Bridgend & Porthcawl “Your ORIGINAL priceless weekly newspaper” TThhee aarreeaa’’ss lloonnggeesstt sseerrvviinngg CCoommmmuunniittyy P E A K NNeewwssppaappeerr PERFORMANCE Established 1983 01446 775775 W(GeEeMklSye raieusd).i tAeudd idteidst rbiyb uDtaiovind P(5in2d ewr e&eCkso) Ltotd .3 C1h/1ar2te/1re2d -A 4cc2ou,4nt9an2ts. • THURSDAY, JANUARY 23RD, 2014 Out and About WWaalleess aanndd tthhee SSiixx NNaattiioonnss withThe GEM Page 14 SS EE EE FF EE AA TT UU RR EE OO NN PP AA GG EE SS 11 66 -- 11 77 SANDVILLE VOLUNTEERS HOLD SPECIAL LUNCH! Sister Gwyneth Poacher and her team posing with all the Sandville volunteers present for a special lunch. (SEE MORE PICTURES AND AREPORT ON PAGE 4). Call for NHS inquiry Two brothers are sentenced after a patient dies over drug sales in Bridgend A&E (READ THE FULL STORY ON PAGE 10) THEPrincess of ment at 11am, and two Wales Hospital in hours later became sud- Comparing Bridgend has said denly very unwell. Despite efforts by staff to us could that staff are resuscitate him, he later “deeply saddened” died. save you afterthe death of a “Prior to being admit- man whose admit- ted to the department, the money! tance to the A&E patient was in an ambu- department was lance, attended by para- medics, for over four delayed by four hours. We specialise in: hours, writes “The Princess of •Car insurance PHILIPIRWIN. Wales Hospital The case, which has Emergency Department •Motorcycle insurance now attracted national was extremely busy at •Boat insurance media interest, took place the time – and, unfortu- last Thursday, January nately, there were delays •Caravan insurance 16. admitting patients as a •Property/Landlords In a statement, a result. The patient was Call in to the office at: spokeswoman for assessed by a doctor 1d Dunraven Place, Insurance Abertawe Bro while in the ambulance. Bridgend, CF31 1JF •Commercial Vehicle M(AoBrgMaUnn) whgo sUpintaivl ertrsuitsyt bee“nT hein foCrmoreodn ero f hhaiss insurance said:“We are deeply sad- death, and the Health •Public Liability dened to report the death Board is carrying out an or call of a patient in the urgent review of the case 01656 insurance Emergency Department to ascertain what lessons •Household insurance of the Princess of Wales can be learned, and if this 679702 •Business insurance HWoes pwitiaslh otno Jeaxnpureasrys o1u6r. vhaevrye bseaedn adveoaitdhe d.c oItu lids Authorised and Local family •Motortrade Insurance sincere condolences to too early at this stage to regulated by the business the patient’s family. comment any further.” FAiuntahnocriiatyl Conduct established in 1963 •Travel insurance “The patient was (CONTINUED admitted to the depart- ON PAGE 10) 2 - THE GEM Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 P Pencoed WI’s MP SIGNS varied year HOLOCAUST LOOKING back We also have a book MEMORIAL over2013, I was club and a walking club. amazed at all our Our summer outing was Pencoed WI had a great success. VOLUME We had members tak- done – the varied ing part in whist, scrab- speakers covered ble and a quiz, all TO mark everyone’s taste. organised by Glamorgan Holocaust Through them, we Federation, who also Memorial visited snowy mountains held a number of other and beautiful scenery, events which our mem- Day, had lots of laughs with bers enjoyed. Bridgend MP the brighter side of These included a Harmony Madeleine dancing and learned council meeting where Moon signed about a Victorian Wynne Evans (Mr Go the Holocaust Christmas, Blood Compare) was the guest Harmony choir looks Educational Banidk elsif, eD irn WMiallliaaymsi aP.rice speaker and a carol con- Trust’s Book We celebrated our cert at St David’s Hall of which featured a WI 10th birthday with a choir and Only Men back (and forward) Commitment party – birthday cake in the House of Commons. aemcnnraedjTfoa tlhgy sceae la mduln ubsedn os pc.amrhmoe cjo eglnucrgtbes a twthee AaVPbaaloolFt uuoootdnnr .P 0m0e11on66rc5e5o6 6ei8n8d6f6 oW21r12mI8,8 a19rt,i;i n ooognrr to yet more success! HHyooouTMlloonhrccgesaa puubMessoottoo pasokulsn e rr w ev(amaiebvbloeolo umrvatsse b w w)eh rhsohsaano itto d hwtu:oh ro“seirHenyk g wo e tlntihohrdoeceula edreuesixsesdttld r.yM a d otueormdr eiinondgraui rcatyhaltee made bracelets, neck- come to a meeting as a Day, January 27, marks the anniversary of the liber- laces, an autumn flower guest. We mee on the WHATa busy year choir, Bois Afan male Central Church invit- to have her. ation of the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz- arrangement and a pret- second Tuesday of the 2013 was for voice choir, at two pres- ed us to sing at their St Christmas was a very Birkenau – and is an important opportunity to tfmyil alberozdix pw awinthh si cwohue rwe toesw. thnen mWoelnftahr ea PtH APaTelln.PcoHeIdLLIPS Hpearrfmoromneyd! Wseev ehraavle tofiongrei oc ruhasai srciitnoygn) c.o evrtesr (£th7e0 0last Dwthaheviirci dhfu’ wsn Ddasraa tyihs ecin ofgnir cesetv reot,nfts. bwNueos vywe etmirmeb eeirn ,f oaBrnl daHn aicnrom’so niny; rHeom“loIe mceanbucesortu . trhaeg ev iacltli mcosn asntidtu seunrtvsi vtoo rms aorfk t hthee day and Help us keep concerts forcare We were asked to Harmony has helped December, we sang to join in the fight against prejudice and intoler- homes in Kenfig sing in the Marriott many smaller charities outside Asda. Thank ance.” Hill, Porthcawl, Hotel in Cardiff at a throughout the year to you to everyone who Karen Pollock MBE, chief executive of the Poppy and Bridgend, Maesteg, charity ball to help raise raise money for differ- supported our money Holocaust Educational Trust, said: “We are proud funds for the Macmillan ent causes. that Madeleine Moon is supporting Holocaust Brynmennyn and Trust, where a consider- We accompanied the buckets; it’s very much Memorial Day. It is vitally important that we both Clyde together Port Talbot. able amount was raised, Gleemen at last year’s appreciated. continue to remember and learn from the appalling We have also staged and we took part in a hospital fete for the sec- Also in December, events of the Holocaust – as well as ensuring that many charity concerts concert for The ond year running, along we sang in Trinity we continue to challenge anti-semitism and all The GEM is in partnership with the aWnedn adcyc oMmuprpanhiye’ds other Graaisrendw aebno Turtu £s8t,0 w0.h ich witThh Ce ocrh Marietiyb icoonn.c erts CMhauersctheg, Psotargthec saqwula,re in forms of bigotry.” Dog’s Trust to find caring homes for that Harmony attended the market; in the The success of animals in their charge at Bridgend ‘ISLAND OF helped to raise thou- evening we sang with rehoming centre sands of pounds Bois Afan in Cwmavon; (Telephone:01656 725219) LIGHTNING’ throughout the year. then Abergarw Care the Sandville This year, we will be Home and Maesteg THIS helping the Mayor’s Masonic for Central WEEK, we TWO LAUNCHED Appeal in Bridgend at Women’s Society. MYNYDD CYNFFIG WI NEWS are making OLD theH Haermroonnsyto at sev- HaDrmecoenmy’bse Cr h1r8i swtmasas ON Tuesday, to the centre it is now. a special PALS AT PAVILION eral weddings in 2013 charity concert with January 14, we had and a trip for members appeal for WHO and now already have proceeds going to The saw ourfirst meet- to visit the Sandville tpstwewrxuaoapAfmollgfsa eas idiwprcnneoe shlv:kdooeo ssats-e.d OSTLWAHODNESLIETRYR DSWRlbLaUoioougAoobSnhkLreTct,,nrE h AGItieS snIMsrl Nga aah,niAdn niadsvdBht i loisLPtanofhtaEnreev,is ciStlkitoa,ng,e enewwYvseerotewiaSantnrbeo ’tvWlr,si, ao. si”anwtlh’uldseehm dsota’w e Pwh‘ ibBoaciyrsedot ehotttwh hckriaea isocwnefgl tihneg fbOstaToou eifciuncgerOtrcaeoiw neu bbTa snroedns uiraoa ndr wnnknpg encieir