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BSTJ 50: 2. February 1971: The Picturephone System: Maintenance Plan. (Dougherty, H.J.; Peterson, E.B.; Schachtman, M.G.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 2. February 1971: The Picturephone System: Maintenance Plan. (Dougherty, H.J.; Peterson, E.B.; Schachtman, M.G.)

Maintenance ‘The Picturephonc® System: Maintenance Plan By IL J. DOUGHERTY, B, B, PETERSON and MG, SCHAGHTMAN The addition of Peturephoue® vere tothe conmwrications services aie by telephone operating companiea requires tht adiional main leans tnt be performod by the pl! feroee. The Meturophone plan ‘previ th erate fr ier fin ne vids slephowe wteauct nations with exiting tdephoxe asnenance fusctons. Meeimum ae ff builesn tating feature an he auithing mockine and the faces of sama tenting fase thet are a legion extension of tephont tenting rangement provide cemomizal and comprehensive tools for cccampliaking the complex tars 0} intliaton, eet acceptance and trouble Staton, The esiity of the plan permite the canmdiation of advonced taciiqus to the fld ob well a8 prompt appraiel of fel Th plan ie deserted in terms of te major eenmont, in maintenance {or switshing, Ives and trans, The Snteretion f th maicuanes hard toare acragenent eth the Pictatsphone plan! i ondind together with (a cere of the work Loations a ezample of lasts to be cepts, ‘Mainterunce plunning for Piclwvephone service bas proceeded con ument ly wit the overall planning of equipmers and servoe wreangee tons, Subscribers will expect Plctuyphone wervicw to be wl high Auality and to provide naz'y troublo-re2 opersting performance, Ae scenic the ocher popere ia this lave, the complex eletronis used ta provide Pieturephne service hus the potzntial to complicate the tredi- tions] maiztensnes fenetiers 0: trouble detectica izlaton, end zeal Asin other aspects of the basis concept af Pietunephone service, the tmeivlenane ll be integrated with the curent miitennes and ad tninistratioe opertions of the telephone company, providing dstine! cost advange. (Maintenanoe end Plant Operation jn the telepbone operating com rane be elas into these broad heuings (9) Prepacny for servos, (a) Previcing service, G5) Sustaining seve. ‘The fist of chase categorie involves selection of eable pita snd verifies om tl telephone plant is suitable lo provide service ordered by a customer ob an appropriate ervieo dave. Normally, a suitable pool of unesegaod equipment is available to provide the serve £0 thas the noed or holding s sevice order ean be avuidet. Ness te m= plementation ofthe serve order requires tht the selectad equipment bo eoonectod end theeby dedicated to the ase of « single evetomsr im the tare of individual Hes or the eagregale of customers in the taza of trunk and central office equipment. Verification that ese fequipmente and intaronnations arg in fact operable ia zequired he fore the eevice may be started. Finally, thore will be ocessions after ‘the stant of serve When toxble ass, requiring msintensnes selon. Planning for mainlenanee bas also recomised taal Mlturephoe service ia new and complex service thee initially will be provided fon o liuited basin, When caaidering rsincenenee, the eamplenity ‘and imied seope of inital Pistwphone serview wore al cos pur~ poses, Complexity (and newness) oupled with inexperienced erait Deople sugget tae need fr ivaieate aad expansive vee entipment de- ied to make decisions for che exait people (GO-NO-GO testing). A Timited ite! network, however, ean il afford higirpriced hardware since the pereustamer cows bacoms exeassive, The stadeof! betwezn fheee factors ee decided by the projected growth rale during the inie ‘Hal years. I he abecote of clo indication that a erong growth of service would oot in the snitial period a large expendilare [or eom- plex taintenshos hardare i not juctied. An aecgpiable alteroive Je the ase of les expensive baniwaee, operated on mzual buss, oupled wth owrfulteening of ert people capsble of adapting to n ‘riety of staationa, The aburage oF elled manpower vomlicetes itis approvel, but it ie antcioned chet the measured grow of the service wil tot overshelm existing training espabilty. During the Jail sevice perod, additional infermasion wi be gathered to guide ‘ho devign of the next generation of complex end aulomalic haréware capable of quality maintenance for 2 system of incensed sige and ising generally available oraftanen, ane TREANER MAN ms 21 Bosie ‘onsidraions ‘Tie philoophy dhot hse guided the planning of Pistnephone maine ‘eounet opaations hs bean based upsin seri of objertivs, nekading: (2 Acrangements vo insur service incegrity and change sey (G3) Fenturs for antometcelly detecting utd