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Girls hoop Farm markets offer This Chain holds tight story, 1B pick of the crop, 5B to musical roots, 7A C a n t on ( © b s t e r b er Canton, Michigan 40 Pages Fifty Cents Volume 17 Number 12 Mondav. Auaust 26. 1991 * 1991 Suburbia CommuUciUoai Corpora t*>r Canton OKs The Canton suit to stop Connection airport buy Tax concerns lor Tax Responsiblity Will hold its second meeting at 7 ub. Tuesday, Sept 10, In the Canton Public Library meeting By Diane Qeie suit the following points were staff writer stressed; A newsletter containing — »— e The Canton community is best information presented by Pat During a special meeting Friday, served when the future of its land is Anderson of Taxpayers United will Canton trustees approved launching determined by the people in Canton, be presented. s lawsuit to stop the public purchase rather than outside communities or The discussion will incl ude of Mettetal Airport outside agencies; information about group In the past couple of weeks, Can- e Attempts by parties outside the organisational issues and cm rent ton has spent 910,000 to $15,000 for Canton community to buy Mettetal tax initiatives under way in the law firm Miller, Canfield, Pad- would take control away from local & dock and Stone to prepare the suit forces; Anyooe who is Interested in that attempts to stop Plymouth and state and local property taxes is Plymouth Township from buying the e Mettetal serves as an asset to welcome to attend the meeting. privately owned airport in Canton. the community as a private facility but would be a liability if placed into THE LAWSUIT could cost any- public ownership; Landscape where between |Jfl,000 and $100,000, e The-Canton board has consist- according to Canton Supervisor Tom ently opposed public ownership of designs Yack. Mettetal; For Canton the race against the e And, the future of the property calendar is on since Plymouth Town- could have a serious effect on the tax The deadline is near to ship is expected to accept a federal base of the community and school your neighbors, or maybe grant to buy Mettetal at its meeting district. yourselves, for the Canton Wednesday. Homeowner's bandarspe Award.! In a resolution approving the law- Ptease turn to Page 2 The award presentation Is 7 p.m. Monday, Sept 23. Mettetal decision [ Send nominations to Canton architect Barry Barton llSt S. Canton Center Road, Canton, Mich. 4S18S. should be sent by set for this week ^For more information, call Barton at S97-S400. / By Kevin Brown Peter Sirini and Dean Nitr They staff writer • challenged the contention of airport March of Dimes opponents thst the FAA will have its Once and for all, this Mettetal Air- m*fwitlr Mettetal once Plymouth An aerobathon Is planned port business could be settled Township accepts a grant to buy it. between 9 a.m. to 9 pm, Saturday, Wednesday. "You will make the decisions on Oct 5. at the World Gym on That's when Plymouth Township day-to-day management," Nitx said. Warren and LUley roads. trustees are scheduled to vote on "You will decide when it will be im* Money will be raised by aeroWc whether to take federal money to proved, how !*. will be improved." collect buy the Canton airport "We have no intention of expand- ing the runway," Sirini said, adding Pledge sheets are available at World Gym and other Canton ON THE EVE of that vote, airport it will remain 2,550 feet, its present backers Wednesday rounded up state length. All proceeds will go the March and federal aviation officials and But FAA officials said that for of PDriimseess,. including trips, will be Local sculpture BILL BRESLER/M*f1 photograph* saoreTmahe ae iyinr vptoooolrkvtse.d p ainrt o itnhe ra s Cmoamllm Duentriotyi t ssishatfiifenttgey d3 r 03e00a0s fo efneeste,t to htfoe p trahuvenew smoaeyunth tw. o eAunlnddi en bxge- distributed Aviation Forum to present the pro- near Joy Road would remain, mean- airport side. The program, at the ing 3,850 feet of pavement would be Space Jwooer kD tehLaatu wroill o bfe C onan dtiosnpl aryea adti etehe a S opuiethcefie oMf O5 auntddo coor nStciunlupet utrhero 1u11g,h w Ohiccth 3w1i.ll T ohpee nw oSrkep tl a sP slyhmaropu tcho Cnutrlatustra tlo C aen ptreor,g rparmov ipdreed- crePaltyemd.o uth City Commissioner Jer- Civic Center. The metal sculpture, "Ode to a being dene at the C.D. Sparling Co. in Plym- sented by airport opponents in July. ry Vorva — who opposes the com- adventure Square," will be on exhibit in the Michigan outh. Among the speakers were Federal Aviation Administration officials Please turn to Page 2 Canton resident Nathan Herr trained for a space adventure and Calling all volunteers explored the future of scientific what's inside exploration at Ui. Space Academy Level I in Butsville, Ala., recently. Calendar. . . . . .8B Space Academy trainees in Local organizations say they need more helpers Classifieds. . . . C.D grades 7,8,9 sample astronaut Auto . . .. . . C.D training by using Specs Academy's Employment . . C.D training Index. , . . . . .2C By Diane Oaie Real estate . . . C axTtsh terya isnpitneg a snidm tuwlaistto ri,n a tnh e malti- staff writer •We're not talking Crime watch . . .2A adaptation of earty Mercury week a and there'a no Crossword. . . . .3C Hello out there, anyooe listening'' meetings to attend. It'a Entertainment . . .4B Canton organizations and service Trainees also bounce high in the groups are looking for you. the way to make your Obituaries . . . .8B air while experiencing the Sports . . . . . 1B microyavtty training chal for"wVaorldu,n"t esaeirds a Mreeli pssuash MingcLa Cuagnhtloinn , community what you Street scene . . .3B is similar to equipment Apolk a Canton Historic District Commis- want it to be.' Taste . . . . . .5B I used in training for sion secretary and member of the Travel . . . . 1C to the moon. Canton Historic Society. — Cathy Johnson NEWSLINE 591-2300 WEEKENDS. . 953-2104 U.S. Space Camp programs call BUT IT'S usually s core group of SPORTSLINE 953-2104 Edd Devisor Jim KeDer. at m people who slwsys come out to give tioo building. For more information CIRCULATION 591-0500 711-7 liO. their time snd energy And the num- call John Spencer at 397-5431 CLASSIFIED. . 591-0900 bers seem to be dwindling, according Sometimes it's hard to get going to event organizers. on volunteer work, Johnson said, Cathy Johnson, often referred to "but golly after you're there, you re- Voter as Canton's cheerleader, said she ally have fun and enjoy it" would like to see the township devel- It would be a big help if a lot of registration op a list of people who are willing to people would agree to smsll pockets The PennySaver work on various projects A lot of of time that together would make a is now times, she ssid, the group* are look- big impact on the organizations and a say-so In the Sept ing for people who will work on spe- groups Suburban Cable Weekly cial projects for a couple of hours. For example, the besutificstion Watch for it "We're not talking weeks and committee puts the "Welcome to in our Monday issues! there's no meetings to attend," she Canton" signs around the township said "It's the way to make your and mainUins^he flower arrange- Suburb; community what you want it to be." ments in front of the township ad- Members of the Canton BeeutHlcetton Committee are volun- Call the Canton Community Foun- ministration building. teers wt>o have helped make the community s better piece. dation at 45*-5437, to leave your "It could mean an hour or two They are from left to right: Vtadie Montgomery, Jim Montgom- name and phone number If you're in- once or twice a year to give thoee terested In having your name placed flowers s drink," McLaughlin said. Cable on the list whatever our projects are, said Can- ays for Currently, the Veterans Memorial THE CANTON Lions Club is look- too Fire Marshall Art Wlnket s Li- Lions projects Include the Roches- Committee is looking for volunteers ing for people, too ter Leader Dog School, the Peniick to help raise mooey to pay for s stat- 'One hundred percent of all the Thsre's two accounts — one for ue Ui front of the Canton sdministrs- mooey we collect is returned to donations snd one for deb dues that Pteeee turn to Peg* 2 Monday. AUQUX 29 1S91 Q4LE (C)3A *'(p) 2A£L OAE Monday, Aupurt 26. 1991 Players around area get clicking as Canton to launch suit Different strokes: Golf rings, holes stolen; game of croquet makes comeback Over plan for airport 2 Westland men arrested Easy to say«for a team that baa By Sua Mason of the River Place Athletic and Cro- won by forfeit Across the way. Terrt staff writer quet Club in Detroit. Mielack of Canton, a sub on Dead Whack. Martha Lyford sends her Strategy, waits for her partner Lau R :~ iJ ,«*n along with a wallet and $40" cash ball skeetering across the green into ra Mysliwiec of East Detroit, to Continued from Pa»oe 1 . "We are not the aggressor here," AN ATTORNEY representing Two Westland men were arrest- was reported stolen from the sec- a ball belonging to her partner, Walt catch up. It's the third time she's Bennett said. "We are forced to de- Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone ad early Wednesday morning for retary Plymouth-Salem High ODNEY WILLIAMS AND Thieman. played and is planning to sign up for tl't eT HlaEw sBuOitA RTDru vstoeteed 5E-l1a iinne fa vKoirr -of fveenndt sooumrseetlhviensg. W freo amre htraypipnegn itnog p rteo- sfialiedd t ihsa itn calu pdreedv iionu tshe la owpseuni tm eCeatnintogns llaegrceednlyy sotfe amlionrge g tohlfan ri n$g1s00 a nfdor g aoll-f crime watch SWcehdonole sddeasky. oTfh ae Joowyn eRro oafd t hbeus pinoessses Vbeisntc oefn ts Cpiarrittse.r Garreann'tte din, tthhee tha"'Hs egyo,i negve froyrb ao ddyou wbaletc shta k.e .o u.t M."a bre- Croquet balls are the" If awlla tlcehaegdue es veryone else play and ca;fo r"dgM atrtyute scrt oecneacs eJtr otnhh neis s Bothuleer d ddxiosialslkeanr wt ianamgs o vauobnt-et twmthiooeun uncsliid.tt" iil eziske enths tao to fa tp hCpeaeynalto stnoto ptThoe tw htwnesiorh ic pao.cm- I- Tacisuch jtseu sarsenetddfi fodi ruetehdr,ia. nhtge lsa atwihdse,u ti thcel ow csoleoudslde ds eb sseessi osdinios.n - ChdoeoCnlaetors ps ifenor lcooiincmde eLn oh UFatsdell lR ylbo,oe wbaeesdnf. o p Craerrek etehkde i Gnino ctlhif- e nweasss rees pwoertreed vsatoclaennt, paonldice n orethpionrgt - sedare.in da w b daoestsh klo dwcokhoeerdsr.e w theere p ouprseen, w haosw heivd-- ttshatede l tglwaloro oa'm tgShyiolreult-t iahwcbfai osetukcldthilil nsbt ghaec iihrse l gloerrsessa- tat,hrea bnu -at snWheohsAutallctle skes. . y hHeesirs t bubaranllll t soahgwoaaoirntdsst fLo Tyrhfwoearirdmd,,a nw hhi tos-. put in line. tgitnhhe orta ouinug vg"hhyot elitvtshe" ewd wa asiinsc ,sk"o eh mts ehereth sibanaigldl, I 't dshc rlooiokweteind tg o we already have spent and we will The first lawsuit was denied in golf course parking lot. The officer ed. There was damage reported to The strategy was totally un- ting the striped stake, followed close continue to spend from the local tax- Before voting on the lawsuit the Wayne County Circuit Court and is in heard yelling and screaming from dry wall in all of the businesses TOOLS STOLEN: More than known to me," Williams laments "1 behind by her ball Thunk. The win Teammates Lori Davidson of Can- payers money." Kirchjatter said. board met in a closed session with the Michigan Court of Appeals. the north section of the course. $400 worth tools, including a drill, was just trying to get through the and 14 points go to the twosome ton and Joan Hardy of Detroit watch •; Yack said if Plymouth and Plym- attorneys to talk about the lawsuit The men, 21 and 20 years old, FAKE PRESCRIPTION: A cut saw and jig saw, were reported hoops. I was way ahead and I ended Team Rhino is on the move. from the sidelines as the twosome outh Township don't reconsider their Marty Burnstein, an attorney .rep- Canton resident and airport sup- were charged with destroying Meyer pharmacist called Canton stolen Aug. 20 from a blue 1989 up losing " work their way around the court stwi oa buying the airport, 'legal resenting the owners of Mettetal. the porter Sue Fannin asked Yack if be property and larceny. police regarding what appeared to Chevrolet pick-up parked 00 Apple- "You always come up short, big IT'S CROQUET the six-wicket Like their partners Williams and fcas will be mounting on sll sides, Klochko family, argued that the believed the township had a good be a fake prescription. The doctor, wood. guy," Carter comments American way, but not quite your Carter, they're none too pleased wrtft not i"«* Canton Towrt&hipk" closed session violated the Open chance of winning the lawsuit BATHROOM CAPERS: Thieves whose name was on the script, said On this evening. Dead Strategy has backyard variety. losing their respective games o•SfWn <C iP*lle ya•r mkh «oL^uotrhen o •a Bnden Pnwleyttm polaucthded Tbolawomn-e wMto ep"eTetnhindegirnnesg Ai slc inttio gb aleatcoiwoauns.us eit ntyheet "ac bt e r esMfaeidrs. yoefo uy" Aocuanrnyt ptdioomst eiits iy oemonua," ke eYn ttatehcreka abane lssatww eelssrute iidtm. aa-tlel biRninnnreeo goGssTa sskthdoo,ee e lhs W dyic'o ne ebsewntiaotdloeti nGh nvlaeergetaso,r td , coelpae amotya shplshsei lttca h eg xrffro eraoosoimauun moirggadnhi . b n f o Nuritnnohs.egmei nL beb bicusluuelsssesieiiiyl-s--- iaTptr uywrAHrleesa sIe4nsDt,6o e nvlD-d oyaN Etfleo ouNarr.eer d-P3a oal U .tlbp dayRpb aLS lterEhietvesno. tno lTyiwaAn b KemurEya Nnaint:g w$ 3 aA60s0 . o2wthn0er. GG GroPeoAuro lregfRle heicpcAn laeoulG e rwbbaEtsefie, ndlB iwde R sovavtEwsaeoAl.l ueebKennrd.o-t IrkyNe a :nwt- Aian s$ g1tgo,aa 1Ari0anu0geg. de. cptbPooeaerrmAc"ty ekTte ceh'ih rsnauao,egpsm ysi ss a .cdb wtaoeeh amanaeTdytoeh - ewl ms aeuhasasao tysc lw,ilh les y aottslh utleo enan d ntJghldyieet rbH , staiehlx relUss-mn V lcaeailrmsceet- - AbIbhanoeror exSctauh icsssdxeeoohe wnfao tcTinpibnecenag nkaol tetalmeo -trsrssotpi o uz phriernselemdas sa yeyt n ahemtdher rnesbe til h gspi epltnhoirlg tksima.peiy t maeiTidoln aihlngnee e istl dsa tfibaigt leaukihonllretodle-, sk a. tgymaoaka"muenYrs,e po .ai utat hr tatrlnye cet uitrcot, aae bcdxlopvuvlabeanicn tedehdie yreo nMcuitrnoaserrey-lwf "" iPBc aikytnte d-t atebihnnieetgdTch sfoheeiiermaxe rpltgedhnea aig m naw g rneooid uc vtct kwesa eatornrt,n,i dmkwr eiw oafnaihrnglneledJyi nI setsMhh rhh ei po JentA lthgaosaetG ty h t OueghepreafrsEm apLb ecflDaaat l/eoynlMsrr- fl pn"gsPr o"ioa<igAstomnttoFmeeer«drT hpa uEnhap«sR er xfsopp rOer ectNhatsEed. s 3 ugT1mawm tmeoene,t rfy i p-lllseeiao xtgph uelteee a f abmanelsdl- aCHthnaiedDl"r l dIesCAt.re' aisVTrvr ahTIetDeer ryf"aS ui OntanhrNii entn,eg kM ae mmtih ei.peln"al oc gDky aF.aemvaeesir dWm isasoiitnlnl g iAw atsdomoaunrisd li ti i Man gets probation in rest-stop arrest time," said Lynne WLsth of Livonia, like fugitives from the strength-test- planning ahead you can advance pretty much at will. come fanatics; they can't get enough "That's what's made us stick togeth- is expected Wednesday sav"oFroirntgy t-htwe ow pino.i nts is nothing to ingT bhoeo gthoa alt ias cthaern sivamale. as the back- wroeqllu aetc raonsds t hcero cqouuetrt T ahreou niddea tihse to tha"nT thhee s tbraactekgyyard is g jaumste .s"o s daiidff eSrceonttt ooff ibti,"lli sahreds ,sa tihde. s"tIrta hteasgy t hoef cphreescsis aionnd ethr ea nfrdo sgtoin gou ot na fthteer wcaakred s' That's likf- CmUtookwisnesntdiison hwnuip'ehs d aipnt fa r wrrotuiomcnuin lpPdiana tghgioae npt h1p ie enn aj oiirfipn aoinr gpti tl—ohte aorNoivirntepzrm o aeregntn.rv te"aieTrldolhy.n a msta epfnerot,"aple r Jtteyasc tkiisns gonno wa ts ea nitdhv.e i - hcsareair"d nAa.k il rlt poao rn ste'tsiigr nhe buiopgrhh beoovordesr. ynbeoeddsy," is sohnee ttowseoedtraolnd ATdnspce o h Mae6ridno l2cyi m -FcoSC ychncraaeoihsitnadnge oErtdasaoo-tynduoln wtcl. od ttStoa e tt rLaaa hdpttiecevr h oSoc tePbhnuhreoail,aaltlirii v g 1ocwmaeen-n2aa os7ftn f5hop, r abls tewe erda enihhidn-ssoe-gt- dscaMStoidcosushAvpotroi. srrss o.dVa eplHye mioDr sifklsieiyitesnni tsonte rc mngdfiacoa strhMn eJ i susmai aydfx wiog d $rm ei22l l3o5S t n0uEh t aleb.h ltpeisvl . t uPLahs naieuvt ncr o ddironcoeeuiksrear ts t nrpSaaeolc $mocthT 1yoteaeh0erfxe0addf, ci.s m mfh dSdiienuouscel md ill.nn iievon m9tae 0td nesha 'a estdoyn aoa cywdrtsoti hoscm iethrnrrnmaie ecrjeay gth.ni,elet. E cCaisaniolr dueer/ermitone -rs sWascnorreeoauIealtqnk'.zsdu ee eWor ta f otebf, d"amnlla es talshld deeedatcssyh oP w setlyehv amaaecmcnorkioumnistngshag-t etCa hwnaed noR toluo adttnwhhe en n ytthhaeer drwe g,i nathnmeeer s--t rf abirtusettgy itot 'ys ho iuhto tw hues e ys.otua tk hegae tit s cmgecfeooalrneeoucIutnmhaiurr rr tspletb .eoos"e ega f maorgamfs etum haesf eenfot ada uct crrfra et.otiskhrq eseTo ustOfw ef gn ato w,atbo m i omttc ehueskeetate m ami4t s,ra5sbtv pet maehhlrnrsaeaidaynv g eefu noedrte ,noes xmscii xnt ae BaCRTtgnhlhuahe uTeRrmi bnsg htoe.toeee ro "ssci acIno,sh tt,rse e'n otsypwghiqoqyha un wuoti esne io rtoncane rvrl isfeoeso pitddnelhe gvipl ebcdber iytlwdrey. "ti i ts ttmiyhhs ecoa phsltn Riciaaekmhlrhel tipoen nffanleoeog r ,rtccih henB btrrgehreuo sieets-s tJyogHmaouerkauhJtoae natnufrsey.sops selrH o H eonfnes f,ria s t&ow n r smts ehiNixeco mHnoa E ewlihplga sa, ltgossah ti rpyaJ ngs enefsLiacorn ansgHp cIniolenz eeswlcer if r.sdnia.e"tgs h thtk iet ar iwhbasenemahgd ac,e ntk f o ccluio aro tptsmshrrstteey .- esgyaltogtrouyho"eWunI klatn ensothig t leawai l dwcdcnia a dracoy mnonl mno uqdstoob ua aid.n e dna.m tedm . ap"Ta alCk h tazseheayaeye rdiifdtrnreegi reeHB wnx utzadcaetersshndro nay a"tni hn s ig"yinsIe a sto tin wsr stealhya t sea--a treated the remaining pavement as a Addressing the question of poten- Some raised a "hue and cry" when sanctioned by the U S Croquet Asso- team needs a sub. "This is a good game and a good afvS fcalSiosvIt Ris'sle I rlNpiicoeTeun SnsaAsl eteIyn.D",o uathngdaht i"pfc itolhouetl d c'on luforlsd ea cf ahticiosen otntothoiowpaer elsn n pruleeaioybartts sibeBohtinalnripitnistia y,tatn iolPa Sll Jrytti haemrsemmikso kmeur spi.t"sihokn ssg a He Ttdi efhdore, wob c my "notTsom hawhaiipiepnrrarpsper hoaoe irtdrip-tst . sbclsiihaaorgeiigmhnd jptg.pi sa l,lilv an sneiandiy get irdhhna egtwn"rs h p Nprelunoaenrni tstwehhsa eep yr" l,p wahu nsaoteapu syipl,ndienn g robeuetd nsh,hw ef esrlasyh'dy -e Gin oeslse,c Btiorene onn u Tnuoepspdoasye d ©C(UbSaPsSnr 66rt3-ou67n0r) r tfAsthhoh ergroPoe otbLu soma gAdalhol Y p vt toulhEifanre RnygyS eo f rut uooAsr uci Drn taphgnV aec rA o atttamNwn kreoCoeerrqE cuto wher etnrtih eoct eee(pkirsrpe tt toorc sbinok a feubiilnnrveltsgt- e) cmbeairtraasheBt zlaaileoonkuotndfie c.aa- Tscncetdohlv uielen lbonan nor t ita ConthnhEe deLprOle w alswtaywhw isois anhttesoo -anwo crw.fe o olau lrpia dnbr e a odKwtf ao a ttlrnhhakde-e- bc"fuoIuntt"m' s Htg phaaeeerm trgeiee,ot' iso tvahd enaed r sglep oar'tosem raot efln,l o ys bbtt ehruracetintal eaguigtxs' syeisn,t" grriet e.h"'nsa eul lvosyaeuirs dya, . Wsotoaw eyw"nsdW i ntnCeee.aa"sl lrmd trae,ey"r t euWvrneilnl iiinnagm ts hae catd ifvdasillt y" wW fioethr'r e uosu irn sTtorWewsnhssiinlhegi pt ht hbeeu y fpionorgus imMtive ewtstae ostaf l g Pteolay rkmeedoeup tt ohit gitos Pvoaewurnnl mPgroeevnstet rtoannkm,e esMn too unbnut wi lPdhlieennagss i.at n to wcintsy the" Dsioden't othfin ukn twhaeynt (etdhe eFxApAan)s aioren ,o" n dPpaauypb elBirsysh. O e3db6 se2ev5re1vrye Sr Mc&ho oEnodclaccyrean fattnr.id cL' Tr Nvhoeunwr.sas-.- Words to the wise in croquet open, one point made by airport sup- manager and former city manager Main said. "We have found that the It may come as a bit of a surprise, Ml 48150 Second-class postage porters was rejected. of South Haven, which sought FAA FAA is your best friend, they are but there's a general election on Poll'9 are open from 7 paid a' Livonia, Ml 48151 Address When Plymouth Township Trustee grants to expand its airport, urged concerned with safety." Tuesday in Plymouth and Canton. a.m. to 8 p.m. in the all rrv (subscription, change of ad- tShs0prttithrsea.0yo&my teaiR"" erdia auitMTtnnrti #i?iu chngcrhro"fenhpo pe acf Httwal.V otoo t akr'aoe'rsa'o undederttd yreeaetr hr ovoJpilos oe Paa gnseapdsnc lh xnafapoyaakl iptsyoesmcynds"katksnooi t.hennonS ekemn;ids'ugdni sntr i tmt logioh his anaftnf .