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Preview Biotic and Abiotic Drivers of Sap Flux in Mature Green Ash Trees

Article Biotic and Abiotic Drivers of Sap Flux in Mature Green Ash Trees (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) Experiencing Varying Levels of Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) Infestation CharlesE.Flower1,2,* ID,DouglasJ.Lynch2,3,KathleenS.Knight1and MiquelA.Gonzalez-Meler2 ID 1 USDAForestService,NorthernResearchStation,359MainRd.,Delaware,OH43015,USA; [email protected] 2 DepartmentofBiologicalSciences,UniversityofIllinoisatChicago,845W.TaylorSt.,Chicago, IL43015,USA;[email protected](D.J.L.);[email protected](M.A.G.-M.) 3 LI-CORBiosciences,4421SuperiorStreet,Lincoln,NE68504,USA * Correspondence:charlesfl[email protected];Tel.:+1-740-368-0038 (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:1)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:8)(cid:1) (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:7) Received:16April2018;Accepted:24May2018;Published:28May2018 Abstract: Whiletherelationshipbetweenabioticdriversofsapfluxarewellestablished, therole of biotic disturbances on sap flux remain understudied. The invasion of the emerald ash borer (AgrilusplanipennisFairmaire,EAB)intoNorthAmericainthe1990srepresentsasignificantthreat to ash trees (Fraxinus spp.), which are a substantial component of temperate forests. Serpentine feeding galleries excavated by EAB larvae in the cambial and phloem tissue are linked to rapid treemortality. ToassesshowvaryinglevelsofEABinfestationimpacttheplantwaterstatusand stresslevelsofmaturegreenash(FraxinuspennsylvanicaMarshall)trees,wecombinedtree-levelsap flux measurements with leaf-level gas exchange, isotopes, morphology and labile carbohydrate measurements. Results show sap flux and whole tree water use are reduced by as much as 80% as EAB damage increases. Heavily EAB impacted trees exhibited reduced leaf area and leaf mass, but maintained constant levels of specific leaf area relative to lightly EAB-impacted trees. Alteredfoliargasexchange(reducedlightsaturatedassimilation,internalCO concentrations) 2 pairedwithdepletedfoliarδ13CvaluesofheavilyEABimpactedtreespointtochronicwaterstressat thecanopylevel,indicativeofxylemdamage. Reducedphotosyntheticratesintreesmoreimpacted by EAB likely contributed to the lack of nonstructural carbohydrate (soluble sugars and starch) accumulation in leaf tissue, further supporting the notion that EAB damages not only phloem, butxylemtissueaswell,resultinginreducedwateravailability. Thesefindingscanbeincorporated intomodelingeffortstountanglepostdisturbanceshiftsinecosystemhydrology. Keywords: emeraldashborer(Agrilusplanipennis); invasivespecies; Fraxinus; forestdisturbance; sapflux;treewateruse;thermaldissipationprobe 1. Introduction Patternsofsapfluxintreesareusedinestimatesofwhole-treewateruse,tree-leveltranspiration, andareevenscaledtoecosystemtranspiration,assuchprecisemeasurementsofwaterexchangesare essentialforcoupledbiosphere-atmospheremodels. Thevariablesdrivingwaterfluxesthroughthe soil-plantcontinuumaregenerallywellunderstood[1–4].However,theimpactsofbioticfactorssuchas treeboringforestpestsonhostwaterusearelargelyunderstudied(butsee[5]),despitetheconsiderable impacts they have on forest systems [6]. Abiotic variables including light levels, vapor pressure Forests2018,9,301;doi:10.3390/f9060301 www.mdpi.com/journal/forests Forests2018,9,301 2of17 deficit (VPD), and soil moisture have long been shown to drive sap flux, generally with higher irradiance,higherVPD,andlowersoilmoisturedrivinghigherratesofsapflux[2,7,8]. Fromabiotic standpoint, substantial variability has been shown to occur among species [9–11], between trees of the same species which differ in size [2], and based on tree canopy position (i.e., dominant, codominant or suppressed) [12]. Several studies have demonstrated reduced sap flux and water use associated with the disease progression and susceptibility of host trees to fungal pathogens (e.g.,[13–16])aswellasforestresponsetodefoliation(e.g.,[17,18]). Todate,wecouldidentifyonly asinglestudydescribestree-levelsapfluxdeclinesfollowingatreeboringbeetleattack(i.e.,mountain pinebeetle(DendroctonouspoderosaeHoplins)infestationoflodgepolepine(PinuscontortaDouglas)[5]. When assessing the impacts of biotic forest disturbances on tree sap fluxes however, potentially uniquecharacteristicsofagivendisturbanceagentmayresultinavarietyofresponsesnecessitating furtherinvestigation. Emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, EAB) is a tree-boring beetle native to Asia, which was inadvertently imported into the United States in the 1990s [19–23]. Emerald ash borers feed almost exclusively on trees in the genus Fraxinus [24,25], but see [26] whose constituentspeciesarewidelydistributedacrossxeric(e.g.,F.AmericanaL.,F.quadrangulataMichx.), mesic(e.g.,F.pennsylvanicaMarshall)andhydric(e.g.,F.nigraMarshall,F.profundaBush)forestsin