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Black holes in the TeVeS theory of gravity and their thermodynamics Eva Sagi∗ and Jacob D. Bekenstein† Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel (Dated: February 1, 2008) TeVeS,arelativistictheoryofgravity,wasdesignedtoprovideabasisforthemodifiedNewtonian dynamics. Since TeVeS differs from general relativity (e.g., it has two metrics, an Einstein metric and a physical metric), black hole solutions of it would be valuable for a number of endeavors ranging from astrophysical modeling to investigations into the interrelation between gravity and thermodynamics. Giannios has recently found a TeVeS analogue of the Schwarzschild black hole solution. We proceed further with the program by analytically solving the TeVeS equations for a static spherically symmetric and asymptotically flat system of electromagnetic and gravity fields. 8 We show that one solution is provided by the Reissner-Nordstr¨om metric as physical metric, the 0 TeVeS vector field pointing in the time direction, and a TeVeS scalar field positive everywhere 0 (thelastfeatureprotectsfromsuperluminalpropagationofdisturbancesinthefields). Weworkout 2 blackholethermodynamicsinTeVeSusingthephysicalmetric;blackholeentropy,temperatureand electric potential turn out to be identical to those in general relativity. We find it inconsistent to n basethermodynamicsontheEinsteinmetric. InlightofthiswereconsidertheDubovsky–Sibiryakov a J scenarioforviolatingthesecondlawofthermodynamicsintheorieswithLorentzsymmetryviolation. 9 PACSnumbers: 04.70.-s,97.60.Lf,04.70.Bw,04.70.Dy ] c q s paradigm [1], which proposes that Newtonian gravity - progressively fails as accelerations drop below a charac- r g teristic scale a0 10−10m/s2 which is typical of galaxy ≃ [ I. INTRODUCTION outskirts. MONDassumesthatforaccelerationsoforder a or well below it, the Newtonian relation a = ∇Φ 3 0 − N is replaced by v There are significant discrepancies between the visi- 9 ble masses of galaxies and clusters of galaxies and their 3 µ˜(a/a )a= ∇Φ , (1) masses as inferred from Newtonian dynamics. In par- | | 0 − N 6 ticular, the accelerations of stars and gas in the out- 2 where the function µ˜(x) smoothly interpolates between skirtsofgalaxiesorthoseofgalaxiesinclustersaremuch . 8 µ˜(x) = x at x 1 and the Newtonian expectation too large, and the disk rotationcurves of spiral galaxies, ≪ 0 which are naively expected to drop as r−1/2 away from µ˜(x)=1 at x 1. This relation with suitable standard 7 choice of µ(x)≫in the intermediate range has proved suc- galaxy centers, tend to remain flat to the last optically 0 cessful not only in in rationalizing the asymptotical flat- : or radio measured point. These discrepancies are also v ness of galaxy rotation curves where acceleration scales manifestinthegravitationallensingbygalaxiesandclus- i aremuchbelowa ,butalsoinexplainingdetailedshapes X ters. It is commonly assumed that these problems stem 0 of rotation curves in the inner parts in terms of the di- fromtheexistenceinthesaidsystemsoflargeamountsof r a “dark matter”. For instance, galaxies are assumed to be rectly seen mass, and in giving a precise account of the observedTully-Fisher law which correlates luminosity of enshrouded in roundish halos of dark matter that domi- a disk galaxy with its asymptotic rotational velocity [2]. nate the gravitational fields far from the galaxy centers. But the putative dark matter has yet to be identified ThepristineMONDparadigmdoesnotfulfilltheusual conservationlaws,doesnotmakeitclearifthedeparture or detected directly. Furthermore dark matter models of galaxiesrequiremuchfinetuningofthedarkhaloparam- from Newtonian physics is in the gravity or in the iner- tia side of the equation F = ma, and does not teach us eters to fit the data, and there are some sharp problems outstanding such as the observationally inferred absence how to handle gravitational lensing or cosmology in the of cusps in the dark matter density at galaxy centers, weak acceleration regimes. All these things are done by cusps which are predicted by dark matter cosmogony. TeVeS [3], a covariant field theory of gravity which has Thus many have wondered if dark matter is the whole MONDasitslowvelocity,weakaccelerationslimit,while story. An alternative, if less orthodox, approach is for- its nonrelativistic strong acceleration limit is Newtonian malized in the modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) anditsrelativisticlimitisgeneralrelativity(GR).TeVeS sports two metrics, the “physical” metric on which all matter fields propagate, and the Einstein metric which interactswith the additionalfieldsinthe theory: atime- ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] like dynamical vector field, u, a scalar field, φ, and a †Electronicaddress: [email protected] nondynamical auxiliary scalar field σ. The theory also 2 involvesa free function , a length scale ℓ, and two pos- II. THE TeVeS EQUATIONS F itive dimensionless constants k and K. TheacronymTeVeSreferstotheTensor-Vector-Scalar