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BSTJ 30: 1. January 1951: Theory of the Negative Impedance Converter. (Merrill, J.L., Jr.) PDF

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Preview BSTJ 30: 1. January 1951: Theory of the Negative Impedance Converter. (Merrill, J.L., Jr.)

‘Theory of the Negative Impedance Converter By J. 1. MERRILL, J (etait Bestel Yay 3.1350 staring ie ‘ike se ace tr Lernapuenion NEW type nf ielaore epmiar kina ashe Bf ea dang reer met The lange dead nthe exchange en for anc ‘omic mears of proving treason gine o° about £09 in tee wire Tap bres, deere ots less ta ye 2 ype ha me he Sadan! igri, tay sins of mylyn ve erent he Bl System. The diference i sat fade pesble by adileence in axerasing Deneiple The TH reester expieys a eye o feedback emplier Ce asin hie ea be od to have the prepertis fa negative mpecance converter. Tie ye of per nse: open tat Ene nega relincetnmverer hich fea vee for tranalonring peste pada he negative naan Negative inpecance se paatve elance ean have (20 components reactance ad testance. The weactnce conposest cn be ether pasitie lagative. Honescy forma impedence toe aegative she eisance comp ert stole be aegtive at some fecusncy ia he reage fom. aero te fuiy heen of gave veiteas ovina awry 8 yee gy and ne Iegining sas with she eunept of pine meee ean Tit neg er fot te leva Ul fv ermal evn Srl ie rend wtih bala ununtal propery we Saeed sien lh ing tna ici en poutuce Une same ho of euctent a would fw eet eaten fue prvige eit R were move rons this th, Sppassily, she accion ton sei of 4 sye-temsing eemnt cul mee tale an amount of resistance equal to R. Thus within ert fequency lft this oer device cule bo eae as a negative resetnes equal remegntae to ‘nezoay ay xian menace oosvEER » In the cary dese of vocuums lube deveapment tae negative resistance ‘lee se considers to Bean inptant ne. Peasy the eenerative wae un ie cet ascocisted ith dhe early rae rivers trl saest ike sche the ofthe is: teat aol Lae Ua sac tbe ct ‘ulster abt 2g much Space Yo rgenerative mene lor pcg gave vesiteee ait deveted to Cie Uncany aliry tn ary ore of te snare eanversinl evi ly: amples, euler nls Getcetats. Insite of the ntret fn the ee, il pa! ee was ale ofthe nagalve resister tae Nogitve rsitancevanant he competoly dsasocited fot reuscnce Avacuunt cue viru arrange to devwnp negative resstace will present reactance £3 lla ore Iequenrie, nnd the effect on. eh exter cuit 1 bse frequenaie wil De tof taking ame esteemed ag ot subjecting fesctanee. At high al lw ieee the ie ly Peet 1 postive impedence. Corseruenlly, the Wem negtive impedence is used lwmin tn esgnet the eee pred Iya twetmrina device mich bas he popersy of negative resins at sun rey o fences, ive resizance plus reactance aL her fans see ove impednce aL atl other iequsoces hue Nuoastse laeeoascr CosvrateR Hretofore, nary seam tubs dicuts have been devs for converting Drslive impedance inte oegative impedance. All Lown simple calle mploing vac te for abeinng negetive imple, a atinesiske Stora te cambin-tiom sie sench enn be mando ihe af vecute tubes ovo ueylive denente found in mitre, have mich conan aad ca be Ieated a the ame fope of arargument.Lastntay, thie typeof erage "Rent ie feed ane and eye (raed each, Receatly. # ae sethod of handing thes devin Yo hen leveloped hich bas the merit fbsimpying somali fn tay aes This neo i bs mpon the set ia! wisi tebe celts devged far couverting alive fsa iu neative impedance cea be redued to an elecselly equivalent, our frniual network consitng of © shinaton of puatve splay ee bienis tagelicr wih ar seal naive impedance Comverse "This ical eovverter, Fig.) rembles forts of tans: i has & reso 9 tansfonsasin af J, can have fu terial a aonb of Dinter tramiasn. Amwame lau siitve inoesanee Ze He canna to terminal au and lz oem terminals and?, Fig: Ib} Tien 1 mest low fot Ce theory dese here than pve pede 5 Mae oo mapyrns sverme reese yom, rosea 1951 Zc connected co teats {an 2, « nogasve rane Z.f8 xi be ‘eal ermine bad 4, Fi. 1. ‘Geange Crisonstete the these ate two types of some impadanoe ‘ohics he defnce asthe serie type ar the sun sype rept’. His rie tne isthe reversed wage pe of atv ipedance —B2y ave Tene ur VE; andi shuns ype ie she covered current yyw Za/—E feivseat to Fy 1. This slit ever emdeiag tba mje Thine 2 equal V7, and therelce nogetve imps (2) equals ether yer er Fi Lhe ¥ ssl witage eewured across the rece and Tis eucent fw teu i ? 