A tamerican museum Novitates PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY CENTRAL PARK WEST AT 79TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10024 Number 3679, 26 pp., 73 figures, 1 table March 4, 2010 Biology and Morphology of the Immature Stages of the Cleptoparasitic Bee Coelioxys chichimeca (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Megachilidae) JEROME G. ROZEN, JR.,1 S. BRADLEIGH VINSON,2 ROLLIN COVILLE,3 AND GORDON FRANKIE4 ABSTRACT Herein we investigate the behavior and anatomy of all larval instars of the cleptoparasitic bee, Coelioxys (Cyrtocoelioxys) chichimeca Cresson. The species is found in Central America with its host, Centris (Heterocentris) bicornuta Mocsary, one of the cavity-nesting members of the genus. The egg/mature oocyte of C. chichimeca, unusually small (like known eggs of other Coelioxys), is described, as is egg placement in the wall of the brood chamber. The anatomy and behavior of each of the five larval instars is described. The first instar develops within the egg chorion, from which the second instar emerges. The second and third instars apparently normally remain attached by their posterior ends either to the egg chorion or to the place where the egg had been attached to the cell wall. The second instar possesses an array of large spines on the outer surface of each mandible thought to rupture the thick chorion, thus allowing eclosion. Both second and third instars have modified head capsules and mandibles enabling them to attack host immatures. Both instars possess an extremely large pair of spiracles on the eighth abdominal segment and lesser-enlarged spiracles on the two preceding abdominal segments as well as enlarged internal lateral tracheal trunks. These modifications are likely related to the need for the larva to acquire air from the substrate while the body is submerged in nectar. Fourth and fifth instars, no longer attached to the substrate, assume the morphological attributes and behavior of normal provisions-consuming megachilid larvae. The last larval instar defecates and afterwards spins a cocoon bearing a conspicuous nipple. A male pupa is also illustrated and described. 1 Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History ([email protected]). 2 Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843 ([email protected]). 3 6201 Tehama Ave., Richmond, CA 94804 ([email protected]). 4 Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, College of Natural Resources, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 ([email protected]). Copyright © American Museum of Natural History 2010 ISSN 0003-0082 2 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3679 INTRODUCTION METHODS AND TERMINOLOGY Baker’s (1971) detailed study of Coelioxys All nests of Centris bicornuta examined were has stimulated a number of recent investiga¬ in artificial trap nests. Each trap nest was tions of that genus (Carre and Py, 1981; Rozen composed of a group of 10 individual pieces of and Kamel, 2006, 2007, 2008) as well as of the wood, 4" XI" X 3/4" [" = inches; 1" = 2.5 cm], related cleptoparasitic megachiline genus into one end of each had been drilled a 3" deep Radoszkowskiana. These studies, though re¬ hole, which constituted the preformed cavity stricted to only a few species, have document¬ in which bees nested. Bore diameters varied as ed that within this large genus of more than follows: 3/16", 1/4", 5/16", and 3/8". Each 480 species, cleptoparasitic behavior and bundle of 10 pieces of wood was taped related immature anatomy varies extensively. together with alternate pieces facing opposite Vinson et al. (in press) present information on directions (fig. 4), so that each trap nest adult behavior of Coelioxys (Cyrtocoelioxys) consisted of two stacks of five sticks. A double chichimeca Cresson, which is known from stack (i.e., trap nest) held two boreholes of southern Mexico to Panama (Discoverlife. each diameter except it held four with 1/4" org). In the current investigation we examine boreholes. Casual observations indicated that the same species, in this case exploring larval Centris bicornuta nested primarily in the 1/4" behavior and associated morphology and and 5/16" boreholes rather than in the 3/16" providing comparative descriptions of all and 3/8" holes. Each taped trap nest was immature stages. Females of C. chichimeca provided with a string so that it could be attack nests of Centris (Heterocentris) hicor- suspended from a nail driven into a tree trunk nuta Mocsary, an abundant, cavity-nesting or branch. The intent was to have the bee in Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. They boreholes approximately horizontal. Groups may also attack nests of other cavity-nesting of