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INDEX TO BRITTONIA VOLUME 57 (2005) All new plant taxa, new combinations, and lectotypifications are indicated by boldface type. Authors and titles of articles published in this volume are included in this index. Personal names are listed only when new taxa are based on them (eponyms), or when the article contains substantial information about the person. Countries are cited only for types of new taxa, for range extensions, when mentioned in the title of an article, or when the article contains substantial information about a country. Plant names of associated species and names mentioned incidentally are not included here. AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism), 33 sarnebyella, 368, 376, 383 Adiantum, 123-128; adiantoides, 124; diphyllum, 124; Baskin, Carol C.: see Jerry M. Baskin sect. Hewardia, 127 Baskin, Jerry M. & Carol C. Baskin: Ecology of two Alabama, 345 geographically restricted Astragalus species (Faba- Alarcon-Herrera, M. T.: see M. Gonzalez-Elizondo ceae), A. bibullatus and A. tennesseensis, of the east- Alexander, J. Andrew: The taxonomic status of As- ern United States, 345-353 tragalus mokiacensis (Fabaceae), a species endemic Batista de Oliveira, Edilson Consuelo, 12 to the southwestern United States, 320—333 Beaman, John, 88 A/loplectus, 39 Biserrula pelecinus, 371 A/sophila, 228; cuspidata, 229, 235; engelii, 235; e7 Blackstonia, 290 inaceda, 229, 235; imrayana, 229; incana, 229; mos Blechnaceae, 237 tellaria, Sat, Bol, 238;2; odonelliana, 231; setosa, Blechnum, 237; sect. Parablechnum, 2 ot, 232 datum, 239; obtusum, 237; werffii, 23 Amaranthaceae, Bolivia, 129, 131, 133, 135, 139, 142, Amaranthus, 273; pumilus, 273 156, 205 Amorim, André M., 241 books received, 102, 103 Amorpha, 397, 407 book reviews: P. Grenand, C. Moretti, H. Jacquemin Amorpheae, 397 & M.-F Prévost, Pharmacopées traditionneles en Andes, 228 Guyane, 295 ; T. van der Hammen & A. G. dos \pocynaceae, 258 Santos (editors), La Cordillera Central Colombi- Apocynoideae, 258 ana, Transecto Parque Los Nevados (Ultima par- Apoplanesia, 397 te), 296; P. Pedraza-Pefalosa, J. Betancur & P. Fran Arabidospsis thaliana, 356 co-Rosselli, Chisaca, Un Recorrido por los Para- Araliaceae, 240 mos Andinos, 103; A. M. Schot, Systematics of Aspidium hartwegii, 208; orbiculatum, 209; platypiiyl- Aporosa (Euphorbiaceae), 202 lum, 208 Boom, Brian M.: A new species of Remijiia (Rubi Asteraceae, 47 aceae) from Amazonian Brazil, 105-107 Astracantha, 358, 383 Borreria 129-133, 139; anderssonii,139; cristata,149; Astragalean clade, 382—396 densiflora var. densiflora, 131; densiflora var. min- Astragalus, 299-396; ecology, 345-396; molecular ima, 131; /imae,139; mitreoloides, 149; paraguar systematics, 354-396; new world, 354-366; old iensis, 149; pazensis, 129; scabiosoides var. scabio- world, 367-381; phylogenetic relationships, 354 soides, 139; wunschmannii, 139 (lectotypification) 396; Pugillus Astragalorum 301-313; sectional re- Brazil, 29, 30, 105, 108, 110, 113, 115, 118, 137, 250 lationships, 354—396; taxonomy and species delim- Brown J. L.: see E. F Hecklau itation, 301—344; bibillatus, 345-353; lentiginosus, Bromeliaceae, 283 320-333. 