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Can randomness alone tune the fractal dimension? M. Kamrul Hassan1,2 and Ju¨rgen Kurths1 1University of Potsdam, Department of Physics, Postfach 601553, D-14415 Potsdam, Germany 2 University of Dhaka, Department of Physics, Theoretical Physics Division, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh ∗ 2 We present a generalized stochastic Cantor set by means of a simple cut and delete process and 0 discuss the self-similar properties of the arising geometric structure. To increase the flexibility of 0 themodel,twofreeparameters,mandb,areintroducedwhichtunetherelativestrengthofthetwo 2 processes andthedegreeofrandomnessrespectively. Indoingso,wehaveidentifiedanewset with n a wide spectrum of subsets produced by tuning either m or b. Measuring the size of the resulting a setintermsoffractaldimension,weshowthatthefractaldimensionincreaseswithincreasingorder J and reaches its maximum valuewhen therandomness is completely ceased. 6 1 PACSnumbers: 05.20.Dd,02.50.-r,05.40-y ] h I. INTRODUCTION ministically. The classical Cantor set is such a simple c e text book example which is typically used for learning m about the self-similar properties of an ideal fractal. It is The history of describing natural objects by geometry created by dividing a line into n equal pieces, removing - t is as oldas science itself. Traditionally,this has involved (n−m) of the parts created and repeating the process a t Euclidean geometry that restricts the natural bound- with the m remaining pieces ad infinitum [1]. However, s ary of our imagination to lines, circles, cones, spheres, it is well understood that in our world nothing is sta- . t cuboids and so on. However nature is not restricted tionary or strictly deterministic and all natural complex a to Euclidean shapes only. Instead, most of the natu- m objects, even intelligence and life, occur through some ral objects we see around us are so irregular and com- kind of evolution where randomness is an essential in- - plexinshapethattheycanbedescribedasgeometrically d gredient. That is, nature favors randomnessand fractals n chaotic,sincetheyarenotjustmerelycomplexbutoften in nature appear through a continuous kinetic process, o containdifferentdegreesofcomplexity. In1975,Mandel- whereas the classical Cantor set is discrete in time. The c brot introduced the concept of fractal geometry to char- simplest wayto incorporatethese essentialingredientsis [ acterize these geometric monsters quantitatively. This by generalizing the Cantor set. For example, instead of 1 extendedourhorizonofunderstandingandenablestoap- dividinganintervalinton equalpieces,one candivide it v preciatethatthereexistssomekindofordereveninthese randomly into n pieces and throw away(n−m) of these 3 seemingly complex and disordered geometric structural also randomly [2]. 7 patterns. Often fractals are perceived as some brightly- The notion of random fractal has been widely used 2 colored computer generated patterns. This is due to the 1 in almost every disciplines of science both theoretically lack of enough analytically solvable theoretical models. 0 and experimentally since its inception. Yet, the mecha- 2 The coastlineof anisland, a rivernetwork,the structure nism by which nature creates fractals and the relation- 0 of a cabbage or broccoli, or even the networks of nerves ship between the degree of order and the fractal dimen- / andbloodvesselsinthenormalhumanretinacanbebest t sionis poorly understood. Inthis article, we introduce a a described as fractals. Yet, more than twenty five years stochastic process that can generate a continuous spec- m after they were first introduced, there is no generally- trum of fractals (ranging from random to nonrandom) - accepted definition of a fractal. However, it is loosely controlled by some intrinsic tuning parameters. This d defined as a shape made of parts similar to the whole, n maybeconsideredasanaturalkineticcounterpartofthe in some sense. It is typically quantified by a non-integer o classical Cantor construction and which can be a poten- exponent called the fractal dimension that can uniquely c tial candidate in order to understand essentialgoverning v: characterizethe geometric structure. This definition im- rules of creating complex geometric objects. We present mediatelyconfirmstheexistenceofscaleinvariance,that i a generalized version of the classical Cantor set. The X is, the objects look the same on different scales of obser- rulesoftheprocesscanbedescribedasfollows. Thepro- r vation. To understand fractals, their physical origin and cess starts with an initiator of the unit interval [0,1]and a how they appear in nature we need to be able to model a generator which divides this interval into two pieces them theoretically. This is the main motivation of our randomly, deleting some parts from either sides of both present work. pieces