TeVeSis anattemptto recastMONDinto a fullphys- contentofthetheory. Thetensorpartpertainstothetwo ical theory in which the latter’s novel behavior is due to metrics, g , dubbed the Einstein metric, on which the µν the gravitational field. Some checks of its consistency vector and the scalar fields propagate, and the physical and comparisons with hard facts have been made. Thus metric g˜ , on which matter, electromagnetic fields, etc. µν Bekenstein showed that TeVeS’s weak acceleration limit propagate. ThephysicalmetricisobtainedfromtheEin- reproduces MOND, and that it also has a Newtonian stein metric through the following relation: limit, and calculated its parametrized post-Newtonian coefficients β and γ, which agree with the results of so- g˜αβ =e−2φgαβ 2uαuβsinh(2φ). (2) − lar system tests [3, 4, 5]. Skordis et al. [6] and Dodel- Thus one passes from the space of g to that of g˜ by son and Liguori [7] studied the evolution of homogenous αβ αβ stretching spacetime along the vector u by a factor e2φ, andisotropicmodeluniversesinTeVeS,andshowedthat and shrinking it by the same factor orthogonally to that it may reproduce key features of the power spectra of vector. ThisprescriptionretainsMONDphenomenology, the cosmic microwave background and the galaxy dis- while augmenting the gravitational lensing by clusters tribution. TeVeS has also been tested against a mul- and galaxies to fit observations. titude of data on gravitational lensing (for some refer- The dynamics of the metrics and the fields are deriv- ences see Ref. 2). All the above refer principally to situ- ablefromanactionprinciple. TheactioninTeVeSisthe ations where the gravitationalpotential is smallon scale sumoffourterms. ThefirsttwoarethefamiliarHilbert- c2. Since neutron stars and black holes exist in nature Einstein action and the matter action for field variables one must also understand strong gravity systems in the collectively denoted f: TeVeS framework. 1 S = gαβR √ gd4x, (3) A beginning in the investigation of the strong gravity g 16πG αβ − Z regime of TeVeS has been made by Giannios [5]. For S = g˜ ,fα,fα, g˜d4x. (4) vacuum spherically symmetric and static situations he m L µν ;µ ··· − showedthatunderasimplifyinglimit(whichweshallde- Z (cid:0) (cid:1) p tailbelow),theSchwarzschildmetricqua physicalmetric Nextcomesthevectorfield’saction(K isadimensionless and a particular scalar field distribution together consti- positive coupling constant) tute a black hole solution of TeVeSs. This motivates us K to look in this paper at more complicated cases, such as S = gαβgµνu u v −32πG [α,µ] [β,ν] tfihnadttohfatthethcehaRregiesdsnneorn-Nrootradtsitnrgo¨mbla(cRkNh)olmeeintriTceVaseSp.hWyse- 2λ(gµZνuhu(cid:0) +1) √ gd4x,(cid:1) (5) µ ν ical metric and the usual electric field together with a −K − special configuration of TeVeS’s scalar field constitute a i whichincludesaconstraintthatforcesthevectorfieldto black hole solution in TeVeS. Using this solution we in- betimelike(andunitnormalized);λisthecorresponding vestigate the thermodynamics of sphericalblack holes in Lagrangemultiplier. Thepresenceofanonzerouαestab- TeVeS. lishes a preferred Lorentz frame, thus breaking Lorentz symmetry. Finally, we have the scalar’s action (k is a In Sec. II we recapitulate the fundamentals of TeVeS, dimensionless positive parameter while ℓ is a constant while in in Sec. III we describe Giannios’ results for the with the dimensions of length, and a dimensionless nonrotating vacuum black hole. In Sec. IV we go on to free function) F solve the TeVeS equations for the case of a chargednon- rotating black hole, obtaining a physical metric which S = 1 kℓ2hαβφ φ √ gd4x, (6) coincides with the RN metric of GR. Sec. V presents a s −2k2ℓ2G F ,α ,β − Z resolution of the problem pointed out by Giannios: the (cid:0) (cid:1) Above hαβ gαβ uαuβ with uα gαβu . The scalar uncharged black hole solution he found seems to per- β ≡ − ≡ action is here written differently than in Ref. 3; we have mit superluminal propagation near the black hole hori- eliminated the nondynamical field σ and redefined the zon. Next in Sec. VI we examine how the familiar con- function . The new formmakesit easierto understand cepts of black hole thermodynamics apply to our black F the strongaccelerationlimitofthe theory,whichisespe- hole solutions, and check their consistency using several cially relevant to the present work. prescriptions. We calculate the relevant thermodynamic Variationofthetotalactionwithrespecttogαβ yields quantities using the physical metric, and show that the the TeVeS Einstein equations for g ; Einsteinmetricisinappropriatefordiscussingthermody- αβ namics. In this light we discuss anew the potential ther- G =8πG T˜ + 1 e−4φ uµT˜ u +τ +θ modynamic inconsistency described by Dubovsky and αβ αβ µ(α β) αβ αβ − SibiryakovfortheorieswithbrokenLorentzsymmetry[8]. (cid:16) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:17) (7) 3 Thesourcesherearetheusualmatterenergy-momentum where henceforth dΩ2 dθ2+sin2θdθ2. Since ν, ζ are tensor T˜ , the variationalderivative of S with respect functions of r only, an≡d the vector field points in the αβ m to g˜αβ, as well as the energy-momentum tensors for the time direction, its r dependence is fully determined by scalar and vector fields: thenormalizationconditionEq.