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Bulk and Surface Nanoscale Hole Density Inhomogeneity in HgBa$_2$CuO$_{4+δ}$ and Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_{8+δ}$ Cuprates PDF

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Preview Bulk and Surface Nanoscale Hole Density Inhomogeneity in HgBa$_2$CuO$_{4+δ}$ and Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_{8+δ}$ Cuprates

Bulk and Surface Nanoscale Hole Density Inhomogeneity in HgBa CuO and 2 4+δ Bi Sr CaCu O Cuprates 2 2 2 8+δ Wei Chen1, Giniyat Khaliullin2, and Oleg P. Sushkov1 1School of Physics, University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, Australia 2Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Festko¨rperforschung, Heisenbergstrasse 1, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany (Dated: January 13, 2011) It is well established that the hole density in the prototypical superconductor La2−xSrxCuO4 is 1 very inhomogeneous due to Sr-dopant induced disorder. On the other hand, the hole distribution 1 in HgBa2CuO4+δ and Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ doped by interstitial oxygen is believed to be much more 0 uniform. Recent nuclear magnetic resonance measurements indicate, however, that the charge in- 2 homogeneity in HgBa2CuO4+δ is close to that in La2−xSrxCuO4. Calculations performed in the present paper confirm this observation. We also show that the charge inhomogeneity is most pro- n nouncedatthesurfacelayerthatcanbeprobedbyscanningtunnelingmicroscope. Oursimulations a J demonstrate that, despite having similar amplitudes of charge inhomogeneity, the hole mean free 2 path in HgBa2CuO4+δ is substantially longer than that in La2−xSrxCuO4. The screening of the 1 CoulombrepulsioninHgBa2CuO4+δ isalsostronger. Thesetworeasonsmightexplainthedifference in the superconductingcritical temperatures between thesetwo compounds. ] n PACSnumbers: 74.62.En,74.72.Gh,76.60.Gv o c - I. INTRODUCTION neous hole density profilein the bulk of the sample. The r p inhomogeneityisduetothedopingmechanism,whereSr u substitutions of La ions create an effective Coulomb de- The nanoscale electronic disorder is a long standing s fectveryclosetotheconductingCuO plane. Inarecent . problem in physics of cuprates. This problem has many 2 t paper,10 we have performed the Hartree-Fock simula- a aspects, among which the most important one is the m influence of disorder on critical temperature T . Since tionofthechargedensitydistributioninLa2−xSrxCuO4, c which shows a very inhomogeneous charge density pro- - the energy scale associated with pairing mechanism in d CuO plane is believed to be universal, different out-of- file at the nanometer scale, and reproduces the observed 2 n plane defects are expected to influence T differently.1,2 NQR lineshapes. o c Another important aspect is the nanoscale inhomogene- On the other hand, it is generally believed that hole c [ ity of the local density of states (DOS) measured by density distribution in compounds doped by interstitial scanning tunneling microscope (STM). This effect was oxygens, such as HgBa2CuO4+δ and Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ, v2 mostly studied3–5 in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ. In this paper, is much more uniform than in La2−xSrxCuO4. This is we address theoretically the problem of the nanoscale because the distance from the interstitial oxygen to the 2 1 charge inhomogeneity in cuprates, and a related issue of CuO2 layer is typically larger than the Sr-layer distance 3 the hole mean free path. We focus on two single layer in La2−xSrxCuO4. However, Cu NQR measurements in 5 families of high-Tc superconductors, La2−xSrxCuO4 and the single layer HgBa2CuO4+δ7,11 as well as in the bi- 0. HgBa2CuO4+δ, in which the density inhomogeneity has layer HgBa2CaCu2O6+δ12 show fairly large linewidths 1 been quantified by nuclear quadrupole resonance(NQR) comparable to that in La2−xSrxCuO4. As it will be 0 experiments.6,7Wealsocalculatethechargeinhomogene- demonstrated below, the NQR data imply the same de- 1 ity in the surface layer of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ. greeoftheholedensityinhomogeneityinLa2−xSrxCuO4 v: TheNQRmeasurestheenergysplittingofnuclearlev- and HgBa2CuO4+δ. We will also show that despite hav- i els induced by an electric field gradient at the nucleus. ing similar amplitudes of the charge inhomogeneity, the X A hole in the 3d-shell of the Cu ion gives a dominant spatial profiles of the density distribution are very dif- r contributiontothe fieldgradientattheCunucleus. The ferent in these two cases: it is much smoother in the a Cu NQR frequency in cuprates is therefore very sensi- oxygen doped HgBa2CuO4+δ. Consequently, the for- tive to the doping level and is directly proportional to ward scattering is predominant and the mean