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Preview Canadian Journal of Microbiology 2003: Vol 49 Table of Contents

Canadian Journal Revue canadienne of Microbiology de microbiologie Contents Sommaire Volume 49, 2003 Volume 49, 2003 January / Janvier ARTICLES / ARTICLES A. Schmalenberger and C.C. Tebbe Genetic profiling of noncultivated bacteria from the rhizospheres of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) reveal field and annual variability but no effect of a transgenic herbicide resistance B. Kuipers, W.R. Cullen, and W.W. Mohn Reductive dechlorination of weathered Aroclor 1260 during anaerobic biotreatment of Arctic soils P.C. Dennis, B.E. Sleep, R.R. Fulthorpe, and S.N. Liss Phylogenetic analysis of bacterial populations in an anaerobic microbial consortium capable of degrading saturation concentrations of tetrachloroethylene K. Mori, R. Sparling, M. Hatsu, and K. Takamizawa Quantification and diversity of the archaeal community in a landfill site T.G. Yudina, A.V. Konukhova, L.P. Revina, L.I. Kostina, I.A. Zalunin, and G.G. Chestukhina Antibacterial activity of Cry- and Cyt-proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. israelensis NOTES / NOTES W.F. Fett and P.H. Cooke Scanning electron microscopy of native biofilms on mung bean sprouts J.K. Jenkins and P.D. Courtney = Lactobacillus growth and membrane composition in the presence of linoleic or conjugated linoleic acid A.K.M.S. Rahman, N. Sugitani, M. Hatsu, and K. Takamizawa_ A role of xylanase, @-L-arabinofuranosidase, and xylosidase in xylan degradation S. Parveen, S.R. Farrah, C. Gonzalez-Bonilla, A.V. Zamudio, and M.L. Tamplin Characterization of a clinical Vibrio cholerae O139 isolate from Mexico Instructions to Authors Recommandations aux auteurs February / Février ARTICLES / ARTICLES M. Murata, S. Ohno, M. Kumano, K. Yamane, and R. Ohki Multidrug resistant phenotype of Bacillus subtilis spontaneous mutants isolated in the presence of puromycin and lincomycin P. Andre, S. Oberle, V. Specklin, Y. Lombard, and D.J.-M. Vidon Low-level iron-dependent mutants of Listeria monocytogenes and their virulence in macrophages V. Anjaiah, P. Cornelis, and N. Koedam Effect of genotype and root colonization in biological control of fusarium wilts in pigeonpea and chickpea by Pseudomonas aeruginosa PNA1 G. Furusawa, T. Yoshikawa, A. Yasuda, and T. Sakata Algicidal activity and gliding motility of Saprospira sp. SS98-5 Subhas and D.K. Singh Utilization of monocrotophos as phosphorus source by Pseudomonas aeruginosa F10B and Clavibacter michiganense subsp. insidiosum SBL 11 T. LaniSnik Rizner and M.H. Wheeler Melanin biosynthesis in the fungus Curvularia lunata (teleomorph: Cochliobolus lunatus) 110 J. Sabaté, M. Vifias, J.M. Bayona, and A.M. Solanas Isolation and taxonomic and catabolic characterization of a 3,6-dimethylphenanthrene-utilizing strain of Sphingomonas sp. 120 A.B. Filonow Germination and adhesion of fungal conidia on polycarbonate membranes and on apple fruit exposed to mycoactive acetate esters 130 © 2003 NRC Canada Can. J. Microbiol. Vol. 49, 2 NOTES / NOTES H. Kang, S.Y. Hwang, Y.M. Kim, E. Kim, Y.-S. Kim, S.