thecontinentalUS[27–29]andsouthernCanada[30]. InforestsoftheGreatLakesRegionoftheU.S., ashoccupiesanecologicallyimportantnicheinriparianandwetlandsystemsandaccountsfor~5–9% ofabovegroundlivecarbonmass[28]. Unlikemostnativetreeboringbeetleswhichtypicallyattack treesexperiencingphysiologicalstress,initsinvadedrangeEABattackshealthyandstressedtrees, withpreferencefordamagedtrees[31]. EABcausesprogressivecanopydecline[32]thatculminates withashtreemortalityin2–5yearsandalmostcompleteashtreemortalityattheforestlevelwithin 6years[33]. ItisgenerallyrecognizedthatEABlarvaecauserapidtreemortalityviatheirfeedingin thecambialandphloemtissue,whichcreatesserpentinegalleriesthatseversaptransportbetween shootsandroots[22,34,35]. Whilesimulatedgirdlingstudieshavebeenconductedtoassessthedecline ofblackashinwetlands(F.nigra)[36],theeffectsofEABontree-levelwateruptakeandsapfluxremain undocumented. Thus,directevidenceofthephysiologicalmechanismsalteredbyEABinfestation arelacking. ChangesinwaterrelationscausedbyEABwillnotonlyacceleratetherateoftreemortality, butalso mayhavelocal consequencesforsurface hydrologyand theenergy balanceofassociated ecosystems[6,37]. Forest pests that damage cambial tissue can impact tree water use and canopy processes by at least three non-exclusive mechanisms. First, forest pests can impact tree water use via direct feedback mechanisms that regulate photosynthesis [38]. Specifically, leaf stomatal closure may be caused by direct loss of turgor pressure in guard cells associated with changes in the hydraulic conductance along the soil-leaf continuum [39–41] or by increased concentrations of free abscisic acid [42]. Second, the sink limitation imposed by the forest pest’s girdling behavior may result in theaccumulationofphotosynthateinsourceleaves[43]causingdownregulationofphotosynthesis, photoinhibitionandrelatedeffects[44]. Third,viapersistentandchronicdirectmechanicaldamageto vasculartissueoveraperiodofyears,impactedtreesmayexhibitreducedleafareaatbothcanopy andsingleleaflevels,resultinginconcomitantreductionsinwateruse[45,46]. Understandingthe underlyingmechanismsinvolvedinashtreeresponsestoEABwillfacilitateabetterunderstanding oftheassociatedhydrologicalresponsestoforestpests[36]. StudyingtheseeffectsonEABimpacted forestsisofparticularimportancebecauseourunderstandingofthehydrologicalresponsestoforest pestdisturbancespredominantlyrelylargelyongirdlingstudiesorinoculationsoffungalpathogens, whose damage symptom progressions differ at the tree level. Specifically, sap flux measurements studyingmortalityfromfungalpathogeninoculationscanoccurinasfewas1year[14,15],girdlingin asquicklyas2years[47],andEABinducedmortalityfrom2–5years[33]. The objective of this study was to examine the impacts of the invasive EAB on ash foliar morphologyandtreewaterusewithinanashdominatedforestincentralOhio,U.S.Theeven-aged Forests2018,9,301 3of17 forest stand utilized in this study is comprised of mature overstory green ash (F. pennsylvanica Marshall) trees displaying all stages of EAB infestation [35], thus providing a unique opportunity to investigate biotic (i.e., EAB) and abiotic drivers of tree water use. Using Granier type sap flux probes (described by Lu et al. [8]), we measured sap flux density as a proxy for direct water use inninegreenashwhichcomprisedthefullrangeofEABimpactedconditions. Wealsomeasured thebulkleafcarbon(C)isotopiccomposition,δ13C ,ofleaftissuefromthefocaltreesasaproxy leaf for relative changes in intrinsic water use efficiency (the ratio of water used per carbon gain at theleaflevel)[48]. Foliarnonstructuralcarbohydrateconcentrationsweremeasuredtoassesssink limitations[43]. Finally,weconductedleaflevelgasexchangemeasurementsofcanopyleavesand collected leaf tissue from the canopy of ash trees across a gradient of EAB induced mortality to assessmorphologicalcharacteristics(surfacearea(SA),drymass(DM),andspecificleafarea(SLA)). TheseparametersareusedtoelucidatetheplanthydrologicalconsequencesofEABinfestationandto assesstheroleofwateronmortalityofinfectedash. 2. MaterialsandMethods 2.1. SiteDescriptionandTreeSelection Thisstudywasconductedin2010withina35-yearold(asdetermineddendrochronologically) abandoned tree plantation established on an agricultural field in central Ohio located at the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station (40◦ 23(cid:48) N, 83◦ 02(cid:48) W) previously described by Floweretal.[49]. Following abandonment ~30 years prior to the study, succession occurred unimpeded. Theforestischaracterizedbysiltyloamsoils,isatanelevationof290mabovesealevel, anditsaverageannualprecipitationfrom2006–2010was92.04cm±3.71cm. Theforestcanopyis dominatedbyF.pennsylvanica(greenash)andF.americanaL.(whiteash),whichrepresent~80%oftree basalarea,aswellasUlmusamericanaL.(Americanelm),andTiliaamericanaL.