at each time step. We introduce two intrinsic pa- The simplest way to construct an ideal fractal is by rametersto determine the degreeof randomnessand the repeating a given operation over and over again deter- rateatwhichagivenoperationistoberepeatedinorder to create a fractal. The construction of this generalized Cantor set is not atallpedagogical. Oneimmediateandpotentialapplica- ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] tionofthepresentmodelisthekineticsoftheirreversible 2 andsequentialbreakupofparticlesthat occursin avari- cut and delete model. To do so, we define the interval ety of physicalprocessesand whichhas important appli- size distribution function or the concentration c(x,t) so cations in science and technology. These include erosion that c(x,t)dx describes the number of intervals of size [3], grinding and crushing of solids[4], polymer degra- x at time t in the interval range x and x + dx. The dation and fiber length reduction [5], breakup of liquid distributionfunctionc(x,t)thenmusthavethefollowing droplets [6], etc. to name just a few. In recent years, form of evolution equation therehasbeenanincreasinginterestinstudyingfragmen- tation, allowing variations that increase the flexibility ∂c(x,t) ∂c(x,t) ∂c(x,t) = + . (1) of the theory in matching conditions of real phenomena ∂t ∂t (cid:12) ∂t (cid:12) (cid:12)cut (cid:12)delete such as the extension to higher dimension [7], agglom- (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) erate erosion [3], mass loss [9], volume change [10] and The first term on the right hand side represents the ir- fragmentation-annihilation [11]. The generalized Cantor reversible and sequential cut process which can be de- construction,asweformulatedit,candescribethekinet- scribed by the following master equation ics of fragmentation with a continuous mass loss [8, 9]. ∂c(x,t) x This is relevant in the kinetics of fragmentation of par- = −c(x,t) dyF(y,x−y) ticles where mass loss might occur due to evaporation, ∂t (cid:12)(cid:12)cut Z0 oxidation, sublimation, dissolution, melting etc., or even (cid:12) ∞ (cid:12) + 2 dyc(y,t)F(x,y−x). (2) in the Yule-Furry process of cosmic showertheory where Z x energy loss occurs due to collision [12]. Another potential application of the present work is Here F(x,y) is the breakup kernel describing the rules the first order phase transformation via the kinetics of and the rate (a(x) = xdyF(y,x−y)) at which an in- 0 nucleation and growth processes. The random deposi- terval of size x+y brReaks into sizes x and y. The two tionofcuts in the generalizedCantorset canbe thought termsinEq. (2)describethe destructionandcreationof ofasthe randomnucleationofsize-lessseedsonthe sub- interval of size x due to the deposition of cuts on size x strate (metastable phase). On the other hand, the con- and larger than x respectively. The second term of Eq. tinuous removal of parts is in fact equivalent to the de- (1) on the other hand, represents the deletion of parts crease of substrate due to the growth of seeds (stable of an interval from either ends soon after a cut is de- phase). The nucleation of a stable phase usually occurs posited. Thedeletionofpartscontinuesuntiltheseparts duetolargethermalfluctuationsinthemetastablephase encounteranothercutortheintervalbecomesadustlike and the subsequent growth occurs due to the competi- interval; thereby stopping the loss of their masses. This tionbetweenthesurfacetensionandthefreeenergyden- deletion process can be expressed in the following differ- sity difference between the stable and metastable phase. ential form The classical work of such processes has been done in- ∂c(x,t) ∂ q(x)c(x,t) dependentlybyKolmogorov,Johnson,MehlandAvrami = . (3) (KJMAmodel)[13]andhasbeenextensivelyusedtode- ∂t (cid:12) (cid:0) ∂x (cid:1) (cid:12)delete scribe non-equilibrium phenomena during phase trans- (cid:12) (cid:12) whereq(x) describesthe rate atwhichanintervalof size formation [14]. In this model the nucleation of a stable x is lost by the deletion process. phase, within the metastable phase, occurs at random obeyingthe Poissonstochasticprocessinspace. Inother words nucleation centers are homogeneously distributed A. Model I: Random scission model throughouttheentiremetastablephase. Oncenucleated, thestablephasekeepsgrowingisotropicallyuntilitcomes into contact with another similarly growing stable phase We first consider here the simplest possible model of thus forming an interface. this kind, namely Interesting questions arise from the present work: (i) F(x,y)=1. (4) What is the role ofthe fractaldimensionduring the pat- tern formation? (ii) Is there any relation between the This is typically known as the random scission model fractal dimension and the degree of order? (iii) What [15] as it assumes that every points of the interval are are the relevant parameters to tune the degree of order equally likely to break. That