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Anarchy after Leftism A NOTEAB OUT C.A.PLR.E SS Thep ublicoaftA inoan rcahfyLl eeftri bys mtC hoel umbia AlternLaitbirvaer y tshieog pneanlissna gl ovfoa newb ook publischoilnlge dcetdiivceat tot ehdeu t tdcers truocftt ihoen BobB lack dominsaoncti Tehtecy o.l lemcetmibveeJr ass,Mo cnQ uiPnanu,Zl . SimoannsdJ ohZne rzwahni,hl aev intgh peia nsw to rkoenda varioefpt ryo jefcotusni,dnt hceo urosfde i scu(sasnitdoot n h eir mutucaoln sterneantoiuopgnoh)i ,no tfps h ilosoapghrieceamle nt toc ommenacv ee nttuhrfeei rfsrtuo iftw sh icyho uh olidny our handTsh.i psu blisphrionjgie scd te dicated ttoo t hber inging disceprunbinlnoigotc n ltyhn ee weasntmd o sdte vastcartiitnigq ues oft haew fmuels wse c a1l socailesttooyk ,e eipbnp u rti tnhto se "claswshiichcsah"v l ea psedp uibnltioos bhliinvgNi oownn,o. ot n ly wilolu ird ebaeso ne vcryomnien'dos,u rb ooks awlisbloeol n thesihre lves. We welcopmreo posfaoflrus r thcr orbp oaomkpsh lNeot s. manuscrpilpetaIssfy,e o .hu a vaeni decao,n tuasca tt : CA.LP.r ePssO,B1 44C6o,l umbMiOa 6,5 205-1446 JasMocnQ uinn PauZl.S imons C.A.PLr.e ss John Zenan ColumbiAal ternaLtiibvrea ry CONTENTS Anti-co@p 1y9r9iB7go hbBt l ack 7 PrefJaacseMo,cn Q uinn This mbaoyo fkbr ee peilrya atneqddu oted. Thea uthaonprdu bliwsohuelrd 11I ntroduction litkobe e i nforamte:d 17C hap1t:e r c.A.PLr.e ss MURRABYO OKCHGIRNU, MPOYL DM AN ColumAblitae rnLaitbirvaer y POBI446 31C hap2t er ColumMbOi 6a5,2 05-U1S4A 46 T ISI NDIVAILDIUSATN ARCHISM? WHA BobB lack 50C hap3t er POB3 142 LIFESTAYNLAER CHISM AlbaNnYy1 ,2 203U-S0A1 42 Prinitnte hdUe n itSetda otfAe ms erica 60 Chap4t er ONO RGANIZATION LibraorfCy o ngreCsast aloguing-in-DPautbal ication 76C hap5t er MURRABYO OKCHMIUNN,I CIPSATALT IST BlaBcokb,. AnarcahfytL eerf t/i Bsomb BlCaoclku.mM bOi a:, Chap6t er CAL.P re1s9s9,7 88 REASOANN DR EVOLUTION Inclbuidbelsi ogrreafpehriaecnnaidcln e dse x. ISB1N- 890532-00-2 1A.n arch2i.As nma.r chITi.is ttlse.. 10C3h ap7t er INS EARCOHF T HE PRIMITIVISTS 320.57 PARTI P:R ISTAINNGEE LS 109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 ANARCAHFYr ELRE FrISM PREFACE 12C2h ap8t er INS EARCOHF T HEP RIMITIVISTS PARTI IP:R IMITAIFVFEL UENCE Leavtihntegw entcieenttlhue rfyto,if es vmes rtyr iiispn e disaarnrddae yf eat-anaricnhcol-Aulndedef dtM.iu srmr ay 13C0h ap9t er BookcShoicnEi'casol l ioscg eyr tnaoie nxlcye pttoti hoins FROMP RIMITAIFVFEL UENTCOE trend. LABOR-ENVSILAN TGE CHNOLOGY Bookcohnioenf t, h bee sktn owonfc ontempNoorratrhy Ameriacnaanr chhaisssp tesmn,ut c ohfh ilsi sftea koiuntg 13C8h apter 10 his poewrns eocnoa-la niadrecohlitosegtri rcuiantldo erry the SHUTU P, MARXIST! bannoefSr osc Eicaoll ogy andM uLniibceirpHtaeal riisamn. is atuhteho ofasr t esatdrye oafbm o ofkrso tmh sei xttoi es 14C0h ap1t1e r thper esiennctl,u hdicisln agsc soilcl eocfet sisotanyi st led ANARCHAYF TELRE FTISM publiisnh1 