334 344: lentiginosus var. lentiginosus, Budke, Jessica M., R. James Hickey, & Kerry D. Heat 336, 342: lentiginosus var. micans, 309; lentiginosus ner: Analysis of morphological and anatomical chat var. palans, 321, 322: lentiginosus var. salinus, 336, acteristics of lsoetes using lsoetes tennesseensis, 342; lentiginosus var. trumbullensis, 299, 306, 307, 167-182 320-344; lentiginosus var. variabilis, 336. 342: Bulbophyllum, 255-257; cauliflorum, 255; ledungense, mario-sousae, 315; mokiacensis, 320-344; tennes- 255; stenobulbon, 255, 257; wuzhishanensis, 255 seensis, 345-353 257 Atlantic rain forest, 240 Burseraceae, 118 Atlas of North American Astragalus, 299, 304, 306, CNGC4 (nuclear locus), 397, 399, 408 307 Cabral, Elsa L., Notes on Galianthe (Spermacoceae, autecology, 345 Rubiaceae) in the Bolivian flora, 141-149; Cabral, Bach, Kerstin, 215 Elsa L. & Nelida M. Bacigalupo, Novelties in Sper- Bacigalupo, Nélida M.: see Elsa L. Cabral macoceae (Rubiaceae) from Bolivia and Paraguay Bahama flora, 88—101 Caesalpinia ovalifolia, 98 (lectotypification) Barajas-Acosta, N.: see M. Gonzalez-Elizondo Calzada, Ismael: see I. Rodriguez-Arévalo Barneby, Rupert C., 299-411 Canada, 12 414 [VOL. 57 BRITTONIA Capparaceae, 155—166 Echiteae, 258 Capparis coimbrana, 156 ecological wood anatomy, 27 6 Carlquist, Sherwin: Wood and bark anatomy of Mun I laeocarpaceae, 59 fingliaceade \ phylogenetic comparison within Ma Eleocharis 150—154: arsenifera, 150 lavales s.l., 59-67; Carlquist, Sherwin & Jason R Erigeron parryi 47-54, 53 (lectotypification); radi Grant Wood anatomy of Gentianaceae, tribe He catus, 53; ochroleucus var. scribneri, 54: ochroleu lieae, in relation to ecology, habit, systematics, and cus var. ochroleucus, 54 sample diameter, 276—291 Errazurizia, 397, 405, 407 Casearia bahamensis, 99 (lectotypification) Estrada-C., A Eduardo, José A. Villarreal-Q & C. Y Cayaponia |O8—117; gogniauxiana, 108; ferruginea, Méndez Astragalus mario-sousae (Fabaceae: Gal 110; nitida, 113; rugosa, 115; weddellii, 117 egeae), a new species from northern Mexico, 314 cedar glade endemics, 345 319 Chelonanthus chelonoides, 2= 288 Eupatorium bahamense, 97 (lectotypification) Chen, Wen-Hong & Yu-Min Shui: A new species of Euphorbiaceae s.1., 248 Thrixspermum (Orchidaceae) from China, 55-58 Eysenhardtia, 397, 405 China, 55, 255 Farrar, Donald R.: see J. E. Watkins, Ji Choi, Hong-Kyu: see Rosa A. Scherson Fiaschi, Pedro, Three new species of Dendropanax Cistaceae, 59 (Araliaceae) from Bahia, Brazil, 240-247; Fiaschi, Cogniaux, Celéstine Alfred, 110 Pedro & Inés Cordeiro: Discocarpus pedicellatus, a Columnea 39—42 , sect Columnnea 39: canarina, 39, new species of Phyllanthaceae (Euphorbiaceae s.1.) 42: lariensis 39 from southern Bahia, Brazil, 248-251 Colutea persica, 37\ fiber-tracheids, 276 comparative wood anatomy, 276 floral evolution, 397 Convolvulaceae, 264 Flores-Tavizon, E.: see M Gonzalez-Elizondo Cook, Douglas R.: see Rosa A Scherson French Guiana, 68—87 Cordeiro, Inés see Pedro Fiaschi Galianthe 141—149: bisepala, 148: boliviana, 142; Cornejo Xavier & Hugh H. Iitis: Studies in the Cap- chiquitosana, 142; /axa 149: sudyungensis, 145; paraceae XXIII: Capparis coimbrana, a new species kempffiana, 145 from Bolivia, 155—161 Geniostemon, 290 Costa Rica, 39 Gentiana, 290 Costea, Gabriela, 21 Gentianaceae, 7 6, 2 —=p=y 290 Costea Mihai: Taxonomic status of