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BSTJ 40: 5. September 1961: The Effect of Driving Electrode Shape on the Electrical Properties of Piezoelectric Crystals. (Lewis, J.A.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 40: 5. September 1961: The Effect of Driving Electrode Shape on the Electrical Properties of Piezoelectric Crystals. (Lewis, J.A.)

The Effect of Driving Eleetrode Shape on the Electrical Properties of Piczoclectric Crystals By JAC TEWIS. os the povart separ genoa! cela snc evil i Torte of 3 reso Imatonelcapacianee, ane dori lpi rte ineatiptin of the "fit of electri shape on te seca af resnauere and Be eparonce Fula ath ergata. Pactoaar etention te aie i fo anne af acta ty amatl pcm rng an hen sya ate she vee edit of 2 frupuncice and cae an Pivalelae expat so ecilatons, Fg. {shoes type itt rupve fae sch a esa ful Fig, 2 shows tar eornspording ec low Ctwencins the expel tchaves lke a eapaeitor, mth a eapacitanes sp Dsinetly wil to the state eapactanee bel the deving elie or tsst wri lems fs. Tews. Drs the panrestie ete, a upp aleraing tere Fe causes the evatl to vibrate ane, st cova naar rece of fee vibration, it riven inn weston deal nace iy the apple vlog Ts the wsighberbood of wae stn Foes, Me a an 0 the syst ie heey approximated the imple euler Fig 3 This he quivalent svt emamonly need in he aplietions Tis a gua apprestmition ove «freuen nage popertinsal tothe staring bwtween the resonant fequery, ah whieh Uae ae tane fe invite Cn abectes of dissipation jy ed the atisenant Beene, ewe thease eda Tr soll cll suns rl uig hs sping ert to the vapaeanve matin rs fora trae he rao a a josie Besta al Parse bav shown hove this mage be dome I280 er MrT SvEMTAL THe. ZOLA, AHURA ek A hgh frequents, where many neonsnoes may ofeus within 8 er ow frrpieney range, she simple eqnvaient eve of Fig 3 may teas tobe apabiala, However, i always poet al eat in pincpl, fin! ar okrtnale eonfigaral aie es a ease eee tans of those reser, A wipe exarpl ie exude eee ei sion, estiking only svimmetie modes of free vibvarion. Vormet™ tas sSioon theseetinay yd experientally what tae appnprite eleateode Supe fs forthe longitdindvradions ow pemeletre hae Tn the fellowing, ve consider both the question of capacitance mio nannies und thal af een suppres in an deta fom che theortral point view. ‘The “nverigation Fe aividad into cbree pets Tx Sarton IL clugugh Ve eonsider the gxeral pmblem of sti ‘throne ofa pisorostie hed, The eign tbe i the = tious are the pigorloctie analogs of surousjntegra Hheorans of che Seal chat, Fosa, for insane, sn Love? We prs, fe expe tha the material particle dsplvemens eormsqnining (a tve diferent lwcrntex) muORETERS oF ruegoLuenW eRseRALS 1201 rredos of foe eibmition of peaeleetsie ody are ural [ash as Mey ase for an ordinary cli Ia “Te prinipal results of tess scion ee yw cxpressons for cho ‘eqivaten eloiien adnitanen of 47 piosleteie body end for che notion repalianmes, he ater expres iadiates how the eles ‘mfguzaton mst be chogen to suppress n given ronan, ‘Section VII is devoted to the case of ll pvorlestie coupling, in whish, 9 4 fins eppronimatinn, we mag separa Ue aehanfeal su esta! problems complete, has making i powble to obtain more Caplets han in the gonéral es A sample reset sates that the Snir rahe 470 36 egal br de equate of that pion of The init electieal energy shih ys Faro eRe he my divide iy the prod of the chloe easy the desing Tell and the slvcineseegy of this mse of res stim. cinta by prodt of fn saealetons we tenn pper an foc Tao the chess Snnant feqetes. prose hy a eatnae in rere conigceation ste upper bol on te razasitanro mtn "rally i Srolavos VII ee 1X, star ase of che simplifications plo whee pace bly rn thin ple, i particular obtein- Sha mn eapheitselston forthe slectonde configunsion ximisag the Capscitane ratio. Ac sip althoush somewhat rll example, tre consider the low fournty haiti! wiration of a pceoleet ss ‘ar the example tated fy Wouter in se decal using thi example to point