e9d7h 1i,es x cellent Post-ScAanracrictyh ism voluomnte h hei stotrhySe p oafna insahr cmhoivsetm ent 15R1e ferences writitnteh snee e vntaineds ,fh aiiaslt etde imtnph tee i ghties atc onstraup chtiilnogsm oapghniucma ilon p us The Ecology 17I1n dex ofF reedom. Bookchhanisen v beerec no ntweintmthe recloyn structing onmeo rrea diicdaeloi lnco ogmyp etwiittaihlto lhno e t hers. Hidsr eahma asl wabyeset nol eaadc oherleenftt -wing ecolorgaidcigacrlao lu piinntagso e ricoounstw eisttthh e powetrhsba etH. o wevheiarst, teamtpc tosn strsuuccthi ng ag roup(ifnrgto hme jourgnraoliu npt hNee w Anarchos Yorokft he stiox trtieheceLse e nfGttr eNeent wwoirtkh in thGer eemnisl iheauvn)ee vmeerwt i tmhu cshu ccess. Inhi lsa tbeosotk , SociAanla rchoirsL mif estyAlnea rchism, Bookcahiimtnsop itnh bel afmoehr i s loifff reutsitmrea tion (deshpiidste ec adevsa lioeaffn ftto!o r)n a ne vialn ti- 9 ANARCHYA FIERL EFTISM 8 PREFACE anu ncharactgeerniesrtoiucfsar logsmlip yvi irnigt , Bookchin socicaolnissptwi hriahccahyss u bvehridtsre eda amtes v ery hidsu e turtnh:de r easdpeedc otf"e Lri feAsntayrlceh Fiosrm ." anyway. . . Bobd'esf eonfs ea narAncahryc ahfyit nLee rf tiIss,mt n Bookclhiifne,as ntayrlceih sic soamn tempmoarnairfye sta­ meatnote x prseoslsi dwairtiht tyta hrogsieentt heleda test tiooftn h ien diviadnuaarlccihusirtsr wteh nithcsah va el ways attafcrkasmb eyBd o okcphiidng'disian l eNcotri ciss. Bob bedevtihlweeo dr alnda rcmhoivsetm pernotp Tehref. a ct really inrteesrceausnitanergdc i hdiienso tfl roogimyt self. thtahtae n arc"hmiosvte mietnsthe"ala sfl wabyesem no re Hej uswatn ttoss etth ree cosrtdr tab iyc 1e�aa rwiany of p�al ymorpihnosuusr remcitliioeeunn acroym passing ?" worsteh auns elpeoslse mDiecfse.n tdhlpeDo gt enftoira l everyftrhomamgn archo-syanndairccahloi-sctosm,m unists anaricmshe yr ealnuy n pletaasosafkmn etn iaanlt i-ideologi­ anda narcho-ftuoat nuarricsfhteisms itn ainsatrsc,h ist calla btohrBa othb a pse rfobremceadnu oos neee l vsoel un­ primiatniadvn iasrtcsh o-sdioteusarnte'iamtola nltiytts oet rs teetreowd a sthh epsaer ticular dihrewt ayn tdsi shes; while himT.h ei mportthainntg ihsa fistn haabltel eyhn e t aob le tog eotnw itcho okainnogt mheearl . namteh aen ti-orgacnaibwzahalit ociphop noahslie amsn d . . ' But tbhyna ot 'msea altnlhs a gtO'lsoO ng �hD.el rspnOgS l toe xpltahieens otleirnibkces t weietonsf tseene mingly . of MuBroroakyc hiidne'osl oagnidrc haelt ornucbabli sh unrelated orc oenvterna edmfioufcrtttuosar!ly l y gives Bcohba nttcodhe ee v etlhogepr oufnodarsm ore EntBeorbB lack. geneartatloa nct khr ee manig�en stiogfe tlsie swmh ihlee' s Nowal ootfp eopdloenl 'itBk oeBb l aMcakn.y anarchists � � ati tC.l eanhionuogsf el eflIlSsm mua c bhi ggtearst kh an woubleda brmed miofv eidhnn e e xdto oArn.y owniet h dealwiintoghn mea nl'esf ctairsetSe orn .o nsee nbsye, goosde enw souplrdo bbabeul pys ets tiafrd tahetedhi enrg � . drawaitntge nttohi iiosnn e ffpeoclteuBmaoiloC k,c hhams younsgiesrMt oesret.v eryiolsno eat tohp reo vhoikasen ger madhei msaenl fe xfcoturhs beee ginonfi mnaug c lha rger orf acieht e aodn . procoefcs rsi tipqruoect,eh saast u nwdiolulb ctoendtliyn ue Andn ot wirtehaosBuootnbm .a yb ea b rilclriiaatnnitdc tou nfoldi nwcirtemhai sliintigan nttchocee o micnegn tury. hilawriibtou,uht se 'sa n niocgteu yH.ii sn famroeupsu ta­ tiiosnnb 'utio lnft a pilrao yrg oosdp ortsmanship. Maybteh iwsh yMi usr ray Bookcrhainnt',s latest Social AnarchoirsL mi fesAtynlaerc hisAmn: U nbridgeable Chasm • TheF iJlh EsDwalve'iWsda ls(oank a GeBorragdef hoarsd ) nevcerri tiBcoibBz leadsci kr eIcnft alicyntt.e vseomr u c h juswtr itatv eanl uacbrlieto ifqm uaejto hre mienBs o ochiwno'rsk � as mentinoanmsE ev.Be otnbh 'osui gtoh'b sv iforuostm h e titlBeeydo nBdo okchiPnr:e fafcoer Fau turSeo ctaElc ology. bookc'osn ttehnbatytsa lrli gBhotbss h ouhladvr ee ceived pubtisbhyAe udt onom(eBdrioao kNlYy)na ,n BlackR ed & ? thsea mtey poefa ttem(pttheoduu lgthi mfaeteebllye ) (DetrMoIi)tt.w, a as lssot� uilalbcyBd o okcshamb y�sl�S �clQl � thrasBhoionkgc rheisne rfvoGerde orBgrea dfJoorhdn, . AnarchiosrLm i fesAtylllea rchH,osmw.e vWeart,s owno rka� med 5 IS ZerzHaank,i m etBa el.y , morleO wadredfse ndainnagr cho-prainmdri ethiavbiislmai tating ObvioMuusrlryka,ny o bwes ttert oc thhaalnlB eontbg oe non-BookScohciEincaiolsl tto hgya tno watrhdcesr ilBioqbtu aek es ad ueelv,ea n oneB.ut th haats snt'otp Bpoebid,n oni nt hivso luomfeB ookchlienf'tsol veefrts iesrmvi enbd i ode­ rhetorical gradaebcloel oagnidc alm uniwcriappapliinsgls . 10 PREFACE tIhtwi tis�alrk le,b q uuetii a twrw iabrllneee d soasnn ede. f ftof rr o ma lolf u st of inish hianBscao idbesson d ipeovtsfufesrbod ohlcr mti re thsi ae ate sti iRktqnaA iu tnteohaurf trcdI� Y ahem a n piflll e een.Lntr eot hfbm.�Ismt/g S si o oesnb llgyia hgieen s INTRODUCTION mpoats(itav (nespd er eenmsiten)gBg eoltibyS 't� t hav w�o y�n,t h el acokf a Onwn yr seovrednigde muse) huenrlrehsia h nsoigbpsse rcnwue pi ut-jtdhu o Ws natssam nudct owritetbud,usr tewa lilftlf-ohejw hwusie mrrt e od Thissm alblo ok is nmootrheti hnaganc ritioqfau neo ther thaenv; r. " Three suIl'atS desfte ast stifoi.nc sa ti smalblo okM,u rraByo okchiSno'csiA anla rchoirsL mif estyle tentelnyt earitnipnrgo s�erna � �a.de upa f c onSls- AnarchiAslmlU: n bridgeCahbals'em H .isc onsiosftt sh e obbees moieln Ienfettst oicsimca,rl i 't'aicI' m em mnaoernecnt na I��mull et o hfeac wooffiuonJf d ­ � anaricsht_�e�sty dc.IeY srom.uht.lA eam ynsWI dOgl lhenltnto'lg 't.tdewsB Otau n ntw att i tolti tehnha vensti eBthtxo aeftbn eih kani astm fty !oo rud rho oiuntsgheI e. rAelrIfl Eee dfrieetnrnotcbec hounebSinrcsocssge oo ihsAktss, l.loo&t l a ltiS noehnardfnlegnFe uyr rfm aeenrriceanCipnl Asactsc:reh o eset,nAP-yoB tKbr oahe eore s1pkess9ac e,9ghs 5ei . n 's othwerri toirnt ghse writoitnhgesr