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BOREHOLE GEOPHYSICS .:#.*I,;;< I, FOR MINING AND GEOTECHNICAL APPLICATIONS I I", Geological Survey of Canada Paper 85-27 BOREHOLE GEOPHYSICS FOR MINING AND GEOTECHNICAL APPLICATIONS edited by P.G. Icilleen Proceedings of a symposium held in Toronto, Canada, August 1983 a Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1986 Available in Canada through authorized bookstore agents and other bookstores or by mail from Canadian Government Publishing Centre Supply and Services Canada Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 059 and from Geological Survey of Canada offices: 601 Booth Street Ottawa, Canada KIA 0E8 3303-33rd Street N.W., Calgary, Alberta T2L 2A7 100 West Pender Street Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 1R8 (mainly B.C. and Yukon) A deposit copy of this publication is also available for reference in public libraries across Canada Cat. No. M44-85/27E Canada: $20.00 ISBN 0-660-12200-6 Other countries: $24.00 Price subject to change without notice Cover The Geological Survey of Canada's borehole logging truck on site. (GSC 204323) Original manuscript received: 1985-08 Final version approved for publication: 1985-09 CONTENTS .......................................................... P.G.KILLEEN: Introduction A.G. DARNLEY: Subsurface exploration through penetration - opening rem.a.r.k.s./E.x.p.l.o.r.a.ti.o.n. .p.a.r .p.e.n.e.t.r.a.ti.o.n. .d.e .l.a. s.u.b.s.u.r.fa.c.e. .-. ........................ pr6ambule J.P. GREENHOUSE and P.E. PEHME: An approach to determining strat.ig..ra.p.h..ic. .............. and physical properties of overburden using borehole geophysics T.I. URBANCIC and C.J. M.W..E.N.I.F.U.M..B.O.:. ..M.u.l.ti.p.a.r.a.m..e.te.r. .lo.g.g.i.n.g. t.e.c.h.n.i.q.u.e.s. a.p.p..lie..d. ........ togold exploration P.G. KILLEEN: A system of deep test holes and calibration faciliti.e.s. f.o.r. ................... developing and testing new borehole geophysical techniques K. SCHMID and K. OLSCHEWSKI: Practical aspects and experience re.s.u.l.ti.n.g. f.r.o.m.. .......... borehole models for gamma ray logging in uranium exploration ............ S.E. OSTERLUND: A new test site for the calibration of geophysical equipment A.V. DYCK and J.G. HAYL.E..S.: ..D.r.i.ll.h.o.le.. E.M.. m..e.a.s.u.re.m..e.n.t.s .i.n. m..in.e..ra.l. e.x.p.l.o.r.a.ti.o.n. ............ (abstract/r6sum6) J.D. CRONE: Field examples of boreh.o.l.e. P.u.l.s.e. E..M. .s.u.rv.e.y.s. .u.s.e.d. t.o. d.e..te.c.t. .a.n.d. .............. outline conductive ore deposits ............... G.M. LEVY and J.D. MCNEILL: Transient electromagnetic borehole logging R. PANTZE, L. M..A.L.M.Q..V.IS..T., .a.n.d. .G.. .K.R.I.S.T.E.N..S.S.O.N..: .D..ir.e.c.t.io.n.a.l. E..M. .m.e.a.s.u.r.e.m.e.n.t.s. i.n. ......... boreholes ............... B. FRIGNET: Induction logs applied to mineral exploration and development Y. LAMONTAGNE and. .J..C.. ..M.A..C.N.A..E.: ..F.i.b.r.e. o.p.t.i.c. d.a.t.a. .li.n.k.s. f.o.r. b.o.r.e.h.o.l.e. .............; ... EM application ....................................... S. WEBSTER: Time domain IP borehole logging J. WONG: Two-and-one-ha.lf. .d.im..e.n.s.io.n.a.l. m..o.d.e.ls. .in.. r.e.s.is.t.iv.i.ty. .a.n.d. I.P. .s.im..u.la.t.io.n. .............. on microcomputers Q. BRISTOW: A system for the digital transmission and re.c.o.r.d.i.n.g. ........................ of induced polarization measurements in boreholes C.J. MWENIFUMBO: Drillhole mise-8-la-masse induc.e.d. .p.o.la.r.i.z.a.ti.o.n. a.n.d. .p.o.t.e.n.t.ia.l. .......... measurements in a Zn-Pb-Cu sulphide deposit P. HURLEY, J. WONG, an.d. .G..F.. ..W.E..S.T.: ..C.ro.s.s.h.o.l.e. a.u.d.i.o.-.fr.e.q.u.e.n.c.y. .s.e.is.m.o.l.o.g.y. .............. (abstract/r6sum6) M. GUSTAVSSON, H. ISRAELSON, S. IVANSSON, P. MoR.~.N..,a. n..d. J.. .P.I.H.L.:. .A..n. e..x.p.e.ri.m.e..n.t ... with the seismic crosshole method in an iron mine ................... S. IVANSSON: Tomographic modelling used for crosshole data analysis B.M. NEW: A seismic tran.s.m..is.s.io.n. .t.o.m.o.g.r.a.p.h.y. .te.c.h.n.i.q.u.e. .fo.r. .ro..c.k. ........................ quality evaluation A.J. BLACK: Borehole. g.r.a.v.it.y. .su.r.v.e.y.in.g... .c.u.rr.e.n.t. i.n.s.tr.u.m..e.n.ta.t.io.n... .c.a.p.a.b.il.it.ie.s. ............... and applications ........................................... B.NILSSON. A new borehole radar system . . .......... 