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INDEX 1991 Manual helps document employee health plan Greater Detroit Area Health Council's success in This index lists articles published in Business satisfaction (NB), 10/91:14 get ting diverse interests to focus together and & Health from January 1991 through December Medical plan costs increasing 21% annually (NB), pursue community-oriented solutions, mid- 1991. Categories appear in block capitals 3/91:10 9/91:32 followed by descriptions of pertinent articles. Mercy Healthcare Sacramento’s plan recognizes Guidelines, mid-9/91:46 Pages references take the form of employer/employee/provider interdependency, Measuring employee satisfaction, 11/91:78 month/year:page. (For example, 8/91:56 is an 2/91:58 Mission of business health care coalitions, mid- article that appears on page 56, August 1991.) 1991 National Executive Poll on Health Care Costs 9/91:20 Items in the mid-September issue are cited as and Benefits, 9/91:60 Quality data and coalitions, mid-9/91:24 mid-9/91:page number. News Briefs are Self-funded benefits plans enjoy freedom and Seek community involvement, mid-9/91:18 identified by (NB) and Data Watch by (DW). flexibility, 10/91:26 Striving for quality, mid-9/91:22 St. Louis health plans hit by recession (NB), The little coalition that could, 12/91:24 4/91:14 Texas Utilities learned employee input pays off in COBRA increased cooperation, 7/91:32 ACCESS TO CARE Guide answers employers’ questions (NB), 8/91:12 American Society of Internal Medicine warns BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD Report encourages more help for those denied against further cuts in physician payments (NB), Prevention guidelines, 12/91:33 COBRA benefits (NB), 3/91:10 6/91:10 Study exposes inappropriate medical procedures Small business coalition seeks reform (NB), Enlarging access: Maryland and Ohio, 2/91:72 (NB), 7/91:18 4/91:12 Evaluating access to care, 10/91:86 West Virginia hospitals sue over insolvency of plan Florida's universal access debate, 1/91:56 in West Virginia (NB), 3/91:10 COMMUNICATING BENEFITS Hospitals say access threatened by government un Communication is key to success in point- of- derpayments to hospitals (NB), 6/91:10 service plans, 11/91:47 Washington Business Group on Health calls for Communication tips, 11/91:48 4u/ni9 1:v1e4r sal access to health care by year 2000 (NB), CASE MANAGEMENT Heablettthe r plcahno icoepst,i on1s/:9 1:I1n4f ormed employees make ACCREDITATION Artificial intelligence for case management, Moving from printed material to computer- based 7/91:56 Southern California Edison first nonhealth care programs, 11/91:49 organization to receive JCAHO accreditation (NB), Benefits of case management, 4/91:75 3/91:12 Case Management Resource Guide database available (NB), 6/91:12 CORPORATE HEALTH CARE AIDS Catastrophic case management, 7/91:24 Comeback of company doctors, 2/91:44 HIV testing costs more than it saves, study says Catastrophic health care cases, 5/91:39 In-company pharmacies coming into fashion, (NB), 12/91:18 Developing a case plan, 7/91:62 9/91:28 Privacy rights and HIV status, 6/91:83 Hallmarks of effective case management, 5/91:42 New role for nurses: Tending to the bottom line, Spending on HIV-related disease to rise (NB), Individual case management: solving the 70/10 12/91:62 10/91:14 equation, 7/91:54 Range of on-site services, 2/91:48 Sun Life’s AIDS education program, 9/91:88 RN case managers: Successful program draws ALCOHOL ABUSE. See SUBSTANCE ABUSE employers’ attention, 12/91:63 COST CONTAINMENT/COST MANAGEMENT CATASTROPHIC HEALTH CARE CEO survey shows health care costs concern (NB), Case management, 7/91:24 2/91:12 Solving catastrophic health care problems, 5/91:39 Coalitions give companies clout, 5/91:22 BENEFITS. See a/so FLEXIBLE BENEFITS; Companies urging spouses and dependents to get INSURANCE; MANDATED BENEFITS; RETIREE CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE health insurance elsewhere, 11/91:19 BENEFITS : Some companies contract directly with centers of Controlling