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T\ r -iT-t r\ IjUrTJ ----=- NEWSFILE 40 ISSIJE f,1.OO A BUFORA PUBLIC,,\TION ruLY 1996 lu Dreumland. t*evutla. close eucountels of thr: lT kind are an elervrluv rrerrl. Thc P0ulilgoll tlr.nie. lhe place erists, But the rtrlc nirntr lo llrr in torrrist:. \l'hul urr eu ll h is qoin{ 0n? Sdi'ffit*lyl -sFfTA[,!$AffT i iini mott-i-' ---"-- =':- EFRTHLINOS llELc0l'lE t- tr 8_tg'.1;f, !*rc"lr--lt- {onrtrurd lro!' pls. rtrcnrr$ nni.n.d Drduon! cnn nc an,l l'd TEns. oqn6s o' r.Lfr. A k'lm rtr n2n: 'ltor cn r obbtstrh: TrK63; uraLro .xhcrt'' srrr Gknn o.LFOS xP'no'inlrrsnot a rdcaiLFO { cnei not tui ri ET i'rJcontackd Eiilh' LE rns.. Li iunous * rc: Cimpb.Ll hr5 ! rr.r 1r!nr r o,.ct oI ri( ediod Th. r{n ncrlaes rn.'r ou..rr ts(rr! L}\1a.ioo:03r iun.r. r r.or::c' r, \r5iL!ciod Lnrt i: .1fr|ii3'iIh:trt!trFnhrLlif,h|} I Lt inn ! cr, - rht .n \ \ e,nc N.i. rnd r mur. rour:sp\ r*.. dc i i.iR:chu. r-,.J :rr Larc r L. iin - :3litd - (nI soud bt.cn a :.n:r (N:$ l.l]: l-rc! r: !:uar ii.i:eo ut 'ie L,!rr j,i. r, f. ILoon :-:.r. (L ri:i :-:: n. ri,.s,r I r 5an $n! ncra.ruN sru iunrrouc BANRYWCMORE PILOTTO AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL ust l' .t O\N What NS /D Proiea* s - Aurora? ELTA-ShaEed al.c.aftare nornewro ourskies.Thefamous British V-Bodberolthe 1950s and 1960swas&ue to its rame and an acknowledoed panofthe aritish coldl /ar amoury. There nave been orhers b!tnone perhsps so slanling, andmystenousaslhoAmencan Lockheed SR71 reconnarssance crtr.Ydfild'[email protected] r- !T."HllHSl* ";:ffi Eg+}E.! : :!-:.1::: -iiC ;;i:;.bh;f = ..6sn.Fdr.o6d.lrmlg[dli t:, dibiiii,dt4ari4rdrrd..+b Proiecr Af.h be rhe source ol (he ll:_ ..Ed*idudltqi6. .ht!tb.!@h Franesw ch sret.nrhecrcduityot i h-lfurnlEq'hiidhe emd. ,nnihlnoqonfffrndff+dddfu hc.ilehdilad6drnnall!*oful . i.---: --4. -' . ' i ., -i r . ^!dlfulEdolnoi6rdh( oitdErdan rEn,h flem dd{ EVIi\I\G TELEGRAPH ,\l'D POST (DU\DEE) L.1 ?i,=6'.; :'" : ': i=3: ::C.r .: i:i::i -::i:-, 4 :i a-:,: _'=: =..i:z ==;. :'-".^: :: :2.,= 1::a=,1 ci:--i , /.+i;'L,-r:.1i .,_= :.':-; -1i:"=:.i =:.:::= _. :=li ;::._:'=- i, ',- :-- --?-2:,: .-; '-=.'-=.,:='; : "|' i.i -.= . i:; i-' ! . =, != :! :: e; .,- :: i-: : : '"\-::a, !