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Bukit Sarang (Sarawak, Malaysia), an isolated limestone hill with an extraordinary snail fauna PDF

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by  VermeulenJ J
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Preview Bukit Sarang (Sarawak, Malaysia), an isolated limestone hill with an extraordinary snail fauna

BASTERIA, 71: 209-220,2007 Bukit Sarang (Sarawak,Malaysia), an isolatedlimestonehill withanextraordinary snailfauna J.J.Vermeulen Nationaal Herbarium,Leiden Branch,P.O.Box 9514, NL2300 RALeiden,The Netherlands & D.J. Junau Grand PerfectSdn Bhd,Lot 3469&3470,Parkcity CommerceSquare, JinTunAhmad Zaidin,97008 Bintulu,Sarawak,Malaysia BukitSarangis anisolated limestone hillinthe Tatau River basin,Sarawak,Malaysia(onthe island ofBorneo).Outofthe 83landsnail speciesfound,26areassumed tobeendemictothe hill. Nine ofthesearedescribed asnewin thispaper;theybelongtotheAssimineidae (Acmella: 3species),Cyclophoridae(Japonia:2species;Opisthoporus:1species),Hydrocenidae(Georissa: 1 species), Camaenidae (Amphidromus:1species),Charopidae(Teracharopa:1species). Key words; Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda, Pulmonata, Assimineidae, Cyclophoridae, Hydrocenidae,Camaenidae,Charopidae,taxonomy,Malaysia,Borneo. INTRODUCTION Limestonehills (karst) are widespread in Sarawak (Malaysia, part of the islandof Borneo),butnot equally distributedover thestate. Extensivekarst is found in theWest, betweenBauandSerian.IntheEast, scatteredareasoccur,such asthoseinGunungMulu NationalPark, NiahCavesNationalPark, andintheBaramRiverheadwaters.Inbetween EastandWestSarawakkarst areas arefew andfarapart. TheyarerestrictedtotheTatau Riverbasin: BukitSarang downstream,theUlu Kakus range upstream. Both limestone outcropsare extremelyisolated:thedistancebetweenthetwooutcrops isabout60km,the nearest limestonerangestotheSW., NE. and SSE. (in adjacentKalimantan,Indonesia) of BukitSarang areabout325km, 150 km and210km away,respectively. Afew thin,name- lessbedsofmarland limestonealongAripRiverandnearTatau,bothabout25km tothe W.of BukitSarang have beenmapped (see Wilford, 1956:48), these have not yetbeen investigated. BukitSarang consistsinfactoftwo minutelimestonehillsofTertiaryage:BukitAnyi (800 x 300 m), and BukitLebik (300* 150m, totaloutcropsurface of thetwo about0.3 sqkm). Amapis provided byHarrison& Reavis (1966).Thehills aresituatedinan exten- sive, partly loggedswamp area whichis notableforitsFalseGavials, Tomistomaschlegeli S. Mueller, 1838(Crocodilia, Gavialidae). Theinaccessibility of the area, as well as pro- tractedtribalconflicts overrights toharvestbird'snests fromthecaves,kept people from settling nearthehills. Thisexplains theirrelativelypristine state. ThefirstsnailcollectingonBukitSarangwas donein1962,by M.Bong, asanasideto geological exploration. The soil sample contained no fewer than 12 endemic mollusc species (Dance, 1970;Vermeulen,1993, 1994),whichmarkedthelocalfaunaas ofexteme interest. Nevertheless, itwas only in 2005that the present authors could undertakea more thorough survey. All collecting was doneby taking soil samples on alarge scale, augmented withhand-picked specimens ofthemedium-sizedandlarger species. Altogether, thesamples included83species of landmolluscs.Earliercollecting else- where in Sarawakenabledusto identify species that are likely to beendemic to Bukit 210 BASTERIA,Vol. 