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Capacity of nonlinear bosonic systems Vittorio Giovannetti1, Seth Lloyd1,2, and Lorenzo Maccone1 1Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Research Laboratory of Electronics 2Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Department of Mechanical Engineering 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139, USA WeanalyzetheroleofnonlinearHamiltoniansinbosonicchannels. Weshowthattheinformation capacity as a function of the channel energy is increased with respect to the corresponding linear case, although only when the energy used for driving the nonlinearity is not considered as part of theenergetic cost and when dispersive effects are negligible. PACSnumbers: 42.50.-p,03.67.-a,42.65.-k,89.70.+c 4 0 Noninteractingmasslessbosonicsystemshavebeenthe information, then one cannot do better than the bound 0 objectofextensiveanalysis[1,2]. Theirmaximumcapac- obtained in the noninteracting case [6, 7]. However, the 2 ityintransmittinginformationwasderivedforthenoise- enhancement discussed here is not to be underestimated n lesscasebothinthenarrow-bandregime(whereonlyfew sinceinmostsituations manydegreesoffreedomarenot a frequency modes are employed) and in the broad-band usable to encode information, but can still be employed J regime. However, it is still an open question whether to augment the capacity of other degrees of freedom. A 9 nonlinearities in the system may increase these bounds: typical example is when the sender is not able to modu- 2 linearityappearstobethemostimportantassumptionin late the signals sufficiently fast to employ the full band- all previous derivations [2]. Up to now nonlinear effects width supported by the channel: an external pumping 2 have been used in fiber optics communications to over- (suchastheoneinvolvedintheparametricdownconver- v 1 come practicallimitations, suchas using solitonsto beat sion case) may allow to increase the energy devoted to 0 dispersion or traveling wave amplifiers to beat loss [3]. the transmission modes. 0 Theapproachadoptedinthispaperisfundamentallydif- We start by describing a general procedure to evalu- 9 ferent from these and from others where nonlinearities ate the capacity of a system and we apply it to a lin- 0 and squeezing are employed at the coding stage when ear bosonic system to reobtain some known results (see 3 using linear channels [4]. We follow the cue of a recent Sec. I). Such a procedure is instructive since it empha- 0 / proposal[5]whereinteractionswereexploitedinincreas- sizesthe roleofthe systemspectruminthe capacitycal- h ing the capacity of a qubit-chain communicationline. In culation. We then analyze a collection of examples of p the case of linear bosonic systems, the information stor- nonlinear bosonic systems in the narrow-bandand wide- - t agecapacityofasignaldividedbythetimeittakesforit band regimes (see Sec. II): for each case we describe n topropagatethroughthemedium givesthe transmission the capacityenhancementsoverthecorrespondinglinear a u capacity of the channel. In the presence of nonlineari- systems. General considerations on the energy balance q ties, dispersion can affect the propagation of the signal in the information storage and on the information prop- : complicating the analysis, but an increase in the capac- agation conclude the paper (see Sec. III). v ity canbe shown,atleastwhen the dispersive effects are i X negligible. Acompleteanalysisofdispersioninnonlinear r materials is impossible at this stage, since the quantiza- a I. INFORMATION CAPACITY tionofthesesystemshasbeensolvedonlyperturbatively. The basic idea behind the enhancement we find is that themodificationofthesystemspectrumduetononlinear The information capacity of a noiseless channel is de- Hamiltonians may allow one to better employ the avail- finedasthemaximumnumberofbitsthatcanbereliably able energy in storing the information: we will present sentper channeluse. Fromthe