Cuscuta nevaden Gesneriaceae, 39 sis and C. veatchii (Convolvulaceae) in North Amet Gillis, William T., 88-94 ica, 264-272 Gomes-Klein, Vera Licia & José Rubens Pirani: Four Cronn, Rich C.: see Brian J. Knaus new species of Cayaponia (Cucurbitaceae) from Crossopetalum coriaceum, 97 (lectotypification) Brazil and Bolivia, 108—117 Cucurbitaceae, 43, 108 Gonzalez-Elizondo, M Socorro, Jorge A. Tena-Flores Cuscuta, 264-272; campestris, 267; denticulata, 268; & Nélida Barajas Acosta, An arsenic-tolerant new nevadensis, 269: salina 264, 267, 269, 270: sand species of Eleocharis (Cyperaceae) from Chihuahua, wichiana, 270; veatchii, 268; vivipara, 270 Mexico, 150—154 Cyathea canescens, 229, 235; incana, 229, 235; spru Grant, Jason R.: see Sherwin Carlquist cei, 229 Groppe. Milton, Jacquelyn A. Kallunki & José R. Pir- Cyclospathe northropii, 96 (lectotypification) ani: Synonymy of Hortia arborea with H. brasili Cyperaceae, 150 ana (Rutaceae) and a new species from Brazil, 28 Dacryodes edilsonii, 118; colombiana, |21 34 Dalea, 299, 305, 397, 404, 405, 407 Heafner, K. D. See J Budke Daly, Douglas C.: Dacryodes edilsonii, a new species Hecklau, Edmund | Scott A. Mori & John L. Brown: from southwestern Amazonia. Studies in neotropical Specific epithets of the flowering plants of central Burseraceae XII, 118-122 French Guiana, 68—87 Daphnopsis helleriana, 292 Hedera, 241 Dendropanax, 240-247; amorimii, 240; bahiensis, Heliaeae, 276 243, exilis, 245; geniculatus, 245; /angsdorfii, 243: Helicteres spiralis, 100 (lectotypification) monogynus, 247 Heller, Amos Arthur, 292 Desmosanthes, 255 Hewardia diphylia, 124 Dicraspidia donnell-smithii, 61 Hickey, R. James: see J. Budke Didymopelta, 376 Hortia 28-34; arborea, 29 (lectotypification); badi- Diodella, 137, 138; apiculata, 137; radula, 138; rig- nii, 29; brasiliana, 29; brasilianae, 30; oreadica, 30 ida, 137; teres,138 Hubbard, Anne & Thomas, 107 Diodia apiculata, 137; rigida, 137; teres, 138 Hymenocallis arenicola, 96 (lectotypification) Discocarpus, 248-251, brasiliensis, 248; essequeboen- Iltis, Hugh H.: Studies in the Capparaceae XXIV: Cap- sis, 248, 250; pedicellatus, 248 paris coimbrana, a new species from Bolivia, 162 Dryopteridaceae, 205 166; also see X. Cornejo Dubautia, 277 Isoetes tennesseensis, 167—182 Echinacea angustifolia, 351\ Ixanthus, 290 2005] INDEX TO VOLUME 57 Kallunki, Jacquelyn A.: see M. Groppo Oxytropis, 302, 305, 309, 355, 371, 382, 383, 390 Kass, Lee B.: Alice Northrop’s type specimens for the paedomorphosis, 276, 288 Bahama Flora, 88—101 Palmer, Edward, 320 Kazempour Osaloo, S., A. A. Maassoumi & N. Mu- Parosela, 407 rakami: Molecular systematics of the Old World As- Parryella, 397, 405, 407 tragalus (Fabaceae) as inferred from nrDNA ITS se- Parthenium ligulatum, 305 quence data, 367-381 Phegopteris dubia, 208 Kessler, Michael, Alan R. Smith & Michael Sundue: Phyllanthaceae, 248 Notes on the genus Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae), Phyllolobium, 367, 377: chinense, 385 with descriptions of ten new species, 205-227 Phylogenomics, 356 Knaus, Brian J., Rich C. Cronn & Aaron Liston: Ge- Pirani, J. R. See M. Groppo netic characterization of three varieties of Astraga- Pirani, José Rubens: see V. Lucia Gomes-Klein lus lentiginosus (Fabaceae), 334-344 Pitcairnia chocoensis, 