0 OLSSON and B NILSSON: Some examples from borehole radar measurements . D.L. WRIGHT. R.D. WATTS. and E BRAMSOE: Single.-.h.o.le. .s.h.o.rt.-p.u.l.s.e. .b.o.re.h.o.l.e. ............ radar experiments and a crosshole transponder K.W.F. HOWARD: The influence o.f .f.is.s.u.r.in.g. .o.n. .sa..lin.e. .i.n.c.u.rs.i.o.n. .in. .a. l.im..e.s.to..n.e. a.q.u..if.e.r ....... as revealed by fluid logging . B.A. CHOMYN. P LAPOINTE. W.A. MORRIS.. .a.n.d. .R..L... .C.O..L.E.S.:. .A.p.p.l.ic.a..ti.o.n. o..f .m.a..g.n.e.ti.c. .... susceptibility within crystalline rocks . ................. A HATTULA: Magnetic 3-component borehole measurements in Finland J.H. SCOTT and G.G. OLSON: Developm.e.n.t. .o.f .a. 3..-c.o.m..p.o.n.e.n.t .b.o.r.e.h.o.le. .m.a..g.n.e.to.m..e.te..r ....... probe with gyroscopic orientation . . . . . M BORSARU. C CERAVOLO. J CHARBUCINSKI. P EISLER. and S YOUL: Ash determination of blac.k. c.o.a..l .in. .e.x.p.lo.r.a.t.io.n. .b.o.re.h.o..le.s. b.y. .t.h.e. ...................... neutron-gamma method P.J. MATHEW and M.R. ANDERSON: A .g.a.m..m.a.-.g.a.m..m.a. .m..e.th.o.d. .f.o.r .m..e.a.s.u.ri.n.g. .th.e. .......... diameters of air-filled boreholes C.A. BROTT. W.A. M..IL.L..A.R.D... .J..M... .L.I.V.E.L.Y... .a.n.d. D...D.. ..G.O.F.F..: .I.n. .s.it.u. m..in.e..ra.l. a.n.a.l.y.si.s. ......... in boreholes J.M. HARRIS. P.J. McDANIEL. R.W. BARNARD. and D.H.. ..J.E.N.S.E..N.: ..T.h.e.r.m.a..l .a.b.s.o.rp..ti.o.n. .... cross-section measurements on borehole samples B.B.H. LO and R.N. EDWARDS: Design and .f.ie.l.d. t.e.s.t. o.f. .a. s.e.n.s.o.r .f.o.r .t.h.e. c.r.o.s.s.h.o.le. ........... magnetometric resistivity technique ....................... J.B. BONIWELL: Downhole pulse EM-two recent field experiences ........... L.E. REED: A borehole electromagnetic survey of the South Bay mine. Ontario . J.C. MACNAE and Y. ..L.A.M..O.N.T..A.G.N..E.:. .I.n.te..rp..re.t.a.t.io..n. o.f. c.o.n.d..u.c.to.r. .c.o.m.p..le.x.i.ty. .w.i.t.h. b.o.r.e.h.o.l.e. . applications A.G. JONES: Examination of the electrical conductivity structure .in.. t.h.e. .................. region surrounding a borehole by a natural source technique . ............................................. Q BRISTOW: Instrumentation workshop ................................................ A.V. DYCK: Interpretation workshop ........................................... MINERAL LOGGING WORKSHOP PAPERS ...................................................................... Author Index 400 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION This volume contains the proceedings of an Le present ouvrage est un compte rendu d'un symposium International Symposium and Workshop on Borehole international et d'un atelier sur la gkophysique des sondages Geophysics for Mining and Geotechnical Applications, appliquee 5 I'exploitation miniere et 8 la geotechnique, tenus B held in Toronto in August 1983. It also contains five of Toronto en aoOt 1983. On y trouve aussi cinq des etudes presentees the papers originally presented at an informal workshop au cours d'un atelier sans caractere officiel sur la diagraphie des on Mineral Logging, held at the Geological Survey of mingraux, tenu 8 la Commission g6ologique du Canada en 1981; Canada in 1981, and for which the information is still I'information recueillie b ce moment-18 est encore valable et utile. timely and valuable. It was the enthusiasm of the L'enthousiasme des participants b I'atelier a Bt6 tel que le participants at that workshop that led to the symposium de Toronto a 6t6 organise, parrain6 conjointement par organization of the Toronto Symposium which was la Canadian Exploration Geophysical Society (KEGS) et la jointly sponsored by the Canadian Exploration Commission geologique du Canada (CGC). Plus de 200 d6l6pues Geophysical Society (KEGS) and the Geological Survey Venus de I1Australie, de I1Autriche, de la Finlande, de la France, de of Canada (GSC). The symposium was attended by over la Hollande, de la Cdte d' voire, de la Norvhge, de I1Arabie 200 people from around the world, including delegates Saoudite, de la Subde,.de la Suisse, de l1Afrique du Sud, de la from Australia, Austria, Finland, France, Holland, Ivory Grande-Bretagne, des Etats-Unis d1Am6rique, de I'Allemagne de