Final report The European Union’s EDF Programme for ACP Countries CAPITALISATION STUDY ON CAPACITY BUILDING SUPPORT PROGRAMMES FOR TH NON STATE ACTORS UNDER THE 9 EDF Letter of Contract N°2008/162532 FINAL REPORT Prepared by: Maurizio Floridi Beatriz Sanz-Corella Stephano Verdecchia June 2009 The project is implemented by IBF International Consulting The project is financed by the European Union 1 Final report 2 Final report “The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the contracting party and should in no case be considered as representing the views of the European Union.” 3 Final report Foreword The capitalisation study on capacity building programmes under the 9th EDF, sponsored by the European Commission, took place between September 2008 and April 2009. It was undertaken by independent experts, namely Maurizio FLORIDI – sociologist and specialist in the dynamics of non state actors in the ACP countries -, Beatriz SANZ CORELLA – socio-economic and management expert, specialist in support and advisory services for civil society experts and training, formulation and monitoring of EDF programmes -, and Stefano VERDECCHIA, a participatory local development expert. Being a capitalisation study, the team in charge with the study focused their attention on the concrete experiences which characterised the NSA support programmes under the 9th EDF and, in particular, on best practices. A selection of the latter is presented herein, by way of example, in order to illustrate possible solutions to the problems that affect the majority of NSA support programmes. The team was confronted with various problems; theoretical and methodological on the one part and, on the other, organisational. In terms of theory and methodology, the study required the adoption of two approaches: quantitative and qualitative, each involving different analytical logics and methods. In addition, the needs of the qualitative approach forced the team to increase the number of field missions. As such, in addition to the 3 missions foreseen in Ethiopia, Uganda and Dominican Republic, a further 5 missions were added with a view to enriching the overall quality of the study, which took place in Suriname, Malawi, Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Mali. As to the constraints of the organisational side of the project, the major problem was, firstly, the collection of documents relating to the 40 NSA support programmes and, secondly, the analysis of a quite significant number of pages, not an easy task when the time and budget considerations are taken into account. The team would like to highlight the importance of the restitution seminar held in Brussels on 1-3 April, which allowed the team to meet with a large number of actors (35 representatives of the ECDs in the ACP countries, 15 members of the PMU and AIDCO, DEV and RELEX representatives) on the themes and first results of the study. The team would, in particular, like to thank the services of the European Commission Delegation in the 38 studies involved in the study, as well as the PMUs of the 40 NSA support programmes for their cooperation and availability in the collection of the documents needed for the analysis. Lastly, we would like to offer a sincere thanks to the members of Unit E4, notably Ms. Susana El-Kum Molina, the in house Commission study coordinator and her support staff for the invaluable assistance and advice provided. Maurizio FLORIDI, Beatriz SANZ CORELLA and Stefano VERDECCHIA May 2009 4 Final report Acronyms ACP Africa, Caribbean and Pacific CfP Call for Proposals CSCBP Civil Society Capacity Building Programme CB Capacity Building CS Civil Society CSF Civil Society Fund CSO Civil Society Organisation CSP Country Strategy Paper EC European Commission ECD Delegation of the European Commission EDF European Development Fund EU European Union FA Financing Agreement GRO Grassroots organisation IEC Information, Education and Communication INGO International Non Governmental Organisation IO Intermediary Organisation LA Local Authority NSA Non State Actor MDG Millennium Development Goals NAO National Authorizing Officer NGO Non governmental Organisation NIP National indicative Programme OCA Organisational Capacity Assessment PCC Project Coordination Committee PMFU Programme management and Facilitation Unit PMU Project/Programme Management Unit PRMT Participatory Resource Monitoring Tool PRSP Poverty Reduction strategy paper PS Private Sector RCA Regional Corresponding Agencies SC Steering Committee SMC Steering and Monitoring Committee TA Technical assistance 5 Final report TAU Technical Assistance Unit TC Technical Cooperation TFG Task Force Group TFP Technical and Financial partners ToR Terms of Reference WP Work programme 6 Final report Index Executive summary......................................................................................................................................................10 Part A. Context and presentation of the study............................................................................................................19 1. THE CONTEXT: LEGAL RECOGNITION OF THE ROLE OF NSA AND THE OBJECTIVE OF CAPACITY BUILDING..................................20 2. CAPITALIZATION STUDY ON THE SUPPORT PROGRAMMES FOR NSA UNDER THE 9TH EDF....................................................20 2.1. Objectives and scope of the study..............................................................................................................21 2.2. Research timetable............................................................................................................................23 2.3. Methodological approach..................................................................................................................26 2.4. Key notions adopted by the research................................................................................................27 Part B. The results of the study..........................................................................................................................30 1. DEFINITIONS AND TYPES OF NSA..................................................................................................................................31 1.1. The private sector/civil society dialectic............................................................................................31 1.2. The principle of differentiated analyses............................................................................................32 1.3. The question of differing vocations and the differentiation between actors....................................34 1.4. The question of grassroots organisations and emerging actors........................................................38 1.5. Towards a new approach to NSAs.....................................................................................................39 2. THE PURPOSES OF NSA SUPPORT PROGRAMMES AND THEIR STRATEGIC POSITIONING.........................................................42 2.1. Analysis of purposes..........................................................................................................................42 2.2. Analysis of guiding principles of 9th EDF programmes and orientations for the 10th EDF...............44 3. IDENTIFICATION OF CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAMMES AND MAPPING EXERCISES..............................................................49 