71, No.4-6,2007 Sarang. We found26likely endemics or 31% of thelocal snail fauna.This is very high. Usually, smalllimestoneoutcrops thesizeofBukitSarang (0.3sqkm) are hometo only a few endemics. For example, isolatedlimestoneoutcrops in theSangkulirang Peninsula, have6-11%endemicsamong faunasof 30to 100species (Vermeulen, 2005).BukitSarang scores closetopercentagesusuallyfound,onBorneo,formuchlarger limestoneareas.For instance, surveys in the Sangkulirang Peninsula(Kalimantan Timur,roughly estimated 2900sqkmof limestoneoutcrop), theBau-Serianlimestoneranges (Sarawak, 150sqkm), Gunung MuluN.P. limestones(Sarawak, 80 sqkm), and BatuNiahN.P. (Sarawak, 9 sq. km) yielded 26 %(of 147species), 43% (of 148species), 34%(of 97species), and 35%(of 108species) assumedly endemic species respectively (above datafromVermeulen2003, 2005). On Borneo, Bukit Sarang probably packs the highest number of endemic snail species onthesmallestsurfaceoflimestonebedrock. The genus Bruggennea Dance, 1972 (Streptaxidae), with three species, is entirely endemic to Bukit Sarang (see Vermeulen, 2007). This is exceptional. On Borneo, Platycochlium Laidlaw, 1950 (Steptaxidae), with 3 species, is endemic to the Bau-Serian limestones,andNiahiaVermeulen,1996(Diplommatinidae), monotypic, toBatuNiahN.P. Both areas, again, aremuchlarger than BukitSarang. Aninteresting, littlestudiedphenomenon onBorneolimestonesis theoccurrence of sympatric species couples thatlookvery similar. Bruggennea laidlawi(Dance, 1970)and B. luminifera spec. nov. (Streptaxidae) are so similarthatthey maywellbesisterspecies. The sameapplies to Japoniahyalina spec, nov., and Japonia ditropisspec, nov., describedbelow. Elsewhere,similar couples occur: in Batu NiahN.P., Opisthostoma holzmarkiThompson, 1978,and O. grandispinosum GodwinAusten, 1889, live sympatrically withvery similar (yetundescribed) species (Vermeulen, 2003). Because the area hasknown littleinhabitatation, invasivemolluscspecies thatfollow mankindinitswake,such asAchatinafulica Bowdich,1822,Bradybaena similaris(Ferussac, 1821), Subulinaoctona (Bruguiere, 1792),havenotbeenableto gain afootholdonthehills (with possible exception of Lamellaxis clavulinus (Potier & Michaud, 1838). The smaller streams intheswamp, particularly thosenearthe limestonehills, are stillhometolarge colonies of the freshwater mussel Rectidens lingulatus (Drouet & Chaper, 1892) (Unionidae). Borneo Unionidaeare severely threatenedby thecombinedeffects of log- ging(silting upof rivers), pollution and collecting for food.Luckily, settlementnear the hillsis stillnotallowed, andthehills are well-guarded to enforceasustainableexploita- tionof the bird'snests.Theregular patrols of theguards and thegeneral inaccessibility make Bukit Sarang and its unique biodiversity comparatively well-protected, though always vulnerablebecauseofitssmallsize. Below,ninenew, endemic species are describedforBt. Sarang. More newendemics havebeenidentified,buta closerinvestigation is neededbeforethese,too,canbeformal- ly described. Referencesto materialpresentinthe collectionof thefirstauthorareabbreviatedas 'V', followedby a collectionnumber. The pencil drawings have beenmadeby the first author, with the aid of a Wild M8 stereo microscope with a camera lucida device. Holotypes willbe depositedintheNationaalNatuurhistorischMuseum,Leiden(RMNH). SYSTEMATICPART Family Assimineidae H. & A.Adams, 1856 Acmella Blanford,1869 Vermeulen&Junau:Thesnailfauna ofßukit Sarang 211 Notes.