Coast, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Switzerland, I'Ouest et du Canada, y ont particip6. South Africa, the U.K., U.S.A., West Germany and Les 41 etudes presentees A I'occasion du symposium ainsi que les Canada. resumes des deux ateliers d'une demi-journee sur I'appareillage et The contents of this volume, which includes 41 papers ltinterpr6tation sont donn6s par ordre de presentation, par sujet: and summaries of two afternoon-workshops on application des diagraphies, Btalonnage, methodes Instrumentation and on Interpretation are printed in the Blectromagn6tiques, methodes de la mise b la masse, methodes order of presentation, in groups of papers on logging acoustiques, methodes magnetiques et "nouvelles" methodes. applications, calibration aspects, EM methods, applied Cette derniere categorie comprend les methodes suivantes: radar, potential methods, acoustic methods, magnetic resistivite magn6tom6trique, pesanteur, rayons->( et autres methods, and 'new' methods. The last category includes mgthodes nuclgaires. Vous trouverez ci-aprks les cinq Btudes borehole radar, magnetometric resistivity, gravity, x- presentees au cours de I'atelier sur la diagraphie des mineraux et ray and other nuclear methods. The five papers from qui traitent du filtrage inverse des diagraphies gamma, des mesures the earlier Mineral Logging Workshop concern inverse par polarisation induite, des mesures Blectromagn6tiques, des filtering of gamma ray logs, borehole IP, EM, resistivity mesures de resistivite et des mesures sismiques, de I'btalonnage des and seismic measurements, and log calibration and diagrammes et du contrBle de la qualite. quality control. Nous esperons que cette publication sera une reference precieuse It is hoped that this publication will be a valuable pour bon nombre d'annees B venir car elle presente des cas concrets reference for some years to come, with its unique blend aussi bien que des documents de recherches theorique et' pratique of case histories as well as theoretical and applied portant sur ce qui pourrait &tre le plus vaste choix de m6thodes papers on perhaps the broadest range of borehole d'exploration geophysique des sondages jamais compiles sur les geophysical techniques for mining and geotechnical applications minibres et geotechniques. applications ever assembled. Le Cornit6 d'organisation et le Cornit6 du programme technique ont Two committees were involved in preparing the participe A la pr6paration du symposium. Symposium. Comite d'organisation Organizing Committee President: Roger Caven (conseiller en q6ophysique) Frank Bottos (Urtec Ltd.) Chairman: Roger Caven (Geophysical Consultant) Nigel Edwards (U'piversite de Toronto) Frank Bottos (Urtec Ltd.) Chris Madsen (Spectronics) Nigel Edwards (University of Toronto) Chris Madsen (Spectronics) Cornit6 du programme technique Technical Program Committee President: Patrick G. Killeen (CGC) Quentin Bristow (CGC) Chairman: Patrick G. Killeen (GSC) Alfred V. Dyck (CGC) Quentin Bristow (GSC) C. Jonathan Mwenifumbo (CGC) Alfred V. Dyck (GSC) C. Jonathan Mwenifumbo (GSC) Le Comit.6 d'organisation apprecie I'aide considerable que lui a apportee Kathy Jones (d6tach6e de CANMET); en effet, The Organizing Committee was greatly aided by the elle a r6solu tous les problhmes de dernibre minute et experience and efforts of Kathy Jones (on loan from surveille tous les arrangements, notamment pendant les CANMET) who found solutions to last minute panics and semaines critiques avant et pendant le symposium. Le smoothly oversaw arrangements especially through the Comite aussi tient 5 remercier specialement Kathryn Mooney critical period of the weeks preceeding and during the de la CGC qui a apporte une attention serieuse et pertinente Symposium. Special thanks are also due to des premibres aux deribres Btapes d'organisation du Kathryn Mooney (GSC) who looked after many of the symposium, y compris, sa participation 5 la mise au point de details of the symposium in its earlier stages, up to and la publication du Programme accompagne des r6sum6s. including production of the Program with Abstracts. In addition, many individuals in the Borehole Geophysics En outre, de nornbreux ernploy6s de la Section de la g6ophysique Section of the Resource Geophysics and Geochemistry des sondages, Division de la g6ophysique et de la geochimie