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BSTJ 50: 4. April 1971: Statistical Circuit Design: Linear Circuits and Statistical Design. (Semmelman, C.L.; Walsh, E.D.; Daryanani, G.T.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 4. April 1971: Statistical Circuit Design: Linear Circuits and Statistical Design. (Semmelman, C.L.; Walsh, E.D.; Daryanani, G.T.)

Statistical Circuit Desig Linear Ci its and Statistical De: en By G, L, SEMMETMAN, F. D. WALSIT and ©. T. DARYANANL § (aoniteecved Noranter 1, M0) ‘The design of tear ciruits requires the designer to coil ele= mens tolerances, detributions avi cnrmlations and how hey interact Aeith proposed manufacturing tat Sus and aertce conions such ts fempernture od aging. Analyeat meth can he used ix a tiwsted Iramber of eves; silaion mets sing tore modern computers hermit study of more compler dieign problema. The principal themes Of this paper ave the desienr's node for compmcsionad wirctace and he woaye in hich computer jnegrams may be arpenised to meet those neede. Peo computer programe for this purznse re dered ‘One tea general puspnen anatyna program for forge cctwcrka having facp topoiony ‘Phe other ss o mone speraiced prograns suitable for “put” etwovie hick rvay be and ax Buisinp Bike £0 form 0 vaio of flor ad ucla nenorks. In tho Bel Syste, the origin o* inven i the sttitien) Cusgn of linear eis Toe in BSstry. er? have boon no Inver han the farliet ping for repeaters wat flrs for earier systems, 28 n0 fnnch ayetem is poseble withone presen eextre of funnel Ios Charecteristics, 4s he tral ist eso a casiereysten ie alas Iinieh greater thas Ube vost @t the design eum, use of the most ad- “tance design procedures tl technics nowa, including staisttal tuethods, has always brn justified "The election of tlevanes fr component parte ie one of the many lopige which is under the contvel of the doigner. He mure sleet eles wn specify taanactoring Ws sw ax not to inezease costs Ciaher by paving wert for uanewemarily wesie clamonts or by ejecting vovzctly sbeomnbleq networks in presntios Inthe pet, the tole that. ave ven availabe we the designer to asst a te detersi= ht of tolerance limits have ranged from prmiive so highs eopie- 1130 nw aa seeimas mmcacicna socamaa, APR 207 Wiest? and matherottion. Ia the presnt rx, which ie dominate! by electronic compiters, siletion methods may prove tho meet valuuble af all. The purpose of this paper is eo review some of the busie mrchods of esiewating and combining deviation characeeritics, pointing out th power and Tiations a Wiese mathode, end to Aeacrbe additional eapabiies clsainabe from tna general arp computer programa. These eval he dexiyaer to determine the vest in prostuotion wl in verses, uf sperifying given at of tolerances, Aistributione, comlations, tuning end tasting proce and eervie feoniitions. All the material x oom to linear networks, shel a ites, equalizer a retbark supers, which are desig and built to frequency domain speciestions 1 Analyial Betas Engincers engaged in designing electrical networks and selesting tolerances for their components Rave traditionsy used the classes! fesign technique whieh consists of aking a fet approximation, amputing er rzssuring i performance snd veSsiog he approcmne= tion. That thie peosedune workee well aad ccrxerged rapidly when poled to setvors design ean be aeen from the following. ‘The mage inerameter design poges for fers and eomparahle metheds for other Tetworks eve the engincer az understanding af the senitvity of he ‘rious components, i, which emma hee Sa grate effect in hae patt of the frecueray sporty, Te led intaiively to ah the Syecfention of the teste that would ie afer to