7 2 1 7 & a 52 “ Pay % a oS _— eel" eis inportant so note thas & te ratio of trgsamation, if she Tar 10 hers both the magne tnd the angle © ate cheazig, bowen Slowly wit fequeney Ths laws frome che fet tha, a il bestow, “ction tery a) 1} eto na wltage aie the mngriite ad ase feskt tan eienge wth freq “Te rato uf rnaforation can be made te have a magne coy spproachng unity, nd st sone Srseveney or Srnquencis che srg cape tle sey TE en 1 he ses ype neg rapa soe ot te th tid 2 Fig 16), wl he qual Zn, —P/, whee the volage F Je severly {8D degree from the voltage shih wold anpene across ter riled and 2 wore inpenance lene the pesil.veepedance Zy nr tre Vilage to caveat ran tne omvestennl V/V. Tkewie, te shunt type Tepe impedance es al terval and 4, Fig 1(0, wok he Za! Toston tte ea the corent whies reverse ay 190 gre nn: the current whith would do through he pif inpedanceZ,. Thos strnge fact ip soles ulllsng © postive Impedance by ~T oes rt ye the "ey oF yecaTeve mace Con ERIE a some rele from a cteueviexpint ss Ailing » postive impedance by A pastive inpodance etlplind by 1 fea sks ye gio pele postive impedence ved yf Tear oye ol negalive leper ‘A pnitil Ge, rel on acual) converter cicet aus Se retest yy Rig. 16) A sacwurm tobe cnet contains positive fnpane east Srime at thew wll show op in the equivalent circu on tae lead se ofthe desl converter: ors will ow up onthe ghd seo the al Converter Thi all he clan im ohe rsson ofthe Hl cick wie Iellons. The npivalent tf ny practical aegis impedence eotveer af hie type ea herpes Inte equivalent seit oF Lig 212 hc hows C2 salve impecance cements auecisted sith thesaeima sabe ka ila pty Ati eatiag Se, 3 Sa ate, ot oy Eide Sty © | 1 “hg 3 a efor of ten aque neo (2 aa) aun eam ear side ofc eal oomverter (0) hang transformation tet af 9:2 Mol Ue at du hs wr seme oa ines de ovis ns of Wand auld the ssane relaonship exe forthe shunt a then the eet of tes networks is canbe ete lor pr spation sd 1g 16) ss eqaealns ca Fg. 1). Tinlad ig. 2 sae fod Ye bave brea sepresnted by eqaialens T neo os shown apse lyin Far 240). Network 7s canbe mailed ly al teatro to te lethe side oF the dec converses, Eg. 20D) These serie arm ofthe tn twarkscsael eachother asain Bg. 26) The nan arms fav tints the hr scien arm cancel ening Fi 200). ise eral yar Ye pelet in «aeticel cui sgn, sat over she Eequensy’ ange of flea this sl be clsely pnts by making ll intpnarces shunting the esl converte nage ns pes, snd by canceling all tesstaces ia seven in Yy hye resintnee ace i 2 cae mun svemmecareantest wna, raseaRy 1ST Asa physic concps the i of negusve pera yl to visual fue becever ta type of imple supphss power 9 an exival siteuis father then dist tals power is suopled ether hy theappliration of teveos yoliage ora Teves tren, Taspite ofthe ly whi may Ihe esoreyet in tenpting t vualize te feedback arton at takes place inside a rpatvepedence ever if te eqsvsint eats known Thc ie stabiiy can be deernined rend an Hs operation a5 a device for pentving neste impeance becomes obvi Spameere Live any euler whose aut connerts ack his inp, the negative impeaace copvertr ft ope cermin a Fa: acy ith tf and tmelat. Stability ear he determined by woaventinnl frd-sek. theory runt thee fea simpler eer for determining easily. Conse: i thee! convey, Fag, Ab). Asset Za 22tskown on ig 12), [Sten impedance vraosted fo terminals + aud 2. Consider the eel mesh ome onthe left hen st oe deal converter Hy Ure comactin of Z Iwas ad 2 Mens mgt imesianoe (EZ) ica leking into Ivmivls {end 2 and nstivepedhres (2, lesen ok way" them ‘The total Pees his mh &Z,— AZ. IE &Z should mpl Zein the toa reac woul