idankying trouble, (G8) Mentures Zor manna trouble veriteation, Ineation, and reper With centred sting fetes here fis (8) Provision for one-man test opernous tothe maimum exten possible, (0) Capedilty of adding additional automstic txt arrangements ss serve demande incre, Primary empbasie wes piarat on rete segue? to avure tht ele rigicated by customers nec vomalied 20 the destinations desi with securste Feconng of sharps, One aucio aud two video tranemision paths muse be established between the originating cuslomer and the istans perty. Feilure to complete ny of thee paths should alas bi dstectae so esto avoid fake hing and to promply indeabe ‘eed tu redil, Whete povsile, couse detention ehould zee an Slat. v> Lnnble record ead reicval af Gealty equipiens fom er ive, Rotsipt of the trouble incication should ease smmodiate action lay the mointananee Tavees. Barly comeetve notion enhanced if one-man test operslions ars provided. Automation of maintenance fueome promises to provita further eum, redustions aa tae weape of Pioturephowe serve is exparded, As wtiowed i the Sntrecuction, tloee coordination wth taleabone viinierance wes & nesesery oo fideracion in ronieing all of ese ubjetives, Work loward mecting these objectives has reseed in a Siow Alsintenanee Plan, the ube Jeet oF this actisle. Ta geago she se ef the pln, one st eecognine ‘at the desianers of eerspaneat faults ad eubeyaivnn pect Tor Wir individual muingstene tho specalans lorkniguee end tans ‘ized for maintenanoe. In general, tse ems Gcatallatin tot set, Seouble detection eireiss ead alenie and epovial tess sets for touble fsolatinn snd repair) are talored to the specifi hardvare item acd ‘io nos result ia system inierseions, The Syste Maintenance Plan ‘en's with tae ensemble of wubsyctome tha! wombine to make up the Preturephone servioe netware ‘Tae plan anticiptes 4 Picturephons ays that ia not static, bul 624 sale 6m, ever aecuNcAL JOUER, PMIRDARY TL is constantly qroming and cbsaging, New station arrangements, new subecrber lin, and new trunks betscen switching ofess ms une ‘Senge overall utalation ana avesplanse texting. Addvione and ro lrrangeiente con adrereiy nfeetajaoent aipenent through human frtor aud therefore routine performance teaBng is required to delet ‘degrading serviee situations dr Wo the foregoing as well a8 nonal ‘ating ets, Hailunes detected iy routine tests and fallures reported bby trouble alarine requte that trouble tation testing be instituted fo aome mor portion of the overall syetex. These three yes of Seecing on the overall syetm employ similar prinsiles and require such the sme erafezan trining. In addin, eoneolidation of tain Ihe progeare win eonan uae of test aes for the three types ut tst= ing reelt im ooeteavings ical contdcrutious of adauinistation detated that hardware development snd the proeeiives forthe three bypes oF testing eon tinue ta be onienzed tows the separate areas of responsibilty as fol- lows: (3 cmtral ofc ewitciog, (3) li end station, and (i) trunk svintenenee, Tae plan envision that administrative procedures and the orginiaution of teeining programa Bell System Prectice, wud 1eo- fords be divided aoeording eo those tree rexponsbiliis, 23 Work Decations igure 1 is a simplified Mosk diagram of « Picturephone svitching fe, the local area served, and the trunking connecting che aie with the rmainder of the Pistuveyhono network. The figure shows the woke locations for switching, line aad (rank mintenance "Mintennnee opertions eeotintod with the switching mucbine are frgely automate and teke adventege of the common contol and tneintenance feolures previded for telephone maintencaco, Tolephone twitching machines provide for per-esll Lest to very the operation thd contizity through the ewiteh In sition, as an aid for opera~ tional and. tranemision teting, aulomutio fest terminations are normilly avilable to enable eraitemon ab distant telephone offices fr on customers’ premiscr i check cizeute without the need for ‘manual weitance at the evilching aching location Sinilar suto- tatie tet equipments are planned for the wideband switehing net- iwork when Picturphone ewitching espability i added ws shown in Fig. "Phe manual work location fr evitehing macbine mainéensnee ist the No 6 ecoutbar master tan frame in the maintenance cesta. ‘Trouble decesed by the avtamutic equipment ie indicated to whe eanermxcnon Pay 85 “Eifion in esto ith nee spe nd cralt pepe eae Une, sn werfeabinn tests ape conde using he text notree provided a the lent frame, Poll mal runt) of he machine {both telephone an widehend noetons) ix exreied fom {his work “orton ‘The basin yk for Pctweyhona serviae proves ha in nas see, ho eustomers video service will be logically elated to