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BUFFALO CITY METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY Unaudited Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 BUFFALO CITY METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY Unaudited Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 General Information Legal form of Entity Municipality Nature of business and principal activities Local Government Jurisdiction The demarcation board has determined that Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality (BUF) includes the towns of East London, Bisho, King William's Town, Berlin as well as the townships of Mdantsane, Gompo, Zwelitsha, Dimbaza, Phakamisa, Ndevana, Ilitha, Ginsberg and the surrounding rural areas. Mayoral committee Executive Mayor Councillor X.A. Pakati Deputy Mayor Councillor Z.P. Matana - IDP Organisational Performance Management Councillors Councillor N.M. Mhlola - Human Settlements Councillor P. Nazo-Makatala - Spatial Planning & Development Councillor H.E. Neale-May - Finance Councillor N.P. Peter - Municipal Services Councillor M. Vaaiboom - Economic Development & Agencies Councillor X. Witbooi - Institutional Operations and Civic Relations Councillor A.O. Mnyute - Health, Public Safety and Emergency Services Councillor B. Sauli - Corporate Services Councillor S.N. Toni - Infrastructure Services Grading of local authority Grade 6 Municipality City Manager / Accounting Officer Mr. A. Sihlahla Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Mr. N. Sigcau Business address Trust Centre Oxford Street East London 5201 Postal address PO Box 134 East London 5200 Bankers Standard Bank Auditors Auditor General of South Africa Members of Audit Committee Ms. R. Shaw (Chairperson) - appointment 03 July 2017 Ms. Y. Roboji (Member) - appointment 03 July 2017 Mr. P. Ntuli (Member) - appointment 03 July 2017 Mr. S. Sokutu (Member) - appointment 03 July 2017 Ms. P. Mzizi (Member) - appointment 03 July 2017 Mr. T. Zororo (Member) - appointment 03 July 2017 1 BUFFALO CITY METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY Unaudited Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 General Information Legislation Governing the Municipality The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 The Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 (Act 117 of 1998) The Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000) The Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003) Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act 6 of 2004) Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Act, 2007 (Act 12 of 2007) Local Government: Municipal Demarcation Act, 1998 (Act 27 of 1998) Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act, 2005 (Act 13 of 2005) Division of Revenue Act (Act 1 of 2007) 2 BUFFALO CITY METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY Unaudited Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 Index The reports and statements set out below comprise the unaudited consolidated annual financial statements presented to the provincial legislature: Page Accounting Officer's Responsibilities and Approval 4 Statement of Financial Position 5 Statement of Financial Performance 6 Statement of Changes in Net Assets 7 Cash Flow Statement 8 Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts 9 - 17 Accounting Policies 18 - 49 Notes to the Unaudited Consolidated Annual Financial Statements 50 - 134 BCMDA Buffalo City Metropolitan Development Agency DBSA Development Bank of South Africa GRAP Generally Recognised Accounting Practice FMG Finance Management Grant IAS International Accounting Standards IPSAS International Public Sector Accounting Standards MEC Member of the Executive Council MFMA Municipal Finance Management Act MIG Municipal Infrastructure Grant (Previously CMIP) 3 BUFFALO CITY METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY Unaudited Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 Accounting Officer's Responsibilities and Approval The accounting officeris required by the Municipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003), to maintain adequate accounting records and is responsible for the content and integrity of the unaudited consolidated annual financial statements and related financial information included in this report. It is the responsibility of the accounting officer to ensure that the unaudited consolidated annual financial statements fairly present the state of affairs of the entity as at the end of the financial year and the results of its operations and cash flows for the period then ended. The external auditors are engaged to express an independent opinion on the unaudited consolidated annual financial statements and was given unrestricted access to all financial records and related data. The unaudited consolidated annual financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Standards of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice (GRAP) including any interpretations, guidelines and directives issued by the Accounting Standards Board. The unaudited consolidated annual financial statements are based upon appropriate accounting policies consistently applied and supported by reasonable and prudent judgements and estimates. The accounting officeracknowledges that heis ultimately responsible for the system of internal financial control established by the economic entity and place considerable importance on maintaining a strong control environment. To enable the accounting officer to meet these responsibilities, the accounting officer sets standards for internal control aimed at reducing the risk of error or loss in a cost effective manner. The standards include the proper delegation of responsibilities within a clearly defined framework, effective accounting procedures and adequate segregation of duties to ensure an acceptable level of risk. These controls are monitored throughout the economic entity and all employees are required to maintain the highest ethical standards in ensuring the economic entity’s business is conducted in a manner that in all reasonable circumstances is above reproach. The focus of risk management in the economic entity is on identifying, assessing, managing and monitoring all known forms of risk across the economic entity. While operating risk cannot be fully eliminated, the economic entity endeavours to minimise it by ensuring that appropriate infrastructure, controls, systems and ethical behaviour are applied and managed within predetermined procedures and constraints. The accounting officeris of the opinion, based on the information and explanations given by management, that the system of internal control provides reasonable assurance that the financial records may be relied on for the preparation of the unaudited consolidated annual financial statements. However, any system of internal financial control can provide only reasonable, and not absolute, assurance against material misstatement or loss. The accounting officerhas reviewed the economic entity’s cash flow forecast for the year to 30 June 2021 and, in the light of this review and the current financial position, heis satisfied that the economic entity has or has access to adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Although the accounting officer are primarily responsible for the financial affairs of the entity, they are supported by the economic entity's internal auditors. The unaudited consolidated annual financial statements set out on page 5, which have been prepared on the going concern basis, were approved by the accounting officer on 30 November 2020. Mr. A. Sihlahla City Manager 4 BUFFALO CITY METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY Unaudited Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2020 Economic entity Controlling entity Figures in Rand Note(s) 2020 2019 2020 2019 Restated* Restated* Assets Current Assets Inventories 10 32 832 319 34 438 728 32 771 613 34 403 310 Receivables from exchange transactions - BCMDA 11 60 710 347 035 - - Receivables from non-exchange transactions 12 523 673 392 420 