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Biosafety of Forest Transgenic Trees: Improving the Scientific Basis for Safe Tree Development and Implementation of EU Policy Directives PDF

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Preview Biosafety of Forest Transgenic Trees: Improving the Scientific Basis for Safe Tree Development and Implementation of EU Policy Directives

Forestry Sciences Cristina Vettori · Fernando Gallardo Hely Häggman · Vassiliki Kazana Fabio Migliacci · Gilles Pilate Matthias Fladung Editors Biosafety of Forest Transgenic Trees Improving the Scientific Basis for Safe Tree Development and Implementation of EU Policy Directives Biosafety of Forest Transgenic Trees FORESTRY SCIENCES Volume 82 Series editors Shri Mohan Jain Hely Häggman Alvin D. Yanchuk More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/5991 Cristina Vettori Fernando Gallardo (cid:129) ä Hely H ggman Vassiliki Kazana (cid:129) Fabio Migliacci Gilles Pilate (cid:129) Matthias Fladung Editors Biosafety of Forest Transgenic Trees fi Improving the Scienti c Basis for Safe Tree Development and Implementation of EU Policy Directives 123 Editors Cristina Vettori FabioMigliacci National Research Council (CNR) National Research Council (CNR) Institute of Biosciences andBioresources Institute of Chemistry of Organometallic (IBBR)—UOSFlorence Compound(ICCOM) Sesto Fiorentino Sesto Fiorentino Italy Italy Fernando Gallardo Gilles Pilate Departamento deBiologíaMolecular y INRA Bioquímica,FacultaddeCiencias UR0588, Amélioration, Génétique et Universidad deMálaga PhysiologieForestières Malaga Orleans Spain France HelyHäggman Matthias Fladung Genetics andPhysiology Department Thuenen Institute of Forest Genetics University of Oulu Großhansdorf Oulu Germany Finland Vassiliki Kazana Department ofForestry andNatural EnvironmentManagement Eastern MacedoniaandThrace Institute of Technology Drama Greece ISSN 0924-5480 ISSN 1875-1334 (electronic) Forestry Sciences ISBN978-94-017-7529-8 ISBN978-94-017-7531-1 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-7531-1 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2015960219 ©SpringerScience+BusinessMediaDordrecht2016 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor foranyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerScience+BusinessMediaB.V.Dordrecht Foreword The studies presented in this book provide an essential perspective for the con- temporary evaluation of governmental regulation and industrial deployment of transgenic trees. The first transgenic tree was a poplar hybrid, modified by the introduction ofa gene conferring resistance to theherbicide glyphosate, only three years after the first expression offoreign genes in plant cells (tobacco) and before the development of the first transgenic soybeans or maize. Over the past 30 years, cropvarietiescreatedusinggenesplicinghavebeenwidelyadoptedincreasingata rate of 3 % per year since 1996. By 2014, the global acreage of transgenic maize andsoybeansreached 181millionhectares.Genesplicinghasbeenamorelimited successwithconsumersthanwithagrobusiness.Asubstantialnumberofconsumers arehostiletogeneticallymodified(GM)crops,andnongovernmentalorganizations such as Greenpeace have opposed deployment of GM crops, worldwide. GM technology should have substantial benefits for forest trees, potentially greaterthanforagriculturalcrops.Geneticimprovementofforesttreesbybreeding islimited bythelong generationtimes andbythespace required tomaintainlarge populationsofforesttrees.Generationtimesfromseedtoseedcanvaryfromafew years to decades. GM technology has the potential to produce large genetic effects based on the introduction of small numbers of genes in a single step through an asexualprocess.Incontrast,selectionforquantitativevariationmayrequireseveral generations. The pace of tree improvement through traditional breeding, for example, for loblolly pine in the southern US, is such that four generations of selection has required about half a century. AcceleratedtreeimprovementbyGMtechnologycouldproducemorewoodon lessland, improve quality,increaseresistancetopestsandpathogens,andincrease stresstoleranceinthefaceofclimatechange,amajorchallengetobiodiversity.GM technology has potential for long-term environmental benefits. An example of a potential long-term environmental benefit is the engineering of resistance to blight in the American chestnut. Chestnut was a highly valued and beneficial forest tree species both to human