-K. Kim, $.W. Kim, C.E. Cerniglia, K.L. Shuttleworth, and G.J. Zylstra Degradation of phenanthrene and naphthalene by a Burkholderia species strain C.W. Galvao, F.O. Pedrosa, E.M. Souza, M.G. Yates, L.S. Chubatsu, and M.B.R. Steffens The recX gene product is involved in the SOS response in Herbaspirillum seropedicae G. Benyehuda, J. Coombs, P.L. Ward, D. Balkwill, and T. Barkay Metal resistance among aerobic chemoheterotrophic bacteria from the deep terrestrial subsurface March / Mars ARTICLES / ARTICLES K..L..L . HeHfeff feron ORF98 8 of of A Autographa californica nucleopolyhheeddr osisvirus is an n aauuxxiilliiaarryy ffaaccttoorr iin n llaatte e ggeennee exepxrpersesssiioorn M. Shibayama, J.J. Serrano-Luna, S. Rojas-Hernandez, R. Campos-Rodriguez, and V. Tsutsumi Interaction of secretory immunoglobulin A antibodies with Naegleria fowleri trophozoites and collagen type I H.S. Jun, J.K. Ha, L.M. Malburg, Jr., A.M. Verrinder Gibbins, and C.W. Forsberg Characteristics of a cluster of xylanase genes in Fibrobacter succinogenes S85 M. Trigui, S. Pulvin, P. Poupin, and D. Thomas’ B iodegradation of cyclic amines by a Pseudomonas strain involves an amine mono-oxygenase I. Slaninova, A. Holubatova, and A. Svoboda Immunodetection of spectrin-like proteins in yeasts A. Taoka, K. Yoshimatsu, M. Kanemori, and Y. Fukumori Nitrate reductase from the magnetotactic bacterium Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum MS-1: purification and sequence analyses P.A. Lupiola-Gomez, Z. Gonzalez-Lama, M.T. Tejedor-Junco, M. Gonzalez-Martin, and J.L. Martin-Barrasa Group | B-lactamases of Aeromonas caviae and their resistance to B-lactam antibiotics L. Karaffa, E. Sandor, E. Fekete, J. Kozma, A. Szentirmai, and I. Pocsi Stimulation of the cyanide-resistant alternative respiratory pathway by oxygen in Acremoniun chrysogenum correlates with the size of the intracellular peroxide pool NOTES / NOTES A.B. Vermelho, F.V.S. Almeida, L.S. Bronzato, and M.H. Branquinha Extracellular metalloproteinases in Phytomonas serpens R.A. Slavcev, H.J. Bull, and S. Hayes Bacteriophage A repressor allelic modulation of the Rex exclusion phenotype E. Lesman-Movshovich, B. Lerrer, and N. Gilboa-Garber Blocking of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lectins by human milk glycans April / Avril ARTICLES / ARTICLES L.S. Green, J.K. Waters, S. Ko, and D.W. Emerich Comparative analysis of the Bradyrhizobium japonicum sucA region W.Y. Shieh, W.D. Jean, Y.-T. Lin, and M. Tseng Marinobacter lutaoensis sp. nov., a thermotolerant marine bacterium isolated from a coastal hot spring in Lutao, Taiwan Y.-K. Chan, W.A. McCormick, and K.A. Seifert Characterization of an antifungal soil bacterium and its antagonistic activities against Fusarium species N. Balasubramanian, G.A. Juliet, P. Srikalaivani, and D. Lalithakumari Release and regeneration of protoplasts from the fungus Trichothecium roseum K. Wong and G.B. Golding A phylogenetic analysis of the pSymB replicon from the Sinorhizobium meliloti genome reveals a complex evolutionary history R. Duponnois, S. Diédhiou, J.L. Chotte, and M.O. Sy Relative importance of the endomycorrhizal and (or) ectomycorrhizal associations in Allocasuarina and Casuarina genera H. Amir and R. Pineau Release of Ni and Co by microbial activity in New Caledonian ultramafic soils NOTES / NOTES J. Maréchal, R. Santos, Y. Hammad, N. Alloisio, A.-M. Domenach, and P. Normand Characterization of the sodF gene region of Frankia sp. strain ACN14a and complementation of Escherichia coli sod mutant P. Tanguay and C. Breuil Transforming the sapstaining fungus Ophiostoma piceae with Agrobacterium tumefaciens © 2003 NRC Canada Contents / Sommaire May / Mai ARTICLES / ARTICLES K. Watanabe, J. Sakai, and K. Hayano Bacterial extracellular protease activities in field soils under different fertilizer managements R. Shingaki, Y. Kasahara, T. Inoue, S. Kokeguchi, and K. Fukui Chromosome DNA fragmentation and