-eaoti tlC Me orvst" scih roaW easMe.ieen sia xtdateualet opn.sedet na rtyatdpaoa n,rrr l tledeeaaSe' sfs iAni ts fs nrhbeeeeieiorsunaxdcd- tt-i-t cwfvpPpaagtaronleraolooltordnAyuA"yreum tI b mlA dNncA l fdbdrl inrioyte eneu nAoreabmoua'rpsdta eoMIluti ostdh lnR nt ,ye arm"o ohaetsaTP . nisam ePunoa Ostijtr ,.nnw ioo iteRsd cbhcownst TsesTcawts ,hsoakhr ni FBanso ebinateipAyeu octrst,A rtnoea t esro owris a aa fdelaaw euiceg. lni dtyttdiedh.s t ti hen t c "btsie o Ihn bghBevsue ueel oipeltitg 'sdrhmseMe ieav rneB siwedh ecaooeia shaio crnadsir yi-ft-- - - cFtpGrlttum$oylhhoeAe2o reeasqNr f5PAistt e naoufs0 iailew ifnattyi,cilkzi0argg iormate m0tnh sspeu eo 0agaoi mal ofaf ifdi up kbsdrri tetttenaepk,urh nher iuaeor "ertn T dnesrWym.p "tctacgo e o eauwooei wearseaiunrth nsprlnwo.relp aoe sfaayy ctoohJnrng luaotr aideso tpretl"hothsdo, rw n"eersetu o ssThhdoibn et oFa rb WhlaaiuudfAej u etlsdadfaA d otctitpig.ri hnewtn rconece ag usnwetuonodrs nn oR caseht dtutiiah noiihoa rplneitn-dedfl -- csviTmbpNnheoioh oasTaatGGHAtsenohhrtle ht,loeee rcl dasP h,eeroswh o n vnofrl snraA edyho,iogug la lrimNnualet ilmcJe-engrrho ode ean st.etarh.uirh g tnGs er et6htedwyth woiavr n ibs snopRiaV3lscall con6lwelol eed rtuclpb rhdteoiade vusi trCTon eaeb t s nDaod .owlir nsnniwiDuiocdt sn nooae atPtP nnfhsrncbtl heilie.hoCy ncy ispar tmpga,mbalrn ahlo i boH etslmuuou ulnuWonottnatgphuto.hr heensp, y iyrreoi-.ns-s - aatpr nrRiaP3ideLcPned nt6lLooc pyiidtlccilnumhluv atscbp iol dolDanl anueiegruciirdel s*aattaee .ehtn csP rol ,itoTpcl iywPioeotosm,lnnf wy tu uom wnnf rurCo onsohotpuohhafmiptucfi,nhpotih ,.cts 7 oei Nadn a.l.os. Tmrthh. ev at iordleli e s8 - d0AitcfCTroLPoiira5rrhollgiaoCnNMldvyer0e nhnm adoasemeO 0asttCd,srrn w i oH nro .tbslvciOan hiaotOsuyFseoenea .stebterrO opMtthtM traso reamiib.vtre mesEnd noallMseroisydd ven rD n 4, v3lrOg eia pto E8nvie5rh4ces bf1Lerp6l6cr ts y 5rIu9setwi1Ve. ,h1su)bpf7rhiE e.tb tlvn07tiiR oj ecg4s TEeaa(rhYh4 3cePnpce 1 t lp cSdard e W3 OtelerEaepo )i esnicd cpiRhn Ben otvtaa4o Vrghr aopber t5nvi$evI*htyrl c 9eCem$e5Sat e,1-sci 3i5E ts 2 2elo5 5 rCea r a 74nen0009tarbda0ht2ecd001t ln-ete08 ei - s-- sawbsswtwbp"onhpoauClhadhem"liimtIelyt eY ri t.tleanetoss')euhessof,. o qtsiy euunibAdnih unora lmeerh,euleu l e e agtsfel ttn: is ihovsoyrh pnstTeee or meolecceehau rrvrpanyeea e etql lcytolCdlna iu laoec ciyymhnGodub ors srtiol ee uiie dyn(stats qnrMouerttuU ep xo go f sa eiaepiparershktn tnoln,ht saeoisw dm tescb uBl yrtaaen bl ayotutitob hyRnu t rtiohsle,n. adyu"mepi gd sarW a oi miir wsrmstne eti ibtbeaahcoaa a oans katinkgilohlntdnemleyaeeke,, td l ;, - taydywtshfbh hooceoibyitruauralDRCc aoptalid klh pobuorenllp eioeoaawagq toatyn scqdh u sstrsAoaiuhnu te namunti etfecethgc o tt rhsc—aweh eutss e rkrahybi lto s—icvbaroeasun orkeraTulf gglktelr u hlbhhba te Tle aaaal bl yry tthltl —aolehlotra..le oe a utl ym brdqrI omnTnneyhua uecb eahke s'xhoxapet rihuteitnlmp o tlssYg eertset ontodhare , osouliaq itytnk lusvhtoi ee oweeeuv uune sh tb neb tdahe oaitoaernaan ilen-illll t tl bmsqthgfaibhtisauilauonretl lCeaP m Rtol vatt ct oehhilik,roeernn oeegeo.si.ov st g hvt Yq eet wifsioeiernauisnuot a rinr—neg.cuc d nauotha rk loefAs tes d e ia pltAtotsad tihsrrenvt eooa a g e t b—wssbok vkggatueee a i ralotct.rnylo h mn o agT bhketnn -ee aahthadot .hslr aai llu—laent t ytgtsi'us soe ouhes t Tbt alhn w thopstohoeoeu hltetov hratc e fypeisn ls ro ee eb abf ga ca adyayf o rl etorlootlehnloaeusuusdedd-.rr t rowYisbyEipafonino anlohdymv gauWdlAaueioely c n.m uguns a wihefyBindcearrr moiteak ctu o lthw —naeahtmcp e,ncteshoal .oty— o u u ,a bdorntt glu ahnvs u ahnb tleei eTsslrhtdun ,ui hb at enyeitpa eavnrysouaal lei ronlum lbs ndytou ros hagtetuto e eos tt mssahia , c gwarl ricka pteeioino ievlsaracuolsn e osrtekw gtnstoct gthehn,hehiur teo ecdr te c ro akvioht ss wchea swaw htratni neoiyaAci d cvdcunkob uaek tgeuoch nhu ethirerite -df t- s ri.no 201301.1 Maurice Breen, the former Plym- p.m. in the 36th District, which in- takers have no authority lo bind this Game," croquet is anything but gen- you have hit and then hitting your The rover can, as the name implies, tiously from one wicket to the next outh Township supervisor, Who was cludes Plymouth, Plymouth Town- newspaper and only publication of Ue LEARN TO — appointed to a county commission ship, and Canton east of Beck and an advertisement shall constitute fi- Official croquet courts are 84 by SCUBA DIVE W-tech VINYL CLAD seat earlier this year when Susan north of Ford, east of Canton Center nal acceptance of the- advertiser s 105 feet of bent grass, the same STEEL GARAGE DOOR Heintz resigned from the seat to go and north of Cherry Hill, and along order grass found on golf course putting to work for Gov. John Engler. Breen, Haggerty and north of Van Bom. greens. Six wickets. 18 inches high The Great Escape of the 90 s WHITE OR BROWN ft and just a mere quarter inch wider than the balls, are set up — one at N UP NOW each corner set In 21 feet from the Before Your Child :ns This Door boundaries, and two in the center. TIME CLASS LENGTH The four-color stack, called a peg, is placed at the center of the court. Sept 23 Mon. 6-10 p.m. 6 weeks It The mallet has a nine-inch long Sept 23 Mon. & Wed. 6-10 p.m. 3 weeks head and a 36-inch handle There's EXPERT DOOR REPAIR Sept. 25 Wed. 6-10 p.m. 6 weeks two ways to swing it — golf style in • SAME DAY SERVICE • which the mallet is swung from side Complete Line of Diving & Snorkeling Products RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL to side and the pendulum style in Sweatshirts • Seaquest • Dacor • Orca GARAGE DOORS You must first consider which the mallet is swung from back — • • OU.cSe.a Dniicv ers •• MTeakrneas •• VTaikbiangta j•| •l* E SNTTORRAMNC DEO ODROSO RS the front door. to fKronontw binegt wtheeen j athrego lneg sh. elps in un- Reg" derstanding the game You need to 999 raw DON'S DIVE SHOP know that you're alive when you ro- 50°v 0*00/50% polyester American Entries CHOOSING THE SCHOOL quet so you can get the croquet and 1st quality 15 colors UVSE SCTEANBT ER 477-7333 J2us9!4 W80es t1 o0f MMixlMel etRMdt.t GAR3D06E1N2 CFIoTrYd R52o2a-d2 288 YOUR CHILD ENTERS cyooun thinauveati toon scthrooskees b.e Atwndee ant btheein egn da, Aduft sizes M-L-XL WILL BE ONE OF YOUR rover or pegging out Just knowing that a stroke is a MOSTS IMPORTANT swing of the mallet and a shot is a • Twice a week is better i Twice a week is better • Twice a week is better DECISIONS type of swing for a particular out- 9 come is a big help $9.99 Sweatshirt Workshop J Here's a sampling of croquet ter- includes instruction, sweatshirt, minology Reg 149 autumn leaves, all materials JtM JAGDFELD sleH photographer Alive — When you're alive on a 1 oz' m 76 colors Can store ic/ oetat-s ball, you can hit it and earn two ad- Lorl Davidson o1 Canton opts for the pendulum swing in mak- ditional strokes — a croquet stroke Silk Fall Jumbo Barrettes 4 oz. At Plymouth Christian your child will enter a school that is con- ing a shot. acnand car ocqounetitn,ua ytiooun s htraovkee I nto A pmaesrsi - Leaves > Crochet to Decorate Spanish Moss ^DECATHLON cerned about the spiritual, academic, social and physical develop- l '^ Thread METRIC Wi Frog Tnodtth Warranty ment of your child. fraa Trtodlif* Warranty • ' 2 9 . 95 < 2 6 . 95 Plymouth Christian Academy features: ~ »9 4 600 yards for tne • Traditional secondary curriculum with a strong emphasis on col- once of 40C lege preparatory subjects. .rvtec Wtt l*5 TO SW'l Reg 99c !K"0 • Elementary and secondary teachers are state certified. 1 12 oc package Earrhtone ^.ades • Secondary section fully accredited by the University of Michigan. Nito Wreaths Pretty Punch Glitz Jewels 2 oz. Apple AUTO EMISSION TEST Yarn Barrel Paint • Lower class size provides each student with individual attention (averaging 20 per class - elementary and 14 per class - secondary ) $ 7» ANY TUNE UP WORK • Offering a full range of studies in the fine arts Car* WW. Coupon Regtdar 810 00 bp HM1 | | *M t«o hmJ • Each student has the opportunity to participate in a variety of FREE TIRE ROTATION c o M P u r e m z E b T R O W T E iS H extra curricular activities ALIGNMENT . With Purchase o< LUBE, OIL A FILTER 95 • P C.A. encourages a strong family involvement in the total edu- Reg. $39.00 Mow Cart ft UgW Truoka cational process and promotes traditional biblical values and Reg 99C Rec 88C Most Cars 8 Light Trucks WW iTNa Coupon - E>» »1< *1 morals. SI 10 On sate August 25 thru August 31. 1991 Why not call and find out what Plvmouth Christian can do for your OPEN LABOR DAY ABOR D&> «vt child. DEMO SPEC 9 am -7pm Sept 1 A Christian Education doesn't cost...it pays' Plymouth Christian Academy >TORF HQtK* Mon in M .II.m <M*. H.30-6 Sat 1; f» k Vs:«rHv- 1«"• » N 43065 Joy Road Canton, Ml 481fT JM jAOOFtlO'MA p»«°*ogr«c*-r (313) 459-3S05 721-1110 Walt Thieman watches as his opponent, Vincent Carter, clears the wicket. arf Prosecutor tells lawmakers Monday. Auyut 26 19>1 OAE JSt *A<C) O&E Monday, Augus: 2t. 1991 Cops kill 1, nab ^tt^llside ^Window X'actory to keep tough drug penalties Local 3 in bar robbery g r o u ps By Tim Richard ccmection between real estate and • Cases involving 225 to 650 D o n 't l et o ur l ow staff writer cocaine," said Ward, referring to the grams peaked at 61 in '89 and By T«dd SchMktor bar for several minutes before pull- Macomb County Mother Lode' dropped to 39 in 90 and 16 for the staff writer ing four guns and announcing the The drug war peaked in 1989 in case first half of '91. holdup, witnesses said. western Wayne County. The prosecu- • Drug arraignments in Detroit n e ed One suspect was killed and Uiree Patrons were herded against the tor's office credits Michigan's tough FILLING IN for Prosecutor John alone showed a 20 percent drop over others were arrested Friday follow- wall and ordered to disrobe, accord prison sentences — mandatory life O'Hair, Ward praised a program for three years, and the murder rate has p r i c es f o ol y o u! ing a botched daylight armed rob- ing to police and witnesses. for dealing in 2.2 pounds — and for- punishing casual drug users by seiz- declined steadily from 616 in 1988 to bery at a crowded Plymouth Road "They told us to throw all our feiture laws. ing their cars. The program, called 533 (annualized) this year. h e lp bar. clothes in a pile," the patron said George Ward, chief assistant pro- "Push-off," should become a house- Police said Friday afternoon they "People were upset and didn't really secutor, urged a state Senate panel hold word, he said. THE SUBURBS produce three hadn't identified the vicUm, shot by know what the bell was going on " to resist judges' efforts to "Its day-to-day operation (that) tunes as much value in confiscated ENERGY EFFICIENT a Livonia Police patrol officer as he The owner of the bar activated a "browbeat" them into reducing just involves street officers and a drug dealer assets as Detroit — $1.9 tried to flee the Good Tune Bar silent alarm shortly after the holdup penalties He also praised a program couple of paralegals at the Wayne million so far this year compared to VINYL REPLACEMENT parking lot in a 1988 Chevrolet Cor- was announced and officers arrived allowing the seizure of cars of subur- County prosecutor's office. To date it less than $500,000 in Detroit •Continued from Page 1 sica sedan. about the time the suspects were ex ban drug users has seized 545 cars. And not one has "The head of our out-county war- The car plowed into an unoccu- iting the building, police said. "The argument carried by the me- resulted in a court challenge," Ward rant office estimates that 85 percent W I N D O WS 1 too Center lor blind and retarded pied, parked pickup truck after the Detective Sgt. Ken Marlow said dia that mandatory (life) penalties said. of all out-county felony crime has children in Taylor, Beaumont Si- shooting. Friday individual patrons told police were intended for kingpins' and are Under Push-off. the county seizes drug involvement," Ward said, add- AS LOW AS lent Children fund, help for elder- THE DRIVER, about M years old. they were carrying anywhere from being applied to those who are less the user's vehicle. The user can ing the estimate may be low. ly blind people, as well as, buying was pronounced dead at the scene (80 to several hundred dollars at the than kingpins is groundless," Ward redeem it for $750 plus expenses for Ward, a Detroit lawyer who glasses and furnishing exams for from a single gunshot wound to the time of the robbery. said last week. a first offense. Of the 545 seized ve- chaired the Wayne County Charter people who can't afford them. upper body, police said. All money taken from patrons and "The statute was not intended for hicles, owners of 130 have redeemed Commission a decade ago, credited WINDOW And if there's anyone who Three suspected accomplices were a cash register was believed to have 'kingpins." The kingpins live in Co- them for a total of $97,000. the school program called DARE needs help and may not qualify. scheduled for arraignment Sunday been recovered at the scene. Marlow lombia, Miami or other port cities So far, the sheriffs department (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) U INSTALLED "wWIfhi ntehkreeey le slas ceiad.n 'wte 'flilnd he hlpelp th seomm,e"- oCWno eausrntmltayen'sdd o. ruotb-cboeurynt ych dairsgtreisct a tc oWuarty nine swahiMde.t ahrelro wth ede csulisnpeedct sto w ceorem mfaemntil ioanr Rtaainr ejluyr icsoduilcdti oan Moviecrh iag aknin gcpoiunr.t ob- hlfioacsred s2 eT7io,zwe Ddne s3th1roi4pi t v2e ,2h 4Ci,cal nLetsio,vn oW nTeioaswt l5na,snh dRi!pe dp 1-o,- wofi tCthhOe cM hDaMentgArionNigtD psEtoRuldi cReeun dtssoa'li fdat th ioit suT dnheaosrm.c oast - S ^ m t M <5 M win,inmdunm" Order) "But, we need people desper- One man surrendered, a second with the business or its patrons SOME LAWMAKERS and rela- Northville Township 1 and State Po- ics division is busting 10 to 15 crack y QUALITY: Wallside s vinyl at'MhofoIhetwenteeeasr'n lslye Ly C .tpbb i hltMeoreoueo nebytabsnh yh lIed sbeeC yoh elmslpnauus 'rb td fdpmf o ehoea naortarco'iptiv tnngiel etvggo a keet.ai'ni t,n'lh m"so amw ea hva.eneen dmOd wa ubt d kehrtedhe'e rreLeeiesdryp i. . - wifisanmoasagiosPsmd atl o. sou ielnutldit bcaie edaand utds ebe ar lydtieydhs etbsi hodys eteueh v ontiahreftrdifr maoia lcwflee da t rnphss eeas ituci gnrbasoh apptnbhrets.ouec rrtp hspewooda leaori rnodkcedne - sttstohuaa eiirtA"dd nhIo e ihRNfpnei pigiEgcno ukIhscsGraoii ewdtCmHdeeze Bnsta thiiOrt de aoweR fow fhtoHtreaaiferslO, ePn O2 zl arry1iDiide,md dib niwo lnbgo uhgciwokot h enhnh w ociRs l matruoisiers ad1e idre o0,oe r'n- n - ttWaWs—iectvarata eb•mltrysyTudisn g hot w ewe-ewf qh Cias asousnton maawt utsnitantou t t'tlstiortolyteky b i k e dwnse eaeogtiaesan.afse ptgfliee siit nrtnthas.id eptceeps nsrplesdie .ersendvhda ioA nl awtfgngyo,d,ar i l t bnieahfusxseet t- ttdplahioelce" awsevsWk e iSn5ec Ecwu7dt.a bo aAa sTurtre Rydr b, E1"t anr,n 1 euWF4nmA0d anRb:r a deir nrf cssr oao1ti m9aid8cs,9s d,b seu hscwtlol iaabwprrepiirnne acgdgnit t te stoao d - hhrazeoooreno"u"ut WWssgw neeoeeshusi e,nhamc"ngaa dbbnv eateyeo ryot se .u K aalaltia dh lv1 ,aade, v0meere0ysca0tr zieaw motao oecsal e rlt2aia ,nni0c ndgi0kn 0K dOt.ho ahc"ewlirSao nacom.c"um k iran -e- rilssnJeimcksp eruSolaa coltacEcotethhaRemi,ty eVp leiidikntInCe rt oE wa atw.n:linuyo dmcooo idwwnrr,euos amdrteeh wte aor iiartnh nm dV tiehlFdte.oe pirwred rbwf oegoranlamus t yst j; ?fa;otliuT5orn hpteh .C mcTel.unuebt iesn rdm aa teythes eSts ho Cfetlh adtenhoet nsoe namcno odRnn deMthc aric enab-dt - oEhthneMeeaT d Shhm e eicana rmndjeuaw br nwiy e ta wosos. na Sse tt ao aMkfp etapnhraeyr ebs nyHptsol pyasep kc iLtitscai lvko ewdnii atihn sfswopeirne"t heIgth d elheo rti oso sok e gtaeahu dtnenre a oda rfgrrouba uytywhn endb{.sa ainCHtnkteodi.n r g swsia aciwsna) s tth hhteooeu p tgcianoestgp petWedree"e." cIlo bniWnsod erCaelnryer,dd itRm,h t-ieoitKnl d daaalelp attLpehmaeerawrae zr,Ssno ehton e .te oaaftdef ebed ecCt boh iyman vtJmeiannicgtdk- - b1p1e,o90l8us4o9 n1wC,d i dasn1)sr, oe0 o's90pf00p eid tndarhvnuido sgtol s yvaie r n3paeg4re. a e 6klx5aep0sdet cg ytareteadam r5 ts3o a (n 2bidn.e2 DtcSrihietcByett.rro iottfohiftu G,T"ch hesnoeaseimd Watsh Wia gtaegn llwdbeose Irs nnwt,egorh nrwathm h Maos isCkceehod iudg nifaston-yr WFAACLTLOSIRDYE hqbgauuavaacerlka imetnydat er nteeuh pifenalmac tcthueerme wid neFidonthrut as ontvrd yetw.hr ien i4nd7so tsaw tylsrleeoadnrsg a,e ons duwt re ; sfWaroiiFSdnmoo,k r mbev lmeoe caltoatuirm une3st9eees7e - pri5 tn e5whfo4eoop8yrrl. emk, da Mostihnocy'ntLa aut hwcgiahanlylkl i n jww3u5hes0"WtorI 8e dtai5 it2ss dnPe0knee-les3y'mdts0me enws dopo oaute rnlt oihktdkop,e"l e bwp ets ohhi anleieiidnsydceie d nh aettah i ds ebftaiha eia erdid n .p p c bltaiaahdtrnere.or nae nItt t oiodfuefT"Mtin"Ihct taee iwrf roli.oa efswdfi cbcsyreaari dzp wyo t,lhh"ioec Ce fszi horaeonrdonlyto ti tnhaaesg ,s sa arhia dopr tea tw rfoaolsr RsuraepoiaIhdbnle e terlhrdeste tp aGal yts eeltaa atwko t"ee T.a a hC lq elRouoru-eewNr'sstitoni rgootnf ha fvAfo irslproulfpmebe,esia ttS lauWsenrne ta.hir aaRdols f. oyv1ten9iecnl9aytc1ri )e 1o( s0ienn wss t friaiotemlhrlsoau toutlhtefted i pWn aft orimaroys alrntenee. adsc iaCxhtoo mu2ry0not nyl fitfoh eCrs o st neho-nef - ahwgs aoashiutvdeaes.ret eet rh oae f"imdfnisoc. ew "rkasInr' vnwoeicenk rbg"ee," es lnha Wow otni b gf egofcirlveaesu cws rreoaa rciwtkdhe s aymyena adStr e iwnAriseaVtlasIi Ni aptuG trh cvSohoula:ussma einned s o ldard irosgefcero wuto nQint usdmaon aawtninstudifea se cpvtaeu osrryfse Madonna lecture to focus on ethics they have anything to offer. ' began shortly before 10:30 a.m. Livonia, would be fully investigated these savings on to you enab'ing us to "At the historic museum all we The bar is a popular hangout for From preliminary police reports sell windows for iess i need is for someone to sit and vis- Ford Motor Co. employees who work the shooting appeared justified, Mar- . sh^;:! e btIwC3phto9 eaiewdF8zonr y-aioespt0t.roarhl 0d Tnaiemd.8 r. ht "H.8eThoe eih"rs eYey tvproooeoeur uio'ilrsncu pdfn laonoet nMore jwm'ertoumrhba sshotaea ilf u ovwconme roah, mov t eoaeev brc e aaboairerngulyelet, -" a Dpreonjneicst Kina Csaunkto rne.m oves a window frame at the Hasselbach Farm as part of a volunntie« eprh oto appnfLteeale watTsyAvhns cH aebtenhn slEeu oe. L ms mccSaikkpvUibsdsloe S oonr yPwni aoeE efte ChsTs tpeTr awia Sratnhtr lso ouwm n Pnhesiclarsyh deFsmi rj boioiunnrdusesat taipyh dckle, aaw s naw hettnhired teeda - ccdlwtooeeuwa rrTTsrs it ay hhsondneeeapgrdl ia col dtae wahf.tdn hrfednie ac,w i ten g hansrveseauent im wdasa twfipb iliMgplaerayrera dtro r ioecaol fomoacn rntwh.a ic i.dimnenr g."ei"vT , ote hnhfreeo'sr d oo uhgfftufifymiin- - atO1iWdysn9och'dMo9Tsnte 1rnbd7iMik-ma uc9Bp i hsc2miclunia aahsnsie mcsaetielehn e aswpTe.less"uiosm laK ssFnlT.ta r Lion d emMT f,e7iss h:cmgMc3 cetweM0uuias is r9dla,Hes l0pona -.n u S"mlkamlsnEenia critonik h nMeDUauis c tti.ootnet shfon itifev inrdpnen arMt uretyehsghy.aesi -e --- Dtrietpyneasre Httt1GLoesta9erx e iRii 7olinanw 3miAcdt,ao eDamBs1n rt5mu sUacersenela A yoisrciunf nntTe6fe asttna,Is,tha0tscNee0ils tyn G0Tau s9s a r anpW0 il noaoeensdn.nmoIgx"eTpt e eH Ie lIadonennmnf.sc d abpit., dyvhlh eeord ifeCyig o t"asihrilNrnoaem tnii asenenetp rs etd'--s-o- cenPmmaopdhentroe iieoMs teormmshmdfan ii itauoescbsni,nxchreov yyitelarnsose cses a l cclIhua nv anthFitd euncdpiamd.rv sir Meetr i eoii etnns cnacse M tb ae toR,rpoclrvfaerorikfeneomi nssoToucfofeuresi iwg.sromlnnusnalu imsn f eoohm ,odtiifnih zsusgeeaean ersl Htfotdi aabhheoauebtrsosioanhslsdlas ieadco. rse fnrsocdhra 'd sris--- - LWETFE UoS W r AIInL -LFH rNoemOe Te N EBosE tOi mUbaN4litgDea E4tiRonS0 O0LD ! entation will be followed by a ques- honors from Wayne State University ther's entrepreneurial success. Mi- ^Parkway" Monthly Allergy Tip tion-and-answer period The lecture Law School in 1965, Timmis edited chael F McManus Sr was a manu- Mortln Bio nek. President PROVE IT... Youth philharmonic is free and open to the public the Wayne Law Review while in law facturing agent for more than 50 A senior partner in the law firm of school and went on to serve as ad- years in the Detroit area. His sales I TOLL «EE schedules auditions ^Professional Grooming Sneezing? Wheezing? Mis caorc-oo,w Tniemrm anisd a vnidce In cmhaanir,m Tainm amnids jHuen rcet cperiovfeedss otrhe of s cthhoatol d'sep Dairsttmineungt-. eRfifvoertt sa nhde lMpeadc heisntgab Cliosh. the Chicago D1e5t8ro3i0t. SMc h4o8e2fe2r7 W a l l s i de m W i n d ow A a c taocit ory i-soo-sttsoo ALL BREED DOG & CAT GRWOr 'OMING Itching? Stuffy nose? gowenneerra ol fc oFu&nMse lret afoilr st oTraelso. n Inc., ishIend a Ldadwiti Aonlu mton ih iAsw leagrdal in a n1d97 9b usi- 511F7o r more information, call 591- Factory ft Showroom. FREE Mo Obligation In-Home Estimates Specializing in V Livonia Youth Philharmonic will under the leadership of Melissa THE BICH0N FRISE If you've had any of these symptoms lately, hyooludt ha uodrcithioensstra fo orn m Auusgic.i 2a8n,s 2f9or a intds Guaetreb oefr ,U an sitvreirnsgit ysp oefc Mialiicshti gaannd. grad- Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9 to 5 you may be suffering from ragweed Sept. 4,5. Membership is open to musicians For your appointment call 453-9488 hayfever. the mosl prevalent allergy ^ OAK WOOD PHYSICIAN REFERRAL SERVICE The auditions for musicians at in the communities surrounding De- B4e1tw3e9e5n WHtinlecso xD r•ty P &ly mHaogugtehrt y Win thaisn pta nr oefl tiheef c?ou ntry "''Va.a'Hi > three orchestra levels will be 4-9 troit To schedule an audition ap- i day m Faith Lutheran pointment call 453-8887. Wantend to your allergy troubles. 