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BSTJ 50: 1. January 1971: New Results on Avalanche Multiplication Statistics with Applications to Optical Detection. (Personick, S.D.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 1. January 1971: New Results on Avalanche Multiplication Statistics with Applications to Optical Detection. (Personick, S.D.)

New Results on Avalanche Multiplication Statistics with Applications to Optical Detection Dy §, D, PERSONICK “Mia eer ay 2, 5) Tn this paver we devise eatites of thr eandam goin of eo type of die Aeth nitatral goin, Forte walle! pat cea, 2 ied the moment eras fusion fo obese ha probably davly which kur out be shite Bove Finan dow. ing the Cher inst, ws wooly the perfomsance of @ simple inary roaseee ing the above dere. Ti tnlttion, we azusly anoles @ rveee will a dserminiatc gain devie Wa wpe bond the deprodati Snowend fram thease of rename goin her than a daterinite ges, For the deviees win, te deat an be os sna es Hi? a lev svn ranges fname vate ise used fh fo, Practical opieel diert detection roseiver: ona employ detectors swith intomal un (anor them one oul retro on de average por Optiealiy or Uernaly guzezated primacy electro) to uvevome the fal roiso im calving stage fellovine the dette Sine the gaia fia rondom variable, is satieties et the splert perform. Tn cenain eyetons (eg linear anslog intewily soslialion wil Tear proceming wi «nan squage cor risk eiteion? ib 3 ecient to Ihnow the micas ard variance of (re rulers spin uo deeming pee fmmenes, Yuri autioist® bare exlculced tose siisties “or a Serily of avalanche mur tipTerocelt ln agal epecems wat a poo lof eam sal, ono need nave the probity density of the pit realnete parforcance 168 ign wren, srsrme THCREEAL JOUNNAD, JANUAR 167 “Up to now, little won han beoa published on these statistion* In thie peper, we derive the mowesh genereting function (and in one ‘nce the density) of the znuliglieaion stztsti for eo spovil eases ‘of evalmehe diode deteetare. We apply reaulla to periomaance cvalan= lion fora sim binary apical oesiver. ‘To underetnd the seeults whieh follow, wo bry seview sume me sulle whieh have eppestod in the Tieralare. ‘We ean model an avalanche diode 9 follows’ Incident Hight or thermal agitstion etutes the weeralion of s Role-lceten poir in a portion ofthe remieondnetor bulk of the devi, Amelie Seld acess {his bulk nor neeseaily uniforms in strenglh causes the eazzie to “rit in appropriate divetons, In certain regione of the bull where the field is sflcitly Bigh eaziee of ono type ar the otber pile up ‘hough energy to euler soning vollisione which result in the gen Craton of additional holesestson pairs. Bech of these secondaries my of course generate adeitional sotonderin, We wish wo find come ttatistioe of the total number of atoordries at result from given prisary (itiny generat) pain ‘To eae thi protien, wo muct pik the right bookkceping echeme. ‘raat is, after mnkirg more detailed aseamptione abows Ue sksore process eu find @-sehora whieh wil lewd to xa algebmeienl’s tractable oy of keving cack ofa ofthe eoeonderce, We ell colre for tome importealstatiscee of tire partiolar expo of wonlanche saukiplies in the next sestion lest, for both of Uae types, we tall make the following eeeump- jon. We require shot tho eld strength and bull characteristics be uch that with high probbiliy the interval (Gn time or distense at {you wih) Between ions oolivions of given earier i allcienlly Tver thal previoas ealisions do not appreisbly atect the ost of current colsion, Tht is, we assume that “ee ean model al! fonixing solitons of «given earier on ile way theowgh