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Preview Calculating tumor trajectory and dose-of-the-day using cone-beam CT projections

Calculating Tumor Trajectory and Dose-of-the-day Using Cone-Beam CT Projections Bernard L. Jones,1,a) David Westerly,1 and Moyed M. Miften1 Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Colorado School of Medicine Purpose: Cone-beam CT (CBCT) projection images provide anatomical data in real-time over several respiratory cycles, forming a comprehensive picture of tumor movement. We developed and validated a method which uses these projections to determine the trajectory of and dose to highly mobile tumors during each fraction of treatment. Methods: CBCT images of a respiration phantom were acquired, the trajectory of which mimicked a lung tumor with high amplitude (up to 2.5 cm) and hysteresis. A template-matching algorithm was used 5 to identify the location of a steel BB in each CBCT projection, and a Gaussian probability density function 1 for the absolute BB position was calculated which best fit the observed trajectory of the BB in the imager 0 geometry. Twomodificationsofthetrajectoryreconstructionwereinvestigated: first,usingrespiratoryphase 2 information to refine the trajectory estimation (Phase), and second, using the Monte Carlo (MC) method to n sample the estimated Gaussian tumor position distribution. The accuracies of the proposed methods were a evaluated by comparing the known and calculated BB trajectories in phantom-simulated clinical scenarios J using abdominal tumor volumes. 4 Results: With all methods, the mean position of the BB was determined with accuracy better than 0.1 1 mm, androot-mean-square (RMS) trajectory errorsaveraged3.8±1.1%of themarkeramplitude. Dosimetric ] calculations using Phase methods were more accurate, with mean absolute error less than 0.5%, and with h error less than 1% in the highest-noise trajectory. MC-based trajectories prevent the over-estimation of dose, p but when viewed in an absolute sense, add a small amount of dosimetric error (<0.1%). - d Conclusions: Marker trajectory and target dose-of-the-day were accurately calculated using CBCT pro- e jections. Thistechniqueprovidesamethodtoevaluatehighly-mobiletumorsusingordinaryCBCTdata,and m could facilitate better strategies to mitigate or compensate for motion during SBRT. . This manuscript was submitted to Medical Physics s c i s I. INTRODUCTION using surrogates), and to treat only when the tumor lies y within some specified region (i.e. gating)6,7. More recent h p As radiotherapy becomes more conformal, the nega- advancesinvolvemodifyingorre-directingthetreatment [ tive effects of tumor motion become more pronounced1. beam in real-time in order to compensate for intrafrac- 1 Highly targeted techniques, such as Stereotactic Body tion motion8,9. v Radiotherapy (SBRT), rely on the establishment of a More accurate methods to account for tumor motion 6 very steep dose gradient around the tumor in order to are based on knowing the instantaneous tumor location 0 reduce normal tissue effects2. Motion blurs the bound- over time (i.e. the tumor trajectory). Several meth- 4 ary between tumor and normal tissue, making this dose ods exist to determine this. If the tumor is implanted 3 gradient harder to establish. Interfraction motion can withradiopaquefiducialmarkers,thepositioncanbetri- 0 largelybeaddressedbyimage-guidedtherapytechniques angulated using stereoscopic imaging from two or more . 1 such as cone-beam CT (CBCT)3; however, intrafraction view angles10-13. Similarly, the tumor can be implanted 0 motion presents a more complicated problem. Specifi- with electromagnetic transponders7,14, or can be moni- 5 cally, motion makes it more difficult to ensure that the tored in the treatment suite using MRI images15. One 1 : targetreceivesthefullprescribeddose,andalsoaddsun- major drawback of these methods is that they rely on v certainty when calculating the dose-of-the-day based on technologiesortreatmentsnotcommonlyavailabletothe i X pre-treatment imaging. majorityofradiotherapycenters,orareonlyavailablefor A common approach to account for regular intrafrac- use in certain tumor sites. r a tionmotionistouse4-DimensionalCT(4DCT)imaging CBCT is a widely used pre-treatment imaging modal- to characterize the full range of tumor motion, and to ity which captures a relatively low-quality 3D image of treat a target volume which encompasses this range4,5. the patient anatomy in the treatment position3. Typi- This guarantees full coverage of the tumor but increases cal clinical CBCT systems capture roughly 650 projec- dose to normal tissue in the tumor vicinity. Another ap- tionimages,whichareusedtoreconstructthe3Dimage. proachistomonitorthetumorposition(eitherdirectlyor These projections are typically acquired over a 30-120 second timescale, and the reconstructed images exhibit significant blurring due to respiratory motion. However, the projection images themselves provide a comprehen- a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: sive picture of the anatomical movement, as they typ- [email protected] ically observe the motion of several respiratory cycles. 