(basswood). Greenashtreeswereselectedforinclusioninthesapfluxstudybyfirstassessingthediameterat breastheight(DBH,~1.37mfromground)ofeachtreeintheforeststandandifanashtree,ratingthe ash canopy condition (see below for description of AC classes). Additionally, the height of each treewasmeasuredpriortothestudywithahypsometer(VertexIV;Haglöf,Sweden). Ninetreesof comparableDBHwererandomlyselectedwithintheplotacrosstherangeofACclasses(seeTable1 formoredetailsonstudytrees). Investigativesapfluxstudieshavebeensuccessfullyconductedwith lowreplicationwhentheeffectsizesforthevariablesofinterestarelarge[13,50]. Onlyco-dominant overstoryashtreeswereselectedforsapfluxmeasurements,sincecanopypositionhasbeenshown toimpactsapflowrates[51]. Selectedtreeswerelocated>10mfromtheforestedgetominimizethe microclimaticvariabilityanddifferencesinturbulenceandmomentumfluxesnearforestedgeswhich canimpactcanopylevelboundaryconditions,transpirationandsapfluxrates[52–55]. Measurements ofsolarradiationandVPDwerederivedfromameteorologicalstationlocatedattheUSDAFSstation <0.5kmfromthestudysite. Table1.CharacteristicsoftheexperimentalFraxinuspensylvanicasampledforsapfluxdensity. %EABGallery TreeNo. AC DBHa(cm) TreeHeight(m) Avg.DailySapFlux(kg/day±se) Leafδ13C Cover 1 1 18.8 11.9 13.69±0.33 −28.12 0 2 1 22.4 13.2 13.13±0.10 −28.11 5 3 1 17.8 11.2 13.01±0.31 −27.39 5 4 2 20.1 12.1 4.54±0.30 −26.97 10 5 2 19.8 12.3 3.78±0.28 −25.94 17.5 6 3 19.3 11.6 3.74±0.16 −26.49 25 7 4 17.0 10.5 2.20±0.15 −25.91 45 8 4 18.2 11.7 1.17±0.22 −25.94 50 9 4 18.8 11.5 1.48±0.10 −25.92 55 aDiameteratbreastheight. Forests2018,9,301 4of17 Each live co-dominant ash tree within the interior of the stand was evaluated for EAB infestationusingavisualassessmentofcanopyhealthcalledashcanopycondition(AC).Thisvisual assessment has been shown to exhibit a significant relationship with tree-level EAB densities (larvae/adult)andEABgallerycoverandthusitrepresentsasolidvisualproxyforEABinfestation levels[35,56]. Briefly,ashcanopyconditionisgradedona1(healthy)to5(dead)scale:(1)healthy/full canopy—ahealthyashcanopyisfullandexhibitsnodefoliation;(2)thinningcanopy—slightreduction inleafmass,alltopbranchesexposedtosunlighthaveleaves;(3)dieback—canopyisthinningand sometopbranchesexposedtosunlightaredefoliated,lowerbrancheswhichexhibitnaturalthinning arenotconsidered;(4)>50%dieback—thecanopyhaslessthan50%oftheleavesofaclass1treeand/or overhalfofthetopbranchesaredefoliated;and(5)deadcanopy—noleavesremaininthecanopy portionofthetree,regardlessofepicormicsprouts[57]. Canopyconditionwasdeterminedvisually inJuneafterleafexpansionwascomplete. Additionally,EABlarvalgallerycoverwasquantifiedon 22August2018followingterminationofsapfluxmeasurementsontwodebarked10×10cmwindows (onthenorthandsouthsideofeachtree)at1.5mheightasdescribedbyFloweretal.[35]. 2.2. SapfluxMeasurements Granier [58] type systems consisting of thermal dissipation probes (TDP, manufactured by PlantSensors,Nakara,Australia)weredeployedtomeasuresapfluxinnineashtreesalongagradient ofEABinfestation. EachsystemisapairofTDPprobes(each2mmindiameter)insertedradially intothesapwoodoftheboletoadepthof2cmandseparatedvertically,withtheupperprobeheated andthelowerprobeanunheatedreference. TwoTDPsystemsweredeployedpertreeataheight of 1.37 m, one on the north-facing side and one on the south facing-side of each tree to account for flux variability along the stem circumference. In all trees, the depth of the sapwood exceeded thedepthoftheTDP.Theheatedandreferenceprobeswereplaced~10cmapart(sothereference measurements are not affected by the heating) and the heating power was adjusted to 0.2 W and inducedamaximumtemperaturedifferenceof8–10◦CunderzerofluxconditionsasdescribedbyDo andRocheteau[59]. Inordertoreducetheeffectofnaturaltemperaturegradientswhichcanimpact measurementaccuracy,weutilizedaheating/coolingcycleof15min/15minasdescribedbyDoand Rocheteau[59]. Additionally,theTDPsystemsweresurroundedbyclosedcellfoamandwrappedin areflectiveheatshield(afoilcoatedbubblesheet~0.6minheight,wrappedaroundtheTDPsystem andtree)tominimizetemperaturegradientsassociatedwithdirectradiation. Siliconecaulkingwas usedatthetopandbottomoftheheatshieldtoexcluderainandstemflowfrominterferingwiththe TDPsystems. Sapfluxprobesweredeployedon17June2010anddatawasrecordedthrough1August, because of interference with the sap flux probes from raccoons we will only report results from beforethisinterference(17–20June). Temperaturedifferentialsweremeasuredevery5minbetween theheatedandreferencethermocouplejunctionsoneachprobeand30minmeanswererecorded on a Campbell CR10 datalogger (Campbell Scientific, Logan, UT, USA). Temperature differentials betweenprobeswereinfluencedbysapfluxdensitysurroundingtheheatedprobe. Sapfluxdensity (SFD,ms−1)foreachsensorwascalculatedaccordingtoGranier[12,58]usingthefollowingequations: SFD=αKβ, (1) whereβ=1.231andα=119×10−6ms−1[59]. Thefluxindex(K,adimensionlessvalue)isdefinedas: K=(∆T −∆T )/∆T , (2) 0 u u where∆T isthemaximumtemperaturedifferenceobtainedunderzerofluxconditionsand∆T isthe 0 u measuredtemperaturedifferenceatagivenfluxdensity. Itwasassumedthatnosapfluxoccurredat pre-dawn. Treelevelwateruse(TWU,kgh−1)wascalculatedas: TWU=SFD×S , (3) A Forests2018,9,301 5of17 where S is the cross-sectional area of the sapwood at the level of the heating probe [12]. A Thecross-sectionalareaofsapwoodwasestimatedvisually,bywoodcolorasdescribedbyMeadows andHodges[60],fromincrementcoresremovedfollowingsapfluxmeasurements. Dailytreelevel wateruse(TWU ,kg−1 day−1)wascalculatedasthe24-hdailysumofTWU.Insummary,assap D flowspasttheunheated(lower)thermocouple,itrecordstheambientsaptemperatureandtheupper heatedneedleiscooled. Rapidsapfluxresultsinlowdifferencesinthethermocoupletemperaturesas theupper(heated)thermocoupleiscooled. 