runaway workers’ comp costs, 4/91:46 Americans value health insurance above all other excellence for transplants and other high- Cost-cutting and doctors’ fees, 6/91:38 benefits (NB), 11/91:17 technology procedures, 6/91:18 Cost shifting hits small businesses, 1/91:48 Benefits departments growing (NB), 4/91:14 Cost shifting overshadows employers’ cost Big rise in corporate health care costs predicted CHILD CARE. See DEPENDENT CARE containment efforts, 1/91:45 (NB), 8/91:14 Data management can reduce costs and improve Companies urging spouses and dependents to get CHIROPRACTIC CARE quality, 11/91:27 health insurance elsewhere, 11/91:19 Is it time to back chiropractic? 12/91:50 Defense Department takes aim at health care costs, Constraints on modifying health care benefits, Coverage of chiropractic services becoming more 10/91:70 8/91:66 prevalent, 12/91:53 Employers clamp down on mental heaith costs Employee contributions to benefit plans to (NB), 2/91:10 increase (NB), 9/91:18 CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION Great Western Financial’s cost containment Employee dissatisfaction increases (NB), 5/91:12 Anti-fraud activities information sources, 4/91:28 strategy, 7/91:66 Employee leasing, 3/91:54 Electronic claims processing systems, 9/91:52 Managed care: Final option to control spending Employee satisfaction with benefits drops under Evaluating claims systems, 9/91:54 growth, 7/91:77 50% (NB), 11/91:17 Foreign claims: Anti-fraud measures, 4/91:24 Managed mental health plans can help control Employee survey tool available (NB), 3/91:12 Fraud squads target suspect claims, 4/91:21 costs and monitor employee progress, 1/91:36 Employer cost inflation continues (NB), 10/91:12 Memphis Business Group on Health’s efforts to Employers must decide if it is economically COALITIONS contain spiraling costs at Federal Express, mid- justifiable to cover part-timers, 10/91:97 Advice from Walter McClure, 10/91:112 9/91:42 Health benefits prices increase for employers Approach goal of affordable, quality health care Mercy Healthcare Sacramento's plan recognizes (NB), 7/91:18 through myriad approaches, mid-9/91:9 employer/employee/provider interdependency, High turnover and a part-time workforce may Coalition members find many reasons to say no to 2/91:58 shape benefits strategies in the 1990s, 10/91:96 health care cost savings, 12/91:26 1991 National Executive Poll on Health Care Costs Hiring a benefits consultant, 2/91:56 Give companies clout, 5.91:22 and Benefits, 9/91:60 IRS losing battle against contractors, 12/91:76 Effect on spiraling health care costs, mid- 9/91:42 Rethinking second surgical opinions, 2/91:14 Legislation may affect safety of self-funded health Greater Detroit Area Health Council's Outpatient States target workers’ comp provider costs, 6/91:54 plans, 5/91:87 Surgery Organization and Financing Project, mid- Strategies that work, 5/91:18 Liability when a health plan fails, 2/91:70 9/91:40 Unions and health care (DW), 8/91:8 Business & Health/January 1992 67 Index 1991 Waste takes 20% of health care dollar (NB), Coordinating EAPs with managed mental health, 3/91:12 wellness, and health promotion programs, 8/91:20 Workers and management cooperate to control Hunt-Wesson applies managed care procedures to GENETIC TESTING health care costs, 8/91:26 mental health, 6/91:75 Americans with Disabilities Act and genetic Union and management address truck driver testing, 3/91:42 mental health and substance abuse concerns, What it will mean for health insurance, 3/91:40 3/91:59 DATA MANAGEMENT Data management can reduce costs and improve EXCLUSIVE PROVIDER ORGANIZATIONS (EPOs). quality, 11/91:27 See also MANAGED CARE HEALTH CARE SPENDING From managed care to measured care, 12/91:77 Newest managed care product, 3/91:48 Health care takes 12.2% bite out of GNP in 1990 Using statistical models to assure value, 11/91:28 (NB), 7/91:14 DATA WATCH EVE CARE BENEFITS. See VISION CARE Managed care: Final option to control spending A glimpse into the future, 12/91:14 growth, 7/91:77 Coalitions nationwide, mid-9/91:6 