2 For tumors implanted with fiducial markers, these pro- II. METHODS jections can reveal the motion of the target volume dur- ingtreatment. Unfortunately, theclinicalutilityofthese To quantify the motion of the target, the location of a projections is often limited as these data are incomplete marker in 3D phantom geometry is calculated by exam- with respect to the tumor position, since the process of ining the position of that marker in a series of orbiting projectioncondensesthelocationofanobjectin3Dspace 2Dprojectionimages. Ourmethodbuildsontheworkof (x,y,z) to only two dimensions (u,v) in the imager ge- Poulsenet al22 andproceedsasfollows. First,weacquire ometry. Calculation of the tumor trajectory from these CBCTprojectionsofaphantominwhichthe position of projections would allow for determination of tumor mo- a small fiducial marker is visible. Next, the position of tionanddose-of-the-dayestimationfortumorsimplanted thefiducialmarkerintheseprojectionsisdeterminedau- with fiducial markers, which is often the case for tumors tomatically using a template-matching algorithm. Then, of the lung, liver, or pancreas16-18. Additionally, this the acquired images are binned into different phases of information could be used in the context of Adaptive the respiratory cycle. An estimate of the likely distri- Radiotherapy19-21. bution of marker positions in each phase is built using a Gaussian approximation of uncertainty22,25. Finally, this Gaussian distribution is used to estimate the unre- The goal of this work was to calculate the tumor tra- solved component of position, either by calculating the jectory using CBCT projections, and to validate the ac- mostlikely position orbyusingMonteCarlomethodsto curacy of this trajectory in calculating the tumor dose. sample this distribution. Mathematically, determining the instantaneous 3D po- sition of the tumor using the 2D projections acquired during CBCT is an under-defined problem; in each pro- jection we have two measured data points (u,v position A. Definition of geometry within the imager geometry) yet wish to calculate three quantities (x,y,z position of the tumor). The projection Let (x,y,z) represent an orthogonal basis in 3D space, measurement confines the position to lie along a line be- withtheorigincorrespondingtothetreatmentandimag- tweentheimagingsourceandthepointofdetection, but ing isocenter. In this work, we consider the patient to cannotbyitselfdeterminethedepthofthepositionalong lieinthehead-firstsupineposition,andchoose(x,y,z) to this line. Methods have been developed to estimate the correspondtotheanterior-posterior(AP)orvertical,left- tumor position using orbiting CBCT projections, mostly right (LR) or lateral, and superior-inferior (SI) or longi- in the context of tracking/targeting mobile tumors in tudinaldirections,respectively. ThekVsource/imageris real-time22-24. These methods choose the tumor location oriented orthogonal to the z-axis, and orbits the patient by maximizing the expectation value of tumor position inthex/y plane(rotationaboutthez-axis). θrepresents (which maximizes the probability of hitting the tumor). the angle of the kV imaging source with respect to the x However,thismaynotbeappropriatefordosimetriceval- axis. Let(u,v) describetheaxesofthe2Dprojectionim- uation, since the most likely tumor location is generally age, where u is parallel to the x/y plane and v is parallel in the center of the planning target volume (PTV) and to the z-axis. Note that this coordinate system matches mayleadtoanover-estimationofthetumordose. More- those typically described in the radiotherapy literature over, tumors which undergo large respiratory motion of- (e.g. the seminal work of Feldkamp et al26); however, ten exhibit a cyclical trajectory. Previous methods are particularchoiceoftherelativedirectionsofx, y, z, u, v, built around the assumption that tumor position is dis- andθ mayaltertherelationshipand/orsigndependence tributedrandomlyaboutthedailymeanlocation,leading of these quantities. to a Gaussian distribution of random position errors25. However, this assumption is broken in the presence of non-random respiratory motion, and a Gaussian distri- B. Projection operator bution of these positions will contain relatively large un- certainty. For cyclical motion, the true uncertainty is much smaller, since there is a large correlation between LetPdefinetheprojectionofaposition(x,y,z)intothe position and respiratory phase. (u,v) plane at an angle θ; in other words, P represents