free path the local hole concentration. The contribution of the in HgBa2CuO4+δ is substantially longer than that in 3d-hole to the field gradientis significantly compensated La2−xSrxCuO4. Our simulation also indicates that the by contributions of holes located at nearby oxygens,8,9 screening of the Coulomb repulsion between the charge therefore the slope of the NQR frequency versus doping carriers in HgBa2CuO4+δ is stronger. We argue that varies among different cuprate families. these two reasons might explain the difference in super- conductingcriticaltemperaturesbetweenthesetwocom- Itiswidelyacceptedthatthe holedensitydistribution pounds. within the CuO layerin La Sr CuO is very nonuni- 2 2−x x 4 form, as it has been clearly demonstrated by measure- Thenanoscalechargedensityinhomogeneityinunder- ments of 63Cu NQR spectra6. The observedbroadNQR dopedcupratesisanindirectwaytodistinguishthelarge spectrum6 unambiguously indicates a very inhomoge- Fermi surface of a normal Fermi liquid and the small 2 Fermisurfaceof adoped Mottinsulator. Calculationsin II. THE EFFECTIVE MODEL FOR A CuO2 Ref. 10 for La Sr CuO were based on the small hole PLANE 2−x x 4 pocket Fermi surface, which implies a small number of mobile charge carries. The small number of charge car- We adopt the effective model formulated in Ref. 10 riesresultsinpoorscreening10,13 andhenceinthestrong based on the picture of a lightly doped Mott insulator. chargedensityinhomogeneityconsistentwithNQRdata. Throughout the paper we denote the average hole con- On the other hand, the large Fermi surface implies the centration by p and assume p 1. The central point is large number of mobile charge carriers and a very effec- thatthenumberofchargecarr≪iersispinsteadof1 pas tive Coulomb screening. In this case calculations give a onewouldexpectforanormalFermiliquid. Wecon−sider very moderate charge inhomogeneity14,15, which is too first an “isolated” CuO layer. The “isolated” means 2 weak to explain the observed NQR linewidths. that we disregard screening effects of the other layers. Toconstructamodelrelevantto cuprates,wefirstno- Another important point is that the charge inhomo- tice that there are the following distinct length scales: geneity in the surface layer is always stronger than that (i)Thescaleofthe orderof1-2latticespacingwherethe in the bulk layer. This is because the surface ionic di- dopedholesaredressedbymultiplevirtualmagnons. (ii) electric constant is about two times smaller than that in ThescaleaboutaverageseparationbetweenCoulombde- the bulk16. Hence the screening at the surface is weaker fects or average separation between holes 1/√p. This and this results in the stronger charge inhomogeneity. ∼ is the scale of the Coulomb screening. (iii) The scale In this paper, we present Hartree-Fock calculations in r 1/√p. The Coulomb gap may develop at this scale ≫ underdoped cuprates with realistic parameters to simu- due to Anderson localization effects. late the bulk charge distributions in HgBa CuO and Regarding the first point, we do not treat the strong 2 4+δ La Sr CuO , and the surface charge distribution in correlations explicitly, but instead adopt the effective 2−x x 4 Bi Sr CaCu O . Our calculation covers from under- hole dispersion after quantum fluctuations at short dis- 2 2 2 8+δ dopedtooptimallydopedregime. We fine tune theoreti- tances are included. To stress this point, we frequently calparametersto reproduceexperimentallyknownNQR use the term “holon” instead of “hole”. It is known linewidths6,7. This enables us to perform a very accu- that the holon dispersion has minima at momenta k0 = rate comparison of HgBa CuO and La Sr CuO . ( π/2, π/2), and is approximately isotropic around We find the charge inhom2ogene4i+tyδ of a sim2−ilxar sxcale i4n t±hese p±oints17. The bandwidth of the holon is about both cases. However, the landscapes of spatial modu- 2J, where J 130 meV is the superexchange in the ≈ lations and the hole mean free paths are substantially t-J model, although we do not directly employ the t-J different. This is due to different positions of the dopant formalism. Hereafter we set the following energy and oxygenandthe Sr-ionrelativetothe CuO plane. Inad- distance units 2 dition, the dielectric constants in these two compounds J = 130 meV 1, are different. → a = 0.38nm 1, (1) 0 Motivated by STM data3–5 in Bi Sr CaCu O , we → 2 2 2 8+δ calculate alsothe hole density distributionin the surface where a is the lattice spacing of the CuO plane. To 0 2 CuO2 layerofthiscompound. Theresultsobtainedshow imitatetheholondispersionweconsiderspinlessfermions alargechargedensityinhomogeneitycomparabletothat ona2Dsquarelattice. TheHamiltonianreadsasfollows: inthebulkofHgBa CuO . Naturally,thelocalcharge 2 4+δ density is highly correlated with the interstitial oxygen H = t′′c†c , (2) t i j positions as has been noticed