assure ascurate Franviasture and vo che Xnowlege of which few enmpnnente need fateful ceruing at any frequenay, i onder to erleet appropriate tolerances, A few eneultions oe leberatory measurement fllowed by torn experimental arithmetic wookt then prodiee the nenessary {olersnee nits, Ae the element tolerances ing wed were ema, the resting network devistions were prnporeinnal anc auld be eombined By sinple adiion, Adiing lhe absolute walle af the min p= snieible deviations would produee wors-este behavier endif system perforin lnits wete ant che job wes dane: ‘Mathainaticians eam to the seretace of the design engineered devicad clever Inbor-raving methode of decenmining the deviation fHlecte and of combining ther incarly. For cxarple, the rata of chenge ff the diving point impedance of a teeroeal nesnork with eespect to 1 branch impedsnes i ven by a0) Lissa emer 11 sin! the vale of change ofa tesaater impede is #- 00) eg ie pn ll os nex qn a an aed {a Tig. 1* One of tno lions fr athe brane cecal Uhen peat foch inlvival driving point er rameter Fapedanee deviolivy he Falosited ene saved to repaeeect thy »seimwe clement tolerance, Ae slate aluve, Hse sere) evitions ray’ be oiled “0 evaluate the buovior of « nriark wih any one et of element ales. ore wish, hnsevnr, aw be abeka hy doug & pagan ia lve eomples plane witin which the iapedunre rit Ti Taia may be ove in tne lowing, ramen: Solet a plas oF mings 2ga Tor the Cepavin wach seman frome te tmnt, erie eo mle che feel eonypnent uf s2ch sealed deviation positive, Alling 2 sealed fevdations wis Cae» em wl giv she rgxtmaet pach of dhe poke ace uocemive suimese azo obtained yy evening the slgas of the seulel evn tion, we at time, su ob ooguoen 6! He inevessing wages, Whoa el ses hve hoon reversod, the Hebert piah iv abtalnod tind n nce! revacel in fis cavae seyuente gezeraea the other bull Iv The oonver aolygos an rele te Res pi. SHI mere oy Ie Terre bye superimposing 4 “swily of elipace caea of which sntans 2 apace: pervert ut lve inivrae 0° neuweds felch woule. de anfacnted ite lewurin basing the see0med folrrances, ‘Tis wor be viowr if ths dictizccion of ears element tule ie gavesiar ard ile standard deviation bs keane ‘Fgome 2 illueeuts huth Hs inpedasee Gelygon and line: far Bl Nye 15g Raden Wear ait cr he deed seeks ot irae, Lnladiag fe taf mstock sce iaaiting fas expe Estepona’ 1152 tae meas se ncaeeNL vou, SemOL IL ‘imple filer whetethe stendand deviation i taken ae 40 percent of she folerenco lina samme forthe pyar 1.8 Liniatons to Pose Atehads ‘The Bre imitations acc the foot tht lange valerate: do eu pert toa wsteepolution ta ape deviation stapes wad ‘hal Use dy nol farthing nese. Other diets arisy ‘when enphinested desig, enti sinh ae Ger eye oon aig aciquae® 16 eed. The designer éevelaps na ed” For bis Beige and the net- spor patorniine bests mrs mesic ba evey elesent Eurthes, the elle way nal ave gsosian itebtiame, For exainple, 10 parcect componente mey uve a biogdal stitution eeu wt Eveappliar’® socting the crocuct aoe relling the 5 percent eleeats Fleewhoee. It riay bo Smipessibe to cletrmine ‘whecber aigh ar low ‘yehus of 2h slemencsehonld be wed to evaluate wurst-viae hiaoio heceuin a Tange tanger one eer’ vaine may reveree the sigz of te easing for amor eae, Finally, te woh eae may Br 9 hed that system pecformance requiremenia are nat mot and figstar tnlevanon, faalory djartnent, avlestive atamly, or veduced veld Te be rene Ary’ of these inescares tho cost né manutoctie, fomplisses tha catigne’ tank, and seine: more fererfl methods ‘i tevaining the tenons, eustnvnes ant teste for peodtion, rows he aso asian, ii appatont tha oy in rave ces wil the aelceion o° tolerates