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Editorial یزاورپ لخاد هلجم ناهام ییامیپاوه 101 هرامش -In the name of God- Mahan Inflight Magazine Welcome on board. It is a great pleasure having you experience our services today. Mahan Air No. 101 introduced to aviation industry in 1992 and we are extremely so proud of steadily growing our presence and services over the past 25 years and look forward to exciting years ahead to continue invest in new aircrafts and new routes with speci�ic focus on offering the highest standards of service and hospitality in the global airline industry competition. Proprietor: Mahan Air Co. We consider Mahan Air contribution to the border community across Iran and other places in the world where we are well positioned to make a real difference with providing frequent �light of Editor-in-Chief: Seyed Mojtaba Binazir approximately 5.6 million passengers per year. Today, Mahan Air operates a �leet of more than 60 Central Office: new Airbus and Boeing aircrafts from Tehran hub to more than 54 routes inside Iran and 53 routes 4th Floor, Mahan Air Tower, Azadegan St., internationally across Europe, Asia, Middle East, Far East and CIS (Commonwealth of Independent Karaj High- way, Tehran,Iran States). P.O.Box: 14515411 To join Mahan Air Frequent Flyer program, a loyalty program offered to our customers to enjoy a Tel: 021-48381752 range of exclusive privileges and courtesy services (including: lounge access, check-in priority, increased baggage allowance, guaranteed award seats and more) kindly collect the application Advertisement: forms available at Mahan Air check-in counter or even on-board during your �light and immediately Agency: Eama Naghshineh start collecting miles with the temporary card and take the advantages. For more information, Tel: (+9821) 24843 Please visit (www.mahan.aero) to learn about the card bene�its and services. Fax: (+9821) 22024022 In addition to facilitate the check in process, Mahan air provided web check in (online check- in) Cellphone: 09121129144 service at Sari, Kerman, Qeshm, Shiraz and Ahwaz airports. This service will be operational at all Email: [email protected] stations alternatively. Following of increasing and expanding the �light route network, we as Mahan air, established new direct international routes - from the beginning of -2016 particularly to the European countries. In this regard, we commenced direct �lights from Tehran to Moscow, Kiev, Milan & Munich. In addition, Mahan air new direct �lights to Paris, Copenhagen & Athens have been launched recently. C O N T E N T S We are continually striving to provide high quality service to every one of our valued passengers. Hearing your ideas and feedback on what we do well and where we need to improve is fundamental Tourism to this. You can provide your feedback – good or bad – quickly and easily through the “Feedback Form” on board. The crew will be handing out these forms, during your �light. Touring Iran: Lake Urmia, Poets' Mausoleum in Tabriz 4 We would like to thank you over and over for your continued support of Mahan and our services. Iran’s Handicrafts 10 Please sit back and enjoy our renowned Persian hospitality. Our crew is friendly, professional & Around the World: World’s Beautiful Squares 14 trained and shares a passion for ensuring your journey is as comfortable as possible. Thank you once again for choosing to fly Mahan Air. Entertainment World Movies: 2017 Oscar Nominations 18 Health: The Benefit of Orange Peels 24 Fun Story: The Ninny 26 Kids' Story: World Records! 28 Crossword Puzzle 31 Website: www.mahan.aero Telegram.me/mahanairchannel Instagram.com/fly_mahanair EEddiittoorriiaall یزاورپ لخاد هلجم ناهام ییامیپاوه 101 هرامش --IInn tthhee nnaammee ooff GGoodd-- Mahan Inflight Magazine WWeellccoommee oonn bbooaarrdd.. IItt iiss aa ggrreeaatt pplleeaassuurree hhaavviinngg yyoouu eexxppeerriieennccee oouurr sseerrvviicceess ttooddaayy.. MMaahhaann AAiirr No. 101 iinnttrroodduucceedd ttoo aavviiaattiioonn iinndduussttrryy iinn 11999922 aanndd wwee aarree eexxttrreemmeellyy ssoo pprroouudd ooff sstteeaaddiillyy ggrroowwiinngg oouurr pprreesseennccee aanndd sseerrvviicceess oovveerr tthhee ppaasstt 2255 yyeeaarrss aanndd llooookk ffoorrwwaarrdd ttoo eexxcciittiinngg yyeeaarrss aahheeaadd ttoo ccoonnttiinnuuee iinnvveesstt iinn nneeww aaiirrccrraaffttss aanndd nneeww rroouutteess wwiitthh ssppeeccii��iicc ffooccuuss