Holevo bound (provenin some examples that exhibit such effect. Excluding the Ref. [1] for the infinite dimensional case), we know that down conversion channel (a model sufficiently accurate itisgivenbythemaximumoftheVonNeumannentropy to include the propagationissue –see Sec. IIC), allthese S(̺) = −Tr[̺log2̺] over all the possible input states examplesarehighlyidealizedsystemsbutarestillindica- ̺ of the channel. In our case, since ̺ is the state of a tive of the possible nonlinearity-induced enhancements masslessbosonic field, the associatedHilbert space is in- in the communication rates. An important caveat is in finite dimensional and the maximum entropy is infinite. order. In the physical implementations that we have an- However,forallrealisticscenariosacut-offmustbeintro- alyzed, there is no capacity enhancement if we include duced by constrainingthe energyrequiredinthe storage in the energy balance also the energy required to create orinthe transmission,e.g. requiringtheentropyS(̺)to the nonlinear Hamiltonians. This is a general charac- bemaximizedonlyoverthosestatesthathaveanaverage teristic of any system: if one considers the possibility of energy E, i.e. employing all the available degrees of freedom to encode E =Tr[̺H], (1) 2 where H is the system Hamiltonian. The constrained which is valid in the limit ~δω E. When applied ≪ maximization of S(̺) can be solved by standard varia- to communication channels, this last equation is usually tionalmethods (see[8, 9]for examples),whichentailthe expressed in terms of the rate R (bits transmitted per solution of unit time) and power P (energy transmitted per unit time) as λ λ′ δ S(̺) Tr[H̺] Tr[̺] =0, (2) − ln2 − ln2 1 πP (cid:26) (cid:27) R= , (10) where λ and λ′ are Lagrange multipliers that take into ln2r3~ account the energy constraint (1) and the normalization by identifying the transmission time with 2π/δω. In the constraint Tr[̺] = 1, and where the ln2 factor is in- next section we analyze how the capacities C and C nb wb troduced so that all subsequent calculations can be per- are modified by introducing nonlinear terms in the sys- formedusingnaturallogarithms. Eq.(2)issolvedbythe tem Hamiltonian. density matrix ̺=exp[ λH]/Z(λ) where − Z(λ) Tr[e−λH] (3) II. NONLINEAR HAMILTONIANS ≡ is the partition function of the system and λ is deter- mined from the constraint (1) by solving the equation Nonlinear terms in the Hamiltonian of the electro- magnetic field derive from the interactions between the ∂ photons and the medium in which they propagate. In E = lnZ(λ). (4) −∂λ this section we will employ the techniques described above to derive the narrow-band and wide-band ca- The corresponding capacity is thus given by pacities when quadratic nonlinearities are present. In C =S[exp( λH)/Z(λ)]=[λE+lnZ(λ)]/ln2, (5) Secs. IIA, IIB and IIC we discuss parametric down- − conversion type Hamiltonians in the narrow-band and which means that we can evaluate the system capacity broad-band regimes. In Secs. IID and IIE we discuss a only from its partition function Z(λ). modeswappinginteraction. Allthesenonlinearitiesarise In general an explicit expression for Z(λ) is difficult inreal-worldsystemsfromχ(2) typecouplings,whenone to derive, but it proves quite simple for noninteracting of the three fields involved in these kinds of interactions bosonic systems, such as the free modes of the electro- is a strong pump field that can be considered classical magnetic field. In fact, in this case the Hamiltonian is [10]. For all the cases analyzed we present the capac- given by ity enhancement over the corresponding non interacting Hamiltonian. H = ~ω a†a , (6) k k k k X A. Squeezing Hamiltonian where ω is the frequency of the kth mode and the k mode operators a satisfy the usual commutation rela- k tions [ak,a†k′]=δkk′. Hence, the partition function is ConsiderthesinglemodedescribedbytheHamiltonian ∞ H =~ωa†a+~ξ (a†)2+a2 /2+~Ω(ξ), (11) 1 Z(λ)= e−λ~ωknk = . (7) 1 e−λ~ωk where ξ is the squeezin(cid:2)g paramete(cid:3)r. We employ ξ < ω Yk nXk=0 Yk − toavoidHamiltonianswhichareunboundedfrom|b|elow. From Eqs. (5) and (7) it is clear that the capacity C In Eq. (11) the frequency Ω(ξ) 1(ω ω2 ξ2) has ≡ 2 − − will be ultimately determined by the spectrum ω of the beenintroducedsothatthegroundstateofthesystemis k p system. In particular, in the narrow-band case (where null: withthischoice,theaverageenergyE istheenergy onlyamodeoffrequencyω isemployed)Eq.