nvtoouerhgef’ va sm nslne2 ‘decof0gPow ov1etrrnoe4to trcst .uibeh endwpeergt ei atriihn-n BFaDltahrorseoeiuItc ut fTinec nsyomdohdowan bHut£ceie e3orewrrs0n at1,o0 r –o9Stu. f wlww d2a ea0ln si1rks ao3eeiau, s t.reio nd iiIuitnnnensdg gsut. t haoaitelf u n vTtteheeawne,l bu anroesoe toowisuf hyrfieatav-r- cwSCwGeaeaawnnAnsstyd trsdprnev eir efise,ilrt nclsihaeeu e ,t nc nshSwsdhteeeeseh ldd sqfiou . cu tHfhmoe t e hsmSolhepfiees £rt ew2r5a0s “Poppy and Porthcawl, at 8pm, on Forward Prize for ‘best Mary’. Wendy Murphy, book us for any event We had a good pleased to accept on Clyde are an Wednesday, February individual poem’. our MD and accompa- that you are planning or turnout of members, and behalf of the Sandville. older pair, who 12. Music on the night nist, works hard select- would like to join, con- the meeting was chaired Tea and biscuits fol- ctooawgmneeteh rt eohr a uadss stahdeliyr l£i9sh.A9e9td ,1 bi6ty 0i sSp eaar gceeonsl ,lf eopcrutibo-n wMfreiolelr. gbaen p. rAodvmidiesds iboyn P iester ifknongro twshoe mw laeed agirerees a vate nmrdy u wlsuiecc aklyl t(a0c1t6 M5L6Yr s7N S3W9h3aYn7 N7W) .DhiItXeON balys NoE ernewiad d tRr ityphmse aemnr,id nw uehtveoesn. ts lboew Ooenud r.F neebxrut amrye e1ti1n gw hweinll dvsfh1ioieo2ne rm-“dwdyyT . eete ahh a ttweerto-aymgaoc neal hdattreh etdeo,r. POPPYAND CLYDE. opwMteonfioe aoMBocrnrlveumdhaest,al, ro t Wtf astu2ra.eosa0nt ml p,eas a BselClr p putoha leivrainnnaey otatrsehs , t aehAneires FIVE Llmiidownicveesa frfolmo mArBM iaUdtinmwe o f agireavwt anexiaesty f rori mdnost women. wtSwithnhieheteseOr otGSere ue rgadls ranaG tigmvisdnwcuevogu eiyur lsstnglsstaee a el satnkSdph v ee SoiPelnanhfrokc oyHhlaewucroed h.wlw ipenarg,s oStCtsahtuyoolekrllp vlr gpewaiuageiin edelT sl. w w’btb yHsiiellp lelto eehrhnayeeak, ’n ‘vsea,D e rnha edownn pdtimihl nloea gubnre PClqouolvyip“eedTp teeeyh ar ei icshysh o aa a mo rlsuteemh r,bec aarohl stelah rnaS. l dlpto hapvoneeuioleygpl,h lcfe rrt.hoi eTesnsyhd, e alayyrn e add ry oe1og 0luso- nyowgekh aiaonrt- gorh elefdaoalrrl tya, bofvPeofaes gontthiek-vye ,ya -wPlaF,ro aidatrih ,,tC h tadrcaneeardssdwpc iarlfa ifsvEp ssitlivaivnoliig-dns sin aawarwnoedra k irn,d tsSah fuetfs eorarrunnT tnahinenPnigrre ekfeoiecnr enBn oaevtrfaiwortoniicvmakel CfvwiirhidsvLietle a dssrs teBtau gnedyudryele a afadrrov ,ar teyr imda niio ennccn itnWoto gnTra sjrslu.ueensssct s,tai itonohndnes yt wh fhoeierytl h dm p ttrihhodee-- CfroeTnmthr ehe uhhmaigsb hlpe rHt oibd(geIUergGseNi snlTHsinseIitLdneTgdJIs AiDnN EnitUshehAwiTesRd Iwr.YoM eo3efE0k w)’Ssi l Gl bEeM fi na-re taohshngfoetaem“eyc Tna kes,nh s ttadei!ol ny lT o dl lochv iaCskeeenyrel. y sltaTdiohrvhemeee ei w raeyw l m irwelieltno ehanjmid ogecyyeehh n dtiht lt ho–dsaeu r toeibshrfnie a te tr torxme amfsei otrnee.crieaegidsn hhe,s t e g lnylioptoeto alidsenrn s ate tronhaafdekvy- ardecicroev csmaIeocssrbrl.u ai“inbnnateand dot ie ofob xftny hhL ieotilh gfaC ehrpa ytpontniueinfntbfgrgilygi ,sihs- PARHthruooeigssn tpeci2irnet0ss,a 1slC 4rh oerfaRf irscWo ohJymeoaadnl l e etssh C eaaoS nnlfildniden g gEalJelens ut folyooinesff uSttouopfus dpTr eaaptamhtnnoeednre, t em fhGBkuabenrrsro od aa Toe tSwwrdhug hiosasme an chrnonhea rwi saeml dl gcster hhoemaBa nrhno’aise trb ai£lgyapb3al el 0redsLd, e0 seorst0nvsae0ss--t DttAhhaoTtsF Eea ol io nr n wiP ng io sltTltrh atbiehnme ccc a2eeo,w0 a i s ln– .t , I 2Bh t5H ais ghrmthr oy i un t, ilutddhet ee bts eih Tml iragieetmhesm r ewp.e omi li ln b vte aHrreytd . ellers, and will make lovely companions for some- magic realism and wan- Midwives Annual Awards. ices are held, memory boxes and more. AM M PM M one.” derlust”. The winners were due to be Tanneke said: “ABMU is the only 23 Thur 10.27 8.6 22.53 8.4 If you are able to offer Poppy and Clyde a Robert said: “Island of announced at a ceremony in London health board in south Wales to employ 24 Fri 11.15 8.2 23.47 8.1 home, please call 01656 725219, or pop into Dogs Lightning is set both yesterday (January 22). dedicated bereavement midwives. We 25 Sat 12.17 8.0 T4NruGst., CIto ius rot pCeonl m12apnm, P-4epnm-y, -eFvaeir,y B draidy geexncde,p CtF31 hom“Ae lason di ta cbornocaedr.n s my speTcainalniestk eb, eSrueasavne manedn tE mnfiydsw, AivBesM, Uar’es aprreo vpidaes siaonnda tee xtarbeomuet lyt hep rosuerdv iocfe owuer 26 Sun 00.53 7.9 13.38 7.8 Monday. past, when I was an shortlisted for the NMSF award for achievements to date.” 27 Mon 02.26 7.9 14.54 8.1 The spokeswoman added: “We are also appeal- enthusiastic trespasser in bereavement care. The ABMU head of midwifery, 28 Tues 03.36 8.5 16.07 8.7 ing for donations of towels and blankets, our stock Cwrt Colman. They visit families at home and in Cathy Dowling, said: “This is again an 29 Wed 04.39 9.2 17.06 9.4 has run very low in the wet and cold weather. ” “The collection con- hospital, providing support and coun- excellent achievement in being recog- 30 Thur 05.39 9.9 18.07 10.0 • Email your letters to The Editor at: cimluadgeisn awriyt hf uat usrtoe rsye to fin an stheelliirn ggr iteof p.arents to help them through nicies eodu nr amtioidnwalilvye sfo pr rtohvei dcea rteo amndo tsheerrvs-, While The GEM makes every effort to check the [email protected] Pink Bay, when Wales is This has helped them form relation- babies and their families. To have one accuracy of tide tables, we recommend that anyone including your FULLNAME, beset by alarming new ships with the parents to identify areas entry shortlisted would be a great putting out to sea, or walking in an area where they ADDRESS,AND PHONE NUMBER. wpreiaatteh ecro. nHsiigdherlyin agp rpercoe-nt tphoartt cino ufludt ubree ipmrepgronvaendc ie–s s, uacsh t haiss siusp a- aincdheieevde tmo ethnet bmuitd wtoi fhearvye s ttawffo. ”is credit icco utol dt hbeei rc ulot coaftfi,o snh.ould check with a tide table specif- E-Mail contacts:[email protected] • [email protected] • Tel 01446 774484 Published by: Glamorgan GEM Ltd., 53 Eastgate, Cowbridge. CF71 7EL. Printed by TMP. Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 • THE GEM - 3 P Police thank It’s regeneration community recrimination time after Maesteg as two AMs take on BCBC! man sentenced THEdecision of Morrisons by PHILIPIRWIN sion of a suitable leisure facility, but the AT Cardiff Crown is committed to meet- sPeuxopcrhetrhamcnagawerskl ,e tl agsrlteo duw p eteokt op ublle tsowhuaet reopnf bthuids,g eIt tfhoirn k2 0i1t 4i-s1 5c.l e aNr otwha tt htahte w ree gkinoonwal rwreeogguieonldne arbal teAi balree aesnsouumgihn gto t haact hthieisv ea lofunlel CWouerdt nesdaoyn, icnogm“ Tmthhuiesn intiieneesvd.ess tiogfa toiounr Bridgend County Borough AMs have assumed rather a lot.” “If it was, the council would have been January 15, Ryan is an example of dedi- Council (BCBC) and two region- TouSriusmzy MDianviisetes,r , wsahiod itsh aSt hsahdeo ww aWs seulsrhe ivniudne dsautcehd fbayc ilditeivees lyoepaerrss awgios.h ing to pro- MHeargmuoirne , Roaodf, cwaotrekdi ngp oolnic ea coofmficpelerxs al Conservative AMs. that BCBC must, by now, regret the con- “And a landowner’s agreement is nec- Maesteg, pleaded investigation which waWs hdeenja t hveu dualslt soevtetlre da,g iat ilno,o kase dc aosu nifc iitl flaidnedn itniatel raegsrtes eimnveonltv reedg ianr dtihneg s tchhee mvaer.i ous etasksaersy plraecgea,r dbleecsas usoef twheh act oudnevciell ospimmpelnyt guilty to offences rpelesua ltoefd Riyna nt hMe agguuiilrtye chiefs insisted that Morrisons had pulled She also had grave doubts that a “bog- does not own all of the land required.” relating to attempt- to the charges against out for the same reason as Tesco had pre- standard” supermarket would provide the