(13)andtherequirement that uα be future pointing: µ g τ φ φ uµφ u φ F αβ , (8) αβ ≡ kG ,α ,β − ,µ (α ,β) − 2k2ℓ2G uα =(e−ν/2,0,0,0). (15) (cid:0) 1 (cid:1) θαβ ≡ K gµνu[µ,α]u[ν,β]− 4gστgµνu[σ,µ]u[τ,ν]gαβ , Thentherelationbetweenthephysicalandfieldsmetrics (cid:18) (cid:19) reduces to λu u (9) α β − g˜ =e2φg , (16) with tt tt g˜ =e−2φg . (17) ii ii µ(x) ′(x). (10) ≡F Giannios first solved the TeVeS equations assuming Each choice of defines a separate TeVeS theory, and that K = 0, thus decoupling the vector field from the F µ(x) is similar in nature to the function µ˜ in MOND. theory, and then performed a transformation involving In particular, µ(x) 1 corresponds to high acceleration, K,whichrecoveredthemoregeneralsolution. ForK =0 ≃ i.e., to the Newtonian limit. the Einstein’s tt,rr and θθ equations are, respectively, Theequationsofmotionforthevectorandscalarfields 2ζ′ (ζ′)2 4π(φ′)2 are, respectively, + +ζ′′ = , (18) r 4 − k µ kl2hγδφ,γφ,δ hαβφ,α ζ′+ν′ (ζ′)2 ζ′ν′ 4π(φ′)2 ;β + + = , (19) h (cid:16) (cid:17) i r 4 2 k = kG gαβ + 1+e−4φ uαuβ T˜ , (11) αβ ν′+ζ′ (ν′)2+2ζ′′+2ν′′ 4π(φ′)2 8π + = . (20) u[α;(cid:2)β] +λ(cid:0)uα+ µ(cid:1)uβφ (cid:3)gαγφ 2r 4 − k ;β ,β ,γ k and the scalar equation takes the form = 8πG 1 e−4φ gαµuβT˜ . (12) µβ − φ′(r(ν′+ζ′)+4) Additionally, there(cid:0)is the no(cid:1)rmalizationcondition onthe φ′′+ =0. (21) 2r vector field: Since there are only three unknown functions, ν(r),ζ(r) uαu =g uαuβ = 1. (13) α αβ − andφ(r), oneofthe fourequationsisobviouslysuperflu- Thelagrangemultiplierλcanbecalculatedfromthevec- ous. tor equation. Combining the rr and θθ Einstein equations gives the simple differential equation 6(ν+ζ)′ III. NEUTRAL SPHERICAL BLACK HOLES 2(ν+ζ)′′+ +((ν+ζ)′)2 =0. (22) r This has the solution In his work on black holes, Giannios [5] worked in the limit µ 1 which also entails (x) = x. Since we shall r2 r2 later wo→rk in the same limit, wFe shall here justify it in ν+ζ =2ln − c , (23) r2 more detail than he did. Near the horizon of a black (cid:18) (cid:19) hole of mass m, the Newtonian acceleration amounts to where the additive integration constant has been set to 1023(M /m)a . Thus even for the most massive black zero in order to have an asymptotically flat spacetime, ⊙ 0 holes suspected (1010m ) the accelerations are strong namely, ν,ζ 0 when r . ⊙ → →∞ on scale a0 out to at least a million times the gravita- The second integration constant, rc, can be evaluated tional radius, i.e. well into the asymptotically flat re- byexpandingν+ζ abovein1/r andcomparingwiththe gionwhichdeterminesthemetricproperties. Thismeans 1/r expansions(with K =0)ofthe metric coefficientsof MOND effects are suppressed while the full complexity the exterior solution for a spherical mass [3, 5], of the TeVeS equations is still evident. In the said limit, r 1r2 and under the assumption that the vector field points in eν = 1 g + g + (24) the time direction (which has support in the more gen- − r 2r2 ··· eral context of static solutions [3]), Giannios obtained r 1 2k Gm 2 r2 anexactsphericallysymmetricanalyticalsolutiontothe eζ = 1+ g + 6 s g + (25) TeVeS equations, for metric, scalar and vector fields. r 16" − π (cid:18) rg (cid:19) #r2 ··· The Einstein metric is taken in isotropic coordinates, Here m is a mass scale [3] defined by the expansion s x0 =t,x1 =r,x2 =θ and x3 =ϕ, kGm s ds2 =gαβdxαdxβ =−eνdt2+eζ(dr2+r2dΩ2), (14) φ(r)=φc− 4πr +··· (26) 4 for the solution of Eq. (21). For a ball of nonrelativistic We notice that R will blow up as r r unless a=2 or c → fluid,m isveryclosetotheNewtonianmass,andr isa a>4. Thus,only the valuea=2describes ablackhole. s g scaleoflengththatcanbelinkedtotheobject’smass[3]. The definition of a then gives another relation between However, the relation between Gm and r depends on r and r , s g c g the system under consideration,and is different for stars and black holes. At any rate, for K = 0, rc is found to r = rg + kGms, (35) c be 4 8π and the physical metric takes the final form r k Gm 2 g s r = 1+ . (27) c 4 s π (cid:18) rg (cid:19) g˜ = r−rc 2, (36) tt − r+r Making the educated guess that (cid:18) c(cid:19) 4 r+r c g˜ = , (37) ζ′ = 4rc2 rg , (28) rr (cid:18) r (cid:19) r(r2 r2) − r2 r2 − c − c which we recognize as the Schwarzschild metric in Giannios determines ν to be isotropic coordinates. Unlike GR’s Schwarzschildblack hole, the TeVeS neu- r r r ν = g ln − c . (29) tralsphericalblackholeis“dressed”withascalarfieldφ, 2rc (cid:18)r+rc(cid:19) asolutionofEq.(30). Thisfielddoesnotinduceasingu- larity at the horizon because of the particular structure The correctness of Eqs. (28) and (29) can be checked by of the TeVeS equations. However, the logarithmic diver- substituting them into the sum ofEq.(18) andEq.(19), genceofφatthehorizonwasacauseofconcerntoGian- orthedifferenceof Eq.