Medical technology responsible for only small Dependent care and related benefits, 5/91:8 portion, 10/91:109 Employers and managed care, 6/91:8 Recession’s impact on health care spending, Flexible plans on the rise, 3/91:8 FASB 8/91:62 HLeeaa1ld0te/hr9 s1: c1al8ro eo k reafto rhme:a ltLho ockairen,g 2f/o9r1w:a8 rd and back, CCohrtaapnxog recasot nes reeAtqmiureeerein cchaee’sasl th(c NhBab)le,nl eefn7ig/te9s1: : 1rt4uo l ecso pteo awcictoh unFtA SBfo r SU.pS3e./n 9dh1ie:na1lg0t hh ictsa re$ 66s6p.e2n dbiinlgli onn eairns 19$9607 6 (NbBi)l,li on1 1/(9N1B:)1,7 MMaannaaggiendg cmaeren tarle pohreta lctahr d,c os1t1s/, 911:/1921 :8 whietalhtohu t cabrleo wpirnogg rtahmes ,b u7d/g9e1t: 34or ending retiree HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS (HMOs). Rising retiree costs, 7/91:8 IBM takes $2.3-billion charge against first- quarter See also MANAGED CARE Unions and health care, 8/91:8 earnings to fund retiree benefits (NB), 5/91:10 Buyer's guide available (NB), 7/91:18 Workers’ comp costs, 4/91:8 May go broke with application of its medical Employers doubtful about open-ended HMOs, 9/91:18 DENTAL BENEFITS Risbiennegf irtest iraece cocousnttsi n(gD Wr)u,le , 7/79/19:18: 36 Evaluating Health Maintenance Organizations: A Managed care increasing, 5/91:71 Guide for Employee Benefits Managers (NB), Self-funded dental plans, 10/91:29 12/91:20 FLEXIBLE BENEFITS Financial incentives don't affect HMO quality (NB), DEPENDENT CARE. See aiso WORK-FAMILY Cosmetic surgery no longer reimbursable in 11/91:14 POLICIES flexible spending accounts (NB), 1/91:10 Most popular managed care option (NB), 5/91:12 Dependent care and related benefits (DW), 5/91:8 Employers choose flexibility (NB), 10/91:12 Rapid growth in membership, profitability (NB), Dependent care programs becoming more popular Employers increasingly choosing flexible benefits 8/91:12 and more varied, 5/91:56 (NB), 6/91:12 Risks and cost effectiveness, 6/91:30 How flexible policies get started, 5/91:61 Flexible plans on the rise (DW), 3/91:8 Savings outstrip other health plan options (NB), Large businesses providing child care help (NB), IRS rules for flexible spending accounts not that 10/91:12 12/91:16 onerous (NB), 8/91:12 Restructuring child care centers, 5/91:66 Sharp rise in number of flexible spending accounts HEALTH POLICY AND LEGISLATION. See a/so Stride Rite’s day care program, 5/91:64 (NB), 9/91:14 NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE Success stories, 5/91:58 Square D Company makes wellness part of flexible American College of Physicians’ 16 steps to better DISABILITY /REHABILITATION benefits plan, 1/91:52 health care, 6/91:50 Americans with Disabilities Act and genetic Tax savings and federal fickleness, 3/91:18 America’s health care potential, 5/91:89 testing, 3/91:42 What's new in flexible benefits, 3/91:14 Benefits professionals support mandated health Americans with Disabilities Act and hiring the benefits (NB), 10/91:14 handicapped, 3/91:22 FRAUD Bill would guarantee health insurance for small EEOC adds staff to handle disability rights issues Anti-fraud activities information sources, 4/91:28 employers (NB), 12/91:18 (NB), 7/91:14 Foreign claims: Anti-fraud measures, 4/91:24 Congressman Russo introduces national health Guide to disabilities law (NB), 3/91:12 Fraud squads target suspect claims, 4/91:21 care plan legislation (NB), 4/91:12 Invisible disabilities, 5/91:81 Employee leasing legislation, 3/91:56 Survey shows getting employees back to work Fax poll results: Readers call for reform, 12/91:12 more important than cost concerns (NB), 7/91:18 FUTURE OUTLOOK. See aiso NATIONAL HEALTH Global budgeting of U.S. health care, 6/91:88 U.S. disability benefits compared with those of INSURANCE Health care reform: Looking forward and back other countries (NB), 1/91:12 America’s health care potential, 5/91:89 (DW), 10/91:18 Executives and providers oppose universal health Health reform lacks direction, 3/91:66 DRUG ABUSE. See SUBSTANCE ABUSE care (NB), 7/91:14 Healthcare Equity Action League backs reform, not Future of