2.3. LeafTissueSampling InlateJune2010,leaftissuewasexcisedfromtheuppersunexposedcanopyofeachfocal(sap flux)ashtreeduringmid-dayusingashotgun. Collectedleaftissuefromeachexperimentalashtree was immediately oven-dried at 60 ◦C for ~48 h to constant mass to remove any moisture prior to isotopicanalysis. Thebulkleafcarbonisotopiccomposition,δ13C,representsanunbiasedintegrator of a plant water relations over the longevity of the leaf tissue and can be used as a surrogate for intrinsicwateruseefficiency. Theintrinsicwateruseefficiencyisnon-linearlyproportionaltothe differencebetweenambientCO concentrations(C )andinternalleafCO concentrations(C)[48]. 2 a 2 i Thus,underconstantC ,andconstantδ13CofatmosphericCO ,δ13Creflectsarelativeandintegrated a 2 measureofintrinsicwateruseefficiencyamongtreesofdifferentAC. On11–12July2013,atleast3replicateleafsampleswerecollectedfromtheuppersunexposed canopy of 20 ash trees across a gradient of AC classes to assess differences in leaf morphology. Leaftissuewascollectedfrom09:00–10:30andthesurfaceareadeterminedimmediatelyfollowing collectionusingaLI-COR3100leafareameter(LI-COR,Lincoln,NE,USA).Sampleswerethendried inaforced-airconvectionovenat60◦Cfor48horuntilnochangeinmasswasdetectedandanalyzed for%carbon(%C),%nitrogen(%N),andδ13Casdescribedbelow. Replicateswereaveragedpriorto statisticalanalyses. 2.4. FoliarGas-ExchangeMeasurements During June 2015, sun-exposed branches were collected between 09:30–11:30 from the upper canopy of green ash trees across the AC gradient (n = 12 trees). Branches were re-cut under deionizedwatertoreduceembolismandgas-exchangemeasurementswereconductedimmediately thereafter. An open-system portable IRGA (LI-6400 equipped with the 6400-02 LED light source attachment,LI-COR,Inc.,Lincoln,NE,USA)wasusedtomeasurethelightsaturatedphotosynthetic rate(A @1600PAR;µmolCO m2s−1),internalCO concentrations(C;ppmCO ),andstomatal sat 2 2 i 2 conductance(gs;mmolm−2s−1)for3fullyexpandedleaves/branch.Beforeeachmeasurementtheleaf chamberwascheckedforleaksandstabilityinflow(500µmols−1),CO (400ppm),andH O(<80%). 2 2 2.5. ElementalandIsotopicAnalysisofLeafTissue Driedplanttissuewasfinelygroundusingaballmillpriortoanalysis. Thecarboncontentof leaftissuewasmadeviaflashcombustionusingaCostechElementalAnalyzer(Valencia,CA,USA) withazero-blankautosamplerandelectronicactuatortoeliminateaircontaminationinthesamples. StableisotopeanalysesofCwereconductedonthesamesampleusinganIRMS(isotoperatiomass spectrometer, Finnigan Deltaplus XL, Bremen, Germany) operated in continuous flow mode and calibratedtothe13CViennaPeeDeeBelemnite(VPDB)scaleusingUSGS40withaprecisionof0.05 . Elementalandsolidinternationalandsecondaryisotopestandardswereusedforinstrumentcalibratio(cid:104)n andsampleconversiontoδvalues.Isotopicvaluesarereportedindeltanotationrelativetothestandard VPDBforcarbon,(δ =1000((R /R )−1),R=13C/12C).Allmeasurementsweredone sample sample standard atthestableisotopelaboratoryattheUniversityofIllinoisatChicago. Forests2018,9,301 6of17 2.6. PlantTissueNon-StructuralCarbohydrateAnalysis In2010,leaftissue(aspreviouslydescribed)fromsapfluxtreeswasanalyzedfornonstructural carbohydrates (starch and soluble sugars; NSC). Briefly, we quantified soluble sugars and starch in woody tissues using standard methods [61]. Leaf tissue was dried in a forced convection oven immediately following collection until no mass loss and ground with a ball mill for 3 min. Solublesugars(sucrose,glucose,andfructose)wereextractedfrom25mgoftissuewith80%ethanol (5mL)at80◦Cfor5min. Extractswerecentrifugedandthesupernatantspooled;a2mLaliquotwas removedanddriedusingavacuumevaporator. Driedextractwasresuspendedwith3mLdeionized waterand40mgpolyvinylpolypyrrolidoneandspundownusingacentrifuge. A0.5mLaliquotwas colorimetricallyassayedforsolublesugars[61]andmodifiedforuseondeciduoustissuesaccording toCurtisetal.[62]. Solublesugarrecoverywas>95%. Starchwasquantifiedfromthesolublesugarextractedtissuepelletsbyresuspensionusing1mL of 0.2 N KOH and incubated at 80 ◦C for 25 min. KOH was neutralized by adding 0.2 mL of 1 N aceticacid. Starchwashydrolyzedtoglucosewithα-amyloglucosidasesolution(pH7.05)at55◦Cfor 1.5handassayedaccordingtoJonesetal.[61]. Starchrecoverywas>95%. Thetotalnonstructural carbohydrateconcentration(TNC)wasthesumofsolublesugarsandstarch. 