is, the present model de- and what are their physical meaning? The present work scribesthefollowingrecursivecut and delete process. We is an attempt to answer these questions. start with an interval of size x+y. At each time step, we choose a cut point with a uniform probability den- sity and produce two smaller intervals of size x and y. II. FORMULATION OF THE CUT AND As soonas the new intervals are born, they startshrink- DELETE PROCESS ing from either side, although the mechanism whereby they shrink would depend on the choice of q(x). In gen- In order to create a complex geometric objects here eral, q(x) is assumed to follow a power law form with we give the general scheme for the formulation of the respect to particle size i.e. q(x) ∝ xγ. However, once 3 the choice for the breakup kernel is made, the exponent 1. Scaling theory γ is strictly restrictive, due to dimensional consistency. Therefore,in the present contextit is essentialto choose AcloserinspectionofEq. (5)immediatelyrevealsthat q(x)=mx2 wheremisapositive,realanddimensionless there are two governing parameters x and t that com- constant. Therateequationforthedistributionfunction pletely describe the governed parameter c(x,t). This is c(x,t) then becomes due to the fact that the dimension ofthe two variablesx ∂c(x,t) ∞ ∂x2c(x,t) andt are interlockedby the choice of the breakupkernel =−xc(x,t)+2 c(y,t)dy+m . and through the rate equation itself. That is, x, the co- ∂t Z ∂x x factorofc(x,t) ofthefirsttermontherighthandsideof (5) Eq. (5), must bear the dimension inverseof time t. This Instead of trying to solve the rate equation directly, we enablesustochooseanyofthetwoasanindependentpa- attempt to solve the rate equation for M (t), the nth rameterwhiletheothercanbeexpressedintermsofthis. n ∞ moment of c(x,t), defined as M (t) = xnc(x,t)dx Thatis,wecandefineξ =txasadimensionlessquantity. n 0 with n > 0. Incorporating this definitionRinto Eq. (5), So, if we assume t to be the independent quantity then we obtain c(x,t) can be expressed in terms of t alone i.e. dMn(t) =− n2+n(1+1/m)−1/m M (t). (6) c(x,t)∼tθφ(ξ). (10) n+1 dt (cid:20) (n+1) (cid:21) Here θ is yet an undetermined exponent and must take Note that for m = 0 the total mass or the first moment the value for which tθ bears the dimension of concen- M (t) is a conserved quantity. However, for m > 0 the 1 tration or the distribution function c. This means that system violates the mass conservationdue to the contin- all plots of c vs xt for any initial condition must fall uous mass removal by the deletion process. The inter- tθ onto each other which is the hallmark for the existence esting feature of the above equation is that for m > 0, ofscalingtypicallyknownasdatacollapseformalism[18]. there areinfinitely manyconservedquantities depending Substituting the scaling ansatz (Eq. (10)) into the defi- on m. We can find these conserved quantities by simply nitionofM (t)anddemanding thatM be a conserved inspecting the value of n = df for which the moment quantity, onne immediately obtains θ =d1f+d . M (t) is independent of time which is obtained by set- f df ting dM (t)/dt = 0. The problem then rests on solving n a quadratic equation in n. The real positive root of the 2. Fractal analysis equation then is df =−12 1+ m1 + 12r 1+ m1 2+ m4 (7) d_f (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) while the other root is α = −(d +1+ 1) thus α < 0. 0.6 f m We can re-write the rate equation for M (t) as n 0.5 dM (t) (n−d )(n−α) n =− f M (t). (8) 0.4 n+1 dt (n+1) 0.3 Iterating the above equation enables us to obtain all the derivatives of Mn(t) at t = 0. Using this and the 0.2 monodisperse initial condition into the Taylor series ex- pansionofM (t)aboutt=0givestheexplicitandexact 0.1 n solution for M (t) n m 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 M (t)= F (n−d ,n−α;n+1;−t) (9) n 2 1 f where F (a,b;c;d) is the hypergeometric function. In FIG. 1: Fractal dimension versus mass removal strength m. 2 1 principle,finding aproperintegraltransformationofEq. (9) and comparing it with the definition of M (t) would Associating broken objects with disorder is perhaps n enableustorecovertheexactsolutionforthedistribution the most immediate and natural thought that cross our function c(x,t) (widely known as Charlesby’s method mind. Indeed, an assembly of fragmented intervals can [16]). However, in the present work we are more in- be considered as one of the simplest yet most common terested in M (t) and its asymptotic temporal behavior exampleofa disorderedsystem. The existenceofscaling n than in c(x,t). The asymptotic expansion of the hyper- is already a proof that an assembly of such sequentially geometric function [17] reveals that the exact time de- broken intervals has some degree of regularity. Owing pendence of Mn(t) is Mn(t)∼t−(n−df). The asymptotic to the random nature of the present model and due to decay of M (t) is