561 555 523 673 392 420 561 555 VAT receivable 13 103 030 375 171 832 937 102 532 309 171 526 611 Receivables from exchange transactions 14 1 265 656 197 1 098 511 668 1 265 656 197 1 098 511 668 Cash and cash equivalents 15 1 373 710 707 1 171 632 915 1 357 577 980 1 167 645 512 3 298 963 700 2 897 324 838 3 282 211 491 2 892 648 656 Non-Current Assets Investment property 3 406 525 752 402 532 000 406 525 752 402 532 000 Property, plant and equipment 4 19 251 388 772 19 720 315 025 19 250 004 650 19 720 007 389 Intangible assets 5 14 974 783 19 903 241 13 563 427 18 103 059 Heritage assets 6 50 513 440 50 513 440 50 513 440 50 513 440 Investments in associates 7 702 798 644 597 392 286 702 798 644 597 392 286 20 426 201 391 20 790 655 992 20 423 405 913 20 788 548 174 Total Assets 23 725 165 091 23 687 980 830 23 705 617 404 23 681 196 830 Liabilities Current Liabilities Borrowings 18 54 395 605 57 973 556 54 395 605 57 973 556 Operating lease liability 8 51 545 - - - Trade payables from exchange transactions 22 1 212 933 097 1 118 287 602 1 211 088 684 1 117 554 267 Consumer deposits 23 70 143 449 64 109 019 70 143 449 64 109 019 Employee benefit obligation 9 50 982 000 49 252 390 50 982 000 49 252 390 Unspent conditional grants and receipts 17 531 506 569 210 610 282 527 613 203 207 656 749 Provisions 19 258 291 417 246 000 151 256 853 725 244 971 179 2 178 303 682 1 746 233 000 2 171 076 666 1 741 517 160 Non-Current Liabilities Borrowings 18 233 184 927 287 580 532 233 184 927 287 580 532 Employee benefit obligation 9 633 835 000 679 562 697 633 835 000 679 562 697 Provisions 19 130 957 015 11 158 873 130 124 282 11 158 873 997 976 942 978 302 102 997 144 209 978 302 102 Total Liabilities 3 176 280 624 2 724 535 102 3 168 220 875 2 719 819 262 Net Assets 20 548 884 467 20 963 445 728 20 537 396 529 20 961 377 568 Reserves Revaluation reserve 16 9 455 798 515 9 877 411 663 9 455 798 515 9 877 411 663 Accumulated surplus 11 093 085 952 11 086 034 065 11 081 597 994 11 083 965 905 Total Net Assets 20 548 884 467 20 963 445 728 20 537 396 529 20 961 377 568 * See Note 53 5 BUFFALO CITY METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY Unaudited Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 Statement of Financial Performance Economic entity Controlling entity Figures in Rand Note(s) 2020 2019 2020 2019 Restated* Restated* Revenue Revenue from exchange transactions Service charges 25 3 260 941 348 3 000 623 389 3 260 941 348 3 000 623 389 Rental of facilities and equipment 26 22 652 060 20 439 799 22 652 060 20 439 799 Fees earned 1 751 975 619 583 - - Other revenue - (exchange) 29 91 567 237 110 707 059 91 477 471 110 685 544 Interest received 30 153 537 591 162 800 445 153 017 971 162 361 281 Total revenue from exchange transactions 3 530 450 211 3 295 190 275 3 528 088 850 3 294 110 013 Revenue from non-exchange transactions Property rates 31 1 467 399 835 1 299 753 433 1 467 399 835 1 299 753 433 Licences and Permits (non-exchange) 27 12 587 412 15 156 416 12 587 412 15 156 416 Interest (non-exchange) 28 39 698 901 26 119 274 39 698 901 26 119 274 Government grants & subsidies 33 2 011 229 172 1 919 432 296 1 989 656 320 1 916 450 674 Other revenue - (non-exchange) 34 68 707 237 63 389 173 68 707 237 63 389 173 Public contributions and donations - PPE - 279 066 643 - 279 066 643 Fines 10 863 546 24 938 282 10 863 546 24 938 282 Fuel levy 547 497 000 513 844 000 547 497 000 513 844 000 Total revenue from non-exchange transactions 4 157 983 103 4 141 699 517 4 136 410 251 4 138 717 895 Total revenue 24 7 688 433 314 7 436 889 792 7 664 499 101 7 432 827 908 Expenditure Employee related costs 35 (2 204 639 585)(2 089 136 330) (2 180 295 557) (2 071 391 794) Remuneration of councillors 36 (66 322 743) (63 065 986) (64 687 499) (62 315 519) Depreciation and amortisation 37 (1 709 671 614)(1 316 048 225) (1 708 735 735) (1 314 861 224) Finance costs 38 (32 563 877) (38 467 001) (32 563 877) (38 466 994) Debt Impairment 39 (601 841 517) (406 978 233) (601 841 517) (406 978 233) Repairs