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BSTJ 50: 3. March 1971: Spectral Density of a Nonlinear Function of a Gaussian Process. (Neal, Scotty) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 3. March 1971: Spectral Density of a Nonlinear Function of a Gaussian Process. (Neal, Scotty)

Spectral Density of a Nonlinear Function of a Ganssian Process By SCOTTY NEAL Saunist resid Septenier I, 3) We deroe av expovsioa whi ona be ant tn @ reat soight orwaed mawias to erat ets te awarseloion junction oF the peel dent wf ay “onacnte™ retin way atin gener yore "Tne copecaon io uied 0 ealy tho antral Aen of sional ace hick phan node bya boned gown pa, A bund-Jimted scassian proress Aasing € woerangeite power apes teu i assume! tor some purposes vo ce ca adoquale apseciasion for eeveralelcees of trusting spas reeour even pcan trot Jon 1PM systers! Loweyer:n ap uectcl imp-c=cntotion of © EM stem Ye rapdulating sige neicytheoagh cnculry whieh eaten veh Lie sigeal ciate ove w Laee vel, ie sipping the, Exiting level is wsatly acjusted snr sigh ‘uomina.y at cous tines the mms st che mediating signal) ard tao ignored in ary autanqent alysis ft te aslemn Comespagally, tre abet of tie study be em datere tiny the yn ine Pook 0” arte sueing the odcting siane! im a PW astern, From a mathemacical yisecin, ww um oblain an undoesanding of The steending querion 2 invtstierting he falling yuan Tied Iie rowrlel cersty of ermal wie while phate tec laced pg Sunotion ge (oe alalavvary anussoir oratn Xp OF frwia, his version of she pve cas se be viewed as Geli tbe eetel cezaty et & Ieomconie' nownesr Sanolion uly ganec oceas; a provlem origiva.'y aun ay & Gl Tews D), Midltont bra. R, Brcnetes Ip feet, we Jo ase itete azpooneh ‘eoeesentne Tbe uanlivetily oa serne of 9 siczefocmt to dares an expzeaien \whioh i oeabelly te sorting peint ui our omtyai, However, wing fur relsiw aig eanw af the somplesity asebsacee with the rrante ‘eich feo evunplen Te the tind ection, we ubleia specie remus Zor ‘he hant-liitine cus, Tat WCE) deuoie romsantesrsptnds sinawidal wave which i hace wrdulated bya roul=vuloed allow gs) of the etetiomry stan prooeee XII, Wit = A om ial + ok) + 8 wo ishutt A ia tke muve split, J. ~ a2 ia the enrice frequency, thal @ is asunder variable wh probability dacetyfuretion [btw neces wil = \ * @ bona Tue spel ey oe (0), cnn: eee i a wr copia Wig ~ Ke Le! ” FO = A capita + HFS, ® 8 = cap bh o binge 2, is salivary and # ie uniformly dseibuted, Doth TC a Vip arp widereiee -tnhivnary.* Manoores, tbe spectl density 51) of HY in given by BAD ASAE 1) 1 SC = 19 Cc 30 ie Ue spesteal dani of V0. ine Rats} — (VC HAP), the Winer Khinchine theorem ‘wher lensing 8) = fn exp ieee o Tae (ou Tato dee ener the we acy par ce AL cE abe Mapa ean os So, assume that Xoge and X; are gauesian with joint probaly density fonetion ates td raced saemaeel Haat"). cacacn, © Fain 1 lore whore Mefe} = Aya, P= Rit) ant at Ro) = | eeuieind ~ stearate, In Appendix A, we show thet $7 Gisi is ef axperential over and oF bounded variation on bounded inervales tam a Ried = Boye a tee | Tew aton[ ne | oof ay ec tha he Mert prea! ee satin the Bowe = We) exp (2) t noy tee whey 2 fotos Hay equations (1) nd 1028 ams amas avermneTRoMBIcud suLsal, MABOHE 72 Consenuenty, a Bal [os tinene( Bape ae Sinoe the eceticents (0) are independent of g(r], an jnfiite cevies reprecenatien for Ue stral Coney Sf) ean be obit rom equations (7) atl (11). To obtain the sec, Let A) = [L809 eit de as sul dune 5.4) to bs the mold comvoation of S,() with tl ie sif) Buff fur & 2. Te ollons that 8 Suh = Gain + -ecfes. 0s) Ui seven by Une easier power sivas (18) and (U5), ene enn eee 6. = [oan LioorOD ” 16) 21 Lsemples "To ub beteerurderitarég of che ponding 2eult, we prose torn exscapae, Lae fom oxruyoe r) — = (end srven os thicken our revltesiace thie cae ie well kaown*l ‘sample seeures eres ing yf > for x20, wm -] Lo tw 20, imsiting ster preven in and server ny a preview for 186 ha Seotion LLL aaa Phase Modulatioa or this exueole 2) ~ # fora. Coneoquenty, frm venation (135 wash, fo 8 wail, [ont eatin wo(-ayae"s on coe (V2 ETab oxp emermat, maNETT 1109 or PY aT (Gor Rel, 6, Seation 788-8), “sian Tai Oe lesion that C= eG a9) ean) 0°) /2n 1) hich emir fe nz0. ey Now, sistitute equation (20) inte ceuation (11) ¢o obtxin the well- Ienown teal Ri) — ex TU ah ey 4 Phos Mosulalion bya Matem-Lamile Gaueian Proese For this owe, gonfe ters ts Using equation (28) in equation 183, uve oben ee Gof Haden ese) eo nd G 1(3- [tanto piv x), 05) forn & 0. Sinoe [ep