(18)andEq.(20);bothcombina- nios. It was earlier shown [3] that absence of superlumi- tions are independent of the equation pair already used. nalpropagationofthevariousTeVeSfieldsisguaranteed The determination of the Einstein metric for K = 0 is only when φ 0. But here φ diverges logarithmically at completed by the trivial integrationof Eq. (28). Finally, ≥ r =r ,andbecomesalreadynegativesufficientlycloseto c the scalar field is found now by integrating Eq. (21) and r even if φ > 0. We will show in the next section how c c fixing the two integration constants just as in Eq. (26), this apparent problem is solved. kGm r r s c φ(r)=φ + ln − . (30) c 8πrc (cid:18)r+rc(cid:19) IV. CHARGED SPHERICAL BLACK HOLES Going on to the more general case K = 0, Giannios 6 The next natural step is to look for an electrovacuum finds that just by replacing Eq. (27) by static spherically symmetric solutionto the TeVeS equa- tions, the analog of the RN solution of GR. We again 2 rg k Gms K takeµ 1. Againweassumethatthe vectorfieldpoints r = 1+ (31) c ≈ 4 s π (cid:18) rg (cid:19) − 2 inthe time direction,andthatboththe physicalandthe Einsteinmetricsaresphericallysymmetric. Thesearees- intheabovesolutionsforν,ζ andφwillproduceanexact sentialsimplifying assumptionswhichenableustofinda solution of the TeVeS equations for K = 0 [equations specificsolutiontotheTeVeSfieldequations. Othersolu- 6 which are the Q=0 case of Eqs. (49)-(52) below]. tionsmayexistforwhichthevectorfieldisendowedwith The physical metric now follows from Eqs. (16)-(17): a radial component. However, to judge from the neutral case, as analyzed by Giannios [5], the PPN parameter β r rc a of such a solution with very low charge would be in con- g˜ = − (32) tt −(cid:18)r+rc(cid:19) tradiction with recent observations [9] in the solar sys- (r2 r2)2 r r −a tem. It would be odd if the PPN structure of a black g˜rr = −r4 c r−+rc (33) hole’s far field were that different from the sun’s. By (cid:18) c(cid:19) contrast, still in the neutral case, a TeVes solution with witha rg +kGms. Inorderforthisresulttorepresent the vector field pointing in the cosmological time direc- ≡ 2rc 4πrc tion yields PPN parameters identical to those of GR [5]. a black hole, the candidate event horizon r = r must c Wecontinuetoworkinisotropiccoordinates,forwhich have bounded surface area, and must not be a singu- the transition between physical and Einstein metrics is lar surface. The surface area is proportional to g˜ (r ), rr c simplest: asseenearlier,inviewofthethenormalization which has a factor (r r )2−a; for this to be bounded − c condition (13), the transformation (2) is equivalent to requires a 2. The Ricci scalar of the above metric is ≤ R= 2(a2−(4r)r+c2rr4c()ra+−4rc)a−4 . (34) g˜αβ =(ee2−φ2gφtgtii., i=r,θ,φ (38) 5 The Einstein metric again takes the form (14), and the We now turn to the Einstein equations (7), and the physical metric will have similar form, namely scalar equation (11). Upon substitution of the Lagrange multiplier (48) andthe electromagnetic field tensor(46), ds˜2 =g˜ dxαdxβ = eν˜dt2+eζ˜(dr2+r2dΩ2), (39) the tt,rr and θθ equations become, respectively, αβ − with the following relation among ν˜, ζ˜, ν and ζ: 2ζ′ + (ζ′)2 + ζ′′+ K 8ν′+2rν′ζ′+r(ν′)2+4rν′′ r 4 8r ζ(r)=ζ˜(r)+2φ(r), (40) 4π(φ′)(cid:0)2 e−ζ+2φGQ2 (cid:1) = (49) ν(r)=ν˜(r) 2φ(r). (41) − k − r4 − ζ′+ν′ (ζ′)2 ζ′ν′ K(ν′)2 Now, the cosmological value of φ should be nonzero + + + r 4 2 8 in our evolving universe: φ(r ) = φ . Thus the c requirement that the Einstein m→et∞ric be asymptotically 4π(φ′)2 e−ζ+2φGQ2 = (50) Minkowski (both ζ and ν vanish as r ), needed to k − r4 → ∞ maintain consistency with previous work [3], introduces a factor 2φc in the physical metric coefficients, (ν′+ζ′) (ν′)2+2ζ′′+2ν′′ K(ν′)2 ± + ζ˜(r ) = 2φc, (42) 2r (cid:0) 4 (cid:1) − 8 →∞ − 4π(φ′)2 e−ζ+2φGQ2 ν˜(r ) = 2φc. (43) = + (51) →∞ − k r4 This isequivalenttoarescalingofthe coordinateswhich The scalar equation is dependsoncosmologicalepoch,andwillhavetobetaken into account when considering physical quantities in the (r(ν′+ζ′)+4)φ′ e−ζ+2φkGQ2 φ′′+ = (52) framework of TeVeS. 2r 4πr4 The energy-momentumtensor no longervanishes; it is given by These are four equations for three unknowns ζ(r), ν(r) and φ(r), so one of the equations is actually redundant. 