjacentto CCR8, CXCR1, and/or CXCR2 and CXCR4 cleaved secretory signal peptide. One key feature of (Damon et al., 1998). MCCH is deletion or absence of fourcritical residues withinthisdomain.Thesemissingaminoacidsleadto aproteintruncatedattheN-terminusfollowingsignal peptidecleavage.Thesemissingaminoacidscomprise IN VIVO BIOLOGICAL that portion of the receptor binding site which ACTIVITIES OF LIGANDS IN activates the engaged receptor (Clark-Lewis et al., 1995). It has been proposed that MCCH might bind ANIMAL MODELS but fail to activate the receptor, thereby acting as a chemokine antagonist (Senkevich et al., 1996). A Normal physiological roles secondpossibilityfornonproductivesignalmediation may reside within a proteoglycan-binding site found The proposed role of MCCH is the prevention of within both MCCH and CC chemokines. In the case inflammation within MCV lesions. of MIP-1(cid:11), this motif consists of the sequence ‘KRSTQV’. Mutagenesis experiments have shown that introducing neutral or acidic amino acids into References that site results in loss of chemotaxis while maintain- ing other chemokine activities (Graham et al., 1996). Ben-Baruch, A., Michiel, D. F., and Oppenheim, J. J. (1995). It is noteworthy that MCCH from both MCV-1 Signals and receptors involved in recruitment of inflammatory and MCV-2contains neutral or acidic amino acids at cells.J.Biol.Chem.270,11703–11706. this site. Bugert,J.J.,Lohmuller,C.,Damon,I.,Moss,B.,andDarai,G. (1998). Chemokine homolog of molluscum contagiosum virus: Sequenceconservationandexpression.Virology242,51–59. Clark-Lewis, I., Kim, K. S., Rajarathnam, K., Gong, J. H., Important homologies Dewald, B., Moser, B., Baggiolini, M., and Sykes, B. D. (1995). Structure–activity relationships of chemokines. J.Leukoc.Biol.57,703–711. MCCH has some structural motifs in common with Damon,I.,Murphy,P.M.,andMoss,B.(1998).Broadspectrum CCchemokines.AcomparisonwithMIP-1(cid:11)isshown chemokine antagonistic activity of a human poxvirus chemo- in Figure 2. kinehomolog.Proc.NatlAcad.Sci.USA95,6403–6407. 1288 Grant McFadden and Richard Moyer Darai, G., Reisner, H., Scholz, J., Schnitzler, P., and Lorbacher Schall, T. J., Bacon, K., Toy, K. J., and Goeddel, D. V. (1990). de,R.H.(1986).Analysisofthegenomeofmolluscumconta- Selective attraction of monoctyes and T lymphocytes of the giosumvirusbyrestrictionendonucleaseanalysisandmolecular memoryphenotypebycytokineRANTES.Nature347,669–671. cloning.J.Med.Virol.18,29–39. Senkevich,T.G.,Bugert,J.J.,Sisler,J.R.,Koonin,E.V.,Darai,G., Graham, G. J., Wilkinson, P. C., Nibbs, R. J. B., Lowe, S., andMoss,B.(1996).Genomesequenceofahumantumorigenic Kolset, S. O., Parker, A., Feshney, M. G., Tsang, M. L., and poxvirus: Prediction of specific host response-evasion genes. Pragnell, I. B. (1996). Uncoupling of stem cell inhibition from Science273,813–816. monocyte chemoattraction in MIP-1(cid:11) by mutagenesis of the Senkevich, T. G., Koonin, E. V., Bugert, J. J., Darai, G., and proteoglycanbindingsite.EMBOJ.15,6506–6515. Moss, B. (1997). The genome of molluscum contagiosum Krathwohl,M.D.,Hromas,R.,Brown,D.R.,Broxmeyer,H.E., virus: Analysis and comparison with other poxviruses. andFife,K.H.(1997).FunctionalcharacterizationoftheC-C Virology233,19–42. chemokine-like molecules encoded by molluscum contagiosum virustypes1and2.Proc.NatlAcad.Sci.USA94,9875–9880. Miller, M.D.,andKrangel,M.S.(1992).Biologyandbiochem- istry of the chemokines: A family of chemotactic and inflam- matorycytokines.Crit.Rev.Immunol.12,17–46.

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