oonn ooffffeerriinngg tthhee hhiigghheesstt ssttaannddaarrddss ooff sseerrvviiccee aanndd hhoossppiittaalliittyy iinn tthhee gglloobbaall aaiirrlliinnee iinndduussttrryy ccoommppeettiittiioonn.. Proprietor: Mahan Air Co. WWee ccoonnssiiddeerr MMaahhaann AAiirr ccoonnttrriibbuuttiioonn ttoo tthhee bboorrddeerr ccoommmmuunniittyy aaccrroossss IIrraann aanndd ootthheerr ppllaacceess iinn tthhee wwoorrlldd wwhheerree wwee aarree wweellll ppoossiittiioonneedd ttoo mmaakkee aa rreeaall ddiiffffeerreennccee wwiitthh pprroovviiddiinngg ffrreeqquueenntt ��lliigghhtt ooff Editor-in-Chief: Seyed Mojtaba Binazir aapppprrooxxiimmaatteellyy 55..66 mmiilllliioonn ppaasssseennggeerrss ppeerr yyeeaarr.. TTooddaayy,, MMaahhaann AAiirr ooppeerraatteess aa ��lleeeett ooff mmoorree tthhaann 6600 Central Office: nneeww AAiirrbbuuss aanndd BBooeeiinngg aaiirrccrraaffttss ffrroomm TTeehhrraann hhuubb ttoo mmoorree tthhaann 5544 rroouutteess iinnssiiddee IIrraann aanndd 5533 rroouutteess 4th Floor, Mahan Air Tower, Azadegan St., iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaallllyy aaccrroossss EEuurrooppee,, AAssiiaa,, MMiiddddllee EEaasstt,, FFaarr EEaasstt aanndd CCIISS ((CCoommmmoonnwweeaalltthh ooff IInnddeeppeennddeenntt Karaj High- way, Tehran,Iran SSttaatteess)).. P.O.Box: 14515411 TToo jjooiinn MMaahhaann AAiirr FFrreeqquueenntt FFllyyeerr pprrooggrraamm,, aa llooyyaallttyy pprrooggrraamm ooffffeerreedd ttoo oouurr ccuussttoommeerrss ttoo eennjjooyy aa Tel: 021-48381752 rraannggee ooff eexxcclluussiivvee pprriivviilleeggeess aanndd ccoouurrtteessyy sseerrvviicceess ((iinncclluuddiinngg:: lloouunnggee aacccceessss,, cchheecckk--iinn pprriioorriittyy,, iinnccrreeaasseedd bbaaggggaaggee aalllloowwaannccee,, gguuaarraanntteeeedd aawwaarrdd sseeaattss aanndd mmoorree)) kkiinnddllyy ccoolllleecctt tthhee aapppplliiccaattiioonn Advertisement: ffoorrmmss aavvaaiillaabbllee aatt MMaahhaann AAiirr cchheecckk--iinn ccoouunntteerr oorr eevveenn oonn--bbooaarrdd dduurriinngg yyoouurr ��lliigghhtt aanndd iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy Agency: Eama Naghshineh ssttaarrtt ccoolllleeccttiinngg mmiilleess wwiitthh tthhee tteemmppoorraarryy ccaarrdd aanndd ttaakkee tthhee aaddvvaannttaaggeess.. FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn,, Tel: (+9821) 24843 PPlleeaassee vviissiitt ((wwwwww..mmaahhaann..aaeerroo)) ttoo lleeaarrnn aabboouutt tthhee ccaarrdd bbeennee��iittss aanndd sseerrvviicceess.. Fax: (+9821) 22024022 IInn aaddddiittiioonn ttoo ffaacciilliittaattee tthhee cchheecckk iinn pprroocceessss,, MMaahhaann aaiirr pprroovviiddeedd wweebb cchheecckk iinn ((oonnlliinnee cchheecckk-- iinn)) Cellphone: 09121129144 sseerrvviiccee aatt SSaarrii,, KKeerrmmaann,, QQeesshhmm,, SShhiirraazz aanndd AAhhwwaazz aaiirrppoorrttss.. TThhiiss sseerrvviiccee wwiillll bbee ooppeerraattiioonnaall aatt aallll Email: [email protected] ssttaattiioonnss aalltteerrnnaattiivveellyy.. FFoolllloowwiinngg ooff iinnccrreeaassiinngg aanndd eexxppaannddiinngg tthhee ��lliigghhtt rroouuttee nneettwwoorrkk,, wwee aass MMaahhaann aaiirr,, eessttaabblliisshheedd nneeww ddiirreecctt iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaall rroouutteess -- ffrroomm tthhee bbeeggiinnnniinngg ooff --22001166 ppaarrttiiccuullaarrllyy ttoo tthhee EEuurrooppeeaann ccoouunnttrriieess.. IInn tthhiiss rreeggaarrdd,, wwee ccoommmmeenncceedd ddiirreecctt ��lliigghhttss ffrroomm TTeehhrraann ttoo MMoossccooww,, KKiieevv,, MMiillaann && MMuunniicchh.. IInn aaddddiittiioonn,, MMaahhaann aaiirr nneeww ddiirreecctt ��lliigghhttss ttoo PPaarriiss,, CCooppeennhhaaggeenn && AAtthheennss hhaavvee bbeeeenn llaauunncchheedd rreecceennttllyy.. C O N T E N T S WWee aarree ccoonnttiinnuuaallllyy ssttrriivviinngg ttoo pprroovviiddee hhiigghh qquuaalliittyy sseerrvviiccee ttoo eevveerryy oonnee ooff oouurr vvaalluueedd ppaasssseennggeerrss.. HHeeaarriinngg yyoouurr iiddeeaass aanndd ffeeeeddbbaacckk oonn wwhhaatt wwee ddoo wweellll aanndd wwhheerree wwee nneeeedd ttoo iimmpprroovvee iiss ffuunnddaammeennttaall Tourism ttoo tthhiiss.. YYoouu ccaann pprroovviiddee yyoouurr ffeeeeddbbaacckk –– ggoooodd oorr bbaadd –– qquuiicckkllyy aanndd eeaassiillyy tthhrroouugghh tthhee ““FFeeeeddbbaacckk FFoorrmm”” oonn bbooaarrdd.. TThhee ccrreeww wwiillll bbee hhaannddiinngg oouutt tthheessee ffoorrmmss,, dduurriinngg yyoouurr ��lliigghhtt.. Touring Iran: Lake Urmia, Poets' Mausoleum in Tabriz 4 WWee