- Acmella species are commoninsoilsamples fromBorneanlimestoneareas. About15species havebeenidentified.Allbuttwoareendemictotheisland,and thetwo widespread onesaretheonly namedso far: AcmellapolitaVonMoellendorff,1887,andA. minutissima(Maassen, 2000). Next tothe threespecies describedbelow, afourthoneoccurs onBukitSarang. Itis distinctive, withaconicalspire andacancellatesculpture,butthematerialavailableistoo poortoallowformaldescription. Acmella caelataspec. nov. (fig. 1) Material seen.- Malaysia, Sarawak, 2 div.:Lower TatauRiver valley, BukitSarang group (leg. Serena Lee,V12641/1paratype,RMNH 109078/holotype). Shell.- Shellminute,conical-ovoidwithaboutflatsidesandabroadly roundedapex, slightly translucentwhite,somewhatshiny. Whorls3 1/8-33/8, moderately convex. Suture impressed. Protoconchaboutsmooth at40 x magnification. Radial sculpture teleoconch: growth linesonly, locally more distinctthanelsewhere. Spiral sculpture teleoconch: fine, densely placed, flat spiral threads withshallow, narrow groovesinbetween. Umbilicus open,narrow.Aperturesomewhatobliquelyovate, narrowly roundedabove,well round- ed below,transitionfromparietal to columellarside gradual. Peristomesimple, reflected onthecolumellarside,not so onthepalatal side.Height 0.80-0.95mm;widthc.0.7mm. Apertural height c.0.40mm,width0.32-0.35mm. Ecology. - Lowlandrainforestonandnearlimestonebedrock. Distribution.- Malaysia, Sarawak,2 div.:TatauRiverBasin, BukitSarang. Notes. - Acmella minutissima(Maassen, 2000), from Sumatraand Borneo, is wider (0.8-1 mmwide),hasafinerspiral sculpture, andanaperturewithamoreangular transi- tionfrom the parietal to the columellarside.An undescribed species fromSabahlooks very similarin mostaspects, buthasamorecompressed spire (shellheight 0.65-0.75mm, with3 1/2-37/8whorls).DiffersfromA. conica andA.obtusa,below, inhaving abroadly roundedapexandanovateaperture. Acmella conicaspec. nov. (fig.2) Material seen.- Malaysia, Sarawak,2n<* div.:LowerTatau River valley, BukitSaranggroup (leg. SerenaLee,V 12639/1paratype,RMNH 109079/holotype). Shell. - Shell minute, conical with about flat sides and a rounded apex, slightly translucentwhite,somewhatshiny. Whorls4-41/8,convex. Sutureimpressed.Protoconch about smoothat40xmagn.Radialsculpture teleoconch:inconspicous growthlines only. Spiral sculpture teleoconch:locally traces of a very fine, dense spiral striation, only just visibleat40times magn.Umbilicusopen,narrow.Aperture aboutellipticwithaflattened parietal side, rounded above, broadly roundedbelow, transitionfrom parietal to col- umellarsidesomewhatangular. Peristomesimple, reflectedonthecolumellarside,notso on the palatal side. Height c. 0.85 mm;width0.70-0.75mm. Apertural height 0.25-0.30 mm,width0.30-0.35 mm. Ecology. - Lowlandrainforestonandnearlimestonebedrock. Distribution.- Malaysia, Sarawak,2 div.:TatauRiverBasin, BukitSarang. 212 BASTERIA,Vol. 71, No. 4-6,2007 Figs 1-5.Acmella andJaponiaspec. 