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I Self-study folder The following pages contain allthe answers to the exercises, combination! KellyTohns,the presenter of abig daytime sample answers for the writing tasks, the tapescripts, and TV show, was there and my little number caught her eye. lots of additional notes, including useful background She came over and we got chatting. She asked whether I information on the texts and topics. The Map ofObjective could run her up something to wear on the show and I Proficiency Student'~ Book on pages 3-5 givesfull details of jumped at the chance. That was areal turning point for the language and exam skills covered in each unit. The me. Iwas soon able to chuck in my dayjob and Content oftheProficiencyExamination on pages 6-7 concentrate on the clothes side full-time. Through Kelly's provides information about the exam, with links to the show,I've had lots of orders, I'vejust finished an exclusive relevant Exam folder or Writing folder. range for atop designer and I've even taken on an assistant to help me. Just think ifI'd stayed in that night! Speaker 2: People often askme to describe in detail how I've got to be where Iam today, thinking that I've spent years earning beer money in local clubs,but the truth is,I'm literally an overnight sensation! Idon't mean that arrogantly; itwasjust one lucky break, alldown to being in 1 The two idioms are achangefor the better and achange the right place at the right time. There Iwas,an absolute ofheart. Ring the changes,the unit title, isalso an idiom. nobody, hanging around backstage with Arrowhead, when Note that you can also say achangefor theworse. their lead guitarist tripped over apile of speakers and broke his arm, fiveminutes before they were due on stage. Possible answers Theearliest change Ican remember iswhen myfamily I'd been rabbiting on about my brilliant guitar style,so moved to a new house. Itwas definitely achange forthe naturally, they allturned to me and said 'Kid, help us out better, as Ihad myown large bedroom and the house had here ...'and Idid. The place was packed and Ican stillfeel amuch bigger garden. my hands shaking asIpicked out that very first solo.It The most unexpected change inmylifetook place when I went OK though, and the rest is ... history. won asubstantial amount of money inacompetition, Speaker 3: IwasinMilan visitingfriends,trying to cheer which allowed meto take abreak from work. myselfup afteradismal fewmonths - mylong-term The biggest change inmylifeinvolving people came about when myfather remarried, and, overnight, the boyfriend and Ihad broken up,plus I'dleftajob without number ofchildren inour family grew from two to six. another to goto.Mysavingswererunning lowand Iwas When Ileft home and went to university, Imoved to the planning toleaveafewdayslater.Anyway,myfriends opposite side ofthe country, which was verydifferent suggestedthat Ishould takealook atVerona beforegoing from where Ihad grown up. backhome and told me what time train Icould getfrom Ifound some old letters the other day,which Ihad kept Milan.Well,forsome reason, Iended up on aslowtrain for more than twenty years - but Ihad asudden change goingsouth, without realisingmymistake - both trains had of heart and burnt the lot! leftatthe same time. Ifellasleepinthe compartment and wokeup inapanic asthetrain wasdrawing in to Bologna!I 2 The underlined parts of the tapescript confirm the had awander round and fellinlovewith the placeand knew answers. itwaswhere Iwanted tobe.Everythingjust fellinto place- I found ateaching job,took aroom inabeautiful flatand Answers settledinbrilliantly.Ilivedthere forsixyearsand Igoback 1 gaining media attention 4 being made redundant regularly. 2 stepping infor someone 5 meeting 'MrRight' Speaker 4: It's funny how you can hit avicious spiral; you're 3 heading the wrong way 6 winning acompetition chugging along quite happily in your lifeand then, bam, something comes out of the blue and knocks you sideways and then, wham, something else.I'm OK now, but I've Speaker 1: I've had areally fantastic year.It allstarted last had arocky couple ofyears. My problem was quite simply November, when Iwas dragged along to aparty bya that I'd been living beyond my means for agood long friend. Iwas in aterrible mood, I remember, and nearly time and some debts finally caught up with me. Even didn't go.Anyway,Iwaswearing an outfit I'd made myself then, Ithought I'd be OK;Iarranged to pay them offlittle - in soft black leather and antique lace,quite an unusual bylittle from my salary, monthly, you know. But then, the Answers factory where Iwas working cut back on its workforce, hang around and they 'let me