30000 Five Mile one block Sewell is conductor of the Scandi- even if you've already tried other therapies west of Middlebelt in Livonia. navian Symphony and the Lake St. W A N T E D— unsuccessfully'' See us We take the Rehearsals are Saturday mornings Clair Symphony and is a University at Livonia Churchill High. of Michigan graduate. Womens & Childrens Like-New time to listen and explain. We can help There are openings at all levels Designer - Brand Name Fall Michael S. Rowe, M.D. Same-day appointments, as well For As Many Needs for string players and selected brass Fashions and Accessories t Michael J. Hepner, M.D. as early-morning, late-evening, and winds. INTRODUCTORV 0Ff€R C O N S I G N M EN both certified by the American Board and Saturday office hours Music director Andrew Sewell in- HAIR CUTS. of Allergy and Immunology specializing As We Have... vites young violin, viola, cello and m adult and pediatric practice P H O NE (313) 473-8440 bass players to audition. 6.99 C L O T H I E RS The junior and advanced string WHILE SUPPLY LASTS! Please present this ad lor a free3 A ovliirtdctelhe ei anssttrr ooansde uac cytceoearpyrt oo fsrt cluehdseessontntrsas awtrniadtihn pi rnaosg- RWe«i.t hS XP6e-tSe2r S rC 2ONr VmEN CTlaRor Ytyrhir vaCin eoOg roM nr. ® MrnwOu®Ni'r S J4 N5o9 -ap1p5oi6n6tm ent cBorpeya othfi "nUg"N bDy ESRheSldToAnN SDpIeNcGtor .A MS.TDH. ManAd.a Na Bnlcuye pSrainntde f o• /$ Oakwood Has Doctors. PERMS 43311 Joy Rd (corner of joy & Mom) Hours M-S 10-6 ALLERGY AND ASTHMA CENTER Canton. Ml S.ji- -11-^ F-i Til OF SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN, P.C. ' 2 9 . 99 24230 Karlm Blvd. (10 Mite Rd West of Haggerty) Sufi* 130, Novi, Michigan Reg S«5 Thatis Why We Chose Long Hair Extra 8» New & Former Customers S A L ON Buy a Honda Convertible" INTERNATIONAL ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE Oakwood.' 696 N. Mill Street CITY OF PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN clean. Old Village • Plymouth, Ml 451-0855 A r»gul?r nwting of tin? Zoning Board of Appeals will be held cm Thursday, September 5. 1991 at 7 30 p.m. in the Commission Conference Room of the City J No Payment, No Interest Until March V2 Hall to consider; Z-91-16 - 880 Frahck - N on use Variance - Ground Sign Falling Leaves ((OOffffiiccee)) Zoned B-2 BUY ANY HONDA When you need to see a doctor you want the Applicants Jeffrey Ash ton and right doctdr So how do you choose0 We called Michael O'Malley CONVERTIBLE MOWER Z-91-21 540 Jener - N on use Variance - Side Yard the Oakwood Physician Referral Service They and ((RReessiiddeennccee)) Setback - Garage AND GET A MULCHING KIT FREE have doctors all over Western Wayne County Falling Prices Zoned R-l Applicant Joton E Stout and the Downriver area, providing Advanced Z-91-22 - S Main - N on use Variance Ground Sign PAYMENTS Medicine right where we live And with more ((OOffffiiccee)) Zooed ^3 than I 000 physicians in over 40 specialties and Remind Us... Applicant David Saroli AS LOW subspecialties we found the right doctor tor ail All interested persons are invited to attend that Pre-Holiday Spruce-Up our medical needs So the next time you need to PabUak AncnU « 1M1 AS S15/M0. activities are taking place. call a doctor call the right doctor An Oakwood Physician Why would we settle for less^ ' Join the crowd and put fresh The Smart Choice new colors inside and outside your home Be sure you use Oakwood Health Services Is one of the largest Fuller-O'Brien's Liquid Lustre Latex Eggshell Enamel Wall ChdliTmi e Preschool For Grass Clipping Disposal. health care systems in Michigan , with six hos- Paint for interiors and Weather King II Latex House Paint pitals, more than 30 Jocal health care and spe- outside Responsible grass disposal means Honda commercial engines cialty centers and more than 1.000 physicians. When you're not looking for daycare. mifre lhan fiisl miiU+imR I>»ai's Shaft drive (no belts) For the name of a physician on our staff, call the «hs Honda convertible lawn Honda's exclusive hvdrostatn § in«»v»ers' arc designed to mukh drive sNstem (infinxch variable Oakwood Physician Referral Service. bag or side discharge depending speeds) 'ChildTime Preschool Invests on your spc» ific needs hw lodas I. 2 or S speed gear drive 1-800-543-WELL mrfMmofrfw model* J 100% of its energy 19 "i* 21 width* H H lM In the early educational needs of children • Mummum or <«ccltiming dctkt sHijHWHj • Bountiful New Equipment & Materials • Degreed & Experienced Teachers N ' ~ -*• • Morning & Afternoon Sessions C » .. _ •• - . H , M * 1 Oakwood NOVI -10 MILE CENTER We have relocated m. m 41810 W. 10 Mile - Novi The First United Methodist Church of Plymouth ; ADVANCIO MIOVCINt 348-2171 HARVARD SQUARE CENTER . Cl4a5s2s0e1 sNo. b Teegrriinto rSiale ipVtte wmesbte orf S9he l1do9n9) 1 1 18101 Oakwi < h! Boulevard •Dearborn Ml 5626 Sheldon Rd. - Canton Call 451-1895 or 453-3020 453-6250 SALES 587 W. Ann Arbor Tr. 451-2560 453-6326 SERVICE Downtown Plymouth Monday. August 26. 1991 O&E • 7A S t u dy s a ys m o re a i r p o rt s p a ce n e e d ed S'craft offers quality MaAieAA, Chance /I*ti By Tim Mcttard member General Assembly in Octo- pect the fastest growth in the region, should be coosideredfor public own- management courses staff writer ber especially of turbo-prop and business ership The plan leaves specific expansion Jet aircraft Every county needs more airport plans and financing to individual lo- The study recommends that pub- WASHTENAW County is expected NATIONAL Schoolcraft College is offering a KSQC Refresher Course/Certi- space, a regional planning agency cal units. licly owned Livingston County Air- to see great growth in turbine- series of quality management fied Quality Engineer prepares says. port be expanded to "transport cate- powered aircraft. seminars to help individuals and participants to take the certified "Since 1959 in southeastern Michi- IN WAYNE County, Mettetal-Can- gory" (runway length of 5,400 feet Ann Arbor Municipal, the only air- organizations meet industry-man- quality engineer exam. Review gan, we've closed SO airports and ton "should become publicly owned for everything but large planes) by port serving the county, is recom- dated production standards, learn topics include quality cost audit- opened zero," said Carmine Palom- and expanded to 'basic utility I' sta- lengthening its runway andadding mended for development to "trans- GRAND the latest quality engineering ing, reliability management and bo. a staff member for the Southeast tus with a 2,700-foot runway It navigational equipment port" category with a 5.400-foot run- methods and gain access to the lat- engineering, statistical quality Michigan Council of Governments. would play a very significant role in Privately owned Brighton Airport way and improved navigational CHAMPIONS eafrsrtoeRF :mI oon ubn8ruo assvt.ea msFtis.uoi ntonocns ts5i o apnr.em a t.p SlLaenopnwt.ee d3s..t 4TC haoensydt csrm1eto1aegn2rer5ttetr.iso sn slfg,ir odoMnem osain ng6dan-a1l yy0o,sf ip seS..mxepp fetT.orrh i2me 31e.0n Fc twlseaee saes nki sds abaWvduiTadsayirhtnenieeose sdsn sC r p aaaoainfurstdnps etpo ynrlr'aetgssnce Mr r —ec taeortt variuooevsrnee sa.dl,n f2dhIo1ta rDn gdfdeeroltenereiodesgnir htab''ttlsy , ttefhhoxeertW elrsnoetiludnglodgeiowyd-hn tsRaaoauluy l9 nss,. '4y sc0sa0t rer gumfoenew t ac attayop t fah sucahlitfotiyu ll.lled vn Tee hlbe,eed" s pupsrooeOr btcAsao.b KnilssLy t AercaxaNipnnDentcs oC,tte ot dheuex ntpo tsyat ,uns ddewey id t"shuaaeny fs i t veoex cl aaeniprd-- escshqtauoutIdefui ygpiltd oms rccaeyaoyn nsnat '.ist rt prbuoecr ttex pa ealn sndeeewwdh, e ttrhreea,n cso ptuohnertt y 5nftwye.i i qcTptuhthrie oversede lt u dihscaeaetbvtmsi.e leiil nntoLyaape,rbmalre e nden uxt tihrp moaolfbwoe irlhlye iits,tgoy hc do tq eesauctsn-ihaedg-lf ni-- mocnahpdieniiIvrgnnnai getcanr.ra ot yepald. nrgC uToteecogosrtn,rpii taonrirmencgoqs ,lt uou eiis nrdoi eCtnifrmtgooined m tgdnurpeatc sufiaenitnsne idon ridftg ie rN o vunmneunu,al--- -- CgfPlriaiotGglywoh eAm tn4sieb 2riropn ap o ls1e raa9tris8vcd.8i e.a n tttoio — n18 if smroi mellxi op1n.e3c I tmned i2l0l it1oo0n , coBtahovmueuDer orncee uotnttyhnur T-eotnosio t wtnyow Me,fnnx e wegstdht ie 2rlifnlo0pa ep.p c yroriaelolliaivtt yriaasdnv.e",i ai "st soioow nminne etdr sVamf abfnayi cl l tpsr5iuao,o4ynOwn0swa0ae la rklteyyolda nl7 naae.d0rieg-r0dPce0sor fan egft elitre"aton c wab gnAyttdhhi 2 reap0n i1opni0nrat,gr att hulsle r efbm lrsio tnarumuiend-n y- oa5u w.tt4iMrnl0ai0etAnyd fsC",e p pOeaoutiMrrb top"lBfioc rrC- tuuc onasuewtne atgayyio rhr payaons drat in aroap n" opdgrute nbn leweiecridltayhsl hdFaiemegsSehii tng iapsnete s i$rrs e5tftev0iocc0irhae mlwn aPisqnruoc aeecnse das dns idt ryC eapcovetnoetid rdtoe alsct toIi sni metglxy -- mddaan.irmesadcrw 1iutoci9snas lgeF 5sdce .oef pTon .rtihmsr eop .| lr1 c Soa5laagn0stdr.usa —r mpwdra imelylpes ab,rres aO fwtciroitol.nml T bo Te8f J-a wp-nToiTctr»hetHrs rho rEoaanw l*Sf* nTp l(eyUr1d_i0Dv )paY r otoiewvf lfya nittnhee ddeols ywa .p i n"rueapbdnolir c otasv iure scprea-onr reat lisbir,-e- ssafiievderCiseva i,iatt ichyo e a7An sb, 0if usra0tpoc0omi -ilrfsieott,yo ps-t hr oC iornmuurtnar -Drwrheiaelanyutytrl ou aopistraa 'sggs aseeen e njenuagressaewttl ri - wpfaaacTnAyidr l otiehtdyiie -rbOsdu a tpk ulcabonluidcld lAy iu rospewonr mte docar eani r tsp eborervt iec xies- qdtmrueiaTimanslhi attellinai osnndntdgsu od frfoye rBs r uceelrotczm o-inmMm miaetcsreoc npimdailbsec apebnmuedbfeo liairncled d uatihscs-e-- proving customer satisfaction and Classes meet at different loca- readily closed, thereby weakening runway of 6,000 to 6,500 feet for gen- needed m the "transport" category Romeo Airport is a second candi- preventing defects through team tions. To register and for more in- the regional system. " eral and passenger aviation — 5.400 feet of runway to handle all date for public ownership and devel- efforts. Basic statistical concepts formation, call continuing educa- The broad-brush plan is in the but the larger passenger and cargo opment as a transport category air- and methods will be presented. tion services at 462-4448. hands of 500 local chambers of com- LIVINGSTON County should ex- planes Spencer Field near Wixom port The four-week course meets from Schoolcraft is at 18600 Hagger- merce, planning commissions and li- 8 a.m. to noon Saturdays beginning ty, between Six and Seven Mile braries In the region. Sept. 21. Fee is 1200 roads. SEMCOG is asking for their com- KITCHEN ments before final action by its 140- S A LE How Can A Leather Chair CABINET Look This Good M u tt m a r ch on S e p t. 14 On Page 58 of the Sears And Still Recline? Aug. 21st Mailer, that yoO" to b e n e f it h u m a ne s o c i e ty may have received, there It's From Bradington-Young is a error. We incorrectly - HAAS•SCHROCK Choose the style that fits your Registrations are being accepted Walkers will gather 10 a.m. at • MERILLAT • decor in 15 elegant col$ors for the Michigan Humane Society Nankin Mills Station. Hines Drive state that item #42064 "HMinuetst PMaarkrc. h" Saturday, Sept. 14, in and Ann Arbor Trail. (Mfr. #F20518WN) TV is INFSRETE DAELSIGLNATI OSENRV IACEV AILABLE Your Choice 9 99 <USa.lE< -2 K6n d1s9 91 Participants obtain pledges from The walker bringing in the most friends and family for each mile pledges will receive a 25-inch color a Colortrak TV Monitor. It Classic Interiors they walk of the five mile course — television. is not a monitor and does I a $1 per mile minimum is suggested While walkers are encouraged to Pledges benefit MHS animal care not have Colortrak fea- 20292 Middlebelt. Livonia • >otilh of 8 Mile Miff i DANCE ARTS COMPANY bprroinogf othfe iinro cduolgast,io npset sto rpoaursttic ishpoawte- stieornvailc eins.f oTrom arteigoins,te cra,ll o trhe f oWre satdladni-d tures. We regret any in- MAPUDIOOD Ul MBCft I PS 474-6900 , Titles Won Pets must be leashed at all times Kindness Center, 721-7300. convenience this may Dance Educators of America 6332 Middlcbclt • Garden City JUNIOR COMPANY t Unique American Dance Spectrum have caused. 422-0660 THJes Won Dance Masters of Michigan Choreography, American Dance 5pectrum D O L L AR Oold Mttdal, High Score Intermediate 3rd Overall High Score Oroup/lirw S H H M M P P VP Dance Dance Dance Award • B I L LS — Special Services and Programs EVERYTHING From the Consortium for Human Development, Inc. SELLS FOR • Personal/Family relationship counseling • Child/Adolescent therapy specialists on staff • Counseling for depression, eating disorders, 1 step-parenting, stress 6c anxiety, divorce to- all ousi • Codependency & Adult Child Issues 1991-'92 Fur Collection Toys • Books • Gifts The Finest Furs And Leathers Accessories • Clothing • Substance abuse assessment and treatment For MeSna Aon id K W oMm eln This 'WttfCs Special: itudesiti, Jewelry • Housewares BEAVER, RACCOON Save Novelties • Cosmetics NEW WORKSHOPS & COYOTE 15 to 40% Jackets and Ct a+td to- cUl Food • Pet Food - STARTING THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 9th. ON AUGUST SPECIAL: Health & Beauty Codrp-end*nr> • Adult Children of Dysfunctionoi Families , On Every Fur Jackets . Coats Women b Sexuality • le ns. Drngs b Alcohol • 8u.lding Healthy Relationships h,497 1991 $897 CALL 1-800-336-2343 For more information "MR. DAHCE AHCE EXPRESSIO i Jl/lcMeAA, o/ N OW O P EN Trov Clarkston Novi DET73R7O3 ITTh •ir d8 7A3v-e8.3 00 Titles Won: Sbasice. A*U 755 W Big Boaver 5645 Sashabaw Rd 24230 Karim Blvd (West of Fisher Btdg.) OF MICHIGAN" Award - Dance Educators St*.-140! Clarkston Ml 48346 Ste 160 ( M uA Novi, Ml 48375 Medal American Dance Spectrum Iroy. Ml 48084 BLOOMFIELD HILLS • 642-3000 JIM BRAY Place Dance Masters of Michigan IN WESTLAND CROSSING 1515 N. Woodward Ave. v Iver Medal American Dance Spectrum Discover Dependability (Sooth of Long Like) 34640 W. Warren Road *"/0 cyuusopA., ii+t&L, (Wayne & Warren Roads) 9 WESTLAND HOURS Mon-Sat ) 0-9 Sun 11-6 PAINTER'S SUPPLY & EQUIPMENT ft f\Erb a nd 4 & l &i O uyt lduo oro ECx pao sdu rbe . T e s ts P r o ve ATTENTION! LJ LUMBER I p x, c a t a l U e Si E x t e r i or E g g s h e ll S A ME D AY S E R V I C E! HOMEOWNERS In-Stock PVC and Fabric... T HE B E ST C u s t om M a de & CONTRACTORS EMIERE COMPANY O A A M u A & - u d 4 M > U t o <t Titles Won . § PRATT & LAMBERT i Place . Rising Star V E R T I C AL B U N DS m Place Starpower Medal, Best Formations... American Dance 5pertrum N c U i o + t al 1st Place Dance Masters of Michigan Silver Medal, Visual Effects Award American Dance Spectrum S u + r v n t e /i OOORWALL SPECIAL!- STou«pgerr>io 'r0 0 AoyMc Color* SSi«»a1» W6r»«njMtr>e r CONSTRUCTION FINANCING MATERIAL SIZE PRICE Thine' Co*«'iq "null CW—IIWQ PCVurCve rdv oar*m*****®m •39- Unwipj»l»0 M.dtoo y L v f a dv ff Cntte a»mou »oo p<» & REMODELING SEMINAR PVC **+• r»«a4 *49- fXTEWO« EGGSHEU 1 Specializing In: Register Today! PVC **** Om #++* V0««»4 •69" S»w<.s IFnI RaSsTs oScEiaCtUioRnIT wYit hS AVINGS BANK Fall Tuition Discount • Ballet/Cecchetti Method •49" THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th Promotion by Exam 10% fA A VflA>lnCy. Bat' •125" o fr • Tap/Graded Levels • Jazz/L A. and Mew York Styles All Tuition PakJ by August 51, 1991 [ COUPON 1 7 : 00 p . m. • Preschool/Combination of Ballet, Pre-Registration YOUR PURCHASE SH0P-AT-H0ME tcmaa* C i- - * • • *» '<»• " HOLIDAY INN Tap, Jazz, Gymnastics (ages 5-5) Aug. 21 - Aug. 23 IS FREE!* • Baton and Cheerleading Aug. 26 - Aug. 29 1-275 and 6 MILE ROAD •• GAlylm bnoaysst icclsa ss with Male Instructor 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. Phon«_ 3 2 6 - 7 1 00 Save *7.00 Sbuedeg heotw to build a home to fit your • Competition Classes Available Txckxtes Soto*, Ducts ft Trto* FREE ESTIMATES ^ Find out advantages by building yourself Gallon or hiring a contractor -a«•» m «*h coupor . FREE INSTALLATION ^ I i PXCMWI 2 | Explore different loan options WESTLAND GO WHERE THE PROS GO Learn secrets of the banking wold MaAtesiA- jbasice. Altb 6558 WAYNE RD. m PFSERVATlONS RFOUESTEO RSVP BY AUG »•. & EQUIPMENT CO LIVONIA 3 2 6 - 7 1 00 (313) 261-5110 w GARDEN CITY DETROIT EAST o p o% W e s t g a te Plaza 6 7 32 C a n t on Center Rd. 4 5 5 - 0 7 20 LINCOLN PARK 1S301 E Warren pBVZfj§,o BEDFORD tP5 miii in 426-5030 888-3200 (313) 937-9111 MTounm & &H OT OtS>Taulr*« 1 010-6-8 Ii •M „ ~ DE1T7SWR31O 7W-I.6T 1 W00E ST 1P06L46Y 5W5M- A4On1Un0 T0A Hlta r Rd OK***0 (Y31P3S)I L4A81N-1T5I0 0 Fn A Sal 10-5 Dance Master of Cecchctti Council Dance Educators of Sunday Amcrica. Inc. of America America, Inc. 328M1F «1r—t9t 0 PONTIAC 1C2N S vw 8S8-22S0 Monday. Augut 26. 1991 Q*E OAE Monday, 26. 1991 0"S7- points of view WE SUPPORT Bob just didn't make it as hurricane Testing questioned TWO PEOPLE were tilled last — KittseeDmesn itsoe bcuanm pd eavloisntga.t e, but BTWob% j uiisict t Katwshtorreka tmeunsc hE aasst a C sCotooarasmts"t' 'w J aluursnstti nd dgo.oe esYsnon'tu 't Q.geQtti.n I gI a ramemad a ya f ffoooururrt htshc hg gororaaldde eth t iteseaa cfchabelelr.r — r , A PUBLIC week when swimming in tbe Atlantic Anyway, back to the weatber ser- envision a storm named Pierre stop- This tammer I took a testing coarse Ogocienagn i.n T thbeey w mataedre a stb Heu mrriicstaankee B oofb vtuicrne.i nYgo uto w Joeulllod itnh ifnrko ntth aotf tehvee nfe amftiner- pa idnegb iant eC uabbao uftor s oac gialalisssm o.f A w iFnree nanchd csintoa ngnfrdiaradmrudeaizdtee md sytceh ssotusosl pw iaceni odgni svthe et hc hactioldu trrheseen V> Doc wSoams be uwmopuildng s ataloteng tb tebe o Ebvaisotu sC:o aIts'ts. fJeff itost us,s eit bweotuteldr nata mleeasst f ohra vseto trhmes s tehnasne sthtorermat ewno aunldyo boee eonrt iarneylyth itnoog. blaae to dthoe n soatm aeil mgreaadseu rleev tehle. sOanmee t essktil lws iallt Doyle naw ohhtou r recraailnc a sbnmleaa mirste bt oteha egdmoe ds ww yhioemunrm twihneagy s wt Bohruemtn Counts Bpspiocrbke.sa I dth ssehues epntea gcmteee tkshsa ti sw tbh oeon ep he arossfon ethv woershyeo SvSenC oArN DE rAicN A hVavIAeN tnhaatm esseaf alirkien g mblayte eaarns ugorrthea deare .ss kAtialmnl dt Iha rarditg iizhset d nion tt e tmshties ua osabutisrlee rda- METTETAL AIRPORT iwsmsi vikiItsehtnp,'.so ra Iwaot g'un sfrn iaencs aeeet saB nsbiotyaeb mn.a neetdof itto i tis 'gnspo e on lutleh,rvr oep nrouolg obihtfoif cdleiaynfl e-- Mavsi oeIwn lRe ocnEmatAn.e Lnb,Le Ya enqd du oathnll'etyy 'darsies au ugnsrpueraeel ldwyici mtthaob irltee. ntodhuaiedtm ncwe'oth mipennlpu utg hnt eeeinre d lCaaennhddig.p u t Lhaaeengdte 'ns M ap jmluuufesgtfsgy he.j udospt ei np thooep sffolraoIu'vmdnod l rt oa htvneoed o a ctloeea ah dngu.o r ar ib cwaaconkned te obrlf outwlbe iNn gdoard yIsnic vteaaAtcio.h Yne?or suW i anhr eatht er i dgtrhoetens acch tcehosa?rtd i mngea tno T tuo- dgbddreeeisactcttdiiremmeir,c a astt lclhtssoee issrse etcssc h tmsii ooclednonar,rse e tuanshnre edw sd ho stouuh iulebndltd rsl acot hchpoetkoriooo gdlfnoiu afo ctondhefd ly correct times. omHinoowuesv werh,e snto rtmhesy w ehraed m wucohm meno'sre MAYBE THE weatber service wthheemn sBheirvtehrain gb.a sBhuetd it 'osr n oStu sgioein gle ftto dTourd Mora Mrkaertkinegtin ogf i sS adnev Delioegpoin,g C aa lsief.