Byron Davies wanted to know if ed theft and him at Cardiff Crown viously – a board level decision to cut necessary draw to boost Porthcawl’s BCBC had approached Sainsbury’s about attempting to per- Court. back on investment in new stores. tourism trade. taking Morrisons’place, and the two AMs vert the course of “I would like to uctqaDrwoannualrdfoeITevoens ,ihaAlr t eeidterasoMuse ds,snna eAnsewlaidi endMtth esey t arsh ,“sted !ah,i–T” ttecc o tBwla thavsolyaeioti mrs assonilbeuenon’i dp tsl otie eqhttDn ryhuemet aa iw ttvoLaes oiMfrua e k ldpisetoksye htroer erawu Bmi ntsnhasradodacsar n cshtkbs. Ske ee Tnmulhtii nezahkeilgdyeesl, sBPiwltousorhcpeir“““aidletcTWTlfhgr h hhmcpea weaeenswarw oitdretiopk hnll oau’ile gssernltt d sotdolch miu ottwdihtrsuaarlieh eailstprndi mw crp niSha o mecli aaisanhpnlenor taet bd vs nouiy iiLcnptss lee tleeai oedt .ikoo swuoencrupsf n aral ensirbnc. pe u agfprutatoer nicvtenwa isigltmdheio tiitn bincheitihngess- hrtsmlheeeasqaocvHOstuone teneent hhsy d patset - uhna paotici slf dstaofkh i:ecuin aprne“nt oed gIcadoi ni b fwhltf bFia,ehid yvrsraCde e eteaedSo rivdi uas tboob inyhnimoe d asncSMi bpa naoupgugogfreos re ynergo sIi iodhns nthoi awfgnoaedn.gau r sssm t.tu” hthoaamoi st rit ilohottoonyeft j1Mld–eiux 3crtpaeu sHhngitgmireiscu ec t eosirw er enau.eanftf no shftti rescisinl kse ac niiNe nnt oap egdvnl rpomseecoermveasi dis tobnot oueeotnnorrst. Bt“abmeTsercuRsrihitndsYsii otigsAteo neyidfNnnA a vd tBnMbhe tdOsyeepAt awiVulgGmtoebEhac U,tlea:a ii rcIol eR mnsc v pEaoweerimm.rdaoys--:- totttttwmhhhhaifei enaeaetMsm htinc,r o etkabhf t ewfelhesiortac hethcsceen e oeagronadm ls fs f csomtwcoichrrsomoiheettimamt- momspin mt beucaeusnieebursnn tsralni eiivtootscidyeef--f, asked to pay too much to fund the associ- tious scheme is inexcusable. What we say: “It’s particularly surprising to hear 2015. grateful to them for is a deterrent to anyone ated works that will accompany the need now from the council is some imag- Byron Davies announce that the council is Detective sergeant theirsupport. who takes part in ille- scheme. ination and vision about how to take not going to go to the next highest bidder. Michael Maund, of the “South Wales Police gal activities.” BCBC Deputy Leader David Sage Porthcawl forward into the 21st century.” “He may assume this, but the fact of said: “It is only now, a full month later, Coun Sage responded: “Our entire the matter is that a final decision has yet Police appeal after that we have received a letter explaining approach to the Porthcawl Regeneration to be made, and the council is considering what happened. has been realistic and pragmatic. all options for how we can deliver this dog food is stolen “The reason why the investment board “While a foodstore has never been the part of the Porthcawl regeneration.” of Morrisons decided to pull their plan ultimate aim of the scheme, it has an The AMs have also formally asked was not due to some perceived flaw in the important role to play in delivering fur- BCBC about progress on the re-negotia- POLICE in Centre between to contact us. process, but because the company made a ther benefits for the town. tion of the owners’agreement.with the Bridgend are 5.30pm on Tuesday, “Have you been decision to reduce its national capital “The plans already include the provi- Evans families appealing for infor- January 14 and offered the chance to buy NANTYMOEL PUPILS ARE NOW mation, following a 9.30am the follow- any bags of dog food or burglary at a pet ing morning. a pond pump? store in Pyle Garden Access was gained “Did you see anything THE KINGS OF THEIR CASTLE! into the site of Zoar’s suspicious in the area of Care home Ark Pet Store by cutting Pyle Garden Centre on through perimeter fenc- the night in question? WITH its far- manager ing and removing about “If so, or if you have reaching views 10 pond pumps and know anything about the across the Ogmore nominated around 20 large bags of theft which may be of Valley countryside, for award dcaosgh f owoads. alAsoq tuaaknetnity of acossnitsatcatn tchee t op oulsic, ep.l”ease Nhaavnet ymmaodeel a wproiumlde ABRIDGEND care froDme ttheec ttiivlel. Sergeant Anyone with any spot for a castle in home managerhas Chris Warner from itnelfeoprhmoanteio nB irsi dagseknedd CtoID yclahegailerd’srs egno natep trhbimey , avrailys- bafo enreangt oinooondma pli rnaaawctateirdcd ef.or B“ianpTrciphiddeigsaee nlwnitna,d gs aC ntaoIdnD a wu nsneya uoiadsnru:eea wlho oaCnnro i1mn0ye1ms,t ooouprsp fleryer sev ioaann d0800 school are finding Diana Purnell, of the may have any informa- 555111 quoting reference out, thanks to a Foxtroy House residen- tion concerning this theft number 62140013913. tial home in Tondu, is up new addition to for the ‘My Home Life ‘Put walk and theirplayground. Cymru’award in this Alarge wooden play year’s Age Cymru cycle routes on area in the shape of a Awards. castle, complete with Age Cymru presents 13-foot high turrets, has its awards each year to the right track’ been created at the groups or people who school thanks to have a made an out- LOCAL residents 9am–2pm on Saturday, Bridgend County standing contribution to are being invited to January 25; Pencoed Borough Council’s older people’s lives. give their views on Centre (opposite the war youth offending team. Age Cymru’s chief memorial), 3pm–5pm on how walking and Also featuring a executive, Ian Thoma, Saturday, January 25. wooden train that chil- Pupils from Nantymoel Primary said: cycling routes Coun Phil White, cab- dren can climb around School’s eco committee climb on “The purpose of the should be developed inet member for commu- board the wooden train which has and play inside, the new Age Cymru Awards is to in Bridgend and nities, said: “This is a been built in their playground. play area was built by celebrate and recognise Pencoed. great opportunity for young offenders as part the outstanding contribu- Bridgend County cyclists and walkers of of their voluntary work. while the train is a nod probably the only way service is unique in self-esteem and confi- tions that groups and Borough Council all abilities to have their Youth offending to the local area’s indus- that a school such as South Wales in being dence by seeing that individuals make (BCBC) is preparing to say on which facilities workers taught 12 young trial heritage. ours could afford to have able to offer young they can achieve some- towards improving the upgrade the town’s facil- and routes should be people aged between 15 “Before embarking equipment like this built offenders the chance to thing really worthwhile lives of older people ities, and residents can available in Bridgend and 18 the building on this project, I spoke in our playground and I take part in skilled proj- after putting in the nec- across Wales. have their say on the and Pencoed. skills and techniques to the headteacher at am already talking to the ects such as this thanks essary graft.” “I’d like to congratu- developments, whether “The recent success of required to carry out the Brynmenyn Primary youth offending team to the building experi- Young offenders will late Diana Purnell on they are keen cyclists, Britain’s cyclists in the building work and then School about a similar about some other possi- ence that the team has. soon begin work on a this nomination and wish enjoy a leisurely week- Tour de France and at last supervised the project as wooden play area that ble future projects that “The work that has new a music studio at her the best of luck in end stroll, or want to start year’s Olympics has real- it took shape over three had been completed could be carried out at