1 1 WeshallusetwocombinationsofthethreeEinsteinequa- T˜ = F˜ F˜ ρ g˜ F˜ F˜ρσ , (44) αβ 4π αρ β − 4 αβ ρσ tions plus the scalar equation. (cid:18) (cid:19) By adding the rr and θθ equations, we again obtain with F˜ , the electromagneticfield tensor (not its dual), as in the vacuum case Eq. (22). This time we write the αβ obtainedbysolvingMaxwell’sequationsinvacuumwrit- solution ten wholly with the metric g˜ , namely, αβ r2 r2 ζ+ν =2ln − h . (53) ˜βF˜αβ =( g˜)−1/2∂β ( g˜)1/2g˜αµg˜βνF˜µν =0. (45) (cid:18) r2 (cid:19) ∇ − − h i Here one integration constant has been set so as to have In the isotropic metric Eq. (39), and with the assump- an asymptotically flat spacetime, namely, ν,ζ 0 when → tion of spherical symmetry and absence of magnetic r . Theotherconstant,r ,willbesetbythebound- h →∞ monopoles,theonlynonvanishingcomponentoftheelec- ary conditions on the horizon. tromagnetic field tensor is The remaining equations for ν, ζ and φ are not im- mediately solvable. To make progress we shall assume F˜rt = rQ2e12(ν˜(r)−ζ˜(r)) = rQ2e12(ν(r)−ζ(r))+2φ(r). (46) tshcaaltarthfieepldhyisnictahlismferatrmicewg˜αoβrki,saonfdRcNhefockrmth,asotlvaellfToreVtheSe The constant of integration Q will be shown in Sec. IV equationsaresatisfied. Thiswillgiveusapairofcharged to coincide with the physical electric charge of the black blackholesolutionofTeVeS;existence ofothersolutions hole. is yet to be excluded. Since we assumed the vector field to point in the time In Schwarzschild coordinates x0 = t,x1 = R,x2 = θ direction, then as in the vacuum case, the normalization and x3 =ϕ, the RN metric may be written as condition (13) determines its functional dependence: ds2 = (1 R /R)(1 R /R)dt2 + − − − − uα =(e−ν/2,0,0,0). (47) dR2 + +R2dΩ2 (54) (1 R /R)(1 R /R) + − Itfollowsthatthespatialcomponentsofthevectorequa- − − tion(12)areidenticallysatisfied,whileitstemporalcom- whereR+andR−arethecoordinatesoftheouterandin- ponent serves to determine the Lagrange multiplier λ to ner horizons,respectively. We may transformthe metric be substituted in the Einstein equations: toisotropicformbygoingovertoanewradialcoordinate r defined implicitly by K(rν′ζ′+2rν′′+4ν′) GQ2e2φ(e4φ 1) λ= + − . (48) R(r)=r+(R R )2/16r+(R +R )/2. (55) − 4reζ r4e2ζ +− − + − 6 This gives ThisreplacestheGRrelationR R =G q2. Thevalue + − N of α will be determined by the Einstein equations (49)- ds2 = (4r−(R+−R−))2(4r+(R+−R−))2dt2 (50). −(16r2+8r(R +R )+(R R )2)2 + − +− − The only indeterminate function remaining now is the +(16r2+8r(R++R−)+(R+−R−)2)2(dr2+r2dΩ2). scalarfield. The scalarequation(52)canbe rewrittenin 256r4 terms of the new parameters M, r and α as h We recall that in GR R and R satisfy the relations + − R++R− =2GNm and R+R− =GNq2, where we write φ′′+ 2rφ′ kα2(M2−4rh2)e2φc =0. (63) the gravitational constant as GN to distinguish it from r2 r2 − 4π(r2+r2 +Mr)2 plain G, the coupling constant in TeVeS. We shall here Its general solu−tiohn is h assume that the physical metric of TeVeS has the above form while leaving the parameters R and R to be de- + − termined later. However, the proposed metric is asymp- ke2φcα2 φ=φ + [(1+C)ln(r+r ) (64) toticallyMinkowskian,whileaspreviouslymentioned,we c 4π × h requireratherthattheEinsteinmetricbeasymptotically +(1 C)ln(r r ) ln(r2+r2 +Mr)], Minkowskian. This means that in the generic physical − − h − h metric Eq. (39) we must set withφ andC integrationconstants,the firstalreadyfa- c (4r (R+ R−))2(4r+(R+ R−))2 miliar. Since we guessedthe form ofthe metric, we need ν˜(r)=ln − − − +2φ , (16r2+8r(R +R )+(R R )2)2 c to verify that the Einstein equations are satisfied. From + − + − − (56) therequirementthatEq.(50)besatisfied,weobtainval- ues for α and C: (16r2+8r(R +R )+(R R )2)2 ζ˜(r)=ln + − +− − 2φ . 256r4 − (5c7) α2 = 4π(2−K)e−2φc , (65) To simplify these note that by Eqs. (40)-(41) we have k(2 K)+8π − ζ+ν =ζ˜+ν˜, whereupon in view of Eq. (53), 2k2(2 K)+8πkK C = − . (66) ± ± (2 K)k (r2−rh2)2 = (4r−(R+−R−))2(4r+(R+−R−))2. p − r4 256r4 (58) Eq. (49) is then satisfied identically. Since we have al- We may thus relate R+ and R− to the integration con- ready used the sum of Eq. (50) and Eq. (51) to get the stant rh appearing in (53): solution (53), we see that all TeVeS equations are satis- fied. ThustheRNmetricfromGRwithasuitablechoice 1 rh = (R+ R−). (59) of parameters is the physical metric of TeVeS spherical 4 − charged black holes. Since R(r = r ) = R , r = r is the outer black hole h + h Weshallsoonseethataphysicallyacceptablesolution horizoninisotropiccoordinates. Intermsofr andM h can be had only for K < 2. For such solutions the sign ≡ (R +R )/2 the physical metric coefficients are + − ofthe quantity under the squarerootin Eq.(66)is posi- tive. ThetwoTeVeSsolutions(correspondingto the two (r2+r2 +Mr)2 eζ˜ = h e−2φc, (60) signs of C) are most clearly presented in terms of the r4 coefficients δ± =(k/4π)α2(1+C±)e2φc, or (r2 r2)2 eν˜ = − h e2φc. (61) (r2+r2 +Mr)2 h (2 K)k 2k2(2 K)+8πkK δ = − ± − . (67) It is useful at this point to trade the charge Q for a ± (2 K)k+8π dimensionless positive parameter α defined by p− GQ2 =α2R R =α2(M2 4r2). (62) In view of Eq. (47) we finally obtain the solutions + − − h 7 (r2 r2)2 (r2+r2 +Mr)2 ds˜2 = − h e2φcdt2+ h e−2φc(dr2+r2dΩ2), (68) −(r2+r2 +Mr)2 r4 h 1 φ(r) = φ +δ ln(r+r )+δ ln(r r ) (δ +δ )ln(r2+r2 +Mr), (69) c ± h ∓ − h − 2 + − h uα = (r−rh)δ∓−1(r+rh)δ±−1 ,0,0,0 . (70) (r2+r2 +Mr)(δ++δ−−2)/2 (cid:18) h (cid:19) V. RESOLVING THE SUPERLUMINAL if PARADOX δ δ 2k2(2 K)+8πKk + − M <2r − =2r − , (72) h h δ +δ (2 K)k + − p − We have found two black hole solutions for each value both roots are at r < 0, so for r > r the field φ(r) has of R and M. The requirement that superluminal prop- h h no minimum and must be everywhere positive. agationbe excluded selects one of them as physically