3.1. Quantitative analysis of mapping exercises and identification studies.............................................49 3.2. Qualitative analysis of mapping exercises and identification studies................................................52 3.3. Final thoughts as regards the mapping exercises under the 10th EDF..............................................59 4. THE INSTITUTIONAL ORGANISATION, INTERNAL PROGRAMME GOVERNANCE INSTITUTIONS, THE ROLE AND PROFILE OF THE TA AND THE COOPERATION WITH DONOR ORGANISATIONS................................................................................................................60 4.1. The management system: feasible options and cost analyses...................................................................60 4.2. The Steering Committee....................................................................................................................69 4.3. The role of actors involved................................................................................................................73 4.4. The role and profile of TA..................................................................................................................79 4.5. The role of international NGO (INGO)...............................................................................................87 4.6. Cooperation with donor organisations and the new common funding systems (pool funding).......92 5. CAPACITY BUILDING: DEFINITION, APPROACHES AND MODUS OPERANDI................................................................................97 5.1. The programme components and the approaches and tools deployed for capacity building..........97 5.2. Approaches deployed by the programmes for the prioritisation of NSA access to capacity building activities..........................................................................................................................................................102 5.3. Concrete experiences and lessons learnt from the adoption of the capacity building plan.....................109 5.4. Concrete experiences and lesson learnt from the adaptation of the ”Call for proposals” mechanism....110 6. PROGRAMME MONITORING AND EVALUATION SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES............................................................................118 6.1. The situation for 9th EDF programmes............................................................................................118 7 Final report 6.2. Impact Indicators.............................................................................................................................120 6.3. The disruption of the evaluation logic: when failure turns into success..........................................123 6.4. Taking into account the “inferred effects” or the “unexpected effects”.........................................124 7. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION WITHIN NSA SUPPORT PROGRAMMES.......................................................................124 7.1. The role of communication and the superimposition with the need of visibility............................124 7.2. Communication as a capacity building instrument..................................................................................126 7.3. Communication as an instrument for the promotion of strategic position of a programme and its “mission” as regards the stakes of NSAs.........................................................................................................127 7.4. Communication for the promotion of transparency.......................................................................129 7.5. Communication instruments....................................................................................................................131 7.6. Institutional visibility and communication.......................................................................................133 ANNEXES....................................................................................................................................................................135 Annex 1 : Grid for the in-depth analysis..........................................................................................................136 Annex 2 : Grid for the synthetic analysis.........................................................................................................140 Annexe 3 : Grid for the quality analysis of information and communication..................................................142 Annexe 4 : Agenda of the workshop 1-3 April 2009........................................................................................143 Annexe 5 : Participants of the Brussels Seminar (1-3 April 2009)....................................................................150 8 Final report Index of figures and tables Figure 1 : The two levels of analysis.............................................................................................................................22 Figure 2 : Differentiated actor analysis........................................................................................................................33 Figure 3: Relation modalities between partners (INGOs) and CSOs............................................................................90 Figure 4 : A reminder of the capacity building dimensions..........................................................................................98 Figure 5 : Visualisation of the on line bulletin of the “Civil Society and good governance support programme” (PASOC) in Mauritania.....................................................................................................................................125 Figure 6 : Visualisation of a page from the website of the “Strengthening Somali Civil Society” Programme”.........126 Figure 7: Visualisation of a page of the Tanzanian NSA Support Programme website..............................................129 Figure 8 : Visualisation of a web page from the site of the Mauritius NSA Support Programme..............................130 Figure 9 : CSO Support Programme in Niger and the webpage of the ARIANE programme in Mali..........................133 Table 1 : NSA families and levels of organisation.........................................................................................................36 Table 2 : Institutional and political changes taking place on a national and local level and major implications for NSA ...........................................................................................................................................................................43 Table 3 : The added value of cooperation actors.........................................................................................................83 Table4 : Capacity Building instruments in relation to objectives and dimensions.......................................................99 Table 5 : Visualisation of a page of the website of the Malian NSA Support Programme, relative to the grants given under the “Support for development initiatives” component........................................................................130 Table 6: The list of websites of 9th EDF NSA Support Programmes...........................................................................132 9 Final report Executive summary 10