(5)gives[2, associated to the mode a in the nonlinear medium. By 4, 8] applying the canonical transformation 1 ω+ξ E a=A coshθ A† sinhθ , θ ln , (12) C =g , (8) nb (cid:18)~ω(cid:19) − ≡ 4 (cid:20)ω−ξ(cid:21) the Hamiltonian H is transformed to the free field form where g(x) (1 + x)log (1 + x) xlog x for x = 0 ≡ 2 − 2 6 ~ ω2 ξ2A†A, so that the derivation of the previous and g(0) = 0. On the other hand, in the homogeneous − section can be employed to calculate the capacity. It is wide-bandcase(whereaninfinitecollectionofequispaced p frequencies ω = kδω is employed for k N) Eq. (5) thus immediate [see Eq. (8)] to find the capacity of this k ∈ system as gives [1, 2, 8, 9] E π 2E C =g . (13) Cwb ≃ ln2 3~δω, (9) ~ ω2 ξ2! r − p 3 This quantity measures the amount of information that which is higher than the capacity of two independent can be encoded when E is the total energy associated single-mode bosonic systems, given by Eq. (16) for ξ = with the mode a, and a nonlinear squeezing-generating 0. [The factors 2 in (16) derive from the presence of term is present in the Hamiltonian: this result is quite the two modes A and B.] The enhancement is again a different from the one obtained by using squeezed states consequenceofthe factthatthe nonlinearityreducesthe as inputs to a linear system (see for example [4]). The effective frequency of the two modes: ω ω2 ξ2. −→ − capacityC ofEq.(13)is higherthanthe capacityC of nb p the linear case ξ =0 since g(x) is an increasing function (seeFig.1). Thereasonbehindthisenhancementisthat C. Broadband parametric down-conversion the nonlinearity reduces the effective frequencies of the modes (from ω to ω2 ξ2), so that more energy levels Here we apply the above results to the case of two − can now be populated with the same energy. wide-band modes (signal and idler) coupled by a para- p metric down conversion interaction. The interaction is mediated by a nonlinear crystal with second order sus- ceptibility χ(2) pumped with an intense coherent field of amplitude at frequency ω . Assuming undepleted p p E pumping and perfect phase matching, the Hamiltonian at the first order in the interaction is given by H = ~ω a†a +~(ω ω )b†b k k k p− k k k Xk h +~ξ (a†b† +a b )+~Ω , (17) k k k k k k i wherea andb arethe modeoperatorsofthe downcon- k k verted modes of frequency ω and ω ω respectively. k p k − Their interactionis described by the coupling parameter FIG. 1: Capacity increase of the squeezing Hamiltonian of Eq. (11) as a function of the energy parameter E/~ω and χ(2)π~ω k p of the squeezing ratio ξ/ω. The increase is evident from ξ = E Φ(ω ), (18) k k the positivity of C −C , where C is given in Eq. (13) and cǫ0 na(ωk)nb(ωp ωk) nb − C is the free space narrow-band capacity of Eq. (8). No- nb with n and n the refractive indices of the signal and tice that for high energy, the increase tends asymptotically a b to −log2 1−ξ2/ω2 /2. idler, and Φ(ωk) the phase matching function that takes into account the spatial matching of the modes in the (cid:2) (cid:3) crystal [10]. As usual, the frequency Ω = [ω k p − ω2 4ξ2]/2 has been introduced in the Hamiltonian p− k B. Two mode parametric down conversion tqo appropriately rescale the ground state energy. Notice that, in contrast to the case described in Sec. IIB, the Considerthetwointeractingmodesaandbevolvedby Hamiltonian (17) couples nondegenerate modes whose the Hamiltonian frequenciessumuptothepumpfrequencyω . Canonical p transformationsanalogousto(15)allowustorewritethe