The story of Ryan Alexander continues in this third installment of the Blood Legacy series. Although superficially resembling a vampire, Ryan possesses all of the mythical creature's abilities and none of its weaknesses. Surrounded by ancient beings who seek to dominate her by force or seduction, she has become the most powerful of her Kind. Due to Victor's illness, she is compelled to lead the hierarchy. Ryan assumes command but is troubled by dark dreams, images that do not belong to any of her Kind. With growing concern, Ryan realizes the dreams belong to one preceding her father. Just as she begins to solidify power, new enemies appear, challenging not only her supremacy but her conception of all that she is. Once thought immortal, she is confronted with the unimaginable: defeat and destruction. For the first time in her life, Ryan faces the possibility of death. And although many of the predators of her Kind would face such a fate with horror or dread...Ryan finds it exhilarating.