Contributors to This Issue Anthony 8 Acampora, BSE, 1968, MSE, 1970, PhD, 1978, Polytechnic Lntitate of Brookiyes Bell Laboratories, 1958. At [Bell Laboratories, Mr, Acampora iilialy worked inthe feds of high power microwave tennamitcere radar ayatem studies, and signal pro Feosing. Since 1974, he hasbeen studying high-capacity digital eatelize ‘ystems, His current research ineresta are modulation and coding hoor, time division multiple coe methods, and efficent frequency re-u techniques, Member, Bla Kappa Nv, Sigma Xi, IEEE. Ronald J, Canniff, MSE, 1972, University of Michigan; Rell Laboratories, 1972, Prior (o his development work on che digital ‘concentrator forthe ST™96 ayatem, Mr. Cansiff spent neatly five Sears working on voicehard modema for digital sulmeriber carer ‘Ssteme. This included work on delea modulation snd active filters for the perchannel codes of the SLC™-40 carrier system, He is currently fupervsing a group concerned wih ligital signal processing functions fora digital switching machine, Member, Bla Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi Barbara A. Gzckad, BS. (computer science), 1880, Monmouth College: Bell Laboratories, 1078 Ms, Cla} worked part-time for to years in the Radio Research Laboratory, involved in reductions of Inultipah fading data and compuler analyac of digital radio aystems. In May 1980 she busine a member of the Business Communications ‘Systems Engineering Cencer. Member, Association for Computing Machinery Richard D. Gitlin, BALE, 194, City College of Naw Vork; MS. 1965, and D. Rng. Se, 1969, Coluinbia University; Bell Laboratories, iquee Group in the Dats Communic ation Theory Commitee of the TREE Communicnions Society, edi tor for Communieation Theory of the IEEE Transactions on Con- sinieations, and xn momar of the Baitorial Advisory Board ofthe Procislings of the TERE. Senior Member, TERR; Member, Sigma Xi, Ela Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi Tawry J, Greenstein, BERR, 1958, MARR, 1961, and PRD. (EE), 1967, Hina Inwitate of Technology; Bell Laboratories 1870. Since joining Bell Laboratories, Mr. Greenstein has worke on Aigtel encoding and transmission. His most recent work iin Une wrens of eazalites, mobile nado, and tenetrial digital radio, He currently bende the Satelite Systema Research Department, ‘Member, Pia ‘Kappa No, Sigma Xi, Ta Beta D¥; Senior Member, IBEE, arsociace telito, TEER Transactions on Communications. Bruce Hoadley, B.S. (math), 1961, North Carolina State; PRD. (statis), 1965, Uivensity f California; Atsisunl Profan, Satis ties Universiy of California, Rerkeley, 1085-1966; Bell Laboratories, 1965. Mr. Hoadley waa initially a member of the Statistes Depart ‘ment. in 1970, ho became a supervisor in the Operations Research Dopastment. Since 1975, he hus becn supervisor of the Assurance and Relatilily Theory and Systems Grp. Member, Amerian Statistical Association, American Society for Quality Contel, Phi Kapow Phi, ‘Toa Bela Pi, Pi Btu Epsilon, Sigma Xi John F. Reiser, B.S. (mathematics) 1973, Michigan State Univer: sity; PhD. (computer scineo), 1977, Sanford University; Bell Laho- ‘atoricy, 1977—, Mr, Reber is a member ofthe Interactive Computer Systeme Resear Department. His research intresta inelade mer sling ayetems, progearaming systems and languages, and algorithm ‘Member, Mathematical Associaton of Amerie, Associaton for Com: puting Machinery Steven B. Weinstein, BSE, 1960, Maasechusets Institute of Technology; MSE, 1962, University of Michigan: PhD. (EB), 10968, University of Colifomin at Berkeley; Philips Research Labora: tories, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 1967-186 Rall Laboratories, 1968_ 1880, Mr. Weineain’stachnical interest include data communications dca communications security, and microcomputer systems. Senior ‘member, TEE. 208 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, FEBRUARY 1901