202: delicata, 202 Kriebel, Ricardo, A new species of Columnea and Podlechiella, 367; vogelii, 371 range extension in the Gesneriaceae from Costa Polygonaceae, | Rica, 39—42 Polygonum \—27; austiniae, 17: cascadense, 21; coarc- Lehnert, Marcus: Reconsideration of Alsophila odo- tatum, 19; coarctatum var. majus, 19; coarctatum nelliana (Cyatheaceae), an Andean tree fern, 228 var. minus, 19; douglasii, 13 (neotypification); 236 douglasii subsp. austiniae, 17 ; douglasii subsp. en Lendemer, James C.: see J. A. Macklin gelmannii, 16; douglasii subsp. johnstonii, 15; doug- Lesica, Peter: The resurrection of Erigeron parryi (As- lasii subsp. majus, 19; douglasii subsp. nuttallii, 18: teraceae), 47—54 douglasii subsp. spergulariforme, 19; douglasii var. Linum bahamense, 99 (lectotypification) austiniae, 17; douglasii var. johnstonii, 15; douglasii Lira R.: see Ll. Rodriguez-Arévalo var. /atifolium, 13; douglasii var. montanum, 13; Liston, Aaron: see Brian J. Knaus douglasii var. utahense, 22; douglasii, 13: emacia- Luther, H. E.: Miscellaneous new taxa of Bromeliaceae tum, 13 (lectotypification); engelmannii, 16 (neo- (XV1)—Erratum, 202 typification); exi/e, 15; gabrielae 20, 23: interme- McMahon, Michelle M.: Phylogenetic relationships dium, 18; majus, 19; microspermum, 16; minimum, and floral evolution in the papilionoid legume clade 17; montanum, 13; nuttallii, 18 (neotypification); Amorpheae, 397-411 paronychia, 11; sawatchense, 14; sawatchense Mc Vaugh, Rogers, 45 subsp. oblivium, 15: sawatchense subsp. sawatch- Maassoumi, A. A.: see Kazempour Osaloo, S. ense, 15; shastense, 11; spergulariforme, 19; tenue, Macklin, James A.: Typification of seabeach amaranth, 12 (lectotypification); tenue var. latifolium, 13; ten- Amaranthus pumilus (Amaranthaceae), 273-275 ue Var. microspermum, 16; tenue var. protrusum, 12; Macrocarpaea, 276 torreyi, 17: triandrous, 15; utahense, 22 Malvales, 59 Polystichum, 205-227; albomarginatum, 218; am- Marina, 305, 397, 405, 407 boroense, 224; bachii, 214; bu/biferum, 208; cha- Martinez, Mahinda & Ofelia Vargas: A new species of parensis, 225; cochleatum, 209; congestum, 212: Tzeltalia (Solanaceae) from Mexico, 35-38 dubium 208; gelidum, 210; giganteum, 215; har- matK, 384 twegii, 208; lehmannii, 223; lepidotum, 210; mex- Medicago truncatula, 354, 356, 398, 399 iae, 220; montevidense, 215; nudicaule, 223; orbi- Méndez, C. Y.: see A. Eduardo Estrada-C. culatum, 209; paramicola, 222; platyphyllum, 215; Mexico, 35, 43, 150, 252, 260 pycnolepis, 209; pygmaeum, 209; rufum, 217; so- monilophyte, 237 lomonii, 220: stuebelii, 224; turrialbae, 208; wolfii, Moore, Gerry: see J.A. Macklin 223: yungense, 223 Morales, J. Francisco: Estudios en las Apocynaceae Ponthieva, 252; brittoniae, 254; parviflora, 254; ra Neotropicales XV: Sinopsis del género Thoreauea cemosa, 254; rinconii, 252—254: schaffneri, 254 (Apocynoideae, Echiteae), con una nueva especie de Prado, Jefferson. See M. A. Sundue Veracruz, México, 258-263 principal components analysis, 320 Moran, Robbin C.: Blechnum obtusum (Blechnaceae), Prumnopithys exigua, 225 a new species from western Venezuela, 237 Psorodendron, 404, 405 Mori, Scott A. See E. F Hecklau Psorothamnus, 397, 404, 405, 407 Muntingia calabura, 61 Puerto Rico, 292 Muntingiaceae, 59-67 Remijia 105-107; asperula, 