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BSTJ 50: 1. January 1971: B.S.T.J. Briefs: An Image Band Interpretation of Optical Heterodyne Noise. (Personick, S.D.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 50: 1. January 1971: B.S.T.J. Briefs: An Image Band Interpretation of Optical Heterodyne Noise. (Personick, S.D.)

B.S. J. BRIEF ‘An Tnage Band Interpretation of ‘Optical Heterodyne Noise By S.D, PERSONTCK Menor seen Auge 1,190) Cpties! heterodyning art homodyaing duterysng to bessberd} have beon etudied by various tulhors~* The inermediate frequency or baecbund signal that is obtnine Ty ideal apical beterodyning or hemadzning eonste of the signal chat would bo exper from class inal analysis pos en alded gaussian quatre role. Tho variance of is cna ise Evie as Large fa the heterdyningenae in the hemadynirg eaae. Since elaseully Welorodyning need not Toe ne dvad vantage ner bomodyaing, tes owls Pr: eee ourlig. We shall how below Viol ln disadvantage of beteredyning cam be Snfrnenod aman unavoiseble “mage Bard” quanti noe. We shall ‘ing Ihe both euistealy and ferzally ng qvamtan fe “hoor: Constr the esse hetorortye evstam, Two radiofrequency (RED ‘nue war rorlibate to the intermediate frequency (TF) output. One conitins te desired sigue pita aeroisted Nokes oowapying the signs found, I other ia the image hend eoutsising image Darel nies Classically, to evoid the noire alle TF due to che Sage bend, we fier ene the IU image band before i aan enter the recivar fro el a th quantum ease, we have qjuantora noise ac the TF due to the lent bard onl the fae baal Tike Fhe claeieal cae, we cumaat climnate the image band quartum nose, Thue he:crodyring Ys sion (he: quentan nose of bomeder‘ne (which hee no ingo bul ‘We shall now show that the “noisy qunntann helrpyae measure tmnt of the signal on s mede of # quantum feld often deseribed in 2 came nat terms of an everoomplete act of measurement statesé can be deseribel in tems of © compatible pair of meceurementa on tho product eptec fof that mode art aa extranet unde” Sunpose chat she densily operat for « single “signa pla) Held in a bowaded sepion of rouse ie (using Uke nataon of RL. Gileuber 1 v9 the = | Apov lea > <a ‘whore 3 ia proportioal tn the thermal nose vanianos, a, and fae omplox rub (? repretncs sigue nd |, > eam eigenvector of ts anihilation operator which aloag wih is edjoit a sates oe) We could estimate the real or imaginary part of by meaauring ata Mm a Dut they do not commute se manok eessured sirsllanesly. Consider next another field mode as “image mode” whisk does ust ‘igpent on and whit has sxbitrsrly amet thermal noise, Le, ite enmity operator is p= [dyes niin > <a lea = 2 Since the sunihilatiry 2 enon operstor of Ue sige] mode oo= isle wth the amnihilsion and eration operstore of Uh mgr mode, the fatoming two oneestars dened on te produc: spn of theta des eon Ly = Ho. ba) + Ha, + ai, 1 pas Le "The density aperarer of the pods ypc i nly gy Ube pede: ofthe density operstors ‘The joint momen: generating fmoron ofthe random rarxble which rosie fro siullanoos nensaremnent of fy end Fk Myla, 9) ~ Blow [aFs(outaon)] exp [obs(outoone) eax exp (ala) exp (oa gto ollowing proper’ exp (A) oxp (8) = exp (A + exp 14, PI (a, td, a and Bua, BL swe obtain PR.) ec8) emp Gul) oxp 671 = exp WRU exp fe Te GS] exp 2 + ARHIVA BH = exp MRE ex fe Ito GH ew [Hh + oTYRIOVH? + DL for MEN Mt) cto tant whios isthe resol ebiained By pliysias) hetsvodying™? AP-& N comesponts lu Bilevog nage hav tie) Af we bad meneuzed Mf, = (0° = 2/2 aloo, the oteome random ‘uriabla would ve momest gonenaling funtion wie =p bs) re on a) =e ex [¥ 2+] ‘high ia the ret obtained by pbysieal homodyaing.™* ‘We oe Unt the homodyne measurerat has belf the geussian quan tort noe ata to the reel pare of ff (bic in tan osteorne meen) te the heerodyae mcasurement has, However, if we muse now both the ree ond izainsy parts of, we muck heterodyne, vnge bumnox diyning ram only felt ame pas we the other (nse we spit te xe ‘rived signal in hal and hoarse eat par), 216 ime wens oveemae mETene sou, ANTE Wo toe érom tae above thus the aor that betoroyning results in twice the quantum ken? homnodgning is nob strange ab all. Tae dod nove fs oily and vigorously accosinted with an image band which can eontribate exe noize classically as well 1, Oli, 2, M, Meal te aies rai ie pholneteic wing Poe, TE, SEC [cote Tell pp APA 0) No. anne ia eg CTE Comment ous in plate mii Rew ie pt (September Tp 2 6 tour Wage okt Nowe alnian Slesvnia, New You ‘anc

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