theacquisitionofaCBCTprojection. SDDisthesource- to-detector distance, p is the image pixel size, SAD is the source-to-axis distance, and o ,o are the projected In this work, we extended these methods for more ac- u v locationsoftherotationalisocenterintheu,v coordinates curate calculation of tumor dosimetry in highly-mobile (the so-called piercing-point or principal point). In Eqs tumors by incorporating information regarding the res- 1-3,u andv aregiveninunitsofpixelsinimagingspace. piratory phase. Using a motion phantom, we validated theaccuracyofthesemethods,andquantifiedtheuncer- tainty in using CBCT projections to calculate dose-of- the-day in mobile tumors. (u,v)=P(x,y,z,θ) (1) 3 (cid:115) detB K = e−(p(cid:126)+eˆµ−r(cid:126)0)TB(p(cid:126)+eˆµ−r(cid:126)0)/2 (7) SDD xsin(θ)+ycos(θ) (2π)3 u= +o (2) p SAD−[xcos(θ)−ysin(θ)] u g(t)=Ke−(t−mu)2/(2σ)2 (8) SDD z v = +o (3) p SAD−[xcos(θ)−ysin(θ)] v Here, eˆ describes a unit vector pointing from the ob- served marker position to the imaging source, and p(cid:126) de- Consider the following clinical scenario. A patient is scribes the point on the imager at which the marker was implantedwithseveralradiopaquefiducialmarkersinor- detected (converted to patient geometry). der to assist in the delineation and localization of this Usingtheobservedmarkerpositions(u ,v )ineachim- i i tumorfortreatment. ACBCTisacquiredinordertovi- age i, optimization was performed to estimate the mean sualizethepatientanatomyonthedayoftreatment,and positionandcovariancematrixwhichdescribestheprob- involves the acquisition of several hundred images which abilistic marker positions. By integrating Eq. 8, it can contain the projection of that anatomy into 2D. The ac- be shown that the probability of finding the marker at quisitionofthisCBCTscanisrepresentedbyperforming a given detector position is linearly proportional to the P(θ) for values of θ from 0◦ to 360◦, and for each fidu- product K ·σ. The optimization finds a mean position cial marker, each image contains a measurement of the and covariance matrix which maximizes the total prob- marker position u and v . θ θ ability of finding the markers in positions observed in each image i. The optimization was performed using the Nelder-Mead simplex search method27. C. Marker position (cid:88) WeusedtheformalismofPoulsenetal22toconstructa [r(cid:126),B]=argmin −log(K σ ) (9) 0 i i 3DGaussianprobabilitydensityfunction(PDF)describ- r(cid:126)0,B i ing the marker position. A full derivation of this Gaus- sian formalism is given in Ref 22, and for convenience of thereader,weusethesamenotationwhenpossible. This method uses maximum-likelihood optimization to calcu- D. Respiratory phase late a PDF which best describes the observed motion of a marker in projection images. Then, using this PDF, Respiratory phase was determined using the SI dis- the unresolved component of marker position is deter- placement of the fiducial markers. The SI position is mined by computing the expectation value of this PDF well-determined in the CBCT projections for locations alongthelinebetweenthex-raysourceandthedetection near the rotational isocenter, since the only error derives point within the image (Fig 1). frommagnificationeffectsrelatedto(x,y)errors(Eq. 3), A 3D Gaussian PDF is defined by 9 quantities: mean which are typically on the order of 1% or less. This in- (cid:126) location (r0)=(x0,y0,z0), variance (σx,σy,σz), and co- ternalsurrogateinformationprecludedtheneedtodefine variance (σxy,σyz,σzx). The variance and covariance to- respiratoryphasebasedonsomeothersurrogate,suchas gether form the covariance matrix A. From this, the 3D chest markers or diaphragm movement. (cid:126) First, the marker trajectory in the v direction was PDF for marker position (r)=(x ,y ,z ) was given by: 0 0 0 smoothed using a five-sample moving average, and dis- crete velocity was calculated by taking the difference be- (cid:115) tween smoothed positions in sequential projections. It detB G(x,y,z)= e−((cid:126)r−r(cid:126)0)TB((cid:126)r−r(cid:126)0)/2 (4) is assumed that these marker positions represent tumor (2π)3 trajectoryinahead-firstsupineorientation, withthe+v axis pointing in the superior direction. End-exhale (v ) Here, B denotes the inverse covariance matrix B = ee wasidentifiedfromprojectionswherethemarkervelocity −1 A , and T denotes the transpose operator. The func- switched from positive to negative; likewise, end-inhale tional form of Eq. 4 along the line from the imaging (v ) was identified where velocity went from negative to ei source to detection point (defined here as g) was de- positive. scribed by the following: Projections were binned into one of 10 respiratory phases based on the velocity and location of the marker (cid:113) relative to the end-exhale and end-inhale positions. σ = eˆTBeˆ (5) Phases 1-5 (inhale) consisted of projections with