go'.Well,that was it,Iwas in freefall.I jump at suppose Ipanicked, Iwasn't thinking straight, you know. cut backon,lookback SoIjust walked away,got on atrain and left. Ended up in track down London. Got in with abad crowd, one thing led to chuck in,draw in,get inwith, settle in,stay in another. Awful.It's amiracle my brother evertracked me payoff rabbit on down, but he's got me back and sorted, job, roof over my pickout head ... but I'll be paying offthat money for years yet. break up,catch upwith, cheer up,end up,run up,turn up, Speaker 5: Itcould be astory in TrueRomance,but itreally wake up happened just likethis.Almost twenty years agoto the day, Iwaswaiting for abus after another mind-numbingly awful dayatwork, no bus in sight, ofcourse. Iwasin arut, myjob wasgoing nowhere. Anyway,there Iwas,staring gloomily atmy reflection in apuddle, feelingutterly sorry Answers for myself and thinking: isthis reallyallthere isto life? a hung back/ drew back b broke inon/ cut inon Then Isawtwo things in that puddle, one imperceptibly c was cut off d looked down on e ranoffwith/hadrunoffwith f hastakenupwith after the other. The firstwasno surprise, huge splashes of g draw up h got out of rain, asthe heavens opened yet again,but then, this enormous red umbrella, appearing behind my head asifby magic! Agorgeous gravellyvoiceto my leftsaid did Imind, itwasbig enough for two and he didn't want my hair to get wet.Veryfortunately, itwasanother fifteen minutes before Answers the bus finallyturned up and hooray, itdidn't stop raining! lB2C3B4ASC6D His name wasTerence,though he'sbeen Terry to me ever I since- and Dad to our three wonderful children. Speaker 6: Tenniswaskind ofmysecond choice asakid- I 1.2 pages 10-11 suppose Ipreferred team sports likefootball. I'dhad lessons, 1 and Ialwayswatched the bigchampionships on TV- Wimbledon, Roland Garros, the USOpen - but Icertainly wasn't competing myself.Then one Easter,there wasa talent-spotting weekatthe localcollegeand, having nothing Possible answer better to do,Iwent along with afriend. Wewere 13- or Ithink the funniest cartoon isthe one about the oilslick, maybe 14.Itwasquite intensive,there werelotsofpractice because the slickisinthe shape ofa person who is sessionsfirstand then aseriesofmatches atthe end ofthe making a rude gesture. week.Icame top in my agegroup out offorty-six players- I couldn't quite believeitwhen they presented me with the cup!With that, Iearned myplacein acoaching squad and Allfour cartoons use aperfect tense: ayou'd been (past I'venever looked back since!Imake agood livingfrom perfect); b you've beenat sea(present perfect); cyou've tennis and Iwouldn't haveitanyother way,though Istilltry come to(present perfect); d your husband's engaged to find time to playfootball with mymates, when Ican. (present perfect). 4 Becarefulwith word order when using phrasal verbs.The A quack (c) isaperson who pretends to be adoctor but verb and particle cannot be separated: has no actual qualifications. This word isused to show • when it isathree-part phrasal verb disapproval of someone. I caught up with Jackfurther down the road. 2 Refer to the Grammar folder on pages 180-188 ifyou • ifthe phrasal verb isused intransitively (without are unsure of apoint covered in any unit. Even at an object) Proficiency level,you need to spend time studying All my hard workpaid off. grammar and you should check your written work for • when the particle isapreposition grammatical accuracy. Here isachecklist of things to Sallyjumped at the chance ofvisiting Rome. watch out for: • subject-verb agreement 6 The text isadiary entry. It isin fact the concluding • choice of modal verb entry from the successful book Adrian Mole: The • tense in conditional structures Cappuccino Years,written by SueTownsend . • choice of past/presentlfuture tense • choice of preposition Oackground information punctuation in relative clauses • structure with reporting verbs, e.g. insist on doing, SueTownsend'sfirst bookabout Adrian Mole wasThitse urge someone to. DiaryofAdrian Mole aged 13*, published in1982.SheVlia? ofBritain's best-selling authors during the 1980sandh,,!s 3 These sentenceswerewritten bypast Proficiency candidates continued towrite both novels andplaysever since.T. and show typical errors with perfect tenses atthislevel. Cappuccino Yearsisahilarious view ofTony Blai(s Britain,seenthrough the eyesofAdrian Mole,now parent oftwo boys,William andGlenn. Answers a went to b hasbeen used c had never seen d were measured e I've been practising, (I've been) trying / I've tried f you have bought g they had got married h people care Answers Perfect tenses Eleanor's burned: present perfect for recent action hadjoined: past perfect for action further back intime had been extinguished; had been arrested; she'd been Answers refused: past perfect (passive); asabove a has gone =heisstill there should never have been let out: modal +perfect passive to went =he isno longer there express regret about something inthe past b has been suffering = ongoing situation, i.e. have often wondered: present perfect for repeated action unemployment isstill high that continues was suffering = continuous situation at unspecified will have embellished; (will have) given: future perfect for time inthe past action completed byadefinite time (bytomorrow) c were given = one specific instance inthe past have been given =task isongoing Phrasal verbs d have been dealing =continuous action that isnot yet burn down let out came out of turned out completed tie (you) down grow up stand up have dealt =action completed, i.e.problem successfully handled e Nodifference in meaning f I've thought =focus ison the result, implies that a decision hasbeen taken Suggested answers I've been thinking =focus ison the activity, implies that • Thewriter, Adrian Mole, isafather of two; all his person isstill thinking possessions have been lost inthe fire. g could have done =past speculation • Eleanor Flood set fire to Adrian's house; shewas will have done =future forecast, e.g.'I'm writing up our probably Adrian's former girlfriend and did it asaform annual report - isthere anything elsewe will have of revenge. done (bythe end of the year)?' • William isAdrian's son;he usedto keep insects. h Nodifference in meaning, though the future perfect • Glenn is13and also Adrian's son; hewore trainers; continuous tense ismore common, as'living here' is he had started to keepadiary. continuous and ongoing. • Andrew isasmall furry animal, apet of some kind. Possible answers Possible answer a I've been learning English for ten years. Iwould feel relieved that myfamily was safe,but angry b I've never done acourse in deep-sea diving, though I about losing my possessions. Idon't entirely agree with would really liketo. Adrian's father, assomewhere to live and possessions c One particular street inthe centre hasbeen closed to give you security in life. private cars,which hasmade traffic in other parts of the town much worse. d Including Proficiency, which I'll passfirst time, I'll have taken five English exams. e Imay have moved to another city for work. 194 RING THE CHANGES 4 Underlining important information is avital first step in planning a summary, as it shows which ideas must be 1 The pictures show: included. • the same maple tree in spring and winter • two bars of Cadbury's chocolate - one from 1905, Answers showing a dairy churn, and a modern version, C showing a glass and a half of milk (the amount that Rather than burgers and fries being a product of the social goes into each 200g bar) changes seen over the last fiftyyears inAmerica, the author • someone using a mobile phone in Shanghai and a row suggests that fast food brands were to a large extent responsible for these changes, as they profoundly affected of traditional red telephone boxes (which have now both lifestyle and diet. been phased out in Britain). D Oackground information Tiny holes found in human teeth estimated to be over 8000 years old are now believed to be the earliest evidence of n;rCadbury's DairyMilkslogan 'a glass and a half offull dentistry, for when these holes were examined with an c;t~~mmilk' has remained unchanged since its launch in1928, electron microscope, researchers found their sides were too dciiiito its phenomenal success inselling this chocolate - the 12erfectlyrounded to be caused by bacteria and have D<li,r,yMilk'megabrand' has sales of£230 million ayear. therefore proposed that they were drilled by prehistoric dentists. ~ 1 The sentence summarises the general idea that people Suggested answers pick up on things through facial features, but it omits The maple tree shows environmental- or seasonal - any reference to health and social status, which means change. You might also describe it as a physical change, it is less clear than the original text. inthat the tree loses its leaves in winter. 