previously13. Xhiji Structure of the paper is the following: in Sec. II we where c† is the holon creation operator at site i, and t′′ formulatethe effective modelforanisolatedCuO layer. i 2 denotes the next-next-nearest-neighbor hopping on the Because of the long-range nature of the Coulomb inter- square lattice. The Hamiltonian (2) yields the following action, however, the isolated layer approximation is not dispersion sufficient and one has to take into account other layers. The impact of the other layers depends on the way of ǫk =2t′′(cos2kx+cos2ky). (3) doping and on structural details: whether this is a sin- gle layer or a double layer compound. The single layer The dispersion is isotropic around minima at k = 0 La Sr CuO andHgBa CuO areconsideredinSec- ( π/2, π/2) as shown in Fig. 1. We choose t′′ =0.25J 2−x x 4 2 4+δ ± ± tion III. In Sec. IV we simulate the charge distribution toreproducetherealisticholonbandwidth,about2J,as onthesurfaceofthedoublelayerBi Sr CaCu O . We obtainedfromnumericalsimulationsofthet J model.17 2 2 2 8+δ − also calculate the correlation function between the local An additional argument supporting this value is as fol- charge density and oxygen dopant positions, and com- lows. Near its minimum the dispersion (2) can be ex- pare the result with the local DOS correlation function panded as ǫk = const + 4t′′ k k0 2, so the holon measured by STM. Our conclusions are presented in Sec effective mass is→equal to m∗ =|¯h2−/(8a|2t′′). The value 0 V. t′′ = 0.25J results in the effective mass m∗ 2m e ≃ 3 π ky many-body problem with the Hamiltonian (6) using the standard Hartree-Fock method. In other words we use the Hartree-Fockdecompositionof the Coulombinterac- tion between holons: −π π kx Hint → Uijhc†iciic†jcj − Uijhc†icjic†jci . (7) ij ij X X −π This can be done for zero as well as for finite tempera- tures, as it is described in Ref. 10. TheaboveformulationwouldsolvetheCoulombprob- FIG. 1: Dispersion minima of the spinless fermion generated by Hamiltonian (2). lem for the “isolated” CuO2 layer. However, the layer is always embedded in a multilayer structure, and because of the long-range nature of the Coulomb interaction, we which is close to the effective mass measured in mag- have to take into account other layers. Their influence netic quantum oscillationexperiments18,19. The realistic depends on the lattice structure. In the next section, we holon band width and the realistic effective mass jus- consider two different families of single layer cuprates. tify our choice of t′′ = 0.25J. We note also that in the original t-J model formalism, there are four holon half- pockets inside magnetic Brillouin zone, and each pocket has two pseudospins17; in the present model, we con- sider four full pockets inside the full Brillouin zone with III. SINGLE LAYER HgBa2CuO4+δ AND spinless fermions, hence the number of charge degrees of La2−xSrxCuO4 COMPOUNDS. CHARGE DENSITY DISTRIBUTION, NQR LINE SHAPE, freedom is exactly the same.20 DENSITY OF STATES Eventhoughtheholesareheavilydressedbymagnetic fluctuations, their charge is conserved and hence they interactwithCoulombdefects viathe ordinaryCoulomb We treat a particular CuO2 plane using the Hartree- potential: Fock (HF) method. The role of other CuO2 planes is to provide screening of the Coulomb interaction in the Hh−O = Ulic†ici , Hartree-Fock analysis. Since CuO2 planes have a very l,i high longitudinal polarizability we consider the “other X Q planes” as purely metallic. It has been shown in Ref. 10 = − , Uli |Rl−ri|2+a2d twhhaetnththise“pmoeltaarlilziacbaipliptyroixsimsuaffiticoine”ntilsyvhailgidh.atWpi>th1in−t2h%is a2d = ap2ZR+λ2 . (4) approximation the HF plane in a single layer compound Herer ispositionoftheholonandR isthein-planepro- is sandwiched between two ”metallic” sheets, as demon- i l strated in Fig. 2 for La Sr CuO . jection of the Coulomb defect (Sr-ion or dopant oxygen) 2−x x 4 position. The distance from the plane to the defect is λ, and a 0.8 is the size of the Zhang-Rice singlet. (We ZR ≈ recallthat the energy and distances are given in units of J and a , correspondingly). The dimensionless ”charge” 0 Q 0.5 depends on the compound, and we discuss its ∼ precise values later. Holon-holon Coulomb interaction is of a similar form H = U c†c c†c , int ij i i j j ij X Q U = , (5) ij r r 2+a2 | i− j| hh where a2 2a2 1pstands for the combined size of hh ≈ ZR ≈ two Zhang-Rice singlets. The total Hamiltonian FIG. 2: (Color online) The Hartree-Fock model of H =Ht+Hh−O+Hint , (6) La2−xSrxCuO4 with four (m = 1,2,3,4) layers of Coulomb defects, i.e., doped Sr-ions, and with two ”metallic” sheets. describes the in-plane Coulomb problem. Since the Coulomb interaction is not very strong, we solve the 4 A. La2−xSrxCuO4 According to the same logic the Coulomb interaction between holons (5) is replaced by Coulomb