health care financing, 7/91:77 radical change (NB), 12/91:18 DRUG TESTING Genetic testing: What it will mean for health Insurer proposals for reform, 4/91:78 Preemployment screening (NB), 1/91:10 insurance, 3/91:40 Liability when a health plan fails, 2/91:70 Testing of employees more common, 6/91:70 High turnover and a part-time workforce may Major reform plans, 10/91:38 shape benefits strategies in the 1990s, 10/91:96 Medical-industrial complex, 9/91:94 Leaders look at health care (DW), 2/91:8 Mitchell introduces long term care insurance Managed care involving top executives, 6/91:85 consumer protection bill (NB), 6/91:12 ELDERLY. See aiso DEPENDENT CARE; RETIREE Moribund U.S. health insurance system, 2/91:76 Names and sponsors of reform plans, 10/91:42 BENEFITS 1991 premium forecast, 1/91:55 Required family leave would hurt certain workers Employers address needs of the aged, 8/91:72 Providers say yes to rationing (NB), 8/91:14 (NB), 10/91:14 National Directory for Eldercare Information and Public would consider health care rationing (NB), State utilization review laws, 7/91:26 Referral (NB), 12/91:20 1/91:10 Top execs want health care overhaul with Washington Business Group on Health calls for government intervention (NB), 9/91:18 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PLANS (EAPS) universal access to health care by year 2000 (NB), Two proposals for a Canadian-style health system, Chrysler integrates EAP and managed mental 4/91:14 11/91:44 health and substance abuse programs, 8/91:22 What's ahead for managed care? 12/91:42 Unions support health reform measures, 8/91:42 BN 68 Business & Health/January 1992 Washington Business Group on Health calls for Benefits professionals support mandated health Labor and management at AT&T agree to managed universal access to health care by year 2000 (NB), benefits (NB), 10/91:14 care program, 8/91:35 4/91:14 Book helps employees and employers choose Longshoremen’s union works to control alcohol White House position, 10/91:102 among health care plans (NB), 2/91:12 and substance abuse, 8/91:51 CEO survey shows health care costs concern (NB), Union and management address truck driver HEALTH PROMOTION. See also WELLNESS 2/91:12 mental health and substance abuse concerns, Blue Cross/Blue Shield prevention guidelines, Companies encouraging spouses and dependents 3/91:59 12/91:33 to get health insurance elsewhere, 11/91:19 Unions and health care (DW), 8/91:8 Book offers guidelines for employee programs Court case could endanger precertification Unions support health reform measures, 8/91:42 (NB), 12/91:20 requirements, 9/91:93 Workers and management cooperate to control Employer-sponsored weight-reduction programs, Employer cost inflation continues (NB), 10/91:12 health care costs, 8/91:28 11/91:62 Executives and providers oppose universal health LEGISLATION. See HEALTH POLICY AND Employer stress management programs, 9/91:42 care (NB), 7/91:14 LEGISLATION Etheimcpsl oiyseseuess, i1n 1d/e91a:l6i6n g with overweight EHaxlpfe roifm eunntianls urterde atfmienndt :c ovwehroa gepa yasf?t,e r 1f0o/u9r1 :m10o4n ths LONG TERM CARE Hypertension screening pays off for employers (NB), 1/91:12 Americans willing to pay for long term care (NB), (NB), 7/91:18 Health care workers are among the uninsured 2/91:12 Improving health promotion, 4/91:80 (NB), 9/91:14 Consumer's guide (NB), 5/91:10 Information on health issues from National Insured totaled 212 million in 1988 (NB), 2/91:10 HIAA urges Medicaid expansion to pay for long Consumers League (NB), 7/91:18 Insurer financial ratings available (NB), 2/91:12 term care (NB), 3/91:12 National Employee Health and Fitness Day (NB), Insurer proposals for reform, 4/91:78 Information resources, 11/91:54 2/91:10 Legislation may affect safety of self-funded health Living benefit options: Used to finance long term Prevention programs, 12/91:30 plans, 5/91:87 care, 2/91:52 Sm4o/k9i1n:g1,4 cholesterol booklets available (NB), Masnautails fahcetliopns d(NoBc)u,m e1n0t/ 91e:1m4p loyee health plan Lo8n/g9 1t:e1r4 m care insurance gaining popularity (NB), Steps to reduce stress on the job, 9/91:45 Many Americans support insurance premiums Long-term care insurance’s future, 8/91:64 based on ability to pay (NB), 9/91:18 Mitchell introduces long term care insurance Medical plan costs increasing 21% annually (NB), consumer protection bill (NB), 6/91:12 3/91:10 Referral programs for long term care insurance, Alternatives to hospitalization, 12/91:57 Mitchell introduces long term care insurance 11/91:53 consumer protection bill (NB), 6/91:12 HOSPITALS Moribund U.S. health insurance system, 2/91:76 Benefits of alternative care, 12/91:57 Oncologists say reimbursement rules influence Capital expenses controversy, 5/91:92 treatment (NB), 5/91:10 MALPRACTICE Corporate Hospital Rating Project (NB), 11/91:14 Organized delivery systems needed, 3/91:72 Malpractice morass, 9/91:96 Ford’s databased report cards to hospitals save Practice audits, 7/91:47 MANAGED CARE. See also HEALTH money and improve hospital performance, 6/91:79 Referral programs for long term care insurance, Ford's report card program pros and cons, 6/91:81 11/91:53 MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS (HMOs); Government underpayments threaten access to Self-funded benefits plans enjoy freedom and PREFERRED PROVIDER ORGANIZATIONS care (NB), 6/91:10 flexibility, 10/91:26 (PPOs) Inadequate nursing staffs impact quality (NB), St. Louis health plans hit by recession (NB), Agenda for business, 6/91:85 9/91:18 4/91:14 Applying managed care procedures to mental health, 6/91:75 JCAHO publishes list of accredited health care Trend toward increased employee contributions organizations (NB), 6/91:10 continues (NB), 11/91:16 Attitudes toward and support for chiropractic, Length of stay in psychiatric hospitals dropping Uninsured, nonelderly Americans number 34 12/91:50 (NB), 5/91:12 million, 6/91:12 Book on managed care (NB), 12/91:20 Communication is the key to success in point-of- Marketing hospital services directly to employers, Warnings about “barebones coverage” (NB), 12/91:72 8/91:14 service plans, 11/91:47 More outpatient care offered (NB), 6/91:10 Who pays for new technology?, 10/91:20 Employers and managed care (DW), 6/91:8 Overburdening of public hospitals threatens entire INTERNATIONAL HEALTH CARE Employers control mental health costs with Prehiconesdrputisittfarilyc apt(aiNtoBin) e,n at 7sm/ 9u(1sN:tB1 4) ,f or8 /p9r1i:v1a2t e psychiatric CIamnUpanldietame’edsn tSirtenastgep so,an sC1ea1 n/a9tod1 :it3ar4n e-asttmyelnet sdyesltayesm, i1n 1t/h9e1 :39 EEsxtcmmalaabunnlsaaiisgvgheeei ddn Pgr ccoaasvrrtieead enrdp( aNrrBoO)ddr,sug c atn1o,0fi / z9p3a1r/ta:9ic11ot2:ni 4cs8e , ar6e/ 9n1e:w6e0s t Smoking banned as of January 1992 in JCAHO- Germany’s health care system, 11/91:42 Final option to control spending growth, 7/91:78 accredited hospitals unless prescribed by doctor (NB), 7/91:14 J FFurtoumr e moafn amgaenda gecadr e catroe me(aDsW)u,r ed1 2/c9a1r:e1,4 12/91:77 Strained hospital finances could affect quality (NB), 1/91:10 JOINT COMMISSION ON ACCREDITATION OF HM5O/9s1 :1m2o st popular managed care option (NB), HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATIONS InterStudy report on managed care (NB), 10/91:14 Publishes annual list of accredited organizations Labor and management at AT&T agree to managed (NB), 6/91:10 care program, 8/91:35 Smoking banned as of January 1992 in JCAHO-ac Management of dental benefits increasing, 5/91:71 INJURIES credited hospitals unless prescribed by doctor Managed mental health plans can help control Average 1985 injury cost was $2,772 (NB), 5/91:12 (NB), 7/91:14 costs and monitor employee progress, 1/91:36 Back injury facts, 4/91:64 Office of Managed Care Policy helps pull down Exercise, not surgery, for back injuries, 4/91:66 obstacles to managed care, 7/91:73 Programs to reduce high cost of employee back One doctor's fight against managed care, 6/91:48 injuries, 4/91:63 LABOR Report card for managed care (DW), 11/91:12 AFL-CIO principles for health care reform, 8/91:46 Restrictions increase costs (NB), 10/91:12 INSURANCE Employers’ views