s-ofafon al plporwo ximation JasoMnc Quinn ofs ocial-csictiaestnticyoTelnh e ai.ts t ,h ecyo nsoifas p ta rentheti­ Anaryc:Ah Jouarlnof D esire carle ferteoan s coeu rbcyte h lea nsatm oef t haeu thaonrd [he Anned AltearntiPvree Rses view yeaorf publfioclaltoibwoyein,dn s ome instancpeasg,e specific refereFnocree xsa.m p(lBet,a1 c9k9 540:r) e fteorp sa g5e0o ft he boolki sitnet dhB ei bliogarsfa oplhlyo ws: Black,( 1B9o9Bb4e )n. tehaUetn hd erPgorrtolOuaRnn:Fdd e,.r a l HouseP orTto wnseWnAd:L, o ompaUnnilcism ited & Sometitmheae!>u thonra'msei so mittiefid,n c onteixtit s, proviodrie mdp liinte hdte e xet.,(g 1.995,40 w:)h erteht ee ixtts elf haisd entBilfaiacesktd h seo urce. requtehsfetor bearoafrn ecaed wehrots h itnhkai tne xplaining I the almosIta -mo btvaildokouiwsnn gt hteoIm e .x petchtan te arly alolfm yr eadaerreesi tfhaeimrl iwairtt hh ciist astyisotoner em l se woulhda vneod iffifciuglutiryoti u ntIgc. h otsoeu siett os upply atl eatshtrue d imenotfrs e feresnicmeusl tanweiotwuhhs alty 1 makoef t heImc .h ootsoee x pltahiseny stheemrf eor ma ne xcess ofc aution. expetchteB ookchicnoiusntt ertaotr tealchyke avoinl y I confusqiuoinbibsaltbi onduget t aiinlcsl,ub diibnlgi ogrdaepthaiicl s. (coinntu.e.d. ) 12 INTRODUCTION ANARCHYA FTER LEFIlSM 13 tIP•t wOuietbtenrllstaieysyms eai uhadynre1er ba"d99bspel Ta5 l!t ht Iw.uweLet hswe e i a fcTsathhh: an a. lut dWObn. ea e esxAn:p? oPe.leci nOrtO sgeetno rdf Rnv oeae'rfllna e ht1.co 0 tanlin eo ans.t" tWehTnahdtemedy'ono snrc oeytw, h. nei e nBf oaoaerknxincacoohreuvichpsenhit l is oetvs wxiimnhee s iswpmb seai-cltwii eiatgevtlhncehte or-nymlyae,ao lw tga iyrc.m almost ",:orkesrtOi,r gazanti:iol�:i ���;���:�n�a�rh�is-t�lseftti,s affinitNioetos n.l ayr et hepye rnicitohueasyr, e p ernicious ocdrhItivhsewotr(hdssaooa enh xt alday ne v,e ae1· vis0 e ntoBmr no o eorw kenaci. uyhn, om S ere y. renosotuc tsorha)n den te ipnaaegronvdetf e amfne rnort aro rem- moiofnead sneos rlenhdnfie tasrtistehah s"esliyi alion,mynnd aew si ca voyTin.hdfi eugrydaue elrpciaBrkstoeeomiosdu,oake t"inr cn n etht ccri arenlun "plddloseyis s ftce­e­nce eassnuBpdrome poacrkniiMcytoasoh hflecsiue l.at�nsa y u m ru gie olsshrafhe t b all� .evof ; t o�e:d fa;dr �U �sSoh aem�:t·eeole :f,,;1erB ood;odaok n�xc;oa� hricbtn hoh�'ibo",'S,sky ts s osiaftss(a yphnaleeianec onra tfscrcs ihcl sif(hatsuHisMsmnossu).dlwmitc ae .chhmfw"ai ceto lson-r utowsatlapienhhdlpn aaa logravnyfhs c e t aaeh olpditl lp shiiemefdnn, eeoge sfinfa-d!ttn rna yiioawtwlnsmsraeaego c ynt mh eceith ss m cpsraualbs sHyepe.qo s ulwaeeienewnt dmeeti evtr cdeomest r o a-ski�ten.Yln ti� � Ie�n:pin � ��ese� io�f�c!u �pa�.wt aselWs,�aO. I 0nn t0im; h duc inheoimssc y in-_ hceoFd moorrBea onsdoo tektehsc xe,hpay tilr hnaete,i rln nai,.if )teA osasrtn ssyau.lrc ecth hh aierasyenrt oesjt u esewvtroe rrnas net JPHoueou rpwlanosaRaf Drel e aa sblis;,:Aiftem ryn�zet,fe :ldb�'tl