2 The word judge could be replaced with assessor evaluate. The brand updating of the chocolate bar isan example of 3 The underlined words intext Bthat could be replaced commercial change. are: produced (developed, concocted, made); chance The change from using telephone boxes to using mobile (accident); revolutionised (changed, updated, phones shows both social and technological change. modernised); innovations (new techniques/inventions); significantly (notably, importantly). Aword like mauve Anexample of political change would be a change of or aspirincannot be paraphrased, as it issomething party in power. very specific. Answers Answers commerce - ial (drop the 'e' and add 'ial') c isthe best choice, as it captures all the important technology - ical (drop the 'y' and add 'ical') information, uses new words not inthe text where Examples of jul and -less:hopeful/hopeless; thankful/ possible, iswritten in a suitably neutral register and is thankless concise (13 words). create/desire - 'e' isdropped and suffix added Comments on the other sentences: vary- 'y'isdropped and '-iable' added OR'y'changes to 'i' a Omits reference to Perkin and does not highlight the and suffix added fact that aspirin was the most significant innovation. b Unduly informal, with use of phrasal verbs; quite wordy. d Unnecessary reformulation of mauve leads to lack of clarity and wordiness; other words are lifted from the text, e.g. revolutionary, innovation; too long a sentence. Answers e Wrong focus of information (aspirin); incomplete. a predictable b alternative c hopeful f Good attempt at reformulating, but lacks precision due d philosophical e experimental f speechless to omission of mauve; register slightly too informal- g noticeable h flawless better ifsentence started 'Commercially' rather than Adjectives from the remaining words: admirable, 'Com merci aIly-spea king'. identifiable, massive, successful,understandable RIN G THE CH A N G ES 195 Suggested answers CAccording to the author, fast food hascaused social change recently, byinfluencing how Americans live and 1 The photos are of the TajMahal at dawn and the changing their diet. (20words) Empire State Building taken from street level. o Researchhasuncovered evidence of prehistoric dentistry, asminute, round holes in 8000-year-old Possible answer teeth cannot have been caused by bacteria. (20words) They are both landmarks. Iwould liketo goto the Taj Mahal because it issoevocative of apast eraof romance and elegance. However, Iwould expect to be disappointed asit isquite near an industrial area and it is suffering from pollution. Paper 3 Part 1 Open doze page 14 '1>Oackground information 1 The first photo isof two people watching the 1968 I TajMahal . student riots in Paris. It was taken by Henri Cartier- ~,Builtin AgrainUttar Pradesh,Indiabetween 1632 :.amausoleum for Mumtaz Mahal,the favourite Bresson. The second photo isof Henri Cartier-Bresson. ! Jahan.lt isbuilt ofwhite marble andinlaid with ··stones'and mosaicwork. ;;; :hEn1pjreSt~te Building Answers '~uilt.a~a~.office blockinManhattan, NewYork 1 could/should 2 beneath/beyond 3 wherever i~HOai1d1931.Itis449 metreshigh,including a TVrhasla"'cldedin1951.Itwasthe tallest bUilding 4 which 5 must 6 chord 7 itself 8 but 9 So untif19S;3!: • 10 less 11nothing 12 take 13 at/during 14 Despite ;":s ..""" 15 rate Raper 3 Part 2 Answers Word formation doze page 15 Yes,they were impressed. Thefollowing parts of the text tell you the answers. 2 The first photo isof ayoung woman with tattoos and A- Theytold me that the TajMahal isbeautiful, and they piercings. The second isof ayoung boy with traditional were right. designs painted on his body and face. B- it'sawork of art Answers 1 antiquity 2 dominant 3 customising/izing 4 kingdom 5 kinship 6 extraordinary 7 practical 8 significance 9 Arguably 10 infinitely Answers 1B2A3C4D 1 Biscorrect because the writer saysthat they told him Remember that in the examination you are required to fill it was white and they were wrong. Therefore hewas in your answer sheet in CAPITAL LETTERS. misinformed. It can't beA because hesaysit was inthe spirit of the betrayal of expectation that hewent there. It can't beCbecause when it isat its best isn't mentioned. 0 iswrong because the writer agrees that the TajMahal isbeautiful. 2 A iscorrect because hewrites in apoetic way about the building, singing its praises.Biswrong because he makes nocriticism of it. Cand 0arewrong because there isnothing ironic or sentimental about the writing. Lookthese words up in an English-English dictionary ifyou aren't sure of their meanings. 196 EXAM FOLDER 1 5 To me 'eco-tourism' and 'green holidays' mean: bicycles 3 C iscorrect because he says that most people who are rather than car parks; recyclable/local materials; no from our planet will have seen something about the commercialisation; no high-rise hotels, etc. city.Aiswrong because there is no mention of it being a good thing. Biswrong because, although the police The exercise looks at noun endings. Make alist of as are mentioned, there is nothing about the city being many noun endings as you can. You should end up with dangerous or otherwise. 