- evIetn'st st.b"e S seaqmueen cwinitgh i "ss emqeuaesnucriendg aotf ' But let's face It Bob is a wimpy names like Cathy or Denise They should hire a poet or an old headline happen. I can accept that But for ries of Grade Level Examinations on the third grade on the "Stanford;" at name for a storm. It's sounds like the gave headline writers a chance to writer to name the storms. safety's sake, let's leave Bob, Brace computer disks that assesss what the seventh grade on the "Iowa." |ny who lives next door or your show off their literary skills. I'm certain they'd come up with and names with pretentious spellings children should know when they Guess which school district will do tyrother-in-law. but not the name of a You had headlines like: "Cathy male names like Kurt or Adolph. A like Geoff out of the computer leave, i.e. the fourth grade to be suc- better in sequencing1 You got it — We believe the Plymouth Mettetal Airport is an important part of this storm that has the power to smash careens along Gulf leaving 10 dead poet or headline writer knows that They don't scare anybody. If Bob cessful in tbe fifth grade. the district using the "Iowa" where houses and blow large sailboats 10 in her wake," or "Denise pounds folks would be certain to get out of had been been named Thor, tbe two Tudor Marketing found that sub- children receive four more years of community, and a valuable link in southeastern Michigan business. miles inland. East Coast: 10 dead in her wake." tbe way of a storm with a Germanic swimmers might not have drowned traction of decimals was tested at practice until they are tested on the Who do we have to blame for this? Such headlines conjured up imag- sounding name. In the ocean. I kind of doubt it, but tbe third grade level on tbe Califor- skill. Tbe government, of course. It was es of a good looking blonde knocking Most Latin sounding names would you never know. At least It's worth a nia Achievement Test, at tbe fourth bad enough that the National Weath- the guys -in a singles bar dead with work, too. Tony, Nick and Guido all try. grade level cm the Stanford Achieve- TESTING COMPANIES will point We support the Plymouth Township Trustees in their efforts to preserve Mettetal er Service caved in to the demands her looks. Devastating is a word you have that unpredictable sound to ment Test and at tbe fifth grade on out these are "norm-reference" tests oefr awl oymeaerns's a ggoro tuhpast atnbde deqecuiadle dop speovr-- tlhoionkki nogf wwohmenan yo our s aee s etoitrhme.r aIt g hoaosd tshtoemrm t.h at should be applied to a PlyJmeoffu tCho aunndts i sC athneto endit oOrb osefrv tehre tbeS Ieoqwuaen Tceinsgt ooff Beavseinct sS,k iilnls .t be lan- amnads ctheri ladlrle tnhe a qreues ntiootns s. upposed to for current and future generations of business, recreational and educational users. tunity concept should be applied to nothing to do with perceived sexism, French names, unless they're newspapers. guage arts section, was an eye open- I personally believe homemade storms. it's just what comes to your mind. women's names, don't work. "Pierre er. Sequencing Is when a young child tests by the district's teachers, reads or reviews a story and places called criterion reference tests, the events in a logical manner. The make tbe most sense. This type of skill determines if tbe child can test is based on "outcomes," skills think logically, reason and under- children must have to be successful Sdwfrechoahomlol ew oo lipusther mr tsrhueoesan td etiptlcnirninohaalo enatttlWsnh hlegcc)yedese.hh, . i yN itbsrwPlh ycdhoee ahdwa r osiut enhhs otwnpeia lietsteivths sr ese, ai cttt th a aauas unlatkascenavleh st sen oiatc oe.don adl ylbevnusvees , t ete ht enws elesaoolohl ccp nehh im eyrelaeegootnerynlu ndiig' .tgtsse ed Fb i ontouleiolft-f--s prHoutbuheesnpaoet iTrleawrn eeMrdahgs naeioas ittinltc ptissw eoh.wted eenifTogd o, acha nara nalenbdnlndn y edyt rh weM to fbpiaheuuneorrelrksdo s h , seebpwtap lhoeb, veiecrauelr lhrl tsiysnd ithulau .eowdn ma ssuWrieslotelely dyncpe? in ' r a vaaecfonlesieaigdndzn rbaoe ae clnd bmtleo.eoye n-,, wfmthdtyhhoaeeheietTrvron rmrserh eekmte se lnaiaiyn rsaonoce gytdefh a xmaeyt rthdtee orec atredaoti gnme cbmxheheie tpu siestnnhltnht osargoaea ip.nwein lrhwdni*to lhByib o ,agtuwrihcibht gsesrothooyte uittann/lth wlhbtgeehrd. asybo eovt ney thelTogl ueia h eta snrueeeevroyns e et - scagfrsnuuyttieiasrsa ffl atleeSTFsftin bhsscd cseHodte e othqtrog aIh eo ulsSrr enevteoedae xhdvlMenvdeeaanee c ermCc Elr.tine s dun oAaxoptighr nlnlpazNr ie sewfeig ,Sttcoc rabhtu r taselehttnaledhe eu titt es"aya"iem'tstoS Cso notty n a eayssbAcold anoec tiucyobffsuu rhfatoeorrt i raret e " nahdilt vnIdede" hideoameio im"wsaaeps tettxt tear snhra itn.pt ic"itenihtcrea tt rdde t---- aasdslysdrdteponoeeeio mtdsTomffmITaehtnie nsresoaeerne sr s.ifal s e e alischaIanctbdntntai ag ehs,uuiarcs novlx esndsegciwedtp etr eearayst adee negsnenb rrsemfc strd datosuiathen if r sstwdiyizi .oetkescs eoe hts tm, wdu oipttl lroo eealor d s fvosst rwe kd e tkwetcqqviiieesreelnluui.etvrll dslgieyesllse.n o,s stlg pttaoci hiionkpoo oa fk et mvmnn abnces , e copertd lhiwaa s ietpwtenscneeairthinrhso rrerio gtlaibteoyssc oot--,,n t l JCTGAWCTMPMPHSDuiloeohanaragaiyil.mtrnrdrrclii yemelyiD eryhnGisro yy aO a iooCKr P MVermBeR nu'eJel eRloPeto gaoa l nhRKsCleaorgycb t iin..k wa.Adiln, nlle WoRL yieaKs r raoo saerCsn rsns eoe y noo lne d Equipment TJAGRMNDRCJLlDMaiehim1hoieianefinicc okrfvnbkn Bdk hLi eemeBeenVsa ao e R rviR ADaSroatssvJid ursos. aaeA.ibbP dn x wnvCRbTFe.ieeteee orlho aouhD tittSnanrtncrrtoee nad ttg almezewsl pa ra i hcitekin a son WA.JRRHDCOCWMJDMaohiihraorraamaccath.mvauw hrnlnhhnDridtcea uudaaale Jks e. Vrrr rrtHRWo Dsdd de WSJoWy ao c Laa.pCEsGrchbew hrroaev .S,ibyiiInp o llasgItIBimme I hdennng yasspascsoo s m .hru hee t hn son WRJJJJBNBBHKDKE eeayiioeeeoeaDrHrrmnwinrirrru c beinyyD iaWgeeO a a yBl s MsSDndLMrs h odnLRmM itleiWePeslr cweueKleiat aSisatHocelninr yhressenylkta odt ilrore bnm seoF srKgakCr hei uib rhnr aeisrlr! d gpsl apssl er DASWACSGCPSACRKrcataluauleree.eaumbot ptvrentyrvlhboettd ieit teiA n urc eH sM STt HAB rkr M rKaHp Nr rrCR-eeMleooseaiue ba.hoCmnrwnrsgrrutegdtnl s oa .oirDen eoeapnp ryerInnda sphs ny vye yac n i e.d r tC ampbell CAWSJTBDPPLDMBMooamtlaaiooayyiDmahafrmblwneerrummnl ns yy iTtamrncB ay oo ynyyaiB ym tryPnpuu mFSB o r AtttaSSluVeWchheorytp ehksnr nuKoieMCnoa aan enngon ldlrgaserees oovn wF lhtt dCnW ttPt leBieoylnc uatn wDik anbrR lm dig Aly glA aieC.r nniPplr lbupyobemor ctrokt uA tAhs ssosoc.c to"mmenphweipowndnedeorhae gTI userutHhPinnoss,hhchnc o o,ultgfeeat aale lwntbboylntnet koeleiself s"keao wibd, dit c tnnp—v a a ybiirapget lntroee(Aoshoa ud dMuSare s bacM,c t lc dt agtbilifh,ahcesuonee nsioehm 2c lr,g wso diia5m cg lnty.cthi hhaimn t guooooINeona cutolHnletot eohlWbrMpt,le e,ewh eswae arcwaoo dr,elutse n addteuCdhcctsohtdeh sa erhiaianlnaevlnvo rue wgnssfeteeEodeousak leed d a erlcs lwm vld dusre hg.lCt etnce aotoai looe aatrco noa' bn-msllbdllpysetese-Hie - - - k eoocrnwtwamottoiaheinfuuevez oouiedCrrtTtce egtrhm tgl etc) brlnthesoeche dhOishe wa eottta,oes iori rwpnalchiavnc, nd& strsh aaeotfA t eyrc tlptrerht rehoc isib oltlEfrinoth diahsneom lthmbcun nhilakrp een ssie ecp yarq cn kw tocauoaelnn hu eiy snsrwhdpnh8oesi fn iekgswst ah oocpai orp v o gnhlecoslats eeyulisaf Hr e vo kw ftl cat t b ewlbioihlsa ey ennhlirc oenenilsvah tstfeo ce h lts(n>uiaot ocalhl otaa thnwydeib mriv t—ee.isoalesiatv metale mcnt uyild oTe .sh,esbc,gtr sh oetM msth ouuce itailoeostrerntnals a.tuhiea. e gctwna btor ciiie hliya lsyn- -r r hsC osaibltfwmifoitlhesnhledeploo eogahoeneioPC ew u rndwalsueaphne.nhglse sintnd iowFielei s nndiilti dpe ennrlottvdg,rl.e leteu eer b e idatlelaval rjeaa hidmcuntnsplenlluee elhe rag eyoatn een,oaierr odts naeecr sb tileneepit sdeos ud ssttb cuowiiapyt e at mv oruhoe—ciin emvtIhgcchtupdhrehtehiheanyoc e ti om d riph l rat h tueddcsiaaanpaer,mrr ri tdrenissaseihscm perttottn-lw,iaei elouoooc n vdinatdarr nafhgedhstyir flcy .iasseaoei ess. -nc dwn.n.twe dhit.Iw e aaafTTihr snli whgwaht tleikohyntey,i•ee - s OocFrASCesI&etcouxoo hqaihtnWprcsad uEo otiltp aieaafohM nl tar ilow benuiT-asraa aah eerm rnl9golSiada l,leuCynuy n w s csnopcucFsthfhneaunlo oiotsy pFd lfirwpidpeoeomrn irrirodrnrgUtesagoarh'stntt uca aii .a yt s—nonn nhnt:ogndyoerdnt a Pi ' u n spmnt nSeunbJsae reen.ibofres evoodouMedoie rroennsnrmrckt crg saTts,Dhe,Celoati .owt"a oC ma wioaTnnn tiobneltihdh asnhedlt.,e.ll"o . d ao nToogssdt itbA"hzhkffujerIue eeiuiaddomLnSiIsrdl lfdleewdrttued e ssetet cct tbdTihaoe g si'iinst"t sinmhtmrusegsr t aeab taula taatedtae schbscplhl R sensstsesCth rtdiufar , ooA eseufa awm mbnbtdortlT csuwui el aeuitoytldtsslibb rf haot "etel tr ehsgny"ccnhd i h rsmdeoect tie o oes hasnotevwars't irf secoe srm drsrosfridnit r eFieuntidmac"essef tb'lergtttt sals be htrtcrsytslhrei d iausu o uac esmg^ d bbcct§ssch're'tecattts oaa brar idbOul srvdaoayslnyrec eecncetdhsvh. t t .i ta oasi i esiaha ootrnrololeu sddnnl dlf - a- - Nttp"tptdtuocuehehYarfaneae anroytJiDroci ovcaabc 7ohetouuhtme8naheryregeanbsrie llf sieh/lrtslpyts os y ycoE oc,'e tu o ihfuaiesirnnnrtotntsctss itodh teut lth Dlr l nhwl mtueat heo tigc Adanieecut srlmgUo"asesa re icnsngDd n, tshoeoiiir o sitvfrtceyitleh rreidn lcd meateabnirhces,tte..e oiha "Se nltrs ced stt aarhea, mr tepsienrr ec saUseftoonhs nr rioalmdem f innewedonaden grirutt t- l7h oh al- 7 te JJJFRTDKRTGAGJCMRASMDDTAGMBMOLOGFaoooreuhoaroooeii1eonearoerreesraerrlhhcarl rmvsutlonrbb.ln..rntnrorCdl krono nh naahayBo ydUU eUUeemyenn U lU nku u llC oU Bt&rr o F Badi L DGFhr DUtt a rJsLnznP.MEMMM r tlyosoR aG DB iFDzy ilaieu UeKLV.xP gacU bsehirkrrEDo ovaJa.e eool.oMskoshsslPiain e uwdor lsen.lsr.jn..nJoJu wGthcil ilea mgsVr q nsis re ytClnrizazeLHAno.eilitoesu oea aigmznesrdLnhlensrerresnaltt li ai gg kf odh r a aar VrrB iEiiyrimTrD es nsyWaeMrgdtht ibukloemM aa l Weaa cnwFne xrKtekes etnihf o awlreiceng dee_ono liol dn xrewt rh s CRRLRCEDDRJGJRJTRDVDBGGDDERHGWMMBooaathiieoohdoaoeairierwaaoeoemtrtenhiirncn euyevbbaarlon.uvvrmclrwrCln phetoanl g ariryoee fyhenrigSBPidUNthl u*cfardtaigrerra t Cai eh e d aBd iRktt hr. Brre mM SPDueyseV MtdM Mdg r o y AE KrM PklB iiUroiRsL P W aoo rncc nasKLivEJMsi.coiBnsar.edoheukos ak eaob aWa.degtb .roSJ khtoenzrgsChhc n uta a meneAus_Hy eor uN bmiCaysinunraortonl_ dldr r1ros eso mnerlmn ins eoiysToioaortria k awh rebynKmel am ieF D r eicrr ocr hknatzl v agk nil sei rc k FWCOTPPSBMBDAAJCWCCKBHGLRBRDRLDDDoraaaaaiiloa eleoalieocooeeoolaiialdyiuurnapsrclrellcinlobmlnbornnnban o ltslllerh dhl BbhD V n i D er ayHkeileFGAeCZBMpaHaaMKr aag arrl rnri HaMlm hrdPmteeDeotleraoGierAorud c. ol reld zAmKm lerLwgHo ay.r.FWe w LaoaiTnytyP HHsmg g d.dr TmsenbHsardeNrtsotFac er . s w aee.taiSmoberoMK ueyriaiek oa sAg rasyHcsahrBnimsYnnr eepcsee nsosc af i ru ysiemtitokra nhior Drabt la£cCmi lo oeeeo Setteki)e sreyomto ar b atsC Symloin r nee hlareoip sn on. 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•* TA Ar*BCaCNan Jag^Ys Tr >P p OFC7oho L5rSonI tnFOEeae FCbF lOFU RRDIT ATYAfuKgJ .E\U 2 YS6OtThUS—RO3 PO1ICs tK!C M IaInrno cFsbltuoialdnlelee as t TiMSoLRnOI AMTNNOLSEIRPNOWOELR • !ATO Af BLE TDFCFRJCSRWMDDDAFRDLVTSDKBarrhootaohoohoaaanaoaoaeraimaamrrar.abbvvyllronrdunnnnn orelrbowrUiieemyigimaien kkalrddeleUSaatrr lsnieei hVl PP ttdmoraeABtnkMORKs t ay s We naSSCheo iRSNP i bBi lewbJcdrS . staRSleha.HrGsa.ona aih anh.emernS rcTot dnd oShii iSrtnaK kdscGhstooasMoenalwlssimjyktkteet anw nd aieesneo ree iesbr sRmet .r rchiks t kaCh J *ai rw,nn . eDtSiinpdDgeeSsrn cer TJWWGSTJWJJMCMSPMBTWMSMMGE.iooatenehh hmarrrireDaiiiicaiashoguataedoo.klocllrepMroe yn lilllncea yvheRmmmtn iii ayphIne enthyava aeyn an Pheye e mMmaaaafi &eet yHhtIddneie M sss r l DsSeLrMo B iEr ri eB Aann yCyByysclr.nMBaoreadqabgy. kee r prhrKtr mr, LueHa LJ iieJii arDb roprTcslaRruietahaareneilebpkblreinstedeuina aeraelai ceSn n sls yinnrbiSy.Cn hyy c eee itF& OGemndce ey oo oSro lR h v prdoE VoTr ulceMueKyk aotnnVfunheeln g nfdgetiactrmry slztaelsginca a nV.iifig Uounte eet.niI enn PRaCrch ceieo.mns nergopatu. rtch Ih n,c l.n c CGJJLDHRRSRESJJJLJDELERBSDMaioaaotcaeuau.middaoaaruuioa cimmchrrhoirrBsrtvwwwbcndtnkklaoehyhn nata ihsyMe nrle tRy yrdaaaH ne D e Be raEWs ye GH Krrr r.Py tMtiRRKe iddDdn ra tnl Hn HaaoRlSleooBS cmoyte screksyPZRonFoaelo.eiv bue.Mclleacuelidn mr oai ubepski NPlelkSsknprWysweln eeh aalgm dal.se kri-edrnschirx lliyigniaa Byokilneaso nn© l r n nenluD gis , ts ee s JrJlk riee.s f lfee ry SJJTDMBLRAFJBJTKRMDFWRJJGBDii eiahroorememoramiiaoeareaerluacicaiamlorebnilrlbonnrrlkknk re dpr yo gyni lBdG KKey inp Wkn hPe T ne&Aoa ASaLrvMeehyLri d eleterorlDoMibat e iuey nad yn QVhe nGoSatDBlPsRwl tig' o nno dlscMrsoeMJoDpMrr r e eiee ihnG.,eJnyaCamuMsn iragd a aaaIr ooonn Oecrronrygjnrori ret reiinildz c msroset olg a .eaietBl nov rWpw s rSaaesa s r noonktdbroyik eon sr t a JDMDRCRRBRJMLBRLAGRLRDLRRCDRoPaieiooeeareoiunooihroisaaecC cxacceIovmobbddaBnbbaurrk k dhkgniBk Einey' Unneec osdDoF Knl a W Hr akerrSeHn aedPP FeantrottoLrRry y r digy io HbayzdmfoMeaSAszpAc a ioylp N rKm ollMipkncC arIiPpegihesfsecLnwms shceorynfprismrs maLa o okit aezar Ueaoanlimnar ribtrnaietpgdatinni uaitrynksopaniane tgg n ln egn sgoEwh s n wl u aidniycy z SRRGFEJHLBFTPAGRETBMHRMAREReuoxaardooueoomoneiroeleofrraprslucrdu nmysfbdnab..nbewrLdn ack e ls cly yCeyneeBe yyyrn R k ree eKa EG a y ry ra UolP Usr yW rt teMoM EBaKlDCro h dnoyendTSKW umg vweT eirurraahaCDi RmwllesroeaMAlky nalloelanal Anzneeodwuij.neeesrr vgia p acj Dnrir nl nlerCn i mBn n focd*oFBDpgad oerge atehtrrl st eBruhura tfyien la el olygimeAhiltl n nnWaaom sme BgOs nn oS rr usc dChiS ttg -uesltQhurkmztuebe apea nitrf df II) • SAPLCWEOSBvhboooC((rOAslCwoiues1Ihdlr:n FeWrlv Atiarueessinr Lre,nNd nr&Pks ei Lle tTwoe ulaEf,derncH g eplAec,lesr,en roALn s gopE,tiewrrvNm iliCocanepnoKte NlHoimrao)r eSo )ym wsepu esiTsnpc ieaOtpy He: Dr os omneo rCsa arend w ahlol omfa tkhee idte pdoicssaitbedle AMCOITPOT RFSLOYIPLSA TPE HMO ANNTEELH PAAOKN]RTDCTHlA BELLED PS CAO GER SJCGJJJJRRKPLMBLARiaaaoaaiiahmoooirllacqsnmaamteyblabbkrroindu gn rk aiGeeBun A aWic lnWn UrrG ee S elittOed LWoasl YeiiraSH e s aculJDiBeCSlrue.larkzorake i zta. megu nu naDsec nMiirg Brsnnalz ie l ewn eymoa nrlgro e tsotEill kieeltng oolr as ukni i JWRRHRECDEJAJRBDWBRooodlaiiaooooeotuiihicc hh ylnbnizbAnlwtLnhhnnltl o a teayniieMHJaa ao abarlyyDDes rrrdmntmeuBddrhid KlrtK l N BLT e l ahJHiBtEGAGevrlqeroi uoar oeHvrbnelnwiu vprnerpbladwtijaezmnc fe en sacdcobVeyattrlsz oh rgtrrya a .o yrM r lNen.Cku a oePoxwm lfMyiaepmkulad fon fuyle-thr DTRGMRMBRAWRMBBEARPiiaodioouaooaleDOraciilum vb.lgircbblarFk plollya ihenCHeeii oMdh oKAy nra arrMSwrJ e ttm deHLRc.u.a L duRKBll ar a m . HaeedmMCBBBarurc rrde iGpsaa obSaedremn rdc mnioyssiaoekeadht.escttn.rin meeie rnoH nB eByts Igcei nr a iekr jrlcm e el .y h B mro wn, Jr, SDEJSDMJMKRSCSGTMKDaoaduyheoieaoeeaaeamcmh rsMnelvnnouWlrdkirna r k i nrg yeG& KodWnaym gy s e yy Rn W Sieo PR y DnaliMC Nn HbladnLAhMde leeaJimeoia. cyeoalnl sHnir aBinwkks1um vJstdssrke ocraeleyeko yneyya Lybrrna as n K oai o nM aCSnrmenargcaaode hvru sei ghNcnhack alhelp iJoo litano GJLLKSLWMSLMJDJGRFaiottoyarolmeaorraeamiaehrnnertisnlnrvrndnhnr g nh yy iyyMe aky ye ya Wy yR SiF y mF nyyaSDy B tooS BeoaroChA irbgeS KKoguDneadeAatina.pnmrevrna tnrov rinyvh eyoFeetesnaiiatrlirotleh en t en PryTP oa G DM tC W rochnD uow haStycoFavtfaCm einsmoolbalr suovrle rrhatred o ehs1r rywv sc sek i JMLBJJQBBAKWCBRRKSaioarcmioaieloyyynainhicarovbrblrlardr knnd eblhGktiy ny eity n yM aa aHK B y oy & Ay rrm CSFGAagoedea dDhKea Byro r orDBySFrtkrenelmeadleigiirlui rfaeebptvMnfeny uiyshbrr bengtsldhs yibca riae eo.e trih rSdyney eS k V rSMe u PoSphDoiauaagegurnhhyabgsit enekrtia n for us to serve the terminally ill in Southeastern Michigan. .>'740 Jack U Marilyn Josaitis Herbert Bonacker Keith Fogel Frank ModUnski Raskin Robbins. Northville Jim y Nancy Scobie Mike y Margaret Magera JJMMRITECH 'Angela hospice Monte Care iMoaiii A LOCALLY CONTROLLED PUBLIC METTETAL COMHHJHKATtOHi 36995 Five Mile Road crnm aooO HWV ,&-3< 91 fyyw iwcKm «>xn •*» •**»«• AOBva&or K3a WO m-or gen •« *»• Livonia, Michigan 48154 Son* "T«l* Hfv CAR FONE PLYMOUTH DOWNTOWN MAKES SENSE FOR THE COMMUNITY! 591-5157 620 AMI ARBOR RD (HARBORTOWN) 451-0720 3334 E. JEFFERSON AVE. 259-5007 communications. inc. Offers a/so good at our 2 othor locations as * ANAMONTBCH COMPANY LATHRUP VILLAGE • 557 8BS5 This »dv»rti3*m#nt paid for by Plymouth Canton Airport Assoc and Frtanda and of S Public Mattatai Airport, 243 Chartarhouaa, Canton, Ml 48188 EAST BROOK COMMONS • 451-0720 O&E Monday. August 26. 1991 Preschool music class at SC Politics to blame for budget stalemate Schoolcraft College is offering such as piano, band/orchestra, sing preschool music adventure, an intro- lng and dance. No instrument or out- duction to rhythm movement and side practice is required Fee is 190. •syta fTf kwnr iRteirc hard EAndgmleirn*i*s tirnastiisvtee nBcoea rtdh# c~atnhe m sataktee Mean while, 18 budget aWgeadinn einsda tyh,r Seeept .m 1o1r.e weeks — mThues iccl amssak winigll f more ecth iflrdormen a5g:1e5s-6 4:1-45. Registration and orientation will budget transfers without approval biiia are tied up in Said Engler: "I sent him (Dodak) p.m. beginning Wednesday, Sept. 11. be at noon, Saturday, Sept 7. For As kids bead back to school, of tbe Legislature. Houae-Senate a balanced budget on March 7. Music games, folk songs and more information, call continuing sthtaetier mpoinlidtisc. s is tbe last thing on tiedM uepan iwn hHiloeu, s1e8-S benuadtgee tco bnilflesre anrcee conference Wmoen'vteh sa.l"r eady waited over five drheyvtehlmop icnosotrrudmineantitosn ,w icloln bceen utrsaedtio tno eSdcuhcoaotlicorna fste irsvi caets 18 6at00 4 H62a-g4g4e4r8t y But for school boards, teachers committees because tbe House committeea. Some effects: and creativity. The class prepares Road between Six and Seven Mile unions. Gov. John Engler and leg- passed one version and the Senate • School districts can't make students for further music study roads. islative leaders, politics is the big- another eral education, and HB 4583, high- hiring decisions on teachers who gest worry. Michigan still has no The biggest controversy sur- er education. were pink-slipped in June School SC class explores diversity budget for fiscal 1992. The Repub- rounds House Bill 4267, which Dodak told reporters he is in- districts' fiscal year began July 1. lican-run Senate and Democrat- would require wealthier suburban structing the conference commit- • Colleges and universities are run House are at a stalemate school districts to give part of tees to move ahead on budget bills, raising tuitions "to compensate for "It's time (Democratic House their business tax growth to poorer with the proviso that they be tie to the uncertainty." Engler said. Part Schoolcraft is offering a new beginning Sept 16 Fee is $59 speaker Lew Dodal7"stopped play- districts, both near Detroit and the "continuation" bills if his bat- of that uncertainty is due to En- course this fall that will explore so- ing Russian Roulette with tbe outstate. Sen. Jack Faxon, D- tle with Engler remains unre- gler's decision to delay '91 fourth- cial and ethnic diversity in the Unit- To register or for more informa- budget and got tbe job done," Re- Farmington Hills, is tbe only area solved. quarter state aid payments to fis- ed States in relation to current so- tion, call the division of continuing publican Gov. John Engler said member on that panel. A bitter foe A conference committee has six cal '92. cial. economic and cultural factors. education services at 462-4448 Tbe last week. of tax sharing, Faxon is in a bipar- members: two Republicans and a • The Michigan Education As- Appreciating Cultural Diversity college is at 18600 Haggerty Road Dodak said his party would sub- tisan minority. Democrat from the Senate, two sociation reported dozens of dis- meets for 12 weeks from 8-10 p.m. between Six and Seven Mile roads mit "continuation" budget bills — Faxon also is on tbe conference Democrats and a Republican from tricts have yet to resolve contracts extending 1991 spending patterns committee handling the House the House. with teachers and staff personnel into fiscal 1992, which begins Oct school aid bill. Other conference LAST WEEK both chambers • Michigan joins a long list of LOSE WEIGHT WITH ACUPUNCTURE 1 — in case the stalemate isn't re- committees on education budgets held brief sessions Thursday morn- states with budget problems, with solved. are looking at House Bill 4574, ing. tbe first time in three weeks one difference: No one here is pro- You've probably tried to lose wenght with all the usual ways Acupunc THE ISSUE, as Dodak sees it, is community colleges; HB 4579, gen- they had gathered. They will meet posing a major tax increase. ttorerea tiisng a nm aannyci eonft m Oordieenrnta ld wayay p roolb tlheemrsap yan dIt dhiasse apsreosv eLno svienrgy hweelipgfhutl ims one ot them NOW is the time lo rnate a change and lose weight wtm acupuncture For further information. CALL S'craft offers piano for kids NANKIN PROFESSIONAL CLINIC. P C M LOSE WEIGHT/QUIT SMOKING' 477-7344. Michael T. NaOolny. D.O. 29200 Vassar. Suite BOO, Livonia Piano instruction for elementary all ages. Absolute money bach guarantee" Without diet exercise/hypnosis Introducing CROSSWINDS Subliminal Reprogramming tapes, regularly $13 95 now only school students in grade 1-4 will be $6.98 plus $1.00 shipping and handling or $13^6 tor two plus $1.00 shipping offered this fall at Schoolcraft Col- Additional details are available by and handling. Send check or money order to Crosswinds. P.O. Box 1054. lege, Livonia. Registration is Satur- calling the college music depart- Garden City. Ml 48136 day. Sept. 7. ment. 462-4448. Schoolcraft is at Please specify tape type: Cut down smoking 04101. Stop Smoking 04102. Amazing weight Loss 3401WL, Keep the Weight Oil 3402. Tbe program offers professional 18600 Haggerty, between Six and instruction and peer involvement for Seven Mile roads. Livonia. CROSSWINOS, P.O. BOX 1054, GARDEN CITY, Ml 48136 j L Jr WHEN TO COME IN , f/i.s.s ifia/ice < Mac/to U I CT B R S 6 M 6 N T? Physicians who treat arthritis won't concede that Americans are inoitex ^ yon to 'soft * The problem is just the opposite On matters ol joint pain you wait too long to be seen ci'/t'/tnife our • Our customers save up to 50% Pan ol the delay stems trom hope that tomorrow your swollen knee or paintul fa/// « (n/ttot rssttry, over other methods srehlouucltdaenrc ew itHo aimskp rfoovre h aenlpd fnroomt n feaemdil ysp, efncieanld ast toern etimonpl oPyaenr Hoofw theeve dr,el atoyo c oofmteens t houe td oelfa ay • Full Transferrabie Written Guarantee «. 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Wayne Rd iMmtl -iitxifttaii i»»v|i.i|« I>iiMi-.lu-al Ia ll» \iian 471-5300 595-1915 V—.« >.