excretion caused by defective prophage gene expression in the early-exponential-phase culture of Bacillus subtilis J.Y.M. Johnson, J.E. Thomas, T.A. Graham, I. Townshend, J. Byrne, L.B. Selinger, and V.P.J. Gannon Prevalence of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 and Salmonella spp. in surface waters of southern Alberta and its relation to manure sources E.V. Soares, K. Hebbelinck, and H.M.V.M. Soares Toxic effects caused by heavy metals in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a comparative study S. Sardari, Y. Mori, T. Kurosawa, and M. Daneshtalab Modulatory effect of cAMP on fungal ergosterol level and inhibitory activity of azole drugs NOTES / NOTES K.N. Seifert, W.P. McArthur, A.S. Bleiweis, and L.J. Brady Characterization of group B streptococcal glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase: surface localization, enzymatic activity, and protein—protein interactions Sablé, M. Duarte, D. Bravo, I. Lanneluc, A.M. Pons, G. Cottenceau, and F. Moreno Wild-type Escherichia coli producing microcins B17, D93, J25, and L; cloning of genes for microcin L production and immunity J.T. Popesku, A. Singh, J.-S. Zhao, J. Hawari, and O.P. Ward High TNT-transforming activity by a mixed culture acclimated and maintained on crude-oil-containing media Instructions to Authors Recommandations aux auteurs June / Juin ARTICLES / ARTICLES F. Fons, N. Amellal, C. Leyval, N. Saint-Martin, and M. Henry Effects of gypsophila saponins on bacterial growth kinetics and on selection of subterranean clover rhizosphere bacteria Y. Kobayashi, H. Taguchi, T.N. Goto, S. Koike, and K. Ohmiya Expression and export of a Ruminococcus albus cellulase in Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens through the use of an alternative gene promoter and signal sequence Z. Yan, M.S. Reddy, and J.W. Kloepper Survival and colonization of rhizobacteria in a tomato transplant system Y.-L. Tsai, J.Y. Le, and B.H. Olson Magnetic bead hybridization to detect enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains associated with cattle in environmental water sources M. Dardanelli, J. Angelini, and A. Fabra’ A calcium-dependent bacterial surface protein is involved in the attachment of rhizobia to peanut roots July / Juillet ARTICLES / ARTICLES E. Rouault and G. Lemay Incorporation of epitope-tagged viral 63 proteins to reovirus virions S.R. Kamashwaran and D.L. Crawford Mechanisms of cadmium resistance in anaerobic bacterial enrichments degrading pentachlorophenol S. Cornelissen, A. Botha, W.J. Conradie, and G.M. Wolfaardt Shifts in community composition provide a mechanisn for maintenance of activity of soil yeasts in the presence of elevated copper levels A. Khan and T. Hsiang The infection process of Colletotrichum graminicola and relative aggressiveness on four turfgrass species P. Di Martino, R. Fursy, L. Bret, B. Sundararaju, and R.S. Phillips Indole can act as an extracellular signal to regulate biofilm formation of Escherichia coli and other indole-producing bacteria N.L. Carty, K.P. Rumbaugh, and A.N. Hamood Regulation of toxA by PtxR in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA103 D.