H =~ω(a†a+b†b)+~ξ(a†b†+ab)+~Ω(ξ), (14) Hamiltonian in the free field form where ξ < ω is the coupling constant and Ω(ξ) ω | | ≡ − H = ~(ω Ω )A†A +~(ω ω Ω )B†B (.19) ω2 ξ2 has again been introduced to ensure that the k− k k k p− k− k k k energ−y ground state is null. [This Hamiltonian, as the Xk h i p previousone,possessesthestructureofthealgebraofthe WiththisHamiltonian,thepartitionfunctionisgivenby SU(1,1)group,intheHolstein-Primakoffrealization]. We can again morph the Hamiltonian to the free field form 1 lnZ(λ) = ln using the two-field canonical transformation 1 e−λ~(ωk−Ωk) k (cid:20) − (cid:21) X A=a coshθ+b† sinhθ 1 ω+ξ 1 , θ ln ,(15) + ln , (20) B =a† sinhθ+b coshθ ≡ 4 ω ξ 1 e−λ~(ωp−ωk−Ωk) (cid:26) (cid:20) − (cid:21) k (cid:20) − (cid:21) X which transforms the Hamiltonian (14) to the form where the two contributions are due to the signal and ~ ω2 ξ2(A†A+B†B). The capacity in this case is idlermodesrespectivelyandthesumoverk isperformed − on all the frequencies up to ω . For ease of calculation, p p E C =2g , (16) we will assume that the coupling ξk is acting only over 2~ ω2 ξ2! a frequency band ζωp (ζ < 1) centered around ωp/2, − p 4 whereitassumestheconstantvalueξ. Thischoicegivesa process (amplification plus input energy), no gain is ob- roughapproximationofthecrystalphasematchingfunc- tained. Thecorrectattitude is,ofcourse,toconsiderthe tion Φ(ω ) that prevents the coupling of signal and idler signals alone. k photons when their frequencies are too mismatched [10]. InthehighenergyregimeE ~δω,thesumsinEq.(20) ≫ can be replaced by frequency integrals, obtaining a) b) 2Æ! Casym !p 2 ωp(1−ζ)/2 1 lnZ(λ) = dω ln δω 1 e−λ~ω 0((cid:13))+(cid:15) 1((cid:13);(cid:16)) Z0 (cid:20) − (cid:21) 0((cid:13)) 2 ωp(1+ζ)/2 1 + dω ln δω 1 e−λ~(ω−Ω) Zωp(1−ζ)/2 (cid:20) − (cid:21) 2 ωp 1 1((cid:13);(cid:16)) + dω ln , (21) δω 1 e−λ~ω Zωp(1+ζ)/2 (cid:20) − (cid:21) (cid:13) (cid:13) whereΩ [ω ω2 4ξ2]/2. TheintegralsinEq.(21) ≡ p− p− FIG. 2: a) Capacity function c0(γ) (continuous line) and its have no simple qanalytical solution, but we can give a correction c1(γ,ζ) (dashed line) of Eq. (22) with fractional perturbative expansion in the low-interactionregime i.e. couplingbandwidthζ =.5andγ ≡Eδω/(2~ωp2). Thecapac- ǫ 4ξ2/ω2 1. In this limit, the result is derived in ity increase accomplished by thenonlinearity is evidentfrom Ap≡p. A anpd≪is given by thepositivityof thetermc1. b)Comparison between theca- pacity C of Eq. (22) with ǫ≡4ξ2/ω2 =0.1 (continuous line) p C = 2δωωp c0 E~ωδω2 +ǫc1 E~ωδω2,ζ +O(ǫ2) ,(22) oabntdaitnheedaussyimngptaontiicnfitnwiotemfroedqeuernactye bCaansdym(d≡ottle2ndπ2lωδiωnpep).2γ/3, (cid:20) (cid:18) p (cid:19) (cid:18) p (cid:19) (cid:21) where the functions c and c are plotted in Fig. 2. The 0 1 zeroth order term c in (22) gives the capacity of two 0 D. Swapping Hamiltonian broad-bandnon-interactingmodes with cutoff frequency ω : in the limit of infinite bandwidth (ω ), this p p → ∞ function reaches the asymptotic behavior C C Consider N modes that are pairwise coupled through asym → ≡ 2π E/(3~δω) that corresponds to C of Eq. (9) for the Hamiltonian ln2 wb two noninteracting wide-band bosonic systems. To first p N oξridsegrivinenǫ,btyhethinecvraelauseeoinf cca,pwachiitcyhdiuseatpootshiteivientqeuraacnttiiotny H = ~ωa†jaj + Λjj′a†jaj′ 1 j=1 j6=j′ (see App. A). It can be shown that c 0 in the limit X X ω ,sothatintheinfinite bandwi1d→thregimenoim- = ~~a† (ω11+Λ) ~a, (23) p · · →∞ provement is obtained from the interaction. In fact, an where~a is the column vectorcontaining the annihilation infinitecontinuousspectrumisinvariantunderthetrans- operators a of the N modes and Λ is an N N sym- formation ωk −→ ωk2−ξk2. As in the non-interacting metric realjmatrix with null diagonal. This Ha×miltonian broad-band case of Eqs. (9) and (10), the transmission p describes N modes a whose photons have a probabil- time τ of the signal can be estimated as 2π/δω. The j validity of this assumption (which implies negligible dis- ity amplitude Λjj′ to be swapped into the mode aj′. By performing a canonical transformation on all the mode persion) rests on the fact that the Hamiltonian (17) is operators, it is possible to rewrite Eq. (23) in the free valid to first order in the interaction term ξ and the k field form small dispersion which derives from such term does not play any role in the capacity [8, 11]. N In this calculation E is the energy devoted to the sig- H = ~(ω+λ )A†A , (24) j j j nalandidlermodes: itdoesnotincludetheenergyspent j=1 X to pump the crystal. This last quantity is proportional to p 2 (apart from corrections of order ǫ which derive where the λjs are the N eigenvalues of Λ. Two condi- |E | from the coupling). In the limit of undepleted pump- tions must be satisfied: the positivity of H requires that ing we have considered, this is a very large contribution λj 6ω forallj,and,sincethe diagonalizationofΛmust which overshadows E and that is not directly used to preserve its trace, jλj = 0. The capacity of this sys- encode information. In this respect, the system is very tem can now be easily computed as [1, 2, 8] P inefficient in using the total available energy. However, thisisnotthecorrectattitudetoevaluatesuchasystem: N e j our process is analogous to the amplification of signals C = max g , (25) where, if one considers the total energy employed in the e1,e2,···,eNj=1 (cid:18)~(ω+λj)(cid:19) X   5 where the maximum must be evaluated under the re- complicated,weshowanincreaseincapacitybyconsider- quirement that e =E. In the simple case of N = 2 ing the following choice ofthe coupling constants (which j j (whereλ = λ ξ),themaximization(25)canbeeas- may well not be the optimal one): 1 2 − P≡ ily performed numerically: the increase in capacity over λ = ω r for j =1, ,N 1 (28) the twomode noninteractingcase is presentedin Fig.3. jk k − ··· − In this case, in the strong coupling regime (ξ ω) the λNk = ωk(N 1)r , (29) capacitydivergesaslog [E/(~(ω ξ ))]: this|co|r→responds − to employing for the in2formation−s|to|rage only the lowest where 0 6 r 6 1. The choices (28) and (29) auto- frequency mode among A and A . matically guarantee both the positivity condition on the 1 2 Hamiltonian andthe trace preservationcondition on the Λ(k) matrices. With this choice, the Hamiltonian (27) becomes N−1 H = (1 r) ~ω A† A − k jk jk k j=1 X X +[1+(N 1)r] ~ω A† A . (30) − k Nk Nk k X Essentiallywehavechosenacouplingthatcontractsbya factor1 rthefrequenciesofthefirstN 1normal-modes − − andstretches by a factor[1+(N 1)r] the frequency of − theNthone. Choosingr 1,wecanincreasethecapac- ityad libitumoverthecas→eofN non-interactingsystems. FIG. 3: Capacity increase of the swapping Hamiltonian as a In fact, in this limit a straightforwardapplication of the fruanticotiξo/nωo,fgitvheenebnyerpglyottpianrgam∆eCte≡r EC/−~ω2ga(End/(o2f~ωth)e)(ctohuepfilirnsgt TwhidisebraensdultcamlcuusltatbioencoofmEpaqr.ed(9)w,itghivethseCca≃se iN1n−−rw1Chwicbh. term being the capacity C of Eq. (25) and the second the the N wideband modes are independent where the ca- capacity of two non interacting modes that share an energy pacityscalesas√NC . Clearlyanarbitraryincreasein wb E). capacity is gained as r 1. → III. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS E. Broadband swapping Hamiltonian Intheprevioussectionswehavederivedthecapacityof A generalization of the Hamiltonian (23) given in the varioustypesofnonlinearbosonicsystems. Thecommon previous subsection can be obtained by considering N feature of all these results is that the nonlinearities were parallelbroadbandmodes in whichthe coupling joins all used to reshape the spectrum by compressingit to lower the modes with the same frequency, namely, frequencies, where it is energetically cheaper to encode information. A couple of remarks are in order. First of N all,inourcalculationsthe meanenergyE representsthe H = ~ωka†jkajk energy of the modes in the system, whereas