bo a sttaghcioreard procter where linear healtion and stele aiion at desietion shapes wi sufi, Frequrads, the matlrmaticl nl pnginesving complexities yt he ‘fsguer’s lak hegond the limite: analyte method availabe vada, ‘Mente Carla®corcputertohniquee pevntsmslatng che eatntical behavior of random varisbie and imitating the tuning and teving fotion perforined in tke faetory. Sueh oomputer programe con tale the pase of phe prfustin rin, and Farieh comparable ifoema- tien in #thuca shoots time end a faetion of the ont Tx thice methode the computer is propramed to senerwe 9 <9- ‘quenoe o2 winehers which appear ta a casual gbservero be rendom, hough theiedietibution sind periodicities sv known and carole foxtrolie!. By matzemstieal icursformation, thae rombers aro Iwoditnd to reprernt poesible veluer ar each nctwork clement and te digplay tae appnaptiava rominal value, tolerance, distsbution shape ft somndasion ith other elewente. Further eqylanason af the aenn crm 1188 A = Fea jeostl sa ceteriean ig. 2 Sing ies citing sem mp poo a lib ‘vethode wil be found in Agpentic A. Many retwarcs ewurcnl of fuck sinalte vervents are eomputed aad the reste sored wit, Proposed cxes its, A vauy ui tbe compiter ontput il able the ths gor ‘leis le sukabicy of the aon! velies, terances sud test, "The roinies of hit savelo ceeorhes two consater programs, rwesran and meta, Wish perforna (hie situa io The prema exe Jered to llfeent neds, hue within e+ oww ston eF epplcution ‘uci i general parpoee poograts ‘wean is peogeam for enulatizg sed swaying vetworks such x Eller, equaleens, fed-bark arplidizs, ele, huving saan elements fnd arbiruey topology. counts insertion Tees ane rlaen Tomes {Et both ene of the newark Wit The cesgner ean obtain informne sion on tect vel, the sulci between tects im his rsp, lemme fersitivies, and selnted eater plate and istgragse, This informe ion laud ep hin alread une nore inemeationehine sone emen€ values, soleranes, distributions and teete wien ate nol icons ur the nevurk polos Teas, am the other Baal to cal ony with networks af Sxed topology, whose trumeferfuetin i eetrozed ta a biquadtatieSanetion ff Treaeney deine in qoaton (1)]. By snty'ng he element vives ‘used and eonneating a zumaber of sich sesioun in inden low nae Iighpaey, bndjcs fitters anal various tynce 0! equulizers en be com rerutted, nae falitetes speci euaelaion song vlemt as, ‘attory tuning rictsue, service eadcone suck as hish a ow tem enlace enpcare nd seine perforinanes eet ssh ae gin, pee find dil. Thelw service manson ate on'ttad, ae test botome fe tery produnson tess; if elle, enleo- Ile atom performence cocks anevate is eepable of yeforming Valence gaalyais rompatations an feast miority ofthe razsiisioa networis ia poudueon today, The Ihe ay snl Tob Lnped stent, having speried nami na? vanes, tolreness azilcieibations, aac) wd eubaesucksy ee svile? hy adie ‘vis ghivh ave abeaized exter by eae tion or saeusicment, masa Sule perasbec ixeile by evicing tack Luuped ener hy av naw ervouns his the apesied enter fave and having 4 uritonu, proinn or ari'-a-y listshution shape, TH eorolation of eevicione or tuning 2 rosin, eprciasulmualiaes may be inerted, Ue persrbed eres Us aren oon led nie (Gon teas and input and onepit retar Loses ane ecrsputed sb euch Serif fen ene. Shera ntcnoires ty be peared eames ther quamftios Tor can peraohed meceore the complet cat af ele- tents nid all swans of rs portinnance ae Sande ou die file for lcer row hy x pectpreemnnr ‘The same yeoman values are compared to the ezeut requinacene, to determine if the tetrone putes or file, ene to enllate vo production yieuts, The ‘lata on disk ane chen reviewed tn clloet other