communities and to the Appalachian ecosystem in the mid-Atlantic forests of North America. American chestnut is moribund and will v vi Foreword becomeextinctif itisnot rescued bygeneticdevelopment ofresistance. Hundreds of forest tree species around the world are currently threatened by epidemics of pests and pathogens. Some of the epidemics are associated with climate change either because of reduced stress on the pests or increased stress on the hosts. It might have been expected that application of gene splicing to tree species would be rapid and enthusiastic. What actually happened was that deployment of transgenic trees has been quite limited and has lagged far behind the major com- mercial agricultural crops. Deployment of transgenic trees has been highly restricted in Europe and limited to a few test plantations in the USA. The most extensivetransgenic tree plantings have been in China where hundreds ofhectares of transgenic poplars are growing. Why has the deployment of transgenic crops been so widespread while transgenic trees have lagged so far behind? This volume describes many of the reasons for the delayed application of transgenictrees,basedinpartonthelackoftechnologydevelopment,butprimarily on the barriers of government regulation and the public opposition to GM plants and trees. Technology development has been a significant factor. Many of the methods developed for crop plants, particularly those of Agrobacterium-based transformation can be and have been applied to many tree species, where cell and tissueculturemethodshadbeenadequatelydeveloped.Thedevelopmentofculture and regeneration technology has been a greater barrier than the method of gene transfer. As a research tool, transgenic technology has been used extensively for genetic analysis of forest trees. Major successes have been achieved for specific gene expression, for control of flowering, and particularly for the modification of metabolic pathways. Some large-scale mutation screens have been established using transposon tagging, and new genes affecting a spectrum of phenotypes have beenidentified.Importantnewmethodsofgenomeeditingcancreatehomozygotes foranintroducedmutationinasinglegeneration,andsuchgeneticdrivetechnology maybeabletospreadamutationthroughatreepopulationtocounteractattacksby pestsandpathogens.Climatechangeislikelytoincreasethenumberofcaseswhere interventionusingGMtechnologymaybeneeded.GMtreesmaybeabletoprevent the loss of entire species and the loss of a dominant tree species may threaten an entire ecosystem. Theprocessofgenesplicing isclosely related tothegenetic changes thatoccur naturally in trees through insertional transposition and mobile DNA elements. The processofgenesplicingshouldnotbethebasisforregulationofacroporatree,it should be the nature of the modified plant itself. Based on this principle, it should bepossibletocreatearegulatorysystemthatprovidesarealisticevaluationofcosts, risks, and benefits. Much work needs to be done to rationalize the regulatory process to bring restrictions and benefits into a more consistent and logical framework.A“regulatorytrigger”ofgenesplicingtechnologyisstillwidelyused, eventhough thesafetyofthegenesplicing processperse,hasbeen unequivocally established. Gene splicing technology has been tested in thousands of laboratory experiments,deployedoverhundredsofmillionsofhectares,andfedtomillionsof Foreword vii animals,withoutasinglevalidexampleofharmfuleffects.Theregulatoryburdenof unnecessary regulation has cost society on the order of a trillion of euros/dollars. Deployment of exotic species and interspecies or even intergeneric hybrids of forest trees are considered safe, while the directed introduction of a highly defined and precisely controlled specific gene is still considered a substantial health or environmentalhazard.Inspiteoftheselimitations,aGMloblollypinehasrecently been classified by the USDA as “unregulated”, paving the way for deployment, whileatransgenicEucalyptushasbeenapprovedinBrazilshortlyafteramajortree nursery containing transgenic trees was destroyed by anti-GM vandalism. Thereisagreatneedforlong-termeffortsforpublicinvolvementandeducation. The general public cares deeply about forest trees. However, there is limited understanding of the dynamic nature of tree genomes and the mechanisms of genetic changes that have occurred in our trees and forests in recent times. The application of GM technology to solving problems of our forests is just beginning and the future of these