-e-In: . - =.r!Z^E i i: rl;;=! i. 1!.:i"==;:l lt.:= E._='i:;E=| =?." -.1. '- :.3' : ;-! -: 5z i.r,:J:;9-._i;. J_ NGWAS BU7'7ED BY A UFO Ing ::r.iinnqs nEtchl.q back : ,oo{odwnrchbqEd.holi,. - .n ltimm6d by a SlitlshAi.- .--? ffi;4$;t{;;qig n: lotun b.n.dil,fIa. d 1,Ooos.n h " l+1€ :g'j-::,{---l;i t 6 €:-1*1 :.!-St :::i -'-: :,ri:;r ::jir'- .rlk:"iij4r.":4i;ag!4*i:+.<,+* I ti!'r4dd.btard nEb,Eeetutulieisrildh r^9:Sfql-io*q:.# A^6 #*r,"r:*::Lst;r*:r,.us- ffi,*?l':T*HX3#;:ffi ilffe H#"jif.;sss,S.llfrflrj": l:1"H1tr*f,ffi.;*::S:: HARTLLPoOL ] iAIL -a 9ii=i i="2iY=21=E r e-:;- !'-!li,-'-4: UFO invasion E ,',4':=2 )a o i-:!; ,,*72:lii:'=-, A SPATE or UFO srghlinqs over q) rh. Nodh-East has left bonrns Euz_ b E.o; _3i99;!i.;i, r'*". sav tnerc nave tJeen ar oo ::O-o9 i;:; lE=z'-B=.-;^a,==4-..;,'1 rrtmh"6re .lsta sZfile Olw ,nnooc .wm'oeaelkn ast.m -ro emuPnootr.nee rdh aanv eror G] l! .bfr0 c! 1l: :5p igEF= r.,aa=='Z"=?2:15^2.i snTtuhote N. ewwhcrcahsr lcFabtaasloegdu Perso baanreo ltnn__ ='- (E 5 E q: EO E.€E ai- vsfioates srqhlrnqs saY thev nale =4.3 h"d ;bods trom sundenand Jar ro* ani soutn st'letas. If was hoax, rhss flsim a what reel}y happened at bv NICK POPE The man who ran the Mnistrv of Defence IJFO desk for tb'ree vears MeEco.saw'ablgero@R obrec! u lbe dgd ss ovet :-a- T)^"*"..""."""."" -!-, *.:x':#tf :'J,tf":1iY'i 2; =.a:-.:iir.: i ii :-l:::;6 :; ']..1:::::::::: 1 j::::::'i:::.::::i.!:t:i-tri.:1 !.'..:':,i-;r-: :.=:!=::::;-:;:i a WE one te3l *s ffiCI Roswell air forse hase? There were &ooo reports oi uFos - but no one wanted to know slul6h* th ndhDc oui; t t , ,,." -- ,,"",. -"", :*3:, JllT;lt.':1,:..i^."....."r ".r LIYERPoOL DAILI' POSI DU}'DEE COURIEti, & ADVERTISER ? eieor UFOS ,how.r orer :LUrlrnd and Northern tft land sFarkcd huldreds of calls from wor.ied Deopie.ePortins UFOS. fhey spoke of bnshl liehls leavine behibd vrPour !rails. do IJF'Os by NICK POPE iiJ;idi;;;;!;-; nnd ; iqkxlsE FN3ddnuo( dd' A t Y.gn:r."',:-'il'fr: ,l r,LLAS Do.s "'.{'. ..- 5.d. "o.dcg ! d+ h !d rd4riii s$-d -;r;;o; F;N;!o;;!;';r.' co-o,gr!- q . r oF oL ;;;-; m.d. il!ru "..q '::"^.;-" ," q..-Bou hl";+:*St*w** iF*,, 1'", :"*+ii"l:,r'l# : .-.i.F^rtl['.*:tu:."ry+ :ilfi .-:iiii:!i{i:i.v- iT'#*Tii,Ti-*.T.*--;**:#;,t**i-#'ii* j :,":;'ii.FY'1,""i;';"1,irs,:, :.:ir: 'J*;i*ii:;.',H;i':, ''*;riril;"*T;'fu il**': jrff i;*.,irHi""ff Ji ';ifl. * ** -q . *YF:^';;:.,ir,";:":il";: ^..- i.5,::::::"#:-tf1,.*.s""-*J',;;., . ",-" . --.