been carried out at the court house in her category.” cycling or walking to ly inspired people to take months. there by the team, and the school.” Nantymoel Primary Maesteg, and BCBC’s Age Cymru will be work or school. up cycling, so it’s impor- Headteacher Alyson they were full of praise. Coun Huw David, School is of a profes- youth offending team is announcing the winner Cardiff-based social tant that we get our Jones was delighted “Our new play area is BCBC’s cabinet mem- sional standard and, in also keen to hear from of the Age Cymru design company, ARK routes into gear by mak- with the result, saying: a huge asset for the chil- ber for children and addition to benefiting any other community Awards at its gala dinner LAB, which is helping ing sure they are safe and “The new play area is dren as it can be used at young people said: the school, has taught groups or schools who and awards ceremony at the council to implement accessible.” really popular with our playtimes and as a stage “This project is an the young people who are interested in finding the Cardiff Hilton on the consultation, will be To find out more about pupils, and they were for performances, while example of the excellent created it some invalu- out more about how February 28. hosting a series of on- the project, or to have involved in the process in the summer we hope work being carried out able skills such as being young offenders could For tickets to this street consultation events your say on the develop- from the start too, hav- to bring classes out for by our youth offending disciplined, how to take support their projects. event, which will be in Bridgend and Pencoed ments, visit the consulta- ing a say on what they story times and use it as team to engage young pride in their work, and Contact Tyrone hosted by Arfon Haines to help people contribute tion pages at www.brid- would like to see built. an outdoor classroom as people in something work as part of a team. Hughes or Kevin Reeves Davies, contact the Age their opinions to the proj- or visit one “They voted for a cas- well.” positive. “Additionally, it has on 01656 815655 for Cymru fundraising team ect at Bridgend Shopping of the on-street consulta- tle as the main design, She added: “This was “Our youth offending also helped with their further details. on 029 2043 1555. Centre, Brackla Street, tion events. 4 - THE GEM Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 P Special lunch for Sandville volunteers Adelighted Sister Gwyneth Poacher after winning first prize of the raffle. ABOVE: Jacqui Adams, entertainment organiser, with the finalists of the quoits competition. IThas become a Report and images lowed by a raffle, the tradition that every by KEITH first prize of which was year, Sister E MORGAN wSiosnte rb yG, wguyensest hw ahnod, it Gwyneth Poacher wasn’t a fix! Sister Gwyneth Poacher on the left with her team, Irene Keene, a trustee, and herstaff at the trustee, and Peggy Jacqui finished off the Gary Banks, the house manager, and Peggy Parish, the secretary. Sandville Self Help Parish, the secretary. entertainment with a Centre, Tôn Kenfig, They did all the serv- knock-out game of Pencoed pupils’ Jacqui Adams presenting the quoits eonf tveorltuaninte tehres awrhmoy iwTnhages oh cfian ttghe erui nplug an wfcthea rsaw npadrro dtvhsi.ed- Q91u-oyietas rw-oiltdh Mthers w Riintnaer Rictao mPpipeetirt,i ownit hw ihnenre cr,e r9t1if-iyceaatre- oalndd M prrisz e. support the founda- ed by the Prince of Piper walking away with fundraising Who wants to tion, to a lunch at WKeanlefisg P.ublic House at tthifeic Cathea amnpdi opnriszhei pa fcteerr- theF ocre tnhitsr sep. ecial lunch, teeTrsh oerne tahree b8o9o kvso lautn- sficnoarli nrogu 9n0d .p Aoinmtsa rivne tlh-e helps support build what the volunteers were Sandville and 60 turned lous achievement con- and where? treated like royalty. On up for the lunch. After sidering that Rita is very, arrival, they were wel- enjoying a hearty meal, very short sighted. local family comed with a glass of the volunteers were As with all the volun- Mrs TEvans – 5 Caerau replacement 17.5m mast wine by Gary Banks, the entertained by fellow teers’lunches, the after- Road, Maesteg – with 4 x antenna and house manager, and volunteer Jacqui Adams noon was finished off Change of use of ground RRUs and relocate two were waited on by who ran a number of with the obligatory floor front room from dish antenna and feeder Gwyneth, Irene Keene, houses of Bingo, fol- group photograph. hairdressing. cabling to cabinets. BOOST YOUR CV WITH Mr J Lewis – 4 Ty Bryn Vodafone Ltd – Gardens, Pencoed – Telecommunication Kitchen extension. Mast, J Davey VOLUNTEERING ROLE Trecco Bay Holiday Builders, Hendre Road, Park – Land rearof 94 Pencoed – Install IFyou have been unemployed support, befriending, mentoring, sup- Beach Road, Trecco replacement 17.5m mast fyoorura wChVi,l e haanvde nyeoeud ttoh obuogohstt pdmrooirvrteiinn!”gg , pbeeocopmlei nwg itah trsupseteceia la nnde elodtss, BPofoa sryet hcHucoraelwi djleat–y s RkPiea tsretkno,triaogne wRdiRisthhU a4sn axten andnn rtaee lnaonncada tafeen etdwdeor aVhovthroaboegslBAl ouau arnnunroiiettdtvseea gaeee vtfersrrioio pnionnrlodn3g guaks 0 lnoe0lO wspt aweprgirgtoeeoehAarrgsm tn isiuaansiasnsn tongaeidwtc tr?i iieeaioa ddsbnt e iistelo h ivxntrroi(pao eBlnlusuaAg.gnieVnht aoeOoroduyff)t: BveocyxoetoAhrpmuA“VyeeMrrm r Ohsira!eeue klncn cspPecoieaf trenniuayod f tl,tv d: ioa dii vvndf“tefoaodiVnenkll ocrugugeeelnin unva,itt nnce eertetneeeoe rr iaetm mioelnr smi espgnyu e rtpgophrol cvupeovahiro yecv narlme at ise fl tebeudoybn oa aeotbtobn.ehulsyndeert eaPMCCSfeinpx/iroo0nsscpisty t6glrSt toco/lfai 1eshnlvAgou 2guaseor6 tlBr,egro 2c ;Mrare /hyeprFx,aayarU tgneB ieenveLtnr x, i–s.i Rotdri eoueTognansaehsr ind oeofd,vane c,–r- cMRCLwciMnaoaaoocbrrnnll tr lseTCutkdieasndesa rtgJg rilvotnr le oPa nytg –o tG 1 i JL– foCc0oae anVa nllrrtl biedardaifeinsrferenie eganoC–esa.uuts ,os5-w,s.t8ittahgine, “Through one to one interviews at its chances of getting a job, enable you to ing balcony and internal Salisbury Road, volunteer centre in Maesteg and in a meet new people and learn new alterations. Maesteg – Single storey range of outreach premises throughout skills.” Mr AC Lane – 15 De rear extension, loft con- Bridgend County Borough, your skills For further details, call BAVO, tele- Turberville Close, version including front and interests can be matched with a phone 01656 810400; or visit Porthcawl – Single dormers and internal vacancy that best suits you. which storey extension, rear alterations. “Volunteering placements can range has details of volunteering opportuni- canopy and associated Ashmoore Skatepark Ltd from working in a charity shop, admin ties in your area. works. – 8FLitchard BCBC Children Industrial Estate, Directorate – Former Bridgend– Change of Ogmore Comp (Spout use of vacant building to Hill) , Abergarw Road, Brynmenyn, Bridgend indoor skate park (D2 – Refurbish and minor use class). Left to right: Ms S Kulpa, alterations including Vodafone Ltd – Rearof Mr D George, Mrs A internal and external Cornelly Garage, Heol Griffiths, Saffron Foster, doors and windows, Fach, North Cornelly– Phoebe Crews-Rees, with reception canopy, 17.5m galvanised steel Cerys Grifiths (front). remove classrooms and grey pole, 6 antenna and provide additional park- RRUs and three new YC£1Eo,m4A2pR0r -ie1nh2 et phnuesiipvrielC sS hacrth iPsotoemln arcaos ieFsdeadir ctthrouensyst’,e vqweu hbeineceth n lha aragbse lbe a etmeon od ueosnnttaa obtefl i tsmoh oetnhdee iyn iMLBnyrgryns. ndGea glTelwo, r1yk3si nAgvtoenn u–e, cMVhaeibsieg iwBnh,e t E