1.a,Acmella caelata spec. nov., holotype,Malaysia, Sarawak, Bukit Sarang (RMNH, shellheight0.95mm),frontal view;b, do.,umbilical view;c, do.,paratypespecimen from samelocality (V,shell height0.8 mm),frontal view ofaperture.2.a,Acmellaconica spec.nov., holo- type, Malaysia,Sarawak,Bukit Sarang(RMNH, shellheight0.85mm),frontal view; b, do.,umbilical view. 3.a,Acmellaobtusa spec. nov.,holotype,Malaysia, Sarawak,BukitSarang(RMNH, shellheight0.9 mm),frontalview; b, do.,paratypespecimenfromsamelocality(V), umbilical view.4.a, Japoniahyalina spec. nov.,holotype,Malaysia, Sarawak,BukitSarang(RMNH, shellheight3.5mm),frontal view;b, do., umbilical view.5.a, Japoniaditropisspec. nov.,holotype,Malaysia,Sarawak,BukitSarang(RMNH, shell height2.8mm),frontal view;b, do.,umbilical view. Vermeulen&Junau:Thesnailfauna ofßukit Sarang 213 Figs6-7.Opisthoporusand Georissaspec.6.a,Opisthoporusserenaespec. nov.,holotype,Malaysia,Sarawak, BukitSarang(RMNH, shell diameter17.2mm),frontalview;b, do.,umbilical view;c,do.,apicalview; d,do.,operculum,outersurface;e,do.,operculum,lateral view.7.Georissa pachysomaspec.nov., holotype, Malaysia, Sarawak,BukitSarang(RMNH, shellheight1.7mm),frontalview. 214 BASTERIA,Vol 71, No.4-6, 2007 Acmella obtusa spec. nov.(fig.3) Material seen.- Malaysia, Sarawak,2nc' div.:LowerTatau Rivervalley, BukitSaranggroup, Bukit Anyi,SE.side (V12760/>10paratypes,RMNH109080/holotype). Shell.-Shellminute,conicalwithaboutflatsidesandabroadlyroundedapex,slight- ly translucent white, somewhat shiny. Whorls 4 3/8-4 5/8, convex. Suture impressed. Protoconchaboutsmoothat40x magn.Radialsculptureteleoconch:inconspicous growth lines only. Spiral sculpture teleoconch: fine, densely placed spiral threads. Umbilicus open, narrow. Aperture about elliptic with a flattened patieral side, rounded above, broadly roundedbelow, transition from parietal to columellarside somewhatangular. Peristomesimple, reflectedonthecolumellarside,not soonthepalatalside.Height 0.9- 1.0mm;width0.70-0.75mm. Apertural height0.25-0.30mm,width 0.30-0.35 mm. Ecology. - Lowlandrainforestonandnearlimestonebedrock. Distribution.- Malaysia, Sarawak, 2nc' div.:TatauRiver Basin, BukitSarang. Notes.- A. conica, above, differs in having a somewhatless widetop, a less com- pressed spire and atmosttracesofa spiralsculpture. Family Cyclophoridae Kobelt, 1902 Japonia Gould, 1859 Japonia hyalina spec.nov.(fig. 4) Material seen.- Malaysia, Sarawak, 2nc* div.:Lower Tatau River valley, BukitSaranggroup (leg. SerenaLee,V12409/4paratypes);do.,BukitAnyi,NW.side (V12778/>10paratypes,RMNH109081/holo- type);do.,BukitLebik,groundlevel (V12779/>10paratypes). Shell.- Shellvery small, conicalwithconcave sides, translucentwhite,shiny. Whorls 4 1/8-45/8, thefirstwhorlsconvex, thelast distinctlykeeledattheperiphery, slightly con- vex above and below. Sutureimpressed. Sculpture protoconch: surface minutely verru- cate.Radialsculpture teleoconch:thefirstwhorlswithfine, densely placed andregularly spaced riblets, later whorls with growth lines, only locally grading into riblets. Spiral sculpture teleoconch: thefirst whorls with6-9 about equally strong spiralridges witha minutelyerosecrest;inthelaterwhorlsthelowermostdevelopingintotheperipheralkeel and above this 2-6continuing, thoseclosestto the periphery strongest, and leaving the area below the suture withous spiral sculpture; below the periphery with c. 3 spiral ridges: 2neartheperiphery and a third, very weak,basal. Umbilicusopen,0.7—0.9mm diam.Aperture subcircular.Peristome triple;theinner two littlereflected, closetogether, not reflected, a circularrim witha notch atthe level of thesuture; the outer distinctly widenedand reflected, flator slightly convex, widening towardsthepalatal side, deeply notched near the suture. Height 2.9-3.5 mm; width (excl. peristome) 3.6-4.4 mm. Apertural height 1-1.2mm, width1.1-1.3mm. Periostracumvery thin,translucent,virtu- ally withoutappendages. Ecology. - Lowlandrainforestonandnear limestonebedrock.Aleaflitterdweller. Distribution.