nega- tivevelocity,groupedintouniformlyspacedbinsbetween subsequentv andv coordinates. Phases6-10(exhale) ee ei µ= (r(cid:126)0−p(cid:126))TBeˆ (6) consisted of projections with positive velocity, grouped into linearly spaced bins between subsequent v and v eˆTBeˆ ei ee 4 2DvProjection 2DvProjection 3DvGaussian DistributionsvofvTumorv Distributionvof Positionvforveachv TumorvPosition RespiratoryvPhase MeasuredvPosition MeasuredvPosition (u,v) (u,v) ExpectedvPosition ExpectedvPosition (PhasevResolved) FIG.1. Determinationoftumorpositionusing3DGaussianprobability. A)Usingall2Dprojections,a3DGaussiandistribution isfoundwhichbestfitstheobservedmarkertrajectory. Foreachmeasuredposition(i.e. eachprojectionimage),thepositionis determined by finding the expectation of this Gaussian distribution along the line between the x-ray source and the detection point. B) In the phase-resolved method, a 3D distribution is independently calculated for each phase of the respiratory cycle. coordinates. Projectionsatthebeginning(orend)ofthe tween 0 and 1. The position of the marker along the ray motion trace (i.e. those that did not contain measure- was chosen to be the point T which satisfied CDF(T)= ments of the full cycle) used v (or v ) coordinates of ξ, and this solution was found numerically. ei ee the nearest full phase. To increase the accuracy of tracking for targets with high respiratory motion, the trajectory of the marker was calculated using a phase-resolved Gaussian approxi- E. Position determination mation (Method 3, Phase). All projections were binned into one of 10 respiratory phases, and Eq. 9 (optimiza- Four methods were used to determine the 3D marker tion of Gaussian distribution) was applied to data from trajectory from the projection images. These meth- each phase independently. This resulted in a set of 10 odswereimplementedusingin-housesoftwaredeveloped phase-specific mean positions r(cid:126) and inverse covariance p with Matlab (The Mathworks, Natick MA). In Method matrices B , or in other words, 10 distinct distributions p 1 (Base), position estimation followed the method of describing the position of the marker during each phase Poulsen et al22. Data from all projections was used dur- of respiration (Fig 1B). In Method 4 (PhaseMC), both ing optimization to calculate a 3D Gaussian distribution thePhaseandMCmethodswereappliedsimultaneously. which described the probability of finding the marker in a given 3D location (Eq. 9). This equation was parame- terized along the detection ray (the line between the ra- F. Motion phantom diation source and the imager detection point), and the markerpositionalongthislinewasgivenbyt=µ,where In order to validate the proposed methods, a phantom µ equals the expectation value of the distance along this was used to simulate respiratory tumor motion (Quasar line (Eqs. 5-8). Phantom, Modus Medical Devices, Inc.). This phantom In Method 2 (MC), Monte Carlo methods were used contains a 1-mm-diameter steel BB, the trajectory of to select the marker position in 3D space in place of the whichisshowninFig2forvarioussuperior-inferior(Sup- expectation value µ. First, the detection ray was dis- Inf) amplitudes of motion. The trajectory is similar to cretized into 10,000 points, spaced linearly between the that of a lung tumor trajectory with high amplitude and source and detector. The PDF of the 1D Gaussian (Eq. hysteresis11. ACBCTscanofthisphantomwasacquired 8) was integrated across the discretized ray to form a using the imaging capabilities of a Varian Truebeam ac- normalized cumulative probability distribution function. celerator (Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA). 656 projection images were acquired using a half-fan trajec- (cid:80)i=Ig(t ) tory (θ = −180◦ → 180◦). The phantom was set to a CDF(t )= i=1 i (10) i (cid:80)i=imaxg(t ) rate of 11 breaths-per-minute, with a maximum range i=1 i in the SI direction of 2.5 cm (resulting in maximum AP Next, a random number ξ was uniformly chosen be- andLRrangesof1.2and0.6cm, respectively). Multiple 5 Amplitude 5 mm 10 mm 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm 0 -0.5 ) m c ( st -1 1.5 o P 1 - nt 0.5 A -1.5 0 -0.5 Sup-Inf (cm) -1 -2 2.5 2 1.5 -1.5 Left-Right (cm) FIG. 2. Trajectory of Motion Phantom. The motion of the 1-mm-diameter steel BB embedded within the motion phantom is shown relative to the isocenter of the CBCT imaging system. Trajectories are shown for amplitudes of motion in the Sup- Inf direction ranging from 5 25 mm. For clarity, the trajectories are also shown projected onto the XY, XZ, and YZ axes. Trajectories are shown relative to a standard head-first supine orientation (i.e. the primary axis of motion in the Sup-Inf direction). projection image datasets were acquired with trajectory G. Dosimetric model amplitudes ranging in 1 mm increments from 1 mm to 2.5 cm. The goal