Mtosvf.aa renossot e–f,g 5l o–2f tRM caoiilsnle- last December. order to help Cerys be more independ- Porthcawl– Replace version and dormer ‘teGoCqr uypiTfimrfhpoiimtovshr iestydh,nee taa i f arpuC’nsuned pdcr yiithlnrs oega’sa,t et famCno rtrecr oanuhedtsas tdrft ioyifttur yiP on Cwrndiea masrlsyeatsr yup epwwnuoetpMTr rieikhnl r sev a,tay enhtn rhdeayda d ffnmMduuketnuuriddnscr:r geh Ga“. i”taTrsh piih fen pfamgirnte h kecfsf oi yfarwoot etrruhtdos ”iewlrl thhsoioacrhd swsREIiinqnoiivdtugnheuil rptessos mitisn rdrtegieoeanlar elIter n .Ey–sdt qooRuuursietitvrpybeiu mareilsxleidtndeinteng- eMMDetwxxertteomee rW nnscotssholiiEiaoorsevnnnhya. t as, n eniPsnxd ge–t enrl een2c bs3osiu teoToidnlryd.e– y School in Pencoed. much for even thinking of Cerys. She Ltd, Trewsfield Estate, Mrs J James – Land Pupils were delighted to welcome is a very lucky little girl.” Tondu Road, Bridgend rearof 114-118 Cwrt Cerys, along with her mother and sup- – Proposed office and Coed Park, Maesteg– port assistant to an assembly for the Did you know workshop. Erection of one two- cheMqur eD parveisde nGtaetoirogne., headteacher, you can read MHirgsh N Sictroelae tP,rior – 24 swtoitrhe yg dwelling said: “The fair is an annual charity your GEM online? Pontycymmer– First Mr D Williams –Rear fundraising event organised by pupils floor bedroom extension. of 29-34 Cwrt Pant yr as part of their Welsh Baccalaureate bridgend- Vodafone Ltd – Awel, Lewistown– course. Telecommunication Inclusion of land within “I am very proud of our year-12 Mast, Penylan Farm, curtilage and retain gar- pupils for all their hard work and the Aberkenfig – Install den structures. Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 • THE GEM - 5 P Gang caught Porthcawl U3A set their ambitions for year ahead breaking WEread that adult ie Russian, German, connecting with the Brigade took place so to join us as our plans into empty learning budgets Spanish, French and Porthcawl U3Anow many years ago and for the new year show are “set to be Welsh. you can be sure that which is now a vine- that there is something slashed by around But also playreading, alternative learning will yard. for everyone in our pro- computing, book read- continue to be available Anyone wishing to gressive programme of 37.5 percent.” ing, philosophy, as well to you for the foresee- receive more informa- events. cannabis Whateverthe actu- as a listener’s guide to able future. tion about Porthcawl You can expect an al figure, it appears music and art history Monthly talks also U3Ashould telephone enjoyable learning that, sadly, we can and appreciation. help U3Amembers to 01656 783663. experience! expect a reduction The singalong, arts, develop their knowl- It is an excellent time CLIVE MORT factory in the present pro- avnedry p paoinptuinlagr garso aurpes t haree eadl gane do n i nthteer emstoinstg u onfusu- ‘THANKS FOR vision due to the conversations, story- subjects. (COURT TOLD) financial deficit telling, and writing for This week, one of RESPONSE TO that has to be pleasure sessions. our convenors, addressed. Apart from the busy Elizabeth Bower, pro- AmwitcnoohrtevGoynee nA rain Nh ctaBtGahhdanae rntyr aao y bfa tilbssolh r f fdoootackuhicskere-- oeb4aTanu0fh cdr Wegh B wl Lshaaaeeaedrrenynlmrkat.ygesni n t tfRcwaeoendoras d saa 3 dw jc2L,ahe iorawlBeedre dgwase eriufk rcoosyskr-f., tYcMtuHehasoaaeeenufm rnipcraza o e .bt”hldoiiteecsr ceuSw o rppgYerttrlioaeeenrur tg f atoveo urtah c snaoeer wdudare s natesdoast. gaacllootlneooPYrtwdeoinn ru tahyui tmanoievp.eue eser t dwnlo eo laalowoyronos ki ikstn o ngfaoo tro ctBifhnlroraegiKuf t Rgtarn iirgosnoorhm wuoaipnuanlesngpdd s., t gt,h L h efaeao ti t osgian dars e roaid nun eagdnlhs-ot, vCURthirukdeiEs remcasldoiiie n,b d tsaeerinyttthuad t ia whlpteaeaidsdcr te tv ia onialsf knit thdoeedn METNCTOAHL YIHL eaADlthPRdepPrEivaEtiNonA. ’SL’ pdtCalrrkauonegwnt s n a gwhraaoydw, iCnCagbr odeutehirfneft paohnroednduHedr rasee fdodiez f a, t fcuowohn rh cp oaa1r iwwrd8y aaw ssmo o usoratkn iad.1tlh 8sts0oo, WpahnirsodhD gd eacoluauvocnsidtdt i ovw sdeaoy iPrd kfwi a niohmnnue eti lhlldlyhe aupdnlafi dsoftoaer. fUTrouefhnsr Witeirhvndeaet relAre sdtsgih t.iei ane nt smh toahotfe s atthr pee arretps- bolpeuflaeftTera nnrsheioaindsn gq tuo utanraa nuelkdisxef uipsican epalfc tlowtiaerocmadney.s a i lonafr ae weptthhlloaaeesqc hp eutiahsess erl yificno aitrlelel ur eaesvbstertl aneat tnetso d tohfe Mlodiuokanest atlteotorec sdat hWl paatenoloekyps s lg wee ownauenhlrodd- eBwdre iSndotg tmeotone d go.Wi tf htAoseml rwl eoednrtih’esse a drdo vgAnaiaifndtts--, heard, writes AJ have previous convic- Adam Sharpe for Porthcawl U3Ain atmosphere at comfort- We were shown pic- gifts to our taged families in the bor- SlaiAynrInr TeCosohtatLhnee e d Upr no ttNhewliaeAcowr eb . amsywsc eeenrnge ce ahsa riwuddagieinnfhntdg-t. tjdp£aia1aoiynl0TMne 0tshads s. e vff owiofcriret r i1srLmbte8 l u otmsrhoyugrordrledcna-eheNrt hyarde,esr egs.dlfwe ie naontogsf- Lthasoiinafmon ddLddce rewab u necoigcageofskdn’ c.s,d ta thrsaiceenakos ieisudno,en gfdtsfh beecanluhat,cn t is aenH t,a huatbahhssidheees ppettncioduaroe orutstdst v cabi.pciayedruto iebalovarfa nirfosd eaiifeclss dtl oetao hpd owpap nbot o c ywawro t desutihltranlfeyiu-l atuclaoebobsawilnsArneotnn ginlvin u onoePutfgtneoeh lPu rieyysteorh os nrtca uhtoahadre rwc ve oafaaxludaw nacnuUtmltdla. 3tgt iAhtnehaa etot-of teBtCWuhsaoretiWe lnn saYsfsuke etaoclo rlawfhetn va nh ea aCcPris,see h etN S ouaraeecirrtzvitcmecenhaaniesinldlgt ldoie,onepdrtdas ebk lro,yy-f. CAWhBorphhuiMdiprstgeaeiees r a ittnilmFn. H CMaGoos ryo wscueheg ruher cpohduf oT bantolnhaiydec- oeITfoaxuhritgiWe nshhn e’ dI can oH fmnuoatartrltenishbl o eu ritn oito hlfi nCak netaPok r sadt hirttfooecf when spotted by a police said they broke into what Salman, urged the court Whilst also providing tions are ever involved. Franklin Roosevelt and tion locations for gifts to Community Café ha elfiecnocpete ra cftleimr blionsgi nogv ear wfaacsto ray diins usBeadr ryca nRnoaabdis, ttoo ddiraalw bsaecnkt efrnocme a caunsd- aa cwtiivdieti ersa ningcel uodf isnogc ivails- plaTceh ea tl eaanr ninindgiv tiadkueasl’s Jhoeslpepedh tSot aelnind tWhaotrld be Tlehfits. was the third year Christmas party. shoe, said prosecutor Barry, but when they got added that reflectively, its to places of special own pace in a relaxed War Two and certainly that Mental Health For further informa- Tracey Lloyd-Nesling. in, they found there was he was a man of good interest, as well as atmosphere and mem- determined how the Matters Wales have tion on free services pro- Daniel Whelan (29) of no cannabis. character. arranging social events. bers come and go as spoils were to be organised the Christmas vided by Mental Health Bryn Gwili, Pencoed, They fled the scene Kevin Seal for Hafiz, The organisation can they please. shared. Toy Appeal, providing Matters Wales, go to Geraint Lodwick (22), of but the police arrived said he fell into the cate- boast that it is providing We are all sorry to Even more dramatic children and young peo- or Rhymney, Cardiff, Ian swiftly and carried out gory because of past con- over 35 learning, inter- read that the county perhaps was reference ple under the age of 18 Lang (36) of Rogerston, arrests. victions, where he could est groups that meet adult learning pro- to the Crimean War and years with gifts they telephone 01656 767045. Newport, and Judge Daniel Williams have received a three- regularly and includes gramme is currently the battlefield where the would not normally ALUN FLETCHER, Mohammed Hafiz (26) said: “You four formed a year sentence. the study of languages