his tlephane rervice by Ihe mgilarIelehone vantine ‘Peleprone line saintensne 62h sy MUL orem THEA, JOURNAL, FEBRUARY 167 is ceatelned ino plank sevice center; Pictiephone line msinte- "bance ean be sccomplished from the sume lostion, Thereby, the Tine eord earce for both serves ane cooedianted and norm edziistrs- tive procedures cnn be used to handle all custome trouble, Teepione Tine testing is reoompliehed fom a tolahone Toeal test desk’ and Piatwrophone line tering ix aemmplished fm o wideband local tet Alas of new design. Far both ‘elophone and video, te asoees from th entraizc’ lest lcestioa to the thossonde o? loos werved Ty the bie is vn the ewiehing machine, Deperienoe has shown that this teas of aces for telephone tating is quite laquat; fo veo, the hiner vavialiaae in mesisresens due to varial pathe throug the fwich must be considered, although switch peravmarce i minor fouree of innairments? Figure | shows the work loogsion for video teming and tbo tet acess oth. "The recent ren i the route feetng of telaphono orn Iowan renctatieed contol of tie antomatie vesing,pavtcalesly wheze there tre Tange number of trunks nd trulegeoupe. La tho inital years, fhe numer of Pietuephone tous wil be small nnd, ia generar integrated wit the Itephone networs, Pictercphoneinceraiie trunks form an independeat network of se-wiee ‘unk Teclitos* diated to ‘Puetureptoneeorvies se, Similarly i 20 expected that the Pctara- phone NierareSy of switching ofeee il soinrile with t= talepbone ‘crore In ight of the rsltivly small members of rune wn oe, it ear thie « compler arrangement for centred mniniensnee ano be jurded ut fis time, In edition, the rerreive perfora te objectives for (oun aeguiro previee meamarements, «sulin teckaoal chelienge in ieelf, and. ceniraliation adds the potetis] be ulitional measuromest emer. In eonimet io Tine, the independenoe Of Plclureplone tran fom telepne trom eons tht cere ae 10 ‘vemiding adminis ive or nvord considerations hat make it mper- ive to Uist telepbose ard Picttephono trunks fom the same los tion. The work oeation is a: @ lowtbend in the visiity of the ‘nilehend Piturophone switch (Gee Fig. 1). This nearby location is goverad by the need to mnlsin neanly davies traneaission per- formanee in tha teebegotee lh Lo aecompich tho prosine rreneyre~ nents need for frank maintenance, Szort neces irks sing iin) erties teunsvssion eouipment, achieve the roqired“tranepareaey” ut Fersonable cut. Cantrabnation, however, met be anticipated, but it ectning for future eansidertioy. "To hie ead, switched acme wos thoeen for all wideband test avotes (in voniral lo some Ielephione practices whore seoes ie om a per-cireit jee buss) boceuse of the potential for fotore eonteliztion and tho tecnieal compliestions of providing dediestad pertrunk fack (ype access for the wideband Sirouite et standard levels ‘vithoue inmodueing intlerable path Iongth variations. Be Adsiiona Considerations In nditon Yo fators such a rinteentoe reqpousbices sad the stint wore lovations and test sees, provibion of transmission testing equipment for line and teunk ting bes boen based on tho Folleting aditions! considerations: (6) Initial serve analog trassmisson facilities for tines and tronks county sien. (G9) ‘Too nature of troubles and their prevalence will not be sell defined until sevice experiance i obained (8) Training of erafemen will be Tusitated i texting equipment fend provetures are antlgpis to those of existing telephone fd cucrier sytem, (9) Improvement and pdeting of individual equipment il be Souiiatd if initially, test ets aro restrict t single catagories of teste aad exo wo consolidated and i itoreeione betwee (eet insteurcent ao kept inane, ) Conte and develogmaent inkervabewoulé be minimized if “one Ghoshal” oommersial tee sete would be ulllgel or csi for Piturephonn torso "The system maintenance plen reaulted ‘rom a agathese of all of the sforemantioned considevtioue of erganizaton, technology, and cus. Tae folowing seetions det in grout detail wit the lan from the sinadpoint of the ewiching machine, ines, and tronks {1 Aainlenance oud Plant Operation Bunations ‘The wee of wideband emitting aotwark similer Zo the audio rutwor: usa the incuson of Pisteropicne features is existing com soa contol civeita paris tho Plturephone maintenanoe at pent operation “wnolions (0 he pxabined with te peesoe aucio Zunetions Figute 2 Euler te vrajar blake o the Plsturenkone eves ead the rmaintecance fac'tis for teoox’ing trouble iommation and testing thoes ina No. emsarcental loo Inlay Meturgtene vos i mnedopiy fem No, § omar mien ogee ihn ae ee Reh Mate ge eet ‘Decline win vultebiewidataad aetworke ate develeds

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