*. .1 H' tM.i*' llxin S«#*S Ptrrf .iixl < li^. rvt » A in. nir* Call (313) 963-21 SO HYXTT LEGAL SERVICES i ii. 5Tl|e ( © b s e r u er N e w s p a p e rs Sports INSIDE: Taste, page 5B Street Scene, page 3B DanO'MMri editor/953-2139 night line: -2304 (P.C)IB Monday. August 2«, 1W1 OAE Salem Canton sees runners '91 potential solid Experienced team By Ray Setlock staff writer brightens outlook Plymouth Salem girls cross coun- try coach Mike Krafchak will be ac- cumulating more than his share of frequent flier miles this fall. Krafchak's work in the computer By Dan O'Maara pected to contend for the Western field took him to Florence, S C.. but Division title in the Western Lakes that will not change his coaching sta- staff writer Activities Association again. tus at Saiem. He plans on commut- Plymouth Canton won a division But Blohm isn't about to let his ing back and forth for weekend championship in girls basketball for players rest on their laurels or Can- meets. the sixth consecutive year with a ton's reputation for being a winner. "It will be tough, but I love these young team last season, and the He has a point, in fact, when be cau- girls and I love this coaching job," he Chiefs hope they can build on that tions the Chiefs are still a young said. "I can't just leave this team." success in 1991. team with only two seniors, seven Krafchak will travel to Michigan Bob Blohm, beginning his third juniors and two sophomores. every weekend while his assistants year as the Canton varsity coach, The veteran players are seniors will run workouts during the week has seven returning players from a Julie Nicastri and Renee Dory, jun- "It won't be that bad," he said. "I team that finished IS-8, including iors Gray, Christie Saffron, Kelly have family to stay with in Garden leading scorer and rebounder Holmes and Amy Westerbold and City Stephanie Gray. sophomore Britta Anderson. "I'M SUPPOSED to move back to Tbe Chiefs lost only one starter, Mary Barna, and with the experi- "BEING A young team last year Michigan within the next year and ence they have coming back are ex- and making the strides we did was would like to maintain my coaching good," Blohm said, "but what hap- status at Salem. That's why I'm pened last year has little to do with going through all of this now." this year. Other teams have im- Krafchak's traveling might be proved so we have to continue to im- worth it this season, as the Rocks ex- prove, too." JOHN STORMZANO/HaW photographer pect to have a successful campaign, If things go well, however, Canton Stephanie Gray is one of three experienced The 6-foot junior was the leading scorer and led by junior runner Stacy Witthoff would like to regain its past stature post playere on the Canton baaketball team. rebounder during a 13-6 season a year ago. "Right now Stacy is our No. 1 kid," from the great years of 1988-89 Krafchak said She has a great when they won back-to-back WLAA work ethic and works hard to stay in titles and were 41-6. The Chiefs Franklin, Walled Lake Central and outside. "(Nicastri) has demonstrat- ue to rebound with good teams and condition all year round." reached the Class A semifinals in Livonia Stevenson should be im- ed she's a great defender and re- more importantly, can we defend Last season. Salem finished third 1989 with all-stater Susan Ferko proved or as good as last year. bounder, but we need to get more good teams?' We gave up a lot of in the conference and third in the re- leading the team. scoring from her She needs to be 12 points in the transition game, and we gion. The Rocks were 13th in the "I don't know if 1 consider this a "BY THE END of the year, we or 13 a game. hope to cut down on that" state. veteran team yet," Blohm said. want to be playing some good bas- "I would like to see (Gray) do Canton's regular lineup had An- "I already think we're better than "We're looking at a lot of players ketball, and hopefully your schedule more offensive rebounding and scor- derson (5-6), who averaged five last year," Krafchak said "We have with only 21 games at the varsity prepares you to do that," Blohm ing. She's a great free throw shooter, points, and either Westerhold (5-4) or a good group of kids." level, and the only player back from said. "Our schedule should really and we need to get her to tbe line. Saffron (5-5) starting on tbe perime- Though Salem has plenty of talent, that (1989) group is Nicastri. We've challenge our players to improve Both kifls (Gray and Nicastri) have ter along with Barna. Other perime- it remains a young team since two of got a lot of ground to cover to get to their game throughout the course of the strength to get the ball and put it ter players are Dory (5-5), sopho- its top four runners. Emily Farrell that point tbe year." back up." more Alyson Noune (5-0) and juniors and Julie Cutting, are sophomores. "Game experience is really the Canton has plenty of height — Canton has more height up front Jon Welchans (5-6), Karrie Drinkhan key. You can practice and practice Gray stands 6-feet, Nicastri and than in 1989 when Ferko, Stacey (5-7) and Christie Anderson (5-6) "EMILY IS IN excellent shape," but you have to put them on the floor Holmes 5-11 — among its post play- Thompson and Jennie Clark played "We need to complement our in- Krafchak said "She is only a few and let them compete. We still have ers, who can match up with any there, but the Chiefs still need to side scoring with perimeter scor- seconds behind Witthoff a ways to go in terms of becoming a team in the league. work at rebounding, Blohm said. ing," Blohm said. "I'm hoping "Cutting is developing into a nice good basketball team." Gray led the Chiefs with 15 points Noune, Anderson, Saffron and runner She was small last season Canton will play a rugged sched- and eight rebounds per game, and "I'M REALLY hoping, between Westerhold can step up and hit the but has put on some size and should ule that includes excellent non- Nicastri averaged eight and seven, those three kids, we can look at may- 15-footer and put some pressure on have a good season." league opponents and a competitive respectively. Blohm would like to be 500 rebounds," be said. "They can the perimeter defense. Junior Corey Gulkewicz, one of JOHN STORMZAND/t»«« photograph* lineup of WLAA teams. see Nicastri and Holmes increase divide it up anyway they want, but "Our perimeter shooting has im- the team captains, is also being The Chiefs open Tuesday. Sept. 3, their scoring this year. they need to be more aggressive. Re- proved but it has been spotty The counted on by Krafchak. She was Sa- Christie Saffron ia one of sev- at home against Trenton and also "I would like to see more scoring bounding really has nothing to do only way it can continue to improve lem's top runner at the state meet, eral returning perimeter play- face Birmingham Marian, Flint from (Holmes) at the high post," with size. It has to do with position- is if the kids continue to fire the ball finishing 54th with a 21:35 5 time ers on the 1991 Canton Powers and Waterford Kettering. Blohm said, adding one of her ing and timing. "Corey is our money runner." squad. Plymouth Salem, Northville, Livonia strengths is her ability to score from "Our challenge is "Can we contin- Please turn to Page 2 Krafchak said "She does well in big events." Other runners expected to contrib- Madonna volleyball expects big year ute <or Salem include junior Kelly Morante. sophomore Katie Hied and senior Beth Turomsha Farrell. Cut- ting. Morante and Turomsha also ran for the Rocks in state competi- tion last year Program primed for '91 "I am really excited about this team," Krafchak said "There are some talented girls on this team, many of whom have bright futures By C J. Riaak nial champion North wood Institute. "This is a good team and we'd like staff writer They didn't accomplish all that by to go as far as we can. Any of our top being a one-player team four girls could carry us It will be interesting to see how we finish." For three seasons, the low rum- bling was constant; something was INDEED, ONLY one starter is building at Madonna University. Just missing from last season's squad: how big a project it would turn out to Stacey Girard, a left-side hitter who Chiefs hope be was uncertain, although, as time dropped out of school. Her position progressed, it grew in magnitude. should be filled quite adequately by Now the project is near comple- Elena Oparka, a 5-9 junior who hard work tion. This should be the season a de- played at Schoolcraft College in '90; termination can be made as to its sophomore Evette Sluder, a 5-9 soph- success. omore from Wayne Memorial; or If that sounds like pressure being Sue Bpll. a 5-6 freshman from Livo- has reward applied to a still-unfinished job, well, nia Stevenson. it is. Because Madonna's volleyball Tbe middle-hitting is what pleases program, under coach Jerry Abra- Abraham most. It was strong al- By Wail Spear ham, is entering its fifth year. He ready. with all-district player Dana slaff writer will have his first-ever recruited Hicks-Finley, a 6-0 sophomore from senior class. He will have more Milford-Lakeland. and two-year Plymouth Canton might not be as depth, more experience and more starter Kristy McFadden, a 6-1 sen- talented as some of the area's other talent than in any of his previous ior from Red ford Bishop Borgess. re- girls tennis teams, but talent alone four seasons turning. won t be the lone determining factor The Lady Crusaders have been Now it's even-better, with the ad- as to how the Chiefs perform gaining momentum for four years. dition of 6-0 freshman Julie Adams, We have a lot of different girls Tbe roof is completed, all that re- from Temperance-Bedford HS. playing this year, and they have been mains are the ornate, final touches "She's big and strong, and she'll a great bunch of hard-working challenge for playing time," said girls," Canton coach Carol Michaels "WE HAVE 13 players who can Abraham "She balances us in the said play." said Abraham following the middle It's the strongest we've ever The 13-year coach believes the secood of three daily practice ses- been there " JIM jAQOfELD/me photograph* good work ethic her players have sions last week "This is a very tal- On the right aide. Abraham can Madonna coach Jerry Abraham makea hia gees), Dana Hicke-Finley (center) and Mazie shown in preseason practices could ented group. They are,constantly, in call on several experienced players point, with Meliasa Mara (left, from Biahop Bor- Pilut (also from Borgess) taking note. make her pleasantly surprised" as practice day after day. challenging Melissa Mars, a 5-10 junior from the season progresses each other Borgess who "plays with a lot of en- The Chiefs finished 8-4 last season, "We have a combination of youth thusiasm." is the leading candidate Senior Jenny Siadewski, 5-6 from EARLY CONDITIONING may be Northwood won't abdicate without a which was good for a fourth-place and experience. And this is the first to start, said Abraham Maxie Pilut, Stevenson, is the top returning de- necessary, considering Madonnas fight Northwood returns almost finish in dual meets and sixth place time we've had seniors." a 5-10 sophomore from Borgess who fensive specialist But there's depth schedule The Crusaders open this everybody, and they picked up a cou- overall in the Western Lakes Activt- All the components are in place, is battling 5-5 senior Penny Baker there, too with freshmen Carrie Jen- weekend at the Mesa State College ple of recruits, said Abraham Ues Association. beginning with all-NAIA District 23 (Lincoln Park) for playing time at kins (5-7 from Lapeer East) and Pau- Tournament in Grand Junction. The rest of the district teams player Tonia Smith, a 5-foot-9 junior setter. Is another poaslMllty lin Colo Others competing in the five- could be equally challenging "It THE CHIEFS won the WLAA left-side hitter from Walled Lake In an effort to improve his veteran team tournament are Brigham should be a very competitive league championship two years ago and Central HS Smith, said Abraham, SO IS freshman Maureen Paulin, a corps, Abraham implemented a Young Hawaii. Fort Hayes State this year." predicted Abraham also had Western Division titles in "could be a candidate for district 5-9 Farmington Hills Mercy gradu- tough off-season strength and condi- (Kansas). Azuaa Pacific (California! There were not a lot of seniors last 1984 and 1985 player of the year She's a key player ate from Livonia "She's aa excellent tioning program It's already paid and host-team Mesa State All are year " 'Farmington Harrison will be for us " all-around player." Abraham said of dividends 'We're stronger and in ranked in the NAlAs preseason top Still, with tbe nucleus Madonna re- very tough this season as will Livo- But Smith is hardly the Crusaders- Paulin "She attacks well, she serves better shape physically at this point 20 poll turns, there s no reason not to expect nia Stevenson and Northville. who only weapon This is a team that well, she's very strong defensively (of the pre-seaaoo)." he said "We're We have a very challenging a Crusader campaign that stretches are always good. " Michaels said went 34-18 in 1990 and finished sec Like Sue Bell, she comes from an ex- able to demand more of them in schedule, said Abraham Included is into the NAIA tournament s latter ond in the district playoffs to peren- cellent program " practice " the district slate Defending champ stages turn to Page 2 OAEMooday, :2££L Bowlers recognize sponsor Area players help the week »-l ahead THE EVENT WAS the 55th An- Tucson, Aril., with his lovely wife Mary. state soccer team nual John P. Gavie InvitaUoo Irv has been a Masonic League bowler al Tournament. 10-pin alley locally for tbe past M years and will be missed He was on championship teams PWCPKWTBAU. It could have been aptly with me in IMS and agin in 'M FrUm,. Aug. 30 called the "Who's Who In Local Bowling The record doesn't exactly reflect it, but tbe first-ever Michigan un-:-» /c HTrgeMntwonid aPti LP tey tSwaMwmde. n7:d3O0 ipw.m. .7 30 p m Circles.' MOooned aoyl nthigeh th. iAghulgig IhSt,s a ot fT htbuen - V Al a bera Innd nceawae tyyopue m xids saewd aIrt,d tthheis A yBeCa rb aaa der-19 boys soccer team to compete at the national AAU championships* BNr.i gfahPrtmoonmm agGtt oaFITRnatu rL amPaSts* . t dSBHts aAaBylrSl,ero iKAsomoEmu.nTg f7tB.. e 7 2Aipd 7pL..m mL 7. p.m. thcoioa [nLtcioeo rfwn ao cfAf toA,ncr esn tarmhuereamroa roote oIfn usiFtehr arnsaer ancmwmo ai1gens0nng i tattyoi o ewnpna ra Hneasani elo dlbnfs aU.a lspdpUpo orinenn-- high performanceH baallr cromisinog nou t this wbvgooerrwaiysll t efa wodtrt aor mtafc c1hat0niv0 yte o pb io ancwwso laomervrdmse,.r e aamnvdoe rraaantge ea .ta tTa higniasam bIsle e a pttWheeeaoTr mfrMhooessri csmtfo'hrseoui tdgmre ansan apmtdmhlee rhenroasndu.dtig ,dF htl ooyhor euc lvtad antrb ciieneolu n asTat atr tileholaaensh o laSanstssist,le l m,see o viJtmeu rwleaynalts ;m3 1njeu-omAs tFub 1gleo3.rrs mi2 do,aaf da cvetoat atrchcaaehct it toWerndipa . yf 2on0re Monday, August 26, 1991 OitE WIj ( T(L^.eP.C-3BI (Pbseruer & al —E ccrntric' N e w s p a p e rs (W.G-4B! (Wb.S.R7A Radford Union Toumamant sorship of tbe all-stars. This tournament fall from AMF It will be called tbe e Look for the Obaenrer 4 Eccentric Which proved to be Michigan's downfall. The local team won its first *mSp.tm& A.o flraatf tWa voan. Rr*ed B. TB»h)uorpBto nB.o 6ro pe.ams.. 7 30 tlha erI etb ctosow gtnbliienzg es dtsae raatssion ntgh. e si gonffailc ifaolr kthicek -Hof fA o Lf "tohStihunemkr oibt.o" w w1li ilhnlag v bbeeanl 'lta sns.e ye nla irtg yeert, t hbaunt I mdoonst't pba oerrwescoloinnragdl cb eoonfwt elyirnosug Tr hs elcesoaerge uaceraer dhsc aaontrde yas l,tlo o arkree eiafp tthhere oep geanmere as,f tbeera ktienegpe erv Denatvuea lG glaoslder msteodpapleidst a P poernta Altuys ktiinc,k .T exas, 1-0, in Chain's STREET SEEN Troy A mans Toumamant Distributors Tuesday All-Stars at Tbun- After that, Michigan ripped Athens, Ala., 19-0, with Joe Nora (fron»j you're not in a league, you can still have CFLauiartwmfts.i noWgnet osvnt*lWa . «nTa rdWdon yaae rAtraw rdWhaieTyn v.Ls tAmm. 7uoo:gor3em. 02 ,p8 L6. apmt.ar o. .7 30 dAboelArtlh-bSn oltsweaaarlr g aTau ntresadsv . tt ehHbleeiins S g ho cowChnlanao astrfesaeiarrcym .B ,p eAreerns sTidahreuanr'tss d Boaifyg tmroe•itt EtBoao rvwlioeltirneg ftho Hirsa tlmble oo nfint hFd,ia vtmbideeu Ga clrsoem adtemeerim tDteeede- aiat r lteoo gf cr oeoefm y opofu uctreh oayprogeuenr. bboowwlliinngg sacvoerreasg aen. dT huesye pRWaeesdti sfOokridrdec shCs aaatn,hdo lCicra Ci Tgee nHxtar»asgl,» 8am-n1ad,n wP eliaythcmh Ho nuaetghtet)im,n gasnc to harrniendeg .W fMoeiuiscrkh iigrgcoahanl s gt heatentnidn gr Mo ltilwkeedo - future D e n i se S u s an p.m Boy. always regarded as ooe of tbe top worthy of selection. Aside from the bowl- Personally I have kept such records for goals apiece. / ; • L u c as 1«fWLFWsaKarre.meW rCtt .saRh Hnruo adraucr tgNrG iHseHl oeT.a nFhnat nuatQa rmB tswa tBdotnOao. HvUyemm.n,v hAA.Oain.u W tLd7yga o. .L dpv72ay.a 9mfw1rt a.5o e7 opr d.p m7.m . p 7. m 3 0 otrheefa acNsbmo eporisbrdno osgIb nda ayh ltb oobhlnoeyagos c rb teieebtdveyene ,twr h se aabemynte e blsAanorso,nmt is mdyeaeero rnaaree.erd w .Hd oe issnsce nomrvariominnrgeeg ilopnefrcgfoT t tmiabhoceeonc tf oliIiaonnmnncaep llousl fi dsas eethnlbsmede c cget oigononoatngsmd,se fnet beb,ilaye lclo ioccwtrynaisd,tt eheudgircrpioeta.rs -y osf:no c r Moa dsneeedn-, 3liyn2 hweyo heAwaicnr hsym oohaoofn eulyes awe1gs0hu. 0oIe hg bwaaovmawelke lbissno.g wiW.n lIteO odk .ns teohrweie esWx, aaencstdt- gdlaaehnBMfea ufnsiitcsnd hMeiieisngi hgRcae hncod ihvw gwaeaamrinstsh'p.s ss I jQf unfolsjrlrutot rmwuniinein steEehs sos pcinudlotoaens yltdeiheniderdeisovd f,ea of dnCoud ruia nrll oii fnpis.tjt,ls.ua w ryn8ehe-ed0orx.s t pb( dmleauaaytrtie nctrhghse, tw hlaohegcea ganilnas msi tt6e -mt;1h Mee Itn iT ct hahitiles--,^: is 'Out' unuOsuura li nantrdep widel cSotrmeeest Sccoemnmeen rtsepo ratnedr i ssug aglewstaioysns lo forokimng r efoarde rths e pm. bowling shirts than anyone around as be — Bob Chamberlain; Veteran's — Bob Bloomfieid Lanes on Orchard Lake Road final game, Michigan needed a win over Cut Hills, Term., to reach the* and entrepreneurs. Send those to this column in care of this RU oonaotation and Una*. 6 and 7:30 p.m. has sponsored many teams, a few leagues Goike and Jack Born, Women — Yvonne will be pleasantly surprised at tbe updat- newspaper, 36251 Schoolcraft. Livonia 48130. or cofl 933-2131. $ Troy Athara conaot. and flnala. 6 and 7:30 and numerous tournaments. Lew has Barnes; Mesitorious Service — Robot ed surroundings Owner Larry Sisson medal round, but even with its full team Michigan fell short, 2-1. I pm. been ooe of local bowling's biggest sup- Wissmuller went all out with his pocket hook this Other team members were Jason Carmein, Bob Maiahardt. Brandon." By Larry O'Connor ft WpmN tmora LA. oon. and Anal*. 6 ano 7 30 poLrteewrs i san ad fbionoes tbeorsw. ler in his own right, NoTvb. e3 haat ltlh oef Ufakmraen idainn nCeur lwtuirlal lb Ce ehnetledr oinn scuanm bmee fro tro a mll ahkise bthoiwnglesr tsb e best that they aMndil lSetre, vEeri cL oPveetdkaeyr,. JSaesiotzn aSnedit zN,o Nraat ew eSrteov naallm. Weda ytone t hWeo arolls-zt,o uPrhnila mYeonrkt staff writer Wordly wrap BOYS SOCCER baring competed in some of the top Warren. team. A band on the run? Not in Chain -- - Monday. Aug.26 leagues in tbe area. The Ansara family • Aug. IS was the date of the latest Reaction's case. LM. ChurcMI at Toledo St. John. 5 p.m. has the Big Boy restaurants in Livonia, e Now for the rest of tbe story There Stroh's Beer-Michigan Majors Tourna- Up to this point, the four-man out- Tuaaday. Aug. 27 Garden City, Westland and Redford. Not was tbe incident reported here two weeks ment, held at Cherry Hill North in Craiger wins title fit with former Westland residents Looking for a distinctive Trenton at Rad Thurston. 4 p.m. very many businessmen know tbe real ago in which an 88-year-old Detroiter Clarkston. - Eric Harabadian and Bob wrapping paper with a worldly FRiormchS. aAHledaCmarrmCt aWa soTvt a shnTad u.r alneT rLtsnao dIBatl*eoad.ad nyCamo.. yh 4 A.CCuA purCoucg.u mgh(. nB2.*. t .2re9 5y6l : D3C0ak yp..) ..Tm 4B.:A 30. vsftboaaerrlA au bbsseoo fsowwoufrl lris eentpnh gode noci sso,bo mao rwnwsmdheliui lntplnhg ieait nyp tmo .pb urooernwnceialyaimnt teghed.ne T yta,h m stepho eAennrnged- wnpLeriaovwMsoa rcansohrhiybao", b e Mpreserd ooa hd osa fhca osbhipoi,s u a otbt w otMhwneeel riminn g-ocBfi dbo ea"wnlRllt,i gaLbhnaatdgn e cAasonp nid-n- AWn1o9mJa,t holLok;ns ieEv MProd,u nGat itGaai ,,rtr hd 1aoie5nsfntt, h,RS ;C oeRTiudtioytfmhco,f h r1iDdee1.lsetd thtce,h;ar e Nm1r Ha0uegtni hleIxl,n,si o, C fL o aM2anu1rtarrsotrythin; - ., turAe fittesr eliogshinthg s tthreai fgihrtst C palnatyoonf fB gabaem Re,u Cthr abiagseerb awllo nch tawmop siotrnasihgihpt to cap- Dbfthauremnoyczi hhdli azoaevrfwe f s asbhkceuiee tsmn-i nisogsonh.mt tI ehbnteesht ice nclagladus bls ioikf feciei bsdrcte uauindsigti ,oa mrMLoieuavspnos dnWa igaarne ac?dpa M.r rrTaioeybusebn e tdAw ?ppoapp lIseentryt rW ltoehsdraeu toac ftighn otg bei ens were too many high games and great tacted tbe gentleman to let him know she Larry Frani, Redford, 23rd; Jon Reed, The Dry Clean Company threatened to end Craiger* streak with an 8-4 monks, busy producing their latest wrapping paper, perfect for gifts Lahaar at N Farmington. 