and maintenance 43 (382 547 674) (387 412 826) (382 244 612) (386 834 940) Bulk purchases 40 (1 772 339 139)(1 628 956 804) (1 772 339 139) (1 628 956 804) Contracted services 41 (300 555 998) (289 638 270) (281 186 029) (282 857 262) Grants and subsidies paid 32 (91 468 857) (72 604 000) (130 821 364) (102 451 217) General expenses 42 (615 066 200) (594 541 913) (607 790 067) (590 240 359) Total expenditure (7 777 017 204)(6 886 849 588) (7 762 505 396) (6 885 354 346) Operating (deficit) surplus (88 583 890) 550 040 204 (98 006 295) 547 473 562 Loss on disposal of assets 46 (6 906 562) (39 357 059) (6 955 468) (39 359 422) Fair value adjustments 44 (1 683 300) 7 543 274 (1 683 300) 7 543 274 (Impairment loss) Reversal of impairments (51 531) 977 463 - 996 000 Share of surplus of associate accounted for under the 105 406 358 29 467 290 105 406 358 29 467 290 equity method Inventories losses/write-downs (1 129 206) (847 799) (1 129 206) (847 799) 95 635 759 (2 216 831) 95 638 384 (2 200 657) Surplus (deficit) before taxation 7 051 869 547 823 373 (2 367 911) 545 272 905 Taxation 47 - 602 051 - - Surplus (deficit) for the year 7 051 869 547 221 322 (2 367 911) 545 272 905 * See Note 53 6 BUFFALO CITY METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY Unaudited Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 Statement of Changes in Net Assets Revaluation Accumulated Total net Figures in Rand reserve surplus assets Economic entity Opening balance as previously reported 9 046 230 471 10 550 324 967 19 596 555 438 Adjustments Prior year adjustments (prior to 2018/19) Refer to note 53 2 869 816 (11 512 224) (8 642 408) Balance at 01 July 2018 as restated* 9 049 100 287 10 538 812 743 19 587 913 030 Changes in net assets Prior period error 7 542 446 - 7 542 446 Revaluation 820 768 930 - 820 768 930 Net income (losses) recognised directly in net assets 828 311 376 - 828 311 376 Surplus for the year - 547 221 322 547 221 322 Total recognised income and expenses for the year 828 311 376 547 221 322 1 375 532 698 Total changes 828 311 376 547 221 322 1 375 532 698 Restated* Balance at 01 July 2019 9 877 411 663 11 086 034 083 20 963 445 746 Changes in net assets Surplus for the year - 7 051 869 7 051 869 Revaluation (421 613 148) - (421 613 148) Total changes (421 613 148) 7 051 869 (414 561 279) Balance at 30 June 2020 9 455 798 515 11 093 085 952 20 548 884 467 Note(s) 16 53 Controlling entity Opening balance as previously reported 9 046 230 471 10 550 907 460 19 597 137 931 Adjustments Prior year adjustments (prior to 2018/19) Refer to note 53 2 869 816 (12 214 460) (9 344 644) Balance at 01 July 2018 as restated* 9 049 100 287 10 538 693 000 19 587 793 287 Changes in net assets Prior period error 7 542 446 - 7 542 446 Revaluation 820 768 930 - 820 768 930 Net income (losses) recognised directly in net assets 828 311 376 - 828 311 376 Surplus for the year - 545 272 905 545 272 905 Total recognised income and expenses for the year 828 311 376 545 272 905 1 373 584 281 Total changes 828 311 376 545 272 905 1 373 584 281 Restated* Balance at 01 July 2019 9 877 411 663 11 083 965 905 20 961 377 568 Changes in net assets Revaluation (421 613 148) - (421 613 148) Net income (losses) recognised directly in net assets (421 613 148) - (421 613 148) Surplus for the year - (2 367 911) (2 367 911) Total recognised income and expenses for the year (421 613 148) (2 367 911) (423 981 059) Total changes (421 613 148) (2 367 911) (423 981 059) Balance at 30 June 2020 9 455 798 515 11 081 597 994 20 537 396 509 Note(s) 16 53 * See Note 53 7 BUFFALO CITY METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY Unaudited Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 Cash Flow Statement Economic entity Controlling entity Figures in Rand Note(s) 2020 2019 2020 2019 Restated* Restated* Cash flows from operating activities Receipts Sale of goods and services 65 4 693 899 666 4 525 368 052 4 692 012 245 4 525 074 479 Government grants & subsidies 65 2 011 229 172 1 919 432 296 1 989 656 320 1 916 450 674 