des Division of the GSC took part in the responsibilities of ressources, CGC, ont participe B I'organisation du programme organizing the technical program including technique, notarnment G.R. Bernius, W.G. Hyatt, 5. Birk et G.R. Bernius, W.G. Hyatt, S. Birk and L. Schock whose L. Schock dont I'aide a Btd trhs precieuse. assistance is greatly appreciated. Chaque Btude a 6t6 lue par au rnoins deux rBviseurs, ce qui a Each paper was critically read by at least two beaucoup am6lior6 la qualit6 de cette publication. Ces lecteurs reviewers thereby greatly improving the quality of this exigeants sont, par ordre alphabbtique: A.P. Annan, Q. Bristow, publication. In alphabetical order the critical readers L.S. Collett, J.G. Conaway, J.D. Crone, J.L. Davis, A.V. Dyck, are: A.P. Annan, Q. Bristow, L.S. Collett, R.L. Grasty, P. Gudjurgis, J.K. Hallenburg, J.R. Hearst, C. Huang, J.G. Conaway, J.D. Crone, J.L. Davis, A.V. Dyck, P.A. Hurley, O.G. Jensen, P.W. Kasarneyer, R. Keith, P.G. Killeen, R.L. Grasty, P. Gudjurgis, J.K. Hallenburg, J.R. Hearst, P.H. McGrath, J.D. McNeill, W.A. Morris, C.J. Mwenifumbo, C. Huang, P.A. Hurley, O.G. Jensen, P.W. Kasarneyer, 5. Nargolwolla, E.R. Niblett, A. Overton, T.E. Owen, R. Keith, P.G. Killeen, P.H. McGrath, J.D. McNeill, K.A. Richardson, J. Roth, J.H. Scott, A.K. Sinha, J.A. Slankis, W.A. Morris, C.J. Mwenifumbo, 5. Nargolwolla, E.J. Schwarz, T.I. Urbancic, R.D. Watts, R.D. Wilson, E.R. Niblett, A. Overton, T.E. Owen, K.A. Richardson, K.E. Witherly, J. Wong, D.V. Woods et D.L. Wright. Nous leurs J. Roth, J.H. Scott, A.K. Sinha, J.A. Slankis, rernercions pour tout le temps et l'effort qu'ils ont consacres L ces E.J. Schwarz, T.I. Urbancic, R.D. Watts, R.D. Wilson, rnanuscrits. K.E. Witherly, J. Wong, D.V. Woods, and D.L. Wright. Their time spent on these manuscripts is greatly appreciated. Prksident, CornitB du programme technique P.G. Killeen Chairman, Technical Program Committee SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION THROUGH EXPLORATION PAR PENETRATION DE LA PENETRATION- OPENING REMARKS SUBSURFACE - PR~AMBULE A.G. Darnley A.G. Darnley On behalf of the sponsors Iw ould like to begin by Au nom des organisateurs, j'aimerais vous souhaiter la welcoming you to this International Symposium. bienvenue 5 ce symposium international. La ville de Toronto Toronto is the centre of gravity for mining geophysics est le point de mire de la gbophysique miniere au Canada; in Canada; the University of Toronto is well known for 1'8cole de geophysique miniere de 11Universit6d e Toronto est its school of mining geophysics, and so it is appropriate tr&s bien connue et il est donc juste que cette r6union soit that this meeting should be held here. The Canadian tenue ici. Les membres de la Canadian Exploration Exploration Geophysical Society is composed of people Geophysical Society (KEGS) sont tres conscients des realites very much aware of the realities of exploration and the de I'exploration et la Commission gbologique du Canada Geological Survey of Canada is pleased to be associated (CGC) se fait un plaisir de prendre avec le president et les with the Chairman and members of KEGS in making the membres de la KEGS les arrangements necessaires pour que arrangements for what is intended to be a very down- nous traitions, tel qu'entendu, de questions pratiques, dans to-earth occasion. une ambiance cordiale. This meeting is a sequel to a highly successful Cette reunion fait suite B un atelier sans caractere informal workshop on Mineral Logging held at the officiel, mais tr6s reussi, sur la diagraphie des mineraux qui a Geological Survey of Canada in Ottawa in 1981. It in eu lieu B la Commission gbologique du Canada, B Ottawa, turn was an outgrowth of earlier workshops on borehole en 1981. Cet atelier a Bt6 tenu pour faire suite aux ateliers geophysics applied to uranium exploration organized anterieurs sur la geophysique des sondages appliquee B under the umbrella of the International Atomic Energy I'exploration de I'uranium, lesquels avaient bt6 organises sous Agency and the Nuclear Energy Agency. I am glad to 1'6gide de 1'Agence internationale de I'bnergie ato~niquee t de welcome a number of participants from these past I'Agence de l'energie nucl6aire. J'ai grand plaisir B accueillir workshops to this broader field of interest. The