on labor/management Risks and cost effectiveness, 6/91:30 Americans satisfied with quality but not system committees, 8/91:30 Sears and AT&T find managed care solutions, (NB), 4/91:12 Engineers’ union retrofits health care delivery, 4/91:36 Americans value health insurance above all other 8/91:56 Seeking a definition of “managed care,” 12/91:44 benefits (NB), 11/91:17 Health care remains a strike issue (NB), 9/91:14 What's ahead for managed care? 12/91:43 Business & Health/January 1992 69 Index 1991 MANDATED BENEFITS Nurses are beginning to oversee and deliver, PROVIDER ORGANIZATIONS (PPOs) Benefits professionals support mandated health corporate health care, 12/91:62 Hallmarks of third-generation PPOs, 9/91:74 benefits (NB), 10/91:14 RN case managers: Successful program draws Highs and lows of PPOs, 9/91:72 employers’ attention, 12/91:63 Restrictions increase costs (NB), 10/91:12 MEDICAID PREGNANCY. See aiso REPRODUCTIVE HAZARDS Failure of Medicaid cost-cutting plan may be OUTCOMES Maternal and child health programs reduce costs, lesson for employers (NB), 12/91:18 Outcomes management: Buying value and cutting 5/91:29 HIAA urges Medicaid expansion to pay for long costs, 3/91:28 Moral support during labor may keep down C- term care (NB), 3/91:12 Outcomes management software, 3/91:30 section rate (NB), 8/91:14 Volume-based discounts for pharmaceuticals, Prenatal program resources, 5/91:35 1/91:29 OUTPATIENT CARE Report on unexpected costs of perinatal care (NB), 12/91:20 Benefits of alternative care, 12/91:57 Setting up prenatal health programs, 5/91:30 American Society of Internal Medicine warns HCFA seeks Ambulatory Patient Groups to form against further cuts in physician payments (NB), prospective payment system, 7/91:80 6/91:10 Hospitals offer more outpatient care (NB), 6/91:10 Balance-billing limits could mean employer cost Outpatient visits outnumbering inpatient days savings (NB), 1/91:10 (NB), 9/91:18 HCFA seeks Ambulatory Patient Groups to form Utilization review for outpatient services, 7/91:30 American College of Physicians’ 16 steps to better prospective payment system, 7/91:80 health care, 6/91:50 OBRA '86 shifts fewer Medicare costs to employers Americans satisfied with quality but not system than feared (NB), 8/91:14 (NB), 4/91:12 Seeking to recover $600 million to $1 billion from Inadequate nursing staffs impact quality (NB), employer health plans (NB), 9/91:14 PARENTAL LEAVE. See WORK-FAMILY POLICIES 9/91:18 Testing “bundled fee” arrangement for cataract National Committee for Quality Assurance adopts surgery (NB); 5/91:10 new quality review standards (NB), 9/91:14 PHARMACEUTICALS Strained hospital finances could affect quality MENTAL HEALTH Costs of promoting pharmaceuticals, 2/91:69 (NB), 1/91:10 Apphelaylitnhg, 6m/a9n1a:7g5e d care procedures to mental GErmopulpoy epru rcshtraastienggie so ff oprr emsacnriapgtiinogn dcorsutgss, i1n/ 91:26 U.SI.m pcroomvpeamneinets (aCdQoIp)t, C3/o9n1t:i3n2u ous Quality Buyers shape the delivery of mental health care Vermont, 9/91:91 services, 1/91:58 Manufacturers moving toward cooperative efforts Carving out mental health benefits from company’s with managed care, 9/91:32 benefits package, 6/91:76 Medicaid volume-based discounts for REPRODUCTIVE HAZARDS Cost growth questioned (NB), 3/91:10 pharmaceuticals, 1/91:29 Computerized information sources on Employers clamp down on mental health costs National Consumers League supports “transition” reproductive toxicants, 6/91:68 (NB), 2/91:10 drug class (NB), 11/91:16 Court bars fetal protection policies (NB), 5/91:10 Employers control costs with managed care (NB), Pharmaceutical industry’s recommendations for Improved exposure controls for reproductive 10/91:12 implementing prescription drug programs, 9/91:38 toxicants in the workplace, 6/91:65 IBM’s mental health plan, 1/91:40 Physician education cuts patient prescription Medical facts about reproductive hazards, 6/91:66 Length of stay in psychiatric hospitals dropping costs (NB), 10/91:12 Workplace reproductive hazards and sex (NB), 5/91:12 Prescription drug