wwoouulldd lliikkee ttoo tthhaannkk yyoouu oovveerr aanndd oovveerr ffoorr yyoouurr ccoonnttiinnuueedd ssuuppppoorrtt ooff MMaahhaann aanndd oouurr sseerrvviicceess.. Iran’s Handicrafts 10 PPlleeaassee ssiitt bbaacckk aanndd eennjjooyy oouurr rreennoowwnneedd PPeerrssiiaann hhoossppiittaalliittyy.. OOuurr ccrreeww iiss ffrriieennddllyy,, pprrooffeessssiioonnaall && Around the World: World’s Beautiful Squares 14 ttrraaiinneedd aanndd sshhaarreess aa ppaassssiioonn ffoorr eennssuurriinngg yyoouurr jjoouurrnneeyy iiss aass ccoommffoorrttaabbllee aass ppoossssiibbllee.. TThhaannkk yyoouu oonnccee aaggaaiinn ffoorr cchhoooossiinngg ttoo ffllyy MMaahhaann AAiirr.. Entertainment World Movies: 2017 Oscar Nominations 18 Health: The Benefit of Orange Peels 24 Fun Story: The Ninny 26 Kids' Story: World Records! 28 Crossword Puzzle 31 Website: www.mahan.aero Telegram.me/mahanairchannel Instagram.com/fly_mahanair Tour i ng I ra n Page 4 | No. 101 LLaakkee UUrrmmiiaa Modern ecology Based on last checklists of biodiversity of Urmai Lake in 2014 and 2016, it is home of A recent drought has 62 species of Archaebacteria and significantly decreased Bacteria, 42 species of Microfungi, the annual amount of water 20 species of Phytoplankton, 311 species the lake receives. This in turn of Plants, 5 species of Mollusca (In rivers has increased the salinity of the of islands), 226 species of Birds, 27 species lake’s water, lowering the lake viability of Amphibians and Reptiles and 24 species of as home to thousands of migratory birds Mammals. Meanwhile, 47 fossils have been including the large flamingo populations. recorded in this habitat. It is an internationally The salinity has particularly increased in the registered protected area as both a UNESCO half of the lake north of the causeway. By Biosphere Reserve and a Ramsar site. virtue of its high salinity, the Lake no longer The lake is marked by more than a sustains any fish species. Nonetheless, hundred small, rocky islands, which Lake Urmia is considered a significant serve as stopover points during natural habitat of Artemia, which the migrations of several serve as food source for the LLaakkee UUrrmmiiaa,,DDaarryyāācchhee--yyee OOrrūūmmiiyyee iiss aann eennddoorrhheeiicc ((mmeeaanniinngg,, ““gglliitttteerriinngg””––aa rreeffeerreennccee ttoo tthhee gglliitttteerriinngg wild birds including migratory birds such as ssaalltt llaakkee iinn IIrraanniiaann EEaasstt AAzzeerrbbaaiijjaann PPrroovviinnccee,, IIrraann mmiinneerraall ppaarrtiticclleess ssuussppeennddeedd iinn tthhee llaakkee wwaatteerr aanndd flamingos, pelicans, flamingos. aanndd nneeaarr IIrraann’’ss bboorrddeerr wwiitthh TTuurrkkeeyy.. TThhee llaakkee iiss ffoouunndd aalloonngg iittss sshhoorreess)).. IInn mmeeddiieevvaall titimmeess iitt ccaammee spoonbills, ibises, bbeettwweeeenn tthhee pprroovviinncceess ooff EEaasstt aanndd WWeesstt AAzzeerrbbaaiijjaann ttoo bbee kknnoowwnn aass LLaakkee KKaabbuuddaa ((KKaabbooddaann)),, ffrroomm tthhee storks, shelducks, iinn IIrraann,, aanndd wweesstt ooff tthhee ssoouutthheerrnn ppoorrtitioonn ooff tthhee wwoorrdd ffoorr ““aazzuurree”” iinn PPeerrssiiaann.. avocets, stilts, CCaassppiiaann SSeeaa.. AAtt iittss ffuullll ssiizzee,, iitt wwaass tthhee llaarrggeesstt llaakkee TThhee BBaattttllee ooff UUrrmmiiaa wwaass ffoouugghhtt nneeaarr tthhee llaakkee and gulls. iinn tthhee MMiiddddllee EEaasstt aanndd tthhee ssiixxtthh--llaarrggeesstt ssaallttwwaatteerr iinn 11660044 dduurriinngg tthhee OOttttoommaann––SSaaffaavviidd WWaarr ooff llaakkee oonn EEaarrtthh wwiitthh aa ssuurrffaaccee aarreeaa ooff aapppprrooxxiimmaatteellyy 11660033––11661188.. 55,,220000 kkmm²²,, 114400 kkmm lleennggtthh,, 5555 kkmm wwiiddtthh,, aanndd 1166 mm TThhee llaakkee iiss ddiivviiddeedd iinnttoo nnoorrtthh aanndd ssoouutthh,, sseeppaarraatteedd ddeepptthh.. TThhee llaakkee hhaass sshhrruunnkk ttoo 1100%% ooff iittss ffoorrmmeerr bbyy aa ccaauusseewwaayy iinn wwhhiicchh aa 11..55--kkiilloommeetteerr ((00..9933 mmii)) ssiizzee dduuee ttoo ddaammmmiinngg ooff tthhee rriivveerrss tthhaatt flflooww iinnttoo iitt ggaapp pprroovviiddeess lliittttllee eexxcchhaannggee ooff wwaatteerr bbeettwweeeenn tthhee aanndd ppuummppiinngg ooff ggrroouunnddwwaatteerr ffrroomm tthhee aarreeaa.. ttwwoo ppaarrttss.. DDuuee ttoo ddrroouugghhtt aanndd iinnccrreeaasseedd ddeemmaannddss LLaakkee UUrrmmiiaa,, aalloonngg wwiitthh iittss oonnccee aapppprrooxxiimmaatteellyy 