defects in La Sr CuO are created by Sr 2−x x 4 1 substitution for La ions. Therefore each defect donates U Q one hole ij → |ri−rj|2+a2HF p=x. (8) ∞p 2( 1)n + − . (12) Given the periodic structure of CuO2 planes along nX=1 |ri−rj|2+(2nd)2! c axis, there are two layers of Sr defects between two The HF Hamiltonianpis diagonalizedin a 36 36 clus- n−eighboring CuO2 planes, as shown in Fig. 2. We mark ter. The resulting charge densities for particula×r realiza- the defect layers by the index m = 1,2,3,4 , so the tions of Coulomb defects at different doping levels are { } HF CuO2 plane is under the influence of 4 layers of Sr shown in Fig. 3. To calculate the NQR spectrum of in- defects. Concentration of defects in each defect layer is x/2. The planar positions of defects are assumed to be random, and defects are assumed to sit above the center of the Cu plaquette. In addition, in each defect layer we impose a condition that defects never sit next toeachother,i.e.,the distancebetweendefects isalways larger than √2. The distance between CuO layers is 2 d=1.75,andthegeometricdistancestoCoulombdefects are λ =λ =1.15, λ =λ = 0.6. After accounting for 1 4 2 3 the screening by “metallic” planes, the holoninteraction with a defect (4) is replaced by 1 m Q (9) Uli → − Rl ri 2+adm 2 | − | | ∞ p ( 1)n + − R r 2+(2nd+λ )2 nX=1 | l− i| m ∞ p ( 1)n + − . nX=1 |Rl−ri|2+(2nd−λm)2! The summation ovepr n reflects the image method for metallicscreening.10Withvaluesofthedistancesλgiven above,theparametera ,definedinEq.(4),takesthefol- d lowing values: a = a = 1.4, and a = a = 1. The d1 d4 d2 d3 effective charge Q is determined by the dielectric con- stant of the lattice ǫ . In our previous work10 we used l the value ǫ =40 that approximately corresponds to the l undoped compound.22 This gave a reasonable fit of the NQRlines,butstillthewidthswereabout20-30%larger compared to experiment. In the present paper, we fine tune the NQR widths by using ǫ as a fitting parameter. l Our best fit yields LSCO: ǫ =30(1+6.25p). (10) l Thus the value of ǫ depends on doping, ǫ = 30 for the l l undoped compound22, and ǫ = 60 for the optimally l doped compound (p = 0.16). The coefficient 6.25 has been obtained by fitting the NQR widths, see below. It is natural to have some doping dependence of the lat- tice dielectric constant since the lattice dynamics may changelocally(getsofter)with La Sr substitution. In FIG.3: ThechargedensityofmobileholesinLa2−xSrxCuO4 → calculated at zero temperatureand different doping levels. our dimensionless units, the effective charge Q is e2 plane 63Cu, we first calculate the hole density distribu- Q= 30/ǫ . (11) ǫ a J ≈ l tion averaged over 20 random impurity configurations, l 0 5 and then convertthe hole density at a site i to the NQR present calculation is to fit the NQR linewidths quan- frequency using the following scaling23 titatively, using the dielectric constant (10) as a fit- ting parameter. Based on this fit we accurately quan- νi =33+19ni (MHz), (13) tify the charge inhomogeneity and the hole mean free path as discussed below. We also note that the previ- which implies that the NQRspectrum is directly related ouscalculation10 has foundanadditionalhighfrequency to the charge density distribution. The resulting NQR hump/shoulder in the NQR line. The hump was due to spectra for zero temperature and for T = 600 K are the strong Coulomb binding of holes to the accidentally presented in Fig. 4. The theoretical NQR spectra at clusteredCoulomb defects. The binding is very sensitive to the strength of the Coulomb attraction. This binding 1.2 does not show up in the present calculation because of 2%4%7%11.5%16% 1.0 T=0K the larger value of the dielectric constant used, and also Ls due to the fact that we impose here the ”nonadjacent” unit0.8 condition for Coulomb defects [see the paragraphbefore b. Eq. (9)]. As suggested in Ref. 6, the experimentally ob- ar0.6 H servedhigh frequency hump (the NQR ”B-line”)is most y nsit0.4 probably due to the direct action of Sr ion Coulomb po- e tential on the Cu nucleus, which is beyond the scope of nt I0.2 the present model. 0.0 32 34 36 38 40 ΝHMHzL 1.2 2%4%7% 11.5%16% 1.0 T=600K Ls B. HgBa2CuO4+δ unit0.8 b. ar0.6 Interstitial oxygen ions in HgBa2CuO4+δ are located H nsity0.4 roifghftoubretawdejaecnenttwoCunesigithebs.o1r1inTghCeumOi2nimlaaylersm,oodnel tfoopr e Int0.2 HgBa2CuO4+δ is shown in Fig. 5. There is one layer of 0.0 32 34 36 38 40 ΝHMHzL FIG. 4: (Color online) Theoretical NQR spectra for in-plane 63Cu in La2−xSrxCuO4 at T = 0 and T = 600 K and for different doping levels p. T = 600 K agree very well with experimental data6. Although we are not aware of NQR data at low tem- peratures, the theoretical spectra at T =0 are shown in ordertodemonstratehowthechargedensitydistribution evolveswithtemperature. Itisinstructivetopresentthe