approximately 10 trap nests were hung on species of Centris in the same area. one or several adjacent trees in three separate This investigation was carried out at but adjacent areas of Hacienda Monteverde Hacienda Monteverde, a ranch owned by (figs. 1-3) at approximate eye level to be D.A.S. Stewart, 8 km north-northwest of monitored for nesting activity. At one- or Bagaces (centered at N10°34.110' W8515 two-week intervals trap nests were collected, 18.419'), a locality used by Frankie and either to be held in the field lab5 so that adults colleagues for several years to investigate the could be reared or to be split open in the field bee fauna of Costa Rica. This area is a lab for analyses and collection of immatures lowland forest (elevation at trap-nest sites (fig. 7). Simultaneously with the collection of 360-370 ft) on the dry side of the mountains, trap nests, we replaced them with fresh ones. dominated in undisturbed areas by low to tall When emerging adults were to be collected, trees (maximum height 25 m). The three trap- trap nests were disassembled in the lab, sticks nest sites (figs. 1-3) for the study were along were individually labeled for locality and time the edge of a forested area (N10°35.506' of collection, and a vial was taped to each W85° 18.280') with a large open agricultural opening to receive emerged adults (fig. 6). field immediately to the south. Although Observations in Costa Rica were made with J.G.R.’s participation in the field study in a Leitz stereomicroscope and recorded with a Costa Rica extended from February 10-24, Cannon PowerShot SD880 IS camera held to 2009, S.B. and G.F. had conducted an the ocular lens of the stereoscope. extensive trap-nesting study in the late 1990s Immatures in the American Museum of and early 2000s in the area surrounding the Natural History lab were always examined main study site referred to in this paper. In first with a stereoscope. If they were to be addition to a wealth of year-round informa¬ cleared for study, larvae with heads partly tion on the bees and wasps that use stick traps, severed from bodies were boiled in an aqueous the study also provided insight on the locations for the greatest diversity of bee 5 The hotel where the authors stayed while in Costa Rica species and their associates (Frankie and kindly provided space for dissecting and examining trap Vinson, in prep.). nests and for storing specimens and equipment. 2010 ROZEN ET AL.: BIOLOGY OF CLEPTOPARASITIC COELIOXYS CHICHIMECA 3 Figs. 1-7. Photographs of trap nests and the trap-nesting sites at Hacienda Monteverde, where Centris bicornuta was induced to nest. 1. Approximate position of three sites (A, B, C) in the forest along the northern edge of a large agricultural area. 2, 3. Trap nests hung from nails driven into trees and branches at . . sites A and C, respectively. 4 Close-up of one trap nest consisting of 10 individual sticks. 5 Female perched outside nest waiting for host female to enter or leave (photo courtesy of Rollin Coville). 6. Individual sticks being held to retrieve emerging adults of host and cleptoparasites. 7. An individual nest stick opened to reveal nest structure and immatures. 4 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3679 solution of sodium hydroxide until cleared. placement zone of Coelioxys chichimeca eggs in cell wall After staining with Chlorazol Black E in ethanol, they were transferred to glycerin- "s filled well slides for detailed examination with stereoscope and/or compound microscope. Numerous cast exoskeletons attached to lar¬ vae were also a source of valuable information concerning the anatomy of the different instars and early on solved the puzzle of the sequence of instars. Some immatures were examined with a Hitachi S-5700 scanning electron microscope (SEM) after they were critical-point dried and coated with a gold/palladium alloy. Fig. 8. Diagram of a cell of Centris cornuta, We introduce here a new statistic, cranial cross-section, side view, identifying the zone in swelling index. With many cleptoparasitic bees which eggs of the cleptoparasite, Coelioxys chichi¬ there is a tendency for the cranium to become meca, have been found embedded in the cell wall, in enlarged in the hospicidal instar, often in relation to the distribution of stored provisions. association with thickening and resulting darkening plus sclerotization of the parietal capsules, thereby enhancing mandibular cuticle. Rozen (1991) postulated that this is strength and attacking dexterity. probably due to the strengthening and enlarg¬ In describing mandibular shape we use the ing of parietals required for operation of extra term fanglike: long, curved, tapering to a adductor musculature involved with the large, single sharp