of this study was to evaluate the accuracy In each image, the location of the BB was determined of dosimetric calculations based on reconstructed trajec- automatically using a template matching algorithm28. A tories. To that end, the dosimetry of the reconstructed discretized 2D Gaussian kernel was used as a template trajectories was compared to the dosimetry of the true image, with width equal to the radius of the BB. In each trajectory. To evaluate the dosimetry of the true and image, the normalized cross correlation was computed reconstructed phantom motion trajectories, a phantom- between the projection image and the template29. The simulatedclinicalscenariowasconsidered. Aclinicaltar- locationoftheBBintheimagewasgivenbythelocation get volume (CTV) was assumed to undergo the motion where the normalized cross correlation was maximized. trajectories under analysis. Treatment was prescribed In cases where the template matching algorithm failed, to a planning target volume (PTV), which included the the position was determined manually. CTV plus an isotropic margin. To simplify the model, UsingthepositionsoftheBBintheprojectionimages, andtoexaggeratedifferencesbetweendifferentmethods, thetrajectoryoftheBBin3Dspacewascalculatedusing the dose within the PTV was assumed to equal the pre- methods 1-4 (Sect 2.5). The accuracy of these methods scription,withzerodoseoutsidethePTV.ThePTV(and wascalculatedbycomparingthecalculatedtrajectoryto resulting dose distribution) was stationary over time, the true trajectory (shown in Fig 2). To simulate more while the CTV was translated within the PTV based on difficult and unpredictable clinical scenarios, additional either the true phantom trajectory or the reconstructed (simulated)trajectorieswerecreated. Gaussiannoisewas trajectories. For each of the 656 points in the trajectory added to the true marker trajectory by adding normally (corresponding to the 656 projection images), the posi- distributed random values to the x,y, and z locations at tion of the CTV relative to its center was given by the each point in time. Simulated trajectories were created instantaneous trajectory position relative to the mean by varying the standard deviation of this noise from 0 position. Basedon this position, the dosewascalculated to 1 mm in 0.1 mm increments between datasets. These for each voxel in the CTV (i.e. based on the binary dose altereddatasetswereprojectedinto2Dimagespace(Eqs. model, or in other words assigning 1/656th of the pre- 1-3), and Methods 1-4 were used to calculate the marker scription dose for voxels inside the PTV, and zero for trajectory as described previously. those outside). Independent simulations were performed 6 2.5 10 A- B- C- h1 Base 10 m- MC m 2 m 8 d Phase ErrorvO1.5 vev3m 6 bserve10h2 PhaseMC oryv Abo yvO MSvTraject0.51 FvErrorsv 24 Frequenc10h3 R 0 0 10h4 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 TrajectoryvAmplitudevOmm- TrajectoryvAmplitudevOmm- TrajectoryvErrorvOcm- FIG. 3. Errors in calculating trajectory using orbiting views. Results were calculated with no corrections (Base), with phase corrections (Phase), with Monte Carlo sampling (MC) and with both phase and Monte Carlo (PhaseMC). Results are shown for phantom motion amplitudes in the SI direction ranging from 1 mm to 25 mm. A) Root-mean-squared (RMS) errors in the trajectory reconstruction using different methods. Phase and PhaseMC methods reduce RMS errors by half. B) Relative fraction of trajectory errors greater than 3 mm. Phase methods reduce the fraction of large errors, and Monte Carlo methods increasethepercentageoflargeerrorsslightly. C)Histogramoftrajectoryerrorsinallprojectionsacrossallacquireddatasets. Phase methods demonstrate increased accuracy. for CTV-to-PTV margins ranging from 0 mm to 15 mm, trajectories. Themeandoseerrorwascalculatedforeach and were deliberately set less than the amplitude of mo- volume as the mean dose difference between calculated tion so as to allow for differences between the proposed dose and reference dose. The mean absolute dose er- methods to become apparent. The goal of our analysis rorwascalculatedasthemeanofthemagnitudeofthese was to quantify the accuracy of dosimetric calculations dosedifferencesacrossallvoxelofthevolume. Meandose using CBCT-based trajectory reconstruction. To that error gives a sense of the dosimetric trends of each tra- end, our binary dose model serves as a conservative esti- jectory reconstruction method, and can reveal whether mateoftheinaccuraciesofthisapproach,asanyerrorsin a given method underestimates or overestimates dose. position determination will be reflected in the idealized Meanabsolutedoseerrordenotestheoverallaccuracyof nature of the target dosimetry simulation. a method in determining accurate dose in each voxel (by preventing positive and negative errors from cancelling). In