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Case No. 2004.0588E - 255 Seventh Street, Westbrook Plaza project : notice of preparation of an environmental impact report PDF

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Preview Case No. 2004.0588E - 255 Seventh Street, Westbrook Plaza project : notice of preparation of an environmental impact report

DEPARTMENT Pi A iVNiivr: f^ninrmimiS^iiMinir^ I Fiancisco • 1660 Mission Street, Suite 500 • San Francisco, California • 94103-2414 Illllill3llllll1ll2lll2lll3llllll0ll7l?lrl6l>ll6?lljl1i-lloj1Tn822 ElCOTNOER'5S58O-6F4F1I1CH ZONIPNHGONAED:MI5N5l8S-6T3R5/0VrOR PLANPNHIONNGEIN55F8O-R6M37A7TION COMMIISNSFIOO5N58C-A64L2L2NDAR 4THFLOOR 3THFLOOR .M/\JORLNVIRONMENTAL INTERNETWEUSITL VAX 55S-<y426 FAX: 558-6409 FAX 558-5991 WWWSFGOVORCi/Pl--\NNINO Se0<r^?v1@ti^S DEPT. To Responsible Agencies, Trastee Agencies, and Interested Parties: SEP 1 1 2006 RE: CASENO. 2004.0588E—255 SEVENTH STREET, WESTBROOK PLAZA PROJECT ^NOTICE OF PREPARATION OFAN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY ANoticeofPreparation (NOP) ofaDraftEnvironmentalImpactReport(DEIR)fortheabove-referenced project, describedbelow,hasbeenissuedbythePlanningDepartment. An Initial Studyhasalsobeenpreparedto provide more detailed information regarding the proposed project and the environmental issues to be considered in the DEIR. The Notice Of Preparation (NOP)/Initial Study is either attached or is available upon request from ViktoriyaMass, whomyou mayreach at(415) 558-5955 orin writingatthe aboveaddress. This notice isbeing sentto youbecause you havebeen identified as potentially having an interest in the project orthe project area. Theproposedproject(WestbrookPlazaproject)islocatedat255 SeventhStreet(Assessor'sBlock3731,Lots 126 and 154). The project site is located mid-block between Howard and Folsom Streets in the South of Market 5,655-square-foot,T-shapedprojectsitefrontstheeastsideofSeventh Street i existing site includes a one-story, approximately 18-foot high commercial eetand aone-story, approximately 18-foothighbuildingtotalingabout960 upied by a surface parkinglot. The proposed project would demolish both arking lot. theconstruction oftwo newbuildings. A five-story, 50-foot building with -level healthcenterwouldfrontSeventhStreet(theSeventhStreetBuilding), San Francisco PublicLibrary iingwouldfrontMoss Street(theMossStreetBuilding). Thetwobuildings lieproposedprojectwouldalsoincludeasubsurfaceparkinglotwith45 off- Covernment Information Center reetBuildingwouldcontainanapproximately20,000-square-footout-patient San Francisco Public Library C)thatwouldincludeasmall pharmacy. Thethird, fourth andfifthfloorsof 100 Larkin Street, 5th Floor ; occupied by 10 affordable dwelling units each, for a total of30 dwelling San Francisco, CA 94102 the SMHC and the pharmacy would be provided through three separate REFERENCE BOOK ;t. The Seventh Street Building would be 50 feet high. The Moss Street veilingunits. Access tothedwellingunits wouldbefromMossStreet. The jthigh. Not to be taken from the Library jiving environmental review was published on November 18, 2005. The prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EER) prior to any final decision jprove the project. The purpose ofthe EIR is to provide information about nentaleffectsoftheproposedproject,toidentifypossiblewaystominimize andanalyzepossiblealternativestotheproposedproject. Preparationofan NOP orEIR does not indicate a decision by the City to approve or to disapprove the project. However, prior to makingany such decision, the decision makers mustreview and consider the information contained in the EIR. Comments concerning the scope of the EER are welcomed. In order for your concerns to be fully considered throughouttheenvironmentalreviewprocess, wewouldappreciatereceivingthembyOctober 