thus linear in n which implies that the the mass removal term, it is clear that when the process n systemobeys a simple scaling. This will be shownvigor- evolvesad infinitum,itwillnotcreatethe wholesetthat ously in the following section. describes a line. Rather, it will produce a subset of the 4 fullset(line). Inordertomeasurethe sizeofthe setcre- theroleofbweoughttogiveequalweighttoalltheterms atedinthelongtimelimit,wedefinetheaverageinterval ofEq. (1)so thateachofthem cancompete onanequal size as footing. This can only be done if we set q(x) = px2b ∞ (i.e. m=p) and hence the relative strengthbetween the xc(x,t)dx δ(t)= 0∞ ∼t−1. (11) two terms of Eq. (1) stays the same as the value of b R c(x,t)dx increases. The rate equation for M (t) then is 0 n R This shows that the mean or typical interval size de- dM [Γ(b)] 2Γ(n+b) creases in time algebraically. We can use this as a yard dtn =−Γ(b)(cid:18)Γ(2b)(n+1)− Γ(n+2b)(cid:19)Mn+2b−1. stick and count the number of the segments we need to (14) cover the resulting set. We find that the number of yard stick N(δ) scales as The problem now rests on finding the n value for which themomentbecomesatimeindependentquantity. From lim N(δ)∼δ−df (12) the previousfractalanalysiswe learntthatthe realposi- δ−→0 tiverootofthepolynomialequation(obtainedbysetting ∞ where N = 0 c(x,t)dx. The exponent df is known dMn(t)/dt=0)is infactthe fractaldimensionofthe re- as the fractalRdimension or the Hausdorff-Besicovitchdi- sultingset. Applyingthe scalingtheorybasedondimen- mensionoftheresultingsetcreatedbythecut and delete sional analysis, like we did in the previous section, gives model. The distance between the points in space is the θ =(1+df)zwherethekineticexponentisz =1/(2b−1). keytothe definitionofthe Hausdorff-Besicovitchdimen- A detailed numerical survey reveals that the fractal di- sion[19]. Note that d is the rootofthe quadraticequa- mension increases monotonically with increasing b (see f tion in n obtained by setting dMn(t) = 0 (a condition Fig. (2)). In order to find the fractal dimension in the dt limit b−→∞, we canuse the Stirlings approximationin for stationary solution). The expression for d , Eq. (7), f theresultingpolynomialequation. Indoingsoweobtain revealsthatasthevalueofmincreases,thefractaldimen- sion decreases very sharply and in the limit m −→ ∞, the following equation df −→0. Fig. (1) does indeed show that as m increases ln[n+1]+(n−1)ln[2]=0 (15) the strength of the mass deletion term increases with respect to the terms responsible for describing the cut and find d = 0.45699956 is the only real positive root f processes. This means that as m increases, the size of and hence is the fractal dimension d . In an attempt to f the arising set decreases sharply due to the fast disap- search for the role of b we study the following model pearance of its member. While as m −→ 0, d −→ 1, f F(x,y)=(x+y)γδ(x−y). (16) that is, we recover the full set from which the subset is derived. It describes that at each time an interval is chosen and the cut is placed exactly in the middle to produce two equal sized smaller intervals. It is note worthy to men- B. Model II: Gaussian cut and delete model tion that the homogeneity index gamma only tunes the rate a(x) = xγ/2 and does not play any role in control- Next we treat the following quadratic type of breakup ling the location of each cut on the interval vis-a-vis the kernel fractaldimension. The exact value of γ is not important F(x,y)=(xy)b−1. (13) provided γ > 0 and therefore we can choose γ = 2b−1 without loss of generality. Once again the dimensional Thisisageneralizedversionofthepreviousmodelandit consistency requires that q(x) = x2b/2 while the factor describes the following recursive cut and delete process. 1/2istoaccountfortheequalweightinthecutanddelete We startwith an interval (x+y) and at eachtime event process. Introducing this model into Eq. (1) and insert- wechooseacutpointwithaGaussianprobabilitydensity ingthedefinitionofmomentweobtainthefollowingrate if b > 1. The spread of the density of the cut around equation for Mn(t) the center of the interval depends on the values of b as dM (t) (n+1) 1 we will show later. Of course we recover the previous dnt =− 2 − 2n Mn+2b−1(t). (17) randomscissionmodelwhenb=1. Ourprincipalgoalof (cid:16) (cid:17) studying this modelis to understandthe role ofb during In order to find the fractal dimension for this process, the cut and delete process. In order to extract the role wesetthe numericalfactorontheright-handside ofthis of b, it is essentialto check whether the relative strength equation equal to zero and then take the natural loga- between the cut and delete process changes as we change rithmonbothsidestoobtainthenvalueforwhichM (t) n the b value. Note that the breakup rate a(x) for this is time independent. In doing so, we arrive at the same model is a(x) = px2b−1 where p = [Γ(b)]2/Γ(2b). It is functional