110022 ffoorr aaggrriiccuullttuurraall wwaatteerr iinn tthhee llaakkee’’ss bbaassiinn,, tthhee iissllaannddss,, aarree pprrootteecctteedd aass aa nnaatitioonnaall ppaarrkk bbyy tthhee ssaalliinniittyy ooff tthhee llaakkee hhaass rriisseenn ttoo mmoorree tthhaann 330000 gg// IIrraanniiaann DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff EEnnvviirroonnmmeenntt.. lliitteerr dduurriinngg rreecceenntt yyeeaarrss,, aanndd llaarrggee aarreeaass ooff tthhee TThhee llaakkee’’ss OOlldd PPeerrssiiaann nnaammee wwaass CChhiicchhaasstt llaakkee bbeedd hhaavvee bbeeeenn ddeessiiccccaatteedd.. To uring Ira n Page 4 | No. 101 LLaakkee UUrrmmiiaa Modern ecology Based on last checklists of biodiversity of Urmai Lake in 2014 and 2016, it is home of A recent drought has 62 species of Archaebacteria and significantly decreased Bacteria, 42 species of Microfungi, the annual amount of water 20 species of Phytoplankton, 311 species the lake receives. This in turn of Plants, 5 species of Mollusca (In rivers has increased the salinity of the of islands), 226 species of Birds, 27 species lake’s water, lowering the lake viability of Amphibians and Reptiles and 24 species of as home to thousands of migratory birds Mammals. Meanwhile, 47 fossils have been including the large flamingo populations. recorded in this habitat. It is an internationally The salinity has particularly increased in the registered protected area as both a UNESCO half of the lake north of the causeway. By Biosphere Reserve and a Ramsar site. virtue of its high salinity, the Lake no longer The lake is marked by more than a sustains any fish species. Nonetheless, hundred small, rocky islands, which Lake Urmia is considered a significant serve as stopover points during natural habitat of Artemia, which the migrations of several serve as food source for the LLaakkee UUrrmmiiaa,,DDaarryyāācchhee--yyee OOrrūūmmiiyyee iiss aann eennddoorrhheeiicc ((mmeeaanniinngg,, ““gglliitttteerriinngg””––aa rreeffeerreennccee ttoo tthhee gglliitttteerriinngg wild birds including migratory birds such as ssaalltt llaakkee iinn IIrraanniiaann EEaasstt AAzzeerrbbaaiijjaann PPrroovviinnccee,, IIrraann mmiinneerraall ppaarrtiticclleess ssuussppeennddeedd iinn tthhee llaakkee wwaatteerr aanndd flamingos, pelicans, flamingos. aanndd nneeaarr IIrraann’’ss bboorrddeerr wwiitthh TTuurrkkeeyy.. TThhee llaakkee iiss ffoouunndd aalloonngg iittss sshhoorreess)).. IInn mmeeddiieevvaall titimmeess iitt ccaammee spoonbills, ibises, bbeettwweeeenn tthhee pprroovviinncceess ooff EEaasstt aanndd WWeesstt AAzzeerrbbaaiijjaann ttoo bbee kknnoowwnn aass LLaakkee KKaabbuuddaa ((KKaabbooddaann)),, ffrroomm tthhee storks, shelducks, iinn IIrraann,, aanndd wweesstt ooff tthhee ssoouutthheerrnn ppoorrtitioonn ooff tthhee wwoorrdd ffoorr ““aazzuurree”” iinn PPeerrssiiaann.. avocets, stilts, CCaassppiiaann SSeeaa.. AAtt iittss ffuullll ssiizzee,, iitt wwaass tthhee llaarrggeesstt llaakkee TThhee BBaattttllee ooff UUrrmmiiaa wwaass ffoouugghhtt nneeaarr tthhee llaakkee and gulls. iinn tthhee MMiiddddllee EEaasstt aanndd tthhee ssiixxtthh--llaarrggeesstt ssaallttwwaatteerr iinn 11660044 dduurriinngg tthhee OOttttoommaann––SSaaffaavviidd WWaarr ooff llaakkee oonn EEaarrtthh wwiitthh aa ssuurrffaaccee aarreeaa ooff aapppprrooxxiimmaatteellyy 11660033––11661188.. 55,,220000 kkmm²²,, 114400 kkmm lleennggtthh,, 5555 kkmm wwiiddtthh,, aanndd 1166 mm TThhee llaakkee iiss ddiivviiddeedd iinnttoo nnoorrtthh aanndd ssoouutthh,, sseeppaarraatteedd ddeepptthh.. TThhee llaakkee hhaass sshhrruunnkk ttoo 1100%% ooff iittss ffoorrmmeerr bbyy aa ccaauusseewwaayy iinn wwhhiicchh aa 11..55--kkiilloommeetteerr ((00..9933 mmii)) ssiizzee dduuee ttoo ddaammmmiinngg ooff tthhee rriivveerrss tthhaatt flflooww iinnttoo iitt ggaapp pprroovviiddeess lliittttllee eexxcchhaannggee ooff wwaatteerr bbeettwweeeenn tthhee aanndd ppuummppiinngg ooff ggrroouunnddwwaatteerr ffrroomm tthhee aarreeaa.. ttwwoo ppaarrttss.. DDuuee ttoo ddrroouugghhtt aanndd iinnccrreeaasseedd ddeemmaannddss LLaakkee UUrrmmiiaa,, aalloonngg wwiitthh iittss oonnccee aapppprrooxxiimmaatteellyy 110022 ffoorr aaggrriiccuullttuurraall wwaatteerr iinn tthhee llaakkee’’ss bbaassiinn,, tthhee iissllaannddss,, aarree pprrootteecctteedd aass aa nnaatitioonnaall ppaarrkk bbyy tthhee ssaalliinniittyy ooff tthhee llaakkee hhaass rriisseenn ttoo mmoorree tthhaann 330000 gg// IIrraanniiaann DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff EEnnvviirroonnmmeenntt.. lliitteerr dduurriinngg rreecceenntt yyeeaarrss,, aanndd llaarrggee aarreeaass ooff tthhee TThhee llaakkee’’ss OOlldd PPeerrssiiaann nnaammee wwaass CChhiicchhaasstt llaakkee bbeedd hhaavvee bbeeeenn ddeessiiccccaatteedd.. Islands Lake Urmia had approximately 102 islands. Islami Island is the burial place of both Hulaku Islami Island was historically the lake’s largest Khan (one of Genghis Khan’s grandsons) and of island. However, it has become a peninsula Hulaku’s son Abaqa. Both khans were buried in connected to the eastern shore when the lake a castle above 1,000-foot (300 m) the cliffs along level dropped below a certain level. the shore of Islami Island. FFaalllliinngg lleevveell aanndd iinnccrreeaassiinngg ssaalliinniittyy TThhee hhiigghhllyy ssaalliinnee eennvviirroonnmmeenntt iiss aallrreeaaddyy TThhee llaakkee iiss aa mmaajjoorr bbaarrrriieerr bbeettwweeeenn hheeaavviillyy rruusstitinngg tthhee sstteeeell oonn tthhee bbrriiddggee ttwwoo ooff tthhee mmoosstt iimmppoorrttaanntt cciititieess iinn ddeessppiittee aanntiti--ccoorrrroossiioonn ttrreeaattmmeenntt.. TThhee SSiillvveehh WWeesstt AAzzeerrbbaaiijjaann aanndd EEaasstt AAzzeerrbbaaiijjaann DDaamm iinn PPiirraannsshhaahhrr CCoouunnttyy hhaass bbeeeenn ccoommpplleetteedd iinn pprroovviinncceess,, UUrrmmiiaa aanndd TTaabbrriizz.. AA pprroojjeecctt ttoo 22001166.. TThhrroouugghh aa ttuunnnneell aanndd ssoommee ccaannaallss iitt wwiillll bbuuiilldd aa hhiigghhwwaayy aaccrroossss tthhee llaakkee wwaass iinniititiaatteedd ttrraannssffeerr uupp ttoo 112211,,770000,,000000 mm33 ((9988,,770000 aaccrree··ftft)) iinn tthhee 11997700ss bbuutt wwaass aabbaannddoonneedd aaftfteerr tthhee ooff wwaatteerr ffrroomm tthhee LLaavviinn RRiivveerr iinn tthhee LLiittttllee IIrraanniiaann RReevvoolluutitioonn ooff 11997799,, hhaavviinngg fifinniisshheedd ZZaabb bbaassiinn ttoo LLaakkee UUrrmmiiaa bbaassiinn aannnnuuaallllyy.. aa 1155 kkmm ccaauusseewwaayy wwiitthh aann uunnbbrriiddggeedd ggaapp.. TThhee pprroojjeecctt wwaass rreevviivveedd iinn tthhee eeaarrllyy 22000000ss,, aanndd wwaass ccoommpplleetteedd iinn NNoovveemmbbeerr 22000088 wwiitthh tthhee ooppeenniinngg ooff tthhee 11..55 kkmm UUrrmmiiaa LLaakkee BBrriiddggee aaccrroossss tthhee rreemmaaiinniinngg ggaapp.. Basin Rivers Lake Urmia is fed by 13 permanent rivers and outflow from the lake so all water is lost through many small springs, as well as rainfall directly evaporation. into the lake. Nearly half the inflow comes There are many popular songs about Lake Urmia from Zarrineh and Simineh Rivers. There is no in Azeri Turkish such as “Urmu Golu Lay Lay” Islands Lake Urmia had approximately 102 islands. Islami Island is the burial place of both Hulaku Islami Island was historically the lake’s largest Khan (one of Genghis Khan’s grandsons) and of island. However, it has become a peninsula Hulaku’s son Abaqa. Both khans were buried in connected to the eastern shore when the lake a castle above 1,000-foot (300 m) the cliffs along level dropped below a certain level. the shore of Islami Island. FFaalllliinngg lleevveell aanndd iinnccrreeaassiinngg ssaalliinniittyy TThhee hhiigghhllyy ssaalliinnee eennvviirroonnmmeenntt iiss aallrreeaaddyy TThhee llaakkee iiss aa mmaajjoorr bbaarrrriieerr bbeettwweeeenn hheeaavviillyy rruusstitinngg tthhee sstteeeell oonn tthhee bbrriiddggee ttwwoo ooff tthhee mmoosstt iimmppoorrttaanntt cciititieess iinn ddeessppiittee aanntiti--ccoorrrroossiioonn ttrreeaattmmeenntt.. TThhee SSiillvveehh WWeesstt AAzzeerrbbaaiijjaann aanndd EEaasstt AAzzeerrbbaaiijjaann DDaamm iinn PPiirraannsshhaahhrr CCoouunnttyy hhaass bbeeeenn ccoommpplleetteedd iinn pprroovviinncceess,, UUrrmmiiaa aanndd TTaabbrriizz.. AA pprroojjeecctt ttoo 22001166.. TThhrroouugghh aa ttuunnnneell aanndd ssoommee ccaannaallss iitt wwiillll bbuuiilldd aa hhiigghhwwaayy aaccrroossss tthhee llaakkee wwaass iinniititiaatteedd ttrraannssffeerr uupp ttoo 112211,,770000,,000000 mm33 ((9988,,770000 aaccrree··ftft)) iinn tthhee 11997700ss bbuutt wwaass aabbaannddoonneedd aaftfteerr tthhee ooff wwaatteerr ffrroomm tthhee LLaavviinn RRiivveerr iinn tthhee LLiittttllee IIrraanniiaann RReevvoolluutitioonn ooff 11997799,, hhaavviinngg fifinniisshheedd ZZaabb bbaassiinn ttoo LLaakkee UUrrmmiiaa bbaassiinn aannnnuuaallllyy.. aa 1155 kkmm ccaauusseewwaayy wwiitthh aann uunnbbrriiddggeedd ggaapp.. TThhee pprroojjeecctt wwaass