10,2006. Written comments should be sent to Paul Maltzer, Environmental Review Officer, San Francisco Planning Department, '.ion Street, Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94103. D REF kforanagencythatisaResponsibleoraTrusteeAgency, weneedtoknowtheviews ofyouragencyas 711.4097 »eandcontentoftheenvironmental informationthatisrelevanttoyouragency'sstatutoryresponsibilities T9303n ionwiththeproposedproject. YouragencymayneedtousetheEIRwhen consideringapermitorother orthisproject. Wewill alsoneedthenameofthecontactperson foryouragency. Ifyou havequestions genvironmental review ofthe proposed project, please contact Viktoriya Mass at (415) 558-5955. PLANNING DEPARTMENT City and County ofjSan Francisco • 1660 MissHm Street, Suite 500 • San Francisco, ('aliforniu • 941(13-2414 MAINNUMBER DIRECTORSOFFICE ZONINGADMINlSTR/VrOR PLANNINGINFORMATION CONTMISSIONfALtNDAR (415) 558-6378 mONE 558-641I PHONE 558-6550 PHONE 55S-6377 INFO 558-642: 4THFLOOR 5THFLOOR M/\JORENVIRONMENTAL INTERNEI WEBSITE F.-VX;558-(:>426 FAX: 558-6409 FAX 558-5WI WWW SF(iO\'ORCl'PLANNINCi Sep^^j^lBmS DEPT. To Responsible Agencies, Trustee Agencies, and Interested Parties: SEP 1 1 2006 RE: CASE NO. 2004.0588E—255 SEVENTH STREET, WESTBROOK PLAZA PROJECT ^ NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY ANoticeofPreparation (NOP) ofaDraftEnvironmental ImpactReport(DEER) fortheabove-referencedproject, describedbelow, hasbeenissuedbythePlanningDepartment. AnInitial Studyhas alsobeen prepared to provide more detailed information regarding the proposed project and the environmental issues to be considered in the DEIR. The Notice Of Preparation (NOP)/Initial Study is either attached or is available upon request from ViktoriyaMass, whomyou mayreach at(415) 558-5955 orin writingattheaboveaddress. This noticeisbeing sent to youbecause youhave been identified as potentially having an interest in the project or the project area. Theproposedproject(WestbrookPlazaproject)islocatedat255 SeventhStreet(Assessor'sBlock3731,Lots 126 and 154). The project site is located mid-block between Howard and Folsom Streets in the South of Market Neighborhood. Theapproximately23,655-square-foot,T-shapedprojectsitefrontstheeastsideofSeventh Street and the westsideofMoss Street. Theexistingsiteincludes aone-story, approximately 18-foothigh commercial buildingtotalingabout2,000squarefeetandaone-story, approximately 18-foothighbuildingtotalingabout960 square feet. The rest ofthe lot is occupied by a surface parking lot. The proposed project would demolish both structures and eliminate the surface parkinglot. The proposedproject wouldresult in theconstruction oftwo new buildings. A five-story, 50-footbuilding with threelevelsofresidentialaboveatwo-levelhealthcenterwouldfrontSeventhStreet(theSeventhStreetBuilding). Afour-story,40-footresidentialbuildingwouldfrontMossStreet(theMossStreetBuilding). Thetwobuildings wouldshareamid-blockcourtyard. Theproposedprojectwouldalsoincludeasubsurfaceparkinglotwith45 off- streetparkingspaces. TheSeventhStreetBuildingwouldcontainanapproxim.ately20,000-square-footout-patient SouthofMarketHealthCenter(SMHC)thatwouldincludeasmall pharmacy. Thethird, fourth andfifthfloorsof the Seventh Street Building would be occupied by 10 affordable dwelling units each, for a total of 30 dwelling units. Access to the dwelling units, the SMHC and the pharmacy would be provided through three separate entry/exit points along Seventh Street. The Seventh Street Building would be 50 feet high. The Moss Street Buildingwouldhave 19 affordabledwellingunits. Accesstothedwellingunits wouldbefromMossStreet. The Moss StreetBuilding would be 40 feethigh. A notification that the project is receiving environmental review was published on November 18, 2005. The Planning Department has decided