widthsofthechargedensitydistribution. Oursimulation yields Γ (T=0)=0.12 FIG. 5: (Color online) The Hartree-Fock model of LSCO at p=0.16: Γp(T=600K)=0.09, HgBa2CuO4+δ with two layers of Coulomb defects (intersti- p (cid:26) tial oxygen ions) and two ”metallic” sheets. Γ (T=0)=0.07 LSCO at p=0.08: p (14) Γ (T=600K)=0.05. p (cid:26) oxygendefects abovetheCuO planeandanotherdefect 2 In our previous work,10 we performed similar calcu- layer below it. Concentration of defects in each defect lations for La Sr CuO and demonstrated that the layer is δ. We assume that each interstitial oxygen do- 2−x x 4 Hartree-Fock calculation reproduces reasonably well the nates two holes into the CuO plane, i.e., 2 evolution of NQR lineshapes with doping. However, the calculated NQR linewidths were about 20-30% larger compared to the experimental values. The goal of the p=2δ . (15) 6 According to this picture, the holon interaction with a defect, Eq. (4) is replaced by 1 2Q (16) Uli → − |Rl−ri|2+a2d ∞ p ( 1)n + − R r 2+(2nd+d/2)2 nX=1 | l− i| ∞ p ( 1)n + − . nX=1 |Rl−ri|2+(2nd−d/2)2! p The interlayer distance in HgBa CuO is d = 2.5, 2 4+δ and each interstitial oxygen carries ”charge” 2Q. Tak- − ing into account size of the Zhang-Rice singlet, we have a = a2 +(d/2)2 1.5. The hole-hole interaction d ZR ≈ has exactly the same form as that in La Sr CuO , 2−x x 4 p Eq. (12), with the interlayer distance d = 2.5 and with the value of Q described below. In each defect layer we simulate positions of the defects randomly, and impose again the nonadjacent condition for the defects. Similar to the procedure in La Sr CuO , we fine 2−x x 4 tune the NQR widths using the lattice dielectric con- stant ǫ as fitting parameter. We find that in order to l fit experimental NQR spectra7,11 the dielectric constant has to be taken as ǫ =30(1+25p). (17) FIG.6: Thechargedensityofmobileholesin HgBa2CuO4+δ l at zero temperature and at different doping levels. Note that the doping dependence of ǫ in this case is l four times stronger than that in Eq. (10). The stronger 1.2 dependence is quite natural since it is due to the shift T=0K 4% 8% 12% 16% of the interstitial oxygen position in an applied electric 1.0 field. The shift is significant because binding of inter- stitial oxygens in the lattice is weak. In other words, a Ls 0.8 dopant oxygen brings in new local phonon modes which nit u enhancethedielectricconstant. TheeffectivechargeQis b. determined by the same Eq. (11), with ǫl from Eq. (17). Har 0.6 tteiorTn.shTeohHfeFCreoHsuuallomtminilbgtocdnheiaaferncgtiessddaeitnasgdiotinffieaesrliefzonertdpdianorptaiicn3ug6la×lrev3re6elasclliauzrase-- Intensity 0.4 shown in Fig. 6. A strong charge inhomogeneity in- duced by oxygen dopants is apparent. However, den- 0.2 sity distributionprofileshere aremuchsmootherthanin La Sr CuO asonecaneasilyseebycomparingFigs.6 2−x x 4 0.0 and 3 at same doping levels. 0 2 4 6 8 10 Now, we address the NQR spectrum of the in-plane ΝHMHzL 63Cu in HgBa CuO . We first calculate the hole den- 2 4+δ sity distribution averaged over 20 random impurity con- FIG. 7: (Color online) Theoretical NQR spectra for in-plane figurations, and then convert the hole density at a site i 63Cu in HgBa2CuO4+δ at zero temperature and for different dopinglevels p. to the NQR frequency by ν =C+30n (MHz), (18) i i of theoretical calculations of electric field gradients.24) where C is a doping independent constant. Note that Since NQR data for HgBa CuO are taken at suffi- 2 4+δ the coefficient 30 MHz in this formula is different from ciently low temperatures, we perform calculations only that in Eq. (13). We found the coefficient in Eq. (18) by at T = 0. Fig. 7 shows the theoretical NQR lines by fitting the NQR-line centersusingthe experimentaldata assuming C = 0, since it is an irrelevant constant shift. of Ref. 11 (this way is more reliable than using results The calculations agree well with the experimental data 7 of Refs. 7,11. At optimal doping p = 0.16, the NQR linewidth in HgBa CuO is Γ 2.6 MHz. The 2 4+δ NQR ≈ widths of the charge density distribution are HBCO at p=0.16 : Γ (T =0)=0.09 , p HBCO at p=0.08 : Γ (T =0)=0.08 . (19) p Comparing with the corresponding values for La Sr CuO in Eq. (14), we see that at zero 2−x x 4 temperature the amplitudes of charge inhomogeneities in HgBa CuO and in La Sr CuO are quite 2 4+δ 2−x x 4 similar. At optimal doping p = 0.16, the amplitude of charge inhomogeneity in HgBa CuO is only by 30% 2 4+δ smaller than that in La Sr CuO . 2−x x 4 C. Density of states and mean free path A comparison between Eqs. (14) and (19) suggests that the hole density inhomogeneity in HgBa CuO is 2 4+δ prettyclosetothatinLa Sr CuO . Thisseemsrather 2−x x 4 surprising, given that the superconducting critical tem- perature in HgBa CuO is much higher than that in 2 4+δ La Sr CuO . Indeed, a disorder reduces the d wave 2−x x 4 − FIG. 8: (Color online) (a) Density of states and (b) charge superconducting critical temperature and, based on this argument, one can expect that La Sr CuO is ”more density profile in HgBa2CuO4+δ at optimal doping p=0.16. 