out sont ot Ne advantages, wl as Ue felt, in the Iseical pplirasion of Uh atrging tecuiqus, ‘Bevorecommeneing on dionesion of (hos problems, few general remoris may be upp. Tn ender 0 apy the tebniguespreeently Drones, soresdhntle detailed infraction sont the modes of ins ‘imation i reaied Cn voll, each dnfermatien see salar Fly for few spel ruse, Hoe, of let for crystal plates, i ape Sears shat sith iors say be wba y Phe approssmete thee Tole teninces eve Ey Malin wl Mis cooorkess* over the couplet pre infarc, Hae 2y smi ota ee Ce lust dese, Beperimen:al meted sine an clots probe whieh mey Ihe more aver Ube efaes othe ryt te ashe metho dovlace ne Fs Dyk acd ayia, Play sant Tees te abo yield te ested in‘ormton, Conversely, newsorement of the cleteehadimt- Ses of give enya’ for worn olssrede eorfiguations and driving Frequencies ney sie owisderabe ium abo: mode shapes. ‘The esations governing the slay vilnatone uf a pkomeletrin ceystal at angle Srcpeney aay bs wit inthe fw Tost ous =O. w Da =O, 2 ‘whore Tse thertoss emo,» the ma dense, the materiel Aislasement soetor, aa! Dy the elestedplarement vector. in Te following, we nae Ca-asian tri note lion (xe, [or exemple, Ieee! in shiek. cominne dance lifer lain wih espe to He rts coomnctte (ay et} and & repeated eubeenipt adcatez sramatio, ower al peetble slurs of tbat sutserns. Thus for example, 12) ie ues tho ural quasiteie eet id oyion, stating that he Aivergise of the sectie ioplacement ete wisiehes, The =pmboin need for stows, sic, nt ex thos ned by Meson.” In the ear of ¢ piozoclovsie moditan the ste 7, end lets die placement Dare given iv tore ot the strain Sy ad elesie Held fay the liner aati nett ave elaine Ty = eB eas (i De wu'Fet eoeSony uw ‘and ace given i rms of th partile displacement wand letra potential Vy the reicions By = Bae tech 6) om ‘The elastic aonteane oven, piezelztre sonst ri, end dcteone constants «sat sho semmetey rations pence, Pontes 6 tnanmuxeme eHnerie 1208 We sti lan have aoension to ye the allemate constitutive relations Tein Bia — ee @ B= BAP. hw ish Sy — Toe m 0) ssbene rink The net of the parler cel especie hy the phescelon tie ronplingeoeieiene fy here A” ey Le glen by any ono af the hn Miserstolnes ratio, ee 18 ae, WML, «4, ee Being mpm fevvative valies ofthe verenponding materia” sonstants Por all ral Dismeleteir materi ss compan wich unity ye pitiele diegcement asl corte poentiel setting the reading eiatiasin a pleruclririe nly 1, ae compistely eterna Ty te npeitvaion of ert conditions on ie unbaxe oe Pi Wie shall sive seeunce tht (ve bly supported i eich Fashion Ua is sia eee of tions ey Mou = 0 ay 1264 vin Yet. ste TRERITENE. JOHN PTE 108 fon S, where ay is the outwssd anrmal vector. This assumption is nt essential ae nl onside asta well the eas of iid or ni) appr, It coe, hnwever, rake the eiheeennt aigebra tomcat super "The body in nana tab dive bi stant emplitude 1, applied betwaen clectendea S its mirfoee, Ts i voltage of eon fan, plat on re a2 ‘the remaining sztee i cesamed to be feof plating, On Us por ion of the surf, then, one hs two conctionenequiing tht the po- tata and nureal elect digpacement bo equal o the potenti aad ormel clvtrie diplacement sn the externa eld, We may ster lug fel rts asta formally sop requis that Reanim Ue preredg sorton hold shaihout sll spe Cesc tay Shand 8), with the sey lain, aud paaceleote constants at ‘shing dentally ouside 1! and the deere constant caside being ‘hat of free space. nthe following we shal inate tha a inte ie fo be taken overall epoce by using Me in plane af B. Ty complete the et af bourdaryeosdtions, we seme het 1 vaiahes a lar isn fom B.he esteraal bel i ookzded hete oly few frmal hal vm plete; in amos all pencil problems i sf mele inpertanee Supper thol se and 1 ste any: Calah'y cantina) veer wa ‘raat functions, dined on # 8. Note shat, bees previo cane enti, V is actually defined threngant all space. We Stal enste that Vi eoatinnons actors $e ena infty. Ts geval vous, ‘uss wll oe sti the equstion