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Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. International Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 1991: Vol 1066 Table of Contents PDF

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Preview Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. International Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 1991: Vol 1066 Table of Contents

BB. Biomembranes Vol. 1066, 1991 Cumulative Contents Regular Papers The role of electrostatic forces in the interaction Three regions of erythrocyte band 3 protein are between the membrane and cytoskeleton of hu- phosphorylated on tyrosines: characterization man erythrocytes of the phosphorylation sites by solid phase E. Kahana, S. Streichman and B.L. Silver (Israel) 1 sequencing combined with capillary electro- A simple spectroscopic method for studying phoresis erythrocyte ghost resealing D. Yannoukakos, H.E. Meyer, C. Vasseur, C. E. Kahana, S. Streichman and B.L. Silver (Israel) 6 Driancourt, H. Wajcman and E. Bursaux EPR study of the hydrophobic interaction of spec- (France, Germany) 70 trin with fatty acids Specific binding of glycyrrhetinic acid to the rat S. Streichman, E. Kahana and B.L. Silver (Israel) 9 liver membrane Endogenous L-glutamate transport in oocytes of M. Negishi, A. Irie, N. Nagata and A. Ichikawa Xenopus laevis (Japan) 77 J. Steffgen, H. Koepsell and W. Schwarz (F.R.G.) 14 Electroinsertion of xeno proteins in red blood cell Escherichia coli membranes during electrotrans- membranes yields a long lived protein carrier in formation: an electron microscopy study circulation A.G. Sabelnikov, E.S. Cymbalyuk, G. Gongadze Y. Mouneimne, P.-F. Tosi, R. Barhoumi and C. and V.L. Borovyagin (U.S.S.R.) 21 Nicolau (U.S.A.) 83 Liposomes containing synthetic lipid derivatives The effect of hydration stress solutes on the phase of poly(ethylene glycol) show prolonged circu- behavior of hydrated dipalmitoylphosphati- lation half-lives in vivo dylcholine T.M. Allen, C. Hansen, F. Martin, C. Redemann A.S. Rudolph and B. Goins (U.S.A.) 90 and A. Yau-Young (Canada, U.S.A.) 29 Phospholipids containing nitrogen- and _ sulfur- Transbilayer movement of phosphatidylserine in linked chains: kinetics of cholesterol exchange erythrocytes. Inhibitors of aminophospholipid between vesicles transport block the association of photolabeled C.-C. Kan, R. Bittman and J. Hajdu (U.S.A.) 95 lipid to its transporter A NMR investigation on the interactions of the J. Connor and A.J. Schroit (U.S.A.) 37 a-oligomeric form of the M13 coat protein with Interaction of alkaline metal ions with Ca**-bind- lipids, which mimic the Escherichia coli inner ing sites of Ca?*-ATPase of sarcoplasmic re- membrane ticulum: 7*>Na-NMR studies J.C. Sanders, T.W. Poile, R.B. Spruijt, N.A.J. I.M. Timonin, S.N. Dvoryantsev, V.V. Petrov, Van Nuland, A. Watts and M.A. Hemminga (The E.K. Ruuge and D.O. Levitsky (U.S.S.R.) 43 Netherlands, U.K.) 102 Radiation inactivation of ion channels formed by gramicidin A. Protection by lipid double bonds Rapid Report and by a-tocopherol Charybdotoxin blocks cation-channels in the C. Barth and G. Stark (F.R.G.) 54 vacuolar membrane of suspension cells of Glycosylation of the human erythrocyte glucose Chenopodium rubrum L. transporter: a minimum structure is required f Me T. Weiser and F.-W. Bentrup (F.R.G.) 109 or glucose transport activity J.