P cet Bvenement de plus grande portbe un certain nombre des majority of people engaged in mineral exploration, or personnes qui ont participb aux ateliers antbrieurs. La research relating to it, are not long confined to any plupart de ceux qui travaillent dans le domaine de single commodity, and are required to change their I'exploration miniere ou des recherches connexes ne priorities in response to economic circumstances. s'attardent pas longtemps b un seul produit et doivent Fortunately, geophysical techniques are relevant to changer leurs priorites en fonction des circonstances finding the whole range of economic minerals as well as Bconomiques. Heureusement, les mbthodes geophysiques investigating many engineering problems which involve peuvent servir B la prospection de toute la categorie des the earth. It can be very productive to bring together rnineraux Bconomiques ainsi qu'h I'btude d'un grand nombre de different specialists at a meeting like this, and we hope problhmes techniques se rapportant A la Terre. I1 peut &tre some cross-fertilization of ideas will be achieved in the trhs utile de rassembler divers spbcialistes B I'occasion d'une workshops which follow. reunion comme celle-ci et nous espbrons que les ateliers donneront lieu B un certain echange d'idees constructives. I entitled my opening remarks "subsurface exploration through penetration'' because I want to J'ai intitule mon prbambule "Exploration par emphasize the fact that this is what borehole penetration de la subsurface" car je desire souligner que c'est geophysics enables us to do. As far as one can foresee bien ce que 1'6tude geophysique des sondages nous permet there will always be a need to recover solid rock d'accomplir. I1 sera sans doute toujours nbcessaire d'extraire samples from as great a depth as can be penetrated. des Bchantillons de roche solide des plus grandes profondeurs Coring will always be required for a proportion of the possibles. En outre, il faudra toujours extraire des carottes holes drilled in any exploration program but the d'une certaine proportion des trous forbs dans le cadre de requirement will undoubtedly grow for geophysical tout programme d'exploration, mais il faudra utiliser de plus techniques to supplement what can be deduced from en plus des mbthodes g6ophysiques pour completer les core examination, substitute for loss of core, and renseignements venant de I'examen des carottes, pour extend beyond the thin column of rock directly remplacer les carottes perdues et pour fournir des donnees sampled. I believe the greatest use of subsurface sur une plus grande Btendue. Je crois qu'h I'avenir, les exploration geophysics in the future will lie with methodes d'exploration geophysique de la subsurface seront uncored holes, made at minimum cost, where data are utilisbes le plus souvent dans le cas de trous non carottbs, gathered with a wide variety of passive and active forbs b un coot minimal, oh les donnees sont recueillies P probes, not forgetting television and acoustic viewers. I'aide d'un bon nombre de sondes passives et actives diverses At the same time, the greatest opportunity for new sans oublier les Bcrans de television et d'appareils developments probably lies with subsurface acoustiques. En m6me temps, I'exploration de la subsurface reconnaissance methods, using hole-to-hole techniques, au moyen de techniques recoupant plus d'un puits, qui exige requiring a broadly spaced network of holes. un rbseau trhs espace de trous, offre les meilleures possibilites en ce qui a trait aux nouvelles d6couvertes. It is worth bearing in mind that in petroleum I1 est bon de se rappeler que dans le domaine de exploration the Schlumberger Corporation, which has I'exploration petroli&re, les recettes de la Schlumberger 90% of the international well-logging market, had net Corporation, qui d6tient plus de 90 pour cent du march6 earnings in 1982 of over $1 billion from this activity. international des diagraphies, se sont chiffr6es A plus d'un The cost of logging a sinqle petroleum well may be as milliard de dollars en 1982. Le coot demand6 pour high as $loOK. The application of borehole geophysics diagraphier un seul puits de petrole peut atteindre 100 000$. to mining exploration clearly has a long way to qo and L'application de la gkophysique des sondages