- Malaysia,. Sarawak,2nc' div.:TatauRiverBasin, BukitSarang. Notes. - Easily recognizable amongBorneanJaponiabecause by thefollowing com- bination ofcharacters: shellsmall, glassy, whitewithoutany brownmarkings, peripheral keel distinct, periostracumvery thin,translucent.TheshellsresembleCraspedotropis andrei Vermeulen, 1999(Sarawak: GunungMuluN.P.)which, however,has amoreangular peri- Vermeulen&Junau:Thesnailfauna ofßukit Sarang 215 stomeand weakerspiral sculptureabovetheperipheral keel.Inspiteoftheresemblance, we think that both Japonia species presently described are, indeed, Japonia ather than Craspedotropisbecausethey havea distinctnotchintheperistome, nearthesuture;achar- actertypical forJaponiabutabsentin Craspedotropis. Thetwo generaalso differinopercu- lumstructurebut, onfortunately,nooperculums areavailableofthetwospecies described here. Japonia ditropisspec. nov.(fig.5) Material seen.- Malaysia,Sarawak, 2nc' div.:LowerTatau Rivervalley, BukitSaranggroup, Bukit Anyi, NW. side (V 12780/>10paratypes); do., Bukit Anyi, SE-side (V 12781/10paratypes); do.,Bukit Lebik, ground level (V 12782/>10 paratypes, RMNH 109082/holotype); do., Bukit Lebik, sediment depositsc.40m abovegroundlevel(V 12783/3paratypes). Shell.- Shellvery small,conicalwithconcavesides,slightlytranslucentpale corneous to white, somewhat shiny. Whorls 3 3/8-4 1/2, the first whorls convex, the last keeled slightly above and below the periphery, slightly convex above and below. Suture impressed. Sculpture protoconch: surface minutely verrucate. Radial sculpture teleo- conch;thefirstwhorlswithfine, densely placedandregularlyspaced riblets,laterwhorls with growth lines, partly and sometimesat more or lessregular intervals grading into riblets. Spiral sculpture teleoconch:thefirst whorls with4-6 aboutequally strong spiral ridges witha minutely erose crest; in thelaterwhorls thelowermostdeveloping into a supraperipheral keel, theother 3-5continuing asmuchweaker threads, thoseclosestto the periphery strongestbut otherwisespread regularly from keel to suture; belowthis keel 3—6spiralridges: two distinctin subperipheral andbasalposition, thesubperipher- alslightlyless protrudingthanthesupraperipheral, 1-2thinthreadsabove,and0-3below the subperipheral. Umbilicusopen, 0.4-0.7 mm diam.Aperture subcircular, butwith1-2 slight angles along thepalatal side.Peristomedouble;theinnerlittlereflected, a circular rimwith anotchatthelevel of thesuture;theouter moderately widenedand reflected, flat, not or hardly widening towardsthe palatal side, deeplynotched near the suture. Height 2-2.9mm; width(excl. peristome)2.4-3.3mm.Aperturalheight 0.7-1.0mm,width 0.9-1.1 mm. Periostracum thin, pale grownish, with deciduous, small, semi-elliptic appendages overthespiralkeels. Ecology. - Lowlandrainforestonand nearlimestonebedrock.Aleaflitterdweller. Distribution.- Malaysia, Sarawak, 2 div.:TatauRiverBasin, BukitSarang. Notes. - SmallerthanJaponia hyalina, and withtwo conspicuous spiralridges onthe lastwhorlinsteadof one.Thepristome isalsoless distinctlyprotruding. Opisthoporus Pfeiffer, 1851 Opisthoporus serenaespec. nov. (fig.6) Material seen.