0 iswrong because there is no mention of finding out about the city in advance. a list similar to this one. 4 0 iscorrect because the streets arejammed, that isfull, -tion -dom -ery of the little winking toyyellow cabs.Aiswrong because -ence -or -ess there is no mention of a public transport system, i.e. buses or subway. Biswrong because the only mention -ance -er -hood of streets isthat they arejammed not narrow. C is -ness -ory -ist wrong becau'se the drivers are just moving from one -ity -th -ian lane to another, there is no criticism of their driving. -ship -ment Answers 4 Use an English-English dictionary if there are words 1 appearance 2 awareness 3 realisation 4 you do not know. operators 5 presence 6 categories 7 wilderness 8 growth Answers 9 movements 10 choice 11 regulation(s) a for luck, i.e.hoping itwould be as good as people said 12 definition b They are words connected with crime. c It's worth seeing. d He talks about it being so fast that people 'have no time to get embarrassed with each other's company'. e to bring the colour to life / make it more exact 1 Refer to the Grammar folder on pages 180-181 if you are unsure about which tense is used to express a particular aspect. Possible answers A simile is a figurative device in language where something a Totalk about arranged plans for this evening; things is referred to explicitly to make writing more descriptive or you have already organised or booked, e.g. a cinema or interesting. There are many in English which are fixed theatre visit or friends for dinner. expressions. However, writers often make their own similes b Totalk about plans which are not organised and maybe are just ideas or spur of the moment plans. These could up to suit their own purposes. include plans which might change depending on circumstances, e.g. Ifit rains, I'llwatch TVinstead of Possible answers playing tennis. Eyesas green as emeralds / blue as the sea / like deep c Totalk about your intentions this evening; something pools which you are thinking of doing but haven't quite got Hair as soft as silk / golden as the sun / black as night / around to booking/planning in detail. like spun gold d Usually used to talk about a specific time inthe future, Rain like bullets / as cold as the Arctic e.g. What will you be doing at 8.00 this evening? I'llbe Snow as crisp as an apple / likefluffy clouds washing my hair. e Totalk about what will have happened by a certain Ahot day -like being in an oven time inthe future. Youare looking into the future and Acold day -like the inside of afridge saying 'this will have happened', e.g. Iwill have finished all my homework by10tonight. f Totalk about plans which have been abandoned for Some fixed expressions using similes are not always very one reason or another, e.g. Iwas going to play tennis logical. Compare what is said in English with what is said in tonight, but now Ihave to stay into babysit my little your language. sister. Answers a like water off a duck's back b as clean as a whistle c as deaf as a post d like chalk and cheese e like a bat out of hell f as warm as toast g as white as a sheet h like a sieve I'm about to get married. Scientists are on the brink/verge of a scientific Answers breakthrough. a isgoing to cut b will be e leaves d he's going to get e I'llgo f I'm not going g will you be doing h will have landed i is not allowing j will do 6 These are paraphrases of the prepositional phrases not k will have been painting I will have finished explained in the exercise above. m he'll be n will you do 0 is p am having q am going to be r arrive s will be arriving t Shall I on the grounds (that) - because in keeping with - appropriate for in lieu of - instead of in the region of - about in vain - without success Possible answers on edge - nervous a I'llbe a doctor in 10years' time. / I'm going to be a on the fringe of - on the outside/edge of doctor in 10years' time. Note that you can't say I'll be being adoctor in years' time. 10 Answers b It's going to rain. a on the grounds b in lieu of e on edge e Itwill rain next week. d in keeping with e on the brink of f on the fringe of d I'm having salmon and salad for dinner tonight. g inth\ region of h invain e My government will have found a solution to pollution bythe year 2030. f I'm going to clean my car tomorrow. 7 You should learn the construction have no+noun as it g The flight to Athens leaves at 6.00 on Fridays. is often used and frequently appears on the Use of English paper. 