of the poveeding sot. Hiner bb introducing susable volume and surface fore, P,, Ts, and vole sd nace chase, go go 8 anty conatractabrandary val pulon ‘ise by nes fanton Fis wn rulelale stains nl electra eld cumponenis, Si, By foun (6) and (9) an atieces env elesiie disgasetnent somponents ‘tam the eonsticntive latins, (3) and (4). The mainline af volume fren and charge ams then gy Ue rllione oh = Tay t pslag whose isan aabitars pve eval Silas, the distributions of unre fore and charge Sa Te = Pay n= Wales ‘vhero nis Hh enswatd noma to Sat (8h jumpin the lets Gisplacement resto anos S, given by [D1 = (ia = (Dade Now suppose we Base any iv pins of meh fneions (a! 7, fu, V") anal eaealate the sorreponding eee, eletie diane. rents te. Then she divergence Ubewrer yields [wnastan = futon as — [ssn an, ay [vpsone—[v'ntnas tf wiocan, an front 4 otoran—— [otreas +f [ovata fracas [mene an, or wssniple, fe fad slaatione previously considered, AOE) NE = La, Phya eB EP maa = 8, ‘io ond rsarogerent of 151 and (46) yi [ona edhe eeu tB TQ, 1D ‘ure Vises a het ehage Ss oe focus ~ fides as) [Note that, by our previo convention, oven? aud wan outside Faunsion (17) eseiily stairs that the niga of the poten een, mide up of the strain enong nd etvtatie energy, and the lsnotc ceomgy i equal to tie ener paeing inte 8 theough 8, du to tho ap ped voltage Por fae vibrations, wis fm, V3) — CP %atoy (17) pies the 1266 on a. srRAC RARE, OMAK, ARPT 18 Rayleigh cuotient fr the sural freqeney ose Tminran ‘his relation euggets thet th fect ef pimaelectcty i incre the vubural frequencies over tbe values they mould ave in an ordinary ‘Shot body wich the elise constants ey", In Sersion VIE ae sal prove thse this isthe caee fr emall paneer coupling elie Ti ww mines (18) from (18) sal sesanage toms, 8 btain [eer sare) rt tan + [oat — vas =f esere — Biota “This oquavign ail add sc wes in eta pean Goble prize fuga ek Furr ROT RSD! ST — Bue, sex hs ~ * 420) = [meat = stot) = vradyan = fovcey veces ‘This inthe anata frm of she ss nsiprralUheosem (20 Hef 43, Chapter VIE, ps 174) lie «peeled bly. Ln words it may be ‘ate fll ‘The dierence tenceon the wveanint sl rcinl vam done by the force (ancllingKsviereccions} aed aoe th fe oy ating wr ‘He diplomat it putd pro My the Boon st opal te aiferouenUetven Br ovchenral na cet! sens dane ly the Sores ‘ana charge of the sod dst, ating over the Aaplacements alert roca by te fr We nore mtimn to the problem of fered vibeatons, dessin Sor Vin Tao TL. Tho equstons nd bors enn ene of Mos eto uncnueh pxSHRTINA om Prnzmaneniue enyenacs 1207 ornpletely deteraine w atique partie digplocement yard pientiad orp a contain ala rerio 2,2 = 1, 2, 0009 where 01 [elcid futon tc of the fr vibration peobiem, eh P= 0) ye demote The ahstion o the slic pron with w = 0) by wee nny satiny all of the peering equations and boundary outa eseept {13g hy setting Law, en versdars, a vere the asa to be determined to slify (1. Sie 1 = Pog! eau = 0, ve tis ease (1) ead i Ele oe ) ‘Nowe euppose.we st (42,7) = ORAM (HPA) = Gn, wich Ga rere it (20). Wirebiain so thot displucenotssomrsponing to two diesen natural Feguences tre nethoginal, jos as they ave in aed chsiiy. Thon, wa piying 22) hy and eteting over H, we hin pied =a [what att = ot [a se oti 20, hi wh C0) = GAT Co r= ow? [vinta =f viptias = vy fits Thos 25) pata? ~ eT ae tan efron 86a note the identities 1268 mm ENT AYEHDON MFCMSTOWE. JOURRAT, AROUND 16h pot [uracan - [ete on sPH)a, Cry Lf vaneingas =f rootSisst blaine by di potion th vere theo Yio mm 2qWaLONT REMIND ance ‘singh ayyganai develop i he proves tions, vw angle ‘atter to obtains general expression for the adrittence of the eral body. The admittance Yi) is the ratio of the total input curren /, int th ryt ha wll Fase erm Th erent rae of nope of he lsal hana Qo Ube eartnale 8, wha a [wives sar arf thous wows 1 Seno v0 = hove the stnia samen C, is given ay wan 3) toate f tases » [toss o,_{L) ” of we set

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