under such threat but by charge of the Light receive, due to financial Mental Health Matters. FANTASTIC PRODUCTS DELIVERED STRAIGHT TO YOUR FLOOR! As seen on TV - Casualty & Holby City Carpets Wood Vinyl Laminate Safety Floors Vinyl Tiles • FREE ESTIMATES • FREE DELIVERY • FREE ADVICE • HOME SELECTION • MOVE FURNITURE • UPLIFT OLD FLOORING • WE NOW TAKE AWAY OLD FLOORING CALL US NOW: 0800 610 2012 or 07403 310 516 [email protected] • [email protected] FROM ENQUIRY TO COMPLETION WITHOUT LEAVING YOUR HOME! 6 - THE GEM Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 P Charity night is a big hit for the Sandville Photos by KEITH E. MORGAN ALL proceeds from the Twelfth Night fancy dress ball go to the Sandville Self Help Centre at Tôn Kenfig. As reported in last week’s GEM, Barclays Bank, Porthcawl, is the main supporter of the event and matches £750 against the raffle, which this year realised £850; a total of £1,600! The fancy dress ball itself was, as usual, a great success with the order of £2,500 being raised for the evening. The raffle draw took place on the following day with young Cameron Beale drawing out the winning ticket for the first prize. Believe it or not, despite the huge odds against an identical draw result two years on the trot, the television set was won again by Vera and Caleb of Porthcawl. Last week’s GEM featured a number of the win- ners of the fancy dress competition, but there were many more good entries, as the pictures on this page show. ABOVE: The fearsome Vikings! ABOVE: The Great Gatsby ABOVE: Cameron Beale draws out the winning ticket for the first prize – won for the second year running, by Vera and Caleb of Porthcawl. ABOVE: Owen Teale, TVand film star, signing his autograph for young admirer LEFT: The Spice Girls. The Sheik of Araby and the Mad Hatter ABOVE: Sister Gwyneth Poacher and Owen Teale with ‘The Sandville Scrubbers’. LEFT: The Yellow Peril! RIGHT: Which witch is which? Sandville’s answer to Hiawatha BELOW: The All Blacks! Sister Gwyneth Poacher with members of her ABOVE: Back to the 70s and the age of flower power. family who dressed up for the event. Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 • THE GEM - 7 P NEW LOCAL GOVERNMENT Beatrice Hayball-Jones alongside the section of river that runs through her farm at Treoes in the Vale. REVIEW HAS BIG PLANS FOR BRIDGEND COUNCIL THEproposal to cut costs in local that Bridgend County Borough Council adopted following its recommendations government by merging councils, (BCBC) would merge with Neath Port will inevitably have a lasting impact on released this week by the Williams Talbot. current structures and methods for provid- Commission, has already started a However, there is another possibility – ing services to local communities. lively debate, writes PHILIP that of creating a very large local authority “As such, it is essential that considera- Farmers’ union IRTWheIrNe .has been much comment on plans manadAd Se swupapon ksoeefsa mB.arnid gfoenr dB, CNBeaCt hs aPiodr:t “TBaClbBoCt, ttihoonr oouf gthhe a rnedv iaesw w’si dreec-oramnmgienngd aasti opnoss sbieb laes, to merge Cardiff and the Vale of welcomes the publication of the Williams and that clarification is provided on a num- claims victory Grelsaimdeonrtgsa anl r(esaedey peaxgper e1s5si)n wg ifteha rsso mofe b Veianlge Cbeoemn ma isgsrieoant rdeevaiel wo,f eisnpteecreiasltl ya nads tshpeerceu hlaas- btiemre socfa leism apnodr ttarannt siitsiosuneals arrraannggienmg enftrso mto “swallowed” by the larger population of tion about what the future may hold for cost and implications for services and the in dispute over CaIrnd iBffr.idgend, the situation is more com- pub“Llico csaelr vaiuctehso irnit iWesa laensd. the Welsh Local wo“rTkfhoer cceo. uncil will now be considering plicated, because, depending on which Government Association have participated and analysing the recommendations of the option is put forward, it could be merged fully in the review process, which has had review in closer detail while we await a fishing rights with one neighbour, or two! a wide-ranging scope and remit. formal response from the Welsh If the proposals are adopted, it is certain “Any changes or proposals that are Government.” THE Farmers’ Angling Association to FUW was involved in Union of Wales registera ‘profit a pren- objecting on behalf of a (FUW) has claimed dre’,which would have numberof members, in given them sole and addition to writing a victory in its fight exclusive fishing rights directly to the Ogmore on behalf of on the River Ogmore Angling Association Glamorgan farmers and its tributaries. trustees and the Land who had notices “More than 140 sep- Registry and believes served on them by arate notices were our involvement has the Land Registry. sbeurtv ethde ounn iloann dhoaws nneorws, hteerlpdeode se nnsout rper tohciese md.a”t- An FUWspokesman learned the Land The FUW county said:“The notice relat- Registry has cancelled executive officer, Glyn ed to an attempt by the these applications.” Davies, said: “The pro- trustees of the Ogmore He continued:“The cessing of these appli- HHeeaarriinngg cations by the Land Registry has cost a great deal of taxpayers’ money and has also caused a huge amount of distress and angerto TTeessttss landowners involved in this attempt to register a profit a prendre on theirland. “Even more alarm- ing is the fact that this is the second attempt by the trustees of the SSccootttt WWrrooee HHeeaarriinngg Ogmore Angling Association to register CCeennttrree pprroovviiddeess:: these rights, following the first application in 2008, which was again • The highest levels of service and cancelled by the Land aftercare Registry. “In light of these • Independent Advice applications, the FUW • 30 day trials on all hearing aids would welcome a review by the Welsh • The World’s finest hearing aids and Westminster including Widex,Phonak and Oticon Governments of the profit a prendre sys- • Repairs and accessories to all makes tem.” and models One FUW member • Home visits available who complained about receiving a notice, For more information,or to Beatrice Hayball- arrange an appointment,please call Jones, said she is “extremely glad” of the 0022992200 770077776600 support given to herby the union and is adamant its involve- ment played a signifi- cant role in causing the failure of the attempt to register fishing rights on herland. In response, the Ogmore Angling Association issued the following statement: “The association and its lawyers are currently considering the issues surrounding the appli- cation for registration of the association's fishing Or call into: rights. Scott Wroe “The association is satisfied that its existing Hearing Centre rights continue and that its members remain entitled to exercise those 1 Station Approach, rights as they always Penarth,CF64 3EE have done. “The association has no further comment to make at this stage.” 