point, sometimes with a more forceful mandibles required for killing host extreme curvature near the apex (fig. 45). immature or immatures of competing clepto- In the biology section, we use the terms cell parasites. The index is determined by dividing wall and cell lining in regard to brood the maximum horizontal width of the foramen chambers of Centris bicornuta. With this magnum by the maximum horizontal width of species, the cell wall is simply the bore of the the head capsule. Thus, the lower the index trap nest, the material that closes the borehole value, the greater the swelling. However, in the at the rear of the chamber, and the thin, case of third instar Coelioxys chichimeca the transparent to semitransparent coating that low value of the index is probably also partly covers the inner surface of the cell. The cell explained by the head capsule being wide, thus lining is that thin, transparent coating. It is enhancing the chance of widely opened thought to be waterproof and a barrier to gas mandibles (fig. 18) encountering and grasping exchange. victims in a totally dark environment. Note In the figures, we use the following abbre¬ that the widest part of the head capsule is at viations: PTP = posterior tentorial pit. T = the bases of the mandibles. metasomal tergum (e.g., T6 = sixth metaso- Rozen (1991) has also hypothesized that mal tergum). S = metasomal sternum (e.g., S6 muscle strength in some cleptoparasitic larvae = sixth metasomal sternum). is increased by lengthening of the head capsule rather than by its swelling since both modifi¬ BIOLOGY cations add more space for the attachments of massive musculature. There is also a tendency All information on the nesting biology of among hospicidal instars, whether with en¬ Centris bicornuta and the cleptoparasite, larged, globose heads or elongate ones, to Coelioxys chichimeca, came from three trap- have the labiomaxillary regions of the head nest sites (fig. 1). A fully provisioned nest cell more extensively sclerotized than those of of this host species, diagramed in figure 8, related solitary bees, often in association with contains a layer of opaque, densely packed development of a ventral postoccipital bridge. pollen that the female host bee first loads into These modifications add rigidity to head the rear one-third of the cell. The front face of 2010 ROZEN ET AL.: BIOLOGY OF CLEPTOPARASITIC COELIOXYS CHICHIMECA 5 the pollen is deeply concave. The host then around the entrance. These summary obser¬ deposits a similar quantity of clear nectar vations have been described and documented (Vinson et al. 2006) against the pollen surface by Vinson et al. (submitted). to which it adheres because of its sticky, thick We observed eight or nine cleptoparasitic consistency. The nectar’s surface is also oviposition sites with eggs in place, all concave, more or less conforming to the partially buried lengthwise. In each case the concavity in the pollen. The cell wall in front long axis of an egg was more or less parallel to of the surface is barren except for the cell the inner cell surface. All had been inserted far lining; the nectar does not extend foreword to enough to reach the substrate beyond the cell the cell closure. Thus the front end of the cell lining (fig. 14), possibly a significant require¬ is empty; a “dry” area remains on the sides, ment for obtaining air, as discussed below. top, and bottom of the cell wall between the Egg insertion sites were either where the cell closure and the voluminous nectar and pollen-covered surface was shallow (fig. 8) or pollen provisions. Figure 8 identifies the zone in the nectar area (fig. 8) in front of the pollen where we have detected the egg insertion pits surface. A few eggs were not covered even by of C. chichimeca in the dry area of the cell wall clear nectar (i.e., inserted in the dry area of the in front of the provisions, as well as in the cell cell wall) and others were shallowly covered, wall under the clear nectar area, and also but in some cases the nectar covering may under the densely packed pollen. Vinson et al. have resulted accidentally during our trans¬ (submitted) noted that most of these egg porting the trap nests to the field laboratory. insertion pits were placed in the upper 3/4 of In all cases the egg was positioned in the a cell, but the distance from the cell cap was excavation with the broad anterior end facing not determined. the cell closure and the narrow posterior end Oviposition: The distance between floral inserted in the opposite direction and buried resources and the trap-nest sites was not more deeply than the anterior end; hence, eggs determined, but abundance of host females were inserted slightly obliquely (i.e., “toe- at the trap nests