5:30 names in bowling to list them here, how- would replace his gear with all new Redford, 26th. Tony Stipcak, Redford, win in the first game. Winning pitcher Nirav Kher. who allowed five hits effort, "Out of the Ruins." for tbe world traveler, Earth-con- ever. the media team comprised of cer- equipment free of charge. I am happy to 29th, Keith Kwiatkowski. Birmingham, and struck out six, also hit a home run and had three RBI. Tony Vadehra The cassette release features a scious, even the armchair trav- PlyamlS oBautruitghrhd CtaoEyn.P. A6 I un3gv0i.t pa3tm1io nal ttabien " bSopwonlisnogr" w tieiatemis f reoamsily th edi sSpcabtcahefeedr arenpdo hrat st hhaits bthoiws lminagn o cuatfmite, a ilnl nteow th. e sbop 36T thh e first match of tbe stepladder finals waCs r3a-ifgoerr- Sb awttiltehd t hbraecek R wBitIh. w anhi l1e1 -Z6a cwki nF oowvelre rD lreyd CClreaaing.e rC whriitsh Ktwenon ehditys. - tmaeunt tcaolm hbaridna trioocnk o fg 1u9it6a0r-7 v0i'srt euxopsietryi - eleFro. r Old World buffs, there's an C, Er_PC_Ca:h_natmonpv iao vl.sno Ga.n Phrlaonlpnra tdaft lgB n3elaa pCn.l m5ec np1.t m0ra. l a. .1m0. a.m. BLaeBedry" Csthaoen. d wwaicyh Lanewd ,fr Ii'eds .l ike a "Brawny timNeei cHbeoa wgpopliiynngg .r ebMtuiadrerdymy' ,e nIrtv w "iFshlyeisn gto Ta ilgoenrg"- 7SwteihFpl.lto .Tb r2eb f1e u-s2r hnt2ohe waextrtn M to oionnunf riPontoAramrmS LaSetani noCtena si,bs il ne cs aBlTalalVtyed KCS ieeftonpyr t. oShntoalmyn ke1ro3 va, npedait ctchhhr ewedee a rRe cB 3oI-m. foprl-e4te a ngda mKea pfloar htbigeh wliginhnteedrs .th Dea wvein K waipthla a a ntwdo N-riucnk- gabnrilodiu tminedisx.e edIdn ifn lienc btwiloiutnehss -N boeafws ej daWzzo ,rrhl dyre tshgemgnasse i - authnpet-irtqeou's-e d tshatetyel e"wto omerwladp w po warltadtet"crn hd.eers Fsig,o nr. • What's In a name? There is a new Kempner. who is packing up to move to Charretteat 77S-M14. Brian Lemkie, J Rozum and Zack Fowler added two hits each. Lemkie and Latin interspersed throughout. Priced at f 1.25 each at the Apple MEN S COLLEGE SOCCER and Rozum batted in two runs apiece. "How I see our sound is we're a Wreath, S2CM W. Saves Mile. Dat CoMge Tou«Baaudsa. ya.t ASucgh.o 2o7ic rafl. 5 p.m. Rozum started and went five innings with four strikeouts as Craiger rock band who also does blues that is Livonia. — Friday. Aug. 30 clinched the title with an 9-7 win over Dry Clean. Craiger trailed 7-6 influenced by jazz and world music," Schooicrafl at CaMn Cotoge. 4 p.m. after six inr&ngs but scored two runs in the seventh to win. A walk to said vocalist and guitarist Harabadi- Ryan King with tbe bases loaded forced in the winning run. an. WOFMrEidNa'yS- SCaOtuLrLdEaGy.E A VuOg.L 3L0E-Y3B1A LL Dave Kapla came on in the sixth and seventh innings, struck out three Er, right. That's what we were Madonna at Maaa St. (Colo.) Tourney. and preserved the win. Kapla was also 3-for-4, while Rozum, Jay trying to say. Anyhow, the buzz TBA. Wasalaski and Keith McDonald collected two hits each. McDonald also phrase here is alternative but com- TBA — tine to be arvrouncad • TENNIS RESULTS ation Department is registering • MEN'S RACOUETBALL had two RBI. mercial. teams for its men's touch football Craiger was coached by Terry Wasalaski, with help from Mike Stan- The Canton Parks and Recreation league, which starts play Tuesday, A men's racquetball league will kov, The team had an 11-8 record to raise its eight-year total to 108-28 CHAIN REACTION has spent five ^Chiefs rebuild Jcuronwionre Od pcehnam pTieonnnsis in To fuivrneam aegne-t Steeapmt., 1 w0.it hT beeac ehn tnroyn -freeesi dIsen 1t3 0p0ay pinegr sSthaorrte Ws oefd nCeasndtaoyn,. T Sheep tf.ee 4 ,is a$t1 0R0o psee r Osktih aenrd t eMamike m Bermanbnearsn. included Matt Abbott, Jeff Korcxyk. Joe Niemen- yLeivaers a tprpyeinagra ntoce pse hrafveect b teheins l nimotiitoend., group competitions. Forty players an additional |5 fee. person and includes court time and though tbe band is trying to line up tennis lineup coBmopyest e1d9.- 1T2h:e M fiantatl Proesttuelrts owfe Prely: m- schEeadcuhl et.e Tambe plelaaygsue a li mseivte ins-g eaimghet awTabred ss.e ason lasts for 16 weeks. dmaotetes "inO uSte opfte tmheb eRru iinns o."r dAelrs oto in p trhoe- outh defeated Keith Evans of Plym- teams. Games will be played Tues- Court times are 7:30 and 8 p.m. The works is a video special that will ap- Continued from Page outh (6-1, 9-3). day and Thursday nights at Central league will be divided into three di- Catch The Excitement! pear on local cable outlets. i Boys 13-15: Harry Lee of Canton Middle School. For information call visions based on player ability. Call Already, cuts from "Out of the W. Gone from last season is first sin- defeated Mike Ratkewicz (9-2, 9-1). Tom Willette at the recreation de- the Canton Parks and Recreation Ruins" are getting air play on "De- ;• • ties player Leanne Gurcbak, third Girls 13-15: Jennifer Clack of Can- partment (455-6620). Office at 397-5110 for information. troit Music Scene" and on Judy Ml tingles Reetika Aulakh, tbe first dou- too defeated Ellen Gaston of Plym- 1991 Amateur Softball Association Adams' show on WDET-FM. College Ibles team of Gina Puerst and Lorena outh (9-2, 9-0). • FALL SOFTBALL stations such as WHFR-FM at Henry aford and third doubles player Boys 19-19: Koca Steenbakker of Chiefs viewed Women's Major Slow Pitch National Championship Ford Community College and Jlllery Jewelry Jennifer Scbaefer. Canton defeated Wilson Lee (9-3, 6- • Tbe Plymouth Parks ana Rec- WORB-FM at Oakland Community Michaels is uncertain of her start- 1). reation Department is registering College have played selections from Ting lineup, but senior Denise Gildo is Girls 19-19: Jennifer Clack of Can- teams for its fall softball leagues. as contenders See the finest women's softball teams in the the cassette as well. *a good bet to hold the first singles ton defeated Pam Reynolds of Can- The season begins Monday, Sept. ». United Stales vie lor the national crown. All of this vindicates members of <->opposition. She was undefeated at sec- ton (9-1, 9-0). The entry fee is $250 per team, Chain Reaction, who don't buy into Until thr* years ago. jewelry designer Jill Pagan was a stylist vend singles last season. $40 of which is a forfeit fee. Each Continued from Page 1 Power Park - Novi. Michigan the fashion or the enlightened atti- working in films. She received her art education at the University ol 7f ^s[o SaRnsebe'esnFnlyyiiono oJ rrofrum olDmdues orprJ trw h esoton eitslc hnlisonyie fbngc ePdaloretansto dlDd ep. o aal usnavobdyisple,e hrjsu,o lnwma ipsoiotllr lra e ypPer saEoermslba- -- • amT t3bieTo-enOnb e'se DnN bPte-ral3ypysakm free totBembuAa teihlsnSl tK$ P 6lwEae5riaT lkpglBseu oreA f atfLen etLadrhm ia sR. S e Ef-coaarnlcel-h-.3 tuMgtTeemaoaaammmmpssei Wrew lesyicmsii lF.lhl liGieet e.pdtaltludema l.F yea eoE.ts r $ aT41 c5wb 3hi5eni - l ptf6lleoee6 arar2bmmg 0egu.aa e ptpmil lohaaenyay sseto d aac a t11ahl24lte -- iahinsle tiplBrpmyrl a otpabchrnetmodi vcC ehhehoam aivpeneeefdnss at gd hse eaautvrn cdtedhcl oeew ps pros earfrap ukgcel,ot t sioiicentdeiado scinov hwsnied..i"m lu l- - Call (313)A u3g4u7s-0t 4>«(1»0 - fSoerp ttieckmebte irn 2fo rmation. ttJaquhonuideF'inse emag tlo,m ic uvftohis ianlnienicgyfaii radar inoreltetsyonesmc rae esn.pm.i atpbtt aiiHlnvregeean r y aotionlbuyuat rfHdiLi aaabrn vrIaefeb e raaaadnndgsdyi e- - CmMarheotiarnscigtn ioD a RSal.vae Tenatc haWet iMe oeenaknr!d i haa sar s eahnse dsuropl tjeeas zni szt "ffuOivsuieotn yo fea trhcwHsoeia mdcr eRaoi nbvumgaai drifniinresaogtn.my" su aop ifad m p "wurIos'iivgtcher eWas as esil'vworeeuayn bsdas het ah,a1dl'a lt iswdn eebaslyvoss et hsw ih naitlloete t hr"neWa shtuiebvrejee'sc at nt ohdfe hc Boomemae-uletyss"- Mhbanieni rWAcee fhxdvoric aegrwiiksatlihiinatnn,hb gig lnb e owoc Apaloidtatnsh lnmdle oae sAics cchiar eguqlbnnnuo tJstar an. cl aciaotormyleob ,r eraeead cnlei gissvthtiootnn rgmees sgo, rdo eJreiam lbtlr aPimgtatehegttnaa gltni l'otashns a.sat, lT u dghmoievei enmssnue 'mtht aet rlav, r awncroioisemrhdk,- ,, "5L.>:.'5 ht•£Jt:li ICed9 fh BnWJinf,aionuinly sgaeTenbf d,tGhndiliehy * o»dcntSfea*o4,rhoe sesJ Cr se rLtFopp eod,fh tynaoniaAi r rmseneySs5nmist f,n,htfe sn iSeoa iW e oeawnbrxettnegiie ip saZ nlgYCstCt.lg o tia Aan1peen c nc1rs hLsh tno.iotbsm ailonm veaarDneyon n pMd'sisnttvee,i ie.oa ait aK,res nnsTei doedoFmh nlaf nlrKe oyya as yTmr,iene nCh nSlkpa iultiaelnltyhoriuacpg enrsyhlt - -. •n$dMMplf6 eo56aTloaaiory 2TnfdOgymn0 e-badus.dreUe anl eeaa.e td PsCy ih SiGol, aHd Ty cnSs1aehmh 4menco uaa-topo -ge rFtmuH lssa1.Otdmu 0h 1TawLOs-e6ytto iee,PTlm a lapnaB gm aa sribWuygAnkceedh sh Lli ateilp sL n mlpdealel auna taiaayttdlctye.deeh . ddC FRabi eto tte eMiTenr goc4atbo irn5rmineenna5a s-- l-l- apf(psgrWtduieetleaoiaosanrGeoNmn•yi sudd ntd Ta oeecebanT ewmnf ahalbetnuae leom sElelcletbedls eys, a3e ta fdC a caha9 sryowahmdre7eao,rey -neqhffAs 5,turteui b1osucSptmii)1htnagerl e 0erlp.daafl p ee.mmyiiuP t nre2gelr eae.ce9di3i srnnlsa ..kupg ttg FTssdeo a uT.otryen heb hrssceae een w f radt fiee$hi inea lv1 r$l fR 3aeo2io sw-breu5re w ecm$gep gr 1ehreenaeiee8 krno---k 0 cyltcpahtbeaetohoaee akami"abtu"ctreimNWloi.nntpl tigmwe os. evtE"O, nobthtee ai'geou a Rtaneea dritbEdno my oe wdnp usAgIre,l e"reaeaa s ta tyhvnehh s ltYeeleoiaev nrervOba se kdseg mesUua ot. htina tNohdta enload.aeGrvdnts e "ds i ab Wnw btpg u teiad eopihlaaslleolednm kyan dyyhele eti se wtwbc lwkdapo aonoiaimll dtrnrltluhk ko, d-s SRun./ (EAFLMA^TD)LI XJL:E0AF 0L2DaE 6OA6G ypR0Um0E D S PfS uBL,n.E .l.Y—GMMI MoNRIEO IMENwU SMD./1 T1E.F.H0DAe0OIr pA Nm RTR EDDEL Y S9 A3F T7E8RR4 LE2AT0IBR OERES D A. Y11 .010 am DgSafahwppegnelaierowinodDtFvoSrtrhg c te zlrlaJirme diu d onunatbjr stmzoodra mmeis1ed inmeib 0n uwmonaibteehnes nasygdeisseksi crae ps shi. a nat raitpel sgshoranil attsoketgada vo .e fyarr Mie eg t lgpw fey soaaTrades.ozn r iiylu tvcci ao epJuenyjraaasfg rlrms Phetbusdihiuoaem mi rraennsneogiseneicenlse,oteetg el,d.o f y Sn dJ Be a llaor tyasibooonhtry-ttdpn sihaa - ZBcCmzrnrohueaeooewcsy"TL"pmbnlsIkItdphshi ih he'TtkkoeeenaahsmidnlersR' mi irnoe annw,omwI f n,k aEJwl"didi lonas Djt r oS hdaerbtruHehrzld r l mSieJozta dit aoettlunrm i rbiakaage atn sibeer, htsdmsoytiara tieiL'r,dsitis nb ditiuifmts oasi.sacotnibntn e r be wpg"ePats.ni hI.aul eol"t(ic ri fnlt f o htlobaifotnineyotyrsu esse matrn)re smDden s r rJBat z pto hirLoion eeehloedl rn yfd-a- eoabmbrhil"nyesfcIelrfgne rihillBHw ninep nbnebcacgsiadeeoasanm tslric frcilldnca lsc.aleauea gbaa umn m nts daTlrsaochsosd ee hesft U uaim ati e saLtegnaekso nbs ndhgooeubu, edouhsa l nrtsat utal h ss".dkllls e oeoeys sess o v.v.tf-aa "crocieet ynwhe ilckas s ut i s nltahoHn osaa fecgeon cray wsofeekgardm saa ct k,osyhfba monnoe.e nabnprue d u gtrgipmn tiutwru 'attsbnio aolrnhnlaeuir i tt -r yaspoi-a t oamWcwayawfobnno aeaaaAdduuaBnd'syu dWnludfyttdnltis eo tooihtaeoee norrtnune fl''hegSrs i' ' ntkelwenmi tlbdst ega liih.aobe neocit eiwnengpasivci dttn rieth iyt.tte thd" hUhh " e ebiefi i trDnnmonc e, ipri hg an ryvetqrrsci hom eotluos ehdumreciodibestrner czeiosest tienftcoryersaauews.orrl nortn s t awstfabkch t inoetoeiernaodf eacrrnis nksrno aih sntg mia daHdfi fntorte.hhaeiog eri"rems ns-I aiy atftt deeigas include rings, earrings and braceARlets. Ponriceduo CMgtMh he r Sun. (ALT) 6:00 pre Mon 6:00 pm Tua* (Man s low avj.)-, . 10 00 am One of the cleanest and wetl-maintained centers SSuunn. 8(AIT) 8:30 30 ppmm TMoonas. ...4 86 4050 ppmm TTuhau»ra. ((MMilj«aadd)) 19. 3000 a pmm IN CONCERT in the metro area Hon 9:30 pm Tu«» 9 30 pm Thura (Miiad) 12:30 pm f/tt fC A . ountry Lanes of Farmington TUM 9 :30 pm Wad. 9 .30 pm fn iMafll „ 11:00 am Day? W«d. 9:30 pm Thur*. _. 8:30 pm Thur*. ...„.— 9:30 pm WOMEN'S WOMEN'S DAYTIME Ann Arbor For information, call 996- Bowling For Everyone TFfrrhi tu9 r(A» L(ATC) T-,)., 9_:.3..09: 3X0 p ppmmm EVENING89 3300 ppmm TTWuuaaad** .9....,_9. 3102 1350 pppmmm TTWhhuuarrt*a— 192 12 333000 appmmm ed aMSyC,e SvMeeOrpatWl. 1aA,r Leaa m TbeaRmnMdosrUi aTwlE it lrli bpuetref otorm G eSnuenr-- aw SiWlOl pUeedTrnMfeosGrdmOaytN ,a AGta tgh .e Z2A8 BK — lin dSo Puitgh.go 2in0®g Z aSk. e2 7W47R ATH OF CHRISTIAN MEN, LADIES, MIXED. SENIORS, YOUTH, Thurv. 9:30 pm als' bassist Flip Cberven, 24, who died First. Ann Arbor For information, call Friday, Aag 38 — Wrath of Christian HIGH AVERAGES, LOW AVERAGES last week in an automobile accident near 996-8555 will perform with guests. Skin Horse and HELP IS JUST FAMILY BUMPER YOUTH Jackson. Gangster Fun, ALD. Culture Missed in Dtary at Finney's Pub, S965 FD(BAAaLbYyL.s i tELtinEVgD AEavOGNaiNlUIaNb'ETlGeS fMo raNI dSnaOdyStWim WOe FlEUadOTEieR sK lMEeaNgIuNDesG)S ! YTSoAeWutn t3yOh: A3CS0doOum lMptb-mEo BSeSge8eiBs nsWs siOooitononWnf ScB AaSL t1e I 92sSN-s:a33iGpo00! n pas mm2 1 B«Lg«E<9A Sa3Gna0ldU aSJEmu«mS* o r7a BBCaeavprooaseponnhnemdgitapir trwe as isna,nis ltdF ,lC l D gyStbboiarenetir nigtv WotR eSw naAaac'iu nrkP cnddereasortrmte csaw ,eae meG'r seders a mHsncao fhflarleril,oadl omlu4o l1seo1cd htab oEntelod - ea4ti n7oWd5Wn 8A,Z ecGYydadrNnlelee Eecs8nad4fja 8uiTy-en5.Ol 3dAO 7,wa7 PgDi lSle 2 a A8prIeb4r o—0fro nZr mYWFoOa rayCtn Cie nSAf uToJlUorlmyuN'psa s,- EW8B3 aM1oFu o8zrAdia0Rdw 7waI0aOyi rl.ld A, S DabAgre.iUtnr Zg3o6Ait h F—isor T A irnfurfmoo-rpCmeutabetarino Mn, ja acrziaozl l AAW PAUYN!C H 0p«« Bunpe Boifeq- 3 FUEE e BIO DAVE AMD THE ULTRASONICS sounds and his concert orcbestra to the Cafl tor Reservation* Sum"1 Wednesday. Aag 28 — Big Dave and Miller Lite Montreuz Detroit Jan Festi- Pressure, Deadlines. The boss continues to breathe 30250 W(V.i NMiilnee W Mesitl eof RMdtd.,d leFOaerKm Rinogadto) n Hills COFFEE S SITTER PROVIDED F0H ALL LADIES DAYTIME LEAGUES • HMYo*n*dHayF. OA«aj*A 1*4C I— Hyperiormance Cthaef Ue.l 6tr1a1so Cnhicusrc hw.i lAln npe Arfrobromr F aotr R iincfko'rs- vSatal ga*t i n7 H45a rpt.m Pl aozna tFboer A imnfpohrimthaetiaotnre, down your neck and hover over your desk. Don't ted 476-3201 BOWLING SPECIAL THRU LABOR DAY will petfoini at Rick's Cafe. Ill Church. mation. call 996-2747 call 259 5400 him to take a hike. ktm Arbor For information, call 996- m 17 «t e SOOM A MO THE RACKET E JOHNNY O'NEAL Ydreilvliinngg .y Soucr eoaffm iynogu.r rFoicgkhetir.ng .Do nYto ulrock of tfh-sepmrin ogut aarned TVsraday, Aag 29 - Boom and the Friday -Saturday, Aag 36-11 — Johnny throw away the key. BERGSTROM'S e PAIUOttf VALLEY JAZZ JAM Racket will perform at 3-D. 1815 N « wC O'Neal will perform at Bird of Paradise Diabetes is a majur contribu tor 30633 Schoolcraft JazMz oJnadmay w. Ailla ft.ak Ue p -la cPea raatd Aisherin 'Vs, alley M58a9i-n3.3 R44o yal Oak For information call t U20o7n Sca Alls h6l6e2y 8 3A1n0n Arbor For informa Let us smooth out the rough spots. to heart chsease, kidney disease CD 102.7-FM, WXCD is Detroit's new radio station. We Cass, across from Wayne State Universi- asundp pbolirnt dthnees As.m Seor iwcahne nDvinaub etes BARGAINS (Between Merriman tUyU. Detroit For information, call MJ- e ETLkVsWrsdta yJO, AMagEt 29 — Drummer Elvin LZoyodke fcoarju nW aaty Sneult yT'osu ipna D aenadr - e cFaridrsay, IANag TH 3E6 E —AS CEaMt'EsN inT tbe Base- pfelaayt uthrees mabussoiclu ttehat s ims o roetlhaxeistng sboutun ndesver ar boournidn.g. W FXreCsDh, Aids tshoeo watrxsTt id, iystejua sfeigsh to fs ome LIVONIA a BOM MAJCCD JhMoeaondeolsti rnaeepn?p-i eaDater sttbr oe7i t p1 2Jmtah aaa sa nF tnehuseta iolvp aMelni ilJlnoegnr en sLigi thtest born Wednesday, Aug. 28 mSfotearntmito awn U.i l5ol1n 1. pce aWrllf o 4Cr8mr5o s5 aa0t5 Y0 t hpesli aCnrUoss F oSrtre ient eBxecnistionng, mSpuysiroc. G Fyrroam, S atreteilsyts D Ialnk,a P Kauelnn ySim Go,n, G Beoasrgtee, ourtime. Tnasdsy. Asg- r — Born Naked will Pat Metheney. Anita Baker and Earl Klugh. The newest 5 2 2 - 1 3 50 sat.*9-4 pAerrbfoorr mFo art iRnfiocTrmsa Ctiaofne,. c4a1l1l WChSa-rJe7*4.7 A nn tlahyuero yfnta hwthmietihrc " ot fhd er"uf rameveman iintm-ggp arsortdyveliea ad otrifuotrme.n mo raesrs spoo co-if andF rtbidea yR. oAcskget 5s6 w —ill Apenrsofonr mFu nadte Srablnlyrg hs . e HFArRidOayT.1 AMsEgS 3 6BL —UE SR aSrAdNtlDro es Blues music wtthout all the hype and talk. the 1960s and early 1970s For informa 4758 Greenfield. Dearborn For informa Band will perform at Moby Diets 5452 When life's anxious little moments start to get on your Brotburn Mt Club END OF SEASON INSTALLATION SPECIAL! e CMMLMNTWM .call 259-5400 Uon call 846-5277 Schaefer north of Michigan Avenue nerves, donl punch a wall. Punch us up. Tnasdsy, As® 17 — Ousel Brothers Dearborn For informa Uon. call 581-J650 Relax and enjoy. Driving Ronge will perform at Alvin's, »7M Cass, across e THE NEKjHaoanoooa a OMATEFUL DEAD TMWUTE TO ORDER LIVE: 1-800-379-WWWL Have Bergstrom's Install a from Wayne Stat* University. Detroit Thnraday. Aag. 29 - The Neighbor Thnraday Asg 29 — "Gratefully a STEVE KINO AND THE OfTTUBS DETROIT'S NEW RADIO STATION. LUmmkdoy Cart Sp9<M For ^formation, call U3-UU Friday. Aag 36 - Steve King and the 18 Notes Warehouse Blemished Air Conditioner hMocoDdse wrmilolt tp. eartf oSramint w Aitnhd rgewwes st HMailcl.h a4e3l1 YDeoaadrs b."y a t hmeuirs ifcrailen tdrisb,u wteil lto L tahkee Gplraacteef uatl Dtttlies will perform on the Bobio Moon TO ORDER REPLAY: 1-800-379-WWWR and Save Up To • aUMO DOO M.UCS BAND E Congreaa, Detroit Doors open at 9 Key West, 24296 W Sis Mile. Detroit. TV light Cruise The boat departs 11pm and W X cd * 2 1" Wednesday. Aag 21 - Blind Dog Blnsa p m Tickets are >5 For information, call tbow will feature Merl Saunders. Tom returns 1 a m For information, call 843- ftho bootHnnogw m foaronitnkgtb le*o gues 500 ,0D0o*ll ars SBiaxn Md wileH.l Dpeertfrooritm F aotr K einyf oWrmasat.t i1o4n1 *ra Wil e9T6 rT1tToH Mb EwsErislL lWdT ap SyeJ.r JAfoEsrg mW 2I SSatE - LA TYlhv etTnW'a W.O i$ll7i5e6 W Cisaeslsy, CGfPinraorofpaoomatsre tmZJafouneahlrtt oeniDon en.aC a,no rdcdre.iang l alcKi nh5 isa9np lT2ge-fic ctpiakaihlea.tn sa iSps ttpaereve aefr o8 aKr1n6icme tFho oecbr ty a0T 7Jr0FuO0mrN iodpFrae 1Ayt4e.O r3A OJ a6Otg8SB0 106 F.a danddis S wnaildls ype Sref»otrm I a-t 102.7 FM Men % & LodW s for Ton Untt Sovon 4n Stock -f aWrm| Sa|t Pliiyn.e AKangob 28 T h- eSattirneg, 1 w75ill apnedr atrcornita Fa ofrro imnf oWrmayanteio Sn,ta cteal lU 8n2i2ve IrXsSit5y . De- tthroel 1l 2Jtahz zan Fneusatli vMalill eHre UllU pMeorfnotrrmeuz 9 D e4-5 ^SmDutJiSaundL. THAN BIST TELEVISION 4S3-1900 Quantities Limited. Saahabaw Road. CUfSaton Show time la e WILDKMOOOM pm Friday am the Amphitheatre Stage CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE I p m TVfcets are 825 for psvllK* IM e AMSON PUNDEIWUaOM AMD T»« Thursday Asg. 29 — Wild Kingdom and 3 36 pm Sunday on the Pyramid Plymouth far lawn For information, call IT7-82«0 ROCKETS will at Rick s Cafe. 611 Chsrch. Stage For information call 2S» 54h4 X\Taste «a*<W.W.&-38) 06 E Monday. August 2fl. >991 pass the popcorn Missed chances kill 'Dead Again' A i <Tlje (fibserurr & tEcrrntric® :Xruispapers LeAnne Rogers some nifty twists, "Dead practices hypnosis on the side. Again" is another misfire attempt at SOME OF THE ideas work. The Keely Wygonik editor/953-2105 reviving the spirit of Alfred Hitch- £ tickets please hypnotist, we discover, uses the bur- Hoskins is good cock. Where the master of suspense ied memories of elderly clients to Monday. August 20. 1991 Q&E would collar you and lead you V track down valuable antiques. And John through an emotionally complex among Branagh's other cinematic thriller, actor/director Kenneth treats, banner headlines float across Branagh rarely masters up that kind •hl Monaghan the screen during tbe opening cred- in 'Good Friday' of involvement ' its, immediately bringing us up-to- 9 Down on tbe farm date on the Strauss murder. taste buds And It's too bad, because the basic premise had possibilities. Branagh by Robin Williams. "Buy now, pay lect antique furniture is all the char- And there is a corker of a plot stars as Mike Church, a private de- forever." acter clues they need to give him. twist. I won't give it away, but will , There's a Rolls with a driver, a underdog who made good and not tective in Lot Angeles who special- Thompson, so memorable as warn that it too, is a disappointment yacht tbe Queen Mother wouldn't really like a bad guy In a telling chef Larry ises in locating missing persona. His BRITON BRANAGH, the Oacar- George Sand in "Impromptu," is because Branagh just drops It and look down her nose at * penthouse moment. Hoskins despairs about attempt to uncover the identity of a nominated talent behind "Henry V" more Comfortable with ber roles. As lets it lay there. He could have done London apartment and a gorgeous what be could have done to deserve Janes woman with amnesia (Emma in 1989, has packed plenty into his tbe amnesiac, she is vulnerable and so much more. upper-crust girlfriend. What more his current predicament and asks Thompson) leads to some shocking American debut If nothing else. speaks through her eyes. As pianist Which pretty much sums up the could a crime boss want? for ideas about who might be re- revUenladteior nhsy. pnosis, the woman i"cD. Ietad e mAgpaloiny"s i as ecxotnrsetmanetllyy c minoevmiangt- Mtifaurl,g aarriest tSotcrraautsics, a nshde a ilsm boostld o,p beena uto- esenltfi sreo m seorviioeu.s "lyD eaandd A isga sion" e atarnkeesst liyt- AmHeorwic aabno muto nae ydeal m wanith fao rsha da y sHpoosnksiinbsl et.h Hatis he as hsaodci aktielle dre mallin hdsis Freezer City slickers rtiemgree wssheesn to s hae p wasats ltihfee, vbiacctkim to i nth ae ctoa mexetrean adnded jum bplsa cfrko-man tdhe-w phreistee nt tnhael iisntv (iptlaatyioends b yof A and hya Gndasrocimae). jour- cTrhaef dteidal tohgaute ,it e hspasec niaoll ytim Ine tfhoer lfouvne. TInhcalumdeisn gri vae rnfreownt Ol ydmevpeiclo psmtaedniut,m , rivTalhs.i s 1979 film has none of the Insightful look at notorious 1948 murder. As tbe wife sequences in the past. The actors Branagh has assembled an amaz- scenes, borders on embarassing. that will legitimize your ill-gotten romanticized view of organized pies are find fresh of German composer Roman play dual roles. ing supporting cast. Robin Williams The film will strike a chord with financial empire and make lots crime found in "The Godfather." country markets Strauss, she was stabbed in ber bed Branagh fares best as the pointy- goes uncredited as a former shrink some audiences, the same ones that more money? Hoskins pays his underlings well to with a pair of expensive scissors. De- bearded German composer with a who now runs an inner-city grocery consider "Somewhere in Time" and That's the position gangster Har- keep theSr support. It's good for no sweat tective Church, we discover, may be sagging career and a violent temper. store. As a running gag, Garcia's "Ghost" among the modern classics. old Shand finds himself in on a business. produce at the murderer reincarnated, ready to As a modern-day detective, his char- character is in constant need of a The idea of love going beyond time pleasant Good Friday morning. When he's threatened, his basic By Keety Wygonik strike again. acter is a washout. According to the shave, even when he's Interviewed at and death is always a popular one, Life is good for Harold, played by self-preservation instinct kicks in, staff writer Sttwmoy3atets"hrraiSfsn0eoioa eott'D-l"eAiao iIrno 3mrCTftswrdt eEsnw1 r.'H'hIs .a oshi TA"niW aem tu mnBat RseRtn voPcnf2hatoiddeou ktOiut3etIbh te. irrerftru,4oI mnra Ecid dkT't,lD nelT h-"eimaaay no, eaeFh"Inrt 'u ssisEn mateIod boer ttL7t Bf ho onefa 7sB Mp r eria.rap AtNot nusicsinup( gcym nCatrr|ddmTLSsekt ctosa Bi dH)oeh9 no,al WB itw:aliSnEeS 3 ts an5do8a ea0eetAp2go z3rrrlspe 0ilzz2l.TptCs a"atyeee0 -T.RtDnr2 mrt n t l2ot 1n7,pEbyWoi" .u03.m,Elce,, a r 0 Aoso " TnenayfDla uPonnuoaefeehyNndeootwg-derdi-s--- s-r . EsdtaLDtAkisrhinctriyIoeeciue irB H"syWsnav rigf h.