to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prior to any final decision regardingwhetherto approve ordisapprove the project. The purpose ofthe EIRis to provide information about potentialsignificantphysicalenvironmentaleffectsoftheproposedproject,toidentifypossible ways to minimize thesignificanteffects,andtodescribeandanalyzepossiblealternativestotheproposedproject. Preparationofan NOPorEIRdoes not indicate a decision by the City to approve orto disapprove the project. However, prior to makingany such decision, the decision makers mustreview and considerthe information contained in the EIR. Comments concerning the scope of the EIR are welcomed. In order for your concerns to be fully considered throughouttheenvironmentalreviewprocess, wewouldappreciatereceivingthembyOctober 10,2006. Written comments shouldbe sent to Paul Maltzer, Environmental Review Officer, San Francisco Planning Department, 1660 Mission Street, Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94103. IfyouworkforanagencythatisaResponsibleoraTrusteeAgency, weneedtoknowthe views ofyouragencyas tothescopeandcontentoftheenvironmental informationthatisrelevanttoyouragency'sstatutoryresponsibilities inconnectionwiththeproposedproject. YouragencymayneedtousetheEIRwhenconsideringapermitorother approval forthisproject. Wewill alsoneedthe nameofthecontactperson foryouragency. Ifyou havequestions concerningenvironmental review ofthe proposed project, please contact Viktoriya Mass at (415) 558-5955. Digitized by tlie Internet Arcliive 2014 in https://archive.org/details/caseno20040588e29200sanf PLANNING DEPA1 RTMENT ^^f%.. — \i^A City and County ofSan Francisco » l&6() Nfission Streci, .Suite 500 e San '.'riincisccj, Cr.iifornii! « 9-!I()3-2414 31 1^1 MAINNUMBER DIRECTOR'SOli-ICH /ONINGAD,MINlSTR,\rOR PLANMNGINFORMATION COMMISSIONCALENDAR (415) 558-6378 PHONE: 55S-<>S1 l>HON&55«-6350 mONK:558-6.-;77 INFO 558-6422 F4AXT:H5F5L8-O6O42Rft F5AXr:n5F5L8O-6O4R09 MAJORFAEXN:5V5I8-R5O<iN9M1hMAL WWWINSTFECRiNOEVTORWOE'BPISI-TAENMNG Notice OfPreparation ofan Environmental Impact Report Date ofNotice: September 9, 2006 Lead Agency: Planning Department, City and County ofSan Francisco 1660 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 Agency Contact Person: Viktoriya Mass Telephone: (415) 558-5955 ProjectTitle: 2004.0588E- 255 Seventh Street, WestbrookPlaza ProjectSponsor/Contact: Mercy Housing Califomia/Rosalba Navarro Telephone: (415) 355-7110 South ofMarket Health Center/Charles E. Range Telephone: (415)436-0111 ProjectAddress: 255 Seventh Street Assessor's BlockandLot: Block 3731, Lots 126 & 154 _ _ City and Comity: San Francisco ProjectDescription: Theproposedproject(WestbrookPlazaproject)islocatedat255 SeventhStreet(Assessor'sBlock3731,Lots 126and 154). Theprojectsiteislocatedmid-blockbetweenHowardandFolsomStreetsintheSouthofMarketNeighborhood. The approximately23,655-square-foot,T-shapedprojectsitefrontstheeastsideofSeventhStreetandthe westsideofMossStreet. The existingsiteincludesaone-story,approximately 18-foothighcommercialbuildingtotalingabout2,000squarefeetandaone-story, approximately 18-foothigh building totaling about 960 square feet. The rest ofthe lot is occupied by a surface parking lot. The proposed project would demolish both structures and eliminate the surface parking lot. The proposed project would result in the construction oftwo new buildings. A five-story, 50-foot building with three levels of residentialaboveatwo-levelhealthcenterwouldfrontSeventhStreet(theSeventhStreetBuilding). Afour-story,40-footresidential buildingwouldfrontMossStreet(theMossStreetBuilding). Thetwobuildingswouldshareamid-blockcourtyard. Theproposed projectwouldalsoincludeasubsurfaceparkinglotwith45 off-streetparkingspaces. TheSeventhStreetBuildingwouldcontain an approximately 20,000-square-foot out-patient South ofMarket Health Center (SMHC). The third, fourth and fifth floors of the SeventhStreetBuildingwouldbeoccupiedby 10affordabledwellingunitseach,foratotalof30affordabledwellingunits. Access SMHC tothedwellingunits,the andthepharmacywouldbeprovidedthroughthreeseparateentry/exitpointsalongSeventh Street. TheSeventhStreetBuildingwouldbe50feethigh. TheMoss StreetBuildingwouldhave 19 affordabledwelling units. Access to thedwellingunits wouldbefromMoss Street. TheMoss StreetBuildingwouldbe40 feethigh. The project site is within the SLR (Service/LightIndustrial Mixed Use) andRED (Residential Enclave) zoningdistricts and the 50-X/40-Xheight andbulk districts. BuildingPermit Application Number(s), ifApplicable: Not applicable. THISPROJECTMAYHAVEASIGNIFICANTEFFECTONTHEENVIRONMENT. ANENVIRONMENTALIMPACT REPORT IS REQUIRED. This determination is based upon the criteria ofthe Guidelines ofthe State Secretary for Resources, Sections 15063 (Initial Study), 15064 (Determining Significant Effect), 15065 (Mandatory Findings of Significance) and the following reasons, as documented in the Initial Study forthe project, which is attached. Written comments on the scope ofthe EIR will be accepted until the close ofbusiness on October 10, 2006. Written comments shouldbe sent to Paul Maltzer, San Francisco PlanningDepartment, 1660 Mission Street, Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94103. State Agencies. We need to know the views ofyour agency as to the scope and content ofthe environmental information that is germane to your agency's statutory responsibilities in connection with the proposed project. Your agency may need to use the EIR when considering apermit orother approval forthis project. Please include the name ofa contact person in your agency. Thankyou. , 3 1223 07661 1822 INITIAL STUDY 2004.0588E - 255 Seventh Street, Westbrook Plaza PROJECT DESCRIPTION I. Theproposedproject(WestbrookPlazaproject) islocatedat255 SeventhStreet(Assessor'sBlock3731,Lots 126 and 154). The project site is located mid-block between Howard and Folsom Streets in the South of Market (SOM) Neighborhood (see Figure 1 on page 2). The approximately 23,655-square-foot, T-shaped project sitefronts the east side ofSeventh Street (165 feet) and the west side ofMoss Street (119 feet). The existing siteincludesaone-story, approximately 18-foothighcommercialbuildingtotalingabout2,000 square feet and aone-story, approximately 18-foot highbuilding totaling about 960 square feet. Both buildings are located in thenorthwestcomeroftheprojectsiteandfrontSeventh Street. Therestofthelotisoccupiedbya surface parking lot. Until recently, the project site was occupied by a Thrifty car rental business, which included49 parking spaces and asmall carwash. Currently, theproject site is occupiedby a surfaceparking lot. The proposed project would demolish both structures and eliminate the surface parking lot. The proposed project would result in the construction oftwo new buildings. A five-story, 50-foot building with threelevelsofresidential aboveatwo-levelhealthcenterwould frontSeventh Street(the Seventh Street Building). Afour-story,40-footresidentialbuildingwouldfrontMossStreet(theMossStreetBuilding). The twobuildings would shareamid-blockcourtyard (seeFigure2 on page 3). Theproposed project would also include a subsurface parking lot under the entire parcel. The subsurface lot would accommodate about 45 parking spaces. Table 1 shows the development program forthe proposed project. Table 1 -WestbrookPlazaDevelopmentProgram Seventh Street Uses Moss Street Building Total Building Residential (square feet) 35,474 20,861 56,335 SMHC Institutional, (square feet) 19,409 19,409 Parking (square feet) 22,497 Total (square feet) 98,241 Affordable Dwelling Units 30 19 49 1-Bedroom 12 2 14 2-Bedroom 6 14 20 3-Bedroom 12 3 15 Number ofParking Spaces 45 Height (feet) 50 40 Floors 5 4 Source: SolomonE.T.C,aWRTCompany,SchematicDesign CheckSet,November9,2004;DesignStudiosGonzalo Castro, electronic communication withPlanning Department, September 19, 2005. CaseNo. 