-*" t!1 t.. a l. ! r ?:i il \\()t \ / lttl,\\ll/lO\ l\lRl:55 & 5l \R o 9-l.: -.:. ') a'- ! - aaat from want us? n!!s.bYdiidhdd..qoE '"triL-..*.*."' *""- l T,.. - -....,.- -." r I :.:1r,"T'."i:';iif,-lll: i:,' Pensioner speaks of close encounter after dark ,J) .\ PE\SIONER hA3 ,:hitd.etr in Lowe. dle of the nisht .nd w,rdow and ir vas reveai€d detaits of a Errlev let the looked out the bed- gone. t went back ro close encounter qith Reading Ev€nins room window rnd bed and it came back r UTO in lhe mrddte Post know aboui ihere *as a ilat disc rbout 10 mrnutes z their out of space sn. like a plite an.i it had Roland ,Jov is con- idtermint line psy- ''It was the most fan- vinceo thai e$m rer. i!I. Jov. known as chadeiic .olours. I tastic phenomenon I resuiris visiied his Rolel'. hrd fte visi.a- didn't iear anwhins, i have ever seen in m:" hom. in Bee.h Hill. tion in th€ carly life. I .m a eery vcr,v hours of Tuesda!'. ''It wenr round thc level headed pe.son. He oecided to iell side oi ihe house and I'd no. the sort of his awesome tale He said: 'I was I re on to mv lmd- person who exager. <l after rhlee sehool woken up in ihe mid- iig, looked ouc the . ArIEN SPACESHIP OR MAN-MADE l'/lACH NE . WlLr /:' TrmEE*feheffiF Mystery craft thai roams the Somerset skies DAY ONE ot a startling Press series which will challenge yourimaqination... )*Euioi.dd-{ fuMMqdh*:* @dh..do.L4-, 1! By Edward Oldfield r'bdr.Ghd. ,rsJ r s/(rJek nphr'.cnrlrsudbe.sbeo - rI -ir-.""r.**"*a.d,..^i* "Ehhh, oHdh.. ,a"c,,r"o,$r r\hre.-." I \t."d,"H,llsrtrera rnrour,nBflstol, I \s rhetouDlecba(cd n therrlnroetrlCV I cl.,. rorhe klerG,on Lr.osDnrer oee \\tlls.nkriDasanednotrsasdr.*n toabrigb. Milljl ,'*, lsa#;i*ii, qelirl;==+:: i:'! iiff * EEi E5E:EiE " I Hfli;#i*i,ii;ii= , i;;ifi; :gi,;gtrru;#ffff**F$ -;) E <-:,7, WILLWE EVER KNOWTHETRI.JTH? . SiaekTrFaregEe .TH WITNES ES.. {4*:":-E I'OMORROW IUZHI I llt0. orau'r.q.*rd!'E! BY cro .!6!fu.$ [. du firrir.r d.n llb E COLCHESTER EVENING GAZETTE s c! i =;j'-^z=!i='tt=: i ::3 - r\: .| :a ',Ea -?4Y.-'=Ar7=''a; o aii;! !;ti*i 5i::!_:E= +hgE:rp:;! ?gB: a S! lX r-- ,! !- r:!22-.r!31-.2,2 bo o ; ;j" i;j :e:ir;i*i:+=1:.;?*P::$$f jj:r j= qj'S=:* : v.2! -'- (l) * (E \,/ A;r" ri!:.€?8- sjzi ;=2a:2 E; 1LH fi * a'; I =IE i !'E"i:?iv,i 0 o ii*i; *iiiii,!itritii*+=

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