e�c" eon";f sal tih,kc.t eah,ne FdA w ineaftrErhuecs p thtA :oya :t e amtcahncaayonev r podiwitHenhhidgees jltd eysoor. epe spmnwoi'oniatresdd ikn o n lsw son mreoiwnfgha hestmoart irnTaeys ahn .treo rcrteahetharai hetensersndmm, ' . t He forgr antTehde.y d idn·kI' nt:t St::f�h oet io:�ot h�ea n:'archists nevemri nd if sotmheetyi mceosn traedaiccht ot(hfeorr were sinkinign tisodw eiofltolgy:ni ;cal� 1t� ���:tt hey ipnesotpalT"nehic)ene.ydd, oi nvh'iatd vutaeaon bl deit sr"muft"eao b s eac piepsflmfit"eeo Bcd ot tosihkavecme he.i n startoeudta sa Stalinainsdit ts, u rseh owisn t hea busive ( I . styalned u nscrupucloonutseo nft his pHoel weamnitcs. no .c.O.n tumed) tI.csS.lf Ihto v aiymcpppeuIalt,e nmny.r sapa aeworptarw.cptrtte hiiehaariann anne.ssrggittd /tocsa uf ocsm rn ra eedseS rr ouvoeurlemfieoytnyseum.f P ugl r ssulecca "s rer.supaebttnyd mt'itt 0t tl b ehh1hZyle aeetepte t ayrdeh r a seIcexspe.t opt eImm xIoaSgetp·. fsst rss Ieucmschoeuhonasm,lls p ay -r - bdsalinaIgeaadi te lridotbtocs whe hgctide iurhti iiseeehslnt doh tl isreahi iteianinm.slldsscp tft t tr -hca ea,aksp siastpihnleihosiiglnoai nBn einhtngo hmn i t oicifsekshoel dc insu hpla,eaatisys nnnhane c dpre ,le irei d roprermu mreitalpnanyaet rniato­ n I trCLssheachTiefrhwao eeoolf rflarl.euroa Aesoc nlerrntwossc f si awn nhmehsl'oicistyagric wlrsimh,ebph llu ad,a n ei c.'ne vcehsiTa t dreitil1toano ae ntnoJh ldy bxdbghd aa e olt eua tcm edem� .I'cloLs enu mpsBea n teco otrs chtnoh ti sdke rYautbgcfeat lntr aht.r (hl asmei ueaa 't. eerne tsonFa l sr ' b cfodsOS rs emte h�n tgu m.ooI'o amcS�m uf en h!mc, gsAms d y ecnosi imnharanedtorayegthollc hoeleahosn rim do,eorssiyr f sehms tai .dp e r, wotlThnhhoHdaeet eoetrr i fmamd ees nircoi hoseoalfens nlif e"eltlsea.sdyhsahrl i o e tlieodTc poanlntehiaofrtg aaeans g nsrlasseHa-e ruietrt'cca b.hctBshhhll ahho ai teedAiiotnstex snak omoprpmtsgc .a "nli s h"rlaods ti titraitsonifisihls h nevhnioaetgaesoogsotp a nstft w pira y .nrdgrlc ooesecerfvaith e.eIsn,ie st-c sd aem, . " 14 INfRODUCIlON 15 ANARCAHFtEYR LEFttSM foltlhthoaibwsto si on sko d te foae"f nl siaefn easrt­yclreuf sohor"incan uengg s ltysu,tpa yinslddue cb oesf t a chiTshmens.rou"e uc 'nhsis Icoc o orudnle,dife ntev' netdn dochtarri(anBna1lgl9au1 9ce8t2k"9:h o) er,s s�u tmo vfa l iIfw anttToeh.de veBroyo kipcnhhvrieanns'tesiB ooinos,ko crhiigni'nIsa'd lvov.: IenbtM ee afaronxrdie,s m. muacSsht ianlviaen n ntocenadst teehngeso er" yb,l forcaI rn oakfrtl ehyhse,aer tvn doitio an t .gg�. B a ol.omh k acs RighTtrso ttasconko dyal illpsleot clsheti,i nt"sei mciaemlsa tdhceea raduitmnhiaosolrtff 'aa sflk ohle�roim wSgn fotrhm eoicrroe n dviesnApittoeht sneiBat mol eo.,k chjianbc lkOuetrthb hescer.o wn uielwsvdrees ih ruw cetra ce h­ beltihaeinvesdev,h de i ernlytgtshP eea,t r ohtliytdm o eds craenhedod p ea wtwaoiyI tH t.ghI.p�e S r.t e vIOus belHiheea cvshena.m'n utgoc ierhfd,d; ih hdee,' s chacnognettdrao