addition to these metrics, dose-volume histograms of H. Validation metrics each volume were computed for each method, and com- pared to the reference. We analyzed the accuracy of the proposed methods (Base, MC, Phase, PhaseMC) by comparing these tra- III. RESULTS jectories to the true phantom motion trajectory. Each CBCT projection dataset (656 images) constituted 656 measurements of the marker position in phantom geom- A. Accuracy of trajectory reconstruction etry. For each measurement, the error was given as the magnitude of the 3D vector difference between the cal- The accuracy of the trajectory calculations are shown culated position and the true position. The root-mean- in Fig. 3; results were calculated without respiratory squared trajectory error was given for each trajectory as phaseorMonteCarlocorrections(Base),withphasecor- the square root of the mean of the squared errors for all rectionsonly(Phase),withMonteCarlocorrectionsonly measurements in that trajectory. Additionally, the fre- (MC),andwithbothphaseandMonteCarlocorrections quency of large errors was computed by calculating the (PhaseMC). Trajectory amplitude ranged from 0 to 2.5 fraction of measurements with errors exceeding 3 mm. cm. Theaccuracyofdosimetriccalculationswascomputed Withallmethods,themeanpositionofthemarkerwas using our phantom-simulated clinical scenario. Since the determined with accuracy better than 0.1 mm. In Fig. dosimetric results depend on the shape of the target, 32 3a, itcanbeseenthatthePhaseandPhaseMCmethods abdominal/lungtumorvolumeswereusedtoevaluatethe reduced the root-mean-squared (RMS) trajectory errors accuracy of the proposed methods (mean volume, 25 ± by 50% compared to the Base and MC methods, with 23 cm3; range 2.0 - 80 cm3). The reference dose was cal- an average RMS error of 3.8 ± 1.1% of the trajectory culated by performing this analysis using the exact tra- amplitude. In Fig 3b, the Phase and PhaseMC meth- jectory, and the calculated dose used the reconstructed ods decreased the fraction of large errors (defined here 7 xF 1 AF 1 CF 1 EF a M 4P 0.5 0.5 0.5 orPN Err 0 0 0 eP s o D -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 nP a e M -1 -1 -1 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 xF Ma 2 BF 2 DF 2 FF 4P Base orPN 1.5 MPhCase 1.5 1.5 Err PhaseMC eP 1 1 1 s o D s.P 0.5 0.5 0.5 b A nP ea 0 0 0 M 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 MotionPAmplitudePNmmF PTVPMarginPNmmF TumorPPositionPNoisePNmmF FIG.4. Meanandmeanabsolutedoseerrorinthereconstructedtrajectories. Errorswerecalculatedusing32clinically-drawn abdominal/lungCTVs. Motionamplituderangedfrom0to2.5cm,andresultswerecalculatedwitharangeofisotropicmargins and for trajectories with added noise. Dosimetric calculations using phase-resolved methods were more accurate, with mean absolute error less than 0.5% with zero margin, and with error less than 1% in the high-noise calculation. As noise increases, expectation-based methods generate a trajectory which over-estimates the dose to the CTV. Monte Carlo-based trajectories under-estimatedosebyanaverageof0.2%ofprescriptiondose,evenastrajectorynoiseincreases. InA)andB),thenoiseis0 mm and the margin is 4 mm. In C) and D), the amplitude is 2.5 mm and the noise is 0 mm. In E) and F), the amplitude is 1.2 mm and the margin is 4 mm. as trajectory error > 3 mm) by an average of 80%. MC tory estimation methods. This is likely due to the lower methods increased both the RMS trajectory error and RMS trajectory error demonstrated by these methods. percentage of large errors slightly. Fig. 3c shows his- As gaussian trajectory noise increased, the expectation- tograms of trajectory errors in all projections across all based methods Base and Phase tended to overestimate acquired datasets (amplitudes ranging from 1 mm to 25 dose, while Monte Carlo methods MC and PhaseMC mmin1mmincrements). Trajectoryerrorwaslessthan tendedtounderestimateit. WhileMonteCarlomethods 1mm in 92% of projections (Phase and PhaseMC) and prevented the overestimation of dose, they also slightly 82% of projections (Base). increased the overall absolute error (<0.1%). Fig. 5 shows the accuracy of each method in de- terming dosimetric parameters D90 and D95 for vary- B. Dosimetric Accuracy ing amplitudes, PTV margin sizes, and trajectory noise. One can see that the error of Phase methods was lower Fig. 4 shows the distribution of mean dose errors thantheerrorinmethodswhichignorerespiratoryphase. and mean absolute dose errors using trajectories recon- Expectation-basedmethodsagainoverestimatedthedose structedwiththeBase,MC,Phase,andPhaseMCmeth- (relativetothetruevalue)andMonte-Carlomethodsun- ods. Results are shown across variations in trajectory derestimated it, but the Base and Phase methods had a amplitude, PTV margin size, and amount of added tra- lower absolute error. The greatest