2.7. StatisticalAnalysis The effect of AC on ash tree sap flux density rates (SFD) were investigated using a repeated measuresanalysisofvariance(RMANOVA)test,withthehourlySFDmeasurementsastherepeated measure. SapfluxdensityrateswerecomparedbetweenACusingTukey’sHSD,α=0.05. Becauseof lackofreplication,treesinAC2and3werepooledpriortoanalysisandthusrepresentamoderate levelofEABdecline. Separately,wetestedtheroleofACandabioticfactorsonSFDusingANOVA, inwhichACwastreatedasamaineffectandtheenvironmentalparameters(radiationandVPD)were treatedascovariates. Additionally,theeffectofAConaverageTWU weretestedusingANOVA, D dailytreelevelwaterusewascomparedbetweenACusingTukey’sHSD,α=0.05. Therelationship betweendailysapfluxratesandthecarbonisotopiccompositionofleaftissue(δ13C )wastested Leaf usingSpearman’sRankCorrelationAnalysis,duetothenon-linearrelationshipbetweendailysapflux ratesandthecarbonisotopiccompositionofleaftissue(δ13C ). Thistestprovidesadistributionfree Leaf testofindependencebetweenthevariables. Theeffectofashconditionclasses(AC)onmorphological leaf measurements (surface area, dry mass, specific leaf area), gas exchange parameters (A , g , sat s andC)andleafcarbonisotopiccompositionwereinvestigatedusingindependentanalysisofvariance i (ANOVA)tests. VariableswerecomparedbetweenACclassesusingTukey’sHSD,α=0.05. Theeffect ofAConleafstarch,solublesugar,andTNCconcentrationswasassessedwithANOVA,treesinAC2 and3werepooledpriortoanalysis. AllstatisticalanalyseswereconductedusingSYSTATstatistical software(v13,SYSTAT2007). 3. Results 3.1. SapFluxDensityRatesbyAshCanopyConditionClassesandAbioticDrivers Sapfluxdensitiesrangedfrom0.00to1.49ms−1andexhibitedsignificantvariabilityattributed toashcanopyconditionclasses(ANOVA;F =566.3,p<0.001). Sapfluxdensitiesinhealthytrees (2624) (AC1;0.583m3 m−2s−1 ±0.045SE)weresignificantlyhigherthanthoseofmoderately(AC2or3; 0.144m3 m−2 s−1 ± 0.011SE)andheavily(AC4; 0.112m3 m−2 s−1 ± 0.009SE)infestedashtrees (Tukey’sHSDp<0.001forallACvalues;Figure1). Sapfluxdensityalsoexhibitedsignificanttemporal variabilityacrossthesamplingperiod(ANOVA;F =105.018,p<0.001). Finally,weobserved (103,624) asignificantdifferenceintheinteractionterm(AC×time),highlightingincreasedresponsivenessin sapfluxinthehealthytreesovertime(Figure1;ANOVA;F =36.251,p<0.001). (206,624) Forests2018,9,301 7of17 Forests 2018, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 17 AC 1 1.4 AC 2/3 AC 4 1.2 1) -h 1.0 2 -m 0.8 3 m 0.6 ( D F 0.4 S 0.2 0.0 168 169 170 171 172 Day of Year ForestsF 2i0g1u8r, e9 , 1x. FSOaRp PflEuExR dReEnVsIiEtyW ( S FD) of Fraxinus pennsylvanica trees during 26–30 June 2010 (AC1 = low7 of 17 Figure1. Sapfluxdensity(SFD)ofFraxinuspennsylvanicatreesduring26–30June2010(AC1=low infestation levels, AC 2 & 3 moderate infestation levels, and AC4 = high infestation levels). Error bars infestationledveenlost,eA ±1C SE2. &3moderateinfestationlevels,andAC4=highinfestationlevels).Errorbars AC 1 denote±1SE. 1.4 AC 2/3 Although substantial vaArCia 4t ion existed between AC classes and over time, SFD exhibited considerable diurn1a.2l fluctuations within trees generally peaking during mid-day when the Althougehvapsourabtsivtea dn1et)miaalndv waarsi agrteiaotnest e(Fxigisutree d1; Tbabeltew 2)e. Tehne SAFDC wcasl amsosset sstraonngdly dorviveern btyi minceo,mSinFgD exhibited solar radiation- hand 1V.0PD (Table 2). Higher order interactions of AC*VPD and AC*radiation were also considerablediurnalflu2ctuationswithintreesgenerallypeakingduringmid-daywhentheevaporative significant, ind-micati0n.g8 the differential impacts that the abiotic factors have on the SFD of trees across demandwasdgirffeearetnets At(CF c3ilgaussrees (1T;aTbaleb 2l)e. S2p)e.cTifihcaellSy,F SDFDw waass mlesoss rtessptroonsnivgel ytod inrcivreeansedb yraidniactoiomn ains gEAsBo larradiation m and VPD (Tainbdleuc2ed) .caHnoipg(yh deer0c.l6ionre dmearniifnestteedr a(Fcitgiuorne 2s).o f AC*VPD and AC*radiation were also significant, D indicatingthedifferentiaFlim0.4pactsthattheabioticfactorshaveontheSFDoftreesacrossdifferentAC S classes(Table2). Specifically,SFDwaslessresponsivetoincreasedradiationasEABinducedcanopy 0.2 declinemanifested(Figure2). 0.0 Table2.Analysisofvarianc1e6s8tatisticsfo1r6t9hemaineff1e7c0tsofashca1n7o1pyconditi1o7n2class,vaporpressure deficit(VPD),andradiationonashtreesapfluxD(SaFyD o)f dYeenasrityrates. Figure 1. Sap flux density (SFD) of Fraxinus pennsylvanica trees during 26–30 June 2010 (AC1 = low Souirncfeestation levels, AC 2T &y p3 meoIdIeIraSteS infestationd lfevels, and ACM4 =S high infestatioFn- Rlevaetliso). Error bars p-Value denote ±1 SE. AC 0.215 2 0.108 7.34 0.001 VPD 0.904 1 0.904 61.65 <0.001 Although substantial variation existed between AC classes and over time, SFD exhibited Radiation 11.867 1 11.867 809.37 <0.001 considerable diurnal fluctuations within trees generally peaking during mid-day when the ACev×apoVraPtDive demand was grea0t.e4s2t 6(Figure 1; Tabl2e 2). The SFD0 .w21as3 most strongl1y4 d .5ri3ven by incomi<ng0 .001 AC×solRara draidaitaitoionn and VPD (Tab7le.4 24).1 Higher order 2interactions 3of.7 A2C1*VPD and A2C5*3r.a7d6iation were al<so0 .001 Figure 