Interest income 30 193 236 492 188 919 719 192 716 872 188 480 555 6 898 365 330 6 633 720 067 6 874 385 437 6 630 005 708 Payments Employee costs & Councillors remuneration 35&36 (2 270 962 328)(2 152 202 316) (2 244 983 056) (2 133 707 313) Suppliers 65 (2 664 722 580)(3 298 006 394) (2 680 493 449) (3 318 146 640) Finance costs 38 (32 563 877) (38 467 001) (32 563 877) (38 466 994) (4 968 248 785)(5 488 675 711) (4 958 040 382) (5 490 320 947) Net cash flows used in operating activities 48 1 930 116 545 1 145 044 356 1 916 345 055 1 139 684 761 Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of property, plant and equipment 4 (1 663 693 959)(1 753 217 829) (1 662 423 279) (1 753 054 709) Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 4 49 255 9 193 811 - 9 191 448 Purchase of investment property 3 (6 015 752) - (6 015 752) - Purchase of intangible assets 5 (404 741) (1 578 425) - - Purchases of heritage assets 6 - (733 565) - (733 565) Net cash flows used in investing activities (1 670 065 197)(1 746 336 008) (1 668 439 031) (1 744 596 826) Cash flows from financing activities Net movement on borrowings (57 973 556) (52 572 023) (57 973 556) (52 572 023) Net cash flows used in financing activities (57 973 556) (52 572 023) (57 973 556) (52 572 023) Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash 202 077 792 (653 863 675) 189 932 468 (657 484 088) equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 1 171 632 915 1 825 496 588 1 167 645 512 1 825 129 600 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 15 1 373 710 707 1 171 632 913 1 357 577 980 1 167 645 512 * See Note 53 8 BUFFALO CITY METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY Unaudited Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts Figures in Rand Original budget Budget Final Shifting of Virement (i.t.o.Final budget Actual Unauthorised Variance Actual Actual adjustments adjustments funds (i.t.o. council outcome expenditure outcome outcome (i.t.o. s28 and budget s31 of the approved as % of as % of s31 of the MFMA) policy) final original MFMA) budget budget Economic entity - 2020 Financial Performance Property rates 1 552 050 927 - 1 552 050 927 - 1 552 050 927 1 467 399 835 (84 651 092) 95% 95% Service charges 3 419 055 622 (51 213 142) 3 367 842 480 - 3 367 842 480 3 260 941 348 (106 901 132) 97% 95% Investment revenue 110 024 611 (20 470 857) 89 553 754 - 89 553 754 70 649 903 (18 903 851) 79% 64% Transfers recognised - 1 136 152 437 105 258 861 1 241 411 298 - 1 241 411 298 1 026 357 285 (215 054 013) 83% 90% operational Other own revenue 925 724 867 (28 182 840) 897 542 027 - 897 542 027 882 515 663 (15 026 364) 98% 95% Total revenue 7 143 008 464 5 392 022 7 148 400 486 - 7 148 400 486 6 707 864 034 (440 536 452) 94% 94% (excluding capital transfers and contributions) Employee costs (2 258 483 447) (1 873 261) (2 260 356 708) - - (2 260 356 708) (2 204 639 585) - 55 717 123 98% 98% Remuneration of (69 760 944) 2 983 000 (66 777 944) - - (66 777 944) (66 322 744) - 455 200 99% 95% councillors Debt impairment (372 832 991) (211 359 014) (584 192 005) (584 192 005) (601 841 517) (17 649 513) (17 649 512) 103% 161% Depreciation and asset (918 128 117) (793 826 063) (1 711 954 180) (1 711 954 180) (1 709 671 614) - 2 282 566 100% 186% impairment Finance charges (41 004 000) 8 401 000 (32 603 000) - - (32 603 000) (32 563 877) - 39 123 100% 79% Materials and bulk (2 010 702 001) 142 453 160 (1 868 248 841) - - (1 868 248 841) (1 868 215 018) - 33 823 100% 93% purchases Transfers and grants (48 174 691) (87 934 154) (136 108 845) - - (136 108 845) (131 018 727) - 5 090 118 96% 272% Other expenditure (1 423 011 643) 1 057 148 (1 421 954 495) - - (1 421 954 495) (1 216 169 830) - 205 784 665 86% 85% Total expenditure (7 142 097 834) (940 098 184) (8 082 196 018) - - (8 082 196 018) (7 830 442 912) (17 649 513) 251 753 106 97% 110% Surplus/(Deficit) 910 630 (934 706 162) (933 795 532) - (933 795 532) (1 122 578 878) (188 783 346) 120% 120% 9

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