accuracy was seen in jectory noise. thePhasemethod,whichwasabletodetermineD90and D95 of the CTV to within 0.5% relative to prescription. Doseerrorsincreasedsharplyasthemotionamplitude increased,althoughinthePhaseandPhaseMCmethods, absolute error never exceeded 0.5% of the prescription dose. Ingeneral,doseerrorsdecreasedasthemarginsize IV. DISCUSSION increased, mainly due to an overall reduction in the con- tribution of motion seen by having more margin around In this work, we have developed and tested methods the CTV. However, it can also be seen that mean dose to evaluate dose to a moving tumor using data from a error was lower when using Phase and PhaseMC trajec- standard clinical cone-beam CT. In particular, we have 8 2 2 2 eh Ah Ch Eh m u 1 1 1 ol V N. 0 0 0 0.F 9-1 -1 -1 D n. or.i-2 -2 -2 Err -3 -3 -3 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Base eh 2 Bh 2 MC Dh 2 Fh m Phase u 1 1 1 ol PhaseMC V N. 0 0 0 5.F 9-1 -1 -1 D n. or.i-2 -2 -2 Err -3 -3 -3 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Motion.Amplitude.Fmmh PTV.Margin.Fmmh Tumor.Position.Noise.Fmmh FIG. 5. Accuracy of calculating clinical dose metrics D90 and D95 from reconstructed trajectories. Errors are calculated in 32 clinically-drawn CTVs. Motion amplitude ranged from 0 to 2.5 cm, and results were calculated with a range of isotropic marginsandfortrajectorieswithaddednoise. Phase-resolvedmethodsincreasedtheaccuracyofthesedosemetriccalculations. Astrajectorynoiseincreased,theBaseandPhasemethodstendedtooverestimateD90andD95,whileMCmethodsprevented overestimation of dose. In A) and B), the noise is 0 mm and the margin is 4 mm. In C) and D), the amplitude is 2.5 mm and the noise is 0 mm. In E) and F), the amplitude is 1.2 mm and the margin is 4 mm. tailoredthesemethodstotheproblemofcalculatingdose limitations; it cannot be used for tumors which undergo tohighlymobiletumorsimplantedwithfiducialmarkers, non-cyclical motion, such as prostate tumors. It is also such as lesions in the lung, pancreas, or liver16-18. The difficult to determine the respiratory phase in real-time. trajectory and subsequent dose received by the target Given the prevalence of CBCT, this method may pro- volume was determined with minimal error. Errors in vide a useful technique to clinically estimate the dose- mean position did not exceed 0.1 mm, and the RMS tra- of-the-day received by a mobile tumor, since over half of jectory error averaged 3.8% of the total range of motion. radiation oncology clinics perform some cone-beam CT Using the Phase method, the mean dose and mean ab- imaging for localization30. Our analysis is directed to- solute dose were calculated with over 99% accuracy, and wards tumors implanted with fiducial markers, but also D90/D95 were determined to within 0.5% of the true holds in cases without fiducials as long as the tumor lo- value. cation can be discerned in each projection (as has been By incorporating information related to the respira- demonstratedinlungtumors31,32). Intheory,ourmethod tory cycle, the accuracy of tumor trajectory reconstruc- allows for very accurate trajectory/dose reconstruction, tion and subsequent dosimetric analysis was improved. sincedataareobtainedusingamuchmorecomprehensive The 3D Gaussian PDF utilized in this study stems from motion profile than other techniques. A CBCT projec- the work of Papiez and Langer25, where it was assumed tion dataset constitutes upwards of 600 samples of tu- that any systematic position errors are corrected with mor position, whereas 4D CT typically uses only 10 res- dailyimageguidance,andthatonlyrandomfluctuations piratory phases, and has been shown to not accurately remain. Thusthecentrallimittheoremdictatesthatthe represent daily intrafraction motion of the abdomen33,34. distribution of the remaining random errors is Gaussian. Asradiotherapybecomesmoreconformal, andhypofrac- However,thisassumptionisbrokenfortumorswhichun- tionationbecomesmorecommonplace,itbecomescrucial dergo regular respiratory motion, and the distribution to understand and account for the effects of tumor mo- of the trajectory about the mean position is no longer tion on dosimetry. This method could be used to design well definied as Gaussian. By creating a unique Gaus- patient-specific, optimized margins for treatment, or to sian distribution for each portion of the respiratory cy- verifytheadequacyofthemarginsused. Itcouldalsobe cle, this effect is minimized, and the accuracy of trajec- used to decide between motion management strategies tory reconstruction is improved. This method does have on a patient-specific basis (such as breath-hold, gating, 9 or free-breathing). It should be said that while we have tion ray. Yet one expects this determination to exhibit validatedtheaccuracyofourmethodinasimpleclinical a Gaussian error profile, as the tumor position under- scenario, true