applications should be important and exciting. A major impact of this book will be that it advances a rational basis for the path forward. Ronald Sederoff Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources North Carolina State University Raleigh NC, USA Preface Since the first report on transgenic tobacco published in 1983, a large but diverse andfragmentedbodyofknowledgeontheenvironmentalinteractionsandsafetyof transgenic plants and in particular trees has been acquired over the past more than 30 years. The main objective of the EU-COSTAction FP0905 (Biosafety offorest transgenic trees: improving the scientific basis for safe tree development and implementation of EU policy directives) has been to evaluate and substantiate scientific data relevant to the biosafety of Genetically Modified Trees (GMT). Therefore, the idea of this book arises from the need to report the outcome of the scientific discussion and synthesis from the four years of activity of this COST Action. COST—Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research—is one of the longest running European instruments supporting cooperation among sci- entists and researchers across Europe. COST is also the first and widest European intergovernmentalnetworkforcoordinationofnationallyfundedresearchactivities. Therefore, this EU instrument has permitted the establishment of an unique plat- form on biosafety of GMTs like this COST Action is. The Action started on April 12, 2010 and ended on April 11, 2014. In total, 27 COST countries (Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic,Slovenia,Spain,Sweden,TheFormerYugoslavRepublicofMacedonia, and United Kingdom) and seven NON-COST countries (Albania, Australia, Canada,China,NewZealand,SouthAfrica,USA)haveparticipatedintheAction. To reach its objectives, the Action work plan organized into four Working Groups (WGs) focuses on: (i) the biological characterization of GMTs aiming to evaluate existing knowledge, including the experience from expert scientists activelyworkinginthefieldofforestGMTs(WG1),(ii)theassessmentofpossible environmental impacts and monitoring of GMTs in the whole production chain fromplantationtofinalproducts(WG2),(iii)thesocio-economicimplicationsand public acceptance and concerns of potential use of GM forest trees and R&D ix x Preface investmentsintheframeworkofCost–BenefitAnalysis(WG3),and(iv)increasing public awareness and understanding of GM tree plantations by providing sci- ence based information through management of the www.cost-action-fp0905.eu dynamic website (WG 4). This book is subdivided into four sections each representing a WG, and the authorsofthechaptersareexpertsoftheCOSTActionaswellascolleaguesinthe field of GMT, all researchers and scientists with proven international reputation in the fields of tree biotechnology, risk assessment, monitoring, socio-economic, and dissemination. The scientific outputs of this Action can be useful to bodies performing envi- ronmentalriskassessmentofGMplants(atEuropeanandlocallevelbutalsoatthe worldwidelevel)andtoauthoritiesinvolved inriskmanagement(e.g.,commercial releaseauthorization).Therefore,severalenduserswillbeinterestedinthecontent of this book, including public bodies (e.g., non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as well as organizations at regional and municipal levels) responsible for policy regulation at the scientific, ethic, and environmental levels, and private industries (e.g., paper, timber). In particular, target groups are: (cid:129) Researchorganizationsworkingwithtransgenicorganismsandinrelatedfields, such as ecology, biochemistry, physiology, economy, society, and policy (cid:129) Relevant national ministries responsible for GM plants (cid:129) European regional authorities (via relevant regional networks like AREPO— Association des Région Européenne des Produits d’Origine, GMO-free European Regions Network, CRPM—Conférence des Régions Périphériques Maritimes d’Europe, AER—Assembly of European Regions) (cid:129) European Commission services (particularly DG AGRI and DG ENV) (cid:129) GMO panel of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (cid:129) Members of the European COEXNET initiative. Insummary,thisbookcanbeusefultopublic/privateorganizationsaswellasto research private and public bodies and universities worldwide since the status of GMT research and policy is reported at the world level. Cristina Vettori Matthias Fladung

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