the Ligh fh Featon of the bulk as independent. We shall saaume thst each cariot ‘ype (ele abd elev.) has an agzocated probability per unit length DF eulering en jonizing rion. There probebllitcswssy be Cunotiens fF postion if the Held in the hulk Be act uniform, Av @ rol, he eames kml, ht lero te oa LTS tag of te setph cy ae aoa ABR avavancun meLanniogmos aramsntes 109 rnartber of secondavi divsely gonoratad by w gvien earmee Coat ine Cling secondaries generated yy feo seecndarics) i Poisson dis ‘usbuted with mean equal to the integral of the generation probubilicy perms length over tho path traveled by that execs ‘We nom ely two importa. special easee oF the shove, By epoval ace ie met cha seer on eae sazzier ile made ot ‘he oninsion probability per ust lenge, (Ceee Iwill earespol (ox diode in which Roles und estrone Inve ‘aqua collision ionization probulillies pee unit length. Ia such a died, wwe have 4 fesdback situstion where caries cavelling in one diree- tion erete earrensthinugh eollision traveling in the opposite dree- ‘on which ia tura erate etries tesveling in che oriinsl retin, ste For sich a ese, we sll ac thal Use meen number of pairs die reclly remting Srom any piven pair, which ia @ Zuetion of the a= plied voenge, rst be lone than on i onder ta uve sa (non-in= nite) multiplication. Caco 2 will voreapend vo n dice where ly ‘one ype of eariar eamss eallsin generation of new pairs. Such & {loge eed Zo ve union gi su, eur 12 ram nevi ro9iRanION PoamaeEsTY DDE Suppose we aeeume that the fusion probabil for holes and eetons (ot a given velocity} sop equal We so essime that the ‘hape ofthe high Bld zion of sho bulk i ash chet ts length pale to te fl ie eonstont Av a roslt rs maces re ip ve bal hole tceetom pa ie ereted the wen othe distenecs inte high fol region Inovelld hy the two earcar is the sauue{aine they teavel in epposite Alireetions}. More inspect, Te Wolal number of wcumlariesdirceiy ‘grated iy the to oeziere ie Poisson distbuted with rman equal {o the integral of the ioniaution probability per unit leggh over the total distance in the Bigh field region paral to ho fied cenveled by both ener, which is content (or Fig. 1} ho fuel that the lnlistes ofthe soronlries directly gonerated by given hole-lec- tron pair is independent of where chat pair Htelf i generat is the Touldkeeping ail we all next explo. We dacuse a ype of random rultpler which ie generalized cacy of he above tubtpleation proces Consider the following random multiplies. Lato tae dovien we send ‘egunt” (ahien for ihe wulaieke diode correspon.’ to a 170m ms, sweme cmomIesn souRsaG, sexuuay ta Inoleelacteon pai), This cous onetaces “aie” a sandomm number of fscondersesnnlary emits. What we mean by “aieety” eal be ‘leer praweatly, Pach feseonler stomdany eon independently gen ferstes a random miner of seeond-onder ascondary ort, Analo- ously, each sevondany of weder (if any of this order aze eroted) soncrates « vandom camber of (j+ 1) ore sesondacea. For any freer j the probability density governing the numaber Bor Gj + 1th beer scondariesgenseated by thy oul i (6). We emphasize that fs Fubeortesk aesimpioa in she eamsing analsn ithe feet thet a Deceuilay of any uc gataatagzigher-avder sooo erie indepé=a- lyf whet neder ik aad ROW men other counts of euler aides ere ae ‘We ane intersted in datersining “ho alatetioe of “he tel maker of eounts of a onde me esl ell dhe input coun an order ser Sevotiary fax couvenienes). One proscdure il be as follow, We sll Find staiston of eam of the counts up fo order, cay, nin torres ht ihe sation of The sam af counts up to oxder 1 Since we Tenow the attitve of the snr of the counts