- Malaysia, Sarawak,2nc' div.:LowerTatau River valley, BukitSaranggroup (leg. SerenaLee,V11678/9paratypes);do.,BukitAnyi,NW.side(V12787/>10paratypes,RMNH109083/holo- type); do.,BukitLebik, groundlevel (V12788/9paratypes);do.,BukitLebik,sediment depositsc.40m abovegroundlevel (V 12789/2paratypes). Shell.- Shellmedium-sized, disc-shapedwithaflat uppersidebuta somewhatpro- 216 BASTERIA,Vol. 71, No. 4-6,2007 trading apex,whitishtopale brown,withnumerousvaguetosharply outlined, medium to darkbrownzig-zag radialbands.Whorls4-45/8, convex. Sutureimpressed. Sculpture protoconch: surface minutely ragulose. Sculpture teleoconch:irregularly spaced growth lines, locallygrading intoinconspicuous, moreorless regularlyspaced, lowradialriblets, spiral sculpture virtually absentexceptfor,insome shells, afew tracesof spiral grooves onthe firstpart of theteloconch Umbilicuswide,0.33-0.40x theshell diam.Aretrorse tubuleispresentnearthesuture,about1/8whorlbeforetheaperatre;beyond thisthelast whorldescends slightly towards the aperture. Aperture circular. Peristome double;the inner not reflected, athincircularrim with aslightnotch atthe level of the suture;the outer widenedandreflected, narrowonthecolumellarside, wideningtowardsthepalatal sideandflaring andwitharatherdistinct, downwardfoldontheupperpalatalside,cre- ating a channelinbetweenthefoldandthesuture. Height 6.1-8.8mm;width(excl. peris- tome) 13.3-18.0mm. Height andwidthaperture4.4-5.7 mm. Periostracumpalebrownish, minutely wrinkly, overtheradialribletswithlowcrestswithanedge withshort, decidu- ous hairs, slightly above theperiphery these are muchlonger, together forming aspiral bandofhairaroundtheshell.Operculum calcareous, flat, edgesofwhorlsnotraised. Ecology. - Lowlandrainforest onand nearlimestonebedrock.Aleaf litter dweller, foundnearrock outcrops. Distribution.- Malaysia, Sarawak, 2nc' div.:TatauRiver Basin, BukitSarang. Notes.- OnBorneo, two more Opisthoporus occur witha similarly shaped, retrorse tubule.Opisthoporus biciliatus (Mousson, 1849) differs in having asecond, subperipheral row of hairs, inhaving fineand regularly spaced spiral groovesonthe firstpart of the teleoconch. Opisthoporus latistrigus(vonMartens, 1864), differsinbeing smaller(diam. 9- 13mm), and not having any hairs aroundthe periphery. Inboth species the foldin the outer peristome, on the palatal side and close to the suture, is (almost) lacking. The peripheral hairsseem to provide theeasiest distinguishing characterbut, unfortunately, they aredeciduousand mayfalloffeveninlivingadultspecimens. Family Hydrocenidae Troschel, 1856 Georissa Blanford, 1864 Note.- The Borneo specieswererevised byThompson&Dance (1983) Georissapachysoma spec. nov. (fig.7) Material seen.- Malaysia, Sarawak,2nc* div.: LowerTatau River valley, BukitSaranggroup (leg. SerenaLee,V12628/>10paratypes,RMNH109084/holotype);do.,BukitLebik,groundlevel(V 12837/2). Shell. - Shell minute,conical with about flat sides and a rounded apex (juveniles ovoid), opaque,orangeredturning tooffwhite,somewhatshiny. Whorlsup to3 1/8,con- vex, the last rounded at the periphery but less so above and below. Suture deeply impressed, bordered by a narrow shoulder.Protoconch aboutsmooth. Radial sculpture teleoconch: growthlines, with (groups of)more distinctonesatirregularintervals.Spiral sculpture teleoconch: the first whorl with 8-12 well-spaced, thin,low spiral threads, in someshells disappearing aroundthestartofthesecond whorl,in othersonly disappear- ing1/2 whorlbeforethe aperture.Umbilicusclosedandcoveredbythecolumellarperis- tome.Aperture aboutsemi-elliptic. Peristomesimple, onthecolumellarsidewidenedand flattenedto a callusborderedby a thin, low,erect ridge towards the parietal side,onthe Vermeulen&Junau:Thesnailfauna ofßukitSarang 217 basal andpalatal sidenotthickenednor reflected.Height up to 1.9—2mm;width upto 1.4-1.6mm.Apertural height0.6-0.7mm, width0.7-0.8mm. Ecology. - Lowlandrainforestonandnearlimestonebedrock.Onmossy rock faces. Distribution.