8 - THE GEM Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 P Pyle & Porthcawl photo group WI MEMBERS MAKE PLANS present their annual awards FOR NEW YEAR PYLE& Porthcawl THE January meet- bers who sponsored her Photographic ing of Coychurch grandson, 23-year-old Society held its WI was held at Matthew, who raised the annual club compe- lunchtime and pres- magnificent sum of tition on January ident Sandra £6,000 for Velindre 16 at the Davidson welcomed Hospital by climbing G l a m o r g a n the members and MSeoputenmt Kbeilri mlasatn yjaeraor .in Holiday Hotel in wished everyone a The craft taster after- Porthcawl. very happy and noons have ceased, and The competition was healthy New Year, Scrabble afternoons will in two sections: prints including two new now take place every and digital projected members, June Wednesday from 1.30pm iemacahg,e as,n wd iethv ear ytr ompehmy bfoerr ‘Blue Tit’by Humphry and iCno tyhceh Purricnhc.e of Wales, could enter up to two Geoff Baker. Linda Jones. Member Christine images into both sec- Prior to the business Jones will represent Richard Craze, with judge Jan Cawley. Geoff Baker. tionJasn. Cawley judged oenf jtohyee md etheeti nwgo, nmdeemrfublers Coychurch WI as the Quiz League / round-up bnootth ocnolym paewtitairodnesd, atnhde aarnrda ye xocfe floleondt; bthueff evta sriuepd- L20in1k4 DNeFlWegIa tAe GatM th teo be marks, but also provided plied by those present. held in Leeds. TwoLb5omawwttsqhhchnu2fyharHaleoee eLea–se nireabsSer erlE4nadktu ate dwig.2nott g o b hesgwt.TopanSeSowed uepshwnwnw- awor.peou asa pyf Notysfpn niodL dndr-nto oetdhelipairdcpahsmnn aloseinie ltlttseic eslsagn aiidk- sdv oAyeetidtees eend fwadc res f ot tfapby jemaanibiuhradonnuavlllsryeeddypyndsettt DrTbOIfbwrGaP5Penrite3yyhyeoleai anad-v relITsrmlm e4itnleca;iBsihy s1 naseB he i Ra skaDgtaoc uotnCle3 F wllnrlitsotoee ev8ahCR hikp smcPib-eAn e so1 e3lmooo ie,ay.ra 7 o v asaiawna nnmKc e5rtldRw-ih i rs5ncat a e2ohPa-ohungtLr5w t ccnohtg s av2a hhtC m eigaghil.5vnhe sae raraee1i niaoossmwc it -dtitawonotbon3oaeo ntrsspgyn9noasss-tt, iMMpcicSZwoobmsnoaaffyte oyt aaelru a342ttrrlakmtyhthrolekh...r isa eeAddon po1lenWrWl a upg?le9a epdoArocdt?o 8gh ohogaen l0tpeoaltmyi d lot htt ?optht a siwyoh ta cewnep hs er a rdr ien A hpascie tOuPnb iecidhtcsRcte ntoypirhtPihlsret l ceUee c ioewGienuc kolD s lesNhrivthgerw?lG eaoetgooleohegersaiwtalElykndeaeeesfl afR‘GpTbM‘GHanTfEiiP nleorrhrcieleaeaesldtcystIIiroacewt vrrnnlthi n depfi dtto pafc iey‘ ’Ih qt wrl9rae’tnBhEa appduhmn9nOb iencdlaeel t- ay eathk wm 1 dco c e0w‘peeiunCCCerG‘Wg0 nr n FeDtorriie we.odntnoauiamaoenRosttzsawcsPl rf,dskes iehte fbonieo bss d any‘sieenrg sld’SmBegGtosccht’rycth’ wttwaaaaaeiio ikrooiggoinrbbbnetottennee’f’’yddyyhosfrr,..,,. sYG‘JSM‘AMPho‘tRolPeaanoyrueiCplraeerncrckepcslt rh odiro,hiac Oaaln nnmzabriggweo‘tndyb ’D .ineda tM’SwwStooennEbten ahydNnece ma skurt’!u’D g’‘neGatdnbbbhvestyyyeet,, TRwtypainoaohiit cunnCoeih snnmdoa tti noe–nrafdrg os ge. arra s anlatmlttid nuhna dwlgeaka h itanGibocnogi eodgn pomi staeft fhrpns tauetieconcttriikhon--- ftshtirH£aBerhnoeadr7eiBocregrrp:l0AT(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)a ye sd C.ts0 enpi hVTDh Dpcvvo lgieerLehaerteeeneee aitreltdlbantn dtcielaaa Jeon uteg 9binufrisrvlunsnlrte5r .dslsiiioosuatygt smna ohtmfaoi adsfei 8tf leforfuto sa ..hd t Vsnssgntnofaiu hoo geann itnmemtnrleotgiokiitvcs noh meusbttlednc ih urerooew or;ed-trfenmha-ses- aea‘hHJtjwotaWhoaCafnntewk oitovnijdl7hteTATlodetnrihu l.rreaoo hIy i3 tniaplaelara suee,0r otcitlnm taygh sd aPpfmoonttthr hec esmhmonn1eea a el rercbb xe 4yMts omtb lai oiet, hAusnrn eNeilenemmcapnda egntm mtafilhmtetFojhgeefaewloe ole.beemenhdteeyrrlh tbettne ,diiebi aer rna cOtrodseuan .lgi fn rlvaudut Hosrhwet nny’oae,ig ull4llr accepted their loss in Inn B saw off Coychurch (ForQuiz League) Baker with ‘Blue Tit’. Wayne Thomas, taining evening, particu- this being the proceeds and the topic of guest good spirit and duly con- Wanderers 51-44. Second place was shared ‘Preparation’by Denise larly to Denise Davies, from the ‘Supper speaker Angela Gorman gratulated Swan. Here are your four .drofrehtuR tsenrE .4 between ‘River Sunset Davies, ‘Wave Jump’by Terry Davies and Wayne Concert’, hosted by the will be on ‘African Tondu Railway Club specials: .noorT .3 with Reeds’by Richard Terry Davies, ‘Blue Tit Thomas, who are new Coychurch ladies mothers’. Awarm wel- did well to beat a good 1. Which deadly snake .gnipmalC .2 Craze and ‘Beat the with Berries’by Trevor members of the club. (friends of WI). come is extended to Mackworth Arms side often found by water .nohtyP .1 Wave’by Will Walker. Owen and ‘Serengeti GE Member Sandra guests and new mem- 46-42 and the other takes its name from that SREWSNA Third place was lunch’ by Wayne Lazarus thanked mem- bers. Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 • THE GEM - 9 P GLAMORGAN IRON HORSE SOCIETY IN CHARITY RUN FOR AIR AMBULANCE THE Glamorgan Iron Horse Society held one of its regularcharity tractorruns on Sunday, January 19, in aid of Wales Air Ambulance. More than 60 tractors – along with owners – took part. It was an impressive sight as the convoy left Tondu, crossing Coity Common, ending up in Aberkenfig. PHOTOGRAPHS by GLYN EVANS OTHER PICTURES ARE AVAILABLE FROM THIS EVENT. Pictures can be purchased by contacting: E-Mail: [email protected] Telephone 07791 228684 10 - THE GEM Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 P Bridgend brothers New bus service will connect local villages sentenced over FOLLOWING Barry will no longer run its route to the Service Gibbonsdown and ‘meow-meow’ sales negotiations and instead Pontypridd 303/304, resulting in the Coldbrook – Service 95 between the Vale Road and Severn Avenue loss of the current will instead run via Council and New will continue to be Monday to Saturday Wyndham Street, Court served by service 100. evening services in the Road, Gladstone Road, TWO brothers have been in Blaengarw and spoke to Gavin Adventure Travel, Service 95 from following areas: Weston Square and sentenced at Cardiff by AJSICLUNA Jones, who was arrested after a it has been agreed Llantwit Major to (cid:2)Pontypridd Road in Cardiff Road between Cinrvoowlvne dC owuirtht ftohre bderinugg thaPt roonse 5caumto ro nN Duheuc emGboebri r9 ,s athide qinu aaHn beti otstyta lioed f o mhni esthp ebh retodatbrholeenr.e Dwaalse sheeand t1fhr0oa, mtS fe rBrovrmiicd egM e3na0rd3c /wh30il4l Crsoidauretde Si faefl rtwveiricelled h 3tao0v 3fe/i 3ti BwRaoilralr dyin W–st eeSsaetdr, v Criuconel c v9oi5ta R–Pooardt BPtioaalnrmr ywe rtiotshtwo Cnn a Rcredoniaftdfr e Rj uaonnacdd-. mase G‘pmahveienod wrJo-omnneees,o wa(3l’1s.o) okf noKwinng ppBolleal iecnaegc wtairnewrge a irsneufaso.prmiceiodu osfly t wion pethoe- bfworaorgsu ogsth attio dt h teato kd er buiegt wtwoh otehrnteh hheoa pulpseerfo tb.x uiI-tt bCea redxtifefn.ded to Tcfuhhlalin sd gweetisal iltl orse sosefur lwvt ihicniec sh9o 5mw,iell abroneudtwn Jdeeaenbnno etuhrt e R aConawdd mRo Cmidildlyy TeBvhaeernr yCin otgou SnCecarirlv’disic fsefu 9wp4pilolrted Edward Street, Bridgend, and They made a search and spot- mately £2,200. This will provide a be available on the coun- Schools, where the serv- continue to serve DBiiwonmrraagdipDlsd eet rrgamh i sleeJeoafn o oddndnJrremo,e u nsseegau ean bw(scty2 jhieer4t aecaha)nctr d dietomnoi ifvtn i eGaetvnGt doeact l dvlot1ev imon6nip n s mogwuGsJ upsoeane1pnersi8lwketsy0yss-., tsasewa dsi“HHdew DHa eeeMta eiewsnl trae g aiwsG dsJmp ao:oa rsen“bro lrIeifle’r sgu.vsc rstoeoieen nmglddy o aiai nt nan mgsngdt d o uff rtfhotoofhiu rmsoecn nry deht c em wilwemeeit.ath., h”” s, JcJpfooooornnnsRH eeivhthussiii,c,vosg t edhissm,or aa ginioi ddosWtC h ofehdhaohre elru,cl adhdwwhcalreahueraida,ogsg c shth naeof,a o rofd p fraf ee ponsnrrrdusce G foevcfDnasaeio. vrraeeuoilddnesf tbCmrMahonearauatdorwntjd ueoByei,grf ae,vfih rnn,Si rl cbctylB laou.Aurgnsdit endhsisengea cgroenvtn n,iL ind Rctlg heaahennotdowsiet ccrpttioeialolga b’snCnesie n nnoseweaeiu nttiernh dagbm a:t Ls iate“io intSmsIned e.,aBb rmtievurnarir n cpnnfoeloseveptratao,strietodan-, SaIsIicsnynelensyar(cid:2) e BoiHadmcpna eoae r awsrfr9yttarie5eot lrivI luow s etnblnhraide, len i l t na tdhonhct enooe–c e teaBS -srrwhsuaeeiranaprdyy. bgVCineaia lytt(cid:2)dlehoa o Ligansxlned ata do n–rt nhde L Saeoae. eun chrgdkovh