up to ordar zero (oemey ‘there is one count) saul ender 1, we we induction to get an expression for the satstes of th tals a af al egunts of all errs. (all the rumber uf wonly of order j the random vavible S,. Re- rember thet those ooute are caacorly generated by all counts of fonder j— 1, Now eal the sun of the Strom vero to ninshuive the Tandhin variable @., We seek the stlistiee of the random variable Gz wih ie he leit of the Cy a m goes to infinity and whith is w= futsed to exis, (We shall sprm te that for Ca to ve fn tenn the ‘Sree camber of vel srmaries par primary mt be lee that 1.) ‘Ae meationed, we ais lo detevnine rome statistics écfired upon the pavdal suns @,, For :ousans which will soon be leu, e define foods 3) aa th distzete joist denalty mG and Gy (ie, te toh rhiity that simucancously G, equals ¢ und Gs equals 1. Nov we tke the question: How can wa have (ip~ ¢ sven Gyn ~ v eesuming > sgeoter than y? Well by defaition S, must equal the Wiferanco:t ~ y. ‘That is the mumer of wt-onden arcondaries ust he x — y. ow ex Lie happen? We know Ge 1 =v: Sanpete 3 = = of comer lees then ¥ for equal). Therefore 8,., = y ~ s.Tt is thse secondaries (Le, 8) ‘which must eontsbute 2 y mil-onlr eecondures, Whe probably That Se = wand that Gyo = 9 8 Jue fy, wal Ww. The prod iity Past the tamber of wih-cndes steondaxiss evucted by these ‘u(y — 1)thconder secondaries i 2 — y isthe probably Unt w inde- pendent eandom variables whose distributions are al Fik) edd uo to hi i eimply f(2 ~ y)} where (2 — 9) athe convolution ‘with eel ries the en evant at wh wellknown ceelt bout sims of leet ran vavicblen) Thus the pmbabilicy teat equals # aad Sea = a eel De oolubil~ ty Hah Gioy = 9 and Une — yw and thet u soeoveeies of order ‘n= Veemit in 2 — secondaries of oncer nthe presaling average tsa easble vale of a svete fog = Lee a h.8) w sshune 9 Sethe comvehuion off sith fel? = ie. ‘The nest sep we bal ake ete not inteive, Ley come fram expen levee wih desting with equations ‘ke equation (1) Bnet to charge eanvoluiont lo wrodue's, Laplace tasform equa- tien {1} on both varios 2 eo sing the earesponding trancorm vatisbles sed Min. 0- Dhnkadew eet = LEE MM w esac 3) ef) = E La coieng 9) ee 0) ep (fen A Mats) $F bs HDs wets fale) ie given by? WG = bs E 1 ew ee. 9 172 ram omy seer mosaosn sounnan, saNTARY 187 Levama: The iterative rsltionship bn equation (2) impin the ser ‘ive relation Mal mele EL le acl OD Proof: Using induction, We kaw the jun moment generating fun tien of Gy and Gy sine Gy — L wth probability 1 and G) = 1+ 8 random veniable with density £18) My les) = exp EE ai ‘Using equation 2} we obtain Maes) = 0x8 1G) HEE BD YE EF BO expe EL det vl] ‘which i leo the rule prior by equation (3) ‘Now assume realign (8) bats for some aebitrary 2. Then wsing counlion (2, we ubteia o Meryl Male Lek t= wa) 6 Sembee le = Hl) F PAln aa e+ E+ Yl, — BOND ‘which ing our eeu 2} ssamedinvely piel Masa — elt Yalln Maris OO ‘Phys fequisiom (8) hols for x = jit olde for = j 4 1 Far ‘thermore equation (3) bee for » ~ 1.‘Phas the lemon i proven te Te we se: (0, she we heve the moment genevcing ‘uration of (Gyn terms of the moment geuerating furetion of Cs psn) ~ density of mm 2h AEG) = Zp exp om (4,0) sf.) exp Gm) exp (OP, Ba) 0) — exp f+ alln Mo, = ep fe #alln My s(8)) Now semsme the sconce get higher and higher, the peobebility of fa sreondary of that onler gow down Sart enough vo that My(8) ¢o- OM escasone ererrcamon star im wvormes (icy me got ¢ finite muaber of clatzon-bole pits ou! Spee to ese pin "Phone at Malo) — exp le + Hella (ACO: co) We obtain the diteretis equasion® sn = acai + vn 40 M08 Tic araioiy In prinsple