a I'exploration grow! miniBre a manifestement un long chemin A faire! I am not going to say anything about specific Je n'ai pas I'intention de vous parler de methodes geophysical techniques but merely to ask you to bear in geophysiques particuli2res mais uniquement de vous mind some related matters which seem important to me demander de bien vouloir tenir compte de certaines questions as far as the future of subsurface exploration is connexes qui, A man avis sont importantes pour I1avenir de concerned. I1explorationd e la subsurface. The first is a problem about which I think La premiere de ces questions est un probleme qui something could be done relatively quickly. It is the pourrait &tre r6solu sous peu. I1 s'agit de la fiabilit6 des reliability of down-hole equipment. It is always appareils de fond. C'est toujours d6cevant et facheux de se frustrating and annoying to go to the field, start work, rendre sur le terrain, de commencer le travail puis de subir and then have an equipment failure. Delays are often une panne dldquipement. I1 faut parfois beaucoup de temps incurred in locating the exact problem; this is pour en detecter la cause, notamment lorsqulil s1agit d'un particularly true if it is intermittent in nature; there probl6me intermittent. Les pieces de rechange peuvent can be lengthy delays in obtaining replacements; the nl&tre livrees qutapr8s de long d6lais; le pire qu'il puisse worst situation is when a unit has to be returned to the arriver c'est qu'on doive retourner I'appareil au fabricant. I1 manufacturer. This is disruptive and costly in the case y a interruption des activitgs et les coats augmentent dans le of normal surface field work. In borehole geophysics, cas des travaux normaux en surface. En g6ophysique des equipment failure is a much more serious matter sondages, les pannes d'bquipement sont plus s6rieuses dlautant because often a hole is only accessible for a few hours, que le puits nlest souvent accessible que pendant quelques and measurements must either be made within this heures et que les mesures ne peuvent se prendre qu18 ce period or not at all. If equipment failures are a moment precis. Lorsque les pannes sont relativement relatively common occurrence, potential users of, and nombreuses, les utilisateurs et clients Bventuels des services customers for, borehole geophysical services are rapidly de g6ophysique des sondages se dgcouragent vite. Si I'on veut discouraged. It is clear that to increase the utilization accroPtre I'utilisation des mBthodes gkophysiques, il faudra of borehole geophysical methods, reliability of donc ameliorer la fiabilit6 de I16quipement, il importe que les equipment is important, and designers, manufacturers concepteurs et les fabricants en soient conscients et que les and users need to be particularly alert to this. Until utilisateurs soient au courant. En attendant que les pannes such time as hardware failures become rare events, on- d'bquipement se fassent rares, il serait prudent dlavoir acc6s the-spot availability of duplicate equipment is a sur place A des appareils de rechange. Je suis certain que les prudent precaution. I am sure manufacturers will be fabricants seront ravis de vendre deux exemplaires de chaque delighted to be asked to sell all equipment in sets of appareil! two! La deuxieme de ces questions est connue d'un bon The second concern I have will be a familiar one nombre d'entre vous. I1 s1agit de I1btalonnage et de la to many of you. It concerns the need for calibration normalisation de toutes les mesures g6ophysiques utilis6es en and standardization of all geophysical measurements exploration. L1American Petroleum Institute a Btaibli used in exploration. The American Petroleum Institute quelques normes pour le forage des puits de pgtrole, mais has established some standards for petroleum borehole celles-ci ne conviennent pas A I'btude des roches dures. La work, but these are not suitable for hard-rock normalisation et l16talonnage des divers types de mesure situations. There are many reasons why standardization seraient non seulement utiles mais aussi tr6s avantageuses et and calibration of different types of measurement are pour plusieurs raisons. On n'utilise pas les m6thodes not merely desirable, but positively advantageous. It is disponibles si on les reserve