2−x x 4 Shownintheinsetofpanel(a)istheDOSofthehomogeneous disordered”. However, one should quantify exactly what model with effective scattering rate η=0.014. is the measure of the disorder. While the overall ampli- tude of the charge inhomogeneity is one possible factor, the hole mean free path is another and in fact more im- portantmeasureofthedisorder. Wealreadynoticedthat the spatial charge distribution profiles induced by inter- stitial oxygens and Sr-dopants are rather different. To quantify this difference in more detail, we calculate the quasiparticle DOS defined in the standard way 1 ρ(ǫ)= δ(ǫ E ), (20) n N − n X where N is the total number of sites, and E is the n-th n eigenenergy. Plots of the DOS in HgBa CuO and in 2 4+δ La Sr CuO at doping p = 0.16 are shown in Figs. 8 2−x x 4 and 9, together with the charge profiles for particular disorder realizations. The DOS has been obtained af- ter averaging over 40 different disorder realizations. We have checked that the DOS calculated with 20 realiza- tions of random dopant positions is practically the same as the DOS calculated with 40 realizations. This means that 40 realizations is sufficient to disregardthe statisti- cal noise. The calculated DOS exhibits pronounced os- cillations. These oscillations are a byproduct of the fi- nite size of the cluster. Maxima of the DOS correspond to degenerate states with dispersion (3) on the 36 36 × torus. The oscillations must certainly disappear in the FIG.9: (Coloronline)(a)DOSand(b)chargedensityprofile thermodynamiclimit. However,oscillationshaveaphys- in La2−xSrxCuO4 at p = 0.16. The inset shows the DOS of ical meaning: they indicate that the quantum states are thehomogeneous model with scattering rate η=0.021. quite extended, with the hole mean free path l compa- rable with the size of the cluster used. To estimate the 8 meanfreepathmoreaccuratelyweusethefollowingpro- implies better screening of the Coulomb repulsion be- cedure. We consider the DOS of an ideal homogeneous tween holes and hence a smaller Coulomb pseudopoten- systemdescribedbytheHamiltonian(2). Itconsistsofδ- tial. ThismayfurtherenhanceT ofHgBa CuO com- c 2 4+δ functionswhosepositionsarefixedbyperiodicboundary pared to that of La Sr CuO . 2−x x 4 conditions. The weight of each δ-function can be eas- ily calculated for the 36 36 torus. Now, we artificially broaden each δ-function,× IV. NANOSCALE HOLE DENSITY INHOMOGENEITY IN THE SURFACE LAYER 1 η OF Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ δ(ǫ ǫ ) , (21) − n → π(ǫ ǫ )2+η2 n − Recent STM experiments3–5 have revealed large vari- to simulate a disorder scattering. We find that the DOS ations of pairing gaps in Bi Sr CaCu O which are 2 2 2 8+δ of this model is very sensitive to η. Then, we adjust spatiallycorrelatedwiththedopantoxygendensity. Mo- the broadening η to reproduce (roughly) the amplitudes tivated by this observation, we now consider the charge of the DOS oscillations obtained in our actual calcula- distributioninthe surfaceCuO layerofthis compound. 2 tions, as shown in Figs. 8(a) and 9(a). This gives the Our purpose is to estimate the magnitude of the charge following values of the effective broadening: η = 0.014 inhomogeneity induced by interstitial oxygen dopants, for HgBa2CuO4.08, and η = 0.021 for La1.84Sr0.16CuO4. and see how the hole density profile is correlated with ThemeanfreepathofaholeattheFermisurfacecanbe the position of these oxygens. In the present work, we then estimated as: donotcalculatethelocalDOSandhencecannotaddress STM directly. Instead, we calculate the charge distribu- v F l=vFτ = , (22) tion similar to the previous sections, and show that the 2η effect of interstitial oxygen on charge inhomogeneity is very significant. where τ = 1/2η is the collision time. At small doping, As we have seen above, charge distribution profiles p 1, the dispersion (3) results in the Fermi velocity vF≪ 8t′′a0√πp. Hence, at p = 0.16, the Fermi velocity depend on the lattice dielectric constant whose val- ≈ ues can be reliably obtained by fitting the NQR data. isv 1.4Ja . Togetherwiththeabovevaluesofη,this F 0 ≈ Due to lack of systematic NQR data, we cannot de- results in the following estimates for the hole mean free termine the dielectric constant of Bi Sr CaCu O in paths: 2 2 2 8+δ this way. Instead, we assume that the doping de- pendence of the lattice dielectric constant in the bulk HgBa CuO : l 50a 19nm , 2 4.08 0 ≈ ≈ of Bi Sr CaCu O is described by the same formula 2 2 2 8+δ La Sr CuO : l 34a 13nm . (23) 1.84 0.16 4 0 Eq.