2. Half hourly sap flux density (SFD) of Fraxinus trees in relation to solar radiation (W/m2) AC×VPsiDgn×ificRanatd, iinadtiiocanting the diff1e.r5e6n2tial impacts th2at the abiotic0 f.7ac8t1ors have on t5h3e. 2S8F4D of trees acro<s0s .001 during 26–30 June 2010 (AC1 = low, AC2/3 = moderate, AC 4 = high infestation levels). dEifrferroernt AC classes (Table 21)3. .S5p6e2cifically, SFD92 w5as less res0p.0o1ns5ive to increased radiation as EAB i3n.d2.u Dceadil yc aSnaop pFylu dxe cline manifested (Figure 2). Reduced tree level SFD resulted in significant differences in daily sap flux rates (TWUD) between lightly and heavily infested trees (Figure 3, ANOVA; F (2,6) = 554.014; p < 0.001). Values of TWUD tended to be greater for trees which were lightly or not infested with EAB (AC 1 = 13.27 kg day−1 ± 0.25 SE) relative to moderately (AC 2 & 3 = 4.02 kg day−1 ± 0.31 SE) and heavily infested trees (1.62 kg Figure 2. Half hourly sap flux density (SFD) of Fraxinus trees in relation to solar radiation (W/m2) Figure2. Halfhourlysapfluxdensity(SFD)ofFraxinustreesinrelationtosolarradiation(W/m2) during 26–30 June 2010 (AC1 = low, AC2/3 = moderate, AC 4 = high infestation levels). during26–30June2010(AC1=low,AC2/3=moderate,AC4=highinfestationlevels). 3.2. Daily Sap Flux Reduced tree level SFD resulted in significant differences in daily sap flux rates (TWUD) between lightly and heavily infested trees (Figure 3, ANOVA; F (2,6) = 554.014; p < 0.001). Values of TWUD tended to be greater for trees which were lightly or not infested with EAB (AC 1 = 13.27 kg day−1 ± 0.25 SE) relative to moderately (AC 2 & 3 = 4.02 kg day−1 ± 0.31 SE) and heavily infested trees (1.62 kg Forests2018,9,301 8of17 3.2. DailySapFlux ReducedtreelevelSFDresultedinsignificantdifferencesindailysapfluxrates(TWU )between D lightlyandheavilyinfestedtrees(Figure3, ANOVA;F =554.014; p<0.001). ValuesofTWU (2,6) D tendedtobegreaterfortreeswhichwerelightlyornotinfestedwithEAB(AC1=13.27kgday−1 ± 0.25SE)relativetomoderately(AC2&3=4.02kgday−1 ± 0.31SE)andheavilyinfestedtrees Forests 2018, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 17 (1.62kgday−1 ±0.37SE,Figure3). Furthermore,aSpearman’srankcorrelationrevealedthatTWU D wasnegatidvaeyl−y1 ±c o0r.3r7e lSaEt,e Fdigwuriet h3)t. hFeurδt1h3eCrmore, (ar S=pe−arm0.a9n3’7s 2r,anpk< co0r.r0e5la)t.ion revealed that TWUD was Leaf s negatively correlated with the δ13CLeaf (rs = −0.9372, p < 0.05). Forests 2018, 9, x FOR PEER REV1I6EW 8 of 17 14 a day−1 ± 0.37 SE, Figure 3). Furthermore, a Spearman’s rank correlation revealed that TWUD was negatively correlatedy) with1 2the δ13CLeaf (rs = −0.9372, p < 0.05). a d 1106 g/ (kD 184 a WUy) 162 b Tda 140 g/ c k 28 (D U 06 W 1 2 anbd 3 4 T 4 Ash Canopy Conditionc 2 Figure 3. Mean daily sap flux (TWUD) across trees of different ash condition classes. Letters represent Figure3.Meandailysapflux(TWU )acrosstreesofdifferentashconditionclasses.Lettersrepresent significance levels determ0ined bDy Tukey’s HSD pairwise comparisons (p < 0.05), error bars denote ±1 significancSeE.l evelsdeterminedbyTukey’s1HSDpa2ir awndi 3secompa4risons(p<0.05),errorbarsdenote ±1SE. Ash Canopy Condition 3.3. Leaf Traits Figure 3. Mean daily sap flux (TWUD) across trees of different ash condition classes. Letters represent 3.3. LeafTraitsIsnigdniivfiicdaunacel lleevaef lss udreftaecrme ianreeda bvya Triuekde yfr’so HmS 7D. 1p atoir w41is.e2 ccomm2p aanridso wnsa (sp s<i g0.n0i5f)i,c earnrotlry b laarrsg deern ionte h ±e1a lthy trees S(AE.C 1 and AC 2) relative to trees exhibiting EAB induced canopy decline (AC 3 and AC4) (Figure Indiv4idAu; AalNlOeVafAs; uF r(3f,1a6)c =e 1a0r.7e3a1,v pa <r i0e.0d01f)r. oLmeaf7 d.1ryt moa4s1s .w2acsm al2soa snigdniwficaasntslyig lanrigfierc ainn htleyaltlhayr gtreeresi nhealthy (3A.3C. L 1e aafn Tdr aAitCs 2) relative to trees exhibiting canopy decline (AC 3 and AC4) (Figure 4B; ANOVA; F trees (AC 1 and AC 2) relative to trees exhibiting EAB induced canopy decline (AC 3 and AC4) (Figure4A(;3,1A6) =NI 9nO.d02Viv6Ai,d p;u =Fa l0 .l0e0a1f )s. u=Arsf1a sc0ue.c 7ah3r, e1lae, avpf ad<rriey0d m. 0far0os1sm )e .x7Lh.1ie btaiotf e4dd1 .ar2 y lcinmme2aa ras npsdow switaiavsse s arilegslnaoitfiisocinagsnnhtliiypfi lwcaarigtnhet rll eyianf l hsauerargflaethcryei nhealthy area (Figure S1; (A3,d16j )r2 = 0.98). Because of the conserved relationship between leaf dry mass and leaf trees (AC 1 and AC 2) relative to trees exhibiting EAB induced canopy decline (AC 3 and AC4) (Figure trees(AC1suarnfadceA arCea2, )nor esligantiivficeatnot dtrifefeersenecxehs iwbeitrien ogbscearvneodp iyn tdhee cslpineceifi(cA leCaf3 araena d(dAataC n4o)t (pFriegsuenrteed4;B p; ANOVA; 4A; ANOVA; F (3,16) = 10.731, p < 0.001). Leaf dry mass was also significantly larger in healthy trees F =9.=0 206.4,7p2).