demonstrated that resources nailed”) into the cell wall. Excavations were were clearly nearby in the form of flowering elongate ovals, just sufficiently large to ac¬ trees. Coelioxys chichimeca visits to the three commodate the egg (i.e., about 1 mm long) trap-nest sites were moderately frequent but and presumably made by the female at the mostly single events in that usually only one time of oviposition, probably with the elon¬ parasitic female was seen at a time. She would gate, sharply pointed median process of suddenly appear at one trap nest, swiftly circle metasomal sternum 6. Depth of excavation around it, then swoop to the next trap nest, relative to the cell’s inner surface varied from and on to other nests, until she discovered an shallow (so that the exposed surface of the egg appropriate one. When a female cleptopar- projected above the cell surface; fig. 10) to asite detected an opening of interest, she deep (exposed egg surface well below the cell hovered briefly in front of the entrance, and surface). Mature oocytes/eggs are described in occasionally she alighted and entered head¬ Ovarian Statistics and Descriptions of first. On emerging she either departed or Immatures, below. reversed her direction at the entrance and re¬ In addition to these successfully inserted entered backward. Emerging again shortly eggs, we observed a number of elongate-oval afterward, she would fly away. We interpret insertion pits that in a few cases showed the backward entrance of the female as an remnants of vacated egg chorions (presumably indication that she was about to oviposit in evidence of successful insertions) (fig. 13), the cell. Occasionally, we observed a female of which are sufficiently thick that they do not C. chichimeca with raised antennae perching seem to dissolve as do chorions of nonpara- outside an entrance presumably waiting for sitic, solitary bees, or, more frequently, evidence of a host female’s departure or return exhibited insertion pits without vacated cho¬ (fig. 5). Such behavior might continue for rions (fig. 14). Such pits were encountered in some minutes, often with the cleptoparasite cells without other evidence of cleptoparasit- taking short flights to reposition herself ism as well as in cells with another pit holding 6 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3679 Figs. 9-14. Microphotographs of egg and egg insertions of Coelioxys chichimeca in cells of Centris . . . cornuta. 9 Individual egg extracted from cell wall. 10 Egg in shallow pit. 11 Eclosing second instar with . . head emerged from chorion. 12 Egg with dark mandibles and parietals of second instar visible. 13 Egg . insertion pit where only chorion of cleptoparasite remains. 14 Egg insertion pit lacking evidence of egg. an egg. An insertion pit without even a had already been attacked and removed the vacated chorion may represent an incomplete first egg or (2) that a returning Centris act of egg deposition, perhaps occasioned by bicornuta female destroyed an offending par¬ sudden return of the host female, but it may asite egg. also be evidence (1) that a second female Although discovered oviposition sites were Coelioxys chichimeca encountered a cell that in cell walls where there was either no pollen 2010 ROZEN ET AL.: BIOLOGY OF CLEPTOPARASITIC COELIOXYS CHICHIMECA 7 - . Figs. 15-19. Photomicrographs of Coelioxys chichimeca. 15 17 Three frames of single third instar . demonstrating reach of activity while posterior end attached to egg chorion imbedded in cell wall. 18 Close- up of head of another third instar showing spread of mandibles enabling it to seize victim immediately on . contact. 19 Second instar immersed in nectar while posterior end attached to chorion inserted in cell wall under pollen layer of provisions. or only a shallow layer, we also discovered sharply defined tubercle of questionable ho¬ several second instars (sometimes with only mology. Whatever the instar’s adaptive func¬ their heads visible through the nectar extend¬ tions, it represents a life stage that obviously is ing from a hole in deeper pollen, figs. 8, 19), necessary for development of the second instar an indication that eggs are sometimes also with its distinctive, darkly pigmented head deposited farther back toward the rear of cells. capsule and mandibles, i.e., the stage that Such submerged larvae raise the interesting hatches from the egg. question of how these active larvae acquire Eclosion, i.e., the hatching of the larva from oxygen, a subject discussed below. the egg, occurs as the second instar slowly Larval Instars and Their Behavior: Like emerges, leaving first-instar exuviae behind in other Coelioxys species that have been studied the chorion, as evidenced in figure 32. We in