vi- Focus now on the case able. As mentioned in Sec. III, in a region where φ < 0 superluminalpropagationoftheTeVeSfieldsisnotruled 2k2(2 K)+8πKk M >2r − . (73) out. Thisacausalbehaviorwouldbeunacceptable. Now, h (2 K)k p − since ln(r r ) in Eq. (69) is arbitrarily large and neg- − h Now φ does have a minimum outside the horizon. In ative near enough to the horizon, its coefficient must be Fig. 1 we plot φ φ for severalvalues of M/r . We see c h negative in order that φ have a chance to be nonnega- − that unless M/r is very large, the dip below the axis h tive everywhere. It is easy to see that for K > 0,k > 0, (which grows roughly as lnM/r ) is modest compared h δ is always positive. Thus the solution Eqs. (68)-(70) + to unity. Hence, a modest positive φ (which is expected c withlowersignsisimmediatelyexcludedongroundsthat fromcosmologicalmodels[3])willbeenoughtokeepφ(r) it permits superluminal propagation. But is the second positive throughout the black hole exterior, except for solution viable in this sense? black holes with exponentially large values of M/r for h Focusing on the solution with upper signs, we must which a regionof negativeφ will occur near the horizon. now exclude the parameter range K 2 + 8π/k; the In fact, for r = 0, which by Eq. (59) means that ≥ h equality here correspondsto unbounded δ− and φ, while R+ =R−, i.e., that the physical metric is extremal RN, the inequality leads to δ− > 0 and superluminal propa- the two solutions for φ are identical: gation. Therange2 K <2+8π/k,althoughpalatable inthissense,givesα2≤ 0. WeshallshowinSec.VIthat φ=φ (2−K)k ln(1+ M). (74) c ≤ − (2 K)k+8π r this is unphysical. For 0<K <2 we have δ− <0 while − α2 > 0. Thus a physically viable black hole solution of Thus for K < 2 and r = 0, the variable part of φ is h TeVeS can exists only for 0 < K < 2 (we continue to negative and can be very large for r M. This is un- ≪ assume that k > 0). It is the solution with the lower acceptable as it permits superluminal propagation. We indices in Eqs. (68)-(70). may conclude that provided 0 < K < 2, k > 0 and φ c somewhat above zero, the superluminality issue raised Close enough to the horizon, φ of this solution is nec- by Giannios does not arise for the TeVeS charged black essarily positive because of the δ ln(r r ) which is − h − hole solution with the lower signs in Eqs. (68)-(70). The arbitrarily large. Additionally, the asymptotic value of above conclusion does not apply to black holes near the φ is φ , the cosmological value of the scalar, which may c extremally chargedcase. be assumed to be positive [3]. Hence the question of What about Giannios’ case Q = 0 for which he found whetherφ(r)ispositiveintheintermediateregionhinges conditions conducive to superluminal propagation (see on whether it has a negative minimum outside the hori- end of Sec. III )? The TeVeS equations (49)-(52) are zon, or not. smooth with Q, so we may take the limit Q 0 of To find out we look at its derivative, → their solutions, Eqs. (68)-(70). In this limit according to Eq. (62), M = 2r while by Eq. (59), r = R /4. Thus h h + (M +2r )(r+r )2δ +(M 2r )(r r )2δ our metric (68) reduces exactly to Giannios’ Eqs. (36)- φ′(r)= h h − − h − h +. (37) with the obvious identification r = r ; that is we 2(r2 r2)(r2+r2 +Mr) c h − h h recoverthefactthatthephysicalmetricisSchwarzschild. (71) Inthe samelimitourscalarfieldsolutions(69)reduceto The numerator here is quadratic in r and thus has two the pair roots. Now in the case K < 2 we have δ < 0, but − δ++δ− >0. ThenbecauseM >2rh[seeEq.(59)andthe φ=φ +δ ln r−rh , (75) following discussion], both roots are real. Furthermore, c ∓ r+r (cid:18) h(cid:19) 8 Φ-Φ physical mass in a nontrivial fashion. c We first note that the G appearing in the TeVeS 0.03 equations is not Newton’s constant, but, as shown else- where [10], is related to it through 0.02 0.01 (2 K)k+8π r GN = − G. (76) 4π(2 K) 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 (cid:18) − (cid:19) -0.01 -0.02 It will be useful to also write the aboverelationin terms of the constant α defined by Eq. (65): -0.03 G =(G/α2)e−2φc. (77) N FIG. 1: Oursolution for φ−φc as a function of r for several Experimentally G > 0; it also seems natural that the values of M/rh, the higher M/rh, the lower the curve. Both N fundamental coupling constant G be positive; hence we axes are in arbitrary units. must require α2 > 0. This explains why in Sec. IV we ruled out the parameter range 2 K <2+8π/k. ≤ whereas Giannios obtained only one scalar solution. We Next, recall that if we use the same coordinates for notice thatthe solutionwithupper signhasφ>0 forall the Einstein and physical metric, the transformation (2) r > r provided that we stick to the parameter ranges implies that our physical metric is not asymptotically h 0 < K < 2, k > 0 for which δ < 0. The solution with Minkowski. Thus, asymptotically, the relation between − the lower sign has φ < 0 sufficiently near r = r ; this is physicaldistancex˜andthecorrespondingspatiallength- h Giannios’ solution, and it is indeed excluded because it like coordinate (denoted x) must be allows superluminal propagation. To sum up, in our study ofsphericalstatic black holes x˜=e−φcx. (78) in TeVeS, we have found a viable charged black hole so- lution for the parameter range 0 < K < 2, k > 0. The FocusnowonM. AccordingtoEq.