= 0.001). As such, leaf dry mass exhibited a linear positive relationship with leaf (3,16) (AC 1 and AC 2) relative to trees exhibiting canopy decline (AC 3 and AC4) (Figure 4B; ANOVA; F surfaceare(a3,16()F =i 9g.u02r6e, pS 1= ;0A.00d1j).r A2s= su0c.9h8, l)e.AaBf dercya umasaesso efxthhibeitceod na slienrevaer dporseitliavtei orenlasthioinpshbiept wwiethe nlealef asufrdfarcye massand leafsurfacearaear e(Fai,gnuore sSi1g; nAidfij cra2 n= t0.d98i3)f0.f eBreecanucsees owf theer ecoonbasesrevrevde rdelaintiotnhsehispp beectwifiecenl eleaaff adrreya m(adssa taandn loetafp resented; p=0.472).surface area, no signific2)ant differences were observed in the specific leaf area (data not presented; p = 0.472). m 20 c A ( b b S 10 A a 30 a 2) m 20 B a A (c 0.3 a b b M (g)S 01.20 D b b 0.1 B a 0.3 a M (g) 0.2 AC 1 AC 2 AC 3 AC 4 Figure 4. Leaf surfaceD area (SA) (A) and leaf dry mass (DM) (bB) in relatibon to ash tree canopy condition 0.1 class (AC). Significance levels depict results of Tukeys HSD pairwise comparisons (p < 0.05). AC 1 AC 2 AC 3 AC 4 Figure 4. Leaf surface area (SA) (A) and leaf dry mass (DM) (B) in relation to ash tree canopy condition Figure4.Leafsurfacearea(SA)(A)andleafdrymass(DM)(B)inrelationtoashtreecanopycondition class (AC). Significance levels depict results of Tukeys HSD pairwise comparisons (p < 0.05). class(A C).SignificancelevelsdepictresultsofTukeysHSDpairwisecomparisons(p<0.05). Forests2018,9,301 9of17 3.4. FoliarChemistry Forests 2018, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 17 Leafcarbonisotopicsignaturesexhibitedsignificantenrichmentalongwithprogressivecanopy decline(Fi3g.u4.r Feol5iaAr ;CAheNmiOstrVy A;F =9.08,p<0.001),whilenosignificantdifferenceswereobservedin (3,16) thefoliarnitroLgeeanf ciasrobotonp isioctospigicn saigtnuarteusre(sF eixghuibriete5dB s;igAniNficOanVt Aen;riFch(m3,1e6n)t =alo2n.1g5 w2i,thp p=ro0g.r1e3ss4i)v.e Bcaunlokpyle afcarbon contentgedneecrlianlel y(Fiignucrree 5aAs;e AdNaOsVaAsh; Fc (a3,1n6) o= p9y.08c, opn <d 0i.0ti0o1n), winhcilree naos esisg.nTifihcaenct adrifbfeornenccoesn wteenret oobfselervaevde sinAC1 wassignifiinc athnet floylilaor wniterorgtehna insottohpaict soigfntarteuersesi (nFiAguCre 25Ba; nAdNOAVCA;4 F ((3P,16o) =s t2h.1o5c2, Tp u= k0.e1y34’)s. BHuSlkD leapf <car0b.o0n5 ;datanot content generally increased as ash canopy condition increases. The carbon content of leaves in AC 1 shown). BulkleafnitrogencontentalsoexhibitedvariabilityacrossACclasses,althoughdifferences was significantly lower than that of trees in AC 2 and AC 4 (Posthoc Tukey’s HSD p < 0.05; data not werelesspsrhoonwonu). nBcuelkd l,eaanf nditAroCgen1 cwonatsenotn allysod eixfhfiebrietendt vtahraianbiAlitCy a2craonssd AAC Ccl3as(sPeso, satlhthoocugThu dkieffye’rsenHceSsD p<0.05; datanotshwoewre nle)s.sH priognhoufonclieadr, abnudl kACN 1 awnads olonwly dbiuffelkrenCt tihnanth AeCf o2 laianrd tAisCs3u (ePoosfthtorce eTsukineyA’s CHS1Dl ap r<g elyledto 0.05; data not shown). High foliar bulk N and low bulk C in the foliar tissue of trees in AC 1 largely thesignificantdifferencesinleafC:NratiosbetweenACclasses(Figure5C;ANOVA;F =6.241, (3,16) led to the significant differences in leaf C:N ratios between AC classes (Figure 5C; ANOVA; F (3,16) = p=0.005). 6.241, p = 0.005). Figure 5. Relationship between green ash foliar 13C and ash canopy decline (A), foliar 15N (B), and Figure 5. Relationship between green ash foliar 13C and ash canopy decline (A), foliar 15N (B), foliar carbon to nitrogen ratio (C). Significance levels depict results of Tukeys HSD pairwise and foliarccomarpbaorinsontos (pn <it 0r.o0g5)e. n ratio (C). Significance levels depict results of Tukeys HSD pairwise comparisons(p<0.05). Soluble sugar concentrations ranged from 13 to 51 mg g−1 and starch concentrations ranged from 1.2 to 22 mg g−1 (see Table 3 for means). In general, foliar soluble sugar concentrations were greater Solubtlheans ustgaracrh ccoonncecnetnrattriaontiso (nTasbrlea 3n)g. Nedo sfirgonimfica1n3t dtoiffe5r1enmcesg ing s−o1luabnled susgtaarr (cph = 0c.o13n)c, setnartcrha t(pio =n s ranged from1.2to0.32621)m, org TgN−C1 c(osneceenTtraabtiolens3 (pf o= r0.m66)e wanerse) .obIsnergveedn beertawl,eefno lAiaCr clsaossluesb. lesugarconcentrationswere greater than starch concentrations (Table 3). No significant differences in soluble sugar (p = 0.13), Table 3. Foliar soluble sugar, starch concentrations, and total nonstructural carbohydrates starch(p=0.361),orTNCconcentrations(p=0.66)wereobservedbetweenACclasses. (TNC) (mg/g) between ash canopy condition classes. Values represent mean and (SE). No significant differences across AC classes were observed between soluble sugars, starch, or Table 3. FToNliCar cosnocluenbtlreatsioungsa wr,erseta rrecvheacleodn vciean otnraet-wioanys ,AaNnOdVtAo.t al nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC) (mg/g) between ash canAoCp y conSdoliutibolne Sculagsasres s. ValuSteasrcrhe presentTmNeCa n and (SE). No significant differencesacrossACclas1s eswereo3b8s.0e r(0v.e9d) between4.s9o (l1u.5b)l esuga4r2s.9, s(2ta.3r)c h,orTNCconcentrations werer evealedviaone-wayANOVA. AC SolubleSugars Starch TNC 1 38.0(0.9) 4.9(1.5) 42.9(2.3) 2/3 46.1(4.0) 4.7(2.3) 50.8(2.1) 4 28.3(7.9) 12.0(5.9) 