in bauertvciitehfohniw ne seasymres ,ep oacsh al back. hlei ttkohe aisrn ek ,fnt oohkr ii oegsnfxu d ct utseer -gabble. IIwf e ornel y ttatokaf ishonikirgn s c IBi'ovdoi klcHihitsisywn ,a sno-usnnoodntbsghus itonn uogrAt nesdso .u r beh yap foIoc'rprv eienpt nleoee,fdn tcbyrl ioutfni tq ues grapes. SviaTaerhnbiihaeosadaru snaescsedns h mn tcie,irs- -iatnaAabscsDo ue r uttdait h ntctoaihhrrc eici thsaimeWrs-vthitaehigia,snwerscn B hI e hst oya .ho tt cikh ancgenkphear' litwefwta�n a'moi ct y ysp t�ea l ht l.ea rIk m afmls gch ., saemavc,ler tocrichfretoo isoinuattfctgnia ehacnmt riapa(csuroko1hmpcre60n9i h)afsMl9.sirr ay6tsayy :smc ab t ei mtoarnIlya febse sehmes .iav nneeannwr Btibcto lehh�osl, tsiekq le s sc�udemtqlh ptsu-mtta aS olsc kih -oalcaard­emic bIo tefthce oeoonua non gmntf hyae I rnc pctorh neaisvusiittdohIseduo' roisvrefs eidtht t eohannrr ss­eihodeuaimo nnepeihbd, smoou unplolup'rdkyn ate s edn s.ve�as oerwriBdn ilscoue lech�nttslaqriao tm ruus�b abnettle smse ty I,O n eossrtt upid. OfhtaebrnusI lth i,t k toeh r ianurkne,fSl aoyim re. tthhBeao noal fkuiiocdtvnoharhet ionej onsnfdaaroo b dcitmlk steeBueoysbertm osltb oedcots�rfdyhoe.s a okr ylm g tbifsapmabheoenrleapeer tteo eoofnupi iapaswfbamonprmncslIpnhtId sbsrye oytgwute wedaMht'goee rpsh il ,rc ttihemos iIMsrMeotwta oi'hsi i s'na,gciulsBhiotnasesnhnevgni rarfBeeh t egol m dkigde vnitra o ih a lfo.ys m reemiteantom syn sm bniu rytiy.ahk d epauesdw sfc mracia,eyteteon moiybchtta p,In da,uortez ehi htlt itosk lt o eiinerein't oedi dns misccs r c,gm bs i i eothdutIvmntM.tnoapih iBitgho h Bosv steplufso wiseaoa.erm heitot ontibowy u tieolbt,oarkaw arokI ichts pieyt kson EUfbs uc'lkialsss naentuavigie thllunkei ttisog oT lrenerw i lsg ess-notr hdcna-tsifn sBb m. stmeee hrfttte oue eoeiseesitoiia.heoot:lnn.r sBesoagunr � lnkp l - eed m hnnog�e.ehcsOefsov..e.mna.tadk ngt lab irlifte seW ht if rc �aosneenrI eg rtdai nhtmost taiha, nlgl d s sntldl. t i "w n hga t whhadavsowteanfi yemaths orhet,r . h he ao nws aihtyteshI,m a etta on impaoosru tta-Infntiid gitehm'etpsd.tio t�nste gs�hl.i el b le apTahfreit g.hh aalts toi dotnwo gi d teht ewrh1moSm mg I naoemtx ,ci enpctid deefntethnawodlhsiloenym g, iannw dhio osuB tua.tn ywbhtoohdt iyhan anktasI. r Sc,h ism Bootkacarh"sgiel ensita tfsny alr(ecF thohrirees ctosr.d",o r miimgphsothr octbuoaeelnnt,rsdth ci ioosnv tersy I'nmoo tnoh efii dse tnatriIagf mdei etebsdtu. hn)ek inigm poardtIma'ainmltt ma .vso? a samtBs o k�cbhumt, viencrgaaiylstot e emf sga siolal sArini nycafI da aiream scoccs ouhotmsinydai.sslomswn metwe ig r nat u nhc· t msahIyoaa mwbit htdeh"i o elgw ihanaf nttenaCh s.otruet oocc Rynh ?hlla icoieenomaus- cu lttaAhtl " . f or 16 INfORDUCTION S:AC.tt1l Ah nrao�wrctb/ ooavlLr culif lsMegmasAa rtynrxla iiercsnm mh Om iratseyh m ao tonnuu etrt onb s ense trsaWIspt�o'7te0negte rIh saye utatz db0 l. rteeeshf.ete ga c s nt �trtne,hrstnSanat.hlam Ioel