(17)asinHgBa CuO . This isbecausebothcom- ≈ ≈ 2 4+δ poundsaredopedbyinterstitialoxygenswhichhavesim- We thus find that La Sr CuO is indeed more disor- 2−x x 4 ilar influence on lattice dynamics and dielectric screen- dered, in the sense that it has a shorter mean free path. ing. This adoptioncertainly ignores lattice structure de- The different mean free paths are due to different dis- tails and should be further refined when NQR data is tances from the CuO plane to the Coulomb defect (in- 2 available. Nevertheless, we found that our results for terstitial oxygen versus Sr-dopant), and due to different Bi Sr CaCu O arefairlyrobustwithinasensiblevari- 2 2 2 8+δ distances between Coulomb defects. In HgBa CuO , 2 4+δ ations of the dielectric constant, and thus they should both distances are larger, therefore the Coulomb poten- give a qualitative description of the surface charge inho- tial is smoother and hence less contributes to the large mogeneity. anglescattering. Thisdifferenceisclearlyreflectedinthe chargedensityprofilesshowninFig.8(b)and9(b). Over- all amplitudes of the charge inhomogeneity are pretty close, but the charge distribution in La Sr CuO is 2−x x 4 muchmorespiky. Thisgivesrisetothe strongscattering with large momentum transfer which is detrimental for d wave superconductivity. − Considering the superconducting correlation length ξ 2 nm, one finds that l/ξ 6 in La Sr CuO 2−x x 4 ≈ ∼ and l/ξ 10 in HgBa CuO . One should there- 2 4+δ ∼ fore expect that the disorder suppression of supercon- ductivity in HgBa CuO is indeed weaker. In addi- 2 4+δ tion, accordingto our fits of the NQR data, the effective FIG. 10: (Color online) The Hartree-Fock model for ionic dielectric constant ǫl in HgBa2CuO4+δ, Eq. (17), Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ surface. Blue dotsindicate theinterstitial is larger than that in La2−xSrxCuO4, Eq. (10). At the oxygen dopants. optimal doping p = 0.16, for example, ǫ (LSCO) = 60 l and ǫ (HBCO) = 150. The larger ǫ in HgBa CuO Bi Sr CaCu O is a double layer compound and a l l 2 4+δ 2 2 2 8+δ 9 schematicpictureofthetwosurfaceCuO layersisshown 2 in Fig. 10. Interstitial oxygens are assumed to be lo- cated at λ 0.37 nm above the CuO layer, which is 2 shown to be≈the most energetically favorable position.25 We assume that the surface concentration of Coulomb defects (interstitial oxygens) is δ. They are randomly distributedand,similarlytothe previousconsiderations, we impose again the condition that the defects never sit next to each other, i.e., the distance between the defects is always larger than √2 (in units of a ). The separa- 0 tion between the CuO layers in the double layer struc- 2 ture is d = 0.33 nm 0.86. We treat the top layer by ≈ Hartree-Fock approximation, and the underneath layer as a ”metallic” sheet that provides screening. There are also Coulomb defects underneath of the screening layer, buttheyarewellscreenedbythemetallicsheetandhence do not influence the Hartree-Fock procedure. The hole- defect and the hole-hole interaction in the Hartree-Fock top layer are of the following form: 1 2Q Uli → − |Rl−ri|2+a2d p 1 , − Rl ri 2+(2d+λ)2! | − | p 1 U Q ij → |ri−rj|2+a2HF p 1 . (24) − ri rj 2+(2d)2! FIG.11: (Coloronline)(a,d)Thezerotemperatureholeden- | − | sityplotsand(b,e)theholedensitymapsforthesurfacelayer Here a = λ2+ap2 1.28, and a 2a2 1. of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ for the average hole density p = 0.08 d ZR ≈ HF ≈ ZR ≈ (left panels) and 0.16 (right panels). The lower panels (c) Note that there is only one image charge per physical p p and (f) show positions of the oxygen dopants for the corre- charge because there is only one screening layer. We as- spondingrealizationsofdisorder. Itisevidentthatthedopant sume that the lattice contribution to the dielectric con- oxygenslocally increase thehole density. stantinBi Sr CaCu O hastheformEq.(17). Onthe 2 2 2 8+δ surface,the dielectric constantis expectedto be reduced to half of its value in the bulk,16 therefore Bi Sr CaCu O , is taken here in an ad hoc way. On 2 2 2 8+δ ǫBSCCO =15(1+25p), (25) a qualitative level, however, the density inhomogeneity is rather stable with respect to the value of the dielec- and the value of effective ”charge” Q follows from tric constant. For example, the widths of the surface Eq. (11). density distributions plotted in Fig. 12 are only slightly Plots of the in-plane hole density for δ = 0.04 (p = largerthan those obtained in the case of HgBa2CuO4+δ, 0.08) and δ = 0.08 (p = 0.16) are presented in Fig. 11, see Eq. (19). This is in spite of the fact that the re- togetherwithcorrespondingmapsfortheseparticularre- sults for HgBa2CuO4+δ have been obtained at the twice alizations of Coulomb defects. The plots demonstrate a larger value of the dielectric constant. Therefore, we be- large spatial variations in hole density. For the δ = 0.04 lievethatourconclusionaboutthe strongsurfacecharge case, the range of hole density modulation is about density inhomogeneity is very reliable. 