standane. outs and Ue Tiki, sealer pha and hetagrame vegnestd Ly oho design ‘ne onfpt ll deere ren fall ow The ast ftp viteble ss nss.ar sluukl be of gceal soitaner vo e designee ho bas litle sneigh> nto the ensitisiies of she elezente, the icerveion ‘oF Ge devia onan Ue sealinabip of both tthe Ue. nie psn ermones 11656, Speeifeation ofthe Network ‘A earixy ef types o informeticn eu be used lo spay oe retin lobe analyze Teean eoutein vreidnr, industoe,eapecitore and ea ined eurrentseurecs, Aen a qualee faecen, oF (tay bo spol’ for the iesortare and expariern, Posallel sad ava resonant cious iniy be specified by supplying ons or af tbe relive eompenents an the resovuntfrequeney All ‘he nae itans eye assgoed tolerance Jute ad. distsbution shapes gx aguas. Uniform and gaussian shapes ate basin, other speial shapes may be ro iu ol exeeution fine, I eorrlations or factory (unig operations must be sivulated, serial subroutines eam be writen fr (hiv purpose ‘imran an allow fied shoetsonks robe nese inthe overall ne sor, These subnelwarks are sere fy saying thie definite a Imiane matrices. The warsix deca ane genesaly obtained ‘om an figs of the salto oy geneesTpmrpoee Tear network sale seis program bul nny alee eave fro rearseenents “The auboctyork featats lows nerman te perform ¢tolerasee sal ysis onthe sities! companents of « hig elven in eunble angunt htt, Consider, for exazap., the widrbens empier shave in He. Tie eomalese emalier vine 8D mules soe! IIT comperente. By blarkng she einait rt toe fot-port snl work as sewn, the we svork to conn! is vedo to 24 aes and 28 elements, Tae 26 tlestents are Ihe eritiecl vrnperents the fecbae pathe end in ensivior postions Pre Zerward parh, The soplete citeut eantaine o Panera TEP CT 116 rm rms, sme PecaUGAL, JOMAVER, APRIL onmars, cronparl (runToriers, and high-fraquerey ‘arsstors, Acwrate huspa sertent aaeéels for Uiese desions, per ealusly the (rsfunse, ale st axa Hemever, hey can be eel incorporated inco a uuyeae analysis by supply their measured Y= nur dts (os, on ely, waaauned dats redwood nd traraforsed ta give Vematn dato sez mmurar Out ‘A Monte Carlo anulysis enn proce such vest quantiles of data that the designer, enntronted wieh the complete roults, might have tafioaltyidenying and exireting signoaat fact. Te isthe Lask of f postprocesor program to reud the disk Mer and organize thee dua, ino bret vomperhenaile forme “The postproeesnr has two general classes of output, defaatt output which always produced and eptonal output which i pmdueed only fs specifiod The defval omiput tana general nature al not oF great feta or length. The requested output eas be se voluminous as the engineer desire, 22 Default Output "The default cups rmsists of four sections. Te Pee ertion giver a summary of the te slate, Ta ierndee the peroest lel, aver- {ge value, elencard desiavnn, rasi value and minis wale for fh tat ace gives tae overall vor eld, combining all ws, "The sevord section of default output nw wenco-rortelation among peice of lesle, The peeuda-oomrelerion s fenod cx the Heuston ofthe Delworks Tor which the paseo ross of te (wo teats sgreed. For fxemple, suprove fen nets were produced, the rs neven passed fest I, the fet nie ped lest 2, and tho remainder failed in box vee, The psenlo-avelatinn would then Be O8 ay networks 1 hough Fand 10 gave identical russeail reals onthe two tests, This output can be uenfl in oucng the numberof eee performed withontsneri- fleing reliability of perfor. Temey also be ueefl in determining ‘an aptimal sequence ia whieh lo perform the tats "The third srsion of eetoult output blues cack poromete’s nome, rominal vali, average valve sd sbyidard deviation. ‘This informa: tion is seul ow hee om he natdom dstribalins nnd on the ale fquecy of the senple sine, For exaryple, the nomial value and the sSvirage valuo should fe the eume for all the parameters with a ey ‘netsesl density Seton "The fina section af default oulput gives Une correlation zaman, est hinssw ercerss ust values ans parameter An approximation to the senakvity uf exch ‘ust value to ecch parameter ie also print ‘rom chap soptelations ane sensitivity esimates, the ensinece is iver insight ive aw individual eiremt comspencats eect his eireui's fvevall perarmanee, ‘Mone isportant, uy give Kin Avetion to fovlow ia excenirg these shaves thak may requice Cger Iulrsnces snl those whieh may hevs broader lulecanees 28 Optional Ouiyut ‘The optional outynis as there seein: tabular onfp eater plate sd hietogrums, Tabular oulput ie merely listing of the random ele ther’ values ox tnt valor for eae chem, Civile which fed ets ave fuse for easy ieatfieation, Lest res aa lesen vues tay be antranied tha the aul of «cost rny be Tiss in a ale tum glieent to the values of a eemers to whieh the tees 36 very sensitive ‘There azo thece ee seater ples avaiable: test ys Westy ee sent va. tet, abl element, clement. Figure 4 shows a sealier plot ig. eae pla of elon ln va heat ae 1138 rap amu. svetmr mBExBENE SormMAL, ava Ter of a tee eagle vo, sm een salu, ‘The various ssmbuls pried on {Calter jot ingiate te muzber uf points thu fll inco a particular {eetaauln el, the are points the blacker the eybal. The ecutter pole give en enginer more insight int how quantities in bie ievait incorat, Thes peeve ir» with a type of petorial ine ovtsetion that is no avidide from cornealion coficents or sei- {vi muni, In Hig. 4 for example, tke xorinal value of the ee rent cern inthe center of the plot and st this pola: the sope othe feet curve fs near sero, Henos the pal dervetive of the tat eeu, sth respect tothe elment value and th coerliion eefient wohl Be-anall Mowever, he vet molt gest infec! by the element value Sater can praiuos Viagrans of an’ mamber of coment values and leat valocs.tistogveme nf elemen: vale can be use usw eherk on the Fanviom number eietributins ane fhe éerally function routine in Iaurae. Hiengrems of the eel values give the approximate shape of the probability denity forthe tt 8 Summary of weweae Chadian ‘buvtar provides 4 user with enysicerable feiblity in severe re- pect, ‘he unksaredeeeeption ngoage pennits any eonguraton, ‘The momiere of disibacon types, breteies, ule ara scbne:warks ave eecenaaly walled ae same storage methods are tle a Feeult te sige unl number of networks corpus will probably be Festrietd by computer uring, ttn, cost umd nurerioal precision, Father than by erty dimonsione, Experience hes infeed that when 1 very Inge nebwenk ie eieouneved, the most sensitive elements can bo scien iy prelsinary eonrpoler roca an pextions of the eabine stueture, One or more audition, rune ean tex be mde wth only ‘hace elements varying 0 obtsiz nal dat, ‘ain lo insertion loss and return lee ealeatons, whieh are provided by the program, users way wrice subroutines to cyte ther maeeures af network porformanee. Subroutines or siulaing tuning adjustment, sor insoveing eovrlaton effects, and for com puting other measures of the ntwerk peTormanee may also be waicen, ‘Tho slanlan! and aptiona outputs ate designed vo cavers bros rage of fypae af ata anc metaace uf presomacion. hia Warley shoud e Inlpil in iseavering ussospectd Ssvreelationsl:pe avon ees ant betmeen tests and prance valnes, For fais voasoa, itis probably Aesirable to investiante ensiderahly tore test taan will ewally be ‘sed in production

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