detail, C. chichimeca has five larval instars were able to monitor eclosion of the second (Baker, 1971; Rozen and Kamel, 2006). The instar in detail on one occasion, and we also first instar (fig. 32) is known only from cast observed the early stages of eclosion in two exuviae in a single egg chorion still attached to other cases. During the monitored eclosion we the rear part of the abdomen of a second looked through the chorion to see the open- instar that had been preserved. The cast skin ing-and-closing movement of the mandibles was discovered appressed to the inner surface and their developing pigmentation. We think of the chorion near the rear end of the egg. As it highly likely that the mandibular motion indicated in the description, below, it is causes the array of sharp-pointed, diverging without pigment and weakly sclerotized. Its basal mandibular tubercles as well as the more tracheal system and internal head ridges apical tubercle on the outer mandibular cannot be identified. Only a pair of mandibles surface to rupture the chorion, thus allowing is visible, except laterad of each is a small, the larva to emerge. In both instances of AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3679 observed eclosion, the second instar had its Japanese, not read by current authors) for C. ventral surface facing the exposed chorion {Coelioxys) elongata Lepeletier. The bodies of (fig. 11), so that its dorsal surface was buried the larger second and third instars of C. against the cell wall. In one instance, the chichimeca (figs. 33, 38, 41) appear unusually opening-and-closing mandibles were detected elongate (more so than comparable instars of around 9 p.m. and by the following morning, C. bicornuta) suggesting that elongate body the larva had partly emerged from a large form was involved with their attachment to circular hole near the anterior end of the their natal origins. We found a few second chorion (fig. 11); the rear part of the body was instars submerged in nectar in thicker layers of still clearly contained in the posterior end of pollen (fig. 19), but in hindsight, after exam¬ the chorion. Thus the larva was bent U- ining photographs, we had apparently over¬ shaped, so that its anterior part pointed looked that attachment in some of the third toward the rear of the chorion. When touched instars because their posterior ends where with forceps, the anterior end immediately obscured in provision. When one sees a larva rose up with mandibles opening and closing in attached to a relatively dry surface (e.g., an aggressive display so that the anterior end figs. 15-17), it is clear such seemingly gravi¬ was at right angles to the cell wall. The ty-defying acrobatics requires that the larva be erection of the anterior part of the body and attached by it posterior end. gnashing of mandibles was accompanied by We think that such attachments may serve searching gyrations of the anterior body two needs: (1) to obtain air in cases in which region, a behavioral pattern that J.G.R. has the small cleptoparasitic larva is submerged seen with third larval instars of other under nectar (fig. 19), and (2) to provide a Coelioxys species. This behavior indicates that stable fixed surface so the hospicidal larva can the second instar of this species is equipped to successfully attack the host immature on or in fight other cell inhabitants, a conclusion a surface covered by nectar. We explain these supported by the strongly sclerotized and two hypotheses as follows: pigmented mandibles and head capsule, by (1) The need for air relates to observations the aggressive behavior of the second instar that at least some eggs of C. chichimeca observed in a number of cases, and by dead are attached to the substrate where they host immatures in cells with second instars of are submerged below the nectar surface Coelioxys. or even further into the pollen provisions. The second instar whose eclosion we mon¬ The fact that the posterior ends of the itored remained attached to the egg insertion second and third instars have greatly point all of the second day, feeding on the enlarged spiracles (see Ovarian Statistics nectar that coated the surroundings of the egg and Descriptions of Immatures, below) deposition site, so that the larva grew in size. suggests that larvae obtain air by use of During the second night, it molted to the third enlarged spiracles. Although this discov¬ instar and was preserved the following morn¬ ery at first seemed counterintuitive be¬ ing. cause the posterior ends of these larvae We think it likely that second and third are submerged deeper into the nectar than instars (the latter often with cast skins of the anterior ends, we think that sufficient the previous instar clinging to their