rot ceW �er �sfqo1eo.f trLItct.t un0 an kd b etthhg9 siIswn ieeDh a eo ts.wharfn olmra sI iabredutDiaet tbolltaca.,ithlt t emefen lchll s eS i i aDo ktieii. t.onsebghsfzt MnClutobremtil.tta.la sduo ineo phor es yniusgf renxiat knnm atiaywesn id o v tc i ms nNotfe tith-eaygou h bithm dwnhml t riec sef iaiaegts .ie rnlrgf ;rh� s eclctho e a ha lwA isyn ss ti swtSo robscAotiMno aaGUkalbRR rc oURhuaMoCAitnPrLHAPTYs aY iEmr fRBc Oe tOhALhsOinDatyKsaa 1MttCnlrc AsyHoehN Ifm i Nas,ywtm ehh labelesemtv heer 109 written. Accortdoit nhcgeo vbelru Mrubr,r Baoyo kcbhoirinnn, 192h1a,bs e e"na l iferlaodnigsc iantlch eee a r1l9y3 Os." "Radichaelra"ee u ipsh emfio"rsS mt alinistw"a;s Bookchin origi"nama illliyit nta hnYeto unPgi oneaentrdhs Ye o ung CommunLiesatg( uCel"1a 9r90k1: 0 2;B ookc1h9i73n7) :. Latheebr e caamT er otsAktyo intsecfit .m.B e o okchhiimns elf, " onweh op articaicptaiitvnee dl't yrh aed miocvaelm'e nts as oft hteh ir(t1i9e7s0"p: u tt5h 6e) ,w" orradd iccoanls,i"d er­ intgh ceo ntienx tq,u omtaartkbisuo,tn nown ohset aligsi c abotuhtma itl iwehua,tc ahltelh Lsee fTth aWta s( 666-)8. Abou2t5y eaargso M,u rrBaoyo kcpheienri endtt oh e mirraonmrdi stioftoo karw indoofow p portIun1n 9i6t3y . hew rote,a upnsdeeurdO ouSnryy mn,tS hoect(iiHecety r ber 1963w)h,i cahn tici(paalttehidots ue gehmn so tto h ave influetnhceeen dv)i ronmmeonvteamleIinsn1tt 9. 7 b0y, whitcihm heew asp ush5i0an ngcd a llhiinmgsa enal nfa r­ chiBsoto,k cwhriont" eL isMtaernx,i stm!o"d-ear ately efefctiavnet i-authpoorlieatmgaiarcii snausnct Mh a rxist mytahsst hree lvuotiovnaanrgyuo arrgda niaznadtt hieo n proleatsra ervioaltu stuibojn(eaBcrotyo k1c9h71i17n:1 2-)2.2 Int hainsid no theesrs acyosl leicnPt oesdt -SAcnaarrc­ity chi(s1m9 7B1o)o,k cdhiisnd atiocn oendch eidasel l iwgihtth the dishaiMrsar raxyci osomtfr ades-turneHde- competitors. 18 MURRABY OOKGRCUMHPOIYL DNM ,A N ANARCHYA FTE R LEFTISM 19 lpe�twteooteafhohso. t.1rJfh!afa"t(euotnfhw t�oeio dthCl ualsaeodhs�rcA nf1� elhsdgmaI uhfsi oebska9 lape hyplcli1ibps.na ee8loMlrl to udhs0neeoh ety 4falcka u"r a 8odUftcwii. : rym crseetn)a nnotIns n x aee olwshchs.nld mia Bmgish ccs,ieetio dlenoloo ssaowi en h.usmo rgtvoovm lsra'nwot ew h yeakanae�,ho ivlsio"reoe,mncn wnmt pebgety nuislnr eahdtoaer0lye togl feaesnri urnya,eeu d ,g tcnlct "cnnr e h dh e ,cfoortupi if. iC odeoransscnhlrga iremmcc1acaieeocetxaoti. oo9mrrbmItnfmd5hsnpsbon nnh8eseke oufo 9ei tes dct2f Tiu a l ms)nacbtareflae:rhr smeiTbt-gttusan,aaunm oeTnteearhte i ietcoa cnsrpdma hdoom,D sae.rnod lmrt.oieo per t aehtby s ct necea koarp e nibaiel ( ah,.h ntandaorwyfhofnsryuCl eiahys rwea aa aeio1o -m plalisre nylcgrcnrcnw9skpo atcertcy1f, siaae doaea9s lrhrkad h 0a oanaill0 rm,aeoknt i2r tdnol: ce n s ohs;­e sg .h ewet dti i los I cs­r tati lssw ta"s w1.:1Hatoh�B7e(3f9eenwhaldI:eob3lfB) c doeltco ntoso)sloo .ou lehetel lkasct nu-ro -l ce (hshgyaicoyothe ppkrdlo tem ig ra hr -he-paca