4 Tobebound toexpresses a strong feeling of certainty. It Answers is often tested at Proficiency level. a She seems to have no difficulty (in) learning foreign languages. Possible answers b Ihave no objection to you/your coming camping with a My life is bound to change as a result of us. computerisation. Iimagine that Iwill be able to e Ihave no intention of inviting John to the party. program everything that happens in my house - the d Sylvia has no interest in package holidays. temperature of my bath water, the feeding of the cat, e Ihave no regrets about staying at home this summer. when to close the curtains, when the automatic f Some airlines have no hesitation in/about double hoovering will take place. booking their seats. b Iam unlikely to have become a millionaire bythe g My mother has no recollection/memory of what she middle of the century, but Ihope Iwill be reasonably did as a child. comfortable. Iwill certainly have been to university and h You have no alternative/choice but to come with me trained to become a doctor. Iam also likely to have now. married and had three children. e Youcan expect to have to work quite hard inthis office. The boss is bound to be rude until he gets to know you. Youwill certainly get rewarded for hard work and you are likely to get a pay rise every year. 1 The illustrations are of: • the Freedom Ship, the subject of one of the listening extracts • Thomas More, who wrote abook about Utopia • Mars, also called the Red planet Possible answers Lackof rain will leave the Sudan on the verge/brink of a The subject of the listening extracts is an ideal state. disaster. Try to work out what the words in italics mean from the I'm about to go to bed. context they are in. The words are all in the first extract Some animals are on the verge/brink of extinction. The country ison the brink of revolution. you will hear and it is helpful to have some idea of their The arguments brought her to the brink of leaving home. meaning before listening. She was on the verge of leaving home when she received the news. Iam about to leave home to get the bus. 198 EX PECTATI 0 N I have been sold, with sales averaging £4.7 million pounds Answers aweek. USbusinessmen and engineers behind the project a come upwith, invent b appeal c idea are so confident that they're already planning three more d hostility/stress/pressure e entirely/completely f from the beginning g tormented/harassed Freedom Ships. According to the project's marketing manager it'll be 'a new lifestyle for this new millennium' and promotional literature of the project paints a 2 Playthe recording twice ifnecessary. The underlined magnificent picture of aluxurious tax haven. This is,of parts of the tapescript confirm the answers. course, bound to be the most appealing part of the venture. There'll be shops, parks, concert halls, schools, Answers homes and even auniversity on board and ahuge duty- a Hewrote a book on Utopia in1516- first use ofthe free shopping mall will generate significant revenue. The word. builders confidently believe that the ship issobig - six b Platowrote The Republic,which talks about an ideal times larger than any other vessel ever built - that a40- state. c too many pressures from outside influences metre wave will hardly affect it. The ship's captain will be in aposition to enforce the laws of whichever country's flagthe owners decide to sailher under. Although states such asPanama have traditionally The desire for an ideal state, autopia, issomething that has provided so called flags of convenience, the management ~ surfaced again and again throughout our history. The word are considering two European Union nations as itself,'utopia', was coined by the English philosopher Sir possibilities. Thomas More in awork in 1516,from the Greek meaning The ship's private security force of 2,000 will be led by a 'no place'. However, many consider the concept to have former FBIagent, in an attempt to make residents toe the been in existence long before More. Plato, in his work The line. They can expect to be kept busy, according to Republic, invites philosophers to establish an ideal state, sociologists, maritime security experts, criminologists whereas Thomas More merely describes an imaginary and intelligence experts. The ship will have allthe society without the inequalities of money and status which problems of any small city,including crime, outbreaks of characterised his own time. disorder, juvenile delinquency and neighbourhood evertheless, the allure of an ideal society issuch that disputes. Residents will be cosmopolitan, and that may various communities based on utopian ideals have been not help social cohesion. Experts saythat when you create founded, but few of them have been able to withstand the an artificial environment involving people with very tension between their own ideal principles and the different ethical, cultural, political and legal customs and pressures from the unreformed outer world. The problem values, the potential for tension isvery great. It could well of how to found aradically new society from scratch, with turn out to be more of adystopia, than aUtopia. people who have grown up in existing societies, has been a Others, however, are more sanguine about the Freedom major problem that has plagued allattempts to establish Ship's prospects. utopias. 