-H. Lee, LH. Cha, D.S. Woo, and M. Ohba_ Microbial ecology of Bacillus thuringiensis: fecal populations recovered from wildlife in Korea C. Gusils, O. Oppezzo, R. Pizarro, and S. Gonzalez Adhesion of vrobiotic lactobacilli to chick intestinal mucus © 2003 NRC Canada CA Can. J. Microbiol. Vol. 49, 2003 NOTE / NOTE S. Simi, G.V. Carbonell, R.M. Falcén, M.S.V. Gatti, P.P. Joazeiro, A.L. Darini, and T. Yano’ A low molecular weight enterotoxic hemolysin from clinical Enterobacter cloacae August / Aoat ARTICLES / ARTICLES A.K. Gregor, B. Klubek, and E.C. Varsa Identification and use of actinomycetes for enhanced nodulation of soybean co-inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum P. Roeckel-Drevet, J. Tourvieille, T.J. Gulya, G. Charmet, P. Nicolas, and D. Tourvieille de Labrouhe Moleculai variability of sunflower downy mildew, Plasmopara halstedii, from different continents R. Moreira, J.R.R. Pinho, J. Fares, 1.T. Oba, M.R. Cardoso, C.P. Saraceni, and C. Granato Prospective study of hepatitis C virus infection in hemodialysis patients by monthly analysis of HCV RNA and antibodies J.K. Pannu, A. Singh, and O.P. Ward Influence of peanut oil on microbial degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons G.B. Dunphy, U. Oberholzer, M. Whiteway, R.J. Zakarian, and I. Boomer Virulence of Candida albicans mutants toward larval Galleria mellonella (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Galleridae) NOTE / NOTE R.B. Delston, M.H. Kothary, K.A. Shangraw, and B.D. Tall Isolation and characterization of a zinc-containing metalloprotease expressed by Vibrio tubiashii September / Septembre ARTICLES / ARTICLES C. Rang, J.E. Galen, J.B. Kaper, and L. Chao Fitness cost of the green fluorescent protein in gastrointestinal bacteria J.R. de Freitas, J.J. Schoenau, S.M. Boyetchko, and S.A. Cyrenne Soil microbial populations, community composition, and activity as affected by repeated applications of hog and cattle manure in eastern Saskatchewan B. Reiter, H. Biirgmann, K. Burg, and A. Sessitsch Endophytic nifH gene diversity in African sweet potato C. Guillemaut, V. Edel-Hermann, P. Camporota, C. Alabouvette, M. Richard-Molard, and C. Steinberg Typing of anastomosis groups of Rhizoctonia solani by restriction analysis of ribosomal DNA NOTE / NOTE J.G. Leahy, Z.M. Khalid, E.J. Quintero, J.M. Jones-Meehan, J.F. Heidelberg, P.J. Batchelor, and R.R. Colwell The concentrations of hexadecane and inorganic nutrients modulate the production of extracellular membrane-bound vesicles, soluble protein, and bioemulsifier by Acinetobacter venetianus RAG-1 and Acinetobacter sp. strain HO1-N ERRATUM / ERRATUM M. Dardanelli, J. Angelini, and A. Fabra Erratum: A calcium-depIe ndent bacterial surface protein is involved in the attachment of rhizobia to peanut roots October / Octobre ARTICLES / ARTICLES A. Vivas, R. Azcon, B. Bird, J.M. Barea, and J.M. Ruiz-Lozano Influence of bacterial strains isolated from lead-polluted soil and their interactions with arbuscular mycorrhizae on the growth of Trifolium pratense L. under lead toxicity S.P.J. Brooks, M. McAllister, M. Sandoz, and M.L. Kalmokoff Culture-independent phylogenetic analysis of the faecal flora of the rat I. Wartiainen, A.G. Hestnes, and M.M. Svenning Methanotrophic diversity in high arctic wetlands on the islands of Svalbard (Norway) denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of soil DNA and enrichment cultures N.D. Allan, C. Kooi, P.A. Sokol, and T.J. Beveridge Putative virulence factors are released in association with membrane vesicles from Burkholderia cepacia C.M. d’Avila-Levy, R.F. Souza, R.C. Gomes, A.B. Vermelho, and M.H. Branquinha A metalloproteinase extracellularly released by Crithidia deanei © 2003 NRC Canada Contents / Sommaire NOTES / NOTES R.S.W. Tsang, S.G. Squires, and T.W.S. Tam = Characterization of Neisseria meningitidis strains isolated from invasive meningococcal disease cases in Canada in 2001 