we con solve for Mfyle) using equation (11) and we an tlc the iaveree Laplace trarsferm tp Bd pa(m) tho probity ff tho rez ofall che seronlaies, 1 alton we en soive for all he moments of C, without. inverse traneurting by repealed diferente tion of equation (11) wll hy Showa the nex soion 3.0) = an Gotting back to the avalanche diode with equal cueries collision ioniostion proabvie, i ela Cha, ene seedy (pale) arated a he mulsplention preeessdissineed in Scotion TTT prvluers igh rds aoordares na dseareod in Section TV with j(S) 2 Poin de~ Fihy ith ear ec to the ingen af Eve ivan yay per swt Teneth over the path af un wleteu pe he ile el region ofthe bls, That is ite soto 2 the mons of tbe deily J “Prom equation (2a) ws tain 0) = Fleas 69 — 0 ca) ging ine equation (11), get a a) ay 14 we oa the total muanber of puis in the esmonee & (Tae Chin) we Ihave (0 is t random viele equal tthe fatal nier af eerie 14 ee ween armce TaoMeAL Jove, sAKUARE hole aire at the outyue reeukng fem a iat pale R40) = 24469] = = 21" ~ moannernntry pra responn wee |, a) tate (24) sm tee of i pa “9 “This sornespnnds to epee ny previons anthor! which were limited ‘tm ouleulating these fet tivo momente. Wo ean enolate all order ‘oments, al fo ain we oan numerically integrate eavation (4) (o obtain AFC Returning ta the disgutsoa of Seton: EL suppose thabonly one type of gserier saubes ‘unin, velivinne. Porter, ossams thut the pr0b- [sity pee ane lengsh of an dovisng ca:sion ga a exoscr ofthat type teaveln the the Tigh Geld rege of the bulle Se eonlenl-P- Alo eae Shel the ri waver of ue ioaing ype ecetig the uli pliesion process wil travel a Ctal distance W on ies way. trough the fralliphcaion region, We shall nos art np booldkssping® Divide the tultplenon zegioz ito Eneremenis of Tength 8. Mogel the muli- plicuion procss as follows ‘oot Fx} Let pu(n) be tle probly risen at the begining of tho Mh increment when the ereize pass that pint. Aerume cash of choo exrrone generates a Poisson dis- triluted number of ewe esaties Sa the fh Hnererent with mean $2 Total niaber of exeier a the besicning of the (k + 1) inere= iment givon WY are presen ak fas boginning of the Ath ierement ie Y Dive « nandenn vaste moss demity ie the above Poisson density fonvaved with elf Lines, Therefore we have (by anzument siar fe tow in Setion TV) read — EpGPt'— 9 a9 ly of the number of earsins n aH ‘whore Ps'(n is the Mold convalusion 1 the Lape trassfor Dray ow ti * > an = MK +9 116 = E89" eas eta = a tem 0 0 hin = 98600 = Mo) — MW) exp ALA) — ID. as, Proof: te input, re have ane count, thsefore LG) = ow @ By equation (17) we have Malo) = eH GA lox 1) 49. uo) But equation (18) Uae veull yi emotion (1). Tae (8) 176 au amas svete memeess rout, JANUARY 107 fon k= 1, Next, wen ey ation (18) i trv for = &, by (18) (9) — M0 exp (BAIRT.f) — 1) 0) ing equstion (17), wo obtein Mau) ~ MenlGal) a) exp (aLMeal¥0) +9 ~ 10 = 4) op (640240 — 1. ‘Ths by induction, the lame is true ‘Wonew wish to lot a approach zero, Deling y= en als) = Peale) | BAloxp (Ye 6) — AD Een = ee) = 1 es tarp he ese fps i thy kisi sogion} And whare Oa) tie, 310,91 = eae sine tre is ane pair et # = 0). Solving aque to (2) ee bean (= —— @ Mo8 = Tappan ep 8) whieh enn be checked hy diineaten ere erahite equation (25) at = 37, we obtain 1 MON) ~ age ey where @ = exp (9TP) = (0/00 MU, @) oy = mom multiptinstion = teenage number of pine a€ the output in zeeporae uo a initial pair. "The eormesponding probability density of Ue tnisl carrer leaving ‘the ullipiation tego i che Inger Taplaoe transfor of M (, 8) 1s given by equation 12), es

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