benefit one of fastest growing discrimination, 6/91:65 MMaamnnoaanggiietndog r cmaeermenp tlapolly aenhese aclptarhno grcheoessltsps, c(o1nD/tW9r1)o:,l3 6 1c/o9s1t:s8 and Preccsoocsmtrpsi optn(ieNoBnn)t ,s d r9u/og9f1s : ha1e 8a lltahr gec arpear tc oosft sr,e ti9r/e9e1 :b2e2n efit RBEoToIkR EpEr oBmEoNteEsF ITrSet iree wellness (NB), 1/91:12 PSRroeeahpcoroesirrpnttig it foainmlc e ancpttaaiartoelin e nfhato ersa m ldu(tesNhpt B r)ce,fos ossrt8 is/po,9r n1i :v11a/(2t9N e1B :)4p,1s yc1h2i/a9t1:r2i0c TPParriedoolsirgocsdrrreeaiiranmp sgt ep i rhobceoneolg nspredtsfasr im utpsgs(h s Na Bt(r)soNm, aBa uv)sec,5e i /,e9n 11se19:a //1r99c2l11 oy:: m13$p668 e4t eb ilwliitohn miani lh-e art CGeFre4mOia/esa9rtt 1nrh:ciio5onc6d ng ssc ilodidfne rircoc opsn rtea(atrNiieBrn e)iSe,n o gub 1te0nhr/eee9ftr1iin:rt 1ese4 C achlheiaaflnotgrhne isac ariEfed cicosoomsnpt'sas,n y Half of multiemployer plans cover retirees (NB), 1/91:12 PHYSICIANS IBM takes $2.3-billion charge against first-quarter Comeback of company doctors, 2/91:44 earnings to fund retiree benefits (NB), 5/91:10 NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. See a/so HEALTH Cost-cutting and doctors’ fees, 6/91:38 1991 National Executive Poll on Health Care Costs POLICY AND LEGISLATION Cost not considered in physician selection (NB), and Benefits, 9/91:60 Canadian-style system in the United States, 2/91:10 Preretirement manual available (NB), 11/91:16 11/91:34 Doctors’ lifestyles affect their advice (NB), 3/91:12 Prescription drugs a large part of retiree benefit Congressman Russo introduces national health Health care workers are among the uninsured costs (NB), 9/91:18 care plan legislation (NB), 4/91:12 (NB), 9/91:14 Rising retiree costs (DW), 7/91:8 Context of questions affects survey responses on Income up 12.5% in 1989 (NB), 1/91:12 national health plan (NB), 4/91:14 Increase in medical specialization, 6/91:42 Executives and providers oppose universal health Interns and residents admit to serious errors in care (NB), 7/91:42 treating patients (NB), 9/91:14 Germany's health care model, 11/91:42 Oncologists say reimbursement rules influence Social ills a large contributor to costs (NB), treatment (NB), 5/91:10 Components of ergonomic management, 7/91:72 10/91:12 One doctor’s fight against managed care, 6/91:48 Ergonomics improves the workplace, 7/91:70 Washington Business Group on Health calls for Overutilization and M.D. self-referrals, 7/91:74 SELF-INSURANCE universal access to health care by year 2000 (NB), Practice audits, 7/91:47 Legislation may affect safety of self-funded health 4/91:14 Shortage of physicians competent in plans, 5/91:87 environmental and occupational medicine (NB), Massachussetts hospitals self-insure workers’ 10/91:14 comp, 10/91:106 Inadequate nursing staffs impact quality (NB), States target workers’ comp provider costs, 6/91:54 Self-funded benefits plans enjoy freedom and 9/91:18 Younger adults concerned about physician flexibility, 10/91:26 “Nurse extenders” back in vogue (NB), 2/91:12 competency (NB), 2/91:12 Self-funded dental, 10/91:29 70 Business & Health/January 1992 SMALL Catastrophic case management, 7/91:24 Brochure helps small businesses get health Increasingly popular but effect on controlling costs benefits (NB), 7/91:18 unclear, 7/91:21 Coalition seeks COBRA reform (NB), 4/91:12 Mental health and substance abuse treatment, Cost shifting hits small businesses, 1/91:48 7/91:22 Employee leasing, 3/91:54 Office of Managed Care Policy helps pull down Florida Small Business Health Access Corporation, obstacles to UR, 7/91:73 5/91:85 Outpatient review, 7/91:30 Legislation would guarantee health insurance for Status of state UR laws, 7/91:26 small employers (NB), 12/91:18 Many small employers unprepared for new accounting rules (NB), 12/91:16 VISION CARE SMOKING Seeing benefits in vision care, 12/91:65 Companies instituting antismoking policies (NB), Study shows workers prefer to see vision coverage see 12/91:16 Smokers’ rights laws, 9/91:79 Visaimoonn gca rbee nienf itthse, 11929/09s1,: 626/ 91:63 By using Smoking, cholesterol