(61),wemaywrite limiting case Q 0 of this is a viable neutral black the asymptotical expansion for eν˜ as → hole solution. Since black holes are seen in nature with 2M 1 virtual certainty, the above results tell us that only the eν˜ 1 +O e2φc. (79) range 0 < K < 2, k > 0 of TeVeS need be considered ≈ − r r2 (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) as physical. This range includes the values that have been explored in the confrontation of TeVeS with obser- Thus r here is not physical distance r˜, but is related to vations [2, 3, 6, 7]. it through Eq. (78). Rewriting eν˜ in terms of the latter gives VI. BLACK HOLE THERMODYNAMICS eν˜ 1 2Me−φc +O 1 e2φc. (80) ≈ − r˜ r2 (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) It has been clear for long that black holes are re- FromthecustomarylinearapproximationweseethatM ally thermodynamic systems characterized by tempera- and physical mass m are related by ture and entropy. Thus a discussion of black hole solu- tions in TeVeS would be incomplete without a survey of Me−φc =G m. (81) theirthermodynamicproperties. However,beforewecan N talkaboutthermodynamicsforthechargedblackholein Likewise,the physicalchargeq canbe easily identified TeVeS, we must first identify the physical values of at- byintegratingthefluxoftheelectromagneticfieldtensor tributesoftheblackholesolution. Byphysicalvalueswe through a spherical shell at spatial infinity: mean the quantities than an asymptotically Minkowski observerwouldmeasure using instruments made of mat- 1 ter,measurementswhicharethusreferredtothephysical q = lim F˜treζ˜r2sinθdθdφ. (82) metric. These values need not be identical with those of r→∞4π ZS2 quantitiesnaivelyassociatedwiththeattributes. Forex- ample, we do not know a priori that the masslike quan- Useofeζ˜informingtheareaelementguaranteesthatwe arecalculating a physicalflux: accordingto Eq. (40) the tity M and the chargelike quantity Q appearing in our solution are indeed the physical mass and charge of the factor e−2φc required by Eq. (78) is supplied by the eζ˜. black hole. In fact, we shall see that M is related to Substituting F˜tr from Eq. (46) gives 9 q = lim 1 Qe−12(ν˜+ζ˜)r2sinθdθdφ= lim 1 Qr2 sinθdθdφ=Q. (83) r→∞4π ZS2 r2 r→∞4π ZS2 r2−rh2 Thus our charged black hole is characterized by mass m then becomes the partition function for a canonical en- and charge Q as measured by physical asymptotic ob- semble. Regularityofthenewcoordinatesystemnearthe servers for which the metric is g˜ . horizon requires the new time coordinate to be periodic, αβ In investigating the black hole entropy we start with and the period is related to the black hole temperature: the assumption that it is given in terms of the physical T =h¯/period. surface area of the outer horizon A by the usual formula We first define l, the radial proper distance from the horizon using the physical metric (68): A S = . (84) BH 4h¯G (r2+r2 +Mr) N dl = h e−φcdr, r2 It is true that more complicated forms are known, = l = r r2/r+Mln(r/r )e−φc. (91) but they usually appear in gravity theories with higher ⇒ − h h derivatives; TeVeS is free of these. The proof that Consequently the(cid:0)physical (2-D) line e(cid:1)lement dσ˜2 for our choice is correct ultimately rests on the consistency fixed θ and φ following from metric (68) becomes checks we present later in this section. Obviously (r2 r2)2 dσ˜2 = − h e2φcdt2+dl2. (92) −(r2+r2 +Mr)2 A=4πr2eζ˜(rh) =4π(2r +M)2e−2φc. (85) h h h Near the horizon, where r r , we have h From (62) we have for the outer horizon ≈ l (2+M/r )e−φc(r r )+O (r r )2 . (93) 1 ≈ h − h − h r = M2 GQ2/α2. (86) h 2 − (cid:16) (cid:17) Substitutingthisintodσ˜2 andreplacingeφcdt,theglobal p Thus physical time interval according to Eq. (80), by ıdτ, we obtain an expression for the Euclidean metric near the 2 A=4π M + M2 GQ2/α2 e−2φc (87) horizon − We now expre(cid:16)ss A ipn terms of physi(cid:17)cal mass, charge dσ˜2 = 2rheφc 2l2(dτ)2+dl2. (94) E (2r +M)2 and Newton’s constant using the relations (81), (77): (cid:18) h (cid:19) For this metric to be regular at l = 0 (r = r ), we 2 h A=4π GNmeφc + (GNmeφc)2 GNe2φcQ2 e−2φc, must regard τ as an angular variable with period − (cid:18) q (cid:19) (88) (2r +M)2 h 2π ; (95) so that 2rheφc π 2 S = G m+ (G m)2 G Q2 . (89) the corresponding temperature is thus BH N N N G ¯h − N (cid:16) p (cid:17) ¯hrheφc Thisisidenticaltothefamiliarexpressionfortheentropy TBH = π(2r +M)2 . (96) ofaRNblackhole. Toitcorrespondsthethermodynamic h temperature TBH =(∂SBH/∂m)−Q1, or BymeansofEqs.