rreevviivveedd iinn tthhee eeaarrllyy 22000000ss,, aanndd wwaass ccoommpplleetteedd iinn NNoovveemmbbeerr 22000088 wwiitthh tthhee ooppeenniinngg ooff tthhee 11..55 kkmm UUrrmmiiaa LLaakkee BBrriiddggee aaccrroossss tthhee rreemmaaiinniinngg ggaapp.. Basin Rivers Lake Urmia is fed by 13 permanent rivers and outflow from the lake so all water is lost through many small springs, as well as rainfall directly evaporation. into the lake. Nearly half the inflow comes There are many popular songs about Lake Urmia from Zarrineh and Simineh Rivers. There is no in Azeri Turkish such as “Urmu Golu Lay Lay” Page 8 | No. 101 Mausoleum of Poets in Tabriz Maqbarat-o- Shoara or the Mausoleum of Poets is Shahriar was the last poet that was laid to rest in located in Sorkhab district of Tabriz in East Azarbaijan Maqbarat-o-Shoara and the only one who said province. poems both in Persian and Turkish. Maqbarat-o- Shoara is more than a cemetery and The death and subsequent burial of Shahriar can be considered a literary complex. Previously, enhanced the profile of Maqbarat-o-Shoara and it has also been known as Hazirat o shoara, made it a must-see tourist attraction of Tabriz. Hazirat o lghozat and Sorkhab Cemetery. It was built by The mausoleum of Shahriar is located in the middle Tahmaseb Dolatshahi in the mid 1970s while he was of the complex at a height of 30 meters. the Secretary of Arts and Cultures of East Azarbaijan. Construction operations started in 1972 and was The precise date of its establishment is not known. completed in 1982. Tabriz Municipality currently The mausoleum was first mentioned by Hamdollah manages the mausoleum. On the east side of Mostowfi in his Nozhat ol-Gholoub. Some 400 poets, Sayyed Hamzeh’s grave and Ghaem Magham’s grave, mystics and luminaries of Iran and the region have there is a graveyard containing the graves of some been laid to rest there. The first poet buried in this important poets, mystics, scientists and well-known complex was Asadi Tusi(999-1072). people of Tabriz. Asadi Tusi (999-1072) - poet Qatran Tabrizi (1009-1072) - poet Anvari Abivardi (1126-1189) - poet Khaqani (1122-1190) - poet Mojireddin Bilaqani (d. 1190) - poet Zahireddin Faryabi (d. 1202) - poet Notable Shapur Nishapuri (d. 1204) - poet Shamseddin Sojasi (d. 1206) - poet Burials Zulfaqar Shervani (d. 1290) - poet Homam Tabrizi (1238-1314) - poet Nasrollah Tabib (d. 1339) - calligrapher Assar Tabrizi (1325-1390) - poet Maghrebi Tabrizi (1348-1406) - poet Mani Shirazi (d. 1507) - poet Lesani Shirazi (d. 1533) - poet Shakibi Tabrizi (d. 1564) - poet Mirza Issa Farahani (d. 1822) - vizier of Fath-Ali Shah Qajar and Abbas Mirza Aziz Khan Mukri (d. 1870) - army general Seqqat ol-Eslam Tabrizi (1861-1911) - Persian constitutional activist Taher Tabrizi (1888-1976) - calligrapher Mohammad-Hossein Behjat Tabrizi (Shahriar) (1906-1988) - poet Mahmoud Melmasi (Azarm) (1917-1991) - poet Aziz Dowlatabadi (Darvish) (1922-2009) – poet Page 8 | No. 101 MMaauussoolleeuumm ooff PPooeettss iinn TTaabbrriizz MMaaqqbbaarraatt--oo-- SShhooaarraa oorr tthhee MMaauussoolleeuumm ooff PPooeettss iiss SShhaahhrriiaarr wwaass tthhee llaasstt ppooeett tthhaatt wwaass llaaiidd ttoo rreesstt iinn llooccaatteedd iinn SSoorrkkhhaabb ddiissttrriicctt ooff TTaabbrriizz iinn EEaasstt AAzzaarrbbaaiijjaann MMaaqqbbaarraatt--oo--SShhooaarraa aanndd tthhee oonnllyy oonnee wwhhoo ssaaiidd pprroovviinnccee.. ppooeemmss bbootthh iinn PPeerrssiiaann aanndd TTuurrkkiisshh.. MMaaqqbbaarraatt--oo-- SShhooaarraa iiss mmoorree tthhaann aa cceemmeetteerryy aanndd TThhee ddeeaatthh aanndd ssuubbsseeqquueenntt bbuurriiaall ooff SShhaahhrriiaarr ccaann bbee ccoonnssiiddeerreedd aa lliitteerraarryy ccoommpplleexx.. PPrreevviioouussllyy,, eennhhaanncceedd tthhee pprroofifillee ooff MMaaqqbbaarraatt--oo--SShhooaarraa aanndd iitt hhaass aallssoo bbeeeenn kknnoowwnn aass HHaazziirraatt oo sshhooaarraa,, mmaaddee iitt aa mmuusstt--sseeee ttoouurriisstt aattttrraacctitioonn ooff TTaabbrriizz.. HHaazziirraatt oo llgghhoozzaatt aanndd SSoorrkkhhaabb CCeemmeetteerryy.. IItt wwaass bbuuiilltt bbyy TThhee mmaauussoolleeuumm ooff SShhaahhrriiaarr iiss llooccaatteedd iinn tthhee mmiiddddllee TTaahhmmaasseebb DDoollaattsshhaahhii iinn tthhee mmiidd 11997700ss wwhhiillee hhee wwaass ooff tthhee ccoommpplleexx aatt aa hheeiigghhtt ooff 3300 mmeetteerrss.. tthhee SSeeccrreettaarryy ooff AArrttss aanndd CCuullttuurreess ooff EEaasstt