booklets available (NB), 4/91:14 Smoking banned as of January 1992 in JCAHO- accredited hospitals unless prescribed by doctors (NB), 7/91:14 WASHINGTON BUSINESS GROUP ON HEALTH States with smokers’ rights laws, 9/91:81 Office of Managed Care Policy helps pull down obstacles to managed care, 7/91:73 information in a reprinted STATE INITIATIVES Quality Resource Center releases reports (NB), Calif. debates universal health care plan, 11/91:75 9/91:14 booklet, you can educate, Cost shifting in New Jersey, 3/91:64 Starts Quality Resource Center (NB), 6/91:10 direct, and inform an Enlarging access: Maryland and Ohio, 2/91:72 WELLNESS. See aiso HEALTH PROMOTION Florida Small Business Health Access Corporation, Book promotes retiree wellness (NB), 1/91:12 audience on current health 5/91:85 Effect of wellness incentives, 4/91:70 topics. Florida's universal access debate, 1/91:56 Ergonomics improves the workplace, 7/91:70 Group purchasing of prescription drugs in General Dynamics’ employee-financed program, Vermont, 9/91:91 5/91:84 Health care reform initiatives, 10/91:52 Guidelines for Employee Health Promotion Pro Customize your creation by Massachusetts hospitals self-insure workers’ grams, 12/91:20 comp, 10/91:106 Hershey's wellness program, 11/91:56 choosing a personal style. Miami law mandates employers be notified of Manual for wellness programs (NB), 2/91:10 employee drug charges (NB), 4/91:14 1991 National Executive Poll on Health Care Costs OPTIONS Oregon reduces workers’ comp rates, 11/91:75 and Benefits, 9/91:60 , OPrenengsoynl'vsa ntirai’asg e Hfeoar ltthhe Cpaoroer , Co4s/t9 1:C7o9n tainment Squflaerxei blDe Cboenmepfaitnsy plmaank,e s1 /9w1e:l5l2 ness part of a @ black and white/two- Council may be abolished, 12/91:75 Wellness kit helps employers reach goals (NB), color/four-color format Status of state utilization review laws, 7/91:26 4/91:12 a title page STRESS WORK-FAMILY POLICIES. See also DEPENDENT SEtmepplso yteor rse dcuocmeb astt ressst reosns , t9h/e 91j:o4b2, 9/91:45 BenCeAfRitEs (DW), 5/91:8 your product ad What is stress?, 9/91:44 Family leave offered by most employers (NB), 5/91:10 your editorial message SUBSTANCE ABUSE Large businesses providing child care help (NB), Applying managed care procedures to substance 12/91:16 mailed to your audience Loanbgussheo rtermeeantm’esn t,u ni6o/n91 :w7o0r ks to control alcohol Par(eNnBt)a,l 1l1e/a9v1e: 1l4 aws less of a burden than expected or delivered to your door and substance abuse, 8/91:51 Required family leave would hurt certain workers Miami Beach, Fla., law mandates employers be (NB), 10/91:14 notified of employee drug charges (NB), 4/91:14 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION Alcohol consumption affects costs (NB), 8/91:12 SURGERY Armour Foods slices costs, 8/91:58 For additional information and Cosmetic surgery no longer reimbursable in Controlling runaway costs, 4/91:46 flexible spending accounts (NB), 1/91:10 Employers pay for passivity, 4/91:54 service please contact: Medicare testing “bundled fee” arrangement for Hughes Aircraft’s cost-containment measures, BETTY ELLINGWOOD cataract surgery (NB), 5/91:10 10/91:81 Procedures requiring second surgical opinions, Insurers settle antitrust suit, 3/91:70 Reprints Sales Manager 2/91:19 Massachusetts hospitals self-insure workers’ BUSINESS & HEALTH Rethinking second surgical opinions, 2/91:14 comp, 10/91:106 New ideas in the 1990s, 4/91:48 Five Paragon Drive Oregon reduces workers’ comp rates, 11/91:75 Montvale, NJ 07645-1742 Physician choice influences workers’ comp costs Voice phone: 201-358-7445 (NB), 8/91:12 UNIONS. See LABOR Report from Workers Compensation Research Institute (NB), 6/91:12 UTILIZATION REVIEW Shortcomings found in monitoring (NB), 4/91:12 Art of polite interference, 2/91:30 States target workers’ comp provider costs, 6/91:54 Booklet to help curb overutilization (NB), 5/91:12 Watching costs (DW), 4/91:8 a Contents of magazine cannot be reproduced Business & Health/January 1992 71 without permission

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