G. Panagiotou, E. Topakas, L. Economou, D. Kekos, B.J. Macris, and P. Christakopoulos Induction, purification, and characterization of two extracellular @-L-arabinofuranosidases from Fusarium oxysporum M.M. Feizabadi, A. Aliahmadi, F. Mobasheri, A. Asgharzadeh, S. Asadi, and G. Etemadi Phenotypic characteristics and population genetics of Enterococcus faecalis cultured from patients in Tehran during 2000-2001 E.M. Ungerfeld, S.R. Rust, and R. Burnett Attempts to inhibit ruminal methanogenesis by blocking pyruvate oxidative decarboxylation November / Novembre ARTICLES / ARTICLES G.D. Inglis, L.D. Kalischuk, and H.W. Busz_ A survey of Campylobacter species shed in faeces of beef cattle using polymerase chain reaction S.-W. Choi, D.-H. Bai, J.-H. Yu, and C.S. Shin Characteristics of the squalene synthase inhibitors produced by a Streptomyces species isolated from soils S. Lemriss, F. Laurent, A. Couble, E. Casoli, J.M. Lancelin, D. Saintpierre-Bonaccio, S. Rifai, A. Fassouane, and P. Boiron Screening of nonpolyenic antifungal metabolites produced by clinical isolates of actinomycetes Y. Wang, R. Vazquez-Duhalt, and M.A. Pickard Manganese-lignin peroxidase hybrid from Bjerkandera adusta oxidizes polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons more actively in the absence of manganese A.C. Gonzalez-Franco, L.A. Deobald, A. Spivak, and D.L. Crawford Actinobacterial chitinase-like enzymes: profiles of rhizosphere versus non-rhizosphere isolates M.McD. Francis and W.D. Gould Microbial production of isoquinoline from indene H. Kimoto, M. Nomura, M. Kobayashi, K. Mizumachi, and T. Okamoto Survival of lactococci during passage through mouse digestive tract V. Riis, S. Kleinsteuber, and W. Babel Influence of high salinities on the degradation of diesel fue1ell tb y bacterial consortia NOTES / NOTES C.M. Baratto, M.V. da Silva, L. Santi, L. Passaglia, 1S. Schrank, M.H. Vainstein, and A. Schrank Expression and characterization of the 42 kDa chitinase of the biocontrol fungus Metarhizium anisopliae in Escherichia coli B.H. Raphael and L.A. Joens FeoB is not required for ferrous iron uptake in Campylobacter jejuni December / Décembre ARTICLES / ARTICLES G. Chen and H.E. Schellhorn Controlled induction of the RpoS regulon in Escherichia coli, using an RpoS-expressing plasmid M. Batté, L. Mathieu, P. Laurent, and M. Prévost Influence of phosphate and disinfection on the composition of biofilms produced from drinking water, as measured by fluorescence in situ hybridization I.J. Diaz-Ramirez, H. Ramirez-Saad, M. Gutiérrez-Rojas, and E. Favela-Torres Biodegradation of Maya crude oil fractions by bacterial strains and a defined mixed culture isolated from Cyperus laxus rhizosphere soil in a contaminated site M.L. Kalmokeoff, T.D. Cyr, M.A. Hefford, M.F. Whitford, and R.M. Teather Butyrivibriocin AR1O, a new cyclic bacteriocin produced by the ruminal anaerobe Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens AR10: characterization of the giee ne and peptide NOTES / NOTES S. Rajagopal, N. Eis, and K.W. Nickerson Eight Gram-negative bacteria are 10 000 times more sensitive to cationic detergents than to anionic detergents L. Halda-Alija Identification of indole-3-acetic acid producing freshwater wetland rhizosphere bacteria associated with Juncus effusus L. Author Index for Volume 49 / Index des auteurs pour le volume 49 Contents for Volume 49 / Sommaire pour le volume 49 Subject Index for Volume 49 / Index des matiéres pour le volume 49 2003 NRC Canada

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