- Malaysia, Sarawak, div.:TatauRiverBasin, BukitSarang. Notes.- AmongBorneanGeorissa, G. gomantongensis ismostsimilar. Itdiffersin hav- ing a lemonyellow shell, a somewhatlarger aperture atthesamesize (c. 1mm across), and spiral sculpture all over theshell, downtotheaperture. Family Ariophantidae Godwin-Austen, 1888 Medyla Albers, 1860 Medyla decrespignyi (Higgins, 1868)(fig.8) Nanina (Xesta) de-crespigniiHiggins, 1868: 179;holotype("Labuan")leg.DeCrespigny(notseen). Material seen.- Malaysia, Sarawak, 2 div.:LowerTatau River valley, BukitSaranggroup (leg. Serena Lee,V 11996/4);do.,BukitAnyi,NW.side(V 12874/6);do.,Bukit Anyi,SE.side(V12875/2);do., BukitLebik,groundlevel(V12876/7);UpperTatauRivervalley,upperKakusRiverlimestonescarps(leg. K.F.Leong,V12881/1). Ecology. - Lowlandrainforestonandnearlimestonebedrock. Active atnight, creep- ing ontheforestfloorandonvegetation. Distribution. - Malaysia, Sarawak, 2nc' div.: Tatau River Basin, Bukit Sarang, Ulu Kakus. div.:TrusanRiver valley(1891). Sabah:Labuan (1868). Notes.- So faronlyknown fromoldrecords. The Labuanpopulation is presumably extinct; the Trusan Valley has not been explored malacologically in recent years. The species seemsabsentfromwell-explored limestoneareas furthertotheWest:NiahCaves N.P., and Gunung MuluN.R The new records in the TatauRiver basin show that the species occurs inhighly localizedpopulations, apparently onand nearlimestonehills. Family CamaenidaePilsbry, 1894 Amphidromus Albers, 1850 Amphidromus thalassochromusspec.nov.(fig.9) Material seen.- Malaysia, Sarawak, 2nc' div., LowerTatau River valley, BukitSaranggroup (leg. Serena Lee, V 120072/2 paratypes); do., Bukit Anyi, NW. side (V12898/>10 paratypes, RMNH 109085/holotype);do., Bukit Anyi, SE. side (V 12899/1 paratype); do., BukitLebik, groundlevel (V 12900/3paratypes. Shell.- Shelllarge, sinistral, conical withflat sides, topwhorlswithcreamywhiteto pale brownishground colour, withyellowish green,bleuish purple orbrownishpurple radialcolourbandsthatbifurcateintheupperhalfofthewhorls, ground colourgrading to pale blueishgreento purplishbrownonthelastworls, withapale yellow or whitish peripheral band, abovethe periphery oftenwith a few radial colourbandsof irregular outlineofthesamecolour, belowtheperiphery oftenwithafewscatteredtiny darkspots 218 BASTERIA,Vol. 71, No.4-6, 1007 Figs 8-11. Medyla, Amphidromus andTeracharopaspec. 8. a, Medyla decrespignyi(Higgins), Malaysia, Sarawak,BukitSarang (V,shellheight17mm), frontal view;b, do.,umbilical view.9.Amphidromustha- lassochromus spec. nov., holotype,Malaysia,Sarawak,BukitSarang(RMNH,shell height32mm),frontal view.10.AmphidromuscoeruleusClench&Archer,Malaysia,Sarawak,BatuNiahNational Park (V,shell height 33 mm), frontal view. 11. a,Teracharopa lenticula spec. nov., holotype, Malaysia, Sarawak, BukitSarang(RMNH,shellheight2.3mm),frontal view;b,do.,umbilical view.

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