-p RermaE.ee s. ob( tnC2vaAwNafowrod6.tetrs iR Rru.erFn vtgnfi reYY iti"g it.Te)psen leTi , .CsmlhonF tr.dh1a,egapsOse 3 gls uIl c 6 eiRgnsal om79haBcnrD 1mr4asodlpau3vp re lrsdb-yte obdesM2 iilCreirn-t3 tssaiirgsE3 ccen h 0vsNfhr ac"Soer i fviTHaogoeihsorcinmfaEornuen pgfNfrdaaI ih,ertn,n"lyN iamd fAs 7 wtoIh uHbvA cr ichpteomrmluhLoi.ae.t,ms erh lda s---- -- . fMaahsigaW1maqenre.li1eg umsoloi iaWL6"toehd tmisngr6.ThrI wda co8t bVkr A hfthhlJ1o0eeyeoeeeOeul 9d.da rrotb oagf3S) ttNf tDesn.f.ee3io e lrngwrI h.set 2a Ae Tt f itrhtr7yurwsob e rhoroc.Mne rikio ikah bmfJtsHlhd iA oeo eutJdaa srlur haJtL dan,ntseaannoci"gLtas vo thLoi oep , We eqnn(t,abnioprU l,uv iS .sae e c eoSt( eFdys obisfcA Cnsvpfneo rnlinoeoeee a rafdw r-indcen.bsi eei) irscoi n 1c aagCMmyi lne9wcl lueap l5deei sdye(lalred 6elceWNisr )rrnrw st, hIf4a wegeeanuh7atesr nhd alie6np t1nndola-iln- s0y.-- ccslaeALfatveleyhpoooninveinng rrdrlndbMr"ewm ottehs ndiSe,hRseurin tI irsoepo-.MwaCtogft ewnnniapByohsthHoyci ,rsper oooen AD tiImAteBefnlranoiGkdduonn cuai ,c gS.Agwin "utrttpi. it TghN tseac oaaB i a"ee3wlfoAzcn nl rasT0t()elk. lirsres.UmoensH.iabre ytrTvwS(sgduoeEf$) Aeb ed aushr K5sA Ke..iloo, c i—Fn Tsiu cr n8aCtui ebkRyo 3nl t nasmrisf1ld.hEntlidiu59leoc zg,0Bec 6 kSeruh r 1eed91n' legss )d et66ooar,ortt3 3if vu ac eh7ef7s0b-e-sdrows 810llvpie.va6 "mmio.ar nn 9e ombneEremtn0-dyd -s. . - , cBcabaMcoiHwopwHgamTsronrhfoivroa hoheioiufrmdaTnru"bmtWenm.oos eshom tfTarrh gn,ku ksbeH le cgib Iete,hbsiiasarih rT h a oncote nsiotdwrf iae shHeantsuss rsiapesLrh r'ak rtotelcse r i e otetsHosf si eYwrowesatrtno fuvno obdIau tcgahfrslwdSgtin,hylt ,oc konecosohd i ea atkcareiir o sGwieasw gntretnensp ss n nig so h.sddms hiatf tltsaoihw o ey na i mhuhiAtr dcbmecdookspe uii obafs t meith t f F h anudeh mch thHacacr.shs rgoell erslltneaqlobiaee.oeurn. tduss r toats sab ebb o aaeBsud td p ieekaafelneyln ebreoudiiantea "nemlhtg attwys' edce isestar icuspefe oseidse it ooosmmraddcrhn eUgincn rk i seeod aea oi tntio anohldaerjhmvonidg rnow eoi.naatduaea. sse-dyrl.tlgt r ts amnaituBchtVsHwcvbcHnainoetoiaraoireigisheokdoeoacAntnegeHIn sl oesi Bdsfiitcl fahc,h Son ks aeek khsaykihNetersn ltsin.l i aH sio iaar aneh ungtatTcttauun ny hrsiIssan.essmmr tlS"sh'e. srtva aedMshd o.u e oa e .epTodvbfcHeo"ft pr uai aairev e"bcrrgo rpgyt s byiIei goio mr- nntsuehttnto aehprkuhg'rh hr. scunaiun Ac ereiieenfzlnt nconli io"utmlero zhd sg c lierlcstdissa akieshe rlie tekd t ceano epsaarwrisgeeksisuaof b a ra vcsossaoaitp nip rlia.nnncsaeret rertr w tl ngo rybrm'ocfSidbse yi, mvoaghabo btahnapds oonai ldnegeetot reletgasisit a a le r mtionoistaol nfsgn bnantanttnidro iseh asgt ghamuri,gdgdw._stneoe shrehi owe nthtriuts vy thst ezces eodagiihtoe iair toinatt is,he t-tu-,nhon -l o -g BswlaaplmrtashtiaoiaanfrpiukemytieditevyWCIemeen d esNhnaeeLo lc, uorfsiaywyi ' ntnidaamrttnA av.' hefeisrnh o rteldIdra Lsr ed retowpoyw a kg aLbanctnb mr yoeoleirlraJ ee ey,nlriiuh nyaenptatp egu lefwont''ndna sftron rt rnarde ach eih u iss eewefopkpe ms swfpass n aoaub a rthciawkdeyrgeepaaneigseiadeteluan t, iltts dczin gly nahi thtaaaheon,tne ose rsprn egahduo l d in slw lobme tn gpfpto ot eah ehai bbe aovs elnw,yrmsranihs emn pyihekdwree niaf teowimlal g,ainatnylttt .saikangdh—. b v y e e e ?a rs cmBsbmDjmwIopeyeigaa eAt ct rhnoLarchkny owisFaeyae aior ccttaolYJftr mmkohuyrycnswOiemic.ease n srJrtsnUe ig lmashtnbci e uvtkenaeeoauar.imsmni eur nnknte'ts tgiegmae t t lybn ihoeaened erov f su tmfka beahlinitreonosenma cetgraantatrs, l o tmbp f d ypoi rfrvakoiriaoicereuv rlekttgmie hrsete ye i tahttt dhnosaoe,a bu t lloder s \ Cf1cnpfwkotieaohrareBhsm ooRl tOto tsmekcbie Elabceoranl eutyinonVebd gdt ossypieeucek If,r-l-liau.Eoo 'fa"eipslrvsm rnWol(eeely cDnyeoras e ,s Itof fpi ct ou slnah"oeohobgnTeocsodldmhttkedt2aspsmpctwrMiehbd i7atlvsooeflahmrooat7Weriarlm oeol,coy u eFncl oapeu hka.ssh.nwhtaa lsa g nh io,iTt hther gtgalhad ,afW mef*sheosase i ,aa temascnn f eb nsmrhpas,sls emoibeM iy eJueew aeopmloae dsaelblufaprrn eo leunontir m d it"M nhWt rokohntcpt "eisha onheg ke—ySesp,Jiierrtee tnn,'-eo -s h - Roc* | CFOULPIRVOENE SwEaiNEtthuT rSd EGaRyTD .ET vRAIeOIn NC—iNnKMg 1EN NTE R > e2Cb1r29rani9M7"lcslA11 .kA5 8) ,'C4 s GW80 lsIo- tCo0pcio6l .kBml6dw-0Aw.coo Ga frAnorkdtru TrO gio.Hn rvAfa Ee2vonr7Aersg.m.i,eTa "SalR tt FE(iaBoe nsnrrl c.Ceniity de(Aa$nai Fn4Klc)eeE u .- ,- art"rsweiencnoatamdrolmrsee "e s eebe cdaim lnnho natwuab dchatrekrea.na ilrlctcie eesitdretpe. enD r idtKc,tra iRii lrsa tb—kboo buen m DJsefloleotaoah .tTrutevne irTerg ouM lhtam nhe toswshanb npihpasologl ,oaahtn ya fo swsynmifal o hmtiindohr e - e dkiwtenhriih enicHEkso dt"icaa o lbceoltrsee of lkaay rwbiwgn pnoouohoasnyu'tser ,thHa r pweeHta rlia hroaoh oaonsen slkm"n dswwiio nunaiiscgr llnSllid y as h teeweowtanreenee daf mddeiyo npus,r pi c a laf.iley s irnrk ida oeer gune tl ethtmda beo,t- e-f tpoiocptshoflnrl. oeae oHchy arebleeor a blh s tateydekoemro.ie nd feh Tf siisiaoghfmnr fuec '.twe rro Hree huuesa epnninrs ltdooe ue alr dtrpi utgs owlt resSa ehsashnaoil daltb— n ihs ldtbiiih slteuie a icennetssottn.i mlt et shT hmiheetahsoy'yts e t fOrcpthalhoiu harmqroilileeneufldpoo l:get e arsph "udea.rerur bewo bs aadoefcuondu uei tdnunontstdl.e n s tuyrs eoeA soe.trr iouac fd nerausod gacnlt n mtead2 dOc ,no a sr taran .ruape ge bsTpsor,atelp"ashserslce iissacwks npsab aehahonteghi o s pceooebtnhi rfe es oo fi flosdo f r cjEmoCluaofao ostTqmsetmr uth nnmfeeaeooir n nuerngrtgnta rihtM riatbcytl neyyroa dof a rbff dwkndaoeaderodrsdtmtsw qtd bahnyau temutra eyoo 1labsfiw- aret.7 yankns5,lt.yel attqI shtfinuhnid asSieds lSa iii ctsttruahya iet,rtti di. o soanttya ,y - • Jl ontmafthbafna eeadrrOt meri fbcoLkpoooeneooNorn'tdsrkssEvt s;. 2sYea r. Inr 0Oe otsdV0cn lai0inIst p Ssei t feomayhIasTn e awrssiE mlraaolD nm-wn dtmtdop irot ewelaahnernrdnfed kdavu -,saeplte ,nhtant sdcinad ro pdt dtobiolrolr iogoes gnwffcr-si otc arltiewiin hoottsdeyne-f fiction story of a social misfit (Mal- pan crust in 2 minutes flat Even THE CHENE-FERRY Market and ing and cooking tips MONTANA'S I W.'Purehass of one of Equal of Greater Value dieters can produce elegant and Royal Oak farm markets are also VVaalliidd 88--2266- 91 thrruu 88--3311--9911 DINING A ENTERTAINMENT mouth-watering crusts using bursting at the seams with dozen- Two Michigan markets are faa & FVN 30379 Ptymouth Rd. 458-8480 gexrachhaamng ce)r aocrk tehross e(b drieeatde tic ftoomr-aa-todeosl,l acru ckoersn,, a anndd o btuhsehre slsum ofm er taunrde dE a—ste Trnbe M Laarnkseitng in F Daermtro Mit a-rket, M .X Livonia cookies that taste pretty cruddy vegetables. The Cbene-Ferry Market by themselves, but made into a is another oldie, but goodie, just off As a child, Olney visited the Lamk Remember Classified crust and frozen come out not the 1-94 freeway at Chene, northeast ing market with her mother twenty- half bad. of downtown Detroit. five years later, the memories are With an Observer & Eccentric Classified If you want to make the crusts The Royal Oak farmers market is still sweet ad...you'l make money hand over fist! as exciting as tbe filling, and you on 11 Mile Road, just east of Main, "About the only thing really dif- have central air conditioning, try and is open Tuesdays, Thursdays. ferent," she writes, "was a covered adding some shredded coconut, Fridays, and Saturdays. Both are ramp connecting the two buildings, finely chopped walnuts, chopped worth the drive, and are open all and the fact that tbe point on the If you're going to call yourself Let us take you from your town to fruit or shaved chocolate to the year 500-pound scales under the ramp "Our Town" cerxupsetr mimixetnutrien.g Wwihtihle the recipes theG semttailnlg c ao lmitmtleun mitoyr efa premrs omnaarlk eartse In the photo nadowul gthaovoed." s wift confirmation of community newspapers, for this column. I took a pre- Plymouth has a winner on its hands above Shirley baked, frozen pie crust and with a Saturday-morning market Raven (left) Of the Eastern Market she writes brushed it down with melted just across the street from the town buys tomatoes "It reminded me a bid of the old Les chocolate, then chilled it till the square in what Is known as "the from Bethany Halles district in Pans - lots of spe- zzs chocolate set. This not only made Gathering." In addition to farm Bernal. cialty stores along the side streets a flaky, fattening and fantastic goods on the western front are At left, Debbie that spun off from the market sheds, crust, but the chocolate prevented wonderful cheesecakes, and some of Sakach (center the hoginning of a set of restaurants We loved "Our Town" and we know you'll love It, too. the crust from getting "soggy" the best homemade bread and left) and Lillian open long hoars that served good, If you enter our "OUR TOSWNT" CORNTEAST, Tyou Fwill hOave aRn oppoDrtunity to visit the wpuhdedni nfigl,l emdo wusitshe i ocre wcrheaatmev, er muWffeisntss iind etrosw cna.n also enjoy the tBhaex ctoerr nin asnpdec fti ll solid food " Livonia farmers' market now at the their bags at the Anyooe who s ever been to a Best Birdhouse fttivbs fCrtl LIFE historic Wilson Barn on tbe corner of open air market farmer's market will love this bode Middelbelt and West Chicago. This at Wilson Bam If you're not a cook, but are curious ^Builders Contest F E S l l V AL AS FAR as fillings are old homestead used to be the home in Livonia. about people, you'll like "The Farm concerned, the simple addition of in Ontario this autumn and see Thornton Wilder's timeless story of Grover's Comers. ice cream or the more complex of the Wilson Dairy Farm and Market Cookbook." Tbe book is in- V TOhep Btloiommfiieisdt H Cillsl ub in thYiosu o cnoeu-ldda ye atsriiply fboer otwnoe toof Sthtera ttwfoerndt yon lu Scakytu Orbdsaeyr,v eOr c&to Ebcecre n5t,ri c1 9re9a1d.er Ts hweh otr iwpi liln pclaurdtiecsi ptraatve el manidx wtuhriepsp oefd e cggre wamhi tteosp. gtheela cthinasr ts rfueeswseid dy teeona tgrssr w arzeheom a ellimovnebdge riMn w itdhbdeeen lab rceeoaltw fsRo ora ad . AstRa"T pEhMoAtoNgrUaEpLheEr tgpeiinrvegess tt hriinacgth a iinsn.ds ifgo hhrte m airnattwnoy aar omwfia nyugs ,,of j u sahsotodp a- as favorites A simple crust filled ' Heart of the Hills-10K Run * 2 Mil* Wslfc^ Oakland by bus, lunch at the famous Church Restaurant and, of course, two tickets to the matinee with ice cream and then topped My, how times have changed memory performance of "Our Town" at the Avon Theatre. My last visit to the Livonia County Parks with fudge sauce, whipped cream (Food Bank of Oakland County) To win, call 953-2030 from a Touch-Tone® telephone and answer the three questions and cherries can "chill out" the farmers' market found a great selection of fresh herbs, most still in MARRIOTT listed below. Be sure to leave your name, address, and daytime telephone number. steamiest of summer desserts the pot for sunny windowsills, an SOCCER If you give three correct answers, your name will then be entered in our Impartial drawing for Sthuorsee, h"pomreemmiuadme" i cvea rcireetiaems tohr at abundance of corn, tomatoes, tbe around the year CLASSIC this exciting theater event. sell for $3 a quart are best, but ethvee br-epstre lsoecnatl z huocncehyin tih, iasn sdid seo mofe of 1 rwen've rdtgM hLere iiii) 1 when adding toppings, flavors, town. Although this market is only 1 middy Spirit liqueurs, nuts and fruit, basic 1. What was the name of store bought simple fla «ors work open Saturdays. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. May through Oct. 12, farm fresh produce HOLIDAY GIFT DRIVE the newspaper editor in best Chuck tbe ice milk. Freezer is always in abundance Come fall, 3 >. MReOdT RHiEbRbSon A CGaAmINpSaTig Dn RUNK DRIVING' Grover's Corners? .apriees m waidthe t wheit hcr reeaaml iiecest c treexatmur eTso tphuem pprokpinesr,t yci dise rt,a aknedn corviesrp w aiptph les you can find organic produce as well bats at tbe grocers Tues Thurs , and Sat 7 a.m. to 6 IRECYCLING IS GOOD NEWS 1. Editor Walsh 'fftUofntden a tic reo cormea mtem orp esrhaetrubreet, f loert it as natural foods and herbs An early One of the niceties of community p.m. May through October, and tbe 2. Editor Webb '•bout 15 minutes. If only using THE CITY of Northville also summer visit found a hanging herb farmers markets is that you'll Oakland County Farm Market. 3. Editor Wilkes "kpmarot uonf tt hneee idceed c rferoamm, t rbee move tbe oTpheurrastdeasy as ,q ruigahintt a fcarromss m tbaer ksettre oetn bparoskspete rt hoant thhaes J daonnees nGoatnhgin'sg sbuunt ny tportoibnga bfliye lrdu-nf rienstho gao foedwie sn einig thhbeoirr s TPeolnetgiarca pLha,k oep eRno Tadu,e sw.,e sTth oufr s and F & M Q L V F 11 T 2. Grover's Corners is a .Container return the container to from Northville Downs on Center deck wagons and string bags Speaking of Saturdays. 6 30 a.m. to 1 pm. You need to care about your ttshytaep tieeca1 aI.r lsM lsy iimct h1 aiign9lal?0n 0tos.wn W ihn at •-staslwahohn iefdotlt lbu f escerlntdoe iibr enntoz htUgwaee,rin l nbi d casr eeionecrda feckt er lnc eenuortap y Tmcts hotith eram ec slisu epcim lceeatee fs cd ottcrrea rter nheia tecta m heme s Sarbppeltrresrcioroceerd eeinfuetsrt c,s oa v,eatm ,ian s7and iMltd l M u fatwnohiylduaee ynot hdRuu brsb oobeutaulaeadoglsdw hk lOsye u pOgt smtercwo rtmoaicofcteeb eifrrner y grea, s ss hat ore fwttlhahahesarWto tm s w tthhheayeaolr selsvsks eeem novT tafteohu rrtemkrh yeveeait tst l wooioyte oceeasudar e lsw a am fpensaairdkrcle'lm knb eAl'retdoonr csw pytaiho lsck anekntde eo dw s wioabhmfderh itdlpinopecgostdhe rk y,tc bseoaoeeanunpagrcvsse otoe bowannefnien e ddsf nmba lmcaruaegmgal lg Sre— kaawrsgeva eet tgpeh orr caasinatc s rtaekrrls neipseeool dr-ew sanon twtfydhon er olaonncdFlSya ootl di rmcm uaietrey isfcna ogh ormamf hl mloa mpurfovenarerira stkdytteie ottfminim an aneirstdki.ve UCets- ahP lolotpcw tkebs r ea te ••Fm PaaJerr mtuksde Mit tsrhaa rtkh Oeetrn Ctehoyai.osn ka tbuboot ahsogohksro" po oIf s< ap tt"se Tt tath hlreome o d communities 2. New Hampshire pie is refrozen Yours truly fresh morning The fresh corn on tbe cob is Many communities sponsor farm Directory, write to the Michigan " Aisles not so crowded 3. In wh3a.t C yaleifaorrni aw as the ecxrepaemri,m pernetmediu wmit hic eh ocmreeamma. de ice wato tAuh elSd anfta'tub brldeeda cy Ao tmnrinpp lA etorteb A owrnin tFh Aaorrumbto era r ss top sstmiTlel hldle adsmera pawr ews itythhoeu d f eianwr mf aoserr atsh cewl ohssowe erke nlt ooowk mDeatrrkoeitt s in and around metropolitan fDDoeer vpAeaglrortimpcmuelnettnu otr,fa Pl A IOgnr nBiocovuxaltt u3ior0en0 1 Ca7ne. dn ter *•im N Cohe crekcoourtd epde obpaleck kgnroouwnledd mgeuasbel e WE DO. Our main goal is to bring you good, solid, local news that you won t find Stratford Festival's first cheap ice cream, sherbet and Market on Detroit Street just south that smaller zucchini taste better Nearby markets include the Lansing 4S909. or call (517) 373-1056 am No children nrfwning for "Varsh anywhere else. We do that twice each week in 12 newspapers. dietetic ice cream Smoothest of the Amtrak depot Again, produce and have fewer seeds and strings Lansing Muncipal Market. 333 N Copies of the directory are alko mallow Critter Puffs * Bui throughout the year we also sponsor and promote a variety of events that benefit season? raensdu pltrse cmaimume f vroamrie thioesm emade abounds, but as only in Ann Arbor, than some of tbe pseudo baseball Cedar. Lansing, open year-round. available at tbe Michifan State Fair •• No preservatives to retard our communities- Events like the Marriott Soccer Classic, 10K Runs, and educational 2. 1953 spoilage •• seminars We care about people o1 ail ages and show it with support of such organizations In the photo a I 2. 1900 right, shoppers •• No jammed wheHS on Shopping as Oakland County's Food Bank, the Holiday Gift Drive, and Project Graduation 3. 1985 PLAIN. UNADORNED nave pienty to carts Youngsters in a number of schools will enter the third annual birdhouse building contest sherbets picked up the flavor of choose from at •n No squashed lettuce or linoleum and we've taken an active role in the promotion of recycling in our communities liqueurs and flavorings best while the farmers' mar- Hoors No. we donl swoop into our communities when a story breaks, turn on the bright lights RULIti You must be 18 or oWer to enter cheap ice cream and plain ket at Witson tm Produce makes ear smrt nee on and focus on the situation for a few minutes and then disappear We're here everyday, Coolest is not ooen to employees or larrvty dietetic deeaerts made for plain Bam Far nght day in and day out Cmoermpobreatriso ont Pr iSzuesbur baarne n Coro mremfuunedicabatleio narst d mAnndd Arenwn DBoa/ghgale yas am Ge oErmyiely WGiebbbbs tbaesetne ss,p trhuacte dco uupld w eiathsi ltybe h aavded ition ph(loetfot) Bseil«ls B nuatizfk ay theF wora lyh ohsoem ien terested m starting a And we're happy about it. We hope you are, too non-transferable of fresh fruit and toppings But watermelon to farm market. Olney suggests they ©bSerUer TH&E Eccentric WINNERS WILL BE CHOSEN SEPTEMBER 20.1 991 wtohpyp tionpgs d tiheatte tfiacr d oeusts-ecratslo wrieith t heir John and MHartirltyzne i stheen dR etobrr fa ib oofo Fklaertm "Gerrse eMnamrkaertrtse ti.n bases'* This seems as silly as New York Oty.' Graerwnarket, adding club soda to s glass of NEWSPAPERS THE wine Some people will do Just ART EMANUClE H Kfcsf 40lh StNew York, N Y ©tertier & Eccentric about anything to reduce caloric uaff (*x>io<y«p»>« 10018 you ho*'she We Live Where You Live L intake says See recipes tesMe Birmingham Eccentric Canton Observer Farmington Observer, Garden C*y Observer. Livonia Observer Ptymouth Observer NEWSPAPERS Bedford Obeervw. Rochester Eccentric. SouthfM Ecoanlric, Troy Eccentric. West BtoomSeW Eccentric Westland Observer a Monday. Aogutf 2S. IW1 O* E #7B O&E Monday. August 2«. 