4 Play the recording once, or twice ifnecessary. The 3 Play the recording through once or twice. The underlined parts of the tapescript confirm the answers. underlined parts of the tapescript confirm the answers. Oackground inform Answers a 20,000 b tax haven c shopping mall d (40-metre) wave e cosmopolitan, i.e.from different Mars countries ;The fourth planet fromthe Sun,with 'Earth. Twosmallnatural satellites,PhQ eoldplanetwith athin,95%carbondi r violentduststorms and Reporter: Construction isabout to start on anew ship, called the Freedom Ship, which has been billed as a Answers maritime Utopia sailing the seven seas. Over 15,000 a 100degrees C below zero labourers will be working 24hours aday to get the ship b dusty, can't breathe itat the moment built on time. Already more than fifty of the 20,000 c an open frontier - the ability to write your own rules residential units, which cost from £80,000 to £5 million and liveasyou wish EXPECTATION 199 Meat and two veg isstillthe standard Englishmeal insome parts ofthe country. Another searcher after Utopia has been one Dr Zubrin. He d heir The airiswonderfully clear inMajorca. ' has no doubts that humans are on the brink of inhabiting e aisle Ihave never visited the IsleofSkyein Mars. In his book, Entering Space:Creating aSpacefaring Scotland. Civilisation, he describes how Mars will be made habitable. Some people put their principles before Atpresent, the temperature can reach more than 100 common sense. degrees Cbelow zero, humans cannot breathe unaided The new band that played last night were because of the dust and the habitat isbarren. 'Wewould reaIlygreat. need to turn Mars into aviable arena for the development Wetook what looked likethe main road through the town, but stillgot lost. of life.This would involve terraforming; Dr Zubrin Thisplace isgreat for real Spanish tapas. explains in his bo<?k.Terraforming isthe process where fluorocarbons are injected into the atmosphere to set off the greenhouse effect.Asthe planet thaws, carbon dioxide isreleased from the melting snowcaps and soil and would thicken the atmosphere. Add some trees and plants to Explain that parts of the body - nouns - are often used in convert the carbon dioxide into oxygen, and before long English asverbs with an idiomatic meaning. Ask students humans could be breathing comfortably on agreen planet. to match the verbs on the left with the words or phrases on AsDr Zubrin says,'Mars isan entire world. It has allthe the right. Make sure they use an English-English dictionary resources needed to support life and civilisation - and some to help th~m. day there will be civilisation on Mars. Mars isan open frontier, asthe rules haven't been written yet. The most Answers profound freedom that people can have isthe freedom to 1j to shoulder responsibility make their own world.' 2 d to foot the bill 3i to thumb a lift 4 k to elbow your way in 5I to table aquestion 6 h to corner athief 7c to tiptoe into a room Possible answers 8f to man aship a Iplan to goto university and train to be an 9 e to coat with paint archaeologist. 10 a to cash inon an idea b Iwould want someone who enjoys lifebut isrealistic 11b to ship goods about the need for money and iswilling to work hard. 12 g to house asylum seekers Alsosomeone who has things incommon with me. I likemusic and travelling. 1 to thumb a lift 2 shipped the goods 3 foot the bill 4 shoulder (the) responsibility 5 tiptoed into the room c Personally,Iam a bitcynical about these sorts of 6 elbowed herway into places. Ibelieve that ifeveryone made their own rules itwould bechaos. d Mypriority would besecurity,followed bycreature comforts such asfood,warmth, water, etc. Writing folder 1 e Forthe most part Ibelieve people willeventually colonise Mars because there willsoon betoo much pressure on Earth from population and industry. I'min Paper 2 Part 1 two minds asto whether Iwould want to gothere. On Letter pages 22-23 balance Ithink probably not, as it's along way and I could bedoing more interesting things on Earth. In Paper 2Writing, you must write in aregister that is suitable for the task set. Most Proficiency questions will demand formal or neutral register and it isvital to produce Pronunciation this consistently, asinappropriately informal language 6 would have anegative effect on the reader (examiner). 