(86),(77)and(81)this canbe reduced to precisely the form (90). Thus far the thermodynamic ¯h (G m)2 G Q2 description based on Eq. (84) is consistent. N N T = − . (90) BH 2π 2 Of course, our black hole solution must exhibit an G mp+ (G m)2 G Q2 N N − N electric potential. By thermodynamics we would expect (cid:16) p (cid:17) that [12] ΦBH = TBH(∂SBH/∂Q)m. This gives To check the consistency of our scheme, we now also − calculate the temperature corresponding to our black Q Φ = . (97) hole solution using the Euclidean path integral ap- BH G m+ (G m)2 G Q2 N N N proach [11]. This approach entails performing a Wick − rotation of the time coordinate to obtain a Euclidean which agrees with the poptential of the RN black hole metric. The path integral for the gravitational action in GR. To verify this result we shall also calculate the 10 electricpotentialbyastrictlymechanicalapproachusing Asymptotically g˜tt → e2φc, so that Pt → µeφcddτt + theconservationofenergy. Weexpecttheincreaseinthe eA˜te−φc; now since the physical global time is given by black hole’s energy due to the fall into it of a charged t˜= eφct, the first term in Pt is recognized as minus the particle to equal the particle’s conserved (kinetic plus physical value of the particle’s rest plus kinetic energy. electric potential) energy. This justifies the normalization we selected for the La- We set out from the Lagrangianfor a chargedparticle grangian. We can thus identify eA˜te−φc, as the phys- with mass µ and charge e ical value of the particle’s electr−ic energy. The physical electric potential of the black hole is inferred from this =e−φc µ g˜αβdxαdxβ +eA˜αdxα , (98) last energy at the horizon, ΦBH =−A˜t(rh)e−φc. L − r− dτ dτ dτ ! where A˜α is the potential for F˜αβ. The e−φc normal- ization will soon be justified. The Lagrangian does not depend on t; therefore, we have the conserved canonical momentum We calculate A˜ by integrating the electric field (46) ∂ dt t P = L =µe−φcg˜ +eA˜ e−φc. (99) from infinity to r t ∂dt ttdτ t h dτ A˜ (r )= ∞F˜ dr = ∞ Qe12(ν˜−ζ˜)dr = Qe2φc . (100) t h tr − r2 −2r +M Zrh Zrh h Substituting here the expression (86) for r in terms of DS consider a static spherical black hole, and two h M andQ,andswitchingtophysicalmassusingEq.(81), fields, ψ and ψ , which do not interact with each other 1 2 we finally get exceptthroughgravity,andpropagateatdifferentspeeds c andc . Consequentlythereexisttwodistincthorizons, 1 2 A˜ (r )= Qeφc . (101) one for field ψ1 that radiatesa` la Hawking with temper- t h −GNm+ (GNm)2 GNQ2 atureT1,andthesecondforψ2 radiatingattemperature − T . It is assumed that c > c ; the model then gives 2 2 1 But we found the physicpal black hole electric potential T > T . DS assume the black hole is surrounded by 2 1 to be −A˜t(rh)e−φc, so the present method of calculation two nested shells, shell A which interacts with ψ1 but is givesexactly the sameresult,Eq.(97), asthe thermody- transparentto ψ , and shell B which interacts only with 2 namic computation. ψ . Shell A has temperature T and shell B is hotter 2 A The above calculations serve as a consistency check at T . It is also assumed that T > T and T < T . B A 1 B 2 of the physical values for mass and charge which we at- DSmakethe innocuous assumptionthatheatflowsfrom tributed to the black hole. They also demonstrate the higher to lower temperature, with the heat flow increas- physical consistency of a thermodynamical description ing monotonically with temperature difference, and van- ofsphericalblackholesinTeVeS.Inparticular,theyjus- ishing only when the two temperatures are equal. Then tify ourguess(84)forthe formoftheblackholeentropy, they point out that heat will flow from A to the black and verify that the first law of black hole thermodynam- hole via quanta of ψ and from the black hole to B via 1 ics [12,13] holdsfor the TeVeSsphericalblack holes. All ψ particles. It is possible to adjust the shell tempera- 2 this is accomplished by referring all physics to the phys- tures so that the two mentioned flows become equal, in ical metric. However, there is one issue for which one which case the black hole is in steady state. Then the must consider the role of the Einstein metric. only overalleffect is heat flow from A to B, that is from Recently Dubovsky and Sibiryakov (DS) [8] showed coldto hot. The secondlaw thus appearsto be violated. that in a theory with Lorentz symmetry breaking via a time-dependent scalar field, in which there is more TeVeSalso breakslocalLorentz symmetry,albeit by a than one maximal propagation speed, it would be the- different mechanism: it is equipped with a timelike non- oretically possible to constructa perpetuum mobile that vanishing future-pointing vector field. Further, TeVeS wouldtransferheatfromacoldertoahotterregion. This possessestwometrics;thisfeatureimpliesdifferentprop- would be accomplished, via Hawking radiation, by ex- agation velocities for light and for gravitational waves. ploitingthedifferenttemperaturesofthenestedhorizons Does the second law fail in TeVeS within some version corresponding to massless fields with different propaga- of the DS scenario? In order to construct the appro- tion speeds. priate version, we evidently first need to identify the

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