lahromr(gtiefteyltdohdocBeevseIe npoIh t yhduti.nfky ueeanleuGSe"bh eetonfcmooeG HpmhltsyntrE moed oawortdrcoeee ft btdife)ou c,171rl rh.ernn 'o ieehEettoek.sao t "soe eaE tsnotea(acdhirsnc cpnnSh au nsn h oeusyunoBnn eo. suraq1oil gsekci-teeto floao u loru9cri'hgyf):tehmMv aeooor sap9c eit t , disuer rgkc r6hhray" nerrs y hieil lar, bsf(iteouttts Hfat"eeo8csvrnnayhiotmehsyh twsco)eta (dn efcsu hbih e hthilt,snBeao batsecyBso ae aeot sorrfoyhtfhtel o ungvmgte1co cl" ,fahfneD laolaBie yyd9ekhom deoo ae7-skdBra a/ 7gncine Dr sao9sscseocktnrs1lsdhsgraedd nw)oiuhroehuhtao:iteiht nedao hn' ceobisktpwinsatc madne d onute snsfnsn caoos-tiihpn d bctb,hf o j, ome Hhluchm nraesdifKaufshot efo tqsiueillhe. lmressosiorlewi eo yu enpnea da s s st cftnrolefil fbseedos t.lo "ho asp .lrtt u nm nto c evnt o eh tte , imedaet ld ar ti nky lyhnci ,egen understanding that even the 2wbrFre1leee(e5ugatd(hoBk)rashVim1ml.lo.b r elr9a1syoas d Veg8oeg9 i,k seocv2 dqn8 1ct ep.;,A.uu79ho u iaat oam9i estrsnr t) 1ntf.heo y�a( e) thof ev'n thcs Cianeoo eaeef loatecfl [p j ann t 1paraa h.'9ackrri 8rk ycs4ee h ]ntwhTHoit iiwafesnklnefvdrtctRBonyt leeebho er ao od ileemaianw wyty rCpditnaCn oe toe,n(idraA rr mt tDs aLacnglaAfirchacnGelhaPi1drlota l ndeolidan9.Gy:eri1maa oWnysigu7 o i txo3surro .ta lu8fon ns2crgo "n n"udt s-)hed ttnmedmhs,li cihdaliout siomeanlsernrtkce m,etdeu ekle c .dg ynt g tulaaell ­s BTohosepk rc?a'ohsf?Vmatoe�i pthr sdpee ueosrapniaeisDehn a ereatlaasfGlmt ntfo e w ruddnaus dtsci otnuiotsrsnljo at iSuk lskaDse emdote ol apwign AhntodlaghfM bt efee dy lrco ttoiwbz uneceelgrot rd,euh nawtthe adt ever etRGhCmhaolo�gbemdaplCneCuamadnIpmoe opBr.apd."olalBor1uk ro,earlrlone9red sl.ee eouH 9cld pl g gknea5ei uueesci l)nnwhnrc. nhvstgiekia aaecieolttllsnratneun(r yohde,gepp rd,6s',wnI .f epasd7 oi h,wSt hror(�w l)tnao e ifar;sieche y:e a sV v "nnfo- ltee tt ctsr msoh wAmsse lWyacohhnalh ksnoottneawoon,tuuehD omdgtiffo ,lltmeeit e t dw ddhe adh tuahDinleeeanngeoss Tedoeerri ts erBDou ha txfdssrustsoe.atwen pogg c)s,oa" lha wteoecc. "knW esahctaneaoe c e ssastilaevnussh tt tnllrealsuioo(wta agl onrd.rntnn1ohnn ou c e h 9ueddwshret8l r sli h2de yse: . t s 0 straeratd hicinugsr aroniuwdctoy,usreo listcude,cme a sion­ hI'dS�eai oecWSdIdm ek ew'rl nsteyeobayhn awNyw'citdloA r oAn erlypmgdtt 1he Dghh9aaree1 o8nnBicda1uO4at c an)cgOh:rsal hki"m wc nlo mtah( sfh hsiC 'e sl taanasrlobI-khlbooc ifenyoounoIkrth dht euehay mlansv to,densot elhf tovgh e eimrTses tceah ohitpoecaphhnyaitraiy llei-ttn ylrotniateg feisnihd f aet ne.adsa i,-nr ccnefeeo,sr s ­

discerning public not only the newest and most devastating critiques REASON AND REVOLUTION . on in this volume of Bookchin's leftover leftism served in biode at least the rudiments of references simultaneously with what 1 make of .. few anarchist classics, Bakunin and Kropotkin for instance.
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