1 The pictures show apart of the Elgin Marbles, Possible answers originally on the east section of the Parthenon in a way How much doyou weigh, nowyou've been Athens, and the head of an 11th century Cambodian onyour diet? b pairs Ilovepears, but Ican't stand apples. statue. 200 W RITI NG F0 l DER 1 It iscommon for aPart 1task to include ashort text, 6 In the exam, it will not matter ifyou go alittle beyond which isusually there to stimulate ideas on the topic. the word limit - it ismuch more important to bring a Read the text carefully and underline key words and piece of writing to asuitable end. phrases. Try to rewor"dthese in your own answer where possible. Sample paragraph Ancient works of art need to beon view to everyone. 2 The main views expressed are that ancient statues Evenmore importantly, they are part of anation's exhibited in museums around the world should be heritage. Theworld's citizens must find away to keep returned to their former sites and that the current historical sites intact for future generations. practice of stripping sites of art treasures for Yoursfaithfully commercial gain should be stopped, asit ruins the sites and prevents,nations from appreciating their own heritage. Suggested answers Sample answer The article raisesthe issueof ownership of ancient works of art. Dear Siror Madam Itgives the example of the Elgin Marbles, taken from the Ihavejust read Henry Reid-Streebling's letter onfamily Parthenon and brought to England by LordElgin inthe values, inthe readers' letters section of your June edition. nineteenth century. AsIam part of the younger generation referred to byMr Itargues that the Elgin Marbles belong in Greece. Reid-Streebling, Iwould like to take issuewith some of According to the writer, this vandalism continues. hiscriticism, which Ifeel isunfair and shows teenagers in Some strong language isused,such as'theft' and 'cultural abad light. barbarism'. Inthe first place,Icanvouch for the fact that my classmates and Iare not 'lazy'.We haveto spend alot of time studying, not just completing our homework but also reading round the subjects and practising our languages. Ifwe were to do nothing, we would fail our Answers exams! Para1 Givethe reason for writing this letter Para2 Endorse the condemnation of art theft Secondly,in my experience, many students have part- Para3 Consider the position of the purchasers time jobs atthe weekends or inthe evenings. They do Para4 Evaluate the action that could betaken this work inorder to befinancially independent of their parents, soquite obviously, they do not 'take everything for granted', asthe writer maintains. With respect, Mr Reid-Streebling's letter may saymore about the problems within hisown family than about trends among today's Answers youth. Para1 very much (really); liaise over (chat about) Speaking personally, Ido not view my parents asservants Para2 extremely (dead); steal (nick); damaged beyond and Ialways try to beahelpful member of the family, repair (completely trashed) looking after myyounger brothers and sister and Para3 someone else (another guy) assisting with the usual chores. Of course,teenagers have Para4 unite (band together); rich (rolling in money) different attitudes and personalities just like adults do,so it isnot surprising that some are lazier than others. Inthe writer's case,perhaps some 're-training' of his 5 Useavariety oflinkers in your writing and begin your grandchildren isnecessary- they might well listen to him sentences in different ways.This willimpress an examiner. rather than their parents. Fromwhat my own mother and father havetold me,I Answers recognise that their childhood was very different from Para1 to add my similarly strong views mine. However, Ithink they would agree with methat it At the same time, Ido not wish was not necessarily more difficult. There isalot of Para2 What isextremely serious, in my view, pressure on our generation to succeed, in aworld which Thus,these irreplaceable works of art isfar more competitive than it was 40years ago.Iam Para3 However, where does this leavethe art dealers? lucky to havethe support and encouragement of my It istherefore avicious circle. parents and will appreciate them even more, having read Para4 Naturally, Iendorse this view Mr Reid-Streebling's letter. nevertheless, Idoubt whether Indeed, it would probably Yoursfaithfully W RITI NG F0 LDER 1 201

Cambridge Objective Proficiency Keys: ключи к учебнику по английскому языку Objective, уровень Proficiency, включая скрипты к аудированию и образцы письменных и устных ответов.This course contains twenty
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