-P. Feugeas, D. Neéel, Y. Goussault and C. BBA Report Derappe (France) 59 The effect of protons or calcium ions on the phase Role of Na*/K* exchange and organic acids in behavior of phosphatidylserine-cholesterol mix- base induced hyperpolarization of renal prox- tures imal amphibian tubule E.J. Wachtel, N. Borochov and D. Bach (Israel) 63 M. Granitzer and P. Steels (Belgium) 111 272 Regular Papers High pressure antagonism of alcohol effects on the main phase-transition temperature of phos- Changes in cellular membrane and paracellular pholipid membranes: biphasic response conductances by amphotericin B in the epi- K. Tamura, Y. Kaminoh, H. Kamaya and I. thelium of the bullfrog cornea Ueda (U.S.A.) 219 P.S. Reinach, J.T. Tarvin and M. Hirsch (U.S.A., A Statistical mechanical analysis of the effect of France) 115 long-chain alcohols and high pressure upon the Effects of lindane on fluidity and lipid composi- phase transition temperature of lipid bilayer tion in rat renal cortex membranes membranes M.A. Peérez-Albarsanz, P. Lopez-Aparicio, S. Y. Suezaki, K. Tamura, M. Takasaki, H. Senar and M.N. Recio (Spain) 124 Kamaya and I, Ueda (Japan, U.S.A.) 225 Cytochrome b; and a recombinant protein con- Phagocytosis of liposomes by macrophages: intra- taining the cytochrome b, hydrophobic domain cellular fate of liposomal malaria antigen spontaneously associate with the plasma mem- J.N. Verma, N.M. Wassef, R.A. Wirtz, C.T. branes of cells Atkinson, M. Aikawa, L.D. Loomis and C.R. S.K. George, Y.-H. Xu, L.A. Benson, L. Pratsch, Alving (U.S.A.) 229 R. Peters and G.M. Ihler (U.S.A., F.R.G.) 131 Annexin-mediated membrane fusion of human Planar bilayer membranes from photoactivable neutrophil plasma membranes and phospho- phospholipids lipid vesicles F. Borle, M. Sanger and H. Sigrist (Switzerland) 144 L. Oshry, P. Meers, T. Mealy and A.I. Tauber Mechanism of cell protrusion formation in electri- (U.S.A.) 239 cal field: the role of actin The activation of adenylate cyclase by pituitary S.V. Popov, T.M. Svitkina, L.B. Margolis and adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide T.Y. Tsong (U.S.A., U.S.S.R.) 151 (PACAP) via helodermin-preferring VIP recep- Large liposomes containing ganglioside GM, ac- tors in human SUP-T1 lymphoblastic mem- cumulate effectively in spleen branes D. Liu, A. Mori and L. Huang (U.S.A.) 159 P. Gourlet, P. De Neef, M.-C. Woussen-Colle, A. Intramolecular hydrogen bonding in cardiolipin Vandermeers, M.-C. Vandermeers-Piret, P. Rob- W. Hiibner, H.H. Mantsch and M. Kates berecht and J. Christophe (Belgium) 245 (Canada) 166 Regulation of Cl-dependent K transport by oxy- Active hexose transport across cultured human deoxyhemoglobin transitions in trout red cells Caco-2 cells: characterisation and influence of F. Borgese, R. Motais and F. Garcia-Romeu culture conditions (France) 252 S.A. Riley, G. Warhurst, P.T. Crowe and L.A. Characterization of glucosylceramide from plasma Turnberg (U.K.) 175 membranes of plant root cells Transmembrane distribution of sterol in the hu- P. Norberg, J.-E. Mansson and C. Liljenberg man erythrocyte (Sweden) 257 F. Schroeder, G. Nemecz, W.G. Wood, C. Joiner, Protein carboxyl methylation in kidney brush- G. Morrot, M. Ayraut-Jarrier and P.F. Devaux border membranes (U.S.A., France) 183 D. Gingras, P. Ménard and R. Beéliveau (Canada) 261 Prehemolytic effects of hydrogen peroxide and t-butylhydroperoxide on selected red cell prop- erties Rapid Report M.-j. Chen, M.P. Sorette, D.T.-Y. Chiu and M.R. Clark (U.S.A.) 193 Localization and activity of renal carbonic an- Aldosterone and chloride conductance of amphib- hydrase (CA) in CA-II deficient mice ian skin W.F. Brechue, E. Kinne-Saffran, R.K.H. Kinne O. Devuyst, V. Beaujean and J. Crabbé (Bel- and T.H. Maren (U.S.A., Germany) 201 gium) 268 Na*-Ca** exchange activity in synaptic plasma membranes derived from the electric organ of Author Index 273 Torpedo ocellata M. Tessari and H. Rahamimoff (Israel) 208 Titles of related papers in other sections 276

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