2004.0588E Initial Study 1 255 Seventh Street, Westbrook Plaza September2006 E Figure 1 Projfxt Location Source: San Francisco GIS. May 2006. Case No. 2004.0588 Initial Study 2 255 Seventh Street, We.tthrook Plaza September2006 7TH STREET 0 10' 30' 50' North Figure2 SitePlan Source: Solomon E.T.C., aWRTCompany, SchematicDesign CheckSet, November9, 2004. CaseNo. 2004.0588E Initial Study 3 255 Seventh Street, WestbrookPlaza September2006 The Seventh Street Buildingwouldcontain an approximately 19,500-square-footout-patientSouthofMarket Health Center(SMHC) thatwould include asmall pharmacy. TheSMHC wouldoccupythefirstandsecond ' floors ofthe building. The third, fourth and fifth floors oftheSeventh Street Building wouldbe occupiedby 10 affordabledwelling unitseach, foratotal of30dwellingunits(12one-bedrooms, sixtwo-bedroomsand 12 three-bedrooms). Figure 3 on page 5 shows the Seventh Street Building third level layout, which is SMHC representative of the layout of the fourth and fifth levels. Access to the dwelling units, the and the pharmacy would be provided throughthree separateentry/exitpointsalongSeventhStreet. TheSeventhStreet Building would be 50 feet high (see Figure 4 on page 6). The SMHC's mission and responsibility is to increase medical services for low income and vulnerable population groups, regardlessoftheirabilitytopayforrenderedservices. TheSMHCprovidesawiderangeof primary care and disease prevention services. The SMHC would provide the following services: general medicine, chronic disease management, family planning, prenatal, HTV, STD, dental, pharmacy, laboratory, and enabling service (social services, health education and nutrition). Itis anticipated thatthe SMHC would have the following hours ofoperation: Monday -Thursday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Friday - Saturday 8:00 am to 3:30 pm Sunday Closed TheMoss StreetBuilding wouldhave 19 affordabledwellingunits (twoone-bedrooms, 14two-bedroomsand three three-bedrooms). Figure 5 on page 7 shows the Moss Street Building third level layout, which is representative ofthe layout ofall the other levels. Access to the dwelling units would be from Moss Street. The Moss Street Building would be 40 feet high (see Figure 6 on page 8). Thetwobuildings would share a mid-block landscaped courtyard andaone-level subsurfaceparking lot. Of the 45 proposed parking spaces, 24 spaces would be designated for residential use and 21 spaces would be SMHC designated for use. PROJECT SETTING II. The project site is presently comprised oftwo lots: lot 126 is approximately 18,375 square feet and fronts Seventh Street(125 feet) andMossStreet(95 feet); lot 154 isapproximately5,280 squarefeetandalsofronts Seventh Street (40 feet) and Moss Street (24 feet). Both lots are within the SLR (Service/Light Industrial Mixed Use) and RED (Residential Enclave) zoning districts and within the 50-X/40-X height and bulk districts. The project sponsor is proposing to merge lots 126 and 154 to create a single lot that would be approximately 23,655 square feet. ' Currently, the South of Market Health Center (SMHC) is located at 551 Minna Street (between Sixth and Seventh Streets) about 3 blocks northeast ofthe project site. The existing SMHC is about 6,100 square feet with an additional 2,000 square feet of administrative space located at 1091 Mission Street. The target communityandserviceareafortheSMHCarelow-incomeandmedicallyunderservedresidentslivingprimarily in the South ofMarketarea. Case No. 2004.058SE Initial Study 4 255 Seventh Street, Westbrook Plaza September2006

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