0.03 < n < 0.15, which is a very significant fluctua- Naturally, the charge density of mobile holes is higher i tion, having in mind that the average hole density is around areas with higher interstitial oxygen concentra- n = p = 0.08. The same strong inhomogeneity is tion. Fig. 11 clearly shows this correlation. To quantify i h i seen in the δ = 0.08 case, where the local density varies this, we define a correlation function between local hole in the range roughly 0.10 < n < 0.23, while average density and dopantoxygenpositions, which is analogous i density is n = p = 0.16. The density distribution to the correlator introduced in Ref. 3 for analysis of the i h i curves for different doping levels are shown in Fig. 12. spatialvariationsofthe localDOS.Onadiscretelattice, We stress that the precise density profiles depend on the theholedensityn isdefinedonsitesofthesquarelattice j dielectric constant which, due to lack of NQR data for representing the CuO plane. The function f indicates 2 i 10 30 0.4 4% T=0K 0.3 æáàò á4% 25 à8% 0.2 æ12% HLR æáà ò16% Lni 1250 8% 12% Cnf 0.10 ò æáàòæáàòæáàò ææááààòòæáàò æáàòæáàòæáàòæáàòæáàòæáàòææááààòòæáàòæáàòææááààòòæáàòæáàòæáàòæáàòæáàòæáàòæáàòææááààòòæáàòææááààòòæáàòæáàòæáàòææááààòòæáàòæáàòææááààòòæáàòæáàòææááààòò HP 16% -0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 R(cid:144)a 5 FIG. 13: (Color online) The correlation function Eq. (27) betweentheinterstitial oxygenposition andthelocal density of mobile holes for different values of doping p. 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 holedensityn V. CONCLUSIONS i FIG. 12: (Color online) The zero temperature hole density In this paper, we study the spatial distribution of distribution in thesurface layer of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ at var- doped holes in cuprates, focusing particularly on a ious doping levels p. Each curve is averaged over 20 realiza- comparison between two different physical situations: tions of disorder. doping by a cationic substitution Sr for La as in La Sr CuO , and doping by interstitial oxygen ions 2−x x 4 the location of interstitial oxygens: as in HgBa2CuO4+δ. The main results are summarized as follows. 1 if i dopantoxygen, The hole density inhomogeneity in HgBa CuO is fi = 0 elsew∈here, (26) nearly as strong as in La Sr CuO . For e2xamp4l+e,δ at (cid:26) 2−x x 4 theoptimaldopingp=0.16thewidthofthechargeden- where i runs through points at the center of the pla- sitydistributionis aboutΓ =0.09,whichis closeto the p quettes. The density-oxygencorrelationfunction is then correspondingnumberΓ =0.12inLa Sr CuO . This p 2−x x 4 defined as conclusioniswellsupportedbythecomparisonofourcal- Cnf(R)= N1 fi−f A[niA+R−n] , (27) caunldatLioan2s−xwSirtxhCtuhOe4e.xiIsntinspgitNeQoRf tdhaetacloinseHogvBeraa2lCl uamO4p+liδ- i (cid:2) (cid:3) f n tudes, the landscape of charge inhomogeneity in these X with proper normalizations p two compounds are very different. In oxygen doped HgBa CuO , the disorder potential profiles are much 2 4+δ A = 1 f f 2 , smoother than that in Sr-doped La2−xSrxCuO4. Corre- f N i− spondingly, the hole mean free path in HgBa2CuO4+δ Xi (cid:0) (cid:1) is larger. In other words, disorder induced scatter- 1 A = (n n)2 , (28) ing processes with a large momentum transfer (which n j N − are destructive for d wave pairing) are less pronounced Xj − in oxygen doped HgBa CuO compared to the case 2 4+δ where f = 1 f = δ and n = 1 n = p. Fig. 13 of La Sr CuO . In addition, the screening of the N i i N j j 2−x x 4 shows the correlation function Cnf(R) averaged over 20 Coulomb repulsion between holes in HgBa2CuO4+δ is P P disorder realizations for each doping. There is a clear about twice stronger than that in La2−xSrxCuO4. In positivecorrelationduetotheCoulombattractiontothe our opinion, these two reasons might explain the much oxygen defects. The value of the correlator at R 0 is higher superconducting critical temperature of oxygen → C 0.3 0.4 and the scale at which it goes to zero doped HgBa2CuO4+δ. is a≈bout 1−0-15 ˚A. Interestingly, the correlator between We found that the charge density nanoscale inhomo- the gapinlocalDOSandthe interstitialoxygenposition geneity in the surface CuO layer of Bi Sr CaCu O 2 2 2 2 8+δ measured in STM shows the same positive correlation (thelayeravailableforSTM)isofthesamemagnitudeas with very similar scales3. Further investigation is nec- thatinthe bulkofHgBa CuO . Asexpectedonphys- 2 4+δ essary to clarify if there is a connection between these ical grounds, the hole density positively correlates with two correlators, and to understand the physical reasons the positions of interstitial dopant oxygen. Remarkably, behind this apparent correspondence. thecorrelationfunctionobtainedhereresemblesthepos-

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