equation for n as we found for the Gaussian thusclearthatasbincreasessodoestherelativestrength model with b−→∞, namely Eq. (15). ofthecutprocesswithrespecttothedeleteprocessifwe Thisisinfactthemainmessageofthepresentwork. It do not tune the m value accordingly. That is, to judge shows that the kernel F(x,y)=(xy)b−1 behaves exactly 5 d_f ing this m, we obtain a fractal dimension of any value between 0 < d ≤ 1. We have further generalized our 0.45 f model allowing a parameter b that can tune the degree of randomness by controlling the way the cuts are de- 0.44 posited. This is done in an attempt to find a precise answer of how fractal dimension changes as we tune the degree of order of the resulting geometric structure. We 0.43 show that when b = 1 the system enjoys the maximum degree of freedom in the sense that cut points are cho- sen with uniform probability density andso is the delete b 2 4 6 8 10 process, since the two processes are interlocked via di- mensional consistency. For b > 1, at each time event a cut point is more likely to be chosen in the middle than FIG. 2: Fractal dimension versus b. on either end of a given interval. That is, the frequency curve of the cut density about any given interval size is in the same fashion as for F(x,y)=(x+y)2b−1δ(x−y). Gaussian in nature and as b increases the middle point is increasingly more likely to be the cut point than any We thus find that in the limit b −→ ∞, the result- otherpoints inthe interval. The bvalue is intimately re- ing distribution of points is a set with fractal dimension latedtothevarianceoftheprobabilitydensityofcut. As D = 0.45699956, which is a strictly self-similar fractal f b increases, the variance of the probability density curve as randomness is ceased by dividing the intervals into decreasesinsuchamannerthatinthelimitb−→∞,the equalpieces. We are now in a positionto give a physical varianceofthecurvereducestoaninfinitesimallynarrow picture of the role played by b. First of all, the model line. The equivalence of the δ-function and the Gaus- with b=1 describes that the frequency curve of placing sian model in the b −→ ∞ limit does indeed prove this. cuts about the size of the fragmenting particles is Pois- Changing the b value effectively means we are creating sonian in nature. Consequently, the system enjoys the anincreasinglyorderedset. Inthisworkwehavederived maximum randomness and the corresponding fractal di- a spectrum of fractal dimensions between d =0.414213 mensionisd =0.414213. Forb>1,thefrequencycurve f f for b = 1 and d = 0.45699956 when b −→ ∞. Fig. (2) of placing cuts about the size of the fragmenting parti- f andadetailednumericalsurveyconfirmsthatthefractal cles is Gaussian in nature, meaning that as the value of dimension increases monotonically with increasing order b increases, the particles are increasingly more likely to and reaches its constant value when the randomness is break in the middle than on either end. That is, as b completely ceased. increases, the variance decreases in such a manner that In summary, we have discussed the scaling theory of inthe limit b−→∞, the varianceofthe frequencycurve a particular class of cut and delete process, emphasizing becomes infinitely narrow, meaning a δ-function distri- onthedimensionalanalysis. Inordertomakethescaling butionforwhichthefragmentsarebrokenintotwoequal theory more meaningful than what a simple scaling can pieces. Therefore,thereisacontinuousspectrumoffrac- provide we have invoked the concept of fractal analysis. tal dimensions between b → 0 when d = 0.414213 and f We have identified a new set with a wide range of sub- b−→∞ when d =0.45699956(see Fig. (2)). f sets produced by tuning the degree of randomness only. We have quantified the size of the resulting set obtained in this way by fractal dimension and have shown that thefractaldimensionincreaseswithincreasingorderand III. DISCUSSION reaches its maximum value when the pattern described bythe setisperfectly ordered,whichiscontrarytosome Inthisworkwehavepresentedacutanddelete process recently found results [20]. Finally, we argue on the ba- that can capture the notion of the Cantor set construc- sisofourfindings thatfractaldimension,degreeoforder tion. It has potential applications both in the kinetics and the extent of ramifications of the arising geometric of fragmentation and in the kinetics of nucleation and patterns are intimately connected to each other. growthphenomena. Wehavefoundthatinthelongtime limitthesystemcreatesageometricpatternwhichissta- Acknowledgment tistically self-similar. To quantify the resulting geomet- ric structure, we invoke the idea of fractal geometry and M. Kamrul Hassan would like to thank Alexander von show that the fractal dimension is strictly dependent on Humboldt foundation for financial support under the the strength of the mass removal term m. 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