40.3(13.8) Forests 2018, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 17 Forests2018,9,301 10of17 2/3 46.1 (4.0) 4.7 (2.3) 50.8 (2.1) 4 28.3 (7.9) 12.0 (5.9) 40.3 (13.8) 3.5. FoliarGasExchange 3.5. Foliar Gas Exchange Foliar gas exchange parameters were tightly linked to EAB induced canopy deterioration. Foliar gas exchange parameters were tightly linked to EAB induced canopy deterioration. Specifically,A declinedprogressivelyfromamaximumof14.5µmolm2s−1(±0.39)to6.69(±0.35)as Specificaslalyt, Asat declined progressively from a maximum of 14.5 μmol m2 s−1 (±0.39) to 6.69 (±0.35) as ashtreesbecameincreasinglyimpactedbyEAB(Figure6A).Additionally,internalCO concentrations ash trees became increasingly impacted by EAB (Figure 6A). Additionally, internal CO2 co2ncentrations (Ci)in(cCrei)a insecrdeainselde ainv leesavoefsa osfh ascha ncaonpoipeisese xepxpeerrieienncciinngg ssiiggnnifiificacnatn EtAEBA dBadmaamgea (gFeig(uFrieg 6uBr)e. 6B). 16 A. a 14 -1s) 12 b 2 m 10 ol c m 8 µ c ( at 6 As 4 2 0 B. c 250 b bc a 200 Ci150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 Ash Canopy Condition Figure 6. Mean light saturated photosynthetic rate (Asat; at 1600 PAR; panel (A)) and internal leaf CO2 Figure6. Meanlightsaturatedphotosyntheticrate(Asat;at1600PAR;panel(A))andinternalleaf concentration (Ci; panel (B)) across foliage from ash trees of different ash condition classes. Letters CO concentration (Ci; panel (B)) across foliage from ash trees of different ash condition classes. 2 represent significance levels determined by Tukey’s HSD pairwise comparisons (p < 0.05), error bars LettersrepresentsignificancelevelsdeterminedbyTukey’sHSDpairwisecomparisons(p<0.05), denote ±1 SE. errorbarsdenote±1SE. 4. Discussion 4. Discussion The results presented herein indicate that EAB larvae damage ash tree cambial tissue resulting in Tdhreasrteiscu clhtasnpgreess teon pteladnth weraetienr rineldatiicoantse ltehaadtinEgA toB clharrovnaiec dwaamtera gstereasssh. Atrse EeAcBa msybmiapltotimss pureogreressuslitoinn gin drasticincchreaansgeeds, StoFDp lwanats wreadtuecrerde,l aintihoibnistinlega dAisnat gantod crhedrounciincgw leaatef rsiszter easnsd. AmsasEsA. IBncsryemaspintgo mEApBr olagrrveasls ion feeding gallery cover or emergence holes within the stem have previously been linked to shifts in leaf increased,SFDwasreduced,inhibitingA andreducingleafsizeandmass. IncreasingEABlarval sat and canopy level traits [24,32,35]. Although the experiment presented herein was not designed to feedinggallerycoveroremergenceholeswithinthestemhavepreviouslybeenlinkedtoshiftsin investigate progressive canopy thinning as a mechanism by which ash trees can re-assimilate nutrients leafandcanopyleveltraits[24,32,35]. Althoughtheexperimentpresentedhereinwasnotdesigned for later use as a means to cope with stress [45], our results lend support to this notion. Specifically, EAB to investigate progressive canopy thinning as a mechanism by which ash trees can re-assimilate damage resulted in significant reductions in leaf morphological characteristics (SA and DM; Figure nutrie4nat,sb)f,o cronlasitseternut sweitahs leaafm reesapnosnsteos tcoo wpeatewr istthressst,r eysets S[L4A5] w, oasu crornesseurvltesd l(eFnigdurseu Sp1p).o Trhtet roedthucistionnost ion. Specifiinc aSlAly ,anEdA dBry dmaamssa sgeeenr iens uthlitse sdtuidny swigernei ficocmanptarraebdleu tcot tihoonsse ionf Ploesasfenm eot rapl. h[6o3l]o. gHiocwalevcehra, rthaec tleacrkis tics (SAanodf aD SMLA; Freisgpuornese4 aas,b E)A, Bco inmspiastcetendt twreeitsh colenatrfasrtess tphoe nfisnedsintgos wofa Ptoesrsesntr eets asl,. y[6e3t] wSLhAo owbsaesrvceodn as 5e–rved (Figur1e0%S1 i)n.crTeahsee irne dthuec StLioAn osf iBnetuSlAa aannd dPodpurylusm asassoscisaeteedn winitht whiest asntudd dyryw treearetmceonmts.p Tahrea δb1l3eC tiosottohpoisc e of enrichment of leaf tissue as ash trees progressed from healthy (AC 1) to heavily EAB impacted (AC 4) Possenetal.[63]. However,thelackofaSLAresponseasEABimpactedtreescontraststhefindingsof further supports the notion of EAB-induced chronic water stress in ash trees of this forest (Figure 5A) Possenetal.[63]whoobserveda5–10%increaseintheSLAofBetulaandPopulusassociatedwithwet anddrytreatments. Theδ13Cisotopicenrichmentofleaftissueasashtreesprogressedfromhealthy (AC1)toheavilyEABimpacted(AC4)furthersupportsthenotionofEAB-inducedchronicwater stressinashtreesofthisforest(Figure5A)andisconsistentwiththepreviousreportsofshiftsinfoliar carbonisotopiccompositionwithdifferencesinplantwateruseefficiency[64,65]. At the tree-level, sap flux rates were impacted by both biotic (EAB larvae) and abiotic (solar radiationandVPD)drivers(Table2,Figure1). ThediurnalpatternsofSFDofhealthytreesreported

removed and dried using a vacuum evaporator. [CrossRef]. [PubMed]. 11. Oren, R.; Pataki, D.E. Transpiration in response to variation in microclimate and soil moisture in southeastern . Agriculture Handbook 654; United States.
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