customarily k j=1 one considers the input energy. Our choice is motivated XX + Λ(jkj′)a†jkaj′k , (26) binyfotrhmeafaticotnthbaetarninonglminoeadress,yssotetmhastdtihspeeinnspeuetneenregrygytodtohees k j6=j′ XX not necessarily coincide with the amount of energy that where a is the annihilation operator of the jth system the medium where information is encoded needs to sus- jk with frequency ω . This Hamiltonian can be taken to a tain. This last quantity is a practically relevant one for k free field form using the procedure of the previous sub- the casesinwhichthe degreesoffreedomusedtoencode section, so that information cannot handle high energies (as for example optical fibers [12]). Notice that, in some of the cases we N havestudied (the exampleof Sec.IIC in particular),the H = ~(ω +λ )A† A , (27) nonlinearityis achievedby supplyingthe systemwithan k jk jk jk k j=1 externalenergysourceintheformofanintensecoherent XX beam. Ifoneweretotakeintoaccountalsothiscontribu- where λ is the jth eigenvalue of the matrix Λ(k). Ex- tionintheenergybalance,thennocapacityenhancement jk pressed in terms of the normal modes A , the Hamil- would be evident, since the pumping energy is used only jk tonian (27) describes N independent wideband modes. indirectlytostoretheinformation. However,itisnotun- Since in this case the maximization of the form (25) is warrantedtoexcludethe pumpfromthe energybalance, 6 since it is only used to set up the required Hamiltonian band modes (signaland idler) with cut-off frequency ω . p andnotdirectlyemployedinthe informationprocessing. ReplacingEq.(A1)intotheenergyconstraint(4)wecan Finally, our analysis is limited to the noiseless case. In find the value of the Lagrange multiplier λ, contained in the presence of noise in place of the von Neumann en- the parameter β, by solving the equation tropy in Eq. (2), one would have to consider the Holevo information [13]. This is a highly demanding problem ∂f (β) ∂f (β,ζ) 0 1 because of the yet unknown additivity properties of this +ǫ = γ , (A4) ∂β ∂β − quantity. At least in the case of linear bosonic systems, thecapacityinthepresenceofnoisewasstudiedin[4,14]. This work was funded by the ARDA, NRO, NSF, and where γ Eδω/(2~ω2) is a dimensionless quantity. By ≡ p by ARO under a MURI program. expanding the solution β for small ǫ as β = β +ǫβ , it 0 1 follows that APPENDIX A ∂f (β ) 0 0 = γ , (A5) ∂β − In this appendix we derive formula (22) for the broad- band parametric down-conversion Hamiltonian. In the ∂f1(β0,ζ) ∂2f0(β0) β = . (A6) low-interaction regime ǫ 1, Eq. (21) becomes 1 − ∂β , ∂β2 ≪ 2ω lnZ(λ)= p f (β)+ǫf (β,ζ)+ (ǫ2) , (A1) δω 0 1 O These two equations can be numerically solved for any (cid:2) (cid:3) value of γ. Replacing the solution in (A1) and using where β λ~ωp and the capacity formula (5) we can evaluate the parametric ≡ down-conversioncapacity as reported in Eq. (22) where 1 β 1 f (β) dx ln (A2) 0 ≡ β 1 e−x Z0 (cid:20) − (cid:21) c0(γ) [β0γ+f0(β0)]/ln2, (A7) 1 1 e−β(1+ζ)/2 ≡ f1(β,ζ) ≡ 4ln 1−e−β(1−ζ)/2 . (A3) c1(γ,ζ)≡f1(β0,ζ)/ln2. (A8) (cid:20) − (cid:21) Notice that the zeroth order term f in the expansion Both these functions depend on the system energy only 0 (A1) correspondsto the partition function of two broad- through the quantity γ. [1] H. P. Yuen and M. Ozawa, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 363 [8] J. D. Bekenstein, Phys. Rev. D 23, 287 (1981); Phys. (1992). Rev. A 37, 3437 (1988). [2] C.M.CavesandP.D.Drummond,Rev.Mod.Phys.66, [9] V.Giovannetti,S.Lloyd,L.Maccone,andJ.H.Shapiro, 481 (1994), and references therein. eprint quant-ph/0307112. [3] H.A.Haus,ElectromagneticNoiseandQuantumOptical [10] R. W. Boyd, Nonlinear Optics (Academic Press, New Measurements (Springer, Berlin , 2000); L. A. Lugiato, York, 2002). F. Casagrande and L. Pizzuto, Phys. Rev. A 26 3438 [11] J. B. Pendry,J. Phys. A 16, 2161 (1983). (1982); F. Haake and M. Lewenstein, Phys. 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