bodies) air to supply the larva comes from or are normally attached by their posterior ends through the substrate even if it is only to the chorions embedded in the cell walls. wood. This hypothesis proposes that the Although some free-ranging young instars egg deposition pits, penetrating through were also sighted, attachment of a small the presumably airtight cell lining to the larva to the egg placement was a signi¬ wood fibers below, are the source of air ficant and noteworthy phenomenon. Baker for the larvae until they can rely upon air (1971) reported this phenomenon for C. in the brood cell. This connection would (Boreocoelioxys) octodentata Say and C. also permit larger larvae to submerge {Boreocoelioxys) sayi Robertson, as apparent¬ while they feed beneath the liquid surface. ly did Iwata (1939) (fide Baker, 1971; in This hypothesis is supported by the fact 2010 ROZEN ET AL.: BIOLOGY OF CLEPTOPARASITIC COELIOXYS CHICHIMECA 9 that all spiracles in the fourth and fifth expressed by other early instars in the instars, which are no longer attached to family? the substrate, are subequal in size (i.e., the This leaves unexplained the free-roving norm for bee larvae). Questions that small larvae of Coelioxys chichimeca that we require further study include, How do occasionally saw. These may be individuals enlarged spiracles of second and third that have already destroyed the host or instars connect to air supplied by the perhaps had been accidentally dislodged by substrate? what role (if any) does egg our manipulations. chorion play in the transfer of air to the The two final instars did not appear to be spiracles? and what mechanisms enable attached in any way to their chorions but the larva to remain attached to the egg simply fed on the provisions, as do larvae of insertion point (although we wonder the host species. whether the unusually small 10th abdom¬ The observations reported above only partly inal segment might remain in the egg answer the requirements for successful ovipo- chorion and thus anchor the larva)? sition and eclosion of C. chichimeca. We have (2) Attacks on host immatures are often observed some eggs inserted in the cell wall preceded by strong, gyrating, searching where there is no pollen or nectar that a second movements of the sometimes elevated, instar could ingest if it hatches, and we have anterior part of the larva’s body (fig. 15- also seen that second instars feed and grow as 17) or by the nearly motionless, elevated they gradually emerge from their chorions anterior part of the body while mandibles surrounded and covered by a thin layer of are widely opened (fig. 18). Mandibles provisions. Does this mean that those eggs are rapidly closed when the larva encoun¬ removed from larval resources will not survive? ters the host (or is teased with a probe). We have seen none do so, but data are scant. Second and third instar bodies are slender Although position of the apical tubercle on and agile and can rapidly twist and bend the outer apical surface of the mandible suggests to subdue host immatures. The body that it may be instrumental in rupturing the actions are enhanced if the cleptoparasite chorion, future investigations should consider has a firm point of contact with a stable the possibility that it might also function to limit substrate (i.e., egg insertion point) since the penetration of the mandibular apex deep the entire muscular force of the larva’s into the host, thus preventing entanglement of body can be directed toward the host. the mandible with the host. This possibility Without a fixed point, the body would be should also be considered for the smaller, but unable to muster the same strength now more apical, basal mandibular tubercles of because the immediate environment (nec¬ the third instar (fig. 45). tar) is fluid and therefore too yielding. In summary, our observations, supported The elongate length of the larva anchored by larval anatomy, indicate that the first instar only by its posterior end permits the larva remains in the chorion and has no direct with mandibles widespread to extend the contact with the environment in the cell. The search area for the host (figs. 15-17). second instar is the one that ecloses, has It seems unlikely that attachment of the special anatomical modifications (spines on posterior ends of second and third instars to the outer mandibular surface) to do so, and, their eggs is a special adaptation to overcome during and after eclosing, can and often does the thick layer of nectar on the surface of the kill (with strongly curved, sharply pointed provisions because of the identical attach¬ mandibles) the host egg or young larva. The ments reported for other species where hosts third instar has reduced