uniquement A la decouverte des not an effective use of the available methods to limit llanomalies'l. Peu importe le param8tre mesure, le niveau de them to the discovery of "anomalies". Whatever "bruit de fond" peut &tre aussi 6lev6 qu'une "anomalie". parameter is being measured, the "background" or Comment reconnaYtre les anomalies tres faibles? I1 faut "geological noise" level could be as siqnificant as an connaitre le niveau de bruit de fond dans les divers milieux "anomaly1'. How do we recognize very small anomalies? g6ologiques. En genkral, les appareils gBophysiques We need to know what the geological noise level is in fournissent les r6sultats sous forme num6rique. Dans la different geological environments. Geophysical mesure du possible, il faudra tenter d'obtenir des chiffres qui instrumentation qenerally gives results in numerical sont rattachable A une propridt6 ou combinaison de propriet6s form. Greater efforts are required to ensure that rdelles ou nominales susceptibles dlbtre d6finies et verifiees wherever possible we acquire numbers relatable to independamment sur des Bchantillons de dimensions some definable property, or combination of properties, suffisantes. Afin de pouvoir progresser et de fournir des real or nominal, that can be independently verified on interpretations g6ologiquement utiles, il faut savoir 8 quoi sample material of appropriate dimensions. In order to rattacher les mesures; pour verifier le fonctionnement advance the state of the art, and to provide r6gulier des appareils et compiler les donn6es recueillies par geologically meaningful interpretations we need to divers appareils, il faudra Btablir des normes et des know what our measurements actually relate to; to installations dldtallonnage commodes et faciles A utiliser. A ensure that instrumentation is performing consistently, I'avenir, la compilation systematique A des fins de and for the purpose of compiling data acquired by cartographie tridimensionnelle de la subsurface sera exigee different instruments, we need agreed standards and comme procedure normale. Bien que I1on reconnaisse depuis calibration facilities that are convenient and easy to quelques annees qulil serait souhaitable de norrnaliser des use. Systematic compilation, for the purpose of three methodes de presentation des donn6es et d18tallonnage, les dimensional subsurface mapping is going to become an chercheurs ne se sont malheureusement pas precipites pour le accepted requirement in the future. Although there has faire. De m&me, la plupart des geophysiciens ne considerent been increasing agreement in recent years that pas que la mesure systematique des propriet6s de tous les standardization of reporting methods and calibration types de roches soit une tsche passionnante; toutefois, il me are desirable objectives, unfortunately there has been semble qulil s'agit 18 dlun travail preliminaire essentiel A no rush of eager participants to do anything about it! I'btablissement de normes compl&tes, qui influera sur notre Similarly the systematic measurement of rock capacite d'effectuer I'exploration efficace de la subsurface. properties from all types of rocks is not regarded by I1 serait peut-etre possible d'augmenter le nombre de donnees most geophysicists as a very exciting assignment, but it fondamentales systematiques en encourageant les seems to me this is an essential preliminary in the departements de geophysique des universites A se specialiser development of comprehensive standards, and dans certains types de mesure des propri6tes de roche et de ultimately it affects our ability to have effective faire en sorte que les Btudiants avanc6s soient obliges subsurface exploration. Possibly one way of d'effectuer un certain nombre de mesures. En dix ans, overcoming this deficiency in systematic basic data is beaucoup de progrBs serait accompli. to encourage university geophysics departments to La derniere question est de n_ature plus generale. I1 make certain types of rock property measurement their s1agit du creusement de trous. A premiere vue, cette speciality and make a quota of measurements an question ne semble pas dlun grand inter& pour des advanced-course requirement for their students. A lot g6ophysiciens; on ne s'attend pas A ce que les geophysiciens of progress could be made in a decade. soient