AAzzaarrbbaaiijjaann.. CCoonnssttrruucctitioonn ooppeerraatitioonnss ssttaarrtteedd iinn 11997722 aanndd wwaass TThhee pprreecciissee ddaattee ooff iittss eessttaabblliisshhmmeenntt iiss nnoott kknnoowwnn.. ccoommpplleetteedd iinn 11998822.. TTaabbrriizz MMuunniicciippaalliittyy ccuurrrreennttllyy TThhee mmaauussoolleeuumm wwaass fifirrsstt mmeenntitioonneedd bbyy HHaammddoollllaahh mmaannaaggeess tthhee mmaauussoolleeuumm.. OOnn tthhee eeaasstt ssiiddee ooff MMoossttoowwfifi iinn hhiiss NNoozzhhaatt ooll--GGhhoolloouubb.. SSoommee 440000 ppooeettss,, SSaayyyyeedd HHaammzzeehh’’ss ggrraavvee aanndd GGhhaaeemm MMaagghhaamm’’ss ggrraavvee,, mmyysstiticcss aanndd lluummiinnaarriieess ooff IIrraann aanndd tthhee rreeggiioonn hhaavvee tthheerree iiss aa ggrraavveeyyaarrdd ccoonnttaaiinniinngg tthhee ggrraavveess ooff ssoommee bbeeeenn llaaiidd ttoo rreesstt tthheerree.. TThhee fifirrsstt ppooeett bbuurriieedd iinn tthhiiss iimmppoorrttaanntt ppooeettss,, mmyysstiticcss,, sscciieenntitissttss aanndd wweellll--kknnoowwnn ccoommpplleexx wwaass AAssaaddii TTuussii((999999--11007722)).. ppeeooppllee ooff TTaabbrriizz.. AAssaaddii TTuussii ((999999--11007722)) -- ppooeett QQaattrraann TTaabbrriizzii ((11000099--11007722)) -- ppooeett AAnnvvaarrii AAbbiivvaarrddii ((11112266--11118899)) -- ppooeett KKhhaaqqaannii ((11112222--11119900)) -- ppooeett MMoojjiirreeddddiinn BBiillaaqqaannii ((dd.. 11119900)) -- ppooeett ZZaahhiirreeddddiinn FFaarryyaabbii ((dd.. 11220022)) -- ppooeett NNoottaabbllee SShhaappuurr NNiisshhaappuurrii ((dd.. 11220044)) -- ppooeett SShhaammsseeddddiinn SSoojjaassii ((dd.. 11220066)) -- ppooeett BBuurriiaallss ZZuullffaaqqaarr SShheerrvvaannii ((dd.. 11229900)) -- ppooeett HHoommaamm TTaabbrriizzii ((11223388--11331144)) -- ppooeett NNaassrroollllaahh TTaabbiibb ((dd.. 11333399)) -- ccaalllliiggrraapphheerr AAssssaarr TTaabbrriizzii ((11332255--11339900)) -- ppooeett MMaagghhrreebbii TTaabbrriizzii ((11334488--11440066)) -- ppooeett MMaannii SShhiirraazzii ((dd.. 11550077)) -- ppooeett LLeessaannii SShhiirraazzii ((dd.. 11553333)) -- ppooeett SShhaakkiibbii TTaabbrriizzii ((dd.. 11556644)) -- ppooeett MMiirrzzaa IIssssaa FFaarraahhaannii ((dd.. 11882222)) -- vviizziieerr ooff FFaatthh--AAllii SShhaahh QQaajjaarr aanndd AAbbbbaass MMiirrzzaa AAzziizz KKhhaann MMuukkrrii ((dd.. 11887700)) -- aarrmmyy ggeenneerraall SSeeqqqqaatt ooll--EEssllaamm TTaabbrriizzii ((11886611--11991111)) -- PPeerrssiiaann ccoonnsstitittuutitioonnaall aacctitivviisstt TTaahheerr TTaabbrriizzii ((11888888--11997766)) -- ccaalllliiggrraapphheerr MMoohhaammmmaadd--HHoosssseeiinn BBeehhjjaatt TTaabbrriizzii ((SShhaahhrriiaarr)) ((11990066--11998888)) -- ppooeett MMaahhmmoouudd MMeellmmaassii ((AAzzaarrmm)) ((11991177--11999911)) -- ppooeett AAzziizz DDoowwllaattaabbaaddii ((DDaarrvviisshh)) ((11992222--22000099)) –– ppooeett Page 10 | No. 101 Iran Handicrafts Persian Wood Inlaying (Wood & Brass Inlaying on Copper Dishes) Persian Wood Inlaying consists of the production of incrustation patterns and (generally star shaped), with thin sticks of wood, brass and camel bones. Ivory, gold or silver can also be Carpet Industry used for collection objects. Sticks are assembled in triangular beams, glued in a strict order to create a cylinder, whose cross-section is the main motif: From a long time ago Iranian handicrafts’ reputation has a six-branch star included in a hexagon been echoed across the world. Iran possesses one of the and then plated and glued on the most diverse handicraft industries of the world, covering 24 object to be decorated, before lacquer major categories and about 370 subcategories. The major finishing. Iranian handicrafts categories include: Enameled (Minakari) Handicrafts (Dishes, Plates, Vases) Persian Miniature Handicrafts (Jewelry & Accessory Box) Minakari is a kind of historical A Persian Miniature is a small handmade Iranian art through which the artist oil painting on paper or more colors and ornaments the surface importantly on pieces of camel bone. of some metals by fusing briliant The techniques are broadly comparable colors that are decorated in an to the Western and Byzantine traditions intricate design over it. Minakari of miniatures in illuminated manuscripts. is one of the most distinguished The bright and pure coloring of the courses of art in Isfahan, Iran. Persian miniature is one of its most Persian Enameled handicrafts can striking