out @9 = ty for net, vee ave e. = or yy, en CuO for neh, 2) 1080 sauna eremmarmzctsueab svOnNA, MAREE PL wed Gin yt ag sil Ye ny al 3 Using heft ha 0) = La H.) = (NWA = 8D) form bro ea a =2em oF st Cons = Bein oy ER te EL OD Substitating equation (2), (28) and (80) into equation (11) and reetling the series Fxpanrinn foe Aria z, ne obttine 240 = test n"2ar(2), ey foc-=<r<e. Notice that tae carrier pce, Co= (om 2), vniehes i = /2-Hhe, 1,1, 0+ white all she peer so ino the once whenever — ke, 1, LTT athe eontinioue part of te spsetrum isms « fealed version of che epscrun: for an ansiitudeunodulatad wave hen the moviniator ia an extremo-Liite} qwureian sors, This problom was hulled by 4.1L VanVleck.* 2 Function g represants an ial [A problem of intorstarnoe when barat; b for >, oi) —} = for [2] 55, @ <b for 2 <I for aone b 0 ‘an Carrion Power [Noting equstions (14) sea (18), one ena are thas che cartier power is given by omer wserry oa. G Dofling « = By (le aati oipping vel, we have [°° ee tmyespt 340+ en te) coo a ' wie 8 owt on isthe extorfuneson# and enfe Ga) — 1 = ee A mate sai exyrreinn far Cy om he obtained in terse of the error fune‘ion sith fomple argument. Apparentty [onsen ont cr en {9 o> [v0 (-E) nef can be caloulaial auneriealle™ Mowever, we eam obtain @ briter fasuytical urderstartieg of tho earner power by eapirseing the Integral in equation 186) a £8} ee ate()) om Date and i) = HE) ool-Byue Yel (eel) = ool S)a{f anen a) aw Since exp {=z is an ere faetion, th integral eqution 40) it Incepondeut of Ue pall ea foun (D/D} tae! 2 + TYME). Te $ret Ce a emia eositing of three sri Rnmsnprenta he ist from 7/92) to 0 (tho imuginare as, Ue reel from 0 to fax fo Une soa sds) al te Inst fon WH ta V2 HEY Trteeatig ale tee Hoos, eget t obs ths welt foe once} oon (—) at (5) vow (8) 3. suoten ew (LE s'}}ar en Going eptions (98) and 81) yids 1 ons eee) sin Bada (LE — aF}}as) 2) When 1&1 Goaeind ease, the Jae ler ini she brake velit a Voab eu (ovo (—U) oe () + ent ate (35) hon ec It is intceting to oleeye Lin nf (of vi che probability that inde tar eippig eves [i] [ol ar fa? 9D 3 tho probebiity that AL, $e outide Ue alizing Teveh. Heaee, ke car ronson Cal xp (18/2) I ara do wlsnge asonated wits PC) shen Xie ‘ie the cliping levee wile enw (i the average voleage wen X, Sroutsde the Tits One ean s60 (ran equation (8) tant th erier wer Cg = | iV Pecaiog Use livasits fester, one wight consiude that te fntogtel in sqvation (12) presente a high-order eerretion (lo th sowernan e9sare roa preci anntosimaice} associ with tnursitioms af Xy across the Ulin thesis, When Xie exal, ese tron se ait ra the eorretion tf the integral) is smal, Iameves a9 Ponte Inanstions ane slower (ot leet whe X, i beadlsacell andl integee in equssicn 421 man irae rence for earata velues or Moneow siden el HVE Pan Lo? = 2] a ie Dan's tavtion (Ea, tas hig en) whee Gonsequetly H talons Kiet when C3 Tl 3 sone a[- as Thay when ese a com fom ote) a or a Te eiy ‘ie he ess 9 idl ft Hes Reto eo ates fei tel Peach il ephly eall threats power Cr elle alew sgung tra ee ecto rok Gane my tte eh 7 wean = oD) ne far ts i owt one (5) se copuced gp (1/21). nn fw foe ea ao Se of asst ar kaj Pp toic he dame ge thi funetiae iva inp ve al on sate Batsean sed Do the vedinate asi ad a Logaitisie ale others) "The geswval features of tac theee Sunetions ore ws iaientnd above Sines (Pi) — T whoarver e — U, eaeh curve arte at agp 11°72) fit ~ 0 Pop 2 Liner sour sv bg 1) tert derromed mono canal yt gr, For € = 2, this relive erie romans pie but trellates slighty beans emveying te une, Howexer, 2" 2he high- innlox ear, the rive mes swt vw bumps sind (ek 102d tees sroome zeouces ovesaL, stncit te Tig, Reeve ium of PAD ae a Rate of lain oping leak we neki hee 8 ee edt de usted abu). "Mis oxi uilaton about zero apparently occurs for P23. Nien Gol the valor of a rized for tke retire ean {and thezefore she earn power) vo tabling ineronser us Tinea. loner, fer highvindex madultion, setting a = 4 sex tol noosa oumatter thatthe eaeterpowes is unaceted be the clipping svoun Pare of the Seton ‘Nunaercal vcknigtee are equine! te sain the eamelnas the eprctrum, However, one ean ste Trwn mentions 128) and. (31) pent of that he occionte {Cy} in tae esries are lodepetid® of ye) an resi only bo computed one for any pac.ieular coufguration of the fn Hiniter (and eloive of 13, Cowsteuen ly, there worth ta derive an algcnth Zor ion: coupuraion oF (£4) ‘Noting ecuutios (11), (7 wd 1, oe aan #60 that oe where

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