105,107; hubbardiorum, Murakami, N. See S. Kazempour Osaloo 105 Myrstiphyllum ligustrifolium, 100 (lectotypifica- Reynosia northropiana, 99 (lectotypification) tion) Richardia, 133-135; scabra var. chocoensis, 133 Nemotheca, 290 Rinc6n, Armando, 254 Nesom, Guy L. See M. Costea Robinia, 385 Northrop, Alice R., 88—95 Rodriguez-Arévalo, Isela, Rafael Lira & Ismael Cal- nrDNA ITS, 367, 384 zada, A new species of Sicyos L. (Cucurbitaceae ) Onix, 309 from Oaxaca, Mexico 43-46 Ophiocarpus, 368, 376, 383 Rubiaceae, 105, 129, 141 Orchidaceae, 55, 252, 255 Rubiaceae tribe Spermacoceae 29, 141 416 BRITTONIA [VOL. 57 Rutaceae, 28 Tecoma bahamensis, 97 (lectotypification) Salazar, Gerardo, A new species of Ponthieva (Orchi- Tena-Flores, Jorge A.: see M. Gonzalez-Elizondo daceae, Cranichidinae) from Veracruz, Mexico, Tennessee, 345 252-254 Terminalia spinosa, 97 (lectotypification) Sanderson, Michael J.: see Rosa A. Scherson Thelypteridaceae, 183 Santiago-Valentin, Eugenio, Amos Arthur Heller’s Thelypteris, 183-201; burksiorum, 183; burksiorum Puerto Rico plant collecting itineraries of 1900 and var. major, 192; pilosa, 183, 192; pilosa var. ala- 1902-1903 and their utility for the historical study bamensis, 183; pilosa var. major, 183, 194; pilosa of endangered plants, 292-294 var. pilosa, 183 Scherson, Rosa A., Hong-Kyu Choi, Douglas R. Cook Thenardia chiapensis. 259 & Michael J. Sanderson: Phylogenetics of New Thiaspidium, 367, 368, 372, 376, 390 World Astragalus: screening of novel nuclear loci Thoreauea, 258-263, aberrans, 258; paneroi, 262 for the reconstruction of phylogenies at low taxo Thrinax bahamensis, 96 (lectotypification) nomic levels, 354-366 Thrixsperumum, 55-59; centipeda, 55, 57; kingidium, Schultesia, 290 54; phalaenopsis, 55; subulatum 55, 57; tsii 55 Sewerzowia, 376 hymeleaceae, 59 Shui, Yu-Min. See W. H. Chen tracheids, 59 Sicyos 43-46: mevaughii 43 Tragacantha, 383 Smith, Alan R.: see Michael Kessler; see R. C. Moran tree fern, 228 Solanaceae, 35 Trifolium, 404 Solomon, Jim, 2027029 Tzeltalia, 35—38; amphitricha, 37 ; calidaria, 37; esen- Sousa-Sanchez, Mario, 317 beckii 35 137 Spermacoce a apiculata, 137, dioxina, 138: radula, 138; United States, 20, 52 rigida, 13 Vargas, Ofelia: see M. Martinez Spermacoceae 129, 141 vessel grouping, 59 Sphaerophysa, 377, 383 vestured pits, 59, 276 Staelia, 135-137: virgata var. killeenii, 135; virgata Villarreal-Q, José A.: see A. Eduardo Estrada-C var. virgata, 13 vivipary, 264 Sundue, Michael A. & Jefferson Prado, Adiantum di Watkins, James E., Jr. & Donald R. Farrar: Origin and phyllum, a rare and endemic species of Bahia State, taxonomic affinities of Thelypteris (subgen. Steg- Brazil, and its close relatives, 123—128: also see M nogramma) burksiorum (Thelypteridaceae), 183 Kessler 201 Swainsona, 383 Welsh, Stanley L.: Rupert C. Barneby and Pugillus As Swertia, 290 tragalorum, 301-313 Svymbolanthus, 277, 288: macranthus, 278, 284, 285, Wojciechowski, Martin F Astragalus (Fabaceae): a 290 molecular phylogenetic perspective, 382-396 Tachia, 277, 284: guianensis, 277, 284, 285: occiden Xiaohua, Jin: Bulbophyllum wuzhishaensis (Orchida- talis, 278, 285, 290 ceae), a new species from Hainan, China, 255-257 Tardif, Francois J.: see M. Costea hanhuo, Tsi, b

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