dose-of-the-day reconstruction would re- goes random fluctuations in addition to the cyclic respi- quireamoresophisticateddosimetricapproach. Bycon- ratory motion. MC sampling addresses this by sampling structing a simplified clinical scenario which maximizes a greater portion of the tails of this distribution (rela- the impact of tumor motion, our results indicate that tive to using the expectation value), thereby generating tumor trajectories can be derived from CBCT projec- a distribution of positions with a more realistic propor- tion datasets with sufficient accuracy to determine true tionoflargedeviations. OnemayexpecttheMCmethod dose. An additional benefit of this method is that the to increase trajectory error; however, under certain con- processing time is short. Template-matching to deter- ditions one would expect a more complete sampling of mineseedlocationscanbeperformedinreal-time,andit the error distribution to result in a more accurate calcu- takes roughly 2 seconds to calculate the trajectory once lation of derived metrics (such as target dosimetry). As the projected fiducial locations are known. However, to thetrajectorynoiseincreases, theBaseandPhasemeth- build the 3D PDF, one must know the entire set of pro- ods to overestimate the true tumor dose, as the expecta- jectedlocations;inotherwords,thePDFcannotbebuilt tion value of the distribution likely lies within the PTV. until after CBCT acquisition is completed. Our method MCsamplingslightlyincreaseserrorinanabsolutesense could be applied to generate an accurate estimate of tu- (Fig. 4),butisaconservativeestimateofD90/D95target mordosimetryshortlyafterthecompletionoftheCBCT dose metrics in noisy trajectories (Fig. 5). MC methods acquisition. maybeusefulforcalculatingdosetotheprescriptionvol- ume,andcouldconstituteaworst-casescenarioestimate The conditions of this study were chosen to test the of tumor dose. However, for organs-at-risk and other boundaries of dose reconstruction in highly mobile tu- volumes,onewouldlikelyuseexpectation-basedposition mors. Ranging up to 2.5 cm, the amplitude of motion estimation (i.e. Base or Phase), which yields a more ac- in the SI direction corresponded to the displacement of curate result. very highly mobile lower lobe lung tumors, and exceeds the range of liver and other abdominal tumors11,35. Hys- teresis was also exaggerated, and motion in the AP and LR directions (up to 1.2 and 0.6 cm) exceeded that seen in clinical cases11,35. In addition to the large range of V. CONCLUSIONS motion, the effects of that motion on the dose were ex- aggerated by assuming perfect dose fall-off outside the PTV. Our methods were also tested over a wide range Wehavedevelopedmethodsforaccuratelydetermining of tumor volumes, and with up to 1 mm of Gaussian the trajectory of highly-mobile abdominal tumors using noise added to each point in the trajectory. Even un- cone-beam CT projections. These methods have been der these circumstances, dose metrics of the tumor were applied to reconstruct the 3D trajectory of a respiratory determinedaccurately. OnemaynotethattheRMStra- motion phantom, and to calculate the dose received un- jectory error reported in this work (1-2 mm) exceeds the der that trajectory. Results were calculated without res- mean error in the similar work of Poulsen et al36. This piratory phase or Monte Carlo corrections (Base), with canbeexplainedbythelargeamplitudeofmotioninthe phasecorrectionsonly(Phase),withMonteCarlocorrec- current study, and agrees well with the maximum RMS tions only (MC), and with both phase and Monte Carlo error (> 2 mm) reported for lung tumors in that work. corrections (PhaseMC). In all methods, errors in mean Additionally, these results give insight as to the scale of positiondidnotexceed0.1mm, andtheRMStrajectory motion which causes the greatest dosimetric inaccuracy error was only 3.8% of the total range of motion. Using foreachmethod. InFig. 4C,errorsincreasefortheBase phase-resolved methods Phase and PhaseMC, the mean andMCmethodsasthemaginsizeapproachestherange dose and mean absolute dose were calculated with over of 5-8 mm, while the Phase and PhaseMC see the great- 99% accuracy, and D90/D95 were determined to within esterrorfor4-5mmmargins. Sinceourdosimetricmodel 0.5% relative to the prescription dose. These methods is sensitive to motion equal to or greater than the PTV canbeappliedtoestimatethedose-of-the-dayformobile margin, andthefrequencyofmotionerrorsdecreasesex- tumors, and can aid in the selection of motion manage- ponentially for larger errors (Fig 3C), these results sug- ment strategies. gest that motion on the order of 7 mm has the grestest effectfortheBaseandMCmethods, andontheorderof 4 mm for the Phase and PhaseMC methods. Itisclearfromtheseresultsthatincorporationofrespi- VI. 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