bien inform& dans ce domaine ou qu'ils en aient la The third concern I have is a more general one. responsabilite. Toutefois, le degrd d'utilisation future de la Hole-making. At first sight this may not seem to be of g6ophysique des sondages dependra en definitive de la facilite concern to an audience of geophysicists; it is not du creusement des trous et donc du coGt. L1empressement something about which geophysicists are expected to be des soci6t6s d'exploration et des societes minieres A placer knowledgeable, or to have any responsibility. However les trous de fa~on tirer le plus grand avantage de rnethodes the extent and manner in which borehole geophysics geophysiques particuli6res depend des coats qulelles auront A will be utilized in the future depends, ultimately upon supporter. Manifestement, on peut dire la m6me chose des the ease, and therefore the cost of making holes. The sondages carott6s qui seront toujours utilises par les readiness of exploration and mining companies to locate g6ologues. Bien qu'ils ne s'en rendent peut-&tre pas compte, patterns of holes optimized for particular geophysical les sp6cialistes des sciences de la Terre qui desirent obtenir techniques hinges upon the costs involved. Of course des donnees sur la subsurface ant inter& 21 encourager et A the same could be said of cored boreholes which the promouvoir le creusement de trous A moindre coat, car s'il geologists will always require. Earth scientists devenait possible de r6duire les coots, les methodes interested in obtaining subsurface data may not realize geophysiques seraient utilis6s davantage et les it, but they have a vested interest in encouraging and interprdtations g6ophysiques deviendraient plus fiables. promoting cheaper hole-making, because if costs can be Vous vous demandez peut-btre pourquoi j'utilise substantially reduced, this will permit more use of I'expression "creusernent de trousl1 plut6t que forage ou geophysics and geophysical interpretations will become percement. Cette utilisation est intentionnelle car je crois more reliable. que les methodes utilisees presentement pour creuser les You may be wondering why I am using the term trous ne sont pas les meilleures et qu'elles ne seront pas les "hole-making" rather than drilling or boring. This is seules A btre employees A I'avenir. Peut-on parler de quite deliberate in order to suggest that the methods by techniques de pointe lorsqu'il s'agit simplement de faire which holes are now made may not be the best or the tourner un abrasif A 11extr6mit6 d'une longue tige ou dlun long only way to do it in the future. Rotating an abrasive tuyau? substance on the end of a long rod or pipe is hardly Si I1on compare la geophysique A la prospection des high-technology! mindraux, le creusement de trous represente de grosses Compared with mineral exploration geophysics, affaires. Au Canada, en 1980, on a depense 100 millions de hole-making is big business. In Canada in 1980 $100M dollars pour le forage dlexploration (dont environ le quart was expended on exploration drilling (about one quarter pour I'exploration de I'uranium). La somme consacree a la of which was spent on uranium exploration). The recherche et au developpement de la technologie du expenditure on R&D for hole-making technology is creusement des trous est bien inferieure A celle qui est much less than R&D into exploration geophysics. This consacr6e aux travaux de R et D en prospection g6ophysique. generalization appears to be true in every western Ceci semble vrai dans tous les pays de IIOuest et c'est ce qui country, and I find this rather surprising. One m'dtonne. La raison en est peut-btre que, bien qu'il y ait des explanation may be that whilst there are academic institutions qui se specialisent en geophysique appliquee, A institutions that specialize in applied geophysics there ma connaissance, aucune ne se specialise en creusement de are to my knowledge none that specialize in applied trous et certainement pas de trous de diam6tre ou de hole-making, certainly not holes of the diameter or profondeur n6cessaires A I'exploration min6rale. Le nombre

borehole models for gamma ray logging in uranium exploration . A.V. DYCK and J.G. HAYLES: Drillhole EM measurements in mineral exploration.
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