wsiC,cp ieoNitt hla9odl5rb tm rhwoaoiilnkl hours unpaid work. He was also drugs worth up to £160. He had 70 per cent burns in a fire. He As part of the 303/304 has been will still benefit from a instead return to the ordered to pay costs of £400 and a £189 in cash. had been taking drugs to get away changes, there will also extended to Cardiff, as regular rail service pro- Merrie Harrier junction £60 victim surcharge. The police went to an address from his problems, he added. be an earlier journey to this will open up even vision from Barry Island from Llandough Bridgend to cater for more travel opportunities to Cardiff and Sunday Hospital and run into BRIDGEND A&E DEATH Bridgend College stu- for passengers. bus Service 96 from Cardiff City Centre via dents and an improved “It is particularly Barry to Cardiff. Barry Road, Cogan service for Llandough pleasing that we have (cid:2) Barry between Barry Spur, Cardiff Bay Retail (CONTINUED “There is a clear prob- Health Board to under- “We expect Local Hospital. been able to work with town centre and Park, Grangetown and FROM PAGE 1) lem within our health take a full investigation Health Boards to work The Sunday service one of our local opera- Palmerston Road via Cardiff Bay. The Welsh service and I am to understand the cir- closely with the 303/304 route will run tors to secure an exten- Conservative Shadow extremely saddened to cumstances that led to Ambulance Trust to on a standard timetable sion to a service at a TENOVUS SAYS MDairnriesnte Mr illfaorr AMH,e saaltidh:, stheies tlhaete scti rccausme.s”t ances of snaodw otuhtec omsueb.j eAcst tohfi s ias ensure patients are hand- aPnodrt wRiolla ndo Wwe rsut,n C voialcot tsiemrvei cwehs eins hmaordn etyo fcoorme ‘THANK YOU” “This is the latest in a Byron Davies, the police investigation it ed over from ambulance Road and Jenner Road. by.” llmoeanarvgke s l iosnveeer iroo pufa st cieaqnsuet esc sattriheoa.n t CAWoMens st,e frovsra atiiSdv:oe ut“hTr ehgWiiso anleaissl wfaotor t uhulisds tnsoto actgo beme. mapenptr ofuprrtihaeter csmtraaefnwfn sie ntr o.a” t hsae fcea arne do ft iAm&elEy TSfrouo nmadl laPoyow Sn tfeyorpvr ritcihdeid s3 Rc0h3oa/a3nd0g i4en, LClaaSrndetirwfvfi itwc eMi l9la 5sjo tfarrn otdomardise AYeSarw, eI sfetaltr ti tt hwea sN tehwe LEETDTIETRO TRO “Welsh Conservatives another hugely worrying perfect opportunity have long called for an case within our NHS that LOCAL WOMEN ARE NOMINATED for me to give my the last 70 years, but one thing that’s independent Keogh-style provides further proof of thanks to our bril- remained constant is the inquiry into standards of the need for an independ- FOR INAUGURAL ST DAVID AWARDS liant local community support for our charity patient care – a call ent inquiry into standards for the support they shops in the local com- baSDboiaaNnclnefaosaH racduToavornSk tn ihsshfeoe.os deo sdra t elWW,th l hrloseseaa aiwragymbll Wieeirseydoiess dl :a cn.a ”Wwleaar“e inc lTistel ttlyo,sh Ahi tnntiir,tMswgni ao cS g hwci tueaatihfadhcznsoaiyhyeesrtt oWasattfcrahp ufrasmo eeol“Atcgt luak iCasisltgetchryoeWiaesh m mrrLp.teiar wseneeaylt s.rc nby hstittonaWhdoo uo rie nGeesrnhn J o metesotv vahawxenuearipireissdr nyet tsno:hdc c mfma d t “ satioaettWhfenhkhufn.iidee”eesr-t ApcafbJbGioyyhmaron TSalstttelohhrhtCresee one yiS a Ht l FcgftyS tio il Ona lratmDaf sahcduttOlmea eieMynsrrv u,Lte fdsiinaami ndrtniwcn ico atsraAadehntiotrleesy iwiesrao es , Wss naa trCpicsn rnaeoaaa nldxfgnrenorowpsssuecoer.yn errncttershed,de SiiawPfrfnniyonocne, grdh SLtwa e fht oalhkoahsyei oepssrres s tl aeah ,hi s Tcnnii ohuennCcet urafh ie fttJsodlwonehhdu webrsaeeenonepge prerdfct ieek,,o ati n2 at s nlfCiii l0lerzndnco.oar1 e h si nehDdtseshgriii n nipni Tn nlng gaearcji s guunsafb susretari,etneegdasoks-- mWlcatpgataohnnoior ceeaddur“llkinliyy nIrefbsit, etns sddahera ,gcyouoiym lnp,h t ruo thn iaeiphlnWneooddoeedvgut epo a f e wg letpmelbmeoehneliy seyn vlwema . n ytnvwlvhhael tei oteshkrsarh . oyeir opIete sf eagpm t od aeaordeopesac ieaksculrfeotebf hd o ersor o vrfcesovfe iagfetnnthuegce--e ceoe1aoareosb9 fpul.sp4ponrSOreea3rti atu no7ci,ttr rncaih0ciwo eacauhiten nhhlt we ldn shw y heiob ta sale ovticbav shra oaee sgttrl vrghtieaioe veavdydc erunep ehaitg e raoiiyuoeshnr vusc.loed,iekudlet- mvvacWbtwheioneaduaarm dTWspenlyt e nh mo iteotsgth’eos ytn urae sw, eqsan ciilserb olutiap oe trluisnfirevmftaeolueec idsmmwce sel r eetrasfiieihsn oltigctpihmi tirehrnw ma.oostp tgtueh seli oi taysewsnp r nt i rnegttto.’oshe r-ttaet Timberaway Millennium Centre. Unit at the University Hospital “I now look forward to the Tamoxifen, a drug now we already have, so why GAQatCrrluedlao eetlmny iFw fpaiupeoenlesd(drlNy kt oTTi PrtIfueriTn nevegsCe deauS )er eSrpdrerutverdairnickgc eeeaesnons.nd itatnpcshhlrou loeeu mbTK iwsnarlhsiia ciaicnoeqrnhl.a rku igSiitnegsee t v p idWotDneao f bmta oriWlylvoirel f ilimnabed altl,a maese Acrd mseokws.yg ,fgbI a aaftrepr rrordreodssueoscml cn eohpsodsfolcsge ,oht nheolfeiarefmsocemhes ootC£tthohff1aale 1TTdWinn t,m ochs0 ta£ e he0akdl5r ae0ni aF0tTns yt ir,,edprr 0 awu,Cs i0i ictssLna o0kteMr a,r id Wdftnrwhoi aiginfayr inf ih tl f s theea–2ihts nnes 0em.ta rt 1hrr lToasa3ieesrain .seteo itsed nsn td:fhal r y“gamo Inemo oanrmee aMacBwcnheita alTTduilrin dhharcbdelhoeee de .ea ”fwp a.wib enniyannan rndlLodieesuosrntn r sctfdc eowp erDradee ne amriaeevnoc li d dhanoen yfRcc aiajioduntwweedgadgero edbrsyy, ucwmuaoWasnnfioa endidcWbltdceo esise e. smlt ut er.ohhpm pcaatprauatvo ennettraia cietlttk eani teemrout ss ntsi t rluahwcleipcheaoor petrnhomdolsesd r esatt-ownrftto noyCtayhoononheuudteWOrm r r piosne s ocuafat’ mopbdny onn e wauiltehtnohsraiwa n va nagsle untfhhni e ekftooodtddo spfym sossseaee,ueuvn e?epde d f upro o yygsonoro which include Rhoose, is a finalist in the brav- received was no easy task, but ceremony at the Royal Welsh Our Sing with Us at Tenovus, a big thank Waste removal ery category after she instinc- the people who have been cho- College for Music and Drama in choirs now support over you and a very happy Martin Robson awaits your call! tively went to protect young- sen exemplify the reason I estab- Cardiff on Thursday, March 13. 600 people affected by 2014. (cid:3)01446 402848 sters, by putting herself between lished the awards. It will be televised by S4C, cancer every single week Natalie Kell, them and a car that had lost con- “I wanted to be able to recog- with English commentary avail- through song. (Retail Area Manager, 07739 389578 trol in front of Rhws Primary nise the extraordinary achieve- able. Alot has changed in Tenovus). Thank you to all our loyal customers... Celebrating 10 years! BBRRIIDDGGEENNDD VVOOLLVVOO SSPPEECCIIAALLIISSTT Bridgend’s Alternative to main dealer prices... TRUST THE CAR, TRUST OUR SERVICE All servicing, repairs, tyres & MOTs carried out at realistic prices ISYOURVOLVOREADYFORWINTER? Along with regular servicing and MOTs, it is important to maintain a regular check on your vehicle inbetween services. As winter creeps up on us, making sure your car is prepared for when the temperature drops should be a priority. It is important to check the anti-freeze strength in your vehicle and carry out other visual and levels checks to ensure it remains in top condition, and gives you piece of mind whilst driving in the winter months. We are therefore pleased to offer you the following: 1. 22 POINTHEALTH CHECKon your vehicle for £19.99 inc VAT 2. ANTI-FREEZE CHANGE WITHHEALTH CHECKon your vehicle for £42.00 inc VAT Bridgend VOLVO Specialists Ltd, Unit 7-8, North Point, Bridgend Industrial Estate CF31 3RX • For more information call 01656 769769