mandibular spines do not cover the provisions with a separate (the subapical one completely lost) and has layer of nectar (Baker, 1971; Iwata, 1939). We even longer and more apically curved mandi¬ note that many Megachilidae have early bles than before (fig. 45), so that it is equipped instars that remain sessile on egg insertion morphologically and behaviorally to kill the points; might the behavior in Coelioxys be host larva and/or larvae of other cleptopar- merely an expression of the sessile behavior asites. Both second and third instars feed on 10 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3679 provisions as evidenced by their increase in number for all bee families except the body size within and between stadia. We have Apidae. On average each female carried eight insufficient data to estimate which of these mature oocytes or 1.33 mature oocytes per two instars is more successful at eliminating ovariole. These are high numbers for non- the immature host. Fourth and fifth instars cleptoparasitic bees but within the range for are probably the main feeding instars and, in cleptoparasitic ones including other species of addition, the fifth instar defecates (but we are Coelioxys (Rozen, 2003; Rozen and Kamel, uncertain whether defecation commences soon 2007). Rozen (2003) explored the possible after the start of the stadium or only after reasons for cleptoparasites having so many food is totally consumed). After provisions are mature oocytes. The egg index (i.e., the length consumed and defecation is finished, the last of the largest mature oocytes, divided by the larval instar spins its cocoon, as evidenced by distance between the outer rims of the tegulae, the presence of fecal pellets only on the outside a statistic developed by Iwata and Sakagami, of the cocoon. 1966) of Coelioxys chichimeca averaged 0.33 The single pupa, a male, recovered from a for the two females. This value places this cell was found in a thin-walled, almost species in the dwarf category (Iwata and transparent cocoon that conforms to the inner Sakagami, 1966: table 2), with other members shape of the cell. Its front end was faintly of the genus, all of which are either dwarf or at convex (conforming to the cell closure), least small, as is characteristic of most bearing a central, dark brownish-red, opaque cleptoparasitic bees (Rozen, 2003). nipple of fibrous silk (i.e, the “disc” of Rozen and Kamel, 2007). Pale, elongate fecal pellets, Description of Egg/Mature Oocyte mostly less than four times their maximum diameters, were loosely attached to the outer Figures 9, 20-23 surface of the cocoon except for its front (cell closure) end. The pupa is described below. Diagnosis: The egg/mature oocyte of Coelioxys chichimeca can easily be distin¬ OVARIAN STATISTICS AND guished from those of other Coelioxys and of DESCRIPTIONS OF IMMATURES Radoszkowskiana by the ridge that extends lengthwise around it (figs. 20, 21, 23); this We obtained all specimens described here feature has not been reported before for other between February 10 and 24, 2009. Identi¬ congeneric species (Graenicher, 1905; Iwata, fication of larval instars was simplified because 1939, 1955, 1965; Baker, 1971; Rozen, 2003; the cast exoskeleton of previous instars (though Rozen and Kamel, 2007). Shortness compared not the first) often remained on the sides or with its maximum width and its tapering undersurface of the live specimen. Not uncom¬ shape in dorsal or ventral views are also monly, we encountered fourth instars attached unusual, though perhaps more difficult to to which were skins including head capsules of compare with similar features in other taxa. the previous two instars. Table 1 compares the Nonetheless, the micropyles of all that have diagnostic features of the larval instars. been studied with an SEM are similar (fig. 22; Descriptions of larval instars 2-4 are com¬ Rozen, 2003: figs. 60, 61; Rozen and Kamel, parative to explore changes in anatomy that 2007: fig. 33) take place. Description of the last instar Description: Length approximately 1.0 mm; addresses the same anatomical features but approximate maximum width 0.4 X 0.45 mm also incorporates structures that have been (two dimensions because eggs/mature oocytes referred to in accounts of other larval Coelioxys are slightly flattened), which is close behind the (e.g., Baker, 1971; Rozen and Kamel, 2007). anterior end. Shape slightly curved with ventral surface concave in lateral view; anterior end broadly rounded in dorsal/ventral views; max¬ Ovarian Statistics imum breadth near anterior end, tapering Two females of Coelioxys chichimeca each evenly posteriorly toward narrowly round had three ovarioles per ovary, the basic posterior end in both lateral and dorsal views