features. The workshop tradition be used as wall hanging plates, and division of labor within both types home decors and candy dishes. of miniature complicates the attribution of paintings. Some are inscribed with the name of the artist, sometimes as part of the picture itself. Turquoise Stone Inlaying (on Copper Containers) Persian Accessories & Jewelry (Genuine Silver & Stone Jewelry) Turquoise Inlaying on containers such as Iran (Persia) possesses an copper gives the object a special glamor extraordinary treasure of royal silver and specifies it from other objects and gold jewelry, including a copious in a mysterious way. The production amount of pearl from the Persian of Turquoise Inlaying includes two Gulf. The Iranian crown jewels are general stages, the first of which is the among the largest, most dazzling jewel “Goldsmith” stage, “where the making collection in the world. The jewels are and preparation of the object intended displayed in the vaults of the Central for Turquoise Inlaying happens using Bank of Iran in Tehran, and are of the one type of metal”. Then “Turquoise most appealing tourist attractions in Inlaying” where “the inlayer buys Iran. Aqiq (Quartz) is also exported waste turquoise chips & uses them to from Iran to various countries make each Turquoise Inlaying object in including the Indian subcontinent. proportion to the surface area”. Page 11 | No. 101 Page 10 | No. 101 Iran Handicrafts Persian Wood Inlaying (Wood & Brass Inlaying on Copper Dishes) Persian Wood Inlaying consists of the production of incrustation patterns and (generally star shaped), with thin sticks of wood, brass and camel bones. Ivory, gold or silver can also be Carpet Industry used for collection objects. Sticks are assembled in triangular beams, glued in a strict order to create a cylinder, whose cross-section is the main motif: From a long time ago Iranian handicrafts’ reputation has a six-branch star included in a hexagon been echoed across the world. Iran possesses one of the and then plated and glued on the most diverse handicraft industries of the world, covering 24 object to be decorated, before lacquer major categories and about 370 subcategories. The major finishing. Iranian handicrafts categories include: Enameled (Minakari) Handicrafts (Dishes, Plates, Vases) Persian Miniature Handicrafts (Jewelry & Accessory Box) Minakari is a kind of historical A Persian Miniature is a small handmade Iranian art through which the artist oil painting on paper or more colors and ornaments the surface importantly on pieces of camel bone. of some metals by fusing briliant The techniques are broadly comparable colors that are decorated in an to the Western and Byzantine traditions intricate design over it. Minakari of miniatures in illuminated manuscripts. is one of the most distinguished The bright and pure coloring of the courses of art in Isfahan, Iran. Persian miniature is one of its most Persian Enameled handicrafts can striking features. The workshop tradition be used as wall hanging plates, and division of labor within both types home decors and candy dishes. of miniature complicates the attribution of paintings. Some are inscribed with the name of the artist, sometimes as part of the picture itself. Turquoise Stone Inlaying (on Copper Containers) Persian Accessories & Jewelry (Genuine Silver & Stone Jewelry) Turquoise Inlaying on containers such as Iran (Persia) possesses an copper gives the object a special glamor extraordinary treasure of royal silver and specifies it from other objects and gold jewelry, including a copious in a mysterious way. The production amount of pearl from the Persian of Turquoise Inlaying includes two Gulf. The Iranian crown jewels are general stages, the first of which is the among the largest, most dazzling jewel “Goldsmith” stage, “where the making collection in the world. The jewels are and preparation of the object intended displayed in the vaults of the Central for Turquoise Inlaying happens using Bank of Iran in Tehran, and are of the one type of metal”. Then “Turquoise most appealing tourist attractions in Inlaying” where “the inlayer buys Iran. Aqiq (Quartz) is also exported waste turquoise chips & uses them to from Iran to various countries make each Turquoise Inlaying object in including the Indian subcontinent. proportion to the surface area”. Page 11 | No. 101

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