1W1 H ot d o gs a re a h it A l e x a n d er V a l l ey w i ne is r i ch U se c o o k i es f or C a s s e r o le is r i pe w i th b a s e b a ll f a ns Use of an American Vlticultural c o ol p ie c r u s ts Area on a wine label requires an 85- focus on wine WIONFE T SHEEL EWCETEIOKN S f or s u m m er h a r v e st percent varietal minimum in tbe bottled wine. An AVA la defined by Battar up! Baseball and hot dogs a Dugout Special: Split hot dog in TaSsteee B Luadrsr.y P aJgaene s3'B. column fboeramt .e Gggrad wuhailtleys ubnetailt s oinft Vpe*a kcsu p tFbier eBaurrmeasu as of " aAl cgorahpoel- gTroobwaicncgo arned- Eleanor and draerrSe Va cmahlplaelreya t chwteeinr sefos l slatonewdm idmnigsinc goAvl eefrxro atmnb-e acoren ttiwnoue tAom aettrricaacnt m foarveo rfiatenss e tvhearty ao rb gurna tfeidll egda rwdeitnh vyeoguert afbalveos.r ite slaw See related story about farm leaspooa dried 1gnwV lmeH*UCl clha.o a sc-PmpwwarbA pemn aicesNnfusreeeY akl rfitc,a en e CikesvgdnteR rotac orehrU., d)lio -itMte elf tnaaBet tecras hr fCoe e 9rR cmar- rimUsnnbeadcsSsashtTr p(g O, amprr iVeiiexno a es- , ssldtspetahhutugeaireiggsfylcgf eia a skrewp rmrey, e. hbde faaaCoiol.ntll klwelFooddssnwlo .tbl.i do nb B tfwuMPheoeealral a,taimtwhxtci.ee s adb uiden n cePdamtr gtlif eiiaglol xnaercotgem muedtm hroy eiaconcoi la k unuk ildinonisnn nerattti g,ionl l i d n a i f gsggftnoooiueio nicOoialnsgu,gh c scwwrw c ilaoatiiiipntn mtshfhhei rAoai oA cnt Vcmeeaalo,sAlel ntlftxesyabselab ueeaainlnmv ntidsuasd ueethrt rhrriete.ro ihsVdos neWua, iwcnr lebaoldh enoIl iiyumaudcn.mrhng /peodn o ra ad,br rri oteewisaegttanheisisnnc,e'. l-e-r"l cmfHuheilCan airoenlddro o tslhh nbcaenulvi arsemgyo ,abut ortetieh eetnehs rlev nie nasx groetinure aedttnhma d.ol^ *ef gl yteR hsw esuuuc avchrxcayelt lraseassy- - Hgiwesedo in oRtohdeanei cdnc e rtlvtshohdsaepear. ri "hvey iit,ln ilweessie'sd a ebasrube.ni lcBgihteoy-ntb het'osirna p sltloroyon da ,p u llJecaivemne t,a-l Shat1Imhmni6ageid 1uspphn 9v verAlt8iesiarg8gm csnmn hseCieoitlnalverlntoakide cs(e $ abhcsa1ny aa rd8t rbohav) mecmils roto iBin safancsfeoy uetlb ilealkt ,e nouifasndf rr bCcdaal h lenaeafd obcll alwacer vorewi aenonlaainlere.te tds.hte- . ynoastghifvueao etDBsemmn brgruuse.ebaa ,tr ge tithy eroneaoo .gso t tuet f atend hdphn)oeooopdgytnra ob 'andttxaabc ohlseiegemea. ssbbv a eeOasetsole vnlttlloed yi n ns sab e oS toehamO uso batoetat n pnld ul a,eoopmr gca cbtcbre ahcakenleu-lsrt -- dseorgaavs eLP fdeii ltawlceChi dtd(Aeh YowrT f'eisfie CvtDlh eHdMo r:tEuy wo8btRu ohlsne' ieSt:dnry gSvp .DiPB enEsorggo Cso:i)fIl eAHcdLhoe t eh dsoeotsg emthsIhtineac'esLtrsr ias skoraluieeodnmtm kssdf, aiim fnlPlmraogeaoroi rgmf lktyo eohsr a w RMaar s3via ol rBetlcmeas.o ctltmlooi opguvareoiefl ou' lJteld ahT ianaehstesi ss i utth s rtCeaaestlcsa ti tsaeph-lseel acodispn aeniew ulsLeiptosmeg pi anigwge gnshhprhd aetaslttl, aaneyep tznddr es ut up a g cIncplacnttoehri llrlei ain agcgtniogo^ dah paletndenalrdeaadsn vn tts e.oytta o Sua msrtntiekedarmi tloi opnloveel vetsao,ercl i Sea mvetd eixeidrsn-- , _pduoPkJ1•1*1 lle!4rn o ceae cceg, tSuWp octig*naarwelruTapegpp v.& ifrap espRtis eCehrwsso,* leAmhfs rs pofs kruU ao c .pWieaegl snrg enpanpsteinBnk pwdlsan ra t8l rE cp bnts a aaihraRtgfnetor unleri Racalscidmleymw vYr t sbo oenasb mebMaorlueleemlr rt Odrb prs e roap oiaUsigrkeeofn etesSspo.e .dlS rn abE . t SalMfier t npAPnoa rddzIis nEeehd3-nr 5 . 0 foccim4l2p1onaovo ele(ct9tCemMdnpo1edcar-c cH bpiii ueppeaoananielpsOrnpnxtttcr e oe te. kwcCpmdr)pwl hya oc oaOhcsi.hortwu rnihqeeeSLcipebt todgauoeid ApelsngmcreelaiacvTt ronr oc tceehebgElerr dasnome u tCc ia aesm ssili frpnexntt Haer.echertpdogmu.oeaIsz nPr mo dei a ersM F nekc . M p.r ^ rie sw eeoe mamI e awSeNcnzamepedwreT lnotael hcot r s a iPbhepntiln meedao Id,E nc- oo-r CoiMnsaAfag1nefnoapr9o gletdrLtomSp6uet h n nwlg0OlixnseeedneosrhatiddCosc y anrenR, ec,tpAga ted ho ihuAeptf neTrwrbsets.roela ees,Er eev nVrieC D xsabipgtanv a oe reCilIna nuugslNo yleRdnni f nyra1ete i u bynnr8nv Hsshed i4, oelnVaeg5i r r gAsnalaptae elnh Vetllbdmo.oleeaeef sa xaTorie yblrntassnlnbbua,ten se ieir yrds. tsg peh Sve e cAeneeaaro e antxo,clno n cltwwm aoeetwha utyimnntiretnhhdrmedl saeyoeie-d,-s - , ncunsgpvnptrphaeaonoorrreeeouooaunnniE"raqicswv ddC s rrAtst.ue hiu uhh HnahogeL Reccrrtu aw nsehiieieacLvrnvvo ae n todosiwYeeenl g fmooAdsa- .i nA n frsRsntsbl tiohnbie ilepiI n1ndeeauwxsnPe0eyx raa nt0iE gvr ahnntba ii i.nNabendecplnolayd shgedenI wlnve reNr t crhocaiycsch nGViflaiaead ll baVbn etaaeserr etnyelo i,caec l prdtrivehla nhlnelw pasynaaeeee ,ar ,rcybat ft i drsw.atrwlre tsteeosubm ltaaahanyanaei nurattturdlnrdohmssmv v snab.f i i etyl eo ergtgthaatoi.-ron- - -- , afchewmnbgipvnrbnxeoeeorhuoto tRnodprrel iirbsvs eccletnEeb.aymahsiro sedDFis sc leVnaacaiaure l nsnralWetvayio,egledut qli-eu"ay lg sI cuarTqefsb eNoocoey nul hbrlo beEnreitooiewm hrttnsSgruer olsefenrayrps a yo dipaet.r,rodery rdpor g nscoptC,ec , rbecasdis ka o cwenuapluhypneatbs ecii alses ew tleceiw shrelsnodrtse iq . trfinnic" s htup udf aeo ehterrmeelhtsnfiao ne taco vc mts s h p lteiorahshy,aneysfuo io,nA,eg,n vi wb s n flitalawisloieig na,grt onne x-eao-d,f s.- Sfawptwarasdriatcalraevaiiyeloyc1atln1e,chnli9em ve9ec tp( tB8n i8$he iyfiawgo7dt92noio ss aonu 1 irreF. Fctoftsr d) ahsTehc.iaee p prue sh riaao(permrtrri8uafusla rr1be xyprefr s9riafri np -eg)-ciear tiCdfnCeek snc ljgddnsasdegaaree. rrv rci as a rovanwtoTuoaru aak rwrhouiboonsritriplshniidase tle i gChynnC ac tw.owtdnaa ah fldlii beafst n looserrf el dfufrari- rsan uoekfi hunaltxeoioy atildtai-- lt-s s ibsstOofwTfisihusyarfoihth iarbC nvhhntmoee nhseaoore adut.B knietrrl issdx s idta aacaItuedi tdes uonnideotmnee gdine tg snyavo hrudsIsg okepaists : mugyLr otllpsaaafrpenaoi.enruntel andaLddoagtsd,;tbdwio se o nl o.dbandSe rnfdra:s weec d k bcSbrsori eabfuss eemdrossinesronre bves bl gbaoicesl en:ssa teh a.hgmsl elacn esCeio s ansRulr enetinote r-dgar aub s ena drbi pandnbetienled -ldyin-ys t I8oCedtm1b88 r nrdh uoh m aeiChhogtotooodntotoskeotne, s tt d 1mad drg f pa dCdieroooeunbead2ooTrggn mdirgg csHn bbt ebu sl8 eu(e byb,onupIY n sabo nNcnst ttso.aitoaia se .eNobvsS r,td l,n dba eId1est , Nrorseh:p0tr bphcg trv8lGmhielousr e timios cuet enP aeuaigdilnInrenygh Zivdsihuu n aiZsls mtnata ulAeaoigracscnga sce, thedPse)eo,d e to Uae a o rsdsstnPk,l tiSuii eoclc nlndeoet,d vit il- -s 41811mov Cs- n *ttcs1aaa Aabmactoa0rbboudpara gtlpapl pcdct e2aelsete slrhso pe hp tap iproiraeernpn ozoeenaenredzoogdis' draosnonpdao n srbneos n s,tcdaoo oip hbmhcu t nse imutohcsnseloctpoeei lomtdc pitap exaeeraseprdzisllod ee ,aihtndd cor a cmi fge enlaor lvsibatgelrve arlesi esg ohneg tncoasfta doh r oon o.iem f orn' •teneB« e hessig»erelpoa ut olennsird t.hoh ot c bwasnuhtdophnuineeo-oadeInBatlcngsio esltflrh. t.ens s io eecPedTl midlpeh l loat i s aeab1ahzwnaecel u0zrds lbeismoantt ea bh us i uispb.on rgx nmaoaewcbhtuttpphui.eelcl,pepr ledc tes ergSs.mo.our o egfT oexilarrxsdnoivnom ie pedmto nto a n ww.p gb ti nibeeiobietletsthrcy htaob e detp isu1rlo.e tes gpt oro tesTpanu rpe boieraoarlscdronensee,-- , 22(J*12s4aS2o* a ln Mcilmm*tpcld caelictao i eereeai(cpagosvaddsBpa enpaSeiip auu es aopUoosr m mloig tl)nMtdien ati v4 iretoszrMceoe dC lnugecd mi,coEd rcAh bcei,sa RoleSlh el tfapi goniSViccpnnge eEkoeiEsepd,Rdr, lGl o y ta OcrsfrhE eaakrm iLdttNneTi Eni sAiinphn cnceBeot epobdiLdsp,ae E esSsi re-ols,ell, nido vccereahd s1t , cmSprpwgslubyeoooeirunii dmvSemAgrutnbdhueaaprrubemte rsteca rsrtlt eueidete syehandtedr e sr.lbiatekd t s ahoecnuU l steaveadno onn p escpwnbcd sr aotomeroe ihr voiadtpavrmnihieioceexL lrevblkerp telebsruerepodaea r nrwem a nyesa aurfn,i dnn o osldil dctlofriam i i n rrwn altgd2outomd noher0 lmp dgatahls pliomi ipbeyna reslssoa. gedediaitpn d emlolS pn.uiiwf r tegtembot e aaedh forwamsesiyti nnoirll4 s-ty itden h0to - , egg yolks and H cup sugar, stir sugar in a large bowl. Beat until Blessed with deep, fertile soils, Al- rainfall, and fog intrusion." said Bob Alexander Valley chardonnays are untii well blended. Stir in stiff peaks form. Fold in creme exander Valley is cooled in summer Young, who made his first Alexander intense and forward with a pineap- ture drops rapidly at about 5 p.m. F o l l ow u p - t o - d a te m e t h o ds f or s a fe c a n n i n g, f r e e z i ng strawberry puree and bring to a de men the or schnapps. Chill. by fog that flows in from the Santa Valley plantings at Robert Young ple-peach fruit perception. The daily during the growing season, and boU, stirring constantly. Place in Drizzle melted chocolate over Rosa plain and is retained by a nar- Vineyards in 1065. wines have adequate acidity and are that the valley experiences very cool frwgFmoerohlifadxrliddli tieguu ni.eran tebrolta.leo ytCao t bhrteh itc laeoelht.gilg lse tiWdcr nwaohwoh liiMb .tpsee tCsrr archcy wuirtlipebll.l ea m srmMuir xgyse- aaatrnni.-d f f, wSh11po hpqouiruporespanp.er Hiatdn r vAtceoardLne FaiS tlm h-lAalenN IccDh c ea rcH nucrdsrAate.sLat FmF f orPeldIeEze in .3 CrTftuoohlrrwoee av i fdn eo2girg0fd af- aeatdlnree eed giinnr trechi eeevth reFer abe heinnnrtdowefrln teuohhefeenn aitcthn e edwte aa mvccraocmplooeleelurreyan r.-t lVfoloaa"lodMlrse ysoco saaitrrl wsee.fh up iWltlleayen gat enrmdadop wneosinht oei nrrnic wAoh,ueler vtxha aiclnnlrdekoyep i-r t ecisao sdSmyuo eetmso etf od roro fitmnh tekh .Ae fal becxetsa ttnh dgaeetrw t hVuerax ltlteermya.mp Tienrhaeirs - dpneeigrTa hlVhitensa g.lm l. eeylo nsa-puevaigrn qounal ibtyla nocf A islex aapn-- ggctharaoenWrdrw'teeh n'snse t ,fton hropouertri h tbitsitbon'seug a gfn hrttdteea mssa htvtpie epaegrir ecfa ttkataheurbamdrnle efs srm loo am fcYrrakoo ltmelubyt e , mcpHoraeoLmarcomtbewsis,fn s uapaelcodt ieiu doillnne tfrm ofyo oe,aodn dsst ssep a aro rfeTfeos h cosaeuedlslrrseet ,vaei snm gcoe auubtnpsaatnsbcetl ebero resr-, f Lois Thieleke dflwianreeigysTteh iephrz resieescda. rkt el oSstl ieip zsofsrrere e sn oa,seodruz p egnpjaaa eaqcrmecukd kesiaca xgt kgaoceenee srdpca. at i orn jwue ttlohil irgienenh sf ts rm ie Tnaeanhgzkdele-e sefowrdre ATSeteoe*hzst eci .tn ohkgreeb yw ipcsir l alotoc dhi udsecal pto/er bk fleeoefeomopdro e tnph rec eja uslniiegcnrehivnta ga tcdi ooodlnr-- tFurreee. zSep fooorn a itnto lea csotole 3d hcoruursst.. 1V qt cuaapr tc ohroapnpgeed swhaelrnbaetts or pecans G o o ey c h o c o l a te c a ke is a f a rm m a r k et find. fhaalrlvinegs,t bfourt y olaut ecran bsyave c asnonmieng of otbr e idae tshtrroivyeed i nat l obwoil aincgid t aenmdp ecraantnuorte boef home economist, Cooperative Extension Service tveeagseptoaobnl eosf d soaelst naodtde hdel tpo pare jsaerr voef afrreee tzoin fgo lplorowc eudpu-troe-sd aetxea ccatlnyni nDgo ca'nt d Garnish with fresh strawberries Mi cap chocolate chips freezing. 212 F. Low acid foods must be su- the product, it only adds to the fla- waste your time, money and energy 2811caw*1 te » ehd6pc n Rrgic-rartpooogreaeppoaxmppsp im.tw,s naeo sc sg rhvarfaee ereLigondppo dtnhEt maph el racfMermei lornamrfpaogOt teemod h Nrdcn o ebai crfnaAteo ugdc D allrrecroemeeaEa mrdcn s i(ooPt.eo nn n IpLwaEtctesdh ei.teoinl n e tscRar toaalen)nt- e-d 2ishSvlpcncnop arhiaputwe urnaPolrst efsee ibfc slhalrttapao.ll.hoeda edaclFTeamai se rniwotrtpa ceg iepetixoc e et ucxechofzrhionen newicn ts pieb rcisli i zsloletrviamaehsaeunertmam A egmwi mncesa.e ie.cedelt t llyShiaavt a. apenebct dnrn detlr tih.edSlehnye at e ko.SiRlmrlaip e el sydsr o mh Mheer iiter nlieaoowzrerdv zblboie tlte eev hottt eh. fa re CCatLihs'dToH heGOaSuho Ocpeieoncseat Cooe.Fa k erlMOtoeaaeyifltoLr i aea mJsnBA ttusGe oouTdtdohfutiE ot etrMsteh iebtG .rCoSy eaOrOo rA CytukBlO,rnKae aulekEtE datyPeYt ri.'eadst rig CM oOre eConBlacnoa ar3UielkkkpBy beTeSe.,ot s tTf. o ioi EfsknLurR, o on"aS m udnt- aO3maF111%Vt r S ofn oee,c crr ec gulaost ct utgepnio1eabfpa cmd -petsspe esucp sdo cotgo uaeacaonklm ornbld ea-ip: p st pbetuaeoorrlatxrwp sto duwcsoereeern e fftleocu tcri ohnoecorsl'a tseu,g - 21BgciaVnsh euet ii PPTttoecdgtbhaoctrruegeeeeseo p.smr r phpls amtaoieaahft oaekri9etenlte ek a dxt t nv h hc td1aecehr3no eee -itnaogilonmf vlgcpaece.aphc n ekWit ncixec othg,htaonreek afm eene3icrs r 5istspesx 0'm,at s.n o udt .Wmho geetgaehhrlri, .pted es Sertdtysoei rt- mtpc4lTlmtoyaha0rb,. eeie k tIenmalS hnpec tutcel e.airao t andeBrelnw kuee adsobaedlam.trykut eys Phc etst wotae .a c e irdu iki4hnCnrldr el,ebgo h a eor toes tebsopw lhtg3edeaua eglt5iyn,rh s e0sl.t e, in,os b-qm ttd pmaGcubsiepro;taieiegdtii lkfetnnskr oeo brtegti rgleen ae yc ea angi ootntnod r hvcmdestv oeue pdfevprro tnridatle er ietne ttnnahfthhli odetegil3ees--r- . gcdcpSbiirsneoaaiert gtcnroei nHTifni ivslncgohcpodiseeitlernem en lsray gmsorgf.nneo iw uCepte rdubfhdssteoaroomheat dpnoaono a tunbk dt dsh 'oc.ilosftsen air eupDevgr ep tasrine1a oetna isy0st sndsmiyiuu0se' v te rneg-wrpei ya ova utrt Iiretoyraaostns,ah ,et c.agsri esb-o rIa aoftead cnufhild o leuymydbot inr ioowe peses aoun arsuenpk o'ttvadmri so cedm gne,tk eu raeha eubu.lrwicd aexssunst-t t- - t dCoptpttpceoofeoeorl m oatoriMndfhshdsrbsepeoteAleauaryene aiblmbN ridztf lnaoeweoYyiigtudtno uiu tmg Pttidhtrlshho ie Eew ebsv p,t mOi oa2sehortytih4reiP umysie0p st lLo porpig noEnFnrrl ripideeuo.esn ssrutmwk agBtes ckth. us . oeaci ooer. ltnafIelru fde uvdFl dfsc eio rtlsaea h ee mbdtfnneaeaoyon szlo b ttieaisdys nr pw ftshgo io.ttoai mohhgr npedieehestt cahatpbtpbhh hrdoaremaroeeodo Fvivd wli ddeeteOitcoin uhux amarnlRgecvcaoae t tecletwa,T aet.hip c nOi rar jitrsttg.uttvhie Pios eoesemup tn pt a eocckh f.rb oofoeeT e qelo otldh dtlttubkfhoeltioebe ewcwvsirok tle oq oaasiltgn fytukrthpoeg et iew ritvrcso n aewukda bdgttbei oaluerbrme etrcwlse ctaste ,rhhbtntrio e o icgWoycsnpiheonol hiiu suc nttnte' bhanUhgginneente,, actsaabaonpFsnlidl aadFnpd cn c ereowecourrpt,hso ihapl etkeateasedernb r ra ,dbetn i elhe ldo,tlefo na oarf inbltrlo zleecdasonnov wsf do o,drfeler eor.hiree n. oo ePzng nrz eaoPsei .ctcpe nl-karirg nnaoc. cedediah neiuCsd tcpohu ta ,thbstn oec msiaonu diinbtcnbn o-eh t avtihTaunhoerpb esCraga e .t tc Ui a hSnakssTeulnet eia tigntgFhnttaihlegRn retagl ,,U fc ycv r tIoaa uei Tnfbdvri ctydefa iarft nuslo e astonsiruootea s tl t tdbi bubfteeeceirtslla elipd linr,nreeu aowgld tedaua tnutserthmdicedazetrle fv, jesarae nuponrrdgbumsdys- t ehsfpiadnop aiarmgloovyFe di. iadsoln ne rwtguo ddmp i.t,l ol5 fJotruor e tpest eatht.oh zmsrieit noten whfMwgoni ,niwro nkmo nchdudaaeiot alhntwloiy o fos8wo nti *olht nl8hdea .g- rb0oo ot*suoshu0ndgat4oht ,wc t aF8hhn: raai3nitss-0 - fsoerr avnePo rtheEmeraPi nuSis2ne4g.I P a $Iccnok na 5Cce asnmn,tsra3 altle b9ow l. icmhomceodliaattee lmy.i xFre oevzeer p4ie. ho Furres.e ze F8 oora tabCcee sOto spoOpfitn1R wg2: hP iaSpcpk e! dC6 canres. a5m c5heefsel, 21 tsetiaIcskSp bouo tntYe bra, kmiOneglt epdoU wdeRr HEoinf gaAr mediixeLenrt.s ,T preHfera blVy InI tThe bAowlL ci nioTgus.s Ofor 3 d aYys. MOakesU 8 to? 10 serv- hfmupvoierpgaooFgdhtdceOoa seatte Oaedcasb iu,Drtd lehrseSe ea sg. a.u Fe nApenAdrredLke rdlsrLaoeal w ilruinynvt,ti oaatnhlcg lateiw ndsf mde.oru e cHfi toatphisotgioec dhpdkgl eou p alrasrecion deitdddo s- -, otaapiwrrrvegeFFia vatsroyrneeoer,neim m asoztmneefaid dntis ing o,boo tsyrnfxhler ioe oetddwrafearrzsyt difiiicoon sndeongg ogd.. wc rfH ornosywopos wodetthinae lbzl evosyerefs mtr ct,m eaet rtonihc ab erbbcoeree-e-- oiFaftrnreoee BT ltec lhbholzoeaeweionnsr k etacgtb hhm. ao ceiTroonoeh kgudme nictspriteeemlr ec ytaettaoesirioeulny nv s bwav ce reaioeyngnto,tse ky,t edaot dopebupurl eemfb sfrneaepd fvetkoihzonirnaegret -, cshagtonooodloMmer dac ea sgrk lkgaeaeecr.we okuFpwsi r ewnfenogeh rozi ccfeq hatu hfib atred beloiast ehgfiserees nce oawzftboei rrblmla awgO kseiwefnt feetfoenlolrr r 211tsPo l uctta Ceelatwu aapiok nssswmppe soiowbctaoohoiagnnnnrae mtrt wwaa hinhha nadoowenll reedbs o imc niapleneol 1desautrr aymf sr r odhsienevoe seuezredrtteee d s tCC liamoowoleel oftktKiaonloeberSin esol2l ep niTa4 c sneihe nhdnpi ts osar hcupep eumrefescr nrap u gwktim hceeiiinktsrbnhla ee et S ranoa socor aw uu tk2rocge4euha fifkhmn risoli lblsiguica eceraelrsert s ,dawv st oe aaooprgntlir euedci. n-r-- ucts guard against growth of bacter- fore freezing, and freezing food winter squash and sweet potatoes. FREEZER COLE SLAW when removed from freezer It can a cool place • D£P ^ ^ <3^ ia, and can be safely canned using quicker. Freezer burn is caused by Cook as you would to use; then cool, 1 mediam head cabbage be refrozen Gallon • Homogenized V Dairy Freeti • 64 Oz. • on theU hsoet a wnya tkeert btlaeth la mrgeeth eondo. ugh so the iism vperroyp iemrlpyo pratacnkte dfo fro goodos.d Preascuklatsg.i ng package, and freeze. salSt.h Lreedt a sntdan dm i1x hwoiathr. A1d dte agsrpaoteodn CUCUMBTEHRES FARNEDE OZNERIO NS FOR stiHr uenatti tlb esu vgianre gdairss aonlvde sad tdo s mugaakre, MsMECsLLaOUDUrYT $ *1 . .89« <4 LIQUOR y•• — OJ URIACNEGE ' l ti4 O pl fa*! 'The N ew Generation jsskahuerortsrtu olaledur e tnbode ce pdohr mebelyvdpel oen tftwef l abytthree eiram. bkmoa Ttgetehorsem ead no djf aa r tnsshd oe fBlorlecBaeknlzsca iihnnnigcn chgsoti donloogprse ,vs ef tnhlgaoeevtt o amerbne lzaaeynnsdm c eno buo eatkrcfiinoteigrnoe,tn s ,i t bicnueg tCf iFrOnorOze peeKinzeEe cCDe so rOar ewPRa tctrokoamwm aaitn tototooeemss c af otwoonrhet soafliren ecee aorznsr- ccM1ha ciorxurp ptopo tevg adiena.t dehgera r 1 green pepper, 231S5 8yp ropouniapcin okdnlses ocfa csuagmabr ers sspTyylharreucuseppe iDownvri ealclrmo nb tteah pie niumceskrulsae ,Sbs aelena adl n.dd up orF iounrnregie oc zntoehso e,l . POLISH Extra Large the beat can thoroughly penetrate means giving food a short heat treat- leaving one-inch head space. For cup water 3 caps of vinegar winter months W* HAM <2.49 M A R K! EGGS 1 3 4 00 S t a rk R o ad tbe product. ment. It can be done in the mi- cooked tomatoes, peel, cover, core DOZ.^ 1 blk. West of Farmington Road Just South of the Jeffries i' Page ^ CANTON CENTER POOD MARKET COLBY 8:30-5:00 Monday-Friday • Call 421-7320 For Location Nearest You! PAPER <4 CHEESE $ ^ gQ - W o n d e r l a nd Aviall • E a s t l a nd M ai I • W e st B l o o m f i e ld - 6120 Canton Center Rd. TOWELS ^ 455-3750 • D o w n t o wn • D e a r b o rn - R e d f o rd • 8177 Sheldon S. of Joy Rd Open Daily 9-11; Fri. & Sat. 9-11; Sun. 10-10 LIQUOR • BEER • WINE • LOTTO • GROCERY • FAX A PA WE 4 CHECK CASHING • MONEY ORDERS • WE MAKE KEYS ¥ #3 • Help keep Mon.-Sat. 9-8 America Jiiiir BOB SEZ: PriSceusn E. f9f-e6c tive 31210 West W- 4ar2re1n- 0• W71e0st land llii i I £.1i SMOKWEinDte r LIVER Dairy Fresh SCuHpeEr SDhDarpA R looking LABOR DAY! Aug 26 - Sept 2. 1991 Merri-Warren Shopping Center •—- i ir Have a Safe & Happy Open Labor Day 9 a.m.-5 p.m. SAUSAGE CHEESE good. Yes, we will be open 10-5 for Your Local Fresh MEAT, DEL], your shopping convenience! SEAFOOD, FRUIT & VEGETABLE Anna's Fresh It). T5T Seafood Mkt. U.S.D.A. Choice BONELESS Labor Day Grill Special U.S.D A. Grade A U.S.DW.AH. OWLeEs t•e BrnO GNrEaLinE SFSe d Beef Dell Fresh TOP SIRLOIN U.S.D.A. Choice Beef BONELESS 24050 Joy Rd. • Redford T-BONE NEW YORK $, 2.99 BUTTERFLY BOLOGNA Barbecuing? STEAK STEAKS Li pari STRIP LOIN $ FISH IS GREAT OH THE GRILL! PORK CHOPS AMERICAN CHEESE 1.59> WsLVita oUps• mTNillt UYAouM HftAoVw l $2 . 79 lb. * lb. < 2 . 99 HAMB*U1RG.E9R 9Ma dibe . F rom Sadlicdeitido nFarel e$5 .•0 0W nroanp-pseadle imne a1t p Pukrgc.ha •se LIMIT 1 witf STsEoA yKFoRSu E cSaHn FbIuSyH y!F oIuSrH 1L0i mlbi.t W2BEnIGdE K lb. Fam5-i7lGy l bPRsa cOk U$ND j R ggO UND lb. U.S.DAB WOesNteErnL GEraSmS F ed Beef PUT.SUO.EDSARD AWTYe OsEtNeLrRnY. GHArUaGOinU SFUTed 2S B7tEehe f GBuOnsBb Se rDg EMLeI dSiPumEC RIAaLr e| POPrTlngAleTs O 7-UP SWHSSAOATHULLRCAMINDBARFAFOUMIKSI NTS YH.H - OA NUDTS WC PACHIHTVCABIRIAKPTTAOA EEFSJUFRIMSS1TA HSJ LH BPOONUER.LSE.DSK.AS. GRDraEOdLeM AAO SNICTO ImPpoortlHeids (AIhn M OSu try Dleeli) HDeOarbTor nD's OSkiGnleSss POU.SR.SDT.ATE. ECRhAoHiKceOS B UeefS E «WvVAVAMW/ V v SsI2RL.QOu9tcIkN-N9- ESalsbTy EAK 1UW0TM CL-DIBTNBSE S OO$ANY3 OENOL. RSY 5, TAUEG9UAST K 2 6th RsK3Oow.Aa5lSskTi9 K BolwbEa ElityF *C1H.IP1S9 *2A12ll. PF9alcakv 9Coarnss Dep. Hii »r* tMoni.* *- 2'L*5A*B5 O-2R1 Q1A2Y a » m.-3 p.w $2 . 88 lb. ' 2Ho.m8e8styl eb ' L1i par.i S9an9dw iibch $3 .Um9«8 10 lb lb Bob's GFRaBImLoLEu RsEE FAMD aYri nated PSLuAgTarT CEuRr eBdA SClicOeNd NHaOtuTra lD COasGinSg All Flavors * 2 Liter POTATO SALAD I* SUN COUNTRY CORNED BEEF SHISH-K-BOBS MADE FURNACE SALE U.ST.DEAN.D CEhoRiLceO IBNeef or COLE SLAW BU.aS.Dby.A . BGraadcek A UMIT 10 > 2 . 19 EA. LINMOITN -3S ALBLSE MWEITAHT PAULDRBDC ITHIOANSEA L s2 , 79 B For Cars. Boats l Homes s COOLERS FILLET STEAKS 8 9* ib ' 3 . 49 b SPARE RIBS Grade A Fresh THURSOAY. AUGUST 29th BOB S BEST BEER BUY 2/* 1.00 2.39 Dearborn Sausage Rotissiere Style Grade A Fresh 24 oz. - 12 ounce cans s500 CASH BACK MAMA M $7 . 59 b TUKoRwaKlskEi (YBr oBwnR CEoaAtedS) T SMKOIEKELDB PAOSUASH $2 .Um9it9 10 lb lb. PORBOKN ERLOESAS ST SPB$.A1B.RQ E.- P 5RORI9KB S MLDIRITLAEL FET RS '11.99*2'D.0E0P . Coupon Expires 9 1 91 (Limit 2) Coupon Expires 9-1-91 FREE VACATION w/VvNv/v* U.S.D.A. Grade A Boneless ' 3 . 7 9 1 „. $2Gr.ea5t t9or th» b G rit' From Eastern Market M . 49 LB. L$I6M 0I0T N1O0N L-SBASLE W MEITAHT D F€ATDD PIU TLRICBOH NAASEL DRAFT LITE WW$9. .99 CO ScT CAasrsloo rRteods svia orrie Gtiaelslo | AL2L% G~~A %LL%O" NS CHICKEN GrMt For Th» Grin p\»h From N«v* Z*aUod Freah • Free* • Freeh Broadway Deli's ftgjl Ground Fresh Many Times Daily Grade A Fresh MILK BREASTS Atlantic Red Real Mild SWORDFISH C O R N ED Si Is® Our Extra Lean Hamburger Made From BONELESS • SKINLESS WINES *1 .79 SALMON STEAKS ORANGE ROUGHY STEAKS GROUND ROUND CHICKEN BREAST *6 99 g» $2 . 49 t(M M Gooort All Center $ , h1 10 Ib. UmM lb. ' 4 . 9 9 ,0 ' 4 . 1 9, $6 . 99 ib. Cuts 2 . 49 53 LLBU P. KriGv.u. O vR_/n M mORuEn t . ^Coupon Expim f-1f1 turn* 21 Coupon Evpret f-1-fl llimit $ " A», Brands • King Size | 24 Pack • 12 Oz. Cans warm 1 . 6 9e 1 - 99 BUD - LABATTS - MILLER CIGARETTES | |WE'RE T H E| UMTT 10 LBS WITH AOOITONAL LIT! • MOLSON CANADIAN LIMIT 10 LBS UW NOHiAtf IK AT 0»€T PMBCHASt INSIDE GUYS! 8611 N. Lilley Road • Canton, Ml 48187 • 4 5 4 - 0 1 11 M 3 . 9 9 ~ r' WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES • dep HOURS:P rMicoean .G-oSoadt. 9 Aau.mg. -8 2 p6.m. ;th Sruun .Se 1p0t. a. m2 -€ p.m OWuea rRtMeeetf eOynj A Tfht eS aRt*ig IMtem T*o T LH*amnkAa ALL SATLE-S InTEMrSr A-VAiILATBLTE W-HTILET SU^PrP LIES LJfST Coupon fKwm f-1-tl (L*mt 1) OSf0C MNoorne-F fMorte 1r0s0 I C'ou1pon1 *€p»r.w9 H9 iut*• ta x2 1 We accept 2E U.S.D.A. Food Stamps 1/ mm

orderly conduct at the 1-275 rest stop in Canton. Thomas Edward Sullivan plead- ed no contest to the charge of being disorderly on May 23 at the rest.
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