ere al vgs insried in ries ‘eit this mesh woul al for inte cree, 2 Stastion ebviniey my [be Thue it bonnes evideus thie €Zy nol nt qual Ze, at's the Sane hing the rin (qo nok eral 1/0 the este 3 bn be Sable, Purtrsrnc, sea be shorn that fora ea comer the rc zp/ds conaits the charles of Ge Food (ace [sof Zhe am Diller in the converte, In vow of this fr, it wight be expected that nits ele for stay a eta arpler could pares as falls: > ete ei fae io mets impedance eae as tf ibe ratio Rl 2 ere regan roe (rm ere ity mv en tle the pol 2/9 re ane general ni for tity cen be arsived at ay connecting 1 inmpedance Zs totermnls Sand of Tig fe) nl by consering he iret the formed hy (Za Py He sl be ote p ts ease bt 2,78 Calle for ow of carmen IND grees out of er Tern th chic wou Mow Dvough Zc/# This men that whee the plnse angle of Zeal thos of Zy the tonite uf Za must be ener thas that of Z, whi is usher way of sig hub at this phase ele “ie magnitude of BZ: be se ca unity SHIM Repecat Ths B.S2.2 Jay ‘oan oe MRAM nersonnes cn ne 9s Hor a practical exgineeing sonia Ceres ¢ sbupe eiteron for ling sabi. It can bested olla: Tle et negative impedance Converter will fe ancnsitonally stable provided shat te meat e221 ean than writy at ag lssqueny wher the ata 08 is nto fe Those sine covltins for steiiy apply to any practical (la, al ar sri) converter cits, Hig. Gd). Hamever, Zed be taken he in Dace sea loki ain the ato frum the positon of the Heal fomvecte: C, ata Zy mst oe fkeoa thpw ern loking ito the netwnrk 82 rom the ida! eamvertr C. la vite wumlsy the eect of Ny ust Ie inched 2, apd the elo of mast be inl fn Neos buensor Cosvutras Cram Nevotve impedence can ns prs oy contteting the snipes of ax ampler back in sres ori shat with te opt in he ight pase tle tionship. "Thi typeof creat can he onsbered ae x nogctive ‘pene sever smiles € Fig. 160} where reat tension —€ fo the fer — yan which gy squewnt fenton the wags amples tion of Ui ampli The dindvantage of tasers rai of ts kine Js that it changes randy with vith fn tube coassats nba ey apply velage. Such eizets prea slaliigy posi, Ove stan to this problen Fas tre deserted by E.L Ginoton' He nga nei ot ine ample gais ylang the semper ill wih rate feed. Tack ats edaced variation fry Note thas fy Ses qual to, thea Tetecumes egal t9 1 “There i ances uate wong mative Soda ty laine ict for prising tive impedgnce. Ths ethos wae used in UF sia ‘adil be oer in deta in connection with st. Resta, hese nega te fenack Ssranged togeier with pole Tole vo prduce a ai formation ratio for Le ie converter ofthe fom = Ge Tae |b. ‘The symbol op seyecena = vole mila urtbertces a ep It sprites unity aad iy very mer ages tha ey —E appr hes 1g ale and ie Eltivaly depen of visions in tbe eortants saul latte app voltage, Tz onler tn irate he coat ies of agacve inane onset a ices conse cia cried Io Maras Latour abst tie year 190, Fig So) Higure Sl) i © senate representation of Pi Sin inthe manne rginte HU, Coes, Wil elerenes to Fi, he ose of cpr i asasme sh tht, athe fst fe ne cuaest 1. fom ia che Wnetinn indi the teat sl Tow the ietion EL Ginn Sid Nope Impose Bla Jl 8 Ok rm nets wsenec TeemacAL yuCHNy UAH 198 sown and the voltages Vs and adv wl lave the pstres shown, For the moment will be astoved shat the fut ixpedasee of anpliner A ify high an assumption whic wil be mood ner to goee wth presen tupedaace,R, vests i ar 2 eptoent Lae lege the te resis eof Se xp Jwoduced in he pate Set of she output cube of amphies 8, ee tube ‘Too! Fi, Sa) by the wetage doy HZ acrobat cathe of Tr Vig Ma). hes equation foe Fig) Mo) can be te 6 allows: Vin Bat 70 0 = Git eze The con becomes Vall, +7 oF TTR FE e BO sapedance scan looking io vein 1 anc 2 can be weil Veo Be yr (1 8 eo ete ta (tnt) ee ‘nipoxy oF Secanrvr DerzDaNee cove 95 ‘THs the inprince Ze cquss the pease Zin pale with Ry Which combition sin Saes with mpinge. Ze aati by T= Ta2y (Re Zl Ancguivaleat cee for Ze tuetinted in Fig 6 Nest anon vt Z, not shown on Fig. (a coneaed b tknmal ant 2 of Fir Sb and that Zp is ueioved irom across terial 3nd ae aes uations cea be witen a lls -Mr2an ~2 Zit Wy = Zi w ‘The rorene 2, ean be writin: 2 PR a Bt 11a, = 2-7 “The impedance ooking into tranny 4a §, 5g (8b, with the changes Usted above ies in a, (8) Bars pay ve tan can) Hany, i he certo Fig 800) 5 edesnm a fo termina aebnenk show in Fig} wlh ated taepresert te ing ipa aro fer A hoequivalest cai of Ih metork an be repose od ly Fg 16), ne equivalent crew sagists af two pstive inane neo, oe saves sie of ap Wel corverer. Tle aL of arson of thie Heck fonveriee it of he form (9, USL Leaking into terminals Las 2, Tig. 4), a serer ype negative impedance will be see hoking ito tecniale Sal 'vsht type negative impel le wer The pro ‘hat these impecances are negate and of the revenge vollae or revered arent type has been eataahel hy HW. Duley, FH. Graham snd RC. Maths for sinter iets ll rot be tle ey al ng the fx could be dered ssl fru enuntione 1. 2) 13) aa Hh. The Irie of ohis disuse 40 ustate De simple ith which a {gubalen sie can be derive, end to pin wt he vale of the concept of Le ie sectivesnplane rameter, All known sini ehish en be at gave ine wonerter ie the een af the 21 type repeats La this he ong ihe ah Fee fe ected ack tr te input shraigh mide ts 9 erage relazed te €& a lybeid coi. Negative fnflck aed postive feb con Itrvclped ees this eal between the amplier out i ls ie int. Tis device was vse! cx negative impede caer yy Cosa in hie rir type open, 96 um ners vanase maexsuea,yomevat, rasuany 1981 ‘These is arcthe: ty of nsgative eepedance cenveter eimai which huuid not be conivad sith the ervertr creatszeotionst hereon. "This ype was disney Chares Tel inthe March 1927 fae of Che Siwesal EB, pager 373 $76, the Barat souveter consis af 3 T Tetwork of equal ratanees, one of lien negative. To conseve sich a Converter Unie ust be avilable 4 rgyetse rsstance ween. Over & cz op saver ewanater eaNvEREE o finite tequeney and this native rsitnce cua be pout bya comseier sireut ee 3 a of Fig. neers, nists Balt comes in tne, a Gonveser within asonverie, ‘Tae Necanwe eorpaver Locus Belore the BI sype of convener is dsr i wll ne well 1 con sider, a gener, the mposinace chatscteretic wis can Iw proved. by 4 unptive plane coneertes The ape af the inpedesce sharers over she ‘ne teney mgr, r°> to inky, looking fe erly Tso 2 for ino torairal $ amt of «negative dmpocantecenveces wl be valle the sepa inspire asi Tt convene to ple tices he polar four wh rngiesy #4 "sensing? parameter ‘Te leus eae deri for any croul by means ofthe theory eutied by K. i. Van Wo nen for Pesitive two tera nyu? Tov scl cumiler he eaerterof Fig 4, Aseuve chat an geass sch ae that shown in Fig Sa) in conrected to terminals Sand of F's. 4 suse 2; of Tig 4 ica taylan al hat oth &, ac Zi ace ee ners. Now Fg. Sle} remrals «swt femiml aeterk rate pf & steve evanted by ah indue:sace. The ‘eke of tai poaive mapeance Doe on the Rand j¥ plane over Che Feuery ming irom pt ne fine shova ak Hg. Sth). MU ame Faqueney Tie imple ena ot ied recency ote pevanre eR Teta the vetwock of Fig Si © eae Pactaice isa’, ta presen Z) of Vig 4. te inpedaare of the net "vk 3 ore, Fg Se blows te ce ot Hig (@) A ae Bscuey the pedance ew, at the secman. ieqerey the impodene av st inte fluency the Sipelane feo again tae impede Df hie etrork, Fig. Se), ore vse Uewagh ariel negate rape aise converte, Hg. He, Roving aio of Sistas oo EE nb fr Ie mamen, # os aasuved 20 be @ nnerie gee the ene frequen rigs, the impesinee evs con be represented by Fig. st OF vous, vl cloays lave on anpe =I high atl lw fequescies bug, 22 ak ‘pptssnaton, at kal, ean Tesssumel that over nos of te fequeney igen inthe impedance digeame of Figs sf) and Tig 30h) pe prove a romeric the cicit aaiguraion fig. (gh erate by leingvessteace